#I got to hold her for 10 whole mins today!!
dynjay · 10 months
Cries directly into my hands I love my leopard gecko!!
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madridfangirl · 3 months
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fic)
Chapter 6
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader. Mature Language in parts.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Would she make him change his ways? Even though she resists him every step of the way, would he fight all odds (& her) to have her in his life? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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‘Jude Bellingham, Jude fucking Bellingham was in our house?’
Ananya was plopped onto Roma’s bed, enjoying her friend’s frantic outburst. While holding on to the black RM leather jacket he had left behind. 
‘For the zillionth time, yes.’
Roma paced around the room, delirious with excitement & borderline rage.
‘And I was right here? 25 feet away? And you couldn’t call me?’
‘He was only here for like 10 mins, and….we were otherwise occupied.’
And I wasn’t really in my senses. Well, this bit she didn’t say out loud.
‘Oh my fuckin lord. Think my brain’s gonna explode. You kissed him. You kissed Jude Bellingham. Should I be happy for you or throttle you in jealousy? Fuck man!’
She continued her frantic pacing which amused Ananya further. Yes Roma had a crush on Jude (everyone did) but she had been with her college boyfriend for over 3 years. The crush was quite harmless. Borderline horny at times but generally harmless.
‘He kissed me.’
She clarified plainly, lips curving into a smile as her friend burst into another rant.
‘Yeah yeah. Lover boy couldn’t resist snogging you. I got it. But he could have said hi after.’
Ananya pulled Roma on to the bed, next to her, and hugged her tightly.
‘Next time, promise.’
That cheered her up. Her attention then went to the jacket in Ananya’s hands. When Ananya confirmed it was indeed his, she grabbed the jacket, sniffed it and hummed appreciatively.
Ananya smacked her arm in mock admonishment.
‘What? You get the whole package and I can’t even get a whiff? How’s that fair?’
Ananya just pulled the jacket back in response, wrapping it around herself.
‘Behave. Or I am telling Chris.’
Roma dismissed the false threat regarding her boyfriend. 
‘Yeah yeah. Tell me, would lover boy be open to a threesome? My birthday is in a month and you’d make the Guinness book for being the best friend ever if you serve me that sweet piece of ass.’
Ananya gasped and hit her with a pillow, both bursting into a fit of giggles.
That ugly voice inside her did wonder if he had done something like that before. Also, how easy it would have been if he had met someone as easygoing as Roma. Instead of her.
But, two nights in a row, he had asked for a chance. And she wanted to give him one. So she nipped the thoughts in the bud and let Roma distract her with all the plans she was making with the three of them together.
Monday morning brought her much needed normalcy and routine. The office was still buzzing with the Classico excitement. 
It hit her how nuts her weekend had been. When she left work on Friday evening, she had never met him. He had stormed into her life 2.5 days ago and turned everything upside down, inside out, consuming every waking moment of hers.
She opened her laptop, somehow zoned out of everything else, only checking her phone at lunch. Smiling at the notification. 
Jude: Lads are saying am buzzing today. Wonder why.
She smiled at his insinuation. Then pictured him being a nuisance in training. 
Ananya: No clue. Classico hangover? Hit your head in a tackle? 
He came online when she sent the message, probably having lunch too.
Jude: Need me to come over and give you a reminder? Your office desk instead of your dining table? 
He cut to the chase straightaway. Her whole body jerked as she pictured what he was implying. He wasn’t one to concede, on or off the pitch. She was starting to see that. 
He also was a shameless flirt. And she couldn’t afford to let him get her all riled up in the middle of work.
Ananya: Fine, you win 🤷‍♀️
Jude: Good girl :)
They both said goodbyes soon after, returning to their busy schedules.
In the evening, she sent him a quick message to wish safe travels. He responded with a relaxed selfie of him onboard the flight, making his patented ‘say cheese’ face. A sweet, goofy, handsome face. 
Next evening was Madrid’s away match. It was also Ananya’s most stressful day at work since she joined 5 months ago. She ended up missing the match but caught the highlights when she finally got a breather after sending her report. They looked rough - tackles, yellow cards, clashes all over the pitch. Madrid had drawn and missed out on 2 crucial points.
She checked her phone. The match had ended 90 mins ago. Where would he be and what to even say to him right now?
Ananya: Hey!
She dropped the message and quickly checked her laptop to see if there was any response from the New York team on the report yet. No new mail. It was already 10 pm but she would just have to wait in the office till they give an ok, or for 45 mins, whichever was sooner.
Her phone flashed.
Jude: Horrible day. Wanna punch someone.
Ananya: Punch my New York team, they pissed me off nonstop today. On your way back?
Jude: Oh nooo. Fuckin runway is down in this fuckall city. Red-eye flight tmrw then straight to training. Fuck my life.
Ananya: Wanna talk?
He face-timed her instantly. She rushed to find an empty cabin and answered his call.
It was quite a scene. It looked like someone had robbed him & trashed his hotel room. 
He was sat on the table, in front of his laptop, head resting on his forearms. That’s how she found him.
‘Hey Jude’
He groaned, still keeping his head buried.
‘Want me to sing it like the fans do?’
He whipped his head up. And she saw how upset he really was. Frown lines all over that pretty face. Sparkle missing from the coffee-brown eyes. Her heart yearned to comfort him.
‘Why should you? Why should the fans? I didn’t give them any reason to cheer for me today. I let them down. Let my team down. My coach, the staff, my family. I let everyone I care about down with that horrendous display today.’
She knew he wasn’t done, so she waited patiently while he gathered his breath and continued ranting.
‘We lost two crucial points because I fuckin missed sitters. SITTERS Ananya. Not one but two. Like I can score them with my eyes closed but nope. Had to be a total wanker today. When my team needed me.’
He stood up agitatedly and paced around the table. She could see he was still fully dressed, so was probably moping around in his room since he came back.
‘Did you speak to your mum?’
He took off his watch & jacket, throwing them on the bed. His shoes flew to some other corner of the room.
‘Yes. She says I wasn’t bad & that I should stop blaming myself. But she’s my mum - of course she would say that. I know I was fucking shit not just bad.’
He wrestled with his belt, peeling it off and was midway through pulling his jumper off when she spoke next. 
‘I would have to agree. Offensively you were poor today.’
Silence at the other end. He paused for 2 seconds, then took the jumper off in irritation and sat in front of her. Bare-chested. No one had said this to him tonight, even from the team or coaching staff. And obviously not his family. 
She kept her eyes firmly on his face. 
‘You wanted honesty right? So there you go. You didn’t make enough meaningful runs in the box, the link-up with the front line was not clicking and yes the finishing was unlike you. Should have scored at-least one of the two chances.’
That stung, especially coming from her. He wondered if it was the Madridista talking or the girl he was fascinated by. But at-least she wasn’t giving him any rosy crap.
He stared at his hands. Eyes not meeting hers.
‘At the same time, I will also say that you were damn good defensively. All the tracking back, tackles, work rate, interceptions - on point. That’s a key part of your role and your team knows that. The fans can see that. Plus they smothered you every-time you touched the ball. Very physical tussle throughout. They really went for you. And the ref should have intervened sooner.’
He looked at her with such understanding and helplessness. The urge to hug him grew stronger.
‘The ref - what a stupid fuck. They should have had two red cards. See this?’
He pulled up his joggers to show her his badly bruised calf. And then his shoulder, where they had elbowed him twice. She felt like wrapping him up in a protective blanket. 
‘Oh Jude. Just put something on this ok, don’t let it be. But here is another thing - it will happen. They will come after you coz you are a key threat now. The refs won’t always intervene. You’ll need to take it in your stride and not be agitated on the field. That squaring up with the centre back - it was a yellow, you got away. Can’t react like that, can’t bump into them so aggressively. Don’t let it get to you, don’t let them win.’
He nodded absent-mindedly, still kicking himself for all his stupidities today. Her observations were bang on though. He was almost proud of her football knowledge. Not just smart in her work but an all around star. 
His grumpiness started to go down and the stiffness dissipated from his posture.
‘One last thing - what you have been doing so far is not normal. It’s the honeymoon period. You won’t score every game. A dip will come. But you will bounce back and still be great. Know why? Coz of how much you care, how much you want it, and how talented you are. If I can see it from the outside, then you must know it in your heart. Think about it, you’re 20. Last few months have been nuts. Absolute bonkers. A Ronaldo like debut even!’
That last line had the desired effect. His lips curved into a sweet smile. He knew she won’t use that analogy lightly, even for him. 
‘There he is - there’s the notorious happy boy I know.’
She smiled right back and he blew her a kiss, sending her heart reeling.
While she steadied herself, he finally noticed her surroundings.
‘Ur in office? It’s 10:30 pm.’
She groaned loudly.
‘Yup. Just sent my report. Waiting for a go ahead, then I can push off.
‘Agnes can pick you up if you want. It’s raining there no?’
‘Thanks for offering. But I will take a cab, no bother.’
‘It’s not a bother, really.’
‘Jude - I am a big girl. I’ll manage.’
She said it sweetly but firmly. He got the message. Starting to depend on him for any of these things was not what she wanted to do, so she was going to protect that space.
Ananya checked her mail again. Still no reply. She only had to wait 30 mins more then she could leave. He offered to be on call with her for that time. They spoke about random things for the next few mins - the distraction really helping them both.
Some time later, a knock on the cabin door startled her. She quickly minimised her video call screen when Arjun walked in with a cup of coffee and some cookies. Seeing that she was on a call, he left them on the table, waved at her and walked out.
Ananya watched him leave, and prayed to all gods known and unknown that Jude hadn’t seen who it was. But the silence on the line was deafening. She sighed and maximised the screen again.
The happy boy was gone. Replaced by a serious, hard face. Like someone had fouled him with a two-legged sliding tackle & run away with the ball.
‘The fuck was that?’
Jude said in a low, cold tone. Sending a chill down her back. She kept her tone steady & even in response.
‘Nothing. He’s my direct supervisor on this project. Both of us were working on this report and now we are waiting to hear back. He would have gone down to the cafeteria so just got me some coffee. That’s it. Nothing more.’
Jude only focused on a few words there - rest fell on deaf ears.
‘It’s just you two there right now?’
‘Well, on other floors there are more people. It’s investment banking after all. But on this floor, yes. Just us.’
Just us. Those words stung more than all the fouls on him that night. 
‘Does he know you are taken?’
The way he said taken sent shivers down her back, for entirely different reasons than a minute ago. His calculated, authoritative tone wasn’t helping either. 
‘We said we won’t tell anyone. So how could he know?’
‘You don’t have to tell him you are with me. But why can’t you say you are with someone? Off limits?’
He threw the logic straight back in her face. She thought about it for a few seconds. 
‘It will just invite too many questions. Too many asks for me to bring along the person at parties, get togethers blah blah. Can’t make excuses all the time, so easier to say nothing I guess.’
He turned his face away, frustrated but trying to keep a lid on it, as he thought of what to say next. But he whipped his face back at her when another unpleasant thought hit him.
‘Does he drive to work?’
She knew where this was going. He was too plain to read when he got like this. Myriad of emotions took over - she was feeling guilty, frustrated & tired at the same time. 
‘Yes. And before you ask, no, I wasn’t planning to take a ride back with him.’
‘But he has offered before, hasn’t he?’
She knew he had her beat. She wanted to protest that he was overreacting but logically and factually, he had her there. 
‘I knew it. Fuckin hate his guts I swear!’
Ananya wanted to hold him, shake him, even kiss him to make him stop talking and thinking like this. If only they were together right now.
He was thinking the same thing. If they were together, he would have grabbed her and kissed the living daylights out of her. Pouring all his frustrations into her lips.
‘Jude - you asked me to trust you. And I did. Do you not return the sentiment?’
He wanted to slam his fits on the table, but somehow held back. Didn’t she get it still?
‘Oh I trust you. It’s HIM I don’t trust.’
‘What could he do? Even if he asks me out, I will politely refuse. And we get on with our lives. How is it different from the zillion women who come on to you all the time? This is just one person.’
She was really pushing his buttons now.
‘Oh it’s different. Because that leech would be with you day and night and would think he can grow on you. Wear you down. Make you fall for him. He won’t stop trying, till he knows you are mine. Men operate like that, sweetheart. Wake up and smell the coffee.’
‘Gosh, you can be so thick. Just like all men.’
‘Excuse me?’
Was she trying to piss him off on purpose? Testing him was not a good idea tonight. 
‘Excused. Can’t you see I am not attracted to him? What will he do, some kind of voodoo to magically change my mind? In these 5 months, I have never once thought of him. Even casually. Never looked at him. And yes on paper he’s a great match for me but god damnit I don’t feel any spark there. He doesn’t make me go weak in the knees like y..’
She stopped herself just in time. His eyes watching her like a hawk. 
‘Go on.’
‘No. You don’t deserve to hear it right now.’
‘Well you can shove your disagreement where the sun doesn’t shine.’
He smiled smugly, almost appreciatively, and leaned back in the chair, moving both arms behind his neck. Giving her a full view of his bare upper body - muscles & veins flexing & bulging at all the right places.
She knew what he was doing. And tried really hard to keep his eyes glued to his face. But her gaze wandered, making him more smug.
‘Gotta do something about that mouth of yours, no dove?’
Her lips opened and closed in vain for a comeback; he had thrown her off. 
‘Have half a mind to come straight to you when I land, wake you up in the middle of the night & keep you up. What say?’
Her skin started to feel hot and her hands gripped the edge of the chair to steady herself. 
‘Behave, pls. I am in the office.’
‘Not so sassy now, are we?’
‘As if you don’t like that.’
She whispered under her breath. 
‘Oh I love it. So much. But baby I want the sass to remain when you are wrapped around me, not just from afar.’
She sighed loudly, hating how she seemed to have no control on her senses every time she was around him. How easily he flustered her. 
‘Gosh you are just non-stop aren’t you.’
‘In every which way. You’ll find out soon.’
She groaned warningly. Wondering how flushed she had gotten and how she would leave the cabin now. This boy was just too much.
At least he was smiling now. Smug, proud, conquering smile. Even that looked endearing on him, damn that prick. 
‘Okay okay. We are on for tomorrow night? My place?’
‘Yes - if no surprises at work.’
‘Cool, cya then. Let Agnes pick you up tmrw? Will be easier to enter the compound.
That seemed fair. She also noticed how he had framed it differently from earlier.
‘Ok, I will ping him directly.’
‘Great. And dove?’
He leaned in close to the screen. Soft expression. Genuine, sweet smile. Warm twinkling eyes. Handsomest of handsome face. She forgot she had been mad at him 30 seconds ago. 
‘Thanks for everything tonight. I…it was a rough day.’
She smiled from ear to ear, fighting the urge to stroke the screen of her phone where his face was. So near yet so far. 
‘Glad to see you are feeling better. Go talk to your mom now, she would be happy to see you are not in a foul mood anymore.’
45 mins were up some time ago. Still no new mail from NY, meaning she could leave now. But he somehow didn’t want to let her go. She didn’t seem to mind that either. 
It surprised him how quickly she had lifted his spirits. Just with a conversation. In the past, he would have found other outlets to channel his frustration, and a heart to heart talk would not have been in the consideration set.
But she was different. And he was also different with her. 
What he did next surprised both of them.
He leaned forward, smushed his lips against the laptop screen and kissed the spot where her face was, while making kissing noises.
Her heart skipped a couple of beats at the tenderness of the moment. And her hand went up involuntarily to stroke his face. Neither wanting to hang up still. 
But it was getting late and she wasn’t letting him arrange a ride back. So, he had to let her go.
‘Good night, babe. Ping me when you reach?’
‘Will do. Good night, Jude.’
They hung up grudgingly. Yet, neither moved from their seats. Reliving some of the moments in their heads. Tomorrow night just couldn’t come soon enough. 
There you go. All this Jude content last few days drove me to write. As always, would love to hear your thoughts / comments / feedback. Hope you are liking the story & these two, lots more to come :)
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tomieafterdark · 2 years
neow... im gonna need a p 2 of this cuzzzz...
pairing: fem!reader x bully!Eren
cw: use of brat, good girl and princess, fingering (anal and vaginal), exhibitionism (did I even spell that right..).
part one 🍧
masterlist 🍒
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…part two 💌
You were just staring at the floor. That idiot Eren really went and got a janitor when he could’ve pulled you out himself, you are sure you flashed the janitor a few times wile they were getting you out…“And why isn’t me leaving you alone, I’m out now he can leave…” you thought to yourself.
Eren was enjoying the shame and shock on your face, the look of trying to process what had just happened and simultaneously wanting to run away and never think about what happened. He wanted more, what had happened didn’t satisfy him it just awakened something more terrible and sadistic in him.
The janitor looks at Eren with a concerned look. “Is she okay now..?”
Eren puts on his nice fellow student mask and it has the janitor so fooled. “Yeah, I think she will be okay but I should probably drive her home.”
“Yes you do that, you’re such a good classmate looking out for her. We need more students like you” the janitor says and smiles at Eren.
“Come on y/n. I’ll drive you home. You can’t walk home like this, you’re a mess.” He coos at you with his gross fake concern that somehow has the whole world fooled. If they only knew..
Somehow Eren and the Janitor force you to go home with Eren. It’s so uncomfortable to walk with him especially because it got so windy suddenly, fuck even the wind gods seem to be on his side today because sometimes the wind blows too hard lifting your skirt up giving Eren a perfect view as he walks behind you.
“Alright Eren which one is your dumb car?” You say as you glare at him.
He just smirks in return, walks up to his car and opens the door for you. “Get in princess.”
Eren calling you princess makes you want to squeeze your legs together, it makes you want to grind on something or someone..
“Y/n how long do you want me to hold this fucking door for you? Get in brat.”
You quickly get in and put on your seatbelt, his car is nice inside and out you gotta give him that.
“You like?” Eren smirks at you.
“Guess it’s okay” you reply in an uninterested tone.
“Such a brat, is it not expensive enough for you? Want me to drive home and pick another car?”
You had almost forgotten how rich this asshole was thanks to his dads medicine company, he bought cars like they were cheap toys. After driving out of the college parking lot and general town area, he drives off to the highway. You’re kind of panicked because you really want to go home. “Eren what the fuck I live 10 mins from the college why are we on the highway?”
“Y/n I had so much fun with you today, I just didn’t want our day to end so soon. We should seriously get to know each other more..” that last bit of his sentence sent chills down your spine. It made you feel hazy but remembering how deep his fingers reached earlier and the orgasm you had makes you squeeze your legs again.
Before you can think any further, he speeds up to 125 miles per hour, with cars everywhere on the highway rendering you quite speechless. You’re grasping onto anything in the car at this point, Eren is anything but a safe driver. You shoot him a worried look, but in return he just gives you a cold look and drives faster.
“Eren!” You finally get out. “You’re gonna get us in an accident what the fuck, and stop slaloming between the cars at such a high speed!! Are you trying to die today and bring me with you??”
“Relax y/n. I’d never put you in any danger..” he replies in a cold tone as he puts a hand on your knee while continuing to drive faster and faster. That hand on your knee has your bare pussy clenching and dripping. You remember that idiot took your thong earlier and pray to whoever is listening that you don’t drip all over the seat.
Eren knows exactly what you’re feeling, he’s done this with plenty of girls before. He knows for a fact you’ll drip all over the place, it’s exactly what he wants.
You both suddenly hear police sirens, Eren’s wild ride seems to end here. You’re so relieved, maybe they’ll offer to drive you home since Eren broke so many traffic rules on the highway alone..
He drives off to the side of the road as the police car follows. You feel so relieved and happy when you see the officer get out and come up to Eren’s window.
“Oh Mr.Yeager..how are you doing on this lovely evening?” The officer says, completely dismissing what Eren just did. You wait and see, maybe he is just being nice before the big blow?
“I’m good, we’re both good actually he says and gives a nod to your direction. I’m just driving my friend here to the Taco Bell outside of town, they have the new wild cherry slush and she really wants it.” You want to scream and yell, tell them it’s not true and point out the obvious: he can’t fucking drive safely.. but you just stare at the road ahead of in shock you because you can’t believe how everyone is so up Eren’s ass.
“Alright, just drive safely there Mr.Yeager.” The officer smiles.
Eren hands him an envelope, and the officers face lights up. “Yeah I’ll drive slowly, thank you officer. Have a good evening.”
