#I dunno I just want to know if she qualifies for a Little Guy (gender neutral)
quibbs126 · 2 years
Something I noticed about the Elemental’s Super Epics, at least with Sherbet and Stardust, is that they seem to have the same/similar origins to their Legendary counterpart (Sherbet and Frost Queen were both Frost Children, while Moonlight and Stardust were made from the same moonlight-infused dough)
Assuming that the other elemental Legendaries will be getting their own Super Epic, I imagine this trend of them sharing the same origins will continue
Granted we only have two examples, so that’s not a solid pattern, but it’s still 2/2, so you can’t deny the possibility
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isaacapatow · 1 year
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* * #laundromat convo with @mayrarcjas
ike: -sidles closer to cass and penny -
Penny: -eyes isaac closely- Cass: -tugs Penny's arm and moves away, leaving Jake alone with him-
ike: dammit. they always have food on 'em. anybody else holding?
mayra: depends on what you want
ike: oh, you know me. i'm easy.
Cass: You can say that again
ike: -blows a kiss at her-
Cass: -dodges-
mayra: i thought that was my reputation? -snickers- i have a snack pack of peanuts
ike: gimme gimme. -cosies up next to mayra for peanuts like birds do-
mayra: -pulls out peanuts from bag- you don't need me to momma bird them to you do i? 'cause i know we're close but not that close
ike: not unless that's your thing, honeytail.
mayra: no, thanks. -hands bag over- okay, you gotta tell me. what's the honeytail nickname for?
Jake: Since I suddenly feel like I'm intruding, I'll leave you guys to your peanuts! -collects his clean laundry from the dryer and heads out-
ike: -greedily accepting the peanuts, shrugging- what's any nickname for? you seem like a honeytail. i … could elaborate on that but probably not here.
mayra: too pg-13 rated? -smirks-
ike: Heh. No, listen -- I thought it was a bird. Isn't it? There's gotta be some bird called honeytail. Since there's any number of tits.
Cass: I dunno, I'm with Jake. Why am I still watching this? Wanna go, Penny? Penny: do you even have to ask? Cass: We out. -feigns a mic drop even though she hasn't said anything remotely cool-
mayra: do i look like i spend my days watching and learning about birds?
ike: maybe. you're into all that meditation and mindfulness.
mayra: which has to do with an individuals self, not birds. only birds i deal with are the ones Salem brings to me as a gift.
ike: yikes. that cat of yours is a menace. plus she doesn't like me for some reason. but i'll win her over, just you wait and see.
mayra: you can start by getting it's gender right. salem is a he. and he probably isn't a fan of how massive you are. my other kitty is a fan. and that's the one that matters.
ike: -snickers, bumping against her with his hip- that IS the one that matters. anyhow all cats are girls. didn't you believe that as a kid? all cats are girls, and all dogs are boys. maybe i'm just stunted and never got past that.
mayra: my parents were too busy trying to make me the next einstein than teaching me silly things like that. plus, that might be your age showing.
ike: maybe. -shakes the packet of peanuts at her to offer her some- your parents had the wrong idea. you're brilliant in a whole different direction than einstein.
mayra: -holds out hand- well, thank you. i guess i can finally have the recognition i deserve from a different type of daddy.
ike: -groans softly- come on, i didn't deserve that.
mayra: oh? so should i not call you daddy during anymore? -smirks-
ike: you can if you want. but you know that wasn't what i was talking about.
mayra: and you should know, i wasn't talking about that either. -puts hand on his arm- how is it having ember here?
ike: weird. -leans a bit into her touch- i'm not qualified to be anybody's father. if i was, i woulda stuck around when she was little. but it's not like i can … un-be her dad.
mayra: sure you can. -shrugs- blood doesn't exactly make you family. at least, that's what i've learned. but this new world is all about starting over, right? no better time than the present.
ike: yeaaaaaaaah. -slings an arm around her to give her a squeeze and then gives her the rest of the peanuts- i'll figure it out. i just hope i don't fuck her up more in the process. were you close with your folks, when they weren't shoveling you into big brain classes?
mayra: are you truly a parent if you don't fuck up your kid? -leans into him and takes the peanuts, popping a few in her mouth- i wouldn't say close, persay. are we really going to talk about parents?
ike: i wanna know. i mean, if you wanna tell me. the whole, uh… -twirls his fingers- 'einstein' thing sounded like it was pretty rough.
