#I feel like this new girl will become a sort of lowkey rival or something similar to Denji… or she will just straight up be his enemy right
tariah23 · 2 years
Csm2 chapter 1……….
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Next Generation Current Plots
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I love andrea. 
please try to like...not just take male plots for your girls
please don’t take any if you’re really not going to be into them because i worked so hard on these 
Adelaide ‘Addy’ Maeve Coleman (DIAMOND BRIDGE)
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Victoria - Victoria was addy’s classmate, turned best friend. She was her true friend when the others were kind of bullies. Their relationship has definitely deepened since then and addy can safely say she has a crush on her, but she’s also scared. 
Ethan - Ethan is her ex-boyfriend and they were very on and off throughout high school. It ended badly and addy wants nothing to do with him, but she also doesn’t want him to be done with her and definitely clings to him. 
Youi, Callie and Bianca - Her best friends from high school. In fairness, she probably likes Youi more than the other two but the bottom line was, they were all pretty mean to her and again, it’s the same with ethan, she’s done with them but they’re also her safety net. 
Daphne - Her sister, they’re not the same at all. Addy’s definitely the girlier and more emotional of the two but at the same time they’re best friends because Danny and Zara wouldn’t let them be anything else even if they wanted to be LOL 
NEW FRIEND - She goes to diamond bridge but I guess it isn’t ESSENTIAL that they do too. I just want her to become part of a friendship group where everybody’s different to kind of take her out of her bubble. She’d still be the ditzy and girly one, but i think she’s reaching that point where she realises not everybody is a Callie, Bianca, Youi, Peter or Nicolai with no in betweens. Frenemy - Addy started off wanting to do acting like her parents, but then quickly became excited about music so she’s switched courses early on. I’d love for her to have rivals! Maybe two of them are growing pretty quickly music wise and they’ve been pitted against each other, but because they don’t know any better, they’re pretty mean towards each other. FWB - I feel like she went to diamond bridge newly single and she HATES being single with a burning passion; it’s her toxic trait. So, she definitely would’ve slept with the first guy who gave her the time of day just to feel wanted...Bonus points if some douche from one of the frat houses got pictures/video and it’s an underlying secret that they’ve got a sex tape. 
Allison ‘Ally’ Marie Cortes-Smith (GOLD COAST) 
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Brett - Her current boyfriend and best friend. He came to her when she was really going through it and they definitely fell in love super quickly; but it’s also a really healthy and supportive relationship, something ally hasn’t had before. She definitely considers him as her family too, given the chaos of her own at times. 
Haley - Her younger sister; their relationship has been turbulent and while Ally loves her, she doesn’t really want to at times. She feels like the childhood she should’ve had with her parents was spent on fussing over Haley and whether or not they’d get her back. Now she is back, it’s even worse and she can’t shake the feeling that Holly couldn’t care less about where she is - hence why she flew half way across the world for college.
Rowan - Rowan was ally’s boyfriend in high school. He got her pregnant in their final year and she chose to terminate the pregnancy after he told her she was on her own. He then claimed nothing of the sort happened, which turned a lot of people against ally and nobody besides the two of them really knew who was telling the truth. They’ve cut all contact. 
Mila - Her best friend from violet springs; growing up, they were inseparable and ally would probably spend one too many nights at her house for sleepovers. They’ve turned out wanting very different things, though, which has strained their friendship - Mila has stayed local for college while ally left, and they’re both seeing their closeness fade. 
Sofia - Another of her best friends, although they had some tension in high school because Sofia became close with Haley and Ally hated sharing anything with Haley. 
Goody Two Shoes Friend - Ally is a bit of a bad influence and Adrian and Holly aren’t TOTALLY to blame for who she is; she’s just a bit of a wild card & unpredictable. I really want her to have a friend she leads astray a little, maybe someone who’s used to always playing by the rules but it’s a hardcore platonic connection and they adore one another. 
People who dislike her... - Since she and rowan go to the same academy, there could be more people who believe his side of events and just dislike ally by default. I won’t be offended by this! I just want all of my next gen characters to have deeper and more thought out storylines 
Toxic friend - Ally is super impressionable and while she’s capable of leading people astray, she’s surrounded by enough sensible people - haley, brett, mila etc. to keep her grounded. I want her to have a toxic friendship with someone who maybe causes her to spiral and become more impulsive than she already is 
Aurora Faith Kingsley (ROSEWELL) 
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Peter - Peter is her boyfriend but they definitely don’t have it easy. They both have pretty big personalities and they aren’t necessarily compatible in the way that other couples are, but they love one another enough to make it work for them. 
Avery - Aurora’s best friend, although since they’ve gone to different colleges and aurora’s started dating peter, that’s become super fractured and difficult. Regardless of what anybody tries to get her to think of avery, she’s always going to have love for him, he’s one of her closest and oldest friends. 