“You too, say hello to your dad from me!” Is the last thing the officer says as he walks back to his car and soon drives off into the distance. Eren just looks at you with a sadistic look, like he knows he has power over everyone, like he knows you’ve realised that by now.
He essentially drives off the highway, and intentionally picks the worst road to your destination. It’s an old road with lots of bumps and not a car in sight. He drives slow at first but speeds up little by little, every bump causing you to jump in your seat. The bumping turns constant and you start to feel strange sensations from it, you almost let a moan out.
Eren is liking this way too much, the way your beautiful tits jiggle with each bump, the look on your face when the bumping starts to feel a little too good.
You try to keep quiet and pretend you’re not getting more wet as every second passes, pretending you’re not longing for his fingers stretching you out with every bump. You see the Taco Bell logo in the distance. It’s over soon, you push back all the desires and pent up energy. You’d be home soon, you just get that stupid slush with Eren and then this would be over.
The line in the driveway is long. It must be all those new products, this is the only Taco Bell in the area that has gotten them so far. While you wait in line, Eren tells you to unbuckle your seatbelt and sit on his thigh. You’re so tired you just do as you’re told, what else could you even do now?
When you get up to sit on him he glances at your seat, it’s glistening. You really were dripping. He gladly guides your hips back and forth as you’re on his thigh, causing you to moan out. You’re so frustrated, he can feel your pussy clenching on his thigh.
Eren is not nice enough to let you cum yet, not like this. He keeps teasing you on his thighs, with you whimpering and letting out small pleads and begging for him to let you cum. He just keeps toying with you. But when it’s your turn to order, he has you pushing your head out the car window telling you to order two wild cherry slushes and whatever else you want.
“Welcome to Taco Bell what can I get you?”
Just as you’re about to reply, he sticks two fingers in your wet dripping cunt causing you to moan in reply.
“I didn’t quite get that! What would you guys like to order??”
Eren is playing with your clit while stretching your cunt out with his two long and big fingers. You’re clenching on his fingers, with legs shaking. You can barely keep your balance at this point, you feel close to having the same orgasm as you had earlier in the locker. But he stops and lets you order, not because he is nice but this wouldn’t be embarrassing enough.
“T-two wild cherry slushes please.”
“Will that be all then?”
“Uhm, yes.”
“Alright head on over to the next window then!”
Eren hands you his card and tells you to pay and get the slushes, in the same exact position you’re in right now. Your heart drops, surely he couldn’t have planned to make you cum in front of the Taco Bell workers?? You feel his fingers digging deep inside you again as his other fingers work your clit. You just want to sink down on his fingers, they feel so fucking good.
“E-eren” you whimper.
“Focus on the order princess you can cry out for me later.” He says coldly.
And now you’re at the next window, just as you’re about to hand them Eren’s card you have a clitoral orgasm causing you to tremble and almost drop the card. The workers are not blind or stupid they know exactly what he is doing to you, they just roll their eyes and focus on the task. You’re so fucking embarrassed, but as they take time with the order your attention is back fully on Eren.
“I can’t take this- Eren please!” You cry out silently so no one can hear you.
Eren slaps your ass really hard in return. “Focus on the order and stop being a brat or I’ll make this even harder for you.” He shoves a finger in your ass while continuing to dig in your cunt.
You feel so close, you can hear your own cunt and the squelching sounds. What really does it is when he shoves a third finger in, stretching you out so good you nearly lost your mind. When the Taco Bell worker hands you Eren’s card and your order you gush all over Eren. You can’t hold it in.
“Aa-h! T-thank you- aah!” You say pretending nothing is going on even though the worker can clearly hear what Eren is doing. To make it worse he slaps your ass hard one last time before driving off causing you to moan and cuss. “Such a goor girl, handling the order all by yourself.” He smirks. You’re still shaking from the orgasm you just had, brain so empty you barely hear what else he is saying to you. You just want to sit down.
Before you do anything Eren cleans you and the seat up as much as he can, and hands you a slush. The slush was perfect after what just happened, it’s calm cold and relaxing.
You didn’t even notice how late it was, how dark it was outside. Your mother must be so worried.
“I have to call my mom..Eren where did you put my bag??”
“Don’t worry princess I told her you’ll be staying over at my place for the night” he smirks.
“So where’s my phone?? Can I have it??”
“Enjoy your slush y/n, stop stressing about your phone.”
You end up just enjoying the ride, you had a long day and this slush was really good. Nice job Taco Bell you think to yourself as you start to relax and just enjoy the moment.
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mygyn · 1 year
The Scare
Summary: Bradley knew when he got the call to return to Top Gun that things wouldn't be simple.
Warnings: N/A at this time.
Bradley knew when he got recalled from Japan that whatever this mission was, it would be difficult. Bradley knew he should reach out to you and Phoneix that he would never hear the end of it if he didn't, but he also wasn’t up for much company. About a week ago, he had gotten the dreaded call that his “Uncle Pete” had once again crashed a plane, and they weren’t sure if he would make it. Lo and behold, Pete Maverick Mitchell, had been found not even six hours later totally fine in a diner in Canada. Bradley was tired. He was annoyed and honestly a bit bitter that he still cared for the man that had completely ruined his life. 
This whole situation made him not want to reach out to the love of his life. His Partner of six years, Hailey Lynn Bradshaw. They had met during his first year of flight school around the same time he had met your sister Natasha Phoneix Trace. Phoenix had just earned her callsign by landing a flaming plane after one of the worst bird strikes Bradley had ever seen. At this time, Natasha had been working towards her certification in a single-seater, and Bradley was her wingman for this flight. About 10 mins in, a murder of crows came and surrounded both of their planes. I was alright as the stupid Crow just hit my Window, but Phoneix was not so lucky; one of those birds ended up going and clogging up her engine. The right side had completely caught fire, and the left was barely holding on. Somehow Natasha maintained control and landed her plane in an emergency landing. 
Even though Phoneix landed without a scratch on her because her plane was a smoldering pile of Ashes, she was mandated to go to the base hospital, and they called you. Bradley had never seen someone look as beautiful as you. You were wearing a sundress, and you had come running up to the front desk saying, “Natasha Trace. Please tell me where Natasha is. I just got a call from here. They said she crashed and they couldn’t release anything else until I go there. Please tell me she is alright”. Bradley knew at that moment that she was the one for Him. Bradley walked over to you as the nurse looked flustered, and she was trying to find Natasha’s room number. ‘Ma’am, my name is Bradley Bradshaw. I was flying with your sister today.” You immediately interrupted, “You were flying with Natty. Is she alright? Tell me she is alive. I told her not to join the Navy?” Bradley took a deep breath and said, “Ma’am your sister, from what I saw and heard walked away without a scratch. She was just brought here out of precaution. She walked away from her plane like a Phoneix rising from the ashes.” 
Bradley barely had a second to react. Phoenix’s sister had attempted to drop to her knees, and she was sobbing. Bradley moved and caught her in his arms before she could hit the floor. He could barely make out you were sobbing and saying, “Please, not her. It’s just us left. Everyone else is gone.” Bradley’s blood ran cold. He knew that you were 2 years younger than Natasha and had just turned 18 this past year. He remembered Natasha mentioned growing up in the system. Bradley knew that he couldn’t leave you alone. He put his arms around your shoulders and said, “Ma’am can I help you get to a chair?.” You responded. “ Please don’t call me Ma’am; my name is Hailey”. You had tears streaming down your face and struggled to catch your breath. “Hailey, Nat is alright. She will be fine; the Doctors just have to clear her then you can take her home, alright? Come on, let’s get up and move over to the chair. Once you have a seat, I will go talk to the nurse and see if I can get you a timeline on when Nat is free to see you, alright? 
Fast forward a couple of months 
Over the next couple of months, as Phoneix and Bradley got closer and closer to Wingman, you got closer to Hailey as well. About two months into being friends with Hailey and Nat, you realized you were hopelessly in love with Hailey. Hailey was attending community college and taking her nursing degree prerequisites. Hailey was sitting at the table when Bradley walked in carrying Chinese takeout. Since the accident, it had become somewhat of a tradition for Brad to bring food over every Friday and for you to do a movie night. You were about ½ way through LOTR Extended editions. This week was different Nat had been asked out on a date by a pilot named Jake Serisen; she had left about an hour ago. Bradley knew he was taking a risk coming with takeout when Nat was gone, but he knew this might be his only chance to shoot his shot with you. 
Hailey looked up from her homework, somewhat startled, she says. “Bradley, what are you doing here? Nat is on a date. Bradley smiles. This was it, “Hey, beautiful. I actually came to see you. I brought take-out orange chicken, your favorite. I thought we could continue the movie without Nat or watch something else?” Bradley swallowed and said, “Hailey, I really would like to get to know you better.” Bradley’s face blushed bright red. “Bradley? We know each other plenty already, don’t we?” Hailey seemed confused by Brad’s statement. Bradley groaned. He was going to have to be direct. “Hailey, I. Mean I. I really like you. I would like the chance to take you out on a date. I remember when I first met you in the hospital after Nat got her call sign. I remember seeing you standing there and seeing how devastated you were. I just wanted to protect you, to take and put you in my arms and keep you safe. I know this is early, but these last three months have been the best of my life. Would you, Miss Trace, let me take you out on a date?” Hailey’s face turned bright red, and you said, “Brad. I. Does Nat know you feel this way?” Bradley took a deep breath and says, “Hailey, I asked Nat if I could come over tonight. Of course, she knows. She threatened to cut my balls off if I hurt you. Please, Hailey, give me a chance?” 
Hailey pauses for a min. She takes a deep breath and seems like she’s deep in thought. She looks over at Brad and finally says, “Alright, Bradshaw, you get one shot, so don’t screw it up.” The rest is history. Bradley and Hailey dated for three months before Bradley popped the question. Hailey said yes. Brad got his callsign from this instance as, according to Nat, just like  a Roosters crow in the morning, it was way too early for him to pop that question. Yet, you and Hailey had your rough patches with long deployments, Her schedule at the hospital, and internships and residency. Yet never for one moment did Bradley regret marrying the love of his life. 
Fades back to the present
God’s how Bradley missed you, but he knew you didn’t understand the drama between you and Maverick. Bradley knew that it had hurt when you didn’t invite any of your Uncles or the Flyboys to your elopement in Vegas that it was just Nat, Hailey, and yourself. Hailey desperately wanted a family and wanted the chance to get to know you. She had spent the last six years with you trying to get you to open up and trying to convince you to just reach out to Maverick, and now was the perfect opportunity to reach out to one of the Flyboys to see how Mav was. Bradley knew that once he reached that, there was no going back. That the Flyboys would not let him retreat from them again. Was Bradley ready for that? He was called back to Top Gun? He was sitting in the house that you and Hailey called a home. He knew you would be home soon and madder than a hornet that you showed up without letting her and Nat know. Did Bradley dare take his phone out and call Papa Admiral Kazansky? Did he take a risk and reach out to him? Bradley took a deep breath in, and he knew the answer. He couldn’t keep running. 
Bradley took his phone out and sent a text to you. “Hey Beautiful, I just wanted to let you know I got called back to Top Gun. It’s classified, so I’m not sure what’s going on yet. I just wanted to tell you I was home, gorgeous. I’m also going to call my Uncle Ice. I received a call that Captain Pete Mitchell had to eject a week ago; he was MIA. You’ve wanted me to try and work through things with them, and I think now is the time. I love you beautiful I’ll see you when you get home. Bradley knew that he had to call now, or Hailey would call him on his bullshit. 
Bradley took his phone out and clicked on the contact that he hadn’t spoken to in twelve years… He heard ringing, then a quiet, “Hello, this is Admiral Kazansky”.
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breathingjack · 4 months
I'm a bad mama
It started when we came back late from a
friend's crib - super late
We slept at 2 am, feed the baby and we went to sleep
Later I woke up at 5am to feed the baby again, and slept
I was too tired to wake up at 8 so I dozed off till 10
The baby was well taken care by baba, she slept at nearly 10
The whole day was bummer either she
1. overtired
2. she growing up
She whinned the whole day, a lot
Mama didn't entertain her much today,
her back ache and too exhausted from yday
While mama doing chores baby fell from the floor mattress
Mama heard a small thud and as she turned over she already on the floor
She dropped everything and I ran as fast to baby
She hugged her and baby smiled
Later after lunch, baby whinned again louder this time
Mama tries to make baby fall asleep
She did for good 15 mins and mama fall asleep
As mama sleeps, she woke up and whinned again
Baba took over then grandma and grandba.
Baby whinned again until mama woke up at 7 to feed her
Baba already asleep by then.
Baby is well-fed, showered and ready for bed
Mama put her in her bed but she cried
While mama cleans the hall, bathroom and the sink
mama keeps on running here and then to make sure baby didnt cry
mama scold the baby and rush her to sleep,
Baby still crying until mama tap her to sleep she went silent
mama rushed to get showered, it was a super quick one
as mama got off from the bathroom, mama heard a super loud cries
mama ran off to the room and heard nothing
mama peek in baby's bed
she cries very loudly - she was out of breath
Mama quickly picked her up and hugged her as tight as mama can
Mama cries as loud as mama can
Mama said sorry as much as mama can
mama told baby how tired she was
mama sobs and out of breath
baby look at mama crying
mama hold baby on her arms and put her to sleep
for the whole 10 mins mama non stop saying sorry to baby
she again sobs till baby woke up
sorry sayang, mama loves you so much.
Mama sorry ya, mama is way too overwhelmed today
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borderline-gays-club · 7 months
03/07/24. 11:18pm
I had a rough week. A lot of lows and life testing me lol. Just been feeling depressed abt wasting my life at my stupid job and not being able to get anything that’s not customer service related. I haven’t even gotten responses from restaurants: the industry that I have 6 years of experience in…
And I’ve just been applying nonstop to any job that isn’t gonna make me want to die for the past like 3 months. And writing cover letters and constantly looking at jobs that I barely don’t qualify for and the job market in general just being a hellhole. And now that I’m getting a crumb of interviews, just wasting my time going to these things hoping I get hired. It’s just all depressing and it’s been finally hitting me.
And of course bc of all this my money problems are exacerbated and it’s just constant anxiety abt money. And etc etc
I finally mustered up some hope in me like 2 days ago too and just got physically exhausted from my job. Then the next morning I had my whole day planned to keep my hope alive and just got crushed again. I waited 5 hrs outside for a check I didnt even end up getting that day. And it was raining and I was wet and cold and hungry lol. Had to ask my mom for help who has already been helping me a lot with money and I’m very privileged to have her as a safety net but she’s been talking abt being tight on money now so I just hate asking for extra help. I just wail cried for like 10 minutes and asked my friends to help me with dinner prep. I’m learning to ask for help slowly when I’m not okay instead of either isolating or pretending like I’m ok and holding it in. I’m still learning the balance of how much of my feelings to show/express in front of others. Mostly bc in the past my feelings wud just b too extreme and take up too much space.
But today was better. I got my check, was able to pay the rest of my rent, was able to eat something yummy and feel full, got a few art supplies to start a small project I’ve been thinking abt the past few days. I was gonna work on stuff but I’ve been learning how to slow down. Bc pushing myself too hard all at once just ends up in huge breakdowns and burnouts. It’s not worth it at all. So I just chilled and petted my kitty and was present with her. Didn’t feel guilty abt not being “productive”. I really needed some emotional, and mental and physical rest. It’s just been a lot.
And I’m mostly writing all this down bc I need to remember these moments where I can see myself making small improvements in hard habits. Like slowing down esp when I’m feeling overwhelmed and being present in my existence. And asking for help when I’m feeling overwhelmed and not okay instead of isolating or faking I’m fine.
And then just now, something happened that I wanted to jot down. So I made dinner for everyone and it didn’t turn out right. My friend who, long story short, cannot eat food if the texture/taste is icky to them and it emotionally affects them negatively to eat food that is wrong, ate a little bit and couldn’t eat. Also them not eating sets them up for a difficult next day, and bc of other things they didn’t eat much today. So I felt really shit that I made the food inedible for them and just went silent for like 10 min. And of course they noticed and asked and I told them I just felt bad cus they cudnt eat.
And we watched Naruto and just chilled and I felt my spiral dissipate. Just expressing it out loud slowed down my spiral. Cus in the moment I was just getting intrusive thoughts like “you’re a failure, youre a terrible friend, you can’t even do simple things right, you’re so miserable, you should punish yourself by not eating, it’s all your fault that you ruined their whole day for tomorrow, they’re going to suffer bc of u etc etc”. And then I was like I can either isolate (which felt like the “better” more familiar option) and continue to spiral into self hating gunk OR stay present and just say the feeling out loud and see where it goes from there.
Although I wanted to do the first thing (isolate), I said no. Bc I knew I wud just sulk and be upset and it wud just turn into a whole existential deep hatred for myself especially with how the week went. So I sat and processed what to do. My friend asked if I was ok. I said it simply that I felt bad cus they cudnt eat. We continued watching the show and the spiral dissipated as I engaged with my friends again and got out of my head and present with the moment and the show.
And then there was a moment after the show was done and I said sorry for getting moody, and explained the whole thought process above.
And I didn’t say this out loud cus I didn’t want to take up too much time deep diving esp cus it was getting late and my friend was just low from not eating well today, but another thing to note is I know where this extreme splitting of myself is coming from.
This is also very specific to my best friend who I am talking abt. We had a rough past, bc of me and essentially my unchecked/undiagnosed BPD. There was a point where they basically said if I don’t change the relationship can’t continue. And I’m still grappling with the guilt of the pain I put them through. And I know it’ll take time. But this is why when I make a mistake or don’t do something exactly as I planned when it’s something including my friend I spiral into this guilt self hatred shit. But I will say I’ve gotten better over time.
I remember before I literally bawled bc I offered them a cinnamon roll I made and they politely said no thank you. And I just immediately spiraled like: oh god they think the food I made is disgusting so therefore I’m disgusting and horrible and vile and they’re going to leave me and they secretly hate me and etc etc. and thinking abt this now I’m like…god damn. It was really that intense for me!!! And now I wud just not react that way at all. And I later told my friend this whole thing and they were like oh I just literally brushed my teeth and just didn’t want that specific food item in that moment anyway. Lol it was just such a non situation and I blew it up in my head.
And like I definitely still do this and struggle but it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. And in regards to the situation that happened tonight, instead of catastrophizing and being like oh god now tomorrow will be all bad and my friend is going to starve!! I slowed down and was like well, what are possible solutions? They can’t get food in the morning bc it’s too early, I can’t make them food early in the morning bc they expressed they need something high dopamine to b able to eat after a bad texture food (can’t b the usual breakfasts I make), they can’t eat something near their job bc there’s not much nearby and their break is short, BUT I can try to order them food near their job during their break. So we figured that out together and hopefully It will work out. And even if it doesn’t it’s not the end of the world. It will just suck, but it’s a situation that can be recovered. And ppl make mistakes, and the mistake i made is just something that can happen sometimes. And there are solutions to these problems.
I need to practice more self compassion bc self hate doesn’t even benefit the situation nor the relationship. If anything it makes everything worse.
So yeah. I wanted to write this all out so I can look back and really see the progress I’ve been making and im proud of myself for that. Bc esp when spirals and bad days and weeks and sometimes months happen, I can remind myself that I am getting better slowly instead of just thinking everything is the same. Bc it can b hard to think I’m getting better when I still go thru intense emotional waves.
I just need to continue to push forward and slow down at the same time :)
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
VAN FKSMFMSKFKSKFLSLF *incoherent noises*
First than anything, hi you! Sharky here! How's everything going? I'm kind of impatient and super excited for mirror mirror's update LOL. Okay, so you see, things have happened.
And..And.. WE CUDDLED.
We cuddled. Ok. We cuddled. Actually, I have already slept there this monday. YES. You're reading right. Her house is near the place I work, and she invited me to go to her house to watch movies together! Of course I said yes. We went to her house and then it was late, and I was gonna go home but she offered me to stay there. And. And listen, she drove me to work. And have I said that I find it strangely attractive that she drives? Because I do bUT HEAR ME OUT.
Everything she does looks so graceful. Like, she could be.. I don't know. Shoveling shit. And she'd still look so, so gorgeous and elegant. And I mean it 😭. She holds herself with such poise and I just.. Idk. She's just so cute and pretty and graceful.
