#I don't mean this to come off as ranty but I needed to say something
helianbot · 24 days
I see a lot of people saying is that if you ship this or that in the mother community then you "know nothing about the source material and you're only going based off of smash bros/multiverse stuff".
and this isn't just about nesscas or clausten, this is about any mother ship and I think it's rude to insinuate that someone isn't a "real fan" because they happen to enjoy a ship and make content for it. You are allowed to not like certain ships! I want to make that very clear, I'm not here to bash on people's opinions (that are valid) but it isn't okay to message me and my friends who enjoy certain ships and make accusations or say hurtful things. Nor is it okay to question our place in the community.
I wouldn't normally make a post like this because shipping discourse is really silly but when it effects how my friends and I are being treated, that's not cool. I don't dignify these messages with a response, I usually just block and move on but I've had so many that I am starting to feel worn down from it. I love this community so much, I've seen so many cool and creative people and made some amazing friends. it really is a loving and kind fandom which is why I'm speaking up about this, I want it to stay that way (everyone knows a fandom space like this is rare to come by)
My philosophy is, if you see something you don't like then just scroll on and forget about it. Keep being excellent to each other.
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fryandleelasbigfling · 10 months
there's an argument that i see recurring in the futurama fandom -- i think it's a minority opinion but i've seen it across multiple platforms, from multiple people, and it very much annoys me so i'm making my lengthy counterargument. this will be ranty and i apologize.
the idea that fry and leela are toxic because "leela wanted him to change for her" is such a weird and even reductive way to not just view the ship, but relationships in general.
(this is a long post, because i have a lot of Feelings on the topic, so i'll put a readmore.)
first off leela has always liked fry. maybe not romantically (there's signs that she had a crush on him early on, but it didn't get serious til way down the line), but she related to him, took pity on him, and quit her job for him (which! was! illegal!) because he gave her the courage to do so. in the second episode, he also helps her see the beauty on the moon, something she used to take for granted. she has always seen potential in fry to inspire her and open her eye to new possibilities.
but she still has a lot of hang-ups about fry, leading into the "she needed him to change" thing. here's the thing about fry and leela: leela does not force fry to change, she inspires fry to change, because she believes he can change. bender and leela are the first ones to meet fry and understand his situation, his loneliness, the feeling you don't belong anywhere. the difference is that while bender often indulges fry's more immature and selfish traits, leela is more willing to protect fry's safety and call him out on his stupidity. for some reason (probably projection), people think this is abusive. yes, leela can be hard on him (so can the entire crew, but for some reason, people only get mad when it's the female lead being mean), but it's because she's his captain and his friend and his recklessness often puts himself and others in danger. "my three suns" and "brannigan begin again" both showcase how dangerous it can be if fry (and bender) don't have leela to reel them in.
and i think fry is aware of this, and feels bad about it, so as the series progresses, he tries more often to take command and help her out when he can (i.e. learning to fly the ship). there's also "parasites lost" where he decides he only wants to earn leela's affection if it comes entirely from him, and i've seen the argument that this proves leela only likes him if he changes, but a lot of what fry said were his true feelings, so it's really setting up that leela could be attracted to fry if fry could understand his own feelings well enough to articulate them with confidence (and not bring up his exes in the meantime, lmao). even in the most recent episode, he cleans up his apartment for leela's sake.
people sometimes compare leela to michelle. they're both forceful but lonely women who often take authority over fry. but the difference is that michelle doesn't really see value in fry beyond manipulating him to make herself feel better by comparison. i'd also like to bring up morgan, who explicitly romanticized fry being a lazy slob... and fry never really looks that happy about it! he goes along with it because he goes along with pretty much anything (he explicitly says he dated her because he was desperate), but a relationship where his worst habits are indulged isn't what he wants or needs. fry has spent his whole life being told he's worthless, and he's kind of accepted that, but leela sees his good heart and charm and she does want that for herself, but she's also honest about what stands in the way.
