#I don't want to get into drama or discourse or even really a friendly argument about the merits of these books
conspiracydawg · 4 months
got around to reading nona the ninth and I think I finally have to concede that I'm just not picking up what these books are putting down. there's some cool concepts but it feels like the author is actively avoiding them most of the time. also finding the constant quips and references annoying, and not really sold on the central relationship of the series, which leaves very little for me to be happy about. I'll read alecto because I'd like to know what happens next, but I can't help but feel I'll also be relieved when it's over
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 months
I don't want to publish that anon bc naming names feels sketchy to me but can you fucking imagine showing your entire ass like that and the only person on your side is like a known drama starter who really shouldnt be fucking talking lmfao and can you imagine being so loudly & proudly wrong about something and doubling down on it instead of listening to well-reasoned and friendly objections ! what a horse to bet on !!!
Like I do think that behavior like this is probably coming from a deep need for attention, and I think sometimes people pick fights and act unpleasant because they come to (even subliminally) desire the adrenaline/dopamine of causing an argument or being confronted. That's why I think engaging in drama (aside from generally being a waste of time lol) can be really unproductive. Like, sometimes when you take the bait you're actually enabling this person in something destructive, and maybe it's more morally appropriate to ignore it (thus taking their toys away) while also being sort of like, petty and funnier to know that they're floundering and desperate for a response. 😳 I mean is there any bigger fuck you than to ignore anon hate and know that this jackass is refreshing your page 80 times a day waiting for a response? LOL.
And like I'm human like anyone else, I do say these things and try to be principled and there are days I really just lose it and can't shut the fuck up LOL. I think personally I get very upset when someone ELSE is being harassed, or like, when bad behavior affects the entire fandom. So I apologize for any time I came in and acted immature or vagued anyone because I really do my best to be direct and speak to people directly! But sometimes they delete your comments so like fuckit man I tried lol.
In general I'm a big believer in like, writing what you want to read, and that extends to creating a fandom you actually want to be in. So I try not to engage in drama or share discourse (even when I agree with the talking points!) because I think of my blog like a little scrapbook of things that make me feel happy and creative and I want to protect that. I want that to be my contribution in a fandom, to share things that encourage creativity ! But now and then when someone is being a real fuckin twat you also have to stand up for each other and protect the space in that way, too.
What we're not gonna do is shame creators and chase them out!!!! If you don't like someone's work, keep that in your group chat! Don't be a fucking twat!
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