#I fear her chaeyoung tzuyu and jeongyeon had the best fits
altonajitzu · 7 years
On Taking Care of A Tzuyu: Ch. 3
It was when all hell broke loose.
It started with the stranger, after rudely swiping off Jihyo’s hand from her body. She caught sight of her hand, and her eyes widened.
And she screeched.
This goes back a bit in time. Having spent the longest time training in JYP Entertainment, Jihyo had met her share of girls. Some of them were cool and collected, and some were loud and hyperactive. With that said, shouting and shrieking had become part of her life. From Jeongyeon’s uncharacteristically high pitch when cooking, to Momo walking in on MiChaeng’s kinky bathroom activities. The sound, thereafter dubbed as “The Japanese Cry”, left Jihyo hearing static for the rest of that week.
Still, it was merely a loving whisper compared to this one.
Man, that girl can screech. Sure that was loud enough to startle the entirety of Seoul, let alone members inside the TWICE house.
Looking back, Jihyo understood quite well why the strange girl was so distraught.
But, back to the story. Said girl held up both her hands in front of her, and continued to scream in utter horror. As luck would have it, she also caught sight of her reflection in the mirror that- for the sake of the story- was positioned directly in front of the bed, also the general direction at which the terrified girl was looking.
And as she did, her breath hitched in her throat, and she fell back down at the bed with a light thump. When Jihyo and the others recovered enough to get up from the ground and fearfully peer on the bed, they found the girl was no longer conscious. Somehow she had managed to freak herself out to the point where she fainted merely by looking in the mirror.
A few more second passed when senior members of TWICE tried their best to process the astronomical amount of WTF running rampant inside their brains, and Nayeon finally spoke up.
“We’ll see you in the common room Jihyo.”
“What do you mean unnie?” Asked Jihyo, confused.
“We’ll go talk to the others. You say here and get her dressed.” Sana and Mina did not need to be told twice. Having seen fit to hug each other tightly enough to respectively make Dahyun and Chaeyong jealous throughout the ordeal, they snuck outside as quickly as humanly possible.
“… Oh…”
“Yes, cause we’re not doing it. It’s your Tzuyu.”
There she said it, the ridiculous notion that Jihyo was too afraid to think about, something that might very well be true.
Mina ran to Jeongyeon and Momo’s room, only to be greeted by the same sound she just escaped from.
“Momo-unnie, what the fuck?”
“Mina! I heard this wonderful scream just now, and I need to practice to get to that level!” In the corner, Mina could just see a highly grumpy Jeongyeon, who was banging her head against the wall, and decided against asking how the short-haired girl felt.
“Why do you even want to scream like that?”
“Momo doesn’t know, but it’s fun.”
“Okay I have no time for this. Listen,…”
Mina told the story, and Momo went deathly quiet. Jeongyeon just stared in disbelief.
“… Okay, this time seriously, Momo doesn’t understand.”
Sana wasted no time diving into the maknae line room, and subsequently, into Dahyun’s blanket. Only then did she manage to calm down a little.
“Sana-unnie, what happened? Who was that?” Chaeyoung asked from her own bed, as Dahyun chose to stay quiet and stroke the older girl’s disheveled hair.
“Guys… Something really unbelievable happened.”
“How unbelievable?”
“Do you know I once kissed Taylor Swift?”
“Unnie!” Dahyun was not going to stay silent to that.
“See, you can’t believe it. Still this one is even more absurd.”
“Let me guess. Nayeon-unnie won an Oscar.”
“That is completely possible, Chaeyoung.”
“YOU won an Oscar?”
“Now that’s just hurtful. This is like, something supernatural Chaeyoung-ah.”
“C’mon, how weird can it be? Can’t be that cat Jihyo-unnie found yesterday suddenly turned into a human or something.” Dahyun snorted, looking down at Sana for approval, only to receive a look of astonishment and horror.
“… What? Did I say something weird?”
Back at Jihyo’s room, she was struggling with a lot of internal conflicts.
