#I dont mind if neutrals or people who dont interact with discourse interact with us
sillymcmatt · 2 years
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we are a mixed origin system/collective of 10+ wonderful beings!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ♡
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when referring to us collectively, you can refer to us as “guys”, “you guys”, or by our sys name (the silly guys), but you can always ask us who’s fronting when in doubt! :D
we’re bodily a minor, specifically 13-17 (so pls dont be weird or mean or anything) >_<
we each have our own sets of pronouns but we collectively use he/it/they (we also use i/we pronouns interchangeably when referring to ourselves) ꒰ÒꈊÓ꒱
please do not refer to us as “parts”, alters, etc. please treat us as our own, real people (because we are) and use terms like “headmate”, “brain buddies”, etc when referring to us (o≧∇≦)o
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we are fictive heavy and our fictives would prefer not to interact with their source’s fandom unless its on their terms :P
we support most good faith identities, we dont give a shit what you identify as as long as you’re truly not hurting anyone ^^
we are autistic and have anxiety and cptsd so if we disappear, don’t understand certain social cues, delete posts, etc, pls keep that stuff in mind (we also really appreciate the use of tone tags) (づ。◕‿◕。)づ
because of our anxiety we also edit/delete posts very often mostly because we changed our opinion on the subject, forgot to add certain things, or we just got super anxious about the post being up and deleted it. pls approach us with kindness and compassion, as being approached with anger and hostility severely triggers our anxiety (ofc dont be afraid to make us aware of our mistakes, we just ask that you please do it in a calm, kind, and respectful manner) (=^-ω-^=)
we will introduce our brain buddies when we feel safe and comfortable enough to do so XP
please dont involve us in unnecessary discourse/drama (>_<)✿
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an exclusionist (or anti good faith + harmless identities such as endo systems and “contradictory” queer identities, neutrals are on thin ice)
a nsfw account (or have anything similar to “minors dni” in your bio)
a proud pedo/zoo/necro, romanticize (specifically harmful) paras, etc
proship or “profic”
a radqueer (which is related to the previous 2)
pro diet/diet culture
a narcissistic abuse believer
pro cancel culture
and the basic dni criteria (aka bigots)
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witchings-ofkoi · 2 years
Welcome to
my corner on this hellsite!
sorry i moved to another blog, this one is no longer active.
please help support me during my tough times!
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koi: im no longer doing the grimoire posts. my other witchcraft blogs are still up and i still post there!
e: i have/will have my own seperate blog now
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(pro) endos/tulpas/non-traumagenics, people who say "sysmed/traumascum"
anti-mspecs, lesboys/turigirls, police pronouns and identities, anti-conflicting lables/identities
homophobic, transphobic, aroacephobic/exclus, enbyphobic, generally anti-lgbtq or lgbtqia excluse.
(pro) p/do(e) / MAP whatever they call themselves
anti-self dx(with research!)
dont respect triggers/boundaries
christian/catholic (mostly okay so long as you dont push it on others or talk about it a lot.)
are against witchcraft, paganism and/or wicca
racist, sexist, islamaphobic, anti-Semitic
proshipper/anti-anti, pro-/ncest(i)
Terf, Radfem, Swerfs
believe in narc/borderline abuse or think all cluster b disorders are inherently manipulative/abusive
witch, wiccan and/or pagan
none of the dni apply to you
neutral on discourse (as long as you dont bring it up)
mogai and/or lgbtqia+
like punk rock/rock music and/or alternative fashion (cool as fuck)
dont mind my nonsense/shitposting
PLEASE use tonetags when interacting.
if you make me uncomfortable, break my dni, cross any set boundaries im blocking you.
dont block evade (creating a new acc just so you can bypass the block and interact) its disrespectful.
im canadian and occasionally speak french if you need a translation for anything at all please dont hesitate to ask!
prone to updates.
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whats on this blog?
old posts, no longer anything new.
if something one of us said in the past at any point upset you: sorry, wasnt our intention, take a breather and move on, we try to avoid conflict as much as possible.
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other blogs im on:
no longer comfortable giving that away here.
ask for:
where to find me if you still need me: i'll appear every now and then to answer dms
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old tag list
#kois hoard = my label hoard from mogai blogs i follow (old tag was #spectre's hoard)
#toadstools grimoire = my witchcraft series
#koi dont look = posts containing something on my blacklist
#koi posting = post has no real purpose/shitposting tag
#koi rambles = kois rambling about nonsens
#koi talks = koi made/reblogged this
#kois saves = things koi saved for later
#admin e = eris/eros's tag / eris/eros made/reblogged this post
(to be updated!)