That day we didn't cuddle perse? I mean, we actually kind of cuddled already, you know. A few times actually. While we watch movies or stuff. But I mean cuddling while we sleep. And.. well, that day I was kinda sick, and we slept super close but I was kind of burning up a bit and it was pretty damn hot so I just slept outside the blankets.
Thing is, yesterday I went to her house again after the gym. And we kind of cuddled in the couch while we watched the whole Hunger games saga by her request and she offered me to stay at her place again. And when we went to sleep she cuddled me and held me so close and she was like "this okay?" And I was like about to foam in the mouth lIKE YES LKVE SUPER OKAU KJFKSJDKSKDJ. And we just cuddled the whole night. And I'm so fucking gay
I might just be falling for her already who am I kidding. IT FELT SO GOOD. She was so warm and so so soft and kfkwkfkekfke I loved it.
I mean, I was awkward asf at first because I didn't know where the fuck to look at or how tight should I hug her but at some point I just relaxed and it felt so natural. Today I woke up and sweet sweet Charlie made mE TEA. (Oh yes, yet again it was so awful but the sweetness of the gesture erased away all — if that's how you spell it — uggliness). And guess where am I now, dear dear Van.
Oh yes. At her place. Yet again.
We've been playing just dance together and I don't think I ever laughed this hard KFKAKFKSKD. Such poise and yet she looks so stiff (I tripped and almost fell 2 times but I'll still judge her). Though I have to say that she had some moves KFKSKD. Or maybe I am a crazy simp already.
We sang sooo much in the drive to her house and I had kind of a dejavu of that ✨magnificent✨ moment of mirror mirror where Wanda screams her lungs singing enchanted because at some point all too well started reproducing and MAN. I HAD SOME HARDCORE MEMORIES COMIN' BACK. I almost ask her to play the 10 min version god I'm so pathetic
Well, yeah, that's the update. This weekend we'll have another date. Her surprise date, Van KDKSMDMS. Also.. I should mention that she asked about my family? Thing is, heh, my family is kinda small, only my dad and uncle, and.. Well, my dad's girlfriend put a restraining order on my dad for domestic violence and sexual abuse last year 😃 and I've been ignoring him all this time and my uncle kind of hates me because I'm gay and whenever he used to comment something about it I rubbed in his face that I'm an ugly, despicable lesbian so we haven't talked to eachother in years 😃 and the rest of my family is dead so haha omg I've got no family to present her to KFKSKFKSKD HELP. I don't want her to pity me but I kind of pity myself already so KFKAKDKE LOL. And she has a large, supporting family and this is gonna be so damn awkward if I ever meet her parents like daAMN. My girl's got two dads and a mom and I got none bro JAKDJANDN. I know this is so random but lemme tell you a joke.
An orphan goes to McDonalds. What does he order? A family combo 😂 it's not laugh it's tears. ALRIGHT. Enough drama for today it's enough folks. Thank you for your endless support Van! I'll make sure to come back with more updates after our next date!!!
hiiii sharky!! Thanks for waiting for me to replyyy <3
you are truly living your best life. I love watching movies and cuddling LOL were you still sick?? and you had a sleepover?!?! The girls do move quickly and i love this LMFAO
You are so down bad and i know this bc no one looks good shovelling shit. There's just no way. Even if it was lizzie olsen, I love her, but she could not make me think shovelling doo doo is sexy.
I love that you have a new gym buddy from this as well LOL like you are THAT couple that works out together. She really clearly loves your company!!!
So are you gonna tell her that her tea is awful or is it gonna be me LOLL how long can you subject yourself to that???
AhhH you guys are doing such fun activities like just dance and singing!! I love that you're both not afraid to be goofy in front of each other.
So....your whole family sucks....i am ur family now. I am the big sister u can present her to, no worries! I will be on your side for the wedding LOL but real talk ur dad is scary, i hope you are safe!! I love that her family sounds lovely though. You have gained the found family trope!!!! (i am pointedly ignoring ur joke. i love u but no <3)
I hope your date went well. You'll have to let me know what she planned!
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gustokita · 2 years
18 NOV 2022
So the night before I decided to make origami things for my friend. I made him a two butterflies and a lil box made out of engineering paper 🤣 Inside the box I wrote some cute notes for him, ider what I wrote in there, but I told him he was cute and that I love hanging out with him.
 I told him I wanted to hang out with him in the ME building instead of our usual place, bc I was gonna meet up with a gurlfriend later that morning. She texted me she was in the parking lot and after I packed up my stuff, I gave him a long hug 🥰 then as I was walking down the hallway, he opened the study room and said, “You look cute today.” that made me blush and laugh a lot, I had to explain to my gurlfriend why I was so giggly and I told her all about me confessing to him 😂😂
We went to a lil cafe and I’m guessing it’s Filo owned!! I got an ube latte and she got some tea with jelly in it. Suuuuuper good 😋(gonna take my boi out there next week) then we went to the college’s theater for our engineering seminar and I played piano for a bit before we walked in. We were the first ones to sit and we decided to sit in the back and away from the usual crowd. But the thing was the crowd decided to sit around us 🤣 the topic was about the Texas BP explosion and how taking safety is important when designing in engineering. Near the end, we watched how the explosion went down and how scary it was. Then the speaker was emphasizing how important making safety measures are, AND THEN SOME GIRL IN THE BUILDING DECIDED TO PLAY SOLEMN PIANO MUSIC. I thought it was coming from the video at first but then realized someone played music at the right timing and I couldn’t stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my friend tried to get me to calm down but then she started laughing really hard (she actually snorted too but I didn’t hear her 🤣🤣🤣🤣) and she left the room to tell the girl what was going on in the seminar and how the timing was perfect 😂😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂
Then we had to go to classes after that, I reallly couldn’t pay attention bc I kept thinking about him™️ and I was also reeeaaally hungry lol
Then it was time to go to our cars and I wanted to hang out with him for a bit. We kinda just sat there for a bit and of course I’m just smiling and gushing bc he’s there. Man I can’t remember much 😭 but I held out my hand one time to see what he’d do and he held my hand, but I changed it so that our fingers interlocked 😆😆 so the whole time we were holding hands while just talking 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I was supposed to leave at 4pm but it was like 4:30pm when I told him that I needed to go, so I went to give him a hug, but I couldn’t let go 😭😭 we were just holding each other for a long time. I kept checking the clock, I’d look away for a minute and 5mins would pass when I checked the clock again :(( I was rubbing his back, but I guess I was digging so hard he said “You’re gonna tear my shirt apart!!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I let go once but I kept my arm around him. then he was like “I never did the stereotypical yawn then put my arm around your shoulder” then he did and we just held each other like that for a bit but that just turned into another long hug :(((( once I pulled away, I gave him a lil surprise kiss on the cheek and he smiled and gushed 😆😆 he told me he liked it :) then when he finally left my car, he gave me an air kiss before closing my door 🤣
we called later that night (I called him and I was like “Wassup babe?” 😂) and just talked about the whole day and gushing the whole time :)))) I kept laughing when he brought up me digging into his back but he mentioned it felt good 😂😂 gosh man he said he felt my passion in that hug and didn’t realize he wasn’t showing enough emotions while hugging 😂 (said next time it’ll be a competition or whatever that means?!??!??!) at 12:10 he was like I think I’m gonna go to bed and I was like WHAAAAAAT. He didn’t expect my reaction to be like that 🤣 and we procrastinated getting off call for 10 mins. He said, “Goodnight babe” and immediately hung up 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
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fairytaleyaya · 2 years
mingyu and the wild four
synopsis: taking care of 4 kids is not easy, especially not when you´re alone. But this is exactly what mingyu has to do right now with his wife being away the whole evening, busy with work. Will he be able to not loose all his nerves?
pairing: dad! mingyu x mum! reader
genre: fluff, parent au 
word count: 1.3k
warning: none, just mingyu parenting 
song recs:  asap  - weekly 
a/n: happy 100 days with my love @cuti3chw3 !!! she loves kids and parent aus so it was just right for me to this
brief introduction of the kids to not get confused:
kim jiae (7) – the oldest and sassiest sister, a dramaqueen
kim minwoo (5) - 1/2 of the min twins, he is the normal one
kim minah (5) – 2/2 of the min twins, obsessed with her hair
kim hanjae (1) – youngest baby, the amount he cries depends on the parent holding him
“Jiae! Did you do your homework?” mingyu starts yelling from the kitchen after checking his wristwatch only to see that it´s already 4. Normally he´d run to Jiae´s room to tell her to homework but if he did that his stew on the stove wouldn´t be very happy. On his right his youngest baby started crying, waking up from the 10 minutes sleep mingyu put him with efforts of rocking him for hours. “Oh no… han why aren´t you sleeping? Are you hungry?” but the baby who couldn´t say any other words apart from ´dad´ ´mum´ ´noona´ and ´hyung’ obviously couldn´t tell mingyu his problem (spoiler: he just wants to be held) Finally as Mingyu´s stew finally finished, he could get off the stove running towards the baby chair, taking his son out of it to hold him. At least now he wasn´t crying anymore, but han´s discomfort was obvious. He should make him a bottle. But how? And where are the bottles? He looks around confused, but it´s all hopeless no bottles in sight so he has to give you a quick call.
“Ahhh where did I put my phone?” after running another round around the house he realises his phone was in his pocket all along. We do not question his dumbassery, we call it stress. But finally mingyu dials his wife´s number, waiting three rings for you to pick up because your phone was on silent mode “Love? What´s wrong?” you worriedly ask. “Uhh hi babe it´s just that I can´t find han´s bottles, I think he´s hungry” you immediately ask “Is my tiniest baby with you right now? Han give mommy a hi” your son who can hear your voice in his father´s arms doesn´t fail to respond with a high pitched “Hi mommy!” which makes you squeal in excitement but you pull yourself together to help your husband “all bottles are on the second cardboard from the best mingyu how many times do I need to tell you? Now as you´re calling, how are my other babies doing?” Mingyu answers you while going to that cardboard and prepare a bottle “Jiae is in her room, I think she´s doing homework now” Fortunately you had pre made some bottles today morning so all he needed was to heat the milk for 40 seconds “Great make sure she finishes everything please, where are my sweet set of twins?” Mingyu at first just says “Wait let me call them over WOOAH” you face palm yourself hearing the ridiculous name your husband uses to call your twins over because minwoo an minah. But no twins come over running to their dad. “Oh shit-“ Mingyu covers his mouth. “I forgot them at tennis practice!” Your eyes widen at this statement causing you to yell “MINGYU”  
With that mingyu took jiae by her hand and han in his arms to the car to drive over to the tennis court where he forgot his twins for half an hour now. You were certainly going to kill him once you got home. When he arrived at the tennis court, he could see two tiny humans running in his direction namely minwoo and minah. It was crazy how they were dizygotic twins but managed to look like the male and female copy of each other. Mingyu kneeled to the height of his two middle children and embraced them tightly “Oh my god I´m so sorry kids” While minah was quite scared and was bear hugging her father not letting go of his shirt she had gripped, minwoo laughed and said “I can´t believe you forgot us here dad! You should´ve seen Minah she kept clinging on me” the Babyboy couldn´t keep his laughter but mingyu just lifted the little girl and settled her in the car behind them while replying to minwoo “Stop teasing your sister big boy, you can´t even watch scary movie” minwoo just pouted while getting into the car, but of course not without receiving a kiss on his cheek by his dad before he closed the door. Jiae on the other switched to full big sis mode and wrapped her tiny arms around her sister, who gladly cuddle her unnie while minwoo tried to build an early boy-only bond with poor han who didn´t anything but give his hyung a cheeky smile.
“Okay kids now check up time, we´re going by age Jiae is that homework finished?” Jiae just rolled her eyes sayingMi “Of course it is” Mingyu also did a dramatic eyeroll, mocking Jiae “Don´t roll your eyes at me pretty girl, but good job. Next up Minwoo and Minah how was practice, again sorry forgetting you know mommy´s busy tonight” Minah just replied with a wordless thumbs up to her dad, half taking a nap on Jiae´s shoulder. Minwoo started telling his dad about all the cool stuff but while Mingyu was parking the car Jiae interrupted him “Okay okay enough Minwoo we are tired” Minwoo just fought back “Yah9 noona just because no cool stuff happens to you, you don´t have to-“  Mingyu again had to make  peace “No fighting kids, don´t be mean Jiae now we´re home everyone is gathering up on the dinner table after washing their hands, except for you han of course”
Soon enough (almost an hour) han was already put on his night sleep hopefully for 8 hours straight and the rest gathered on the dining table, eating their dad´s homemade food. Once the plates were starting to look empty, Mingyu gave his last instructions “So, now babies it´s getting late sleeping time. You know the ritual everyone has 15min to wash up and settle themselves in the living room for the good night story.” With that the kids sprinted into their rooms to get into their pjs and wash their teeth after all the one who finishes first is allowed to choose the story. The lucky one tonight was Minah, Minwoo hated it as the girls made him listen to princess stories.
Once Mingyu was able to tuck everyone in their bed he tiredly threw himself on the sofa, sighing. Having 4 kids wasn´t easy, normally he is supported by you so today made him realise how grateful he is for having you in his life. While he was thinking of you with his eyes closed you had finally arrived at him, sneaking yourself right behind him, giving him a light shoulder massage to make your presence known. “Hard day?” MIngyu sat up, startled “You startled me. But hell yes, you should make up for it” You nodded, while you were about to take a seat next to him, he pulled on his lap tightly hugging you from behind “Did you miss me that much?” you laughed out “I did, more than you think” With that you stayed there for a little while more, cuddling to relieve the stress of the day.
thank you for reading!
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btssavedmylifeblr · 3 years
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I posted 893 times in 2021
761 posts created (85%)
132 posts reblogged (15%)
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I added 546 tags in 2021
#void - 405 posts
#jjk - 27 posts
#wip wednesday - 27 posts
#min yoongi is the sexiest man alive - 21 posts
#reader love - 16 posts
#ask bee - 15 posts
#bumblebee - 10 posts
#hahahahahaha - 9 posts
#hahaha - 8 posts
#haha - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#and the reader is his professor who has a drunken fling with him as gigolo and then walks into her new class the next day
My Top Posts in 2021
WIP Wednesday!
Also from the beginning of Void Chapter 8:
Jin and Jimin are in the kitchen. Your palms get a bit sweaty as you contemplate whether or not they heard anything from your sleep pod. Your lingering arousal has you flashing back to your various elicit moments with both men. Fantasies about Jin eating you out against the dining room table while Jimin masturbates run through your head. Get it together. You grab some cereal and coffee and sit down at the table next to Jin.
There’s a few moments of silence as Jin chews his food. Then he nudges you with his elbow. “So Jungkook got a pretty early start, huh?”
Jimin gasps. “You can’t just say that!”
“What?” Jin laughs. “Isn’t everything supposed to be out in the open now?”
You nod, though feel less at ease about the whole thing that Jin seems too. “Like the bonobos.”
“Fucking bonobos…” Jimin mutters under his breath, standing up and getting a second cup of coffee.
“Seems more awkward to not talk about it.” Jin continues. “We all know he was in there. Why pretend otherwise?”
“Seems rather un-gentlemanly though…” Jimin says, looking down at his tablet.
All three of your tablets buzz at the same moment. It’s a shipwide message from the commander.
A reminder to all crew members that any activities of a personal nature are to be conducted in the privacy of the sleep pods. They are not appropriate for the public areas of the ship, which are monitored and recorded.”
The choice to put this in a written communication rather than an in-person conversation is surprisingly passive agressive for Namjoon.
Jimin looks directly at you. “What did you do?”
“Why do you assume it was me?”
“She took all her clothes off in the kitchen!” Jin laughs.
“Excuse you! I covered the camera! You’re the one who ran me ass-first into our commanding officer!”
190 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 18:47:30 GMT
Void Drabble #2
So I found this scene in my notebook but have nowhere to put it because it isn't the OC's POV and it isn't long enough for a bonus chapter. So here... this scene falls time-wise in the middle of chapter 8.
Jimin hasn't known or cared what day of the week it was for over two years. But today... today is Thursday.
He pulls down two mugs for coffee, one for him and one for her. But hesitates with the coffee carafe in hand. Was bringing her coffee too boyfriendy? Jimin has never been in a casual-monkey-sex-to-save-the-mission-but-not-have-feelings relationship before, if one can even call it a relationship. But she likes coffee, he knows she likes coffee. It's never a bad thing to do something nice, right?
What is his plan anyways? Hey, here's some coffee, wanna bone? Hey here's some coffee, could we cuddle and read the news together on the floor of the sleep pod? Hey, here's some coffee, let's consult our daily schedules and find a mutually agreeable time for some non-romantic fornicating?
"Are you going to pour that or just stare at it?" Yoongi has arrived while Jimin was spiraling and is tapping his foot behind him, waiting for access to the caffeine.
"Oh, uh, yeah, here." Jimin hands over the coffee without filling either mug. Yoongi looks puzzled for a second, glances at the two empty mugs in front of Jimin, but then grabs his own mug, fills it, and settles into a seat at the table with his tablet.
Jimin is left holding the coffee carafe again and puzzling about how best to approach his girlfriend/colleague-he-has-sex-with-once-a-week.
"So today is Thursday," Yoongi says without looking up.
"Yup," Jimin replies. "Which makes tomorrow Friday." I'm going to fuck her today. You're going to fuck her tomorrow. And we're both just supposed to be cool with that.
"Yup," Yoongi says.
Is Yoongi going to fuck her tomorrow? Has he already? How was he just sitting there drinking his coffee and not worrying about any of this.
Jimin puts down the coffee again and spins around to face Yoongi. "This is weird, right?"
"Yup." Yoongi nods, then shrugs. "But it's been weird for a while."
Jimin laughs, finally deciding to just pour the damn coffee. "I suppose so." He adds a scoop of powered milk and a scoop of sugar to his own coffee, but hesitates before adding anything to hers, remembering the way she grimaced the last time he made her coffee.
Jimin turns back around to face his rival again. "Do you know how our botanist prefers her coffee?"
Yoongi clears his throat. "One scoop of milk, no sugar."
No sugar? Jimin frowns as he stirs the milk into her mug. He had assumed he had made it too bitter, not too sweet. What does he actually know about her at all? "I suppose you know how she prefers a lot of things," Jimin says.
Yoongi tries to keep his expression neutral, but Jimin catches just the briefest smirk flit across his face. "Yup," he replies.
Jimin hums to himself in thought as he gathers up the coffees and goes to find his date/bonobo for the day.
272 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 01:07:33 GMT
WIP Wednesday!
From the opening of Void Chapter 8:
It’s the middle of the night when something brushes against your cheek. You twist away, rolling over in your sleeping bag. The sounds of a summer night back home and running water fill your ears, just enough to drown out the mechanical noises of the ship.. Again, something gentle brushes your cheek, running down the side of your face and caressing across along your jawbone. You scrunch up your face in annoyance and hear a soft chuckle.
It’s a hand stroking your face, more insistent now. A finger traces slowly around your ear, then glides down your cheek and across your lip. It makes your lip tickle and when you lick your lips to soothe them, your tongue brushes across the rough pad of a large thumb.
You open your eyes to find the youngest crew member standing over you in the darkness.
“Jungkook?” you mumble, rubbing your eyes. “What is it?” He’s dressed in his sleep clothes, a plain white t-shirt and pajama pants slung low on his hips. He smiles as he cups your jaw and tilts your face up to look at him.
“It’s Tuesday,” he whispers. You open your mouth to object about the ungodly hour, but he takes the opportunity to pop his thumb right between your lips.
