#I don't know why I'm anouncing it like that I'm just so! so excited?!!
necroissants · 2 years
It's been ages since live-blogged something but I might just for this book because I'm so so exciting to finally be reading it!! So just a heads up for all five of my followers: I'm currently reading/listening to the audiobook of His Secret Illuminations by Scarlet Gale, an erotic romance novel about a magic monk and a cool warrior lady who have to go on a quest to retrieve some stolen books. I've been wanting to read this for ages but the last couple months I've had a block about actually sitting down and reading a book which is very sad because there's so many books I want to read that dont have audio versions. So I'm so happy this one does now!! Stay tuned!!
I've been a fanfic reader of Scarlet Gale for years and litterally everything she writes is my new favorite thing!
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mystermoose · 10 months
The country of cunning victors...is an anxious mess? 2
Part 1:
Warning: Still long
Info: Carmedenon (you) sex: female age: 20s
You and your nation's royal family have landed on the nation where meeting is gonna take place, and as foreigners who never stepped foot off your borders. Everyone was excited!...
Well except for you.
After you guys boarded you haven't stopped shaking like hell, before you left you tried to escape the trip a few times. But unfortunately for you, you handpicked this family to be your monarchy for their intelligence, right from when their first ancestor managed to outsmart you of your challenges and riddles. The very reason why you made her your first queen. So ofcourse, they were one step ahead of you in every way, in true Carmedinian fashion.
"Carmedenon! Stop trying to escape this. I thought you and your princess talked and reached an agreement" your queen said getting tired of your shenanigans. "Yeah, I did. That is until I found out that the meeting is next week! Like what the heck guys! You didn't atleast let me mentally prepare myself for this life changing-...change! This is all too sudden for me" you said sinking on your seat in surrender.
"Um for your information, the meeting is still days away. We're only here early so that we could get to know the other world leaders. And hey, maybe even be tourists for a while" the crown princess said in her usual calm voice. You looked up to stare at her with an unimpressed look "I'm starting to think you guys just want a vacation from me than making connections"
"We are making connections, by enjoying the country!" she said as she pats your back. All too soon to your liking the plane has anounced that all were allowed to leave, and peeking through the window was a sight of your nightmares.
Outside the plane, were dozens of journalists with microphones and cameras flashing, all waiting, all for you. While you shrunk in horror, the royal family however are quite estatic of the welcome.
"Oh look at that Carmeden, a warm welcome! Feeling unhated yet?" your boss' daughter ask with a smile. "No, these are just humans showing us support, and like I said I-Im more concernedabout how the countries' feel about me. B-besides, don't you think this crowd is a little too much?!" you said as you look out to the literal sea of people outside the plane. There are so many of them, you fear that they'll break the barricades.
"The people are the refection of the nation, if they're not hostile towards you or us. Then it's a good sign that things will go well, so please stop worrying anymore" your queen stated as she gets ready to be greeted by the crowd. "Mom's right Carms, I heard your fellow nations are like stereotypes of their people. And I've read a bunch of stereotypes of this country and they seem really nice, so you'll be fine" the princess added as she herself gets ready.
"F-fine, but still...what's with this crowd?!" you exclaim as you motion to the window that has the best view of said crowd. "Well, you are an isolated country who refused to show herself for centuries. When nations like you suddenly decide to open up, of course journalists are gonna hyped about you!" she said as she grabbed your nervous hands and lead you to the plane door. "C'mon, we can't keep them waiting~"
"Wha-? Hey! What are you doi-" before you knew it, you were out the door overlooking the sea of journalists and the brightness of the flashing of their cameras. When all of you reached the bottom of the stairs, the interviews began. Of course them being the royal family, every journalist went to them first. And your monarchy being more extroverted than you, happily obliged.
Seeing this calmed you down a bit, thinking that as long as you can hide yourself and not let them see you. You'll be able to get out of here unnoticed as you are not willing to deal with this right now or ever. Unfortunately for you, it appears that the day just doesn't want to go your way. As a sudden question was thrown your way.
"Excuse me? Are you who I think you are?" you turned to stone. Quietly you asked "W-what do you mean?" a little scared. "Well it's just that your being a little too close to the royal family, and I assumed you were a relative until I realized you don't really share any features with them. Then I wondered if you were a politician, then I remembered no politician ever allowed to share a plan with royalty in your country. Which leads to one possibility left, are you Carmedenon?" Your voice too scared to come out, the princess answered for you.