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grimoire series: intro . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 .
headers made by myself on .wateryourgender
if im missing anything let me know!
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heeghie · 5 years
I try to take a neutral stance on ace discourse. Ive always been a wishy-washy person whos opinion is easily swayed by the people I hang out with, and I got tired of trying to match my opinion to my friends opinions.
But since rejoining Tumblr as a mineblr, Ive seen a whole lot of people who have either exclusionists or inclusionists in their dnfi. Since I dont identify with either I followed both but...
Ive realised, at this point, I really dont mind aspec* people in LGBT+ spaces. I dont see a huge point in fighting it. It never felt right to me to call aroace people straight anyways. And although I wouldnt call myself inclusionist, my views line up with that of inclusionists much more than exclusionists.
I really dont care if exclusionists interact with me. But I do know many of you have inclusionists in your bios, and would probably like to not interact with me anymore. This is me telling you hey, my views line up with inclusionists, so you can decide whether you want to unfollow/soft me or not.
As for my inclusionist followers/mutuals, if you arent comfortable with me allowing interaction from exclusionists, I understand if you want to unfollow/soft too. Make your Tumblr experience comfortable for yourself!
To all of you: I hope you have a good day! Thank you.
*I know there is discourse surrounding whether “aspec” originated in the autistic or asexual community. A while ago I google searched it, and couldnt find anything saying autistic people were the first to use it, but did find a long post with sources that seemed to point towards it being an asexual term in origin. If anyone has sources that show that autistic people claimed aspec first, lmk!
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groundramon · 6 years
My official stance on he/him lesbians is that it’s 1. none of my business and 2. none of your business.
I can see where some harm comes from, but it’s minuscule compared to other subgroups in the lgbt community like terfs, truscum, ect.  Like, there could be misgendering of he/him lesbians (or misgendering trans men by assuming they’re he/him lesbians) and getting connected with someone based on an assume connection where you’re both trans men but one ends up being a he/him lesbian while another is a trans man.  Which I suppose is a valid concern for trans men to have, considering many lesbians have a complex relationship with men from a platonic perspective (”man-hating lesbians” but like, not in a mean way, I’m just saying it as a fact that there are lesbians who don’t like hanging out with men. anti-sjws/”menimists” dont interact with this post ok there now you can take it neutrally) but its a problem that can easily be fixed with a little bit of understanding from both sides.  He/him (cis) lesbians don’t belong in spaces for trans men (however if they’re nonbinary or mtf, they do belong in trans spaces, just not spaces for trans men specifically) and if someone incorrectly assumes something about you, just correct them - and if you get corrected, say “oh, sorry!” instead of throwing a fit.
Like, there’s SO many aspects of movements for each lgbt movement that can be considered harmful to other aspects.  Ace inclusionism is considered homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, ect.  Sex positivity, which could be considered “harmful” to sex-repulsed aces (lgbt aces if you’re an exclusionist) like myself, is everywhere*.  People say bisexuals existing hurts lesbians and makes men think they can “convert” lesbians.  The whole bi/pan discourse thing.  Truscum discourse (but like, reasonable truscum people), demisexuality/a-spec discourse, things like faegender for people who clearly aren’t cishet either way, all that jazz- so much stuff conflicts.
* = if you’re going to say “woah wait that’s homophobic/biphobic whatever, what the fuck are you really saying gay ppl dont deserve sex positivity in the lgbt community” notice my wording “could be considered ‘harmful’”.  I’m saying that it’s something that’s debated.  As a matter of fact, I’m all for sex positivity in the lgbt community and that’s one thing I want sex-repulsed asexuals to shut up on.  Make a separate ace group if you don’t wanna deal with that.  And if I hear sex-repulsed alloro aces complaining about this im gonna shit my pants bc I’m romance-repulsed too and you’d prolly be offended if I told you to stop being romantic, right?  My point is that dont say “you guys should stop talking about sex” in the lgbt community (unless its graphic and involving minors, no safe sex ed being exposed to minors does not count unless it encourages minors to engage in sexual activity.  Ok? ok).  Let gay people and lesbians and bi people and pan people talk about their sexual urges and fantasies, they deserve it and I’m not going to let people suppress the very thing this community was made for - to embrace the sexuality of gay people, lesbians, trans people, bi people, pan people, ect.  Ok?  Ok.
My point is that we’re constantly butting heads over stupid shit.  Yall just need to calm down, eat some bread, respect people’s pronouns, and mind your own business regardless of what your opinion on it is.  Don’t like it? dont use he/him lesbian headcanons.  But don’t police how people express their sexuality/gender when the trans and gay communities have been interlinked for decades and it’s still a very complicated issue separating the two.
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