#I don't read the comics bc i keep forgetting to so these are kinda limitted to what i rmember of the show +EtF
singularstiletto · 4 years
I get that Dib & Zim are perfect for imagining Touch-Tone Telephone but like there’s so many other Spirit Phone songs that’d totally slap using any of the characters as the muse. Like you could totally do-
Lifetime Achievement Award: Prof Membrane creating Dib & Gaz Cabinet Man: Dib making himself a cyborg/ creating a human compatible Pak No Eyed Girl: Gaz, that’s it just Gaz. When He Died: Zim disappearing & Dib going through the house  Sweet Bod: Dib dissecting Zim (I guess that one would be pretty gore-y though) Eighth Wonder: Literally Zim- jk, G.I.R bc trust me. Ancient Aliens: Do I really need to say anything? Soft Fuzzy Man: G.I.R. because he is the closest qualifier As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It: Again, do I need to say anything? I Earn My Life: Prof. Membrane but like instead of dying it’s just cloning the kids. Reaganomics: hm... could argue for the Allmighty Tallest/Control Brains on this one. Man-Made Object: Dib & maybe Tak’s ship, or Prof. Membrane again. Spiral of Ants: Zim and Invaders in general. Angelfire: the fighting dynamic between Zim and Dib plus the sibling dynamic between the Membranes all in some funky fast paced animation. Angry People: Gaz, easy. Cat Hacks: Gaz and gaming Crisis Actors: Prof. Membrane being clueless about Zim as Zim is obviously being the little gremlin he is. Geocities: basically that one little clip of Dib hearing a transmission just before Zim’s arrival but stretch it out into a whole thing. Gravitron: The Membranes as a household Kubrick and the Beast: Zim’s human disguise vibing as the world falls apart around him and Dib tries to catch up Moon's Request: Montage of Zim trying to live up to being an Invader but ultimately being more destructive than most can handle (basically Op. ID 1 but more) or Species Swap au as Dib wants nothing to do with his Pak programming or the empire Pizza Heroes: G.I.R., duh. Redesign Your Logo: Prof. Membrane & Dib You're At the Party: Zim learning the truth (EtF) or Dib & his interest in the supernatural overall
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superbatson · 4 years
18 for the fic writing asks!
What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
okay so looking back at my more recent ao3 works, i'm gonna go with safe & sound as the one i will do a commentary on.
it's hard for me to remember exactly what was going on in my mind when i write fics bc i honestly just get so in the zone that it's like my mind kinda shuts off bc i'm so engrossed in what i'm writing. or maybe it's more like being underwater, and i don't come up for air until i get all my ideas down on paper (or onto a google doc, in most cases lately).
this whole fic is really one scene but i'll break it down into a smaller portion for the commentary.
i can first say, though, that it bothered me how victor and rosa didn't really know what was happening while the kids faced sivana. they went out to find billy only come home to an empty house... and you're trying to tell me they weren't the least bit worried? i understand that movies have time limits but come on, even just showing the kids returning home and transforming back would have been a little bit satisfying.
so, i wrote my own fic to fill in that gap, involving victor and rosa seeing the kids return home in their superhero forms and bearing witness to their transformation back into their normal forms.
victor pulled it open… and six brightly colored superheroes stood in their backyard, all with glowing lightning bolts on their chests. 
rosa and victor stared at them.
the six of them stared back.
i like these lines because of the way in which i describe the supersuits; i use very few words and get with "brightly colored" and "glowing", you should be able to get a very vivid image in your mind of what i'm talking about. the lines that follow just kinda serve as like quick cuts of the camera (for the movie in my head) between victor & rosa and the kids.
rosa recognized the man in the middle, dressed in red; he had appeared on the news several times for his viral power test videos. he didn't have an official name yet, though; everyone seemed to call him something different. sir zaps-a-lot. captain sparklefingers. the big red cheese.
and here he was, an internet celebrity, standing in her and victor's backyard with five of his superhero friends.
of course, i had to make billy the focus of the group bc the whole film is his story, he's basically the leader of this shazamily, and he's also the newest addition to the foster family. i assume his and freddy's videos make him a viral celebrity amongst the general public, so rosa would definitely know about him outside of that one dinner table conversation. and i had to slip in some of the actual canon about him not having a set superhero name by the end of the film. (big red cheese is a reference to one of the character's classic nicknames from the comics.)
he looked afraid, and almost guilty. 
"rosa," he said. his voice cracked. rosa wondered how he knew her name. maybe he could read minds-- "i'm so sorry. it's all my fault."
"i don't…" rosa started to say. she shook her head. 
the hero must have sensed her confusion, because before she could say anything else, he spoke again. "oh, yeah, right. guys, you know what to say this time, right? on three. one. two. three."
" shazam! "
the reason why billy appears guilty is because, well, everything is his fault, essentially. if he hadn't run from the breyers and gotten on the subway, he might not have run into the wizard, which might have prevented sivana from going after him and the other kids. basically, he feels guilty about putting the others in danger, even though his idea about opening his heart to them to share his powers did help them all in the long run.
in the moment, he kinda forgets the form that he's in, so he's already spitting out an apology to rosa. i wanted to keep the story from rosa's perspective, though, so i tap into her confusion over how this superhero she's never mer before would know her name. she's about to vocalize her confusion when billy remembers that he's still in his superhero form and that rosa doesn't recognize him, so he cuts her off to lead the other kids in a reverse transformation.
and i wanted to make another canon reference back to the whole "say my name" "billy!" exchange (that's comedy gold still to this day), so that's why he's checking to make sure everyone knows what to say now in order to turn back.
i'll cut the breakdown off there. the rest of the fic just has the kids head back inside while billy promises that they'll explain everything to victor and rosa in time. i tried my best to make that following dialogue as natural and fitting with canon as possible. and i tied it all up neatly with a nice little bow as victor comments that he knew the kids would return home safely.
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