and here's a bit of a personal note: i know many people who relate to fry are neurodivergent. i am too! and it can hurt being seen as "immature" or feeling like you have to conform to neurotypical standards to be accepted. but you know what else sucks? wanting to be better, but not knowing how to be better, and not having any motivation to be better. leela was that motivation. i struggled for years believing i didn't need to be better because my mental health issues were so intrinsic to my identity, and accepting that i can be Myself but still be Healthy was very useful. i find a lot of the fry-leela plot very empowering, as i like to believe there's someone who will like my quirks but also push me in the right direction. leela thinks fry is silly and stupid, and she often strongly disagrees with his tastes, but she is endeared by his unique approach to love because of how genuine he is about it all (see: her love for his office supplies dinner in "fry and leela's big fling," and even the bit with the wine glasses in bender's big score).
fry knows leela is also lonely and miserable, but that she appreciates his company, to the point he believes "she'll never be happy without me" (a mindset he outgrows as it makes him unhealthily jealous and clingy). the entire point of bender's big score is that, as messed up as lars is, leela is attracted to a version of fry who better understands how to talk to her, and this experience helps her appreciate fry a lot more going forward as she truly sees he has the potential to be a good boyfriend. she just needed to see it detached from fry himself. and fry learns to let leela be happy even before he knows about lars' identity! he is capable of growth on his own because he hates seeing her upset!
as for why leela takes forever to commit to him... well, with his impulsivity issues, unintentional rudeness, questionable hygiene, and internalized sexism, he takes a while to be the kind of person she's willing to date. and she's not entitled to him! yes, it is annoying how flippant she can be (though that's also an issue with the writers not wanting to commit), and she absolutely sucks at communication. but if we can take fry's background into consideration here, we also need to take leela's into consideration. she grew up alone, bullied, neglected, repeatedly told she was unloved, and multiple times she trusted someone who said they loved her, only to be discarded once they got what they wanted from her (i.e. sex and labor). she is also terrified of being judged and thus puts a lot of weight on being successful and normal, with her relationships being an extension of that. "the cyber house rules" is all about how she wants to be with a man who makes her look good. this is a character flaw she overcomes as all these men of high status treat her like dirt and she realizes fry is the one who cares about her the most, and she doesn't have to compromise just to be taken seriously.
but fry is her best friend, the only one who really gets her (besides her parents), and she has a lot to lose if she dates him and it goes poorly, and she's too insecure to trust that she's worth it. which is why it's great that fry becomes a better person for her! she deserves to be treated with respect! and episodes like "fun on a bun" show that not only does fry change for her, he also helps her loosen up in turn, and let herself act more carefree and childish after having to grow up and conform to society so fast. "the impossible stream" also shows leela making an effort to be less judgmental, even if she worries fry could be in danger. so it is definitely not just fry who changes for this relationship.
generally i think people who hate leela and make her out to be so emotionally abusive are projecting something personal that isn't there and missing the scope of fry and leela's complex relationship, and it feels unfair. especially when other (male) characters who do the same things and worse (particularly bender) get a pass. she's far from perfect, and that makes her a great character, but she grows and learns, and so does fry -- because they want to learn and grow for each other's sake.
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Since Twisted Wonderland's language "Common" is the equivalent of Japanese, & the foods Grim mentioned are typical foods that one can find in Japanese convenience stores, wouldn't it be safe to assume that the culture & customs are Japanese as well?
Like, if the students celebrate Halloween, they probably just dress-up in costumes & decorate the dorms. No "trick-or-treat" because Japanese people have this strong "no bothering/disturbing/cause inconvenience to others" mentality - so no collecting sweets, candies & chocolates by knocking doors from one dorm to another.
Or, if the students celebrate Christmas, they would mostly eat fried chicken, because somehow KFC in Japan has a strong association with the holiday, hence why it's a popular choice among Japanese people.