275 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 14:18:12 GMT
Void Updates
Recently Published
Void Jimin Drabble
Currently working on:
Chapter 8 - “The New Normal” - third draft 20% complete (3000 words)
Sneak peek 1
Sneak peek 2
Sneak peek 3
Sneak peek 4
Namjoon bonus chapter - third draft 30% complete (1300 words)
Sneak peek 1
Sneak peek 2
Future updates
Chapter 9 - “Three Dolphin Club”
Jimin bonus
Chapter 10 - “Contamination”
Chapter 11 - “Darkest Hour”
Jin bonus
Taehyung bonus
Chapter 12 - “Coup D’etat”
Chapter 13 - “Space Orgy”
Hoseok bonus
Epilogue - “Europa”
Yoongi bonus
Up-to-date as of: October 30, 2021
Stages of progress in my writing process:
See the full post
540 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 10:49:42 GMT
Void - Part 7.5 - Jungkook Interlude (M)
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title banner by @rude–jude♡
Genre: Sci-fi with a little angst and a LOT of smut
Pairing: BTS x Reader (yup - all seven)
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Word Count: 3.7k
Part 7.5 / ?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: explicit sexual content, poorly negotiated kink, switch!Jungkook (but mostly sub!Jungkook), some slut shaming that goes both ways, slightly dubious consent in the very beginning because she is asleep
Author's Note: So this was originally intended to be the opening scene of Chapter 8, but then it got longer and smuttier than I was expecting, so I thought it would work better as a short stand-alone update. But be warned that it is significantly shorter than my typical Void chapters and Jungkook is the only member we see. I hope you enjoy it!
Crickets chirp and a soft breeze rustles through the grass when something brushes against your cheek. You twist away, rolling over in your sleeping bag. The sounds of a summer night back home fill your ears, just enough to drown out the mechanical noises of the ship. Again, something touches your cheek, running down the side of your face and caressing along your jawbone. You scrunch up your face in annoyance and hear a soft chuckle.
It’s a hand caressing your face, more insistent now. A finger traces around your ear, then glides down your cheek and across your lip. Your lips tickle and when you lick them, your tongue brushes across the rough pad of a large thumb.
You open your eyes to find your youngest crew member floating in front of you in the darkness, illuminated by a sliver of light from the hall, his dark hair fanning out slightly in the zero-g.
“Jungkook?” you mumble, rubbing your eyes. “What is it?” He’s dressed in his sleep clothes: a plain white t-shirt with grey sweatpants slung low on his hips. He smiles as he cups your jaw and tilts your face up to look at him.
“It’s Tuesday,” he whispers. You open your mouth to object about the ungodly hour, but he takes the opportunity to pop his thumb right between your lips. You suck on it automatically, too tired to entirely process what is happening right now.
He chuckles again, pulling himself closer to you. Saliva pools in your mouth as you taste his skin. His body heat is warm enough to reach you even through your sleeping bag. He leans in and places a soft kiss right below your ear, sending shivers up and down your spine. “That’s it,” he whispers in your ear. A surge of arousal courses through you as he pulls himself flush against you.
You gasp as he pulls his thumb from between your lips and drags a wet line over your jaw and down your neck. His hand is warm. “What time is it?” you ask.
He stares at your lower lip, pulling it down just slightly with his thumb. “Almost six,” he answers. Then he kisses you.
Jungkook kisses you like he’s trying to breathe you in, like all the air was sucked from his lungs and you are his oxygen. It’s intoxicating, makes you feel light-headed. He inhales you so deeply, he steals your breath from you.
With the gravity off, your feet float in the air. But Jungkook’s own gravitational field seems to be bringing him closer and closer to you. His whole body presses along you as he wraps you in his arms.
The sleep pod is still dark. All you hear is his deep breathing and then, the unzipping of your sleeping bag. With one arm wrapped around your waist, Jungkook’s other hand begins sneaking its way into the open zipper. His fingers brush across your bare stomach.
“Where is your shirt?” he teases. In the haze of sleep and drunk off his kisses, you can’t remember. Where is your shirt? Where are your pants? Jungkook’s fingers reach your bare thigh. “No pants either…” He laughs softly.
“Oh shit.” Your stomach lurches as you realize where you left your shirt. “Wait.” You break away from Jungkook to catch your breath. “My shirt…”
“You remember now?” Jungkook laughs, pulling a small white bundle out of the pocket of his pants. “You left it hanging over the kitchen camera.”
Your ears burn as you snatch your shirt from his hands. “Sorry,” you mutter.
“Quite a scandalous thing to do, leaving your clothing strewn all over the ship.” Jungkook licks his lips. “Sends quite the message to everyone.”
Your heart skips a beat. The throbbing sensation that rushes through you is a confusing mix of guilt, arousal, and embarrassment all at once. “I didn’t…”
“Didn’t what?” Jungkook asks, pulling himself closer again, arms wrapping around your waist. “Didn’t ask me to fuck you?”
No… you definitely did that.
His hands are back inside your sleeping bag. “Didn’t strip your clothes off and spread your legs right in front of my ramen?”
See the full post
877 notes • Posted 2021-11-14 17:53:29 GMT
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neoaevis · 3 years
How Much I Love You/Hate You 3
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Taglist: @ijuuy​ @brrrrrrah
Word Count:1689
Warnings: None
A/N: Aaah finally part 3 is up sorry if this is short and kinda fast paced but I wanna get into to it so yea expect part 4 is into it(the arrange marriage scene will start there proly) and I feel like the last part is really rushed but plss give me some feedback I ish need it alsoo plss chat me or ask me if you wanna be tagged.
Y/N’s POV:
The bright light of the sun hurts your eye the moment it tries to open up making you groan and stretch your arms as you were now getting up slowly from your deep slumber, you eye your room and notice the things you failed to notice the night of your arrival, your childhood room has undergone changes with example the colors that used to be in a pastel shade now in a dark shade to compliment your mature taste but you will never fail to see how all the pictures of your childhood were still on full display on the desk you used to use whenever you were studying, getting up you can’t help but smile how things change so fast the girl who was once playing around in this very room was now getting ready to enter the corporate world, you wash yourself up before coming down to the breakfast that your mom asks the maid to make every single time. The bath made you smell like a full bloom rose which is one of your personal favorites, the outfit you chose for today was the Versace mini blazer dress with a pair of black Louboutin heels and underneath is a sexy lingerie from Victoria secret, the scent you went in for today was from Giorgio Armani Sì.
As you went down everyone was in awe seeing you big smiles evident in their faces, when you were munching yourself with breakfast your mom can’t help but compliment from head to toe and tell you how much she misses you and things she plans now that you are here, her stories made you really miss her so you also told her stories about your stay in New York “Mom, did you know there was one time I was actually really drunk in this one party and when I went to class the next day with a massive hungover my shit ass professor dropped the bomb at how we have a quiz the next day because of that I had to cave myself up the whole day and review this much” you showed her your hand and she chucked at your story remembering how she was during her college days, more exchange of stories went on and that made you feel your mom’s warmth once more( well you were always close to your mom she was the only one you had growing up) the breakfast was special today not until your mom dropped a question you find odd “Honey, do you perhaps have a boyfriend or any potential husband right now?” she asks with a smile plastered on her face which makes you raise your brows “Mom, why talk about that you do remember me saying that I don’t want to get married right?” you tell her with a firm tone but she begins to sigh “You’re only saying that now Y/N, I was like that once but eventually I got married” she counters what you said but you feel frustrated “You got married and dad cheated” you tell her while eyeing her “Y/N not all men cheat, it doesn’t mean if your dad cheated all the boys cheat” she tells you to comfort you a little “Either way I have no plans on marriage, but why the sudden question mom do you perhaps plan to get remarried?” you ask her as you stand up to tuck the chair back in to leave but she replies “M-me no I prefer being single’ she said feeling flustered “ So am I mom” you tell her as you now finally make your leave to go to the company
Mark’s POV
Mark was awaken due to his alarm but truth be told he was never actually been able to sleep well ever since the day his heart got broken and maybe that’s the reason why he would drown himself from too much workload or sultry nights with different girls, as he got up he eyes his room that he never thought he would go back to because this was the room that witnessed his lovely passions to his miserable state but he knew he should not dwell into it much because he is different now, this room should no longer remind him of the girl that tore him, he should move on and be stronger to prove to her how she wronged him. Mark decided to take a shower to finally get ready for another dreadful work day, he did not really enjoy working in a corporate world rather he enjoys creating music but due to too much guilt towards his parents and how he gave up on the life he enjoyed with her he decided it was best to follow the footsteps of his parents, honestly it was hard at first but through time he learned that it was not that bad after all, today he wore a grey suit from Armani that perfectly showed his toned body.
Mark did not bother to have breakfast as it was not really his thing even though his mom insists he eats something, he was fetched by his secretary Taeil and the car ride was rather cold he did not bother to chat with Taeil like would do normally, arriving in the company he was greeted by different department heads right from the entrance and was escorted towards his office, his arrival was a gossip amongst different staffs some saying he was a “playboy”, “spoiled” ,”kind” and many different mixed opinions but one in particular has caught his attention “he got a girl pregnant before they say and the baby died” that caught him in his tracks and immediately diverting his attention towards the girl “What did you say?” he asked with anger filling his eyes making the girl feel small as she was caught red handed “N-nothing s-sir” she said stuttering “Let me just remind you, you don’t get paid to gossip you get paid to work” he said slamming the desk of the girl and immediately heading towards his office Taeil seems to catch on so he gave small apologies towards the people and then following Mark after “S-sir are you alright” he asked the moment he entered Mark’s office but Mark just signaled him to leave to which Taeil cooperated too, deep thoughts occupied Mark’s mind especially since every day he dreams of his baby that died, it always fills him with guilt how it died so soon not even given the chance to see the world.
When Mark’s father knew that he was now in his office he immediately wanted to see his son that he misses so badly, “Mark” his father exclaimed opening his door to which he smiled at “Dad” Mark replies while giving the same enthusiasm “You look great in the office son” he compliments his son to which Mark replied to with a small “Thanks” but since Mark has a meeting soon he tells his dad “I actually have a meeting in about 10 min, let’s catch up later dad” but his dad stops him as he has something really important to tell him and it’s about the most awaited event where there big announcement will be known “I actually have something important to tell you son” Mark raised an eyebrow towards his father at him being so serious suddenly “What is it dad” he asked “We are hosting a charity ball son and I need you to be present” he announced “Yes, you told me” Mark replied “But son this ball will not just be a ball but we will be merging with another company-“ but before his dad can finish his phone rings “Excuse me son” his father said but then left immediately cause he also has a important meeting, Mark just shrugged it and went on about his day as he did not really think of it as something serious.
Y/N’s POV:
You were chilling in your office when your friend Yuna barged in “Y/N,Y/N” he said with a full glee to which you chuckled at “Don’t you have a company to run” you ask her while welcoming her for a embrace, the embrace was rather long with how much you miss each other, well before coming to New York , Yuna was your best friend as you have known each other till you were in diapers “Well I do but it’s lunch time” she said with a smile on her face and a cute doe eyes, you can’t help but giggle at how adorable she is “What brings you here” you asked her while motioning her to sit while you page your secretary to bring you some tea “First of all I miss you and second of all because you are merging with the Lee family and third we need to go shopping for dresses for the ball” she said while pointing her fingers at you “W-wait what merging and what ball?” you asked her very confuse about what’s happening “Oh you don’t know?” she asked again as if she could not believe you don’t know “Well yes idk” you repeated “ Well your mom is merging your company with the company of the Lee’s” you were shocked as your mom did not even bother to tell you “Second they will be holding a charity ball to announce the merge” at this point you really don’t know anymore “When is it” you asked her to which she happily replied to “Saturday”, well it’s basically three days from now “My mom hasn’t told me about that” you tell her as you tea arrived “Thanks” you tell your secretary “Maybe she will, but at least I told you didn’t I?” she said while taking a sip of the tea. Your Mom did indeed tell you within the day that there will be a ball that you need to attend to and it’s with the Lee’s who she wants to merge with, the whole situation made you feel like you are in a very fast paced world because it’s just your first day in Korea yet there are too many surprises that awaits you.
“All Rights Reserved”  © sibehpoor  2021
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laviefantasie · 4 years
140160 Hours
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Pairings: Alive!Luke Patterson x Alive!Reader
Summary: What if ever since you were born in your wrist you had tattoed the counted time till' you met your soul mate? 
According to the internet, a soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility and trust.
That is why the numbers on your wrist that counted down the time until you met your soulmate were important. Everybody was born with them.
And you weren’t the exception. As soon as you were born the numbers 140160 hrs had been engraved in your right wrist.
The numbers changing as you grew up.
You didn’t believe much on the soulmate deal. How could something so so random as a number in your wrist decide who you spent the rest of your life with?
Your mom and dad certainly were a good example of why it wouldn’t work. Soulmates or not, life can still throw its punches at you and your parents weren’t able to fight through them together.
When your wrist had the numbers 61320 hrs engraved on it your parents filed their divorce, your mom taking your full custody.
That definitely made you not look forward to finding your soulmate, especially after you saw how it had affected your parents.
Because even when their decision had been the right one —the constant fighting you had grown around of not being your best memories— it had made them lose a part of themselves.
Their souls yearning for the other’s warmth to feel —to be— complete.
That was the problem with meeting your soulmate, once you did the before didn’t exist anymore.
As soon as you met them, that part of you that had been longing for them, waiting for them, wakes up not allowing you to imaging life without the other.
You didn’t want that.
You were fine with your life as it was, concentrating on what you were truly passionate about: your music.
Who needed a soulmate?
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You stared at both of your best friends in front of you in disbelief. Since you had met your next-door neighbor, Julie Molina, when you were nine you both had become instant friends.
Both of you had a love for music and Julie’s mom, Rose, made sure to teach you both everything she knew about it.
That is why your friendship with Julie had grown so much, both of you soon joined to the hip.
Your friendship with Carrie, on the other hand, was due to your mom being her dad’s producer. You had basically known the strawberry blonde your whole life.
Yet, somehow, you had never noticed the way the number on either of their wrists was changing as the day you had decided on introducing each other got closer.
And that’s why right now you found yourself staring with wide eyes at both your best friends, who stared at the 0 engraved on their wrists in awe.
“I... I was not expecting this” you whisper.
Your words are enough to make Carrie snap out of her daze and smile at Julie, with a special glint in her brown eyes.
“I-I am Carrie” she smiles sweetly at the hispanic.
Julie blushes under the other girl’s stare, “I’m J-Julie”
You roll your eyes before excusing yourself, going to sit on the stool on the cafeteria’s counter deciding they should have this time to properly meet each other.
At the end of the day, you only met your soulmate once.
You stare at them across the room, seeing how their smiles are a little bigger and their eyes a little brighter as they stare at one another.
How did that happen? Was it the sole fact that they knew they were in front of their soulmate what caused that effect?
What made meeting your soulmate such a life changing event? Was it because of the way the people talk about it? What made meeting your soulmate so different from meeting someone else other than the fact that you knew they were —somehow— destined to be with you?
Your e/c eyes move to your right wrist, the numbers 35040 hrs engraved on it in a black bold handwriting.
Was it weird that you dreaded the moment you met him or her? Was it weird that you wanted to date other people and decide by yourself who you wanted to be with?
You were just twelve years old, you couldn’t imagine yourself meeting someone and just knowing you wanted to be by that person’s side for your whole life.
That was just nonsense.
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You found yourself running to the music room with Flynn and Carrie by your sides, Julie just having sent an SOS text to meet her there.
That had gotten the three best friends out of their seats in their Algebra class, ignoring your teacher’s protests, and running to the class you all liked to fool around so much in.
You were expecting to find the brunette crying her heart out or for her to be anxiously pacing around the room, you were definitely not expecting to see her jumping in excitement.
“I have a band!”
Her words made the three of you go from being confused to jumping in excitement with her, knowing the girl had been having a hard time with music since her mother died.
All of you had it hard, neither knowing how to live in a world without the mentoring and warmth of Rose Molina, but you all had been strong to be Julie’s rock. God knows how hard it had to be for her.
So they were definitely trill to hear that the girl they loved so much was finally happy again.
Carrie soon pulling her girlfriend in for a sweet kiss, before all of them soon tackle the Molina in a group hug.
Julie Molina had been fifteen when she had lost her mom. She had been fifteen the last time she had sung. It was after a year that Y/N had finally helped the brunette find her way to music again after finding a song her mother wrote for her when finally cleaning the studio —as neither of the Molina’s felt they could do it— so Mr. Molina could take pictures for the state agent.
Needless to say, once Julie heard about the song she couldn’t stay away from music anymore.
She sang.
After that, the girl had slowly started to come back to them. Now? Now she seemed to be back completely as she explained to them how is it she now had a band.
Apparently, you weren’t the only reason why she had decided to sing again. She had met a boy named Luke in the diner you guys love.
Said boy had been writing a song when —without meaning to— Julie had seen what he was writing and had helped him out on a verse he was working on.
She hadn’t meant to do it, it had just happened.
But that had made Luke follow her around, annoying her until she admitted she used to do music. After that, Reggie and Alex —the other boys of the band and apparently Luke’s best friends— had join Luke in trying to remind her what she loved about music.
The passion in the way they talked about music had awakened Julie’s curiosity for it, and when Y/N told her about the song she couldn’t resist.
She had been meeting with Luke to write songs behind their backs, Carrie scoffing in jealousy at that, before the boys had asked her to join Sunset Curve.
“We’re gonna change the band’s name though” admits the latina “A lot of things have changed for them, one of their bandmates left with Luke’s songs before they met me and that messed up with their sound”
“What about Julie and her Ghosts? Can’t believe you kept these guys a secret”
Julie noticing the jealous tone in her girlfriend’s voice, smiles before holding the strawberry blonde’s hand. Carrie soon smiling happily.
“I’m sorry I kept them from you” she apologizes “I’ve just been wanting to see if it’d work first, didn’t want to get all of your hopes up for nothing”
Flynn sighs before smiling towards her best friend, “It’s okay, Jules. When can we meet them then?”
“Today is the day you meet the ghosts” she smiles excitedly “Afterschool at the studio, that okay?”
You share a look with Carrie and Flynn before nodding with a smile.
“Let’s meet Julie and her Phantoms”
Unknowingly, to you your right wrist now had the numbers 6 hrs 37 mins on it, the exact amount of time before you’d find yourself walking through the white doors of Julie’s studio.
You had decided to stop looking at your wrist as soon as you had turned sixteen, making sure to cover it with as many bracelets as you could to avoid looking at it by mistake.
You didn’t want a soulmate.
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Carrie, Flynn and Y/N were riding their bikes to Julie’s house while talking about how they thought the guys looked.
You all had agreed to meet to go to Julie’s house at 4 o’clock after going to your own homes to change clothes and were happily making your way to the place you had all once loved.
The three of you were excited to be on the studio again, you had even brought with you your songbook. You were excited to show Julie the songs you had written.
It had been so long since she had read your songs. Hopefully, you’d both be writing songs together again.
“I’m pretty sure they’re hot”
Flynn’s comment makes you and Carrie laugh out loud before coming to a stop in front of the Molina’s home. The three of you throwing your bikes on their yard.
“I’m serious! I’m thinking we’re about to see some well done boys in there, we should probably stop to check we’re presentable enough”
“Flynn, we’re already late to Julie’s band rehearsal” Carrie points out “No time to stop”
You feel your wrist tingle weirdly as you position yourself in front of your best friends while walking backwards to the studio.
Not knowing your wrist was tingling because the numbers on it were going down.
20, 19, 18, 17, 16...
“And if I may add, I believe we’re already looking quite hot” You smirk teasingly at them “As a matter of fact”
You’re almost at the studio, as the sound of an unknown melody becomes louder with every step you give.
15, 14, 13, 12, 11...
“I think they’re not ready for us” You state sassily “And they’re teenagers, how hot can they be?”
Flynn and Carrie stop, so you do too. The one with braids widening her eyes at the sight behind you.
“I think very very hot”
10, 9, 8, 7...
Seeing Carrie nod her head in agreement, you turn around to see what they mean. You e/c eyes finding Julie’s figure as she sings her heart out, oblivious to the three new arrivals.
Your heart start thumping loudly in your chest as your wrist starts tingling even more, which weirds you out but you choose to ignore it. Not noticing the way the guitarists looks weirded out too as he tries to keep his focus on the song they’re playing.
Your eyes soon move towards the blond drummer before going to the dark-haired bass player.
6, 5, 4, 3...
You admire them for a while before moving your eyes to the lead guitarist, your breath coming out quicker against your control.
Black vans, black ripped jeans with chains on them, black Rolling Stone’s sleeveless t-shirt, different colored bracelets on his wrists and many rings on his hand.
Your eyes go from well built arms to shaggy brown untamed hair. The guitarist’s head turning as he feels his chest tighten with an unknown feeling.
Luke shakes his head before trying to focus on the song once again, turning around to go back to his microphone stand his eyes find the three new people standing by the studio’s doors.
His bright green eyes soon meeting enchanting e/c eyes.