Judah, Whitney & Rowan - The closest things she has to siblings after Josh. They’re the children of Hensley and Christelle; Soraya’s best friends. They all had no choice but to grow up with each other and get along. Aurora definitely considers them her best and they’re constantly hanging out with one another and staying in touch despite being in different academies a lot of the time. 
Callie - Aurora’s second cousin and not somebody she gets along with. They clash endlessly and never see eye-to-eye on anything. It got worse when Callie clearly wanted Peter. Aurora being hot-headed and impatient didn’t take it too lightly. 
New Friends - I think it’d be really cool for her to be friends with certain models who are just starting out and they all grow together, starting with bonding over fashion but then they become even closer as they move through the years. 
Unrequited/Flirtationship - I’ve realised in both verses, I need to keep things messy and interesting if I get bored. Maybe somebody from Paris or at least close by who kind of has a thing for her - or just somebody who flirts with her to annoy Peter, if that’s more believable. She wouldn’t take too kindly to it but wouldn’t be able to help admiring the boldness of it all.  Frenemies - It may be that they got off on the wrong foot, they’re rivals or whatever! If you’re going to pick this one, please have a reason or an idea ready :) 
Belle Cynthia Carmichael  (WEST IVYS)
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Nila - EX BEST FRIEND. Nila’s definitely one to go to parties and get wasted and stuff but maybe after Belle’s parents divorced and Belle started going off the rails she was like woah you’re going too far. Maybe while Nila wanted her to tone it down, Belle expected Nila to follow her and eventually things went south, resulting Belle dropping her? I think from afar Nila would still be keeping an eye on Belle but she still thinks the damage has already been done Cam - HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEART. They were high school sweethearts and the typical high school couple until Belle’s parents divorced and she pushed him away. Once one of his mother’s passed away and they ended up at West Ivy’s, they’ve sort of developed into messy exes-slash-friends with benefits. Belle’s all over the places with her feelings for everyone but she appreciates the familiarity.  Louisa - COUSIN. They grew up pretty close since Kendall and Anastasia get along. Since Belle’s been off the rails, Louisa’s done her best to keep her grounded and prevent her from getting in to too much trouble. She’s almost like a second big sister. WANTED
Socialite Friends - Thanks to the abrupt ending of her parents marriage, Belle is well and truly off the rails. She’s very Paris Hilton-ish in the 2000s. That’s where I got my inspiration from. She’s all about excess and partying so I feel like it’d be appropriate for her to have a little clique with exactly the same vibe. 
FWB - male or female - Now she’s at West Ivy’s, she’s definitely experimenting and getting a feel for her sexuality because she’s not fully sure. I think there could be one person - potentially a little bit older - that helps her with this. Although, I doubt Belle would form an emotional attachment, she’d like the excitement of having someone new in her life like that. She’s currently a virgin and hasn’t slept with anybody.  
Daisy Louise Romano (LIBERTY ACADEMY)
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Peter and Carter - Her brothers. They’re extremely over-protective; especially Peter; but rather than rebelling and trying to act out like some younger siblings do in that situation, Daisy has become over-reliant on the both of them. They fight her battles, help her navigate through sticky situations and more or less think for her. She’s lowkey struggling without them in NYC but is determined to be her own person a little bit more. 
Delena - Delena was an amazing friend to Daisy and stood by her when she got sick again. The girls aren’t the closest and seem to be doing their own thing at the moment, but Daisy will always consider her a good friend. 
Josh - Josh is someone she’s always had something close with and it’s been complicated, in all honesty. They’ve been close friends for a while and always walk the border between that and something more. Daisy doesn’t really know what she feels towards him; she knows her brothers prefer him more than the other guys she’s been involved with but that’s almost more reason to keep her distant because she’s trying to make her own choices.
Rowan - Rowan is interested in one thing and one thing only; being the first person to sleep with Daisy Romano. He’s charming and knows how to make her blush and go all dizzy, but she’s still cautious of him. 
Nicolai - Nicolai is Peter’s friend and at one point, he had a crush on Daisy. Daisy is kind of fascinated with him in the same way younger girls are fascinated with slightly older guys. She finds him both intimidating and endearing at the same time, but definitely keeps her distance because she knows that’s a no go. 
Avery - Avery is Daisy’s newest friend. She always knew who he was but they never really had much to do with each other until they started at Liberty Academy. She does have a little crush on him and finds him super attractive, but again, she knows he’s not Peter’s favourite person and also has a sneaking suspicion that he’s more interested in Aurora. She’s not a stupid girl and won’t settle for being second choice; if that’s the case, she’d be happy to stay friends with him. Sylvia - Syl and Daisy would always bump into each other at the hospital when they were getting check ups and stuff, but never really got close aside from that bc they were in different schools. So maybe they ended up being roommates and they got really close and Sylvia accidentally took one of Daisy’s treatment letters thinking it was her’s, and that’s how she found out. Louisa - Louisa is her Liberty roommate. Since they’re sharing space, she finds out about Daisy being sick although Daisy doesn’t know that. If/when it gets worse, she sends anonymous copies of her doctors letters to people Daisy’s closest with so that she can get more help.
