#I even made random doodles but I'll post them in a separate post<3
l0ganberry · 7 months
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Ruh roh.......
Warning: insane amount of Blood and psychopathic rabbit (duh!)
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Carnival Jax belongs to @sm-baby
I wanted to attempt on drawing and coloring blood. So I decided to do it on this psychopath. I hope I did good.....
I will still hug him....
I hope you like this too @an-albino-pinetree
Since I know you really like this guy too.<3<3<3<3
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mpfuro-station · 3 years
Some doodle with my twisted OC! Starts at the top left and zig-zags down!
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1) How I think Furo and @what-nani-ano 's OC Ana meet. It takes a lot of hype up to get Furo to walk up to someone first, but it happens once in a blue moon. Furo probably had seen Ana around during their foraging expeditions. She just looked so cool and mysterious! Furo would see her by a tree or bench away from anything or looking at the flowers and want to talk, but not know what to say. Finally, Furo bucked up enough courage to go over and offer a flower of friendship! Honeysuckle nectar is very sweet and the petals are edible, so it is a great snack to share when you don't have any!
2) Furo's BPR! Best Platonic Rival! They've sat next to Riddle in practically all their classes ever since freshman year and there is a show guaranteed at least once a day. Personality and moral wise, they get along fantastically. What causes conflict mostly are their study habits. Riddle is strict with studying and preparing for exams. Furo is the type that just...gets it. They can get within 2-3 points of perfect marks without studying and getting sidetracked. Riddle hates it. And then, there is the fact where they will unironically talk in unison often. It scares them both.
Furo likes to make smug gloats sometimes when they do better than him, ESPECIALLY when they didn't study or it was a pop quiz. They will say they hate his collars. They look like yolks used on oxen to plough fields and Furo always feels bad for the other party. They have chased him as a flamingo over his excessive punishment. Despite this, Furo has never been collared. They follow rules very well. And, if they see that Riddle is stressing out, Furo will help him out whether it be with notes, tea, or just a random thing they found that reminded them of him.
3) @sugarandmelody PIP! I picture the story of how Furo actually ended up befriending Pip to be one of the funniest. Furo knew about Pip, mostly when Aurora told them stories and Riddle's worried venting, but they hadn't talked to them. Until they were on their way back to Pomefiore and heard someone asking for help from above. That's when they saw it. A first-year girl with a clover on the wrong side of her face dangling in a tree. Didn't know why or how, and didn't care. They just automatically went into "Mom Mode" and used their unique magic to help her out. Furo has been acting like a big sibling to her ever since and grew to like her antics. Even if they give Furo a heart attack sometimes
4) The other funny story of how Furo made a friend! This one is a long one, so I'll make a separate post with the full story, but here is the first meeting.
Jade Leech! Furo cares so much for this big ole eel. No, he does not get special treatment, shh . He is a prime example of needing a hype up to talk to for the first time.
Furo had overheard him in passing talking about possibly starting a new club about nature walks and analyzing wildlife and immediately wanted to join. The one problem, he is always moving and doing something. It is very hard to get him alone to ask about the club, and the company he keeps makes trying to start such a convo daunting.
Many thought they were just scared of him, including Jade. He noticed they were watching him, but just thought it was like all the others. He is tall and scary looking and he knows it. What he wasn't expecting was a hand to pull his blazer hem in the hallway when he was walking to meet his twin. Jade turned to look only to find Furo looking up at him with an awkward, but friendly smile.
Oya, this should be interesting.
5) Furo very much appreciated Aurora's willingness to listen to them @glass-cage-of-emotion-12 . Furo's unique magic requires them to know multiple facts about a species to be able to transform into it. That means they read a lot of animal textbooks. Sometimes, they just need to talk about all the fun facts they learned to someone, but people don't seem to appreciate being told how many animals can kill them.
"But they're all so cute!"
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