#I don't see myself not using this dick container anytime soon
your-demonic-piggie · 1 month
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Dancing In The Dark or Jealous Rage
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage contains potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and smutty content.
Summary: Kirby goes with the girls out to a night club while Roddy is away, jealous escapades ensue after he gets back and hears about her antics.
Kirby's POV:
I woke up the following morning (The 24th) alone, no sign of Rod, I was confused until I saw the clothes laid out and a note on top of my leather jacket.
'I've gone to do some work in Pennsylvania. Don't worry, I'll be back later this week. Love You, Mo Chridhe. Roddy.'
"Mo Chridhe, that's, that is Scots for … yeah, Scots Gaelic for my heart … Aww, Roderick you romantic eejit."
I went about my usual morning routine and the rest of the day was thoroughly uneventful, but the night, oh the night was fun, or at least it was when it started.
Billie had suggested we go out for drinks and have a good time, and so we did.
About three Espresso Martinis in I started to loosen up.
"So," Vickie inquired, "How's Piper?"
"I'm not sayin' nothin'"
"Oh, c'mon Kirbs," Sam begged, "Tell us."
"No, mind your own business."
"Kirbs, ya gotta tell us at some point." Holly added, the alcohol making her New Jersey accent thicker.
"Alright, fine, but don't tell anyone." I warned
They nodded in agreement and let me continue.
"When we came back to New York, we started dating and one thing led to another and we 'made love' but regardless of all that, I think he's the one."
"So, you'll marry him?"
"If he asks, Vic, if he asks."
Holly butted in, "I need to get you around other men, you know, to see if Piper's the real deal."
She took me by the arm and dragged me, drink in hand, over to a gaggle of men, all of whom looked like they were either construction workers or American football players. Holly let go of my arm and sat on one of the guys laps, whispering something I couldn't hear before getting up and walking off.
I felt like a piece of meat being thrown to a pack of tigers, it didn't take long for one of them to take the drink from my hand, place it on the table and lead me to the dancefloor.
Now, you must know, I'm not one for dancing, I'll sway to a relaxed beat or head bang along to some rock but, dancing with someone who I don't know in a provocative way isn't my thing, but without hesitation this guy started hitting on me and trying to get up close and personal.
It took all of my mental strength not to sucker punch the guy in the face and walk back to the hotel, I held out for as long as I could. hours passed without me realising and I had gotten quite tipsy, Vickie walked me back to the hotel and dumped me on the bed in the pitch black of the room, closing the door behind her and her footsteps quickly faded out of hearing range.
The next day (25th January 1984) was much like the previous, get up, morning routine, grab some coffee, wait to see if I had any matches booked, hear nothing from Damien, go out with the girls that night for some 'fun' but to me that 'fun' was ever so slightly turning into heart-breaking torture.
Any time I danced with these random guys in clubs, I wanted to be able to slow dance with Rod, to hold him close to me as the music played in the background. I didn't get as drunk as the night before and got back slightly earlier, trying to call Roddy to hear his voice, but he didn't pick up. I went to sleep alone again and had a nightmare once again.
I woke up on the morning of the Twenty-Sixth to the sound of the door opening and closing, hearing a distinctly Scottish voice whisper out the phrase 'Mo Chridhe'.
"Rod, is that you?"
"I didn't mean to wake ya, it's just, well," His voice faltered, as if he didn't know what to say, "Billie stopped me in the hall and told me everything." He sounded hurt.
"I tried to call ya. I tried to be the first to let you know what we had done." I got up and took my sweat-stained shirt off, tossing it to the floor and heading to the bathroom, still half asleep.
"Ya did? Ya went out and danced with strangers two nights in a row while I was gone and thought a phone call could patch things up?"
That set me off, I rushed out of the bathroom to confront him, "I fucking hated doing it! Both times! I wanted to reel back and sucker punch those bastards in the face! Roderick Piper, would you fucking listen to me! I am your girlfriend! I am YOUR fucking woman! Would you just fu-"
A rough but passionate kiss broke the stingingly lonely silence from him, his hands caressing my arms and holding me close. I hadn't realised I was crying until then, I hadn't realised he had let a few tears slip himself until he pulled away and wiped his eyes.
"I'm sorry I ever brought it up. I know ya wouldn't do anything without a good reason and I'm so, so sorry I left without telling ya before I did."
I sat myself down on the edge of the bed, wiping the tears from my eyes and feeling Rod put his arm over my shoulder.
"Schultz told me to buy you roses, ya know. An' I told him I didn't think ya liked roses, I told him that I thought ya would like chrysanthemums instead."
I let out a small 'uh huh' and Rod continued.
"I also told him that when we got back I was gonna take you out for some blueberry waffles and a hazelnut cappuccino, cause I know how ya like those an' we could be together and just relax an-"
"Yes, baby?"
"Can you dance?"
"I'm not a great dancer, why?"
"Well, can you just sway to the rhythm of a song?"
"With you, absolutely."
"Thank you, f'anwylyd."
"Anytime, mo chridhe."
He kissed my cheek and my temple, whispering out a gentle 'I'm sorry' before using his other hand to make me face him and kissing me gently but lovingly. He got up, pulling me off the bed and turning the clock radio on and increasing the volume.
"And now, a big hit from last year, this is Big Country with 'In A Big Country'."
'I've never seen you look like this without a reason'
Rod twirled me around in his arms, a smirk already on his face.