Girl friends - Daisy’s seriously lacking close girl friends! I feel like she could do with these two types below  Responsible friend - Someone who’s kind of like a Mum friend and has her sit down and think things through, because she’s very impulsive by nature.  Hype (Wo)man - A friend who just hypes her up and encourages her to live her best life, probably the opposite of the responsible friend most of the time :’) 
Darcy Briar Carmichael (ST JUDES) 
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Nila - They started as best friends and never really officially agreed to date. Things just went that way after they caught feelings and got a lot closer than they originally thought they would. Dacy still adores Nila but they were 16 at the time, so naturally they’ve grown apart in a romantic sense.  Louisa - Her older cousin. They’re really close and like best friends, they’ve supported each other through everything.  WANTED
Platonic Best Friend - male or female - I feel like because Darcy was the sister who internalised the pain of her parents break-up the most and didn’t show her emotions, it’d make more sense for her to have that one best friend who just knows everything about her. She’s really shaky with it and tries to hold herself together. Obviously their whole friendship isn’t just about her parents breaking up, but still, a friendship where they can just count on each other and it’s obvious they’ll never betray one another would be so cute.
On again, off again boyfriend - Perhaps one guy who she’s not good for/isn’t good for her but they always fall together and then apart again, but everybody knows they won’t be end game. I think she’d know it too but finds it hard to let go of people because there’s probably genuine fondness there too. 
Enemy - Darcy isn’t really the competitive type. She hates bitchiness and would rather have 0 friends than surround herself with all the wrong people like Belle does. I feel like it’d be really cool for her to have someone she flat out hates on her modelling course because maybe they’re very full of themselves and outspoken, and one day Darcy just snaps? And it’s been tense and bad blood between the two of them ever since. 
The son/daughter of her father’s new wife/girlfriend - I imagine her Dad has found love with another woman. Perhaps it’s the Mum of somebody at St Judes? Belle would hate this person but I think Darcy would make more of an effort to get to know them since they’re going through similar things. 
Dixie Gisele Carmichael (ROSEWELL) 
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Fleur - Her twin sister. Fleur is her best friend and worst enemy at exactly the same time and it’s hard for anyone but the two of them to make sense of. They’re on the same wave length at all times and it doesn’t take much for one to know what the other is thinking. They grew up at the top of the social hierarchy in the Upper East Side and in Paris; you’re not in the right crowd on either side of the Atlantic if you don’t know who the twins are. HOWEVER, there’s huge competition between the two of them too. Fleur was the first to really break on to the fashion scene and start getting a whole new level of attention, leaving Dixie behind - bitter and ignored. She wasn’t going to go down without a fight though. She rejected her sisters Rosewell application, meaning she had to settle for a different university outside of the fashion capital of the world. 
Whitney - Whitney is her cousin through Blake being Disney’s step-brother, even though it’s not biological, the Cruz-Mendozas and the Carmichaels have been raised as if they are. Dixie and Whitney arguably have two of the biggest personalities in the family and can be caught clashing and pissing each other frequently, but they make up just as fast and are back to bringing the flavour to family events.  Roman - Dixie has a huge crush on Roman and she really doesn’t care who knows it. She’d never go to the point of making him uncomfortable or putting him in awkward positions - especially because I think he’s dating someone? - but she will always openly flirt with him. Even if it pisses off Fleur, who also has a thing for him and is his best friend.
PETTY Best Friend - She needs a right hand woman who’s like equally as petty as her and maybe they have the shared goal of being at the TOP of their game for this generation, and going down in History. That is a very Dixie goal and I feel like she’s really only interested in people who match her energy and ambition. There’s not a chance in HELL that she’ll be friends with self-victimising/self-pitying people who only care about being in relationships or their love life.
I-love-you-but-not-like-that-lol jk-definitely-like-that-why-are-you-so-crazy-and-obsessed-with-being-the-best-though? - I really imagine Dixie to have a best friend (male please, because it’s mildly romantic) who is just the total opposite to her. I feel like she’d probably meet them through the academy stuff and they’re just grounded/prefer simple things/aren’t raging lunatics who are constantly competing with their sisters BUT they kind of get dragged along with her craziness because they care about her :’) I feel like it’d be a slow burn relationship tbh. They start off purely platonic & see each other through a whole string of other relationships but it’s obvious they really like one another. 
Status!Boyfriend - And by that I mean, a boy who treats her like absolute crap but she kind of keeps him around because he helps boost her status. She’s not like Disney, where she genuinely cares for Brody so she drops her standards a bit. She’ll happily make his life hell too and make it very clear that he’s nothing more than another step to get to where she needs to be - but he’s probably in a similar situation, I imagine. 