Or if the students celebrate Valentine, it would be still in the traditional sense: because NRC is an all-boys school, most of the students would at least receive chocolates from girls - and they're expected to give those girls back in a month (White Day).
How does Kal explain the American version of these holidays with the language barrier if neither Lilia nor Malleus is around?
I'm fairly certain the only reason there are so many recognizably Japanese things in twst is because it's a Japanese game. But that's very few things in general. Even then, during the Prologue we had the pair of bullies try and start something with us over Carbonara, and Azul has squid ink pasta for lunch during his arc, decidedly Italian dishs. Mont Blanc, despite its heavy popularity in Japan, is still very French in origin. Just because there are Japanese snacks in a school store, doesn't mean everything is so decidedly Japanese.
Holiday wise we had:
The Halloween event states that each area is a stamp collection point for a stamp rally they're doing to collect a prize for at the end of a circuit through the school grounds, which would be in replacement of actual trick or treating since there's no way any school would shell out for that much candy for that many guests over the course of a week even if it's only 7 points of collection, and no child only picks up 7 pieces of candy during trick or treat. Also, haunted houses are a thing.
All the students go home for winter break, so there's almost no way to know what or how they celebrate winter holidays if they do, and both the Ghosts and Crowley list/give us a pretty standard European Christmas fair with a cooked turkey and gingerbread house
Masquerades are EXTREMELY European, even if the idea of donning a mask during spooky season isn't wholly
There are hundreds of festivals, not just holidays, that hold the main point of a Firework display as the highlight, so the Scarabia event is hardly isolated
Literally the only vaguely Japanese-esque holidays was the Wish festival and Bean day, but that's it. And they both were VERY round about in their presentation, making them easily holidays that could pass anywhere else that held those similar stories the holidays were based off of (Pinocchio and Jack and the Bean Stalk.)
There's no way to know how or even if there's a Valentines day equivalent since we're never getting such an event, so there's no way to say how any of the boys go about it.
As for Japanese being the "Common" language, that's just literally what I call it in LiT. It's got a historical reason that I haven't gotten to in my story, but that's just what I call it.
They might not actually be speaking Japanese in-game, that's just how it comes across to the MC, Yuu, who is Japanese, since in-game it's stated that there's a translator spell cast over school grounds because all the students don't actually speak a common language.
Sorry if this got ranty, but twst, despite being so thoroughly Japanese, doesn't at all lean very heavily into it for the very reason it's a Disney Fantasy Game, it's picked up all these Non-Japanese fairytales and needed to represent that, not their own culture.
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abruisedmuse · 7 months
I would love to hear your thoughts on Silver Flames!
Buckle up babes long ass response coming in.
*this gets ranty and I'm sorry!!. Excuse any typos or errors. I don't have my glasses on lol.*
So my controversial hot take about acosf, is that thanks to fan works (headcanons, theories, fanfic,etc) we all get these notions in our heads of how characters should be. When in actual reality they're just not like that. Everyone believed Nesta would be this all powerful bad bitch lady death. When in truth she never wanted power. Ever. All she wanted was to make the Cauldron pay. She never wanted magic in the first place. Even when she had it. She didnt care for it. Didnt care for what it did and how it took her over. In the end losing her magic didn't really matter. It's not like Aelin who loved her fire and missed it when it was gone. Nesta felt like her magic was a burden. And was grateful it was gone. I do think fmcs who love their powers should keep not lose them. But when they don't want it. When it scares them, they don't care for it whatever the case maybe then they should lose it. Nesta just wants cake, books, and sex no suffering magic required honestly good for her.
The same can be said for Cassian. Thanks to all the fan works we all believed he'd go to bat (pun intended) for her against Rhys and the IC and it rarely happened. Whenever it did, it barely lasted. I was waiting when Rhys told him to get Nesta out of Velaris or he'd kill her. I was waiting for Cassian to do something. What'd he do? Force Nesta to go on hike. Sir that's your mate. DEFEND HER. Tell Rhys for her sake you will but the next he threatens Nesta over something he shouldn't hide from Feyre will be the last. Get Nesta out and talk with her. Don't be dick cause Rhys says so.
