#I feel like a trainer witnessing a Pokémon battle but they’re just fist fighting
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blightarts · 6 years
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Previous Chapter: Our First Step
Next Chapter: Our Second Badge
Disclaimer:  Pokémon is a property of Game Freak and Nintendo, while Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post.
@princesstopgun, @mechaspirit, @queenaryn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @choicesaholic, @caroonfire, @roseblake, @choices-herald, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio, @diego-vii, @izzycheeese
On the path to Orderve City, the three kids, Taari, Kaitlyn and Reginald, trek through Metropeal Forest while also training their Pokémon. During their travels, their respective Pokémon manage to evolve; Taari’s Turtwig evolved in to a Grotle; Kaitlyn’s Piplup evolved into a Prinplup; and Reginald’s Chimchar evolved into a Monferno.
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As they near the clearing of the forest, they are greeted by a familiar voice.
Voice: It’s been a while, Taari. I am proud of your accomplishments in Metropeal City.
Taari recognizes the voice and immediately turns to direction where it came from. Kaitlyn and Reginald followed his gaze. Their eyes widen as they see the elyyshar of Elyys’tel, Varyyn, seated on a tree branch. The king drops down to properly greet the kids.
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Taari rushes towards him and gives him a tight embrace.
Taari: Varyyn!
Varyyn: I’ve heard of your success over my dear, Diego. Excellent work, all of you.
Kaitlyn: Thank you, Mister Varyyn.
Reginald: It was a difficult struggle, but we managed to succeed.
Varyyn turns to Kaitlyn and Reginald.
Varyyn: Ah, Kaitlyn, Reginald, you two have grown quite well.
Taari tilts his head in confusion and drops the embrace.
Taari: You know Kaitlyn?
Varyyn: Of course. After all, she’s—
Before Varyyn could finish, Kaitlyn motions him to keep quiet. He stays silent for a moment and smiles.
Varyyn: Ah, yes. Your parents told me that they will be meeting you in Orderve City.
Kaitlyn: Yes!
Taari: Her parents?
Taari turns towards Kaitlyn.
Taari: Should I know your parents?
Varyyn: You have nothing to worry about for now, Taari.
Varyyn calls out his partner Pokémon, Sceptile
Varyyn: How about we should have a Pokémon battle to see how much you’ve learn after your fight against Diego?
Taari jumps for joy and calls out T’kal.
Taari: Yes, please!
Varyyn smirks.
Varyyn: Why not make this a little more interesting? If you beat my Sceptile right now, I could give you your second badge.
Taari: Deal!
Taari and Varyyn soon create some distance between each other. Afterwards, Reginald and Kaitlyn stand between them.
Reginald: Let the battle… BEGIN!
Taari: Alright, T’kal, use Fi—
Before Taari could finish, Varyyn swings his head, revealing a specially-designed hair tie. Attached to the hair tie is a Mega Stone. Taari is thrown by surprise.
Reginald: Idiot! Did you forget that all La Huerta Gym Leaders have Mega Stones?!
Varyyn taps on his Mega Stone and begins chanting.
Varyyn: Deep within the trees of Elyys’tel, I call upon the great beast… Sceptile, MEGA EVOLVE!
Sceptile glows and begins to undergo Mega Evolution.
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Varyyn: Now, we shall begin the battle, Taari.
Taari steps back for a moment after witnessing Sceptile’s Mega Evolution. But he then steps up.
Taari: Let’s do this!
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Music: Kanto Gym Battle (HGSS)
Taari immediately goes for the offense.
Taari: We’re not going to let Mega Evolution intimidate use. If Reginald can beat Mister Diego’s Mega Lopunny without Mega Evolution, then we can too, right, T’kal?!
T’kal: Rar!!
Taari: That’s the spirit! Now, use Flare Blitz!
T’kal begins to surround himself with flames of very high temperature. Afterwards, he charges towards Mega Sceptile. Varyyn doesn’t say anything to let his Pokémon avoid T’kal’s attack. Eventually, T’kal tackles Mega Sceptile and the latter staggers backwards, but quickly stands back up as if nothing happened. Meanwhile, T’kal staggers due to recoil damage. Taari is surprised by the outcome.