Ex-Friend - This could definitely be something to do with Fleur, maybe they KNOW she betrayed her sister and think she’s a bit of a bitch for doing so, so they cut her off. They’d 100% be on Fleur’s hitlist too and I feel like there could be a lot of petty going backs and forth. Like Ally, she really can’t bring herself to fully understand how people can like BOTH her and her sister equally, because she’s kind of the underdog in a sense, so she’d feel super betrayed. 
Dylan Samuel Powell (WEST IVYS) 
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Lily - Lily is currently his girlfriend. To be honest, I don’t know where they stand because I can’t remember LOL. They’re both at West Ivy’s and came together at the end of high school. There was a little bit of tension because there was stuff still between her and Nicolai; Dylan definitely isn’t the drama type and I feel like if it was obvious Lily still had split feelings, he’d be prepared to just call it off rather than let it get messy. Josh - A good friend that he bonds over photography and directing with. It’s a mutual friendship that’s developing now they’re at the academies.
Old friend - Maybe an old family friend. He spent a lot of time away from Violet Springs. He and Janey both lived in Sweden before they came back to the UK full time. But, perhaps the child of Janey’s friend is quite close to him? I feel this person would know what happened to Janey and why Dylan is so protective over people, particularly his Mum, and is quite attached to home and not leaving her. 
Ex Long Distance Gf - Maybe he was dating somebody long distance for a long time. I feel like growing up in Sweden, he would’ve been a little bit of a loner, but found a lot of connections online. I feel like they would have maybe dated for about 2 years maximum and met up a handful of times, but he might’ve called it off because it just wasn’t working or he found the distance wasn’t working? Maybe she cheated (I feel like he wouldn’t.) Bonus points if there’s a bit of a connection now they have crossed paths again. 
Emmett Charles Hamilton (ST JUDES) 
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Cameron - They’re friends and get high together. There’s really not much else that goes with it. Louisa - This probably would have been painfully young, like early-mid high school and wouldn’t have lasted any longer than a few months. He would’ve got with her to lose his virginity for sure, because douchebags and peer pressure. Just so that there’s somewhere to go with their connection and it’s not just there, maybe they’ve weirdly grown closer now they’ve grown up a bit and still hook up occasionally. 
Fake tutor: Emmett was pretty bright but failed classes because he was lazy. Maybe there’s somebody who used to tutor him through his last year in high school because Nate made him have one, and he used to just pay them to sit around and play video games with him before leaving.  Current girlfriend/Love Interest: I feel like this would work better if they were at different academies. Maybe they got together over the summer and genuinely really like each other but they have A LOT of ups and downs. Maybe she’s his complete opposite and somebody who stresses over every little thing, whereas he just coasts through life. It might be nice if she isn’t necessarily from money either - because that could be a big tension point. I feel like their eyes would definitely wander when they’re away from one another and maybe one or both have actually cheated but always feel so bad when they sit back and think about it. 
Jay Alexander Hamilton (LIBERTY ACADEMY)
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Sylvia - Jay always had feelings for Sylvia and it was a slow burn throughout high school. Please don’t shoot me @ tiah, I can’t remember if they ever became official but they’re definitely closer now they’re at Liberty and a little bit more mature than they were before. 
Amelia - Gisele and Disney are still good friends, so Jay met Amelia through his cousins and aunt. They’ve always got along really well and Jay is super protective over her, whether she likes him to be or not. Neither of them currently realise the past that their parents had.  Ethan - Ex-best friend. Him and Ethan used to be inseparable but their personalities have started to clash and they’re more like frenemies these days.  Victoria - Ages ago at the beginning of high school, he was dared to date her as a dare and because he was young and stupid, he obviously agreed. She ended up finding out - or he confessed, i can’t remember - and she’s never forgiven him. He gets that, even though he’s personally moved on from it.  Louisa -  A new friend that he’s gained from Liberty.
Ex girlfriend - Obviously from school before Sylvia. They’re all still young so I think it wouldn’t have been serious. I just imagine he’s had experience in relationships before. I don’t really have any specific ideas for what the dynamic of the relationship was like.  Summer Fling - This one is more apparent. Obviously, in the summer, he lives with his Dad in the Canary Islands. So, maybe somebody who came on a family holiday with to the hotel and they got pretty close. I feel like he would’ve been good at cutting it off though because...Yeah.  Liberty Friends - I feel like one thing Jay is good at is going from place to place and remaining popular, but he’s also shifting in popularity. He’s not popular because he’s associated with the mean/horrible clique but because he’s a pretty nice person. So, if you have any Liberty characters, please throw them his way for friendships and we can develop! 
Kai Arden Powell - son of Louis & Lexi.
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Sofia - His girlfriend. They’ve been dating for a while and he wouldn’t change it. They’re definitely not completely stable and I feel like they’re young and have a lot to work out, but through Kai’s eyes (because he doesn’t know any better) she’s the one for him. 