Speaking of Rhys. Alot of people were unhappy with how he was portrayed in acosf. I wasn't. Doesn't mean he didn't piss me off. But I think for Manu the rose colored glasses came off. Acotar- acofas we view Rhys through the Feyre lens. So yeah especially acomaf and acowar we see him in a loving, caring sense. In Feyres eyes once she falls for him Rhys can literally do no wrong. As readers we believe it. It's why so many fell for Tam in book 1. But now in acosf we get him. The real un mate side of Rhys. We see the High Lord version. We see him through Cassian and Nesta’s eyes and it's not the best look.
The other issue I've noticed with Acotar fans and the hate is how slow and lore based it is. Yes, I agree that there's some parts of the book that are. So. Fucking. Slow. I just wanted to those parts to be done with it. The other side, the lore. For readers looking for smut and a little plot acotar is great. You don't have to think to much on the world and the lore it's only a sprinkle to move the story along. Nothing like tog or cc. Now with the crossover we needed a book with all this information to make it fit and have it make sense. And acosf became that book. For anyone who wasn't anticipating a heavy book this was a huge surprise. And kind of a snoozefest. Even when I first read it I was so happy to have this information but given what he know of acotar why Is it needed? Then hosab came out and it made sense.
Personally, I didn't think it was bad. I enjoyed myself while reading. I was disappointed we didn't get all those bodily fluids that Sarah claimed we'd get. Yeah, there was a little, but idk she made it seem like a lot more.
The intervention in the beginning pissed me off. The only people that should've been there were Feyre, Elain, and maybe Cassian. I know as someone who cares about her and is her mate he should he but in the same breath the topic of Cassian is very touchy to Nesta in that moment. So I think where he's considered it's a eh thing. Rhys would be the only other exception because it's his money she's been spending. But he should stfu and let Feyre handle it.
I don't like Mor. She pissed me off entirely throughout the book. Same as Amren. I use to like Amren alot. But this book made me turn off of her. Despite all of the growing Nesta does the only way she accepts and forgives Nesta is when Nesta grovels and kisses her hand??? Fuck right off.
Generally I loved all the lore, loved/hated seeing Rhys from a different pov, adored Nesta’s journey even her giving up her magic. I loved seeing Nesta form her bonds with Gwyn, Emerie and Azriel. Just wished Cassian stepped it up in the defending Nesta Archeron department.
I honestly think what I love about it. People hated lmao.
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wild-at-mind · 7 months
Saw a post yesterday that I got the meaning of but thought the execution was a little misguided. Basically it was saying that you shouldn't shame people for not proving with posts that they are doing all kinds of activism around the war in I/P. But it said you shouldn't do this because maybe they are doing super secret potentiall illegal activism and it's not safe to post about. When in fact I would argue much more generally- stop writing things that attempt to shame people for not 'doing enough' activism-wise AT ALL.
I really don't get this because I've been involved in environmental activism groups for the past 4 years and the most common thing people criticise environmental activist causes for is focusing too much on individual change. (Whether this if fair or not is debatable- sometimes yes, sometimes it's definitely in bad faith, sometimes people are projecting massively, and also often they are talking about some manner of corporate activism or token 'good faith' gesture from big companies that doesn't do much and that environmental activists are alsp criticising.) Therefore now there seems to be a big resurgence in trying to make individuals feel terrible until they put their nose to the grindstone enough to solve huge, monumentally vast conflicts, I am fucking confused. Ok I am being a little flippant here but I keep seeing people who are clearly feeling quilt tripped out of their minds about not doing enough. It is very concerning. What exactly do these ranty posters expect???
