#I feel like I'm living my childhood dream of getting to own a lil pet reptile!
dynjay · 10 months
Cries directly into my hands I love my leopard gecko!!
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tumblunni · 5 years
guys I just heard about a NEW SCIENCE GRANDPA *slams fist on the table* FUCK YEAH I will hug all the this one specific character type until the end of time
What's even better is that he seems to straight up actually be Nice Hojo, aka the first science villain I ever liked and then was Incredibly Betrayed By when he turned from funny sassy sidekick guy to child abuse fetal experimentation super duper ultra murder potentially-rape-potentially-domestic-abuse man. And then incredibly confused when his final boss fight tried to be all feelsy and sad and I was just like ok so we are backpedalling to what I wanted him to be but it is too late sorry!! Still the best boss fight ever tho, fuckin punch him in the face three times in increasing monsteriness for not living up to my cute gramp hopes. ALSO HOW DARE YOU BECOME A COOL MONSTER TOO, YOU DONT DESERVE SUCH A NEAT DESIGN
So yeah
This dude
Underappreciated man Dr Snap from Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 1! Also his monster boss form is called Dr Snapped and I'm just like mmyes gud pun, thankyee
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He is still a mad science villain yes, but he is very polite and endearing and round and soft!! And has a spooky final boss form that's even more terrifying than Helletic Hojo and has a cool aesthetic with the floaty orbs and also lil skittery centi-legs. Pretty much the only thing I don't like here is the weird jowls, I dunno why but that creeps me out the most. I guess just cos it looks close to a normal human face but like if the cheek meats were all sliced up and melting. Thankfully the game doesn't seem to indicate that he's in pain in any way, so that's a relief. He' like WEIRDLY POLITE AND CHEERFUL ABOUT EVERYTHING INCLUDING BECOMING A HELLBEAST
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Good boy. Soft mans. Sweet grampe.
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"oh whoopsie doopsie I appear to have dropped my arms and earlobes, sorry about that sonny"
Srsly he's not going "I'm a monster"in horror here, his next line is basically "yay this wasn't part of my plan but this is even better!"
His entire villain plan is just cos he loves and cherishes monsters too much, and embodies all the virtues of a monster tamer to a dangerous extreme. He thinks monsters are more pure and good than humanity and the only way to truly get humanity to live with them in peace is to let monsters take over the world entirely. And he's like "oh golly gosh my dream came true" when he becomes the world's scariest goddamn Frankenstein centipede, and is happy that he can fix the world even more super duper double much by making everyone become monsters too! It'll solve all problems!! Somehow!! The key to eternal peace is becoming cute abominations like me, yay!!
Srsly wtf he's so endearing I absolutely adore him AND ALSO HIS PHILOSOPHY IS BASICALLY THE SAME AS ME WHEN IM PLAYING ANY GAME WHERE I HAVE TO FIGHT MONSTERS. Like I was excited about this joker game in the first place cos I always feel sad having to kill all those cute designs in the dragon quest series!!! I wanna be their friend!!! It's a shame that this came out before dqix tho so it doesn't have that cute cow pattern vampire bat thingie or the slug with lips. THEY WERE MY FOREVER FRIENDS
So yeh I'm kinda sad that from what I've heard the game isn't sympathetic to Dr Snap at all despite making him FUCKIN ADORABLE and his entire motives being exactly the same as yours, just corrupted. I would have expected some sort of ending where you can convince him he's wrong and have a big speech about a better solution and stuff, and it's all motivational? Cos srsly it just seems like he somehow lost faith in humanity and felt like this extreme solution was the only way to achieve peace. I wonder if he had some sort of sad backstory where he saw a forest of monsters killed by humans polluting the environment or something. Or lived a sad childhood and his only friend was a pet monster that died defending him from his abusive parents. OR BOTH. Srsly I just feel like it takes a big trauma to lead to a guy being this messed up cos I know my own "humans suck, I will always side with the monsters detsroying humanity" feels come from being abused as a kid.
Also the damn weirdness of your own monster partner saying "he's no longer human so we have to kill him"
I never fuckin understand "being non human in any way equals automatically evil and no human rights" as a morality. Morality should always be about what you DO, not what you are! This dude is still 100% sentient and going golly gosh all over the place but now it's okay to murder him without even trying to talk him down???
Apparently you can actually unlock his monster form as a playable party member in the sequel, but it's not actually him and just like.. same species, by merging some other species together.