Aliyah - One of his good friends he’s made since starting at Willow House. He’s made it clear that he wants to be out of there and is trying to transfer asap but if one thing has come out of it, it’s his friendship with Aliyah! He likes her a lot and will definitely stay in contact if he does move on.
The person who snitched - Kai basically found himself in this predicament because he let it slack in the last years of Gallagher. He ended up paying somebody to write his admissions essays and got found out. Maybe he never paid the person who wrote his and they snitched to the board of West Ivys (where he was originally going to go) and that got him kicked out? He’d definitely hold it against them.  Ex-friends - A friend he used to be close to back in high school but after he flopped and kind of fell of track, they haven’t really spoken to him or reached out for support.  Family friend - Someone he keeps in regular contact with who still supports him and maybe tries to convince him that Willow House isn’t that bad. Like, they recognise that clearly things have bit him in the ass and don’t understand why he’s still trying to cheat himself into a different academy. Basically a sensible friend that he ignores because he’s an idiot LOL 
Ex-boyfriend - He’s bi and I feel like he was one of those kids in school who was super aware of it and open about it early. He obviously had the privilege of having Louis and Lexi as parents, who are VERY loving - almost to a fault, so he’s never really been afraid of judgement or being pushed out because he’s never really been exposed to that. He’s very privileged in that sense.  Maybe his ex wasn’t? And it ended because Kai couldn’t keep hiding it, whereas his ex almost needed to, so they went their own ways?
Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Bradford - daughter of Drew & Annabel.
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Yasmine - Yasmine is her best friend. They never really spoke in high school and it didn’t help that Lottie wasn’t there for a lot of it, because Annabel and Drew agreed to let her be home-schooled while she focused on music and (unsuccessfully) try to get the attention of record labels. But, now they’re both in Liberty and they’ve bonded quite quickly. She’s aware that Yasmin is super shy and anxious. Lottie’s the opposite, they balance one another out and she’s very protective over her.  Louisa - An old friend of hers. They were closer during high school and even though they have new friends and are in different points in their lives, they still care about one another.
WANTED (she isn’t even new but has nothing and it hurts my heart) 
Old friends - I feel like Lottie is very much a hometown girl even though she’s moved out and gone far for college. There’s definitely four or five people that she’s been friends with since the beginning of high school and no matter where they are in the world, they keep in contact. These would be people she’d literally cross the world for to help out because she loves them that much. She was never cool at school, but didn’t ever crave to be.
First Love (3 way plot) - Her first love in high school, male please. Again, I hate it when high school romances are super developed and deep because 9/10 times, that’s not the case. I think maybe he thought she was pretty and she loved the idea of being in love, but when she started to become home-schooled, he obviously lost interest slowly and connected with other people...whereas she lacked that social progress because she wasn’t around people her own age. Eventually he called it off, and she took it...awfully. Her toxic trait is she takes all minor inconveniences horrendously :’) 
Ex friend (3 way plot) - Perhaps this was the friend that her first love moved on to. I don’t think cheating would have happened. Maybe with Lottie gone, the two of them just caught feelings for each other. Lottie would have probably cut her out before she even got a chance to explain herself because it would’ve hurt. Bonus points if maybe they both miss each other more than they miss the high school relationships they fell out over. So, there’s potential for them to reunite. 
Ex Boyfriend (2) - This would have been her late high school boyfriend, after she came back from home-schooling. I’d love it if they were relatively new in town or maybe they were outsiders somehow, but him and Lottie just had an instant connection. Lottie was never in the conventionally popular group but she was well-liked and known around the school, so I feel like her getting with somebody who maybe wasn’t on that social level would’ve been a little unexpected? But, I feel like she would’ve been totally in love with him and he would’ve been the person she’s had a lot of firsts with.  I think he’d probably be the one to end it after they grew up and maybe wanted different things from life. Lottie definitely is more angry about this because she’s hurt, rather than because he did anything wrong. 
Crush - She’s now at Liberty (and straight btw!). So, a guy that she’s super into now she’s in a new city and starting a new chapter. I feel like it’d be very surface level right now and maybe he has no idea that she feels that way? OR maybe he does know, but kind of plays on it but never commits and she’d like that :’) but also get frustrated
New friendship -  A new friendship that’s perhaps a bit competitive. Liberty is a very high ranking academy and Lottie is used to music/doing cool things being her thing because nobody really started the same way she did in high school. But, now everybody has a goal of being famous and is doing amazing things? So they go in and out of being friends and being rivals?
Pippa Elizabeth Carmichael - daughter of Kelsey Calemine
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She’s VERY new and I’m still working out the details of his bio, so I’ll update whenever I can! 