mayra: -she sighs- my dad was the pediatric neurosurgeon at the children's hospital of philadelphia and my mom owned the biggest marketing company of the northeast region, meaning their child had to be something. i was playing piano without sheet music by the time i was four.
ike: -stops chewing, then swallows hard and leans back to look down at her with his eyebrows raised- sheeeeee-it. you weren't kidding about being expected to be a genius. so they wanted you to go into medicine? business? tchaikovsky?
mayra: -chuckles- they wanted me to work for nasa but i chose a different route. call it the first time i rebelled. i went to MIT for environmental health engineering but ended up leaving …
ike: i didn't know i was in bed with a goddamn genius this whole time. nasa?? that's outta this world. -snorts at his own joke, but subsides at her trail-off sentence- that one didn't work out for you, huh. engineering at mit.
mayra: it's amazing what people can hide, huh? -shrugs & pulls out from under his arm- let's go. it's getting stuffy in here. plus i got a cat to attend to.
ike: ohhhh-kay. whatever you want, honeytail. -trots out with her, reeling her in gently with his arm around her shoulders as they go and completely forgetting his own laundry-
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dead-leonard · 8 years
Diaboli Dei Part One
So, I’ve never really done this before, but I feel like it’d be okay to post.
This is sort of a self-insert fanfic involving the Chocobros, that I’ve been sort of dabbling with for the last week or so to help me distract myself from some things that aren’t good to focus on. I figured posting it as I wrote it would give me that final feeling of completion, like when each part is posted whatever I was feeling during the time I wrote it would be left there. I am not a writer, so this is probably not to the level of some other things you can find, but as I said this is in part for me.
Let’s get onto the story I guess, as I said it’s a self-insert, but I use (Y/n) as a replacement for a name because I figured it would be nice to be a little inclusive to whoever reads this; though I am writing from my perspective it will be very limited as I am a cis-gender, hetero female. Maybe if this gets some traction I’ll try to write some things from different perspectives to try to make it up to you, I really hate that I can’t be more inclusive but I’m just not at the level of writing ability that I feel would do anyone justice... anyways, please enjoy!
First day of the second semester of my freshman year of college, what a great day.
Honestly it was refreshing to be back with my friends, my parents were too much for me after a while. I understood that they missed me, but since my hometown is only thirty minutes away from the university it was ridiculous how they treated me like they hadn’t seen me in years.
But it was nice to be around the people who I grew to love as a family. Well, kind of…
As soon as I got into the building where my first class was to be held, I was greeted with a massive hug from my friend Jae.
“You’re so cute!” she cooed. Heat built up in my face and in my chest. I was not cute, and I made it known, only to receive more of the same comments.
“I will fight you, I swear!” Perhaps it was the fact that I was shorter than most of them, maybe it was because I was the youngest of the them, but I was the “cute one” of my friend group and it pissed the hell out of me. My friend Jae was the worst of them, pinching my cheeks with her soft hands. She was lucky she was my favorite of the group.
“Oh, you just kill me you’re so small.” I rolled my eyes; I just wanted to get into class. It was the first day back from winter break and I was just wanting to learn some Japanese.
I was lucky enough to be able to schedule class with so many of my friends: Jae, Brandon, and Lee from my friend group in my dorm and a couple of people from my class from the fall semester were in my new class.
“What’s up (y/n)-san?” an old classmate greeted. “How was break?”
I waved back at them, my smile widening into a grin.
“Ah, it wasn’t too bad! How was yours? Are you ready for this new class?”
Lots of small talk happened as we waited outside our classroom for the other class to clear out. It was nice to catch up.
My name is unimportant, in high school I was often called “tomato” or by my last name. In college I am often referred to as “kid”. I was eighteen years old and a freshman in college, my friends in my class are all twenty and sophomores, so I was “kid” to, them.
“Hey, sensei is here,” Brandon interrupted. “Let’s go!” I got up from the comfy bench I was sitting on and grabbed my bag. Time for a new semester to begin.
Class itself was fine, but introducing myself to my new class could have gone much better. I’d like to think the years I spent in speech and drama club would increase my self-esteem and public speaking skills, but regardless of how much effort I put forth I always found myself shaking a bit and stuttering just a small amount. Anxiety I guess, there’s no other explanation for it since my other friends seemed to be perfectly happy and not nervous at all.