There was a period in 2016-2017 where I was really trying to be more involved in activism for a number of social justice issues, but I was also in a massive depressive episode and dealing with a lot of issues with black and white thinking. The way a lot of posts on tumblr were worded like 'hey you! Fuck you because everything you're doing or may even contemplate doing in future regarding activism is wrong somehow! Oh what you feel lonely and isolated? Well don't even think about mixing with anyone local to you who cares about similar issues because what if they disagree with you slightly??? That can't happen! Best not risk it.'
I don't know why people write stuff like this but I honestly find it basically locks up my brain until I can't do anything at all. And judging by some of the recent posting I've seen on here I'm not the only one. I'm not so affected now because I'm on better meds, and now I know a lot of activists IRL which has helped. Once I had recovered from the depressive episode I started getting involved in local environmental activism, as that is the main type of activism around here, and ignored the little voice in my head that I learned from tumblr saying I should get involved in more social justice oriented causes (which plain don't exist round here FYI). Turns out that people who care about one cause care broadly about most, even if they don't always get it right, and being in activist spaces in person helped me turn off the 'oh my god what if these people are...imperfect??!' inner monologue.
No one should have to justify their level of activism to you or anyone else. I'm not even going to give reasons why they may not be able to do more because everyone already knows and also because the whole line of thinking is flawed. Not posting about something does not make you complicit in it. Not exposing yourself constantly to the most disturbing and horrible news coming out of Gaza does not mean you are looking away from injustice. If your brain says that then flip the script on yourself- tell yourself that you personally looking at these things does not help anyone in Gaza. You feeling like shit helps no one.
I think people are much more able to stand up for causes they believe in when they are not being ground down by miserable guilt tripping. I think anyone who wants to avoid this needs to also avoid going along with the logic of these posts. Whether someone is doing a tonne of secret activism or no activism- it's not my business, and it's not for me to try and judge their heart and mind. Or for any of us.
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ray-the-fanatic · 2 years
seeing leosagi trend on twitter makes me so happy though at the same time i kinda avoid it cuz a majority of it is yu/ichi usagi that's with leo and i don't wanna ruin the fun of the people who enjoy the samurai rabbit show, i tried getting into the show a month ago but it just... did not catch my eye the same way rise did
maybe it's cuz the show's not technically about the og usagi or the fact that i struggle to care about cast and story itself cuz it feels... boring to me? idk, it's just hard for me to get into shipping rise leo with yu/ichi when i'm not really interested in the character or show (yu/ichi i mean), esp when i'm more attached to everyone's version of rise usagi
sorry if this seems a bit ranty ^^;;;
Okay  1. I was answering another ask when I saw this and deiced nope I need to answer this! 2.no so yes let us talk about this because i see you I feel you and get what you mean as well.3. Sorry this is gonna be a lil long.
Okay so I recalled when they originally announced doing the samurai rabbit show and I was excited cause Usagi content. Forgot about it till finally getting back into tmnt after being convinced to finally watch rise cause o didn't when it originally aired. Which sent me down a rabbit hole obsession on usagi in time for the Samurai Rabbit show coming out. And to make this easier when I say Usagi I’ll be talking about Usagi Miyamoto and Yu/ichi for Usagi Yu/ichi yes I know they have the same first name that's the point it’s just for clarification here.
Now I do not mind the show it’s fine for what it is and I think Yu/ichi is cute and interesting but I have a love hate thing for the show. I spoke to a mutual on tiktok about this and I know I made a post on my thoughts about the show. I like the concept of Usagi descendant  Yu/ichi trying to become a samurai in a future time period when Samurai aren’t around, because he idolizes Usagi. Only to find out Usagi is a bad guy so he tries to clear their name. Despite that set up its not really what we get and Yui/chi didn’t really clear their name im still annoyed about that. I do still enjoy Yu/ichi mostly the design I even drew some inspiration from it for my own rise usagi because I liked the bangs. And I do find he and rise leo could be fun buuuuuuuut He is not the Usagi I want.