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ofmallory · 4 years
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( tati gabrielle , cis female , she/her, twenty-four ) omg ! i was walking yonge street downtown , and you’ll never guess who i saw . mallory roth ! i just saw a post about them on sixsecrets ! i think it said something like “ still no word on the status of mal roth's next album — but at least twitter stans are posting some hilarious memes about the three - year - long wait ” . isn’t that wild ? i guess it makes sense through , since they’re apparently fickle and self-absorbed . but i’ve heard they’re also ardent and ingenious ! i’ll just stick to giving them the benefit of the doubt . i mean , it’s not like i know them personally — they’re a famous singer / songwriter ! you know , i’ve actually heard rumors that ____ , but they’re just rumors … i think . i dunno . if you happen to run into them , tell them i’m their biggest fan ! ( sam , she/her , 23 , est )
* lorde career claim !
greetings and salutations! i’m sam and i’ve been thinking about this muse for aaaages, but this is my very first time writing her! character info is under the cut and of course, please message me if you would like to plot!
triggers : abandonment, theft, car accident.
FULL NAME: mallory corine roth ; born mallory im
NICKNAMES: mal, moll, mollie
GENDER + PRONOUNS: cis female + she / her
DOB + AGE: december 31st, 1995 +  twenty - four
ZODIAC: capricorn
HOMETOWN: oakland, california
ORIENTATION: panromantic / pansexual
OCCUPATION: singer / songwriter
mallory im was born and raised in oakland, california. her mother was a nineteen - year - old pre law student at uc berkeley and her father was in the midst of his fifteen minutes of fame as a musician with a number one song on the radio. he was in town for a gig which mal’s mother attended, and then just a few weeks later she discovered that she was pregnant. her parents ( mal’s maternal grandparents ) were absolutely furious. they disowned her on the spot, kicking her out of their house and stopping their payments of her college tuition. forced to drop out, she resorted to working several small jobs at once in order to cover doctor visits and the rent for her small, run - down apartment.
much of what mal knows about her early childhood is things that she was told rather than things that she actually remembers. after she was born, her mother resumed her college courses in between her revolving door or minimum wage jobs. her parents were civil with each other. by the time that she was born, her father’s career had completely fallen off and he put most of his earnings into starting a record label ( that wasn’t very successful at first ), but he would still send them some money every once in a while.
mal was three years old when her mother began dating a local businessman. the owner of a luxury car dealership, he was slightly older and a widower with two children of his own, and he and mal’s mom fell absolutely smitten with each other. it wasn’t long before they were picking out flower arrangements and setting a date for their wedding ( mal was the flower girl and her soon - to - be stepbrothers were groomsmen ). 
after the marriage took place, mal’s new stepfather was completely committed to taking care of the new members of his family. he moved them into his home, paid for mal’s mother to complete her degree, and even formally adopted his new stepdaughter, her surname officially changing to roth. 
the few years that ensued were uneventful outside of a few things : mal started taking music lessons, her stepbrothers went off to college and so she became the only child of the household, and her mother completed law school and opened up a practice in the city. 
mal tried countless hobbies, but nothing besides music could hold her interest for long. in high school, she joined the skater kids clique and started to rebel. it was just small things at first : sneaking out after curfew, trying cigarettes, drinking at the skate park with her friends on the weekends. her parents had noticed of course, so they scolded her a little and figured that was that. spoiler alert : it wasn’t.
at approximately two in the morning on her sixteenth birthday, mal and a few of her friends drunkenly stole a car from her stepfather’s dealership and wound up crashing into lake merritt. mal was behind the wheel at the time. fortunately, no one was seriously injured. her parents were simultaneously relieved and furious. however, they were far more interested in helping her rather than punishing her. deciding that a change of scenery and being away from her friends who they deemed to be a bad influence might be good for her, mal’s mother and stepfather sent her to live with a virtual stranger.
in the years since he had started his record label, mal’s father had upgraded his reputation, going from washed - up musician to successful businessman and mentor. he’s credited with launching the careers of several artists in the genres of rap and r & b. he was earning more money than ever, dating beautiful celebrities, and buying all sorts of expensive items for himself. he sent cards & money for birthdays & holidays and called on the phone every once in a while, but mal had never met him.
she never thought much of it. their first in - person meeting was actually rather anticlimactic. his chauffeur picked her up from the airport and brought her to his enormous bel air mansion, and he was just leaving for work when she arrived. he told her to make herself at home, and that was it.
mal spent her first few weeks in los angeles exploring her new home. she poked around the edges of the local party scene and found that it had lost its appeal for her after the accident, so she turned her attention to the one constant in her life : music.
she started accompanying her father to the studio and quickly caught onto the basics. at just sixteen years old she was writing songs that artists were literally fighting over, but as she noticed her words growing more and more personal, mal started keeping songs for herself and soon she had more than enough for an entire album.
the song royals was released in 2013 when mal was sixteen years old, written about her first impressions of los angeles as someone who had never left their less famous and glamorous hometown. it was kind of an experiment. no one really knew what was going to happen, but no one was expecting the song to become the PHENOMENON that it did.
royals was critically acclaimed, spent nine weeks at the number one spot on the billboard hot 100 chart, and went on to win two grammy awards : best pop solo performance and song of the year.
her debut album pure heroine was released in 2013 as well, and her second album melodrama was released in 2017. the long break in between albums became a literal meme that’s starting to pop up again now that it’s been around three years since mal has released something new.
she moved to toronto in 2016 while she was working on her second album. it was just supposed to be a little vacation that would hopefully help to clear her head because she was struggling to write at the time, but mal wound up falling in love with the city and decided to make it her permanent residence.