“Why do you always look like you’re going to die when you give your self-intro kid?” Brandon asked.
“Uh, I dunno… I guess I’m just I’m just super paranoid about what people will think of me?” I shrugged, it was a constant enough thing that I just didn’t bother caring about that anymore. If I freak out I freak out, there’s no changing that.
“So… Lunch time?” I suggested as my stomach growled. “I totally had time for breakfast this morning, but I skipped it anyways. Food can’t beat getting to class an hour and a half early, right?”
“Uh, dude what the fuck?” Jae rolled her eyes.
“Uh… I just wanted to make sure I had the right classroom and I wasn’t late and I just wanted to make sure you guys were here and—“
“Kid, we get it. Anxiety.” I gave a weak grin; my friends understood me.
It’s not like I have a severe anxiety that’s debilitating, it’s just more of a daily inconvenience. Which I mean is an issue since if it affects your life in any way and makes it more difficult it technically could be classified as maybe a mild anxiety disorder in the DSM or something. Who cares, it’s me and not someone else. Perhaps I should be more concerned about my mental health, but it’s not like anyone else cares about it anyways. You can tell I’m bitter, right?
We step outside into the cold January air, the wind bites at my face and my exposed ankles. It was a good seven minute walk to the dining hall, and I wasn’t sure I was even going to make it. But with a push from my friends to stop walking so slow, we made it and I breathed a sigh of relief to signify that I was pleased, because everyone had to know. Everyone.
Once in line for food, I quickly grabbed a salad and then rushed to find Jae so I could follow her through the other lines; I didn’t want to get left behind and abandoned when everyone went to find a seat. It was just something I had to do. I followed my friend like the lost puppy I was past the utensils and drinks to a table and set my stuff down. Now that I was certain of where we were sitting I went back to get the things I had forgotten before.
“Lemonade, lemonade, I love lemonade!” I sang to myself as I filled my glass, hoping that today it wouldn’t taste like glorified water. “Come on baby, give me the good stuff!”
“I wonder if you like lemonade?” A new voice chimed from behind me. STRANGER. I froze up and turned around.
“Haha, yeah…” If I was in an anime I would have had a sweat drop the size of the moon on my forehead.
“Err, uh sorry—my names, uh, Alan. I’m new here.” I could tell he was just as awkward as me as his voice seemed forced and monotone.
But he was really freaking attractive. Blonde hair that was styled up and striking blue eyes.
“Ah, like a transfer student?”
“Yeah… I came here with a couple of friends, but they ditched me…”
He was looking for companionship. Cute boy was hinting that he wanted to sit with me. Holy crap.
“Oh! My friends and I definitely have an open seat, you should come sit with us!”
“Really?” The look of hope on his face murdered me, I was surprised I didn’t lose what little composition I had. “That sounds really nice!”
Score! Well, it would have been if I wasn’t so awkward…
We sat down at the table and I introduced him, allowing him to tell us more about himself. I was quiet most of the time, focused mostly on listening. Brandon and Jae talked with him the most, as they were the most social of the four of us, but Lee put in her two cents every so often.
Alan really enjoyed talking, and he seemed to get comfortable with the group right away losing whatever awkwardness that was within him before.
“So, you want to get into photo journalism? That sounds really cool!” Brandon remarks.
“Yeah, I think it’ll give me a chance to travel the world and visit cool places. What are you guys studying?”
“I’m majoring in Japanese and International Studies,” Brandon begins.
“I have no freaking clue,” Jae adds.
“Business.” Lee was always so to the point, she was so freaking cool. I was snapped out of my listening daze when I realized that everyone was looking at me.
“Oh, uh… I’m studying psychology and international relations, and I’m probably going to try to get a minor in Japanese since I’ve spent four years of my life invested in it already…”
“Jeez you’ve got a lot on your plate, don’t you?” Alan chuckled. It was really cute, dammit.
“I guess,” I shrug. “I’m not living properly unless I’m suffering.”
“(Y/n), no, stop.” Jae rolled her eyes.
“B-but… the darkness, it penetrates my soul.” I gasped dramatically, the back of my hand resting on my forehead. Being overdramatic was fun, and I wasn’t going to stop any time soon. I grinned when I got another eye roll and turned to Alan.
“Er, welcome to our friend group?”
The smile he had on his face only got bigger, and his blue eyes became soft pools.