Taari: Wha… WHAT?! I thought Grass-types are supposed to be weak to Fire-types.
Varyyn: You are correct, Taari. But you may not know that Mega Sceptile is part-Dragon-type. It negates the super-effective Fire-type attacks are used against Grass-types.
Taari: EH?!?!
Varyyn: Now, it’s our turn. Sceptile, use Focus Punch!
Mega Sceptile clenches his fist and starts to focus. As his fist starts to glow, he charges towards T’kal. Meanwhile, T’kal stands up and is about to avoid the attack but he was too late. Mega Sceptile was too fast and his Focus Punch connects. The attack delivers massive amounts of damage to T’kal and sends him flying towards a tree. T’kal crashes at the tree and faints. Taari is left astonished.
Reginald: T’kal is unable to battle. Varyyn and his Mega Sceptile wins!
After a few minutes, T’kal is healed and is returned to his pokéball. Sceptile reverts to its original form and is returned to his pokéball as well. The four regroups.
Varyyn: You understand now, Taari? The true power of Mega Evolution and the bonds between a Pokémon and its trainer?
Taari: I managed to get a scope of it, but I understand it a little more now.
Varyyn: Good. There’s still more for you to learn. If you’re ready, then feel free to come back to Elyys’tel city and challenge me again.
Taari: Will do!
Varyyn departs and says his goodbye to the children. Afterwards, the children reach the clearing of Metropeal Forest and finally arrive at Orderve City. Orderve City is a city known for its annual Pokélympics event and also great food. Its most prized restaurant is the Orderve Gym, led by the legendary Raj Bhandarkar. As the children are making they’re way to the Orderve Gym, Reginald accidently bumps into a girl.
Reginald: Oh, I apologize. I didn’t mean to. I was… occupied with a thought.
Girl: That’s fine.
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For a moment, Reginald becomes intimidated by the girl’s glance and he breaks eye contact. His vision lands on the girl’s bag, which has the initials, “LHP” written on it.
Girl: Well, I’ll be going now.
Reginald: …Yeah.
Kaitlyn: Reginald, you’re lagging behind!
Reginald: Oh, sorry!
Reginald rejoins the group and they make their way to the Orderve Gym. As they arrive, they marvel at the sight of it.
Taari: Wow! It’s so awesome! You can even smell the food from here!
Reginald: The idea of mixing a Gym and a restaurant is brilliant. Customers can experience great food and entertaining gym battles all in one reasonable price.
Kaitlyn: Come on! We should go in. It’s time for you guys to meet them.
Taari: Meet who?
Kaitlyn: My parents.
As if on cue, the doors of the gym slide open and three people walk outside. Kaitlyn turns around and beams in delight. On the other hand, Taari and Reginald are stunned. The three people…
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…just so happens to be Jake McKenzie, his wife, Taylor McKenzie (F!MC), and their close friend, Quinn Kelly.
Kaitlyn rushes towards Jake and Taylor. The two take notice of her and immediately smile.
Kaitlyn: Mom! Dad!
Jake: Well, if it isn’t my li’l Marshmallow!
Taylor: Oh, Kaitlyn! You’re here!
The three embraced after not seeing each other for a few days. Reginald approaches the three.
Reginald: It’s good finally meeting you Mister and Missus McKenzie.
Jake: Don’t call us that, Malfoy Jr. And is that you, li’l Blueberry?
Jake, Taylor and Quinn turn towards Taari, who is still stunned.
Taari: Wait! Kaitlyn… your parents…
Kaitlyn: Mhm!
Taari: But that doesn’t make sense! Miss Taylor got back here five years ago. How are so old by now if you’re her child?!
Kaitlyn: It’s because I was adopted when I was seven.
Taari: …Yeah. That makes more sense.
After regaining his composure, Taari joins the group.
Quinn: So, I heard you guys finally got your first badge. That’s great! I’m so proud of you!
Taari: Hehe. Thanks.
Reginald: Thank you.
Kaitlyn: I appreciate it.