I HATE EVERYBODY by halsey is honestly a perfect explanation for how she typically is in her personal relationships. she falls hard and fast, and when the relationship inevitably disintegrates she’s devastatingly heartbroken until she discovers a new infatuation. she does it with both romances and friends, moving through the lives of people around her in search of something she’s never found.
basically, she wants love but expects it to happen right away, and when it doesn’t she immediately writes off the relationship as a failure. 
the type of person to literally move to a new house if her refrigerator stopped working because she doesn’t feel like getting it fixed.
almost overly generous with friends. you like her perfume? here, take the bottle! car broke down? come on, she’ll buy you a new one! material things = love is something she isn’t even aware that she believes in, but she absolutely does.
she’s REALLY self - centered though. people do often approach her for advice, but she’s just not a good listener.
lowkey insecure and worries that she’s unloveable but she’d never outright say so except for in her music.
she’s approachable, but not really the chatty, small talk type. because of this, she’s gotten a bit of an unfair reputation for being frigid in the media.
best friend ( basically the one person she’s never gotten even a little bit bored of. )
friends ( usually surface level, but also former friends, childhood friends, industry friends )
industry rivals
pr relationships ( romantic, platonic, negative, but all 100% fake )
exes / hookups / ewb / fwb 
her current infatuation - could be platonic or romantic
these are just some base ideas for connections, so please don’t feel limited to what’s listed here!
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rironomind · 6 years
Bird Cage review
Remember when I said Kaoya has drawn a new work? It's called Bird Cage and the first chapter is available on pixiv in Chinese and Japanese.
I wasn't able to articulate my thoughts to her so I've decided to write a review to outline my thoughts, expectations and overview of the story in line and how it reflects her style.
We're two chapters in and we've been introduced to three characters so far: Gao Ye, Yu Nong and Yun Yun.
Gao Ye is a 26 year old gamer who met Yu Nong in an online game and assumed Yu Nong was a girl. They arranged to meet up but upon meeting, Gao Ye learns he's been lowkey catfished and Yu Nong is actually a guy, and he works with the police too! After some complaining, they become irl friends and Yu Nong promises Gao Ye three things (not mentioned).
In chapter 2, we start seeing more of both of their lives. Yu Nong has a girlfriend, Yun Yun, he's been seeing for a while. She wants to get married but doesn't really care about him. Meanwhile, Gao Ye asks Yu Nong to help him move into a new apartment.
In this comic, I expect her to tackle parental expectations, online vs offline relationships, (ie the inexplicable bond between people you meet online vs those you meet in person), dating standards, the conflict that arises during a relationship, the demands of Chinese society and working life, and as she mentioned, aspects of the working life of China's police force. If this is a love story, I wonder how she will tackle this aspect of modern Chinese society. If not, this might just be an illustration of the validity of online vs offline relationships. We’ll see.
~Warning: mindless praise ahead~
First of all, I'm so stoked to see Kaoya tackling something as domestic as a budding romance in a modern day setting. Her opm doujins have themes that are along the same vein but it's one thing creating fanwork and another creating a full-fledged original work.
Here's why I'm excited: She makes sure neither the characters nor the drama are overly exaggerated and she saves over the top reactions for when it's completely necessary. The result is a thought provoking but entertaining read with 3D characters who are wholly imperfect, mature, struggling but self-sustaining adults.
One thing I appreciate about Kaoya is that she does not belittle any character's thought processes even if other characters disagree. In Chapter 2, Yun Yun and Yu Nong discuss their ideas about marriage and their relationship and though kaoya has a self-imposed mandate to not describe internal thoughts, she lays them out through actions and dialogue in a way that's easy to understand as long as you take the extra step to think about them (which is all anyone ever asks).
One thing I don’t expect to see is kdrama-style drama. As we’ve seen in her previous work like the side story for Yao Zai Sheng, she doesn’t tend to draw out misunderstandings and conflict, and if she does, that relationship is definitively doomed. Honesty and being true to yourself features strongly in her work. Her characters are as straightforward as she is and she presents a conflict which only persists if the solution is not immediately present.
Another thing I don’t expect to see is a strong love rival. Her works aren't typically structured with heroes, villains or even archetypes that resemble them, similarly, Yun Yun is looking to be the type of pitiable character who I predict will either not change and continue to live under her parents’ expectations to find another Yun Nong, or will grow to find her own wings. She might also become an obsessive ex that will hinder Yun Nong and possibly Gao Ye but I hope not as I don’t favour those sorts of characters. Yun Yun is by no means stupid, so when she watches Yun Nong go, we have to wonder what she's planning.