But no I choose to reject that reality and instead believe that we motivational speech'd him and restored his faith in humanity and ended the fight without a murder, and he stopped his plan and just went home with us to be our wonderful new eldritch grandpa forever. And now he works hard to make up for his sins, and also do research on monsterness from the monster perspective so we can find even more ways to bring friendship and peace to the two worlds. And someone sewed him a new cute fancy labcoat to fit all his extra tentacle arms!! And little glasses with sticky pads on the nose bridge so they stay on even though his head is kinda indented in his torso now. Also he can hug twice as many baby Slimes with all the extra limbs, yes!!!!! MY ELDRITCH GRAMPS BAKES ELDRITCH COOKIES AND THIS IS THE ONLY ENDING I WILL EVER ACCEPT
So uhh yeh anyways this has been bunni accidentally stumbling upon the ending to a game they've never played via pixiv and now being filled with the strongest fire to play it
Also thank u to pixiv user [D.J] who makes many fanarts of obscure sad science villain grandpas getting cuddles and happiness. I feel like my goddamn soul twin is living on the other side of the planet where I can never tell them how much I love their art :(
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i don't know which questions to ask you so i'm just going to say answer as many as you like / whichever ones you like! i love reading your answers!! i hope you have a week full of stars and candy and love Xx
Hi nice anon, thank you so much for this distraction now get ready for some ranting
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Yes but I think I do it ironically.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? Normally 1 but a 5 if it was a really bad day and I get a little anxiety.
4. What is your favorite word? I like de word Melancolía (melancholy) 
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? A holm oak because they’re strong and they can endure everything (I have an actual favourite tree and it’s, in fact, an enormous holm oak I used to climb when I was little and that I still sometimes climb tbh it’s so tall and creates a magical atmosphere)
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? This sounds really pessimistic but I thought about how disgusting my face was because my acne is really bad these days and I sleep with a bun which isn’t the most flattering hairstyle
7. What shirt are you wearing? A pyjama shirt I have since I was 11 but that still fits me
8. What do you label yourself as? Forgettable
9. Bright room or dark room? Dark
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? I was avoiding my responsibilities on the verge of an anxiety attack
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? When I was 13-14 because I believe at some point in that time I was genuinely happy for the last time
12. Who told you they loved you last? My mom
13. Your worst enemy? This sounds so fake deep but I think it’s my fear of living
14. What is your current desktop picture? I made an album with some of my photography (when I used to take pictures and stuff) which are mostly flowers and my cats
15. Do you like someone? I did 2 weeks ago but I’m not so sure now
16. The last song you listened to? New Jerusalem by Bear’s Den
17. You can press a button that will make anyone person explode. Who would you blow up? Probably Trump tbh
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I mean I don’t like violence but rn there’s a boy who was in my class who is trying to throw a party and he’s so so so so SO annoying he needs someone to punch him and put him in his place because he thinks that he’s becoming some kind of ”influencer” (which he’s not) and that he’s above everyone else and he needs to calm the f down
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) Idk I like my lips and sometimes my hair looks nice
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? I’ve been thinking for a while but nothing comes to mind sorry
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? It’s not unique but I have an irrational fear of dolls and I also can’t stand mantis because they move as if they were being controlled by Satan himself
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? I’m going to save it most probably because I don’t spend money but if I felt generous I’d buy my parents/friends something nice
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? I can’t make this kind of decisions, too many places in this world but somewhere I can just go braless all the time and feel free like a lil bird
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Everyone chillax
29. What is your favorite expletive? I don’t swear like never ever so I don’t have one
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? One of my mom’s paintings
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Being publicly humiliated by the people who I thought were my friends would be nice to forget
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? My maternal grandfather because he left us too soon and my mom always says I had a really strong connection with him when I was a kid and I would’ve loved to get to know him more because she always talks about him and he seemed like a very wise person
34. What was your last dream about? I dreamt I had to take a train and I lost it and there were lots of people waiting at the station and I felt so confused (which is the story of my life tbh)
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? I’d like to say I’m a good listener
37. Have you ever built a snowman? Not only a snowman but a WHOLE FAMILY of snowmen
38. What is the color of your socks? Black
39. What type of music do you like? I love instrumental and acoustic music but I’m currently rediscovering my love for electro-pop
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets because I think they’re prettier but I love the way watching the sunrise makes me feel
43. Do you have any scars? I have a scar on my knee and I also have my knuckles full of scars because I would rub them against rocks all the time as a kid (don’t ask me why I don’t know)
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would get rid of the anxieté obviously because it’s ruining me
46. Are you reliable? I wouldn’t say I’m a tomb but I sure know what I can definitely not tell under any circumstances and if someone asks me not to tell something I won’t. 
48. Do you hold grudges? I did like a month ago but now I’ve managed to make peace with almost everyone who I’ve wronged/has wronged me and it feels so nice honestly
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? A few weeks ago I ended up talking about all my school trauma with a boy who told me about all his childhood trauma, being this boy the person I most hated at some point in the past so that was pretty surreal
51. Are you a good liar? I’m not but people are used to me NOT lying about stuff so if I lied (which I don’t) they’de believe me even though I would sound fake af
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? I’m really bad at accents 
56. What do you like on your toast? Sugar with butter, olive oil with sugar or just some melted chocolate with cinnamon
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? I love drawing flowers 
61. Do you often read your horoscope? Not often but I should because I find it so so so entertaining
64. What do you think about babies? They’re cute sometimes if I stare at them from a distance with earplugs in my ears 
These are a lot of answers but you asked for them so there you have! Thanks!! 🍁🍁🍁
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