Luke’s hand stops playing abruptly, the rest of the band member stopping in confusion as the sound of the guitar fades.
Though Julie’s confused look soon becomes an excited one as she sees all of you by the doors.
She runs excitedly towards you three, grabbing your hands not noticing the way your eyes don’t leave the ones of the green-eyed boy.
The tingling on both of your wrists gone.
“I’m so glad you’re finally here” she turns to the boys with a smile “Guys, these intruders are the bestest of friends in the whole world”
She points to all of you, “That is Carrie, my better half, that is Flynn, and this one over here is Y/N”
She then turns to the three girls, Carrie being the first to notice your wide eyes, “Girls, this Alex, Reggie, and Luke. Julie and the Phantoms, name credits go to you, Y/N/N”
“Y/N/N, you okay?”
Carrie’s question has your best friends looking towards you in worry, Alex and Reggie soon asking the same thing to a frozen Luke.
Though, it is Julie the one that notices the way your left hand grips your right wrist tightly. Getting close enough to you to pull your hand away and move your many bracelets.
A gasp escapes her as she graces at the black bold 0 on it.
Her brown eyes look towards your surprised ones as you still stare at Luke, not knowing exactly what is it you feel at that moment.
Reggie, being filled with curiosity, copies Julie’s actions with Luke. An awestruck look on his face as soon as he sees the 0 etched on his skin.
That seems to snap the guitarist from his shock, his green eyes moving towards his wrist in wonder.
As soon as you find yourself free from his gaze, you move your hand away from Julie and run out of the studio.
You ignore Julie’s screams for you and hop on your bike before pedaling to your house. Your heart beating loudly in your chest as you feel... empty.
Your eyes hadn’t become brighter and your smile hadn’t grown.
You hadn’t felt all the things they had ever told you you’d feel. All you had felt was fear. Fear of having a soulmate, fear of not knowing how to talk to said soulmate, fear of not being able to connect with said person.
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A few days had passed since you had run out of Julie’s band rehearsal and you hadn’t bother to go see Julie when the band was there.
Your best friends trying to make you talk to Luke yet still supportive when you stated you weren’t ready. You wanted to believe it was because they understood but something told you it was because said boy probably didn’t want to see you just yet too.
That’s why you weren’t worried when you agreed to study with Julie that day, both of you finishing your assignments in record time before proceeding to look through your songs.
“These are amazing, Y/N/N” she smiles sweetly after finishing reading the song you never got to finish “Have you shown me this one before though? I feel like I’ve already read it”
You shake your head confused, you hadn’t shown that song to anyone. You had written it a long time ago when you had felt incredibly alone and had, for the first time, wished for you soulmate.
You hadn’t been able to finish it and soon you had forgotten it existed. Until a few days ago, meeting your —apparent— soulmate had made you look for the song.
You wanted to finish it but couldn’t for some reason.
“Never, Jules” she looks at you confused “Anyways, I had an idea for a piano intro for the first verse that I wanted to run by you first”
“Sure, just let me go upstairs to bring my stuff. And probably some snacks”
You nod your head before watching her leave. You sigh before gazing at the unfinished lyrics in your songbook annoyed.
Since when was finishing a song such a hard task?
With a scoff, you stand up from the couch and move to the piano with your songbook in hand. Soon accommodating yourself to start playing the song, hoping that would help you snap out of whatever writer’s block you had and finish it.
Softly, the chords you had in mind are played by you before your voice sings the first verse.
“Sometimes I think I'm falling down
I wanna cry, I'm callin' out
For one more try to feel alive”
Without your knowledge, a certain green-eyed boy stopped outside of the studio as soon as he heard you.
“And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home”
You look at the lyrics with a narrowed gaze before trying out the first words that come to mind when the memory of a pair of green eyes come to mind.
“Fight through the dark
And... find the spark”
The boy sneaks a glance at you, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he remembers the unfinished song in his black songbook.
The song he had started writing after a fight with her mom concerning the band. He had felt so sad that he had yearn the comfort of someone who understood his pain without knowing it.
You stop playing then let out a frustrated groan as you come out with nothing to add before making your way to your —incomplete— chorus.
“Life is a risk but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump”
Your eyes snap to the owner of the unknown voice, finding the green eyes you had been dreading —yet longing— to see.
You see him struggling for what to come next, finding you actually know what would go right after what he had just sung.
“Together I think that we can make it”
He looks at you in surprise before smiling and singing the end of what would be your song’s pre-chorus.
“Come on, let's run”
Neither of you move, both of you staring deeply into each other’s eyes. Julie, who had just arrived with snacks, quietly leaves you both knowing you were just about to realize why you were soulmates.
Luke coughs as a blush makes its way to his face before moving towards his songbook —the reason he had come to the studio in the first place— on his guitar’s amp.
You watch him quietly, him soon making his way towards you hesitating before taking a sit besides you on the piano.
You ignore the loud thumping of your heart as you feel your knees touch his.
His green eyes find your e/c ones before he opens his songbook, holding it out to you once he finds the song he wants to show you.
In times that I doubted myself
I felt likе I needed some help
Stuck in my hеad with nothing left
I feel something around me now
So unclear...
Life is a risk but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Come on, let's run
And rise through the night
Bright forever
And rise through the night
Bright forever
You felt your breath catch in your throat as you finally understand what’s written in his awful handwriting. The lyrics and melody matching your song perfectly.
You, wordlessly, push your songbook towards him, Luke soon reading it in wonder.
“How do you feel about Julie and the Phantoms getting a new song?”
It was safe to say that it was that night that you finally understood why all the fuzz going around about soulmates.
As Luke and you worked Bright together your eyes shined brighter and your smile never disappeared from your face. You had never felt so complete in your whole life.
And staring at the boyish grin on the brunette’s face as you finished singing the newly finish soon-to-be hit of the band, you couldn’t help but think that maybe —just maybe— having a soulmate wasn’t so bad.
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parkjess · 4 years
Hi! Can I please request a lee dongmin imagine where they are best friends and y/n has love him but he doesn’t realize it and they fight. Please include lots of angst but a happy ending pleaseeee. Thank youuu so much!!
Thank you for requesting!🥰
(Min is a nickname for Dongmin🙃)
Days gone by/ Lee Dongmin (cha eunwoo)
It’s been days since you slept well, yet you can’t even blame him, only yourself.
You’ve been running from one press conference to another one, ending every day at the shooting set with your best friend, Dongmin, who works hard with even less hours of sleep than you get. He didn’t ask you to come, but you’ve been there because it’s important to you to support him all the way.
“Aren’t you tired y/n? It’s getting late. Should I get you an Uber?” He fixes your hair that got messy long time ago, you hold tightly onto the 5th cup of coffee today, and your heartbeats are getting out of control with every little touch of him.
-“No, it’s okay min, I’ll leave with you.” You reply and check your phone to avoid any contact with him since your eyes are half swollen from being tired and on your feet since 5am. It is 10pm now, and the director doesn’t look like he’s about to finish this shooting day soon.
“Don’t be stubborn, I can tell you’re sleepy, please don’t do it to yourself.” As much as it looked like he’s all into his career, his head was always busy about you, not showing it enough though. -“I’m not stubborn... okay I am. But I’m not even that tired. See? I’m drawing.” You show him your phone, it was bright enough to dazzle him and he covers his eyes.
“Are you kidding me?” He laughs unbelievably, “you never use the brightness this high. Y/n...” he calls your name softly at the end, pulling you to a bear hug.
“Eunwoo-ya!” The director suddenly calls his name, scaring both of you as he turns to him. -“Yes, director?” He replies politely as the older man starts to laugh. “You worked hard today, you may go home now.” Your eyes widen and you felt relieved at the director’s words, sighing.
-“it’s your lucky day.” Dongmin smiles at you and packs his things that we’re resting next to you the whole time.
Every day is my lucky day if I get to spend it with you. You thought.
You giggle and follow him to his car. The ride home was quiet, it was raining softly on the car window you stared at the whole time, almost falling asleep at the calming atmosphere.
Only his soft voice ringing in your ear and the sound of raindrops in the other.
-“It’s my free day tomorrow.” He says, waking you up from the daydream you fell into. -“Oh, I woke you up, sorry y/n...” he says and smiles widely, back to focus on the slippery road when you glance at him.
“It is?” You asked in surprise, it was good news since you could rest well finally, but you weren’t as relieved as you thought you would be, it means you won’t see him the whole weekend, and maybe next week too since he has to go to another city.
“I’m glad for you...” you think and then say, what could you else reply with? It’s a good thing, for both of you to rest, but it’s your feelings that won’t rest all this time, and you already know it.
He smiles at you when you look at him, his eyes are still on the road as they should be, and the short conversation is over.
“Dongmin...” you say when he pulls over the car in the parking lot the closest to your place. -“Yes?” He looks at you lovely, yet friendly. “Thanks for the ride, rest well...” that all you could say, but is that’s what you wanted to say? Absolutely not.
A short smile appears on his face and you close the car door, with slow steps you walk towards your home, but it feels like you just left your real home.
Days gone by, and you haven’t heard of him since that tiring day.
“It’s been a while Min, let’s meet at the café.” You decide to text him and be the first who contact, it feels empty without him near, his voice his missing in your ears. Not even an emoji from him, only seen is shown.
Arriving at the café, you search for Dongmin with your eyes, without moving your body a lot, you take a seat at the nearest table. After couple of minutes waiting, the familiar smell of his clothes approached. “Hey... Dongmin-Ah, how have you been?” You stand up to greet him and ask with a smile, that one that appears every time you see him.
-“it’s been good, I met someone...” he says and sips on the coffee he brought along, taking a seat. Your heart skipped a bit and your face forgot that sweet smile as you heard his words. “Oh, what do you mean ‘met someone’? Like...” you try to understand if you got it right and his shining smile already approves what his words haven’t.
-“We’ve been dating since then...” he talks about the day he haven’t seen you since.
“I hope she treats you well, take care Dongmin.” You say and get up of your seat, grabbing your bag. -“Wait, y/n where are you going?” You start to walk slowly towards the door and he’s quick to follow you. -“I thought you wanted to catch up? What is wrong with you- y/n, stop!” He grabs you by the wrist as you start to walk faster, not noticing the car that was driving fast towards your direction, the weather gets colder and everything seems white as if it was snowing.
You turn around to him, feeling like the main character in one of the dramas he plays in, tears streaming down your face automatically, and your blood is boiling inside, heart racing.
-“He could’ve hit you! What the hell are you doing?!” He raised his voice at you, for the first time in his life since you know each other.
“I don’t care! Let go of my hand.” You shout back and people around seem to be staring at both of you.
“Leave me alone. Please...” you start to cry harder and he pulls you into a hug, your hands naturally grab his coat but you try your best to pull away.
-“I won’t until you tell me what is going on.” He says, you could barely hear him behind your back and due to your sobs, but you managed to. “I...” your sobs won’t let you even speak properly and you try your best to fight it back. “I have feelings for you Dongmin-Ah. That is what’s going on.” You pull away from his warm embrace and look him in the eyes although your vision is blurred.
He opened his mouth to speak up but said nothing and lead you to his car, holding your back the whole time until you get in.
-“Y/n... I- I didn’t know that...” he sits in the drivers seat, takes your hand into his and holds it tightly, you try to look away to hide your tears.
“Forget it, can you drive me home?” You pull your arm to yourself to loosen his grip on your wrist and look away towards the window which is getting covered in white slowly as the snow falls softly on it.
-“No. I can’t. I’m not starting the car until you talk to me.” He’s stating. You turn your head to him and see he’s waiting for you to speak up, but you already had enough of this day, and it only started. “Fine. Goodbye.” You open the car door and get out of it, not minding the cold weather hitting you at once and brushing away your hair.
Your tears stopped streaming but they choke you inside, you are getting panicked and searching for your phone in the pockets of your coat, realizing you probably left it in his car.
“Fuck it...” you curse under your cold breath, taking a deep one and decide to go back to his car, but a tall figure bumps into you as you turn around, he grabs you by your shoulders to keep you steady. -“You forgot your phone...” you look up to meet your favorite pair of eyes of his, the one who just got your heart broken.
-“Can you please look at me again and not look away everytime you do?” He says after you take your phone from his hands, it’s freezing cold, but his hands are warm. “And do what? You want me to get hurt again?” You attack him with the only words you had in mind, trying to hold back the tears.
-“Look! Just read this.” He puts his phone infront of you, it shows a chat with someone unfamiliar to you, and few messages from the last couple of minutes.
“What is it, min?” You ask him, reading carefully every single words it says. -“She broke up with me. She saw me with you earlier and said she saw how you looked at me, thinking I’m cheating on her with you.”
“And you came here to blame me for your girlfriend breaking up with you?” You lift an eyebrow, your nose is freezing and you try to breathe normally. -“I came to tell you I like the way she thought were dating, and that I felt free when she sent me those messages.” At this point his voice is softened to the sweetest tone, comforting your broken heart.
-“Can you please come back to my car? Your nose is red already...” he asked and led you to the car again, this time you knew you won’t run away.
“So... what are you saying?” You ask him, sitting comfortably.
-“I thought about it... and it wasn’t the worst idea taking you on a date, I mean, a real date.” He stuttered, yet confident. “The worst huh?” You smile and tease him, it feels different, but it’s the same comforting feeling he gives you everytime.
-“So, would you go on a date with me?” He asks, starting the car.
“I thought it was clear...” you laugh. “All these tears made me hungry, let’s go to eat something.” You came back to yourself, laughing at how he could make you feel better, or should you thank the one he dated until 10 minutes ago?
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captain-josslett · 3 years
Broken Melody - Part Thirty Two
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 8.6k+ (opps)
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, PTSD moments
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers x Sam Arias
This Part: Two weeks before the surgery, the Danvers sisters find out something about their Mom and the Superfriends go bowling!
Surprise! Two days later! What is going on? I had a lot of fun writing this. Sorry it got so long!
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom
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2 Weeks Before The Surgery
Emma slowly wakes up and stretches her whole body while voicelessly yawning. Generally her sleep hasn’t been as disturbed as before, but Emma is still finding she doesn’t feel as refreshed as she should when she wakes up.
Her hand reaches out for Lena, but finds the space next to her empty and cold. She blinks her eyes open and silently sighs when there is no sign of her girlfriend.
Lena had warned that she may have to work on Saturday due to the volume of business piling up. But she'd already said she needed to recharge.
Even though Sam and Lena have been hiring more staff to work the caseloads and Lena has been supervising the team leaders in the labs. The workload just seems never ending for L-Corp at the moment.
Causing Emma to barely see her girlfriend this week leaving Lena to usually stumble tiredly into the apartment after Emma has gone to bed. She’d sleepily brush her teeth, flop into bed, sometimes fully clothed and make Emma jump awake by the bounce of the bed. If Lena was still clothed in her tight business clothes, Emma would carefully change Lena into her pyjamas so she could sleep more comfortably. Emma would then kiss her on the forehead due to the raven haired beauty already being asleep.
Then Lena would wake up before her alarm, leaving Emma to sleep in as Lena quietly sneaks out of the apartment to head to L-Corp before sunrise. There wasn’t even much time for them to have lunch together but Emma would savour the moments she could have with Lena.
However, last night when Lena stumbled through the bedroom door, Emma had still been awake and once Lena crawled into bed and into Emma’s arms, she had groaned that she would take Saturday off to recharge.
‘Guess not.’ Emma thinks sadly while rolling out of bed to use the bathroom. She wobbles slightly as the room spins but Emma was getting used to the sensation.
Afterwards she grabs her phone and sees a message from her Mom
Eliza: Morning Sweetheart! Was wondering if you and Lena wanted to grab breakfast/brunch/lunch with me? Depending on what time you wake up of course!
Emma’s heart warms at how her Mom always wants to include Lena in their outings, which evidently, has started to dwindle. Emma glances at the time on her phone and sees it’s just gone 10:30am.
Emma: Yes please! Although it will be just me cause Lena has to work. 🥺
Where would you like to go? Do you want me to pick you up?
Due to everything happening Eliza had decided to rent an apartment that was close to the DEO and in a location that was in the middle of her daughter’s apartments. Emma was still impressed that her Mom managed to achieve all this in such a short time. But once her Mom’s mind was set on something, she went for it and no one would dare tell her to go back to Midvale.
Eliza: That’s a shame. How about that beach cafe you rave about so much?
Emma snorts at her Mom’s text.
Emma: Mom, I rave about a lot of beach cafés…
Eliza: Is that sarcasm I detect?
Emma: Noooo
Eliza: Anyway, you choose sweetheart, I am ready when you are. Just let me know when you are leaving.
Emma: Great! Give me 15 mins!
Emma quickly places her phone on the bed and races to the walk-in wardrobe, having had her shower the night before she waited for Lena to come home.
Suddenly the room spins and warps around her. Emma closes her eyes, waiting for the moment to pass. Thankfully it does and she continues her task. Choosing blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with gold stars on and a black hoodie. She stuffs her feet into black converses and grabs her phone, texting her Mom and places it into her messenger bag.
Emma: Just leaving now.
But as Emma heads for the door she notices a piece of paper on the island. Intrigued, she zips over, banging her knee into the corner of the unit. Unknowingly cracking the hard unit slightly.
‘Mother fucker!’ Emma’s mind screams as she rubs her knee before focusing on Lena’s handwriting.
‘Good Morning my love,
I’m sorry for leaving you like this but I have to go into work. I will hopefully be able to come to the bowling alley. If not, please apologise to Nia and give her a hug from me.
All my love, Lena x’
Emma lets out a voiceless sigh, she knew Lena was not in the apartment, but seeing the proof frustrates her. Disappointment in her girlfriend starts to creep in, she hopes Lena can make it to the bowling alley, not for her, but for Nia. Who has been bouncing around like a puppy with how much she was looking forward to spending time with the Superfriends to celebrate her birthday.
Due to Lena’s connections they’ve managed to hire a VIP private room with a few lanes, meaning once they are through the doors they don't need to have any face modifiers activated.
Because of Lena’s note, Emma grabs Nia’s birthday gifts and card, just in case Emma doesn’t return to the apartment before the party.
Her phone bleeps and Emma quickly takes it out as she exits the apartment.
Eliza: Okay Sweetheart! Drive safe!
Emma rolls her eyes at her Mom’s message and resists sending a sarcastic comment back. Instead she smiles down at her phone while she enters the elevator and activates her face modifier. She chooses a face with a beauty mark like Marilyn Monroe and she can’t help but pull a sexy pout while studying the new face in the mirror of the elevator.
Soon the doors open into the garage level and Emma approaches the L-Car, while mournfully staring at her bug. She gets into the car Lena designed for her and drives to her Mom’s apartment.
Eventually she pulls up outside Eliza’s building and finds her Mom is already waiting outside, with J’onn by her side. They haven’t noticed her arrival as they continue talking. Emma watches them with interest, noticing the smiles on their faces and how close they are standing while facing each other. Her eyes lower and widen at the realisation that they are holding hands.
Emma gets out her phone and records a short video of the pair interacting, zooming in on their joined hands before turning the camera on herself and raising an eyebrow. Immediately she sends the video to her sister’s group chat and another to Lena.
Emma: Morning love! Hope work is going okay? So… Picking up Mom for brunch and I’ve come across this… I don’t know how to feel… I want to squeal in happiness and simultaneously wretch! Oh Rao… We’re gonna have to give him the shovel talk aren’t we? 😬
Suddenly there is a knock on the passenger window, making Emma jump in her seat. Looking over she realises her Mom is standing by the door, waiting to be let in and Emma unlocks the door.
“Morning Sweetheart.” Eliza says while  sliding into the car and gives her youngest daughter a tight hug.
When they part, Emma looks around for J’onn.
“Oh he’s already left, doesn't want the shovel talk just yet.” Eliza jokes as she puts on her seat belt, Emma tilts her head, wondering how he would know that. “He heard your thoughts as you were messaging your sisters and Lena.”
Emma snorts and shakes her head, of course J’onn would have heard her. She  drives the car away from the pavement and back into the traffic. The pair stay in comfortable silence as they listen to the radio with Emma tapping along to the beat. Eliza has been learning some sign language but knows Emma won’t be able to communicate while driving the car.
About half an hour later they pull into a car park by a very long beach and Emma grabs her phone to communicate with her Mom. She sees multiple messages from her sisters but decides she will look at them later. Instead opening the notes app and writing a message out for her Mom.