'Another promise fallen through'
I could hear Rod mumbling the words in unison with the radio.
'Another season passes by you'
He twirled me back around, stepping closer and intertwining his fingers with mine and curving his other arm around my back.
'I never took the smile away from anybody's face'
Rod had stopped mumbling the words and started humming along.
'And that's a desperate way to look'
The sweet smile on Roddy's face made me smile lovingly in return.
'For someone who is still a child'
He cleared his throat, spinning me away from him before pulling me close to his chest.
"In a big country dreams stay with you" Rod sang in unison with the radio.
"Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside" I joined in.
'Stay alive, here we go'
"I thought that pain and truth were things that really mattered" We sang in unison with the radio.
"But you can't stay here with every single hope you had shattered"
"I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert"
'But I can live and breathe'
Rod misstepped and fell backwards onto the bed with me landing on his lap.
'And see the sun in wintertime'
"Are ya alright Roddy?"
'In a big country dreams stay with you'
"I'm fine, sweetheart, are you okay?"
'Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside'
"I'm okay. Everything's fine in the world again."
'Stay alive'
I stood up and helped Roddy off the bed, turning the radio down slightly and humming before singing along.
"In a big country dreams stay with you"
Rod soon joined in, going back to a simple two step and trying not to stumble again.
"Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside"
"Stay alive"
"So take that look out of here it doesn't fit you"
"Because it's happened doesn't mean you've been discarded"
"Pull up your head off the floor, come up screaming"
A knock at the door quickly silenced the two of us and Rod turned the radio off completely, giving me a quick kiss on the lips and walking over to answer the door. Upon seeing the frame of the guy leaning against the wall, I sighed heavily and Rod looked between me and this nobody.
"Hey, I was told this was Miss Kay's room, who are you, her brother?"
"Wrong, Idiot. I'm her husband."
I wanted to interrupt Roddy but held my tongue, trusting that he knew what he was doing.
"Yeah, right, small fry, and I'm the Pope, move outta the way." the guy's mood shifted from confusion to anger.
"No really," Roddy pressed, his voice getting more gravelly with rage, "I'm her husband ya slovenly low life, now fuck off before I hurt ya."
The guy got further into Roddy's face, "What are you gonna do, limp dick."
Rod smirked, "Limp dick, huh," He mocked before poking the guy in the eyes, "Bye-Bye, asshole," He finished, slamming the door in the guy's face.
We could both hear the sound of the guy saying 'fuck that' and running down the hall.
"'I'm her husband'?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Well I'm not gonna say 'She's my girlfriend'. Being your husband has more impact."
"Ya could've just called me over and kissed me, Roddy."
"Who was that guy?"
"Some fuck from one of the nights you weren't here. Ugly motherfucker too, surprised he knew where to find me…" I trailed off, knowing exactly who had told him where I was, "That little Greek bitch."
I stormed my way up to the door, only being stopped by Roddy mere seconds before I could leave the room.
"Woah, woah. Calm down there, Giantess. We don't want a massacre now, do we?"
I breathed out a heavy sigh and Rod pulled me into a hug.
"C'mere baby girl," He rubbed his hand up and down my back to soothe me, "Calm down baby, I know it may be aggravating to have someone ya trust try to split up a good thing, but just calm down."
"But she told them where we, or at least I am, Rod. I can't trust her after that. Especially after her trying to set me up with one of the ugliest motherfuckers I've ever seen."
"What about me?" He said pulling away and sitting on the edge of the bed
"Well, you're," I stopped, searching my mind for the right words, "Well, you're just, you are so handsome. You've got the most amazing blue-hazel eyes, and your hair is such a rich brown, and you're built, y'know, your musculature makes you look strong but not intimidating, however that may just be a giant to normal person thing. Oh, and your voice is calming to me, except when you're cutting a promo. I mean I would object to your choice in shirts, but only because the idea of other women seeing how muscular you are through the way your shirts cling to your body gets me a little pissed off."
"I make you get jealous, really?" he teased.
"Don't you dare." I warned, trying to stop him from aggravating me further.
"Does the idea of women fantasising about me gets you riled up with fury?"
"Rod, don't do this."
"Does the idea of me posing with another woman in my arms anger you?"
"Roddy, shut up."
"How about the idea of me kissing another woman while drunk?"
"Roderick. You shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you."
"What if I laid on the beach with just a towel coverin' my crotch, in full view of a bunch of ladies, how does that make you feel."
"I warned you, three times now, don't you go getting me angry, boyo. You'll see how vengeful I can be, Roddy," I pondered for a moment before changing into a knee-length amber coloured dress along with my spiked black heels, my leather jacket and a thin layer of apricot scented lip gloss and headed out, "Bye Roderick."
"Wait no, baby, come back."
I closed the door and fast-walked down the corridor, heading towards the stairwell, hearing Roddy open the door just as I started down the stairs.
He caught up with me about five minutes later, while I was waiting outside, handing me my wallet and pressing a kiss to my cheek, before whispering in my ear.
"I'm sorry I got you jealous, now can we please go out to somewhere, nice."
"If you're so sorry, you won't try that trick again, right?"
"Oh absolutely, I don't want you to do that again."
I kissed him and started walking down the street, Piper's hand just above my ass and his plethora of sweet nothings once again flowing from his lips. We headed out for the evening and by the time we got back to the hotel, a now drunk Roddy laid down and passed out before I even got the chance to kiss him goodnight.
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