"Yes, she is indeed. I'm sorry she's little shy" hearing the answer everyone wanted to hear, the crowd's attention suddenly diverted to you. Throwing questions at you left, right front and center.
'You've been isolated for years, why now have you decided to open up?'
'Was this planned? Have you been thinking about doing this all along? How long have you thought about it before actually doing it?'
'Ms. Carmedenon! Is it true that you were tricked by your monarchy to come to this trip? How do you feel about it now that you're here?'
So many questions from so many people asking all at once, as you stand there shaking.
"I-I uhm uh-" was all you could manage to say before you mentally stopped working and just stood there as still as a statue. You don't remember much from what happened, all you know is that now you're in your designated space with your boss scolding her daughter for answering the question and causing you to be bambarded until you mentally broke.
After that scene, you just cooped yourself up in your hotel room the princess didn't bother you so much this time tho. Feeling bad for what happened in the airport, especially when you all found out it was caught in live TV. So you spent the days before the dreaded meeting in your room, dreading it. Those countries probably saw how much of a fool you made yourself out to be. But no matter, you're here now and there's no turning back. Might as well mentally prepare, but no matter how much you do so. One thought never left your mind: 'I wanna go home...'
Then meeting day came, and your nerves are through the roof!
"Ugh, stupid cowlick...why won't you flatten down?!" you complained as you try your darndest to brush down the stubborn strand of hair that stood in the middle of your head, leaning to it's left. "Perhaps your hair is meant to be that way, didn't you say your older brother had that to?" her highness as she watches you try to make your hair look its best.
"You think so? Well doesn't really, matter because it looks silly and I don't want it to be seen during such a formal event" you said continuing your hopeless quest of fixing it. "Why are you wearing glasses? Are you trying to look professional?" she further commented. To which you shook your head.
"No that 's not it, I read from somewhere that glasses make people look harmless. I left a dangerous impression then, I want to make a friendlier impression now. Lets just hope conversations will never be about war" you said as you adjust said lenses on your face. Business suit worn, glasses on, the car is prepared, you were physically ready.
As for being mentally ready...is another story.
In a blink of an eye you are now in fron of the designated building, no one's around since you were super late due to you caring a little too much about your physical appearance in an attempt to look friendlier. And also the fact that you really didn't want to go and you stalled for a really long while until the queen demanded you to go.
Well you're here now, there's no going back. Especially considering the fact that you're ride immediately left after you stepped foot out the door.
"Elinor must've instructed them to leave immediately after I got out, so that I won't be able to do a 180 and leave. Now I'm really stuck here..."
Collecting yourself and swallowing your fear, you finally started walking to the building and look for the meeting room. As you anxiously make your way to the designated meeting room, anxiety starts eating you up.
'What are they like? Did they saw me on tv that day? What do they think of me now after that embarassing fiasco? Do they think less of me now? Well atleast that would mean they won't fear me for sure, but still I still want to be respected! That little show is like a "kick me sign" for mockery! Oh God, I don't think I'll be able to even leave my own room if that's the case...'
You stopped on your step and contemplated hiding somewhere in the building and just wait this meeting out, since leaving wasn't an option in courtesy of your queen. But then, different kinds of thoughts start taking over your mind.
'But...that would be a waste wouldn't it? Elinor did everything just to get us to this point, there was massive protest over opening up our borders and the media tho aggressive did seem excited for me finally opening up to the world. And seeing how fascinated Elinor and the others were about everything in this country...maybe they're right- no, they are right. We do need this, I need this!'
The more the though went on the more your resolve becomes stronger, your pace once shy and unsure became braver and a bit excited even.
'It's time I stop depriving my citizens from experiencing the rest of the world, it's not fair to them. And who knows? Maybe the other nations aren't actually as bad as I imagined them to be.'
Now infront of the door of your destination, you take a breath and placed your hand against the fine wood. With one final thought crossing your mind that caused you to push through with the change as you push the door open.
'Besides, this country has the best pancakes I've ever had!'
And right when you swung the meeting room's door wide open, booming with confidence. A plate of pasta came flying at your direction and hit the wall right next to your head.
Part 3:
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