See as I have gotten more into Usagi’s own series I have just really come to love the character even more and love the idea of him in rise compared to a cross over with samurai rabbit. I just love the idea of the conflict in personality I just want him to be a grounded samurai who is emotionally in touch. Like especially with Leo going into his role as a leader I just love the idea of that being when he meets Usagi because of how special that friendship is in the 03 series. Besides I enjoy the Lore of Usagi Yojimbo and would love tidbits of it in rise uwu
Well I will still share and enjoy ship art of both cause i’m greedy and like Leosagi I do agree with people that the two should have different ships names. I saw seabunny mention for rise leo and yu/ichi and thats cute. But yeah well the sudden boom on twitter been nice to see and I have a friend who prefers that version simply cause yu/ichi is cannon over a rise usagi is. Thats fine though I also feel there another reason for the push on yui/chi i’m just being skeptical though so i wont say that in this. I just personally perfect Usagi myself over yui/chi. Again theres nothing wrong with him it’s just well I feel hes getting more praise than what is earned really. Based off the show am I a fan of it? eh I like it i don't know if its something i’ll re-watch I wish the writing was better I kind wanna do a fix it fic for it but that's a lot of work compared to one shots lol
TL;DR: Well I dont mind yu/ichi as a charater when it comes to the leosagi thing esp for Rise I’m in the side of Usagi Miyamoto over Usagi Yui/chi. And feel they should have different ship names also 03/2012 usagi > over any other usagi uwu
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ah so you've been here long enough to see all the times we've thought it was all coming to an end (their closets and bbg) and then ultimately nothing coming of it. don't you think it's healthier to not get your hopes up with every single theory (ie checkered flag theory) and just support them and enjoy their art? bc for years people have gotten their hopes up and then felt defeated when nothing happened; some have even left or taken a step back bc it all became too much. i especially think we (us veteran larries lol) shouldn't get new larries' hopes up. and show them that it's healthier, mentally, to not invest so much of your time and energy and feelings into something you can't control. /gen
((also i don't mean for anything i say to come off mean or accusatory. if any of this does, could you please let me know? I'm on the spectrum and am trying to learn how to convey tone better through text. thank you.))
no, i understand where you're coming from! but i see a lot more advantage in being optimistic than always curbing my enthusiasm. that is at the core my view on life, but then on top of that: the situation right now is different. things have been happening that haven't in the past, especially bc we're in a super unique part of history and in a very new chapter of their career. lockdown just happened and put a pause on a lot. harry blew up, like never before. louis had an insane solo world tour. second album on the way. louis changed management and label. there really is a lot, purely objectively, that makes me pay attention right now. i get it, i don't want people to be disappointed, but i also don't see the harm in supporting them and believing in them - optimistically - despite the fact that i might be 'proven wrong.' i don't really care about that, or about my own disappointment, because i care more about supporting these two people, especially after all they've been through. i believe they need my unwavering support, whatever they do to get out of this situation they're in - their complex closet.
i then definitely want to add that if the cycle of being hopeful and then being 'let down' is too much, for personal reasons, then it's best to take a step back and reassess how your own position is in the fandom. i think it's very normal to get sucked in and become very invested, but at the end of the day these are people we don't personally know and also can't directly help as an individual. if it's too much, it's okay to take a break. it really is so important to keep a healthy balance in the fandom and just feel good while being here. i've been an intense fan in waves and i've never felt as good as now - with my very own focus on specifc things, while leaving other things alone entirely. that's okay.
and then, as a last little point: our disappointment at the lack of change in their situation is nothing to how they must feel about the shit they've been put through. first of all: a whole lot has changed already. second of all: it's not about us. they're being closeted. (so, for example, if you feel like you're being lied to or being used, that's the closet's work, not them. never forget that.)
this also isn't all meant at you, in a ranty way, but i do think i had to make all of that clear for my pov to be understood yk? so yeah. that's what i think. i'm always here if you still don't fully understand where i'm coming from :)
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