‘Do you mind walking 20 minutes to the café? I can see if there are more spaces near it, but they are generally full.’
Emma shows her typed out words to her Mom.
“Of course sweetheart! I know I’m old, but I’m not that old!”
Emma shakes her head in amusement. Not liking the thoughts of how her Mom is growing older, that her blonde hair is getting lighter and more lines are appearing on her face.
As Eliza goes to pull the handle on the door Emma stops her, causing Eliza to look back at her daughter.
Emma circles her face, indicating she needs to engage her face modifier.
“Oh! Of course!” Eliza quickly taps her temple and her face morphs into another.
Emma silently sighs as they both get out of the car, hoping the face modifiers can be made obsolete soon. When Emma closes the door she stumbles slightly as the world spins but she manages to catch herself on the car. She looks over at her Mom, but luckily it seems like she doesn’t notice.
“So! Which way do we go?” Eliza asks as she links her arm with Emma. Her daughter points down to the path leading down to the beach and the pair walk in sync along the coast.
Both breathe in the salty sea air and enjoy watching the waves as they gently crash against the shore.
“I’ll never get over how beautiful the sea is.” Eliza comments and Emma nods in agreement. The colours were especially beautiful today, more turquoise than blue.
“Do you remember the amount of times you’d drag us down to the beach? How you wanted to go, even when it was raining?” Eliza smiles brightly at her daughter and Emma nods. Remembering the amount of pictures showing Alex and Jeremiah sat together while Emma enjoyed being in the sea. “And then once you found out about surfing, that was it! Your Dad and Alex put their foot down when you wanted to go all the time.”
Unable to respond Emma just smiles at the memories and the utter thrill she felt when she managed to catch her first wave. How her parents cheered and Alex tried to look unimpressed, but her eyes gave her away that she indeed was impressed and proud of her sister.
Eliza continues reminiscing as they walk towards the beach hut café Lena and Emma had gone to a few weeks ago.
“Oh this looks wonderful!” Eliza says as she steps through the door and follows Emma to a free table by the window. Eliza sits and takes in the beach decor of the cafe. The white walls and ceiling with the wooded furniture and beach elements in the decoration.
Emma grabs her phone and types out a message for her. ‘Yea Lena and I love it here.’
“I can see why.”
Their waitress comes over and greets them, handing them menus for them to look over.
“What drinks can I get ya?” The waitress pulls a pencil from behind her ear.
“Oh a pot of tea for me and-” Eliza looks over at Emma who points at an apple juice and a bottle of water.
“Great! I’ll get those for you and leave you to decide on y’all food.”
“Thank you.” Eliza watches the waitress go before turning back to her masked daughter. Who sits looking out of the window and even though her daughter’s face is hidden, Eliza can see something isn’t right “So, how are you sweetheart?”
Emma picks up her phone and starts typing.
‘I’m okay, nervous about the surgery but also excited. I miss talking to you.’
“And I miss hearing your voice.” Eliza reaches out and takes Emma’s hand. “But whatever happens I���ll be here to take care of you. Even if we need to go home and get some of that mountain air into you.”
Emma smiles at the thought of going back to Midvale. She goes to type her reponse when a message from Alex pops up.
Alex: Emma answer me!
Alarmed Emma opens their group chat and starts from the beginning of the thread where Emma sent the video.
Kara: Wait what?!
Alex: When did this happen?!
Emma snorts as she reads through the continuous back and forth between her two sisters as they try to piece together their Mom’s relationship with J’onn and how they felt about it. Ranging from many different emotions, Kara seemingly being more accepting, while Alex pleads Emma for more information and her location.
“Kara and Alex?” Eliza chuckles as she watches Emma’s expressions as she reads. Emma nods and grins back at her in confirmation.
Emma: Sorry I’m with Mom atm and didn’t see your hundreds of messages.
Kara: Where?
Emma: In a café ☕️
Alex: Which cafe?
Emma: Not telling 😜
Emma places her phone back on the table as the waitress comes over with the drinks. The pair order their food and Eliza can’t help but notice how Emma’s phone keeps lighting up.
“What’s that about?”
Emma hesitates but clicks on the video she recorded of her Mom and J’onn.
“Emma!” Eliza’s eyes widen as she watches. “Did you send that to your sisters?”
Emma nods guilty.
“Oh well.” Eliza takes a sip of her tea. “I did think you all already knew something, Sam and Lena seemed to have cotton on.”
Emma tilts her head and tries to remember any conversations she had with Lena about this topic. But she comes up empty.
“Oh what a surprise!” Eliza places her cup down and smiles over at the door.
Emma twists in her seat to see Alex rushing through the doorway with her phone in hand and Kara standing right behind her.
“Look! All I’m saying is that tracking Emma’s phone feels like an invasion of privacy.” Kara whispers as they move further into the cafe.
“She’s with Mom, it’s fine.” Alex snaps back and notices the table with two blondes. One beaming at her and the other looking confused. The redhead quickly marches over and sits next to, who she presumes, is Emma. Kara drops into the chair next to Eliza and straightens her glasses.
“What a nice surprise! I thought you said you were busy this morning?”
“Plans change.” Alex quips back.
“They sure do, are you joining us for brunch?”
“Do you want us to?” Kara looks directly at Emma, knowing they are taking her time away with Eliza. Emma nods and shrugs, signaling she was okay with it. “Okay, I’ll get some menus and drinks.”
“Make mine a scotch.” Alex calls after her and turns back to her Mom. “So, how long has it been going on?”
“Alex.” Eliza tiredly sighs. “We are just enjoying each other's company and supporting one another through this time.”
“But why him?” Alex asks in frustration.
“Why not him? We’ve been through so much together and I know he views you as his daughters.”
“Makes sense.” Kara places two mugs of coffee on the table and the menus. “The waitress will be over in a second and will bring our food out together.”
The table falls silent as Alex and Kara look over the menu while Emma’s eyes glance between her family, surprised by Alex’s simmering hostility.
The waitress comes back over and the sisters order. The waitress turns to go but pauses and turns back around. “I don't mean to be rude but aren't you Emma Danvers’ sisters?”
“Erm-” Kara’s eyes go wide when they realise their mistake of not activating the face modifiers.
“Don’t worry, we won’t say anything! It’s a pleasure! Also, when you see Emma, please tell her we miss her and look forward to serving her again.” The waitress beams at them before heading to the kitchen to process their order.
Touched by her comment Emma’s eyes begin to fill with tears and she looks out of the window at the sea to hide them from her family. But she misses the knowing expressions on their faces.
“So.” Alex clears her throat and focuses on her Mom. “Is it serious?”
“I would like it to be.” Eliza says honestly, making Emma wipe her face and turn back to look at her.
“But what about Dad?” The redhead says quietly, almost sounding vulnerable, as she crosses her arms over her chest.
“Alex, in some ways, I will always love your father, despite everything that happened. But he’s gone and we had spoken that if anything ever happened to either one of us we would want the other to move on. For a very long time I didn’t feel at all able to, but I’ve finally got to the stage where I finally feel like I can.”
Emma sucks in her bottom lip and reaches out for her Mom’s hand. She nods and gives her Mom an encouraging smile, giving her blessing on the matter.
“Thank you sweetheart.” Eliza places her other hand over her daughter’s.
“When did it start?” Kara asks, blinking at her family as if trying to make sense of it.
“For me, I’ve always-” Eliza pauses, trying to find the right words for her daughters. She feels Emma gently squeezing her hand in reassurance. Eliza takes a deep breath and continues. “I’ve always liked him, in either form.” A small, sweet smile plays across her lips, Emma mirrors it as she watches her Mom closely.
“But when did it start?” Alex asks sternly, causing both Kara and Emma to give her a hard look.
“Girls, it's fine.” Eliza lets go of Emma’s hand and motions for Alex to give her her hand. But Alex keeps her arms crossed. Eliza sighs before continuing. “The truth is, our relationship developed while you all were still in the DEO. I mean, everyone had been so kind and welcoming, Nia especially made sure I always had a drink or she’d give me these little cakes from the bakery I like. Brainy, bless him, seemed at times unable to process what he was feeling. At one point I came into the lab and he was just so-” Eliza lifts her hands and motions them forward to emphasise the words. “Angry. I held him as he wept for the three of you. In some ways I fell into the Mom role for all of them. Sam likes to think she was the Mom too, but there were times I had to remind her to take care of herself.”
“And then there was J’onn. He saw the pain I was in and was the one who held me, told me that everything was going to be alright and we’d get through it together.” Eliza’s eyes mist over with tears. “For the first time, in a long time, I felt safe as he held me in his arms and the feelings we have for each other grew. We understood each other, our pain at our daughters' situations and the love between us grew.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Kara asks curiously.
“It wasn’t really the right time.” Eliza’s mind shoots back to when Kara and Alex had been imprisoned in their cells. The hatred burning in their glowing red eyes and the agony within Emma’s bloodshot ones.
“Or after that?” Alex asks, trying to process what she is feeling.
“Maybe, selfishly, I wanted to have this to myself for a while. Because I knew you’d react this way.”
Alex’s nostrils flare and she leans forward. “Well maybe if you had been honest in the first place-”
Emma’s hand on her arm cuts her off and she turns to angrily glare at her.
“No, Em! Mom should have told us.”
“You’re right.” Eliza’s words make her daughters’ heads snap to her. “I should have told you, but I didn’t. However, now you know.”
“Please Alex, Mom deserves to be happy.” Emma pleads.
“I agree.” Kara softly says and places her hand on Eliza’s shoulder.
Before Alex can say anything the waitress comes over with their food. They start eating with the tension simmering between them.
“I’m sorry.” Alex murmurs quietly, her head down as she cuts her food.
“I know.” Eliza reaches across the table and takes Alex’s hand “And I am too. I know how much you still love your Dad and that will never change.”
Emma places her hand on Alex’s arm, completely understanding what her sister was feeling but also wanting her Mom to be happy.
“Soo, talking of love.” Kara begins, trying to steer the subject away from Eliza but soon loses her nerves as three pairs of eyes focus on her. “Erm-”
“Someone caught your eye?” Emma signs and raises an eyebrow at her sister.
“Maybe.” Kara giggles shyly.
“Who?” Alex widens her eyes slightly. “That new guy working with James?”
“What new guy working with James?!” Emma signs to both of her sisters and looks at her Mom in disbelief.
“His name is Benvolio Rossi, Ben for short, he was named after his Grandpa who migrated over from Italy and Ben moved here a few months from New York. I saw him around the office but didn’t talk to him until recently. Well, Nia kind of pushed me over to him and we ended up chatting, flirting and getting coffee.” A shy, beaming smile grows on Kara’s face.
“Picture?!” Emma signs excitedly and claps her hands.
“Okay!” Kara pulls out her phone and goes onto Ben’s facebook profile. “Here he is.” She turns the phone around.
“Eh.” Alex shrugs half heartedly and shoves in a mouthful of food.
“Alex!” Kara yells at her sister.
“What I’m a lesbian! Man things don’t do it for me.”
Emma snorts and motions Kara for her phone, so she can look at the picture properly. She tilts her head as she studies his face, feeling a sense of familiarity as she looks at him.
His olive skin glowed in the sun and his face was chiseled and handsome with shiny black hair, groomed stubble and warm brown eyes.
“Em?” Kara asks, intrigued by the curious expression on her sister's face. Emma hands the phone to Eliza who also wants to look.
“Oh he’s handsome.” Eliza exclaims. “Wow!”
“Yea.” Kara says with a goofy smile. “But-” Kara turns back to Emma. “Why were you looking at the picture like that?”
“I feel like I’ve met him before. Was he press at the gigs?”
“Well he does everything but, yea, I imagine he would have been at some of your gigs.”
“Cool! What’s he like?”
The conversations soon flow onto Kara’s new crush as the Danvers eat their meal.
-- -- --
Time passes and the family realise they need to be leaving soon to get to Nia’s bowling birthday party.
“Shall we go together?” Emma signs as they exit the cafe.
“Sure.” Alex says and holds out her hand for the keys. “But I’m driving.”
Emma looks at her scandalised and backs away from her eldest sister. “Excuse me?! I’m a better driver than you!”
Alex stalks her as Kara and Eliza link arms, trailing behind them and chatting amongst themselves.
“Don’t be so ridiculous! I’ve been trained-”
“Whoop de doo!” Emma holds her hands up.
“I can’t believe you actually just signed that!”
Emma shrugs. “Are you forgetting that I had two minors on my driving test and you had fourteen?! I still wonder how you managed to convince that poor man of passing you.” Emma signs cheekily and quickly lifts her top slightly with a raised eyebrow and sticks her tongue out to the side.
“Oh now you’ve done it!” Alex yells and Emma immediately turns around and runs after seeing the spark in her sister’s eyes.
“Run Emma!” Kara yells as Alex chases after her, both laughing as Emma dodges her attempts at catching her.
“Those two.” Eliza chuckles and shakes her head as she watches her daughters jump down onto the beach, sand flying everywhere from their chase.
Eliza turns her head to look at Kara, who watches her blonde and redheaded sisters with a big grin and laughs along with them.
“So, Ben, does he know anything?”
“No.” Kara says quickly. “I mean, there was one incident.”
“Okay, maybe four.” Kara admits and quickly continues talking. “But they were completely out of my control and I don’t think he knows anything.”
“Does Alex know about these ‘incidences’?”
They both look over and watch as finally Alex manages to grab a hold of Emma while the blonde slips on a sand mound and Alex jumps on her back, wrapping her arms around Emma’s shoulders.
“Onward valet steed!” Alex yells and points at the path.
Emma blows out a breath of amusement and trots back up to Kara and her Mom, glad that she could take Alex’s weight.
“How far away is the car?” Alex asks her Mom with a grin.
“Well after you're messing about, probably ten minutes.”
“Ah kay. Peanut let me down.”
Emma answers by shaking her head as she starts walking and tightening her grip on Alex’s thighs.
“Em-ma!” Alex laughs as Emma picks up her speed and runs further down the path.
-- -- --
Soon the Danvers are pulling into the carpark outside of the massive bowling alley and Emma can’t help but feel excitement as she gets out of the L-Car.
She quickly double checks everyone has their face modifiers activated, which Emma can’t wait to deactivate when they enter their private room.
“Ready?” Eliza says, smiling at her daughters.
“Yup!” Kara bounces on her toes and grins happily.
When they approach the doors Emma winces at the overwhelming sound of the bowling balls slamming the pins.
‘Why’s it so loud?’ Emma thinks but tries to hide her discomfort from her family. The blonde zeros in on Kara who also looks slightly pained. Emma then focuses on Kara’s glasses and realises the damper isn’t turned on. Reaching over she presses the hidden button to turn them on and Kara visibly deflates in relief.
“Thanks Em.” Kara breathes out.
“You’re welcome.” Emma signs and wishes there was a similar device for humans as she can’t help but flinch when they enter the building.
“Hello ladies!” A man greets them at the desk.
“Hi! We’re here for Princess Leia’s birthday party.” Alex informs the clerk with the hidden codename, who nods and waves over one of his colleagues.
“My colleague here will escort you to your room. Have a great time!”
“Thanks!” Kara squeals happily and follows the clerk up towards some stairs that are roped off and being guarded by security personnel.
Emma raises her eyebrow slightly at Alex as they pass them. Knowing they were Lena’s doing to make sure no members of the public will intrude on the Superfriends and messing with Emma’s timeline of recovery.
The most recent post to Emma’s social media accounts were of staged physiotherapy sessions, showing Emma slowly walking between the rails. So to have any other photos of Emma moving around more freely would cause a media frenzy that no one wanted to face.
Lucy had sent strict instructions to all the Superfriends that photos can be taken but they will have to wait to be posted.
“Here we are!” The clerk leads them to the doors where another security guard is standing by. “Shoes should already be in there plus many different balls for you to choose from.”
Emma lets out two quick breaths of laughter, causing Eliza to tap her shoulder in disapproval. Which makes both Alex and Kara chuckle while they walk through the doors.
Once inside the room Emma turns around and signs with a smirk on her face. “Balls!” Making her sisters laugh louder.
“You’re here!” Nia rushes over to them and flings her arms around Kara. “Isn’t this amazing?!”
Emma looks past Nia and has to agree, the room was an upgraded version to the main area downstairs. It almost looked brand new and was filled with tables of food and drink.
“Kara, save some for later.” Eliza instructs in a motherly tone as Kara makes her way over to the feast.
“O-kay.” Kara pouts and rushes over to grab their shoes instead.
“Oh! And Emma?” Nia beams at the blonde when their eyes connect. “Please disengage your face mask immediately!”
Emma nods and taps her temple. The Superfriends cheer and immediately Emma enjoys the freeing feeling on her face when the modifier disappears.
“That’s sooo much better!” Nia opens her arms wide and Emma beams at the brunette while she gives her a hug. When they pull apart Emma notices that her family have disengaged theirs too.
But then Emma’s eyes search around the room for Lena.
‘Where is she?’ Emma worries when she can’t find her girlfriend.
“Sam said Lena was right behind her, so she should be here any minute.” J’onn answers and takes an apprehensive step towards the blonde.
‘Hi J’onn.’ Emma thinks coolly, her smile fades as she crosses her arms and sizes him up.
J’onn hesitates for a moment until Emma’s face breaks out into a grin and she holds her arms out to him.
‘Come here!’ Emma’s mind happily yells out.
J’onn laughs in relief and wraps her in a bear hug.
‘But seriously though, you hurt my Mom and I will hunt you down! Even if you go back to Mars or something!’ Emma threatens while still in his arms.
“I promise I won’t hurt her.” J’onn whispers gently in her ear.
‘Pinky.’ Emma demands, stepping back and holding out her pinky finger.
“I pinky promise.” J’onn says seriously and wraps his big pinky finger around Emma’s.
“What you pinky promising about?” Kara asks as she bounds over to them to give J’onn a hug.
“Well, that I won’t hurt your mother.”
“Yea cause if you do I will fling you into the sun!” Kara says seriously and Alex comes to stand by her side.
“Or I kill you with said pinky.” Alex threatens while drinking a beer.
“Alex!” Emma signs and rolls her eyes at the bottle.
“What?! It’s my day off and it's past lunch time!”
Emma shakes her head and goes to collect her bowling shoes. She frowns when the only pairs left are her and Lena’s.
Reaching into her bag Emma pulls her phone out and still sees no messages from her girlfriend.
“So, shall we wait a little longer or get started? We have the room for five more hours, meaning plenty of games of bowling.” Brainy asks everyone as he rubs his hands together. Allowing his feelings of glee to come through.
“Yea, why don’t we start and we can always bowl for Lena until she arrives.” Nia smiles at everyone and races over to the scoring computer to input everyone's names. Kara follows her as they debate whether to use their real names or make nicknames up for everyone.
“If she comes.” Sam mutters under her breath as she angrily pulls her phone out. Both Kara and Emma turn their heads to stare at her in confusion, not quite believing what they heard. Surely Lena wouldn’t miss this?
“Emma, have you chosen a ball yet?” Lucy asks, making Emma jump by her sudden appearance.
The blonde shakes her head and goes over to the rack where the bowling balls are kept.
Emma looks for a ten pound bowling ball, the kind she normally uses and finds a cool looking purple and black one. Emma reaches down and prepares herself to pick it up, not wanting to twinge a muscle for not lifting the heavy ball properly.
Only when Emma puts her fingers through the holes and pulls, she overcompensates, hitting herself in the chest and crashes backwards onto the floor with the ball in her lap.
“Em?!” Alex’s voice shouts as she rushes over to Emma, still sat dazed on the floor, with Sam right behind her. “Are you okay?”
Emma nods, feeling a bit shocked and embarrassed. A blush starts colouring her cheeks as the Superfriends turn to look at her in concern.
“I’m fine. Just being clumsy.” Emma signs, trying to laugh it off and goes to get up.
“Here.” Alex grabs the bowling ball and holds it while Sam helps Emma up.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sam asks, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studies the blonde’s face.
Emma gulps but nods that she was indeed okay. “Just embarrassed for causing a scene.”
“Alright.” Sam nods as well before smiling and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Ready to be beaten Danvers?”
Emma snorts and kicks her leg up behind them to hit Sam’s butt.
“Hey!” Sam yells and does it back to Emma. The blonde lets out a heavy breath of voiceless laughter.