First, she really didn’t know what to make out of the situation. Yesterday, she brought home a cat. Today, that cat turned into one screeching, panicking mess of an angel. And she was to take responsibility for all this.
Second, she was not sure her heart was supposed to beat this fast for a girl. Nor should her face be feeling this hot. Nor should she be peeking at the girl’s- or, dare she say it, Tzuyu’s- whatever revealed skin underneath the sheets.
Third, what should Jihyo dress her in. This would be so fun, Jihyo giddily thought despite the dire circumstances. At least she had something to do to calm down a bit and rationally think about all this.
Shuffling through the pile of underwear, the leader of TWICE thought about the dramatic reaction. If, IF, that were actually Tzuyu, she would definitely be shocked to see her cat limbs to be that of a human. Cats and dogs also had a relative sense of identity, Jihyo figured; the look at the mirror definitely was the last straw, and her mind must have shut down from the shock. Do cats faint? Jihyo wondered, finally picking out a simple indigo undergarment. It would also explain her lack of response to their questions. She could hear them alright, but there’s no way she could understand. The cat itself, furthermore, was nowhere to be found.
And last, but certainly not least, her bracelet. The object was still resting around the girl’s neck, and it was completely outrageous to imagine someone robbing the cat of its accessory, shooing it away, stripping off her clothes, and climbing to bed.
Bizzare as it might sound, it was STILL more credible than a cat turning into a blasted human!
Jihyo’s mind was in total shambles. What she did manage to make out though, was something the human Tzuyu would look good in: a simple polka-dot sundress that, if Jihyo wore it, reached all the way to her ankles. it would be a perfect fit for Tzuyu and her heavensent legs. It would also save a lot of trouble putting multiple things on. Interaction with the unconscious girl on the bed, be it visual or physical, would be bad for her poor heart.
“Momo wanna see! Let Momo go seeeeeeee~” Momo was struggling against Jeongyeon’s grasp. She was not going to be kept out of the loop for so long.
“No Momo. I’m so not letting you go anywhere near a naked sleeping girl.” Replied Jeongyeon sternly, with a slight hint of jealousy that did not go unnoticed.
“Oh, is that so? So why do you undress so freely with me around? Or… is it only okay if it’s you?~” Retorted Momo, with a tone considerably lower and darker than her usual voice.
Taking pride on handling dorky Momo well, Jeongyeon was actually completely defenseless around the coy and seductive Momo.
“Um…” Unable to take anymore, the roommate turned to the others for support.
“Mina, help me out here.”
“Momo-unnie, you shouldn’t go. That girl belongs to Jihyo already.” Mina interfered in her usual melodious tone. To emphasize her point, she did one perfect ballet twirl. “They are alone in there, doing god-knows-what.”
Jeongyeon tilted her head.
“That… was not the kind of help I’m asking for, but thanks anyway.” She said, seeing that Mina’s comment actually succeeded in deflating the flirtatious Momo, allowing the bubbly Momo to come back.
It took a while, but Jihyo finally managed to put the dress on the limp figure, with the other girl not waking up. Still, what was done was done; Jihyo’s face was as red as a tomato, and steam can literally be seen coming out of her also crimson ears. Every contact with Tzuyu’s porcelain skin, no matter how small, sent electric shocks into her fingers and butterflies into her stomach. Still, against what’s left of her rational thoughts, she craved more. Jihyo slowly crept closer to Tzuyu’s face, gingerly moving the hair from covering the dainty face.
When she finally did, she found Tzuyu’s large eyes staring intensely back at her.
Resisting the instinctive urge to jump back, Jihyo boldly kept her hand where it currently was. One wrong move here, and she was most likely going to be injured.
“… Meow?”
Jihyo could have sworn that upon hearing the imitation sound she made, Tzuyu’s originally fearful eyes widened with something akin to recognition. The mute girl then leaned her face into Jihyo’s hand, lightly rubbing back and forth.
Thus completed the first step on taking care of a Tzuyu.
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