“Yeah! We should add him on Kakao!” Brandon suggested. That would mark him as an official friend.
“Uh… what’s that?”
“A messaging app,” Jae explained. “We use it for group chats and stuff.”
Once he had the app, it was done. We added him to the chat and everything was golden.
“We live in Marx Hall, the one out far from campus.”
“Oh, I live here in Lennon Hall.”
“Party dorm,” I comment. “With an underground tunnel to the honor dorm…”
We talk more about the dorms before we are interrupted by three guys. Very attractive guys. It was my lucky day apparently. But not really as I barely spoke.
“So, I see you’ve made some new friends, haven’t you?” a British voice piped up from the trio. There was something very elegant about how he stood, proper poster and everything.
“Oh, uh, hi guys.”
The more I looked at the group, the more a sinking feeling arose in my stomach. Their faces were familiar.
The others in my group introduced themselves (and me) and eventually fell into conversation with the new comers. Somehow they came upon the topic of who was in honors (which was a sore topic for me), as Idris (the one with the British accent and glasses) and Nathan (pale, black-haired, emo looking kid) were in it.
“Hey, kiddo, you’re in honors right?” Lee asked, as she genuinely didn’t know.
“Er, no… let’s just say even though I qualify I’d rather not waste my time with arbitrary measures of one’s worth…” I sighed.
“She’s just really salty her GPA was too low for the first semester.” Brandon explained.
“Ah, shove it. I got a freaking 32 on the ACT dammit, it shouldn’t matter if I had a 3.3 GPA! Point 5 too low my ass.”
It’s a very sensitive topic. I had fantastic test scores all of high school. I could have been top of my class… if my work ethic matched what I could actually do. I hated school with a burning passion, they way it pitted me against my friends. It got really bad junior year when my friends began to compare GPA and class rank; I already had an issue with doing homework and keeping my grades above a B at the time. My friends were always amazed by my test scores, yet I was always berated by them because of how disinterested I was in school. I was there to learn, but they weren’t teaching me anything in the homework, and I could have been so much better off in a different environment. I know excuses are pointless, especially now, but the American school system had never once been my friend.
“So, what’s your name?” Someone finally cared to ask me. I replied quickly and gave a small smile. I looked at the third member of the new group as he was sending funny looks towards Alan. He was big, and muscular, and… he had a mullet. A flipping mullet.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” the big guy asked. I assumed he was talking to Jae who sat on my left, but she was occupied talking with Brandon, so I answered for her?
“Uh, Jae’s from South Korea, she’s an international student here.”
“She’s cute an all, but I was referring to you, beautiful.” He gave me a smirk and a wink and suddenly I was broken.
“Uhhhhh…” I dragged out, unsure of how to respond. No one had ever hit on me before. I looked down to my plate of food and out of the corner of my eyes I could see Alan shoot him a dirty look before looking at me.
“Sorry about him,” an apology sprung from Nathan. “He’s a flirt.”
“Er, it’s fine… I just don’t know how to handle compliments well. Uh, thanks I guess? I’m here because it’s cheap thanks to in-state tuition. I only live like thirty minutes away.”
“Same,” Brandon added. “Though I live in the town that’s basically attached.” From there Brandon took over that conversation and I was once again alone with my thoughts. Alan was too however, eye pointed down to his phone, scrolling through an ambiguous chat. Following his lead I got out mine too.
It had already been two hours since we got out of Japanese class. We had been sitting in the dining all for TWO HOURS. I gave an exhausted sigh.
“What’s up?” Alan turned his head to me. “Something wrong?”
“I missed my nap time… now I am going to die…”
“When’s your next class?”
“In like thirty min—ah shit I need to go…” I stood up suddenly.
My friends looked at me alarmed.
“I have thirty minutes. I am late.” I announce, grabbing all of dishes.
“Dude, we are in the same class I don’t—“ I cut Jae off.
“I have to be early. I have to be at least thirty minutes early to class in case something goes wrong.”
And with that I rushed off to put my dishes away and leave, hearing the faint sound of an exasperated Brandon saying “that’s normal for her.”
So uh, thank you for reading this part! As you can probably tell, I am leaning towards making this a PromptoxOC/Reader fic, as he is the love of my life. Let me know what you think of it, and don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask if you find anything that really bugs you; I don’t really have time to edit these as much as I’d like now that I am starting school again!
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