Jake: So, my li’l Marshmallow told me that you guys will be battling Pineapple Express?
Reginald: We will. Afterwards, we’ll head on over to the Pokélympics Stadium and sign up for the event. Then, after that, Kaitlyn will be joining her second contest.
Taylor: Sounds like a great plan. We’ll be staying around Orderve City until Kaitlyn’s second contest is over.
Kaitlyn: Yay!
Quinn: Besides, the La Huerta League will be managing this year’s Pokélympics event. It’s going to be a big reunion for all of us.
Reginald: So, that means my father is coming, huh?
While everyone smiles at the exciting new, Reginald clenches his fist, but quickly loosens it. He pretends to smile so that others won’t notice his pain. Taari looks around to look for someone missing within the group, Quinn’s husband, Tyler Kelly (M!MC)
Taari: Hey… Where’s Mister Tyler?
At the mention of his twin brother’s name, Taylor goes on a tantrum.
The children flinch at Taylor’s tantrum. Jake tries to calm her down, while Quinn covers her mouth and breaks into tears. Curious, scared and worried, Taari steps up.
Taari: Wh… Why? What happened to him? What did he do?
Jake manages to calm Taylor and proceeds to comfort Quinn. After regaining her calm, Taylor answers Taari’s questions.
Taylor: Tyler… has been missing for six months now. Ever since after… that incident… he hasn’t been the same. One day, he left us a note, telling us to not look for him or contact him. He said that he’s going to find out exactly what’s going on; why Pokémon are becoming corrupted; how the both of us ended up back in La Huerta; where exactly did Dialga and Palkia go off to.
Reginald: Incident? What incident?
Jake: I think that’s enough questions for now, you two.
Taari looks at Jake comforting Quinn, who is still heartbroken over the loss of her husband.
Taari: I… I’m sorry…
Reginald: Me too…
Quinn: Don’t be.
Quinn wipes of her tears and looks at Taari.
Quinn: You didn’t know. I’m sorry that we did not tell you. It was only between me, Taylor, Jake and Kaitlyn. I didn’t want the others to worry about my dear Tyler.
Taylor approaches Quinn to comfort her too.
Taylor: Come on, Quinn. Let’s head back to your room.
Taylor and Quinn start to head back to Centaurus Resort. Jake turns to the children.
Jake: Sorry you kids have to see that. Once you’re done scoping the Gym, head to the Centaurus Resort just beside the it. We’ve already reserved a room for you three.
Kaitlyn: Thanks, Dad. Take care of auntie Quinn.
Jake: We will, li’l Marshmallow.
As the three adults leave, the three kids enter the gym. They are soon greeted by the receptionist.
Receptionist: Welcome to the Orderve Gym. You must be trainers. I’m sorry but Chef Bhandarkar just finished his last battle for today.
Reginald: That’s fine. We’re just here to scope the gym.
Receptionist: Ah, I see. In that case, come with me. We will meet with Chef Bhandarkar now.
The receptionist escorts the three kids to the kitchen. As they arrive, they are immediately greeted by the head chef, Raj.
Raj: Hello, my little dudes and dudette!
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Taari: Hey, Mister Raj!
Kaitlyn: Mmm! Those are some good-smelling food!
Reginald: Sorry if we’re barging in.
Raj: No problem, li’l Reggie. I was expecting you three anyway. Here…
Raj grabs a bag filled with take-out food and hands it to Kaitlyn.
Raj: Taylor said that you guys will be visiting so I made those for your dinner, free of charge.
Kaitlyn: Wow!
Taari: For free? Really?
Raj nods.
Reginald: Thank you, Chef Raj.
The three children said their goodbyes to Raj and they head to their room in the Centaurus Resort. Meanwhile, on the mountains of La Huerta, Tyler walks on a snowy path, looking for cabins to spend the night.
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After spending the night, Taari, Kaitlyn and Reginald stand in front of the Orderve Gym to obtain their second badge and their second step towards the La Huerta League.
Will Raj be just as challenging as Diego? Or will he be more? FIND OUT ON CHAPTER 8 OF POKÉMON SUMMER VERSION!
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