Alex grins and shakes her head while she places Emma’s ball on the rack by the ball return and laughs at her girlfriend. “I think Em was saying no.”
“Are we bowling as teams or individuals?” James asks as he goes to pick up his bowling ball and looks up at the screen with the names on.
On team one: Nia is Dreamgirl, Brainy is Brainakins, Kara is Glasses, Emma is Stargirl, Sam is Hotmama and Lena is Irish babe.
On team two: James is He-man, Winn is Futureboy, Eliza is Aurora, J’onn is Martitan, Alex is Director of Sass and Lucy is Army Green.
“Why not both?” Eliza offers and smiles when she sees the name she has been given. “See which lane is better but also amongst ourselves in general?”
“I like that idea.” J’onn agrees.
“Of course you would.” Alex grunts before taking a swig of her beer. Only to splutter when Emma digs her elbow into her side.
“Nia? You’re first up on our team!” Kara points at the screen and everyone cheers. Emma claps her hands loudly to make enough noise. “Go Dreamgirl!”
“And remember, no powers!” Lucy orders from the stool by the computer and picks up James’ camera to take some photos.
“Yes ma’am.” Nia nods as she grabs her ball.
“You ready Dreamgirl?” James playfully taunts Nia.
“Bring it He-Man!” Nia grins back at him while lining herself up.
They both go at the same time and the game begins. Laughter, whoops and cheers fill the room as pins crash to the floor.
Kara completely misses on her first try due to the red sun dampers.
“I can put the rails up if you want?” Lucy jokes cheekily.
“No thanks, just need to get used to it.” Kara huffs out and shakes her hands. Her second attempt was much better and Emma claps loudly for her.
Next it was Emma’s turn and she makes sure not to overcompensate this time when she picks the ball up.
“Go Emma!” Lucy cheers and the blonde gets herself into position and aims.
Emma takes a few deep breaths and steps forward, releasing the ball at the lowest point. It shoots from her hand like a cannonball and knocks down all the pins.
Emma jumps up and down in excitement and the Superfriends cheer loudly behind her.
“Well done sweetheart!” Eliza pulls her into a hug. “Just how Dad taught you.”
Emma nods and goes back to sit down. Her eyes flick to the door, wishing Lena had seen her first strike. Naturally her hand reaches for her phone. She silently sighs when there are no messages or responses from her girlfriend.
Emma: Hi Lee, guess what?! I just did a strike! Your name is on the board, so you can start playing when you get here ❤️
Emma also takes a photo of Sam about to play her shot to send to Lena. Hoping this will cause some kind of response.
But her phone doesn’t bleep, causing Emma to run a hand through her hair.
“Hey, I’m sure she’s okay.” Alex notices Emma’s concern and tries to reassure her. But also looks over at Kara, silently communicating with her. Kara nods and gets up to bowl.
“Alex?” J’onn pulls the redhead’s attention away from Emma. “It’s your turn.”
“Yea! Go Director of Ass!” Sam winks at her girlfriend, causing Alex's cheeks to blush.
It soon gets to Lena’s name and everyone allows Nia to take Lena’s go and do her own.
They play seven more frames and when it gets to Lena’s name again everyone pauses.
“Kara? Do you wanna have another go instead?” Nia asks, trying not to show her disappointment.
“Er, sure! But please excuse me, I’m going to use the bathroom.” Kara squeezes out of the booth and rushes to the door leading to the restrooms.
Emma doesn't think anything of it until the door opens again and Emma turns her head to see a wind swept Lena walking in front of Kara. Emma's eyes move up and down her girlfriend’s body and takes in Lena’s fitted maroon coloured dress with black high heels.
Their eyes connect and they both feel a rush of giddiness.
“Finally!” Sam shouts as she places her hands on her hips, cutting off their moment as Lena’s eyes snap to her best friend. Causing everyone else to look over to where Sam was looking.
“Lena!” Nia squeals and rushes over to the raven haired beauty.
“Sorry Nia.” Lena apologises while they hug.
“Don’t worry about it. Contracts blurgh!” Nia gags and giggles.
“Exactly!” Lena laughs and follows Nia into the booth. She immediately sits next to Emma and kisses her lips. “Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up love.”
Emma shrugs and flattens parts of Lena’s hair that's still a bit messy from her flight over, making her girlfriend laugh.
“Thanks!” Lena chuckles and looks up at the names on the scoreboard. “I’m guessing your Stargirl?” Emma nods proudly. “Wow love. You’ve got a strike on almost every go?”
“I know?! I don’t know how.” Emma signs happily. “I even managed with a heavier ball!” Although for Emma it didn’t feel much heavier, even though it was meant to be six pounds heavier.
“Well your arms are getting more toned.” Lena nudges her shoulder into Emma’s. She had noticed Emma’s body changing and put it down to the running and weight training Emma is doing to fill her time.
A familiar twinge of regret hits Lena’s stomach at how busy she has been lately. ‘It won’t be forever.’ Lena thinks, trying to reassure herself.
Lena breaks her out of her thoughts by Emma flexing her arm and raising an eyebrow at Lena, causing a rich laugh to burst out from the raven haired beauty’s lips.
This heavenly sound makes Emma’s heart flutter and she beams sweetly at the woman she loves.
“Lena? It’s your go. Unless you want me to take it for you?” Kara asks and points at the scoreboard.
“Oh sorry!” Lena apologises and looks up at the board. “Who chose Irish Babe?” She laughs as Kara and Nia point at each other. “Right, I better get my ball and shoes.” Lena places her hand on Emma’s thigh and goes to stand up, but Emma takes her hand, stopping her from moving.
“I got them for you.” Emma pulls them up from under the bench and hands the shoes to Lena. “Also I got you a size eight ball but there is also a nine if you’d rather use that one.”
“Thanks love.” Lena places a gentle kiss on Emma’s lips. After she immediately kicks her heels off and goes to put her shoes on. Suddenly a pair of neon lime green socks appear in front of her face. “You think these socks go with this outfit?” Lena questions Emma who pouts out her lips and nods.
“I mean the shoes go exquisitely as well!” Emma signs, making Lena chuckle and puts them on anyway. Everyone wolf whistles when she gets up to bowl making Lena break out in a huge smile.
“Looking mighty fine there Luthor!” Sam hollers in a southern accent, causing everyone to burst out laughing and Lena to stare back at Sam in a mock glare.
Lena bowls and manages to get a spare. Emma claps enthusiastically when the last pin tumbles to the ground.
Lena smiles as she heads back into the booth, giving everyone high fives. Sitting down she snuggles into Emma, who wraps an arm around her waist and they watch the Superfriends bowl. Lena cheers along with everyone and takes a few deep breaths. Ridding herself of her work anxiety that had no place in the bowling alley.
They play a few more games before having a break to eat.
“Finally!” Kara yells dramatically and zooms over to the table. Emma is sure that if the sun red dampers weren’t on, Kara would have flown over.
“Kara!” Both Alex and Eliza yell in disapproval at Kara running to get the food.
“Sorry! I’m just hungry!” Kara whines while piling the food on her plate.
“Hey! Leave some for us Kara!” Winn calls across to her, making Kara squint her eyes at him.
The Superfriends get their food and sit together at a table set out for them and eat. Laughing and chatting about anything and everything. James takes a few photos before Lucy takes the camera off him to give him a chance to eat.
“Hey Lena! Em!” Lucy positions herself across from the couple and aims the camera.
The girlfriends smile widely at her and wrap an arm around each other's waist.
“Beautiful!” Lucy comments and keeps taking pictures as Lena kisses Emma’s cheek and the blonde beams at the camera. Emma turns her head and softly kisses Lena’s lips.
“Hey hey! Keep it under the R rating please!” Lucy says seriously and Emma flips her off.
A few of the Superfriends laugh and Emma smirks at Lena before pressing their foreheads together. They both close their eyes and breath deeply in.
Soon mostly everyone has finished eating and Brainy stands.
“Shall we play some more games?” Brainy asks, looking around at his friends.
“Yes please!” Nia squeals and runs back to the booth. Everyone follows other than Winn and James.
Emma and Lena sit close together and Emma goes to take a sip from her cup.
Suddenly the lights go off, causing Emma to violently jump, spilling her drink down her top.
“Happy-” Winn starts singing and everyone else joins in as he brings the cake over with lit candles. “Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Nia! Happy birthday to you!”
Emma tries to smile as everyone sings, instead she lets out a long, heavy breath. She jumps again as Lena places a comforting hand on her thigh.
“Sorry love.” Lena whispers into her ear as the lights come back on.
“Emma! What happened to you?!” James laughs as he notices Emma’s wet, brown t-shirt.
Emma shrugs and looks down embarrassed. Missing the glares some of the Superfriends send to James. Lena grabs some napkins and tries to dry the worst of it.
“Who wants some yummy cake!” Lucy claps to draw the attention away from the blonde and goes to get the knife.
“Oo me!” Kara raises a hand and bounces in her seat like a nine year old kid.
“I’m sure the question was rhetorical Kar.” Alex snorts in amusement.
“Yea, but I want cake.” Kara shrugs with a grin.
Emma tries to smile as well but she finds herself rocking slightly as she tries to calm her racing heart.
“You’re okay.” Lena's calming voice whispers into her ear. “You’re safe. You’re with me and people who love you. Nothing bad is going to happen.”
Emma nods, resting her head on Lena’s shoulder and nuzzles into her neck. Trying to seek comfort and feel safe.
If the Superfriends notice they don’t say anything about it or draw attention to Emma, leaving Lena to help Emma though her trigger as they share the cake around.
When Emma sits back up, looking less pale, Nia hands their plates with pieces of cake over.
“Thank you.” Emma signs gratefully and digs in, trying not to focus on her embarrassment at what happened.
Once the food is eaten and cleared away the bowling begins again. Although the group of friends are not as quick as before but still as competitive.
“Seriously Emma!” Lucy yells when Emma does another perfect strike. “You need to show me your technique or something.”
Emma holds her hands up in surprise and just motions her bowling.
“Nah I’m not fooling around anymore with this ‘I can’t bowl’ act!”
Emma can’t help but voicelessly laugh at Lucy’s competitive side making itself known.
“Ooo, she’s laughing at you Luc.” Alex grins at her sister.
Emma holds her hands up again in surrender at Lucy’s enraged face.
“Hey relax.” Kara tries to soothe the brunette down and rubs her back affectionately. “It’s all about the fun of playing.”
A few nod but suddenly everyone bursts out laughing and continues for a while. The Superfriends never play just for the fun of it. Mostly everyone in the group are extremely competitive.
“Good one Kara!” Winn wipes the tears from his cheeks.
-- -- --
Finally they complete their last game and Emma is the clear winner. Although she is still very confused at how she managed it but takes the praise.
The food and cake is distributed into takeaway boxes and the Superfriends say their goodbyes and birthday love to Nia. With Emma and Lena being the first to leave.
“Do you need a ride?” Emma signs to Alex.
“No, Sam is- I’m, er, going with Sam.” Alex stutters and goes a bit red as she smiles shyly. Causing Emma to smirk and shake her head.
“Yea, my director of ass.” Sam whispers into her girlfriend's ear.
This makes Emma snort and sign at her sister. “Use protection.” Emma winks.
“Protection? Protection from what?” Kara asks after watching Emma’s hands.
Emma snorts loudly again but Lena drags her away before she can hear anyone's responses.
“Modifier.” Lena yawns before they go through the door and waves farewell to everyone. Emma taps her temple, shivering slightly as the mask crawls across her face.
The couple walk down the stairs hand in hand and out into the evening air. Emma leads her girlfriend to the L-Car and opens the passenger door for her.
“Thanks love.” Somehow, despite her exhaustion, Lena still slides gracefully into the car, even with her drooping eyelids.
Emma gets into the driver's seat and leans over to plug her girlfriend in. A hum of acknowledgement leaves Lena’s lips and her eyes finally close.
Emma can’t help but smile at how cute she looks and turns the electric engine on to head for home.
-- -- --
In no time at all they are pulling into their space under the apartment building. Lena looks like she’s already in a deep sleep and Emma wonders if she can carry her up to their apartment.
Remembering how easy it was to piggyback Alex, Emma decides to go for it. She quietly unplugs Lena’s seatbelt and gets out of the driver's side. Emma quickly goes to Lena’s side and carefully opens the passenger door, hoping Lena wouldn’t fall out, but thankfully she hasn’t moved.
Leaning down Emma attentively runs her right arm under Lena’s legs and her left under her back. She manages to lift Lena and the bag of food, carrying her girlfriend bridal style out of the car. Carefully she heads for the elevator, thankfully that the L-Car locks automatically when the keyholder walks far enough away from the car.
Somehow she manages to press the button to call the elevator and again for the penthouse apartment.
‘Nice one Emma!’ She praises herself and kisses Lena’s head when the doors close.
However, once the elevator doors slide open, Emma voicelessly groans. She exits the elevator, debating what to do to unlock the door and open it.
“You know you could just put me down?” Lena says sleepily as she blinks her eyes open.
‘Of course you're awake!’ Emma rolls her eyes and gazes down at her girlfriend.
“Well?” Lena asks with a yawn, waiting to be put down.
“Get my key.” Emma mouths, causing Lena to squint up at her.
“Get your key?” Lena says back and Emma nods. “Where is it?”
Lena reacts down to Emma’s messenger bag by her side.
“You know this would be a lot quicker if you just put me down.”
Emma shrugs and grins happily, liking the sensation of holding Lena close.
“Got it!” Lena pulls it out and stretches for the lock. Emma moves a bit forward to make it easier for her. “Thanks love.” Lena yawns out again and unlocks the door, partly opening it.
Emma kicks it open fully and manages to step through before it swings back.
“Impressive.” Lena chuckles while nuzzling into Emma’s chest and closing her eyes.
Emma lets out a voiceless laugh and carries Lena into the bathroom.
“No, just dump me on the bed!” Lena whines but doesn’t complain when Emma places her feet on the tiled floor and pulls her dress up and underwear down. “Ooo kinky.” Lena says seductively while cracking an eye open as Emma guides her onto the toilet.
Emma shakes her head with a smile at Lena’s comment and goes to grab Lena’s pajamas and a fresh pair of underwear.
She hears the flush and Lena whining out her name.
‘Le-na!’ Emma yells back in her head but she quickly makes her way back to her girlfriend, who was sleepily brushing her teeth.
Emma closes the lid on the toilet and places Lena’s clothes on top, Lena watches her every move and as Emma begins to sign. “We are staying in bed tomorrow. No excuses!”
Lena clears her mouth and places her toothbrush back on the counter. “Bed all day? Lucky me.” Lena says sultry and lifts an eyebrow.
Emma rolls her eyes. “Not like that you bad girl.”
“Hmm but you’d want me to be your bad girl huh?” Lena slowly tilts her head and leans in, kissing Emma’s lips slowly and passionately. Emma could taste the fresh mint of the toothpaste on Lena’s tongue.
But Lena soon breaks the kiss, closes her bloodshot eyes and rests her weary head on Emma’s shoulder.
Emma carefully bends down and grabs the clothes so she can place Lena back on the toilet lid. She lovingly changes Lena’s clothes and kisses any exposed skin that she comes across, making Lena hum and smile.
Once Lena is changed Emma reaches down and picks her up again. Attentively carrying her over to their bed. Next she pulls the covers back and carefully places Lena on the bed and tucks her in.
Lena hums sleepily in approval but doesn’t open her eyes or makes any other movement or noise. Seemingly falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Emma smiles down at her sadly and kisses her forehead.
“Hope, dim the lights to the lowest setting.” Emma signs to the AI before reentering the bathroom to get herself ready for bed.
After she’s brushed her teeth and hair, dressed in her tank top and shorts, Emma quietly tiptoes back into the bedroom. The corner of her lip pulls up when she can hear Lena softly snoring.
When she reaches her side of the bed Emma carefully pulls the covers back and slowly gets into bed. Trying desperately not to jostle Lena.
“Hope, lights out.” Emma signs once she’s settled.
The lights slowly fade and the window dim to blackout.
Emma swallows as she turns towards Lena, listening to her steady breaths as she sleeps. Almost becoming Emma’s lullaby when her own eyes slowly grow heavy and close.
(Part Thirty Three)
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bella-donna418 · 3 years
Happy Birthday Eren!
A/N: Been very half inactive here 💀💀💀
So it’s our special boy’s birthday today, I might as well make a headcanon like how I did with Mikasa and Falco's birthday (missed Annie’s birthday but like, I celebrated her bday IRL 😂😂😂)
Actors AU again wew 😂😂😂
(Please don’t mind the timeskips)
Birthday boy's day today, so might as well make something for him 👉👈
Let’s go!
Mikasa was literally sitting at the nearest chair she could find in the set and of course;
It's her boyfriend’s birthday today and there’s no fucking way she'll forget about it.
But she can’t just let him get away without revenge!
That’s right, last time on her and Falco's birthday—Eren pranked them.
At least they got surprises and all—
But that’s not the point!
She needs to at least prank him back—worse than what he did. (evil ik 😔😔😔
But he did “indirectly” made her cry that time.
So she decided she’ll also prank him back then surprise him.
An idea then popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but grin to herself.
“Mikasa!” Sasha called, snapping her back to reality from her ‘annual brainstorming’.
She shook her head and looked at her, confused.
“Director is calling you.” She said while munching on a cinnamon bun (usual Sasha)
“Right.” She smiled sheepishly and stood up.
After finishing her scenes and all, she got back to brainstorming.
Oh, it’s also her break time so she could go wherever she wants, but she decided to stay and think for a while more.
Then an idea popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but laugh a bit to herself. And that prank was her ignoring Eren 😈😈😈 Knowing him, he wouldn’t care if other people ignored him. But he'd be worried asf and he could go crazy if she did (your Eren cares about Mikasa’s attention “only” your honor 😔😔😔) And the beautiful cruel woman mode is on. Eren was going to pick her up today for lunch since he also finished his tapings and all (also Armin and Annie's with him) He got out to wait and greet her like he always does. ~~~
Since EreMika and AruAni share a car (lol cuz why not?), knowing that Annie and is the earliest to finish.
Mikasa decided to call her, knowing that she’s the earliest to finish out of all of them, and Armin's probably busy at that time.
“Yo, Annie!” She casually said trying to stifle her laughter (Annie knows what’s up lol)
“What? You’re gonna ask another favor again?” (told ya)
“Can’t I just greet my friend? 🥺” Annie sighs over the phone and said, “What is it?”
Now this is when it gets ✨interesting✨
She told Annie all her plans and she decided to go along with it.
“Oh, tell Armin as well.” where she just received a hum as a reply.
Mikasa saw a glimpse of Eren at the entrance of the building and immediately went somewhere she can’t be seen.
The prank starts now 🤡
She immediately composed herself and put on her poker face.
Eren saw her from afar and smiled at her.
She literally feels sorry for him (😂😂😂)
5 mins earlier…
She was now facing the camera and she could tell that once Eren watches this he'll go “berserk”. (wild Eren 🤡🤡🤡)
“Eren, if you ever see this, I'm sorry. *awkward laugh* Happy birthday to you my loves. I love you.” (literally said that 😂😂😂)
She passed by him without even saying anything—she’s not even smiling! (Mikasa putting years of being a top actress to work here 😂😂😂)
Eren just looked at her confused and caught up to her side.
She won’t look at him and this made Eren a bit sad and more confused.
From what he remembers, they never argued or anything at all.
He's also wondering, ‘Is she ignoring me?’ ‘Is she in a bad mood?’
Going with the second option, he decided to give her time and space like what he thought she needed.
They got inside the car. (well the car is actually like a van, but let me call it a car ok??? 🤡)
Ok, their sitting arrangement is basically like this;
Eren and Mikasa
Annie and Armin
Ok back to the topic—
Annie and Armin were looking at them—well, especially Eren.
“Annie, water.” She looked at Annie who was literally skeptical about her lasting long or even not laughing.
She gave Mikasa her water bottle receiving a smile of thanks from her—Eren looking at his lovely bae (poor Eren 🥺)
Heads up! Everyone knew about it, and yes, when I say everyone, it’s everyone (ok wtf am I even saying?)
So, they were silent for the whole ride and nobody’s talking.
Annie's asleep on Armin's shoulder while he’s busy on his phone.
