#I dont usually experience the time it takes but I'm fairly sure it averages to about 1 hr 30 min yknow?
catzgam3rz · 2 years
13. how long do you usually take on a piece?
Depends on the peice but normally around 1-2 hours I think! Paintings can range from 4-6 but I don't do them as often :D
Art Asks
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Alright, so we're just gonna do this in alphabetical order because thats how our pluralkit list is set up and we don't want to forget any of our less verbal headmates. Will RB with new intros when we get new headmates!
Aimsey: Hey! I'm a factive, not super connected to source but I'm really cool I swear! I'm the only one who misses having long hair after Toby and Chorus cut it 😨
Billzo: Waddup I'm also a factive, and Aimsey is my bestie,,! I aim to piss off the most amount of people and be as inclusionist as possible because acceptance is swag and based, so yeah. PEOPLE ARE SWAG!! Also Ranboo is swag??? Bro literally I'm the only one who remembers he's here because he's barely verbal and never fronts.
Chorus: Hello, I'm a host and caretaker here! I actually created this blog so we could all share our experiences and find community. I'm in the process of working with Toby through his trauma and I take care of our syskid, Michael.
Gene: hey, im gene. im a fictive whos like half-connected to source, same with sasha and zenix. theyre who im closest to tbh. were all from the same source so it makes sense ig. sorry for lack of punctuation i really dont gaf.
Lucis: I'm like that one tiktok sound "I have absolutely no fucking clue what's going on in my life, I'm just in charge of the outfits." I also have a very cool accent sometimes. Love <3
Michael, supervised by Chorus: Hi 👈👈 I'm Michael,,, I'm a syskid ageslider, usually between 6-13. Um. I'm not very verbal so Chorus talks or types for me a lot. or helps me. Ily!
Mick: We listened to the Creeper Rap by Dan Bull too many times and I manifested. I respond to music, and tend to front if certain types of songs are playing. I'm fairly chill, probably the most likely to start doing drugs or committing crimes if the hosts would let me.
Nick: I'm a protector, former host, and current co-host alongside the hosts Toby and Chorus. I think I'm chill. Probably a bit rash sometimes and deffo judgemental but working on it. Have a hate/hate relationship with our algebra teacher because he is a dick and seems intent on having the most sensory issues unfriendly classroom and demeanor as possible. But whatever. Fuck him. Im not an introject, clarifying because my name is the same as like 12 fictional characters and people.
Omni: Omni is nonverbal except occasionally in headspace, so I (Chorus) will tell a bit about them. Omni is our creative person, basically. They write and draw and get lost in maladaptive daydreams that can impact our day to day, but they also dont front alone very often so that helps.
Paint: Full disclosure; I exist solely because theres a system here called the paint water system and I formed as a personified factive of that despite knowing hardly shit about them. I'm just here to vibe, have no filter, and fuck shit up wherever I can.
Pie: Pie is nonverbal so I'll do the same thing I did for Omni; Pie is a very touchy time bomb, essentially. Pie is the reason we experience tics and they worsen the closer pie is to the front. Pie's been quiet lately so we haven't had as bas or as often tics.
Ranboo: Hey. I don't do a whole lot. occasionally I'll observe when Bill is fronting but generally I stay deep in headspace. Not much sure what this is all for but was told to introduce myself so I read up a bit. Gonna go back in headspace now, I hate fronting.
Sam: Ello, obligitory not and introject. Just your average obligitory british alter who really wants to drink tea for the aesthetic but hates the taste. Which reminds me- Mick is the reason we got addicted to Monster, little twat. Anyway, hello, I am utter chaos.
SamPonk: OHMYGOD I GET TO FRONT- Fuck okay shit sorry I'm usually not allowed to because I'm embarassing but- aaaa! I'm a fusion fictive/fucktive of Awesamdude and Ponk, but not at all connected to source. I'm like????? AaaAaaaAAAA- Sorry I'm so excited to be allowed to SPEAAAK for once!!!!!!!
Sasha: heyyyy. im a fictive, same source as gene and zenix. i also miss the long hair, so i feel aimsey on that one. lowley highkey just want my source hair but the majority of us are male or ftm (unfortunately for us femmes) so i was greatly outvoted.
Toby: I'm the host with Chorus. I'm struggling to do a lot of mental rewiring and healing from my OSDD-2 and childhood trauma in general. Lots of relearning ahead of me, but Chorus has got my back the whole way and I love her for it. I'm not an introject of Tubbo, I get asked a lot so I feel the need to state that. My name is just Toby by coincidence.
Tommy: Factive of Tommyinnit, not at all connected to my source. Hes really annoying tbh. Dont know why Toby likes him, although I guess thats good(?) for me since we're together. I dont talk about it much because me and Toby get really worried about cancelling and backlash and crap because my source is an MCYTer and MCYT "ships" are a hot topic. Again, I'm nothing like source. So I hope it doesnt fucking matter. Love you Toby ♡♡
Zenix: yada yada sasha and gene. bye.
Zxandre: I'm fairly new, not quite sure what I'm supposed to be doing in this place(headspace) but it looks cool. The hosts seem to have their own drama and everyone has, like, a group I guess. Hope I find where I fit in!
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