Eren was stealing glances at Mikasa while she’s also on her phone.
Please, his face is like, “Please notice me already. I love you 🥺👉👈”
If you’re wondering where they’re headed to, they’re going to a restaurant Annie wanted to try (but she’s too shy to ask to the point Armin instantly read her mind and she’s like “H-huh? I said nothing—“) which is also far from their workplace/s.
After a mere hour and a half, they finally arrived at the restaurant, and yay, everyone’s awake! (Kudos to the 3 henchmen for enduring the urge to sleep the entire ride, especially Mikasa)
It’s a fine-dining restaurant (rich bitches 😔)
So they found a table which is good for all of them (driver and assistant included)
To add salt to the wound, Mikasa decided to sit beside Annie (Armin letting her)
Eren only looked at her—not used to getting ignored this long. Why exactly? Because;
She doesn’t ignore him without any reason at all.
If ever they get in an argument, they’d make up and her ignoring him won’t even last for a mere hour or so because y'know.
She has NEVER ignored him this long.
Eren just shrugged it off, but he doesn’t feel good about this.
A waiter finally came to take their orders.
They each had different foods and since Armin was the one to bring them here (Annie's wallet gets saved by bae 🥺), he's the one to pay for all of them which he doesn’t mind at all.
Mikasa was quite clingy to Annie as well while she just went with the flow knowing it’s all needed for her prank.
Even though she’s questioning if it’s really necessary 🙃
After 10 minutes, their orders are finally here!
And of course, hunger doesn’t wait for any kind of bullshit ceremony and all so digging in they go 🍽🍽
They were a few conversations, Armin initiating them because Eren is too quiet (just a few more hours to endure 🥺) and Mikasa doesn’t want to initiate them and cut Eren off because he’s always the one to reply to her topics (it could come off as rude 😅😅)
And of course, everything was being filmed (yes, their assistant is also a videographer 😗✌)
So it’s basically 85% silence and eating (pls they just need a speaker and it’s gonna turn into an ASMR) while 15% are their conversations/topics 🤡
Eren is also on his phone while eating (ok I can tell ppl gonna yell at me for this 🤡)
And Mikasa's taking this opportunity to take glances at him and she couldn’t help but literally laugh to herself and look at the camera then mouth ‘sorry’
Annie's still skeptical and Armin is trying his best not to laugh or something I mean, Eren's still looking gloomy (fact: he doesn’t care it’s his birthday at all and just cares about Mikasa and all)
After a few minutes, they finished and have paid so they’re now on their way back. But the thing is… ~~~
Sasha cam
“Yo, they’re almost back.” She said after looking at her own phone and seeing Mikasa's message.
They immediately went on double-time mode and so far, the room's looking quite ready 🤭
And since they’re freer later at night, they decided to do the surprise that time (poor Mikasa gotta endure more of this torture prank she put upon herself 🤡)
And of course, Sasha’s filming this ✌ ~~~
7:36 p.m
They’re finally free from the shackles of work!
And yes, they’re immediately headed for phase 2 of the surprise for our birthday boy.
So, trying not to encounter Eren, Mikasa immediately headed to the place where she’s going to meet Niccolo to give her the cake (yes, they planned this carefully)
So she finally got the cake and she's on her spot (they all have different spots 😂)
They’re now all on standby and of course, Mikasa went to Zeke so he could bring Eren to the lovely spot since yeah—
About 2 minutes passed and they’re still on standby—and finally, Eren's here!
Eren didn’t even hesitate to open the door and when he did, his eyes widened a bit.
“Surprise!” Everyone greeted him but his eyes were just locked at a Mikasa holding his birthday cake and smiling sheepishly at him.
She handed the cake to Ymir and Eren immediately ran to her —hugging her (he's glad that his suffering is over 🥺)
Mikasa laughed and hugged him back and whispered “Happy birthday” to him.
He broke the hug and pulled her in for a swift kiss making Mikasa surprised.
“Are we gonna eat now? Sasha might finish all of this if Niccolo will keep giving her free servings.” Ymir retorted making everyone laugh.
“Geez, I wasn’t expecting her to ignore him for a full day.” Historia sighed a bit which made Mikasa laugh lightly.
Eren looked at Mikasa with his brows furrowed a bit and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Don’t do that again—” He was cut off by Annie who was now in charge of holding the cake (Ymir do be passing all her chores 🤡)
“Blow the candles now birthday boy.” She said—him complying while arms still around Mikasa—everyone making noises with party blowers while spraying silly strings everywhere after (bear the bad writing 😂)
“Alright! Let’s eat!” Pieck said while giving plates, spoons, and forks to everyone for all of them to finally be able to eat.
Of course, Niccolo is the sponsor for all of their food to eat 😂
Eren was now being a clingy baby to Mikasa which is just 🥺✨
The atmosphere was filled with laughter and everyone telling funny stories and jokes.
Of course, afterward, they gave him their gifts while he smirked and was like, “Mikasa's the best gift—” receiving a smack on the head from her—everyone laughing saying he deserved it.
A/N: I, personally think this is poorly written 🤡
Sorry bout that.
But overall, happy birthday Eren! YOU’RE 20 NOW AND STILL ASSLESS— 🤡😂
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cxsmicmyeon · 4 years
kim minseok x fem! reader
IN WHICH minseok wants to spend his 31st birthday at home with his wife and cat but you have other plans that may or may not involve a surprise birthday party. (based on the second prompt from this post by @creativepromptsforwriting​)
genre: married/domestic & non-idol au! fluff, humor word count: 3.0k warnings: swearing, light sexual references/jokes, implied sexual content (it gets a tad spicy at times but nothing explicit), chaos, minseok’s butt being The Bomb Dot Com™ (sorry not sorry)
author’s note: happy birthday to my ray of sunshine, kim minseok! i love you so so much darling, i hope your day is filled with so much happiness and celebration. hope this lil piece can help y’all celebrate min’s 31st with me <3 it’s not the 26th yet where i live lmao but it is in korea so yeah! once again have a happy happy birthday minseok, i love you endlessly and forever. <33 MOODBOARD MADE BY ME. I DON’T OWN THE IMAGES, I ONLY OWN MY EDITING. feedback and notes are greatly appreciated <3
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One day.
One day until Minseok’s birthday, and you were scrambling from bakery to bakery to try and get the perfect cake for him. There were flaws in every place you’ve been: too expensive, the designs were not creative enough, blah blah blah. You wanted his day to be as perfect as possible, and what would be the point of that if the cake was nothing but?
Everything else was all ready. You invited all of yours and his closest friends to your house the night of Minseok’s birthday for a surprise party. You planned on keeping Minseok out of the house for the entire day as your friends decorated the house. 
He didn’t want a party. He made that abundantly clear to you as soon as March began. He incessantly told you that all he wanted was a day off from teaching so he could spend the whole day with you and your cat. All he wanted was a nice and relaxing day with his wife. You understood, obviously. But you also wanted to go all out and throw a surprise birthday bash for your husband celebrating his thirty-first year on Earth. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae’s incessant whining and begging for an excuse to have a party only aided in your need to have a party.
You ended up settling with a simple Carvel ice cream cake from the frozen section of the grocery store. You made a mental note to ask Yixing to write out “Happy Birthday Minseok” the next day as you left the store.
You came home to your husband holding a feather toy over your cat, Tan’s head. She pawed at the red feather, always at the cusp of grabbing it before Minseok moved the line away from her. He cooed at the animal, making soft kissing sounds as he continued to play with her.
Realizing that he may see the cake, you tucked the grocery bag under your shirt in an attempt to hide it from him, shivering at the cold contact the frozen treat made with your skin. The rustling of the plastic bag caused Minseok to look up at you. He gave you a gummy smile as you walked past him and Tan.
“Well hello to you too, honey. What’s under your shirt?” Minseok asked playfully, wiggling his eyebrows as he made eye contact with your chest. You realized that hiding the bag did not do much to hide the cake, as the shape of the large box combined with the plastic grocery bag greatly protruded from the fabric of your shirt. 
“Nothing, it’s for tomorrow. Don’t wanna ruin the surprise, hm?” you mused, blowing him an air kiss before retreating to your office. He "caught” your kiss with a smile before going back to playing with Tan.
You entered your office and placed the plastic bag onto your desk. You ran to lock the door before opening the bag and taking the cake out, sighing in relief that the cake did not get ruined. You bent down to your mini-fridge and opened the small door of the freezer compartment and placed the cake inside, glad that it could fit inside. After locking the fridge, you exited your office and made your way downstairs to spend time with your loving husband.
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You awoke the next day curled up in Minseok’s arms. You cuddled closer to him before jolting upwards in realization. Today was finally the day! You bent down and began showering your sleeping husband with excited kisses, trailing a hand down his bicep. He let out a sleepy groan as he stirred, wrapping his strong arms around your figure.
“Aah, what’s gotten into you baby?” he asked, his voice hoarse from just waking up. 
“Happy birthday, Min!” you beamed, pecking him on the lips. He grinned tiredly as he kissed you on the lips.
“Mmmh, thank you honey.” You grinned as you kissed him again. This kiss lasted longer than the previous ones and slowly yet surely grew more heated. You moved yourself so you were straddling him, not breaking the kiss. He hummed against your lips as you slid your hand underneath his shirt, fingertips grazing his toned stomach. He groaned as his hands made their way down to your ass, squeezing harshly. You bit back a moan as you slowly slid his shirt up his chest, breaking the kiss to ogle at his abs.
“Babe... don’t we need to get ready?” Minseok groaned as you pulled the shirt over his head. You latched your lips onto his neck and softly bit down, eliciting a raspy moan from your husband.
“Shh, let me give you your first gift.” you purred, moving your hands toward the waistband of his boxers.
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The mall was packed to the brim with people from all different walks of life. Gossiping teenagers, sleep-deprived parents following their energetic kids around, old couples window shopping, you name it. You walked through the giant Macy’s and into the main hub of the mall hand in hand with Minseok. 
Since you started dating, it has been a tradition for you to buy each other’s gifts the day of your respected birthdays. You’d usually scour Amazon or websites of your favorite brands all day and end up splurging half your monthly paychecks on each other. But on occasion, today included, you’d take your shopping day to the local mall as a means to get out of your apartment and actually go out for once. 
After an... eventful... morning, you rushed to get dressed and usher your husband out of the house, since the boys were coming over at 11, and it was 10:55 by the time you got into the car and sped away toward the mall.
You pointed out a newly opened jewelry store and pulled Minseok inside with you. You looked at him lovingly as he browsed the display of a multitude of different rings. He’d softly mutter to himself as he picked up ring after ring: trying to see what would look best next to his wedding band, what the right price was, if the store even provided the correct size. You loved how organized he was.
Your silent admiring was interrupted by the familiar chime of your phone, indicating you got a text message. You let out a sigh as soon as you saw who the message was from.
operation minseok’s 31st🥳
jun-bug: (y/n) we have a problem (y/n): oh god what happened yee-xing: baekhyun dropped the cake (y/n): he did what bacon: cant u read (y/n) i dropped the fucking cake 11 minutes late: no need to be rude xoxo (y/n): yeah baek u don’t want me to leave my stunning husband inside the jewelry store, come home and mutilate you for dropping his cake and get arrested on his special day (: kyung-soup: oddly specific but i’m here for it jong-waeeee: off topic but the sign says “minseop” instead of “minseok” (y/n): jun, yixing and kyungsoo you better get this settled or else i’m gonna kill all of you nini bear: yes ma’am ofc ma’am we will do this correct chain-yeol: yeah i don’t wanna die today
“Everything okay?”
You quickly locked your phone and threw it inside your purse before making eye contact with Minseok. You nodded a bit too quickly, panic washing over you like a giant wave from the ocean.
“Yeah, everything’s dandy.” you sputtered. Oh, why did this have to happen right now? You silently prayed that everything was going to go well. It had to.
“You sure?”
“Positive. Did you choose something?” Minseok nodded as he handed you a box with a simple black titanium ring. You nodded in approval as he led you to the register.
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Your next stop was at Express. You were dying to pick out some new work clothes for him to try on. You assured him (and yourself) that he needed these new pants and this was totally not an excuse for you to check him out.
“Okay, I’ve got three pairs of pants that I think would look absolutely amazing on you and I want you to go try ‘em on.” you said, handing Minseok three hangers. Each hanger had a pair of slacks in different colors hanging from them. He took them from you, shooting you a smirk before walking inside the fitting room stall.
Your eyes widened as Minseok opened the door of the stall. The pants fit absolutely perfectly. The way the fabric hugged his perfect thighs, the color complimenting his white undershirt (which you imagined to be one of his famous white button-downs), it left you practically swooning.
“What do you think?” 
You let out a hum in approval before motioning for him to turn around. “Lemme see the goods, hun.” He rolled his eyes before turning around. Your eyes landed on his butt, making you swoon for real. You covered your mouth to hide your obvious enjoyment of the sight before you. And it didn’t help when he gave his butt a mini shake. Still, you couldn’t help but squeal softly.
“You sure today’s not your birthday?” Minseok teased. You tutted as you stood from your spot and walked up to him, giving his butt a light pinch before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“With you, every day’s my birthday.” you answered, giving him a peck on the lips.
“Ugh, I think you ate too much of that egg and cheese for breakfast today.”
“You know you love me.”
“That I do, darling.” Minseok mused before closing the distance between you two. You tangled your hands in his silky black hair as you savored the heavenly taste of his lips. You felt his hands grab your ass as you deepened the kiss, tugging at his hair in response.
As you kissed, you heard your phone chime the same chime that indicated a text from the boys. You decided to ignore it and continue making out with your husband until the phone went off four more times. You scoffed as you broke the kiss, fishing inside of your purse to grab it.
“Is everything okay, hun?” Minseok asked.
“Yeah, fine. Just crap from, uh, ‘work,’” you lied, unlocking the phone. “Go try on the other pants.” Minseok nodded before walking back to the stall. Once the door was closed and locked, you looked down at your messages, worry washing over you once again. What the hell happened now?
operation minseok’s 31st🥳
yee-xing: oh christ yee-xing: (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) jun-bug: you gotta help us yee-xing: please kyung-soup: i am going to kill park chanyeol like my life depends on it (y/n): what the everloving shit happened this time chain-yeol: um i sneezed all over the cake kyung-soup: the custom one u got on wednesday btw (y/n): you. sneezed. on. the. CAKE????? chain-yeol: IM SORRY chain-yeol: I WAS TRYING TO STOP BAEKHYUN FROM KNOCKING IT OVER AND I SAVED IT BUT THEN I SNEEZED nini bear: ur so gross chain-yeol: you too (y/n): i spent 100 dollars on that cake and you fucking sneeze on it?? (y/n): jfc i’m here busy admiring my husband’s sweet sweet ass and u guys are telling me the cake’s ruined? i will murder u all i swear jong-waeeee: ew i don’t wanna hear about minseok’s ass (y/n): shut the fuck up sign ruiner jong-waeeee: I GOT A NEW ONE THOUGH jong-waeeee: YOU’RE SO MEAN bacon: WAIT bacon: (Y/N) WE’LL PAY FOR ANOTHER ONE  (y/n): baekhyun you sweet summer child (y/n): I HAD TO PRE-ORDER THAT CAKE 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE YOU WALNUT bacon: oh bacon: my bad 11 minutes late: W8 W8 I GOT U 11 minutes late: WE CAN STILL EAT IT 11 minutes late: I’LL SPRAY SOME LYSOL ON IT jun-bug: SEHUN DON’T YOU DARE (y/n): sehun honey that just contaminates it even more (y/n): but thank you for trying 11 minutes late: xoxo i try my best yee-xing: how ‘bout we just buy more carvel cakes to match the one you got yesterday up to 100 dollars so it maxes out (y/n): yeah alright fine (y/n): thanks xing ur a life saver (y/n): but don’t throw away the ruined cake i wanna show min what he could have missed out on if CHANYEOL DIDN’T FUCKING SNEEZE ON IT (y/n): WHO SNEEZES ON A CAKE nini bear: only chanyeol (y/n): yep, only chanyeol chain-yeol: y’all are mean. kyung-soup: what u get for sneezing on the cake
You locked your phone, letting out an exasperated sigh. You swore if anything else happened today, you were going to march all the way back home and kill those men. You massaged your temples with your fingers as a means to alleviate your stress. All you wanted was for everything to be perfect for the party; Minseok deserved nothing less than that. 
The door of the stall opened, revealing Minseok wearing nothing but the new pair of navy slacks and a devilishly handsome smirk. His smile faded when he saw you with your hands over your face, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down from your stress. He quickly pulled his undershirt on and rushed over to you, wrapping his arms around you comfortingly. With a sigh, you buried your face in his chest, your stress starting to wash away as he began stroking your hair.
You stayed like that for about ten minutes. You eventually calmed down, silently reassuring yourself that everything was going to be fine. You were glad that Minseok did not try to ask you anything since you were afraid you were going to let slip what was waiting for him when you arrive home later in the day. 
You let out a small sniffle as you pressed a small kiss on your husband’s exposed shoulder. “I’m so sorry I brought down your mood, Min. The p- ‘w-work,’ is just annoying right now. It’s your birthday, it’s supposed to be a good day.” you mumbled, looking down at your hands.
“Shh, don’t you worry your little head about it,” Minseok assured, kissing your forehead. He tilted your head up and pressed his lips against yours. “All I want is for my baby to be happy today.” You gave him a weak smile and wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling so lucky to have him in your life.
“C’mon, let’s go to the food court. All this stress made me hungry.” you joked, standing from your spot. 
“Good idea,” Minseok gave you another kiss before walking back into the changing stall to change back into his regular clothes. “Oh, by the way, buy the pants.” You pumped a fist into the air as you took the hanging articles of clothing into your hands.
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You were lucky (and frankly surprised) that nothing else had managed to go wrong today. You were suspicious that you hadn’t gotten any panic-stricken texts from Yixing or Junmyeon, but you couldn’t complain about that. Just to be sure though, you quickly texted Kyungsoo to give you a final update on the state of your house. You sighed in relief when he responded with pictures of your living room, kitchen and backyard decorated just how you envisioned it to be. You sent Kyungsoo a text back thanking him and everyone else profusely for their help.
The clock struck 5, indicating that it was time for you and Minseok to go home. The two of you exited the mall, arms filled with different shopping bags from all the stores you went to during the day. After putting your bags into the backseat of your car, you opened the passenger side of the car and slid in.
“Hm, I was thinking of ordering from that ramen place we tried last week. It was really good, don’t you remember?” Minseok suggested, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.
“How ‘bout we wait ‘till we get home to... eat.” you responded, a shit-eating grin almost making its way onto your face.
Minseok hummed softly. “I just wanna spend the rest of the night with you and Tan at home, I hope no one’s planning a surprise party for me,” You tensed slightly at his words, looking out the window to avoid his gaze.
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that, hun.” You lied. He shrugged, intertwining his fingers with yours. 
When Minseok pulled into your driveway, you shot a quick text to the boys, telling them that you were home. You exited the car quickly, grabbing most of the shopping bags and taking Minseok by the arm, dragging him to the front door.
“Whoa, what’s gotten into you?” he chuckled as you struggled to get your keys out of your purse. Once you got them out and put the house key into the lock, you turned to Minseok and pressed your lips onto his.
“Happy birthday, Min. I love you so much. And I’m so sorry.” you unlocked the front door and pushed it open. You saw Minseok’s eyes widen at the sight of your home. It was filled to the brim with decorations and all of your closest friends holding gifts, balloons and tons of different ice cream cakes. 
“SURPRISE!” everyone exclaimed. Minseok’s jaw dropped as he fully took in everything that was happening. He looked over to you with a sly smile, to which you responded with a small shrug.
“I had to, come on.” You giggled, kissing him on the cheek. 
“It’s okay, hun. Let’s just enjoy ourselves.” Minseok cupped your face into his hands and pressed his lips onto yours.
“Gross, get a room!” you heard Baekhyun scream. You pulled away from Minseok to flip the younger off.
“Oh! I need to show you the cake I initially got for you but was unfortunately ruined because Chanyeol sneezed on it. Jun, is it in the fridge?” you pulled Minseok in the direction of the kitchen as Junmyeon confirmed the location of the cake.
“He... huh?”
“It was an accident!” Chanyeol whined. You laughed softly to yourself at his childish reaction.
Tonight was gonna be fun.
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