Other than her simplistic style (which I personally favour) and pacing, I can see why she isn’t popular. All the things I mentioned above as pluses (little or no drama, no exaggeration, adult characters) mean tension is not particularly high, which makes her work not as compelling. You feel a niggling fear that bad things are going to happen at some point but always controlled and never to the point where you think “no way no wayyy”, in this way the work is never cheapened, but remains mature.
In addition, things which have great significance (even plot significant) are never put in bold flashing lights but rather hinted at subtly with passing glances and carefully worded statements. You have to pay attention when you read, and then you have to read it again. This applies to her overall message too.
On that note, I should mention that one of the reasons why Kaoya's work is actually compelling is that she has something to say.
Finally, she's said it's to make a strong impression, but Gao Ye’s hair sucks.
Thanks for reading this ridiculous disjointed review. Do check out Bird Cage lol
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slythrnwrtes · 7 years
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Hey there!! I finally have the time to write again, so I’m currently looking for new plots + partners. I’ve put a list below the cut of some stuff I’m interested in doing, so if you’d be down with doing any of these with me please either shoot me a DM or like this post and I’ll come to you. I am currently mainly looking for f/f and m/f plots !!
Disclaimer: Some of these are recycled plots I never got the chance to do in the past but I still wanna do !!
A city witches plot where two witches are roommates in New York and they use little spells in their everyday life to make things easier, but they have to hide it from the world. While Muse A is really strict with their magic and makes sure to always be as careful as they can be, Muse B could care less and is very free spirited and risks exposing magic to humans on a daily basis. It creates a lot of tension but they’re best friends (or lovers) so they try to work through it. Inspired by this.
Some modern mythology plots based off literally any of these would be lovely!! I am weak for modern mythology plots in general (some of my absolute favorite pairings are Dionysus x Ariadne, Ares x Aphrodite and Hades x Persephone).
A modern Disney princess / slightly OUAT inspired plot ( or mumu ) where all the Disney princesses live in modern day New York but are still highly influenced by their Disney counterparts.
I am currently in love with the Marauders era of Harry Potter and I’m willing to do almost anything related to that (my favorite characters to write are James Potter, Rita Skeeter and Bellatrix Black, but I’m open to writing anyone + any ship).
With that said, Harry Potter plots are my kryptonite and I am always down to do any hp plot !!
A plot where Ares and Aphrodite walk the Earth and they’re both women and in love (dibs on Ares).
[drug/alcohol cw] An f/f plot slightly inspired by Elementary where Muse A is a rich and successful businesswoman that struggles with drug/alcohol abuse. Muse B is hired by Muse A’s company to be her sober companion and basically keep her on track, although her job is soon made difficult by Muse A’s moodiness and high demands. I think this could be a classic “thundercloud x ray of sunshine” sort of thing.
A con artist plot where Muse A and B are roommates and rivals, always trying to upstage the other’s most recent heist. It does not occur to them that they could work together and achieve even greater success, because they’ve always been at each other’s throats.
A fallen angels plot inspired by this. Muse A and Muse B were kicked out of heaven and are now living in the big city, both doing their best to move on ( but never quite knowing how ).
A city witches plot but with gangs. Muse A and B belong to rival witch gangs, and should definitively not be friends. Yet, they feel drawn to each other, and eventually end up hooking up.
A bad girl x bad boy plot !! Or a bad girl x bad girl plot.
A plot based in the Harry Potter universe where Muse A and B both work in Hogsmeade. Muse A owns a small bakery, while Muse B works as a bartender / barmaid in one of the pubs. They form a habit of meeting after work and discussing their days and lives, and eventually start falling in love.
A gold digger / age gap plot where Muse A is this young and bright-eyed college student who marries Muse B for their money. Muse B is older, experienced and can kinda guess what Muse A is after, but marries Muse A anyways because they’ve been looking for love for years and never finding it so what the hell, right? People will finally stop asking questions at the very least. A few months into their marriage, Muse A starts falling for Muse B but Muse B is kinda hesitant because they have been hurt before.
A similar plot where Muse A needs to marry someone to stay in the country, and Muse B agrees, despite barely knowing Muse A. In order to pass all the inspections and to stop the authorities from exposing their marriage as a fraud, they are forced to move in together and pretend to be happily married.
Another marriage plot where Muse A and B are acquaintances that go to Vegas together, and end up getting wasted and accidentally married. Both are dirt poor and can’t afford an annulment or a divorce, so they stay married. 
A plot where Muse A is a news anchor / reporter and Muse B is a police detective. Muse A is always hounding Muse B for the latest story and Muse B is lowkey annoyed ( but Muse A is also really cute, so sometimes Muse B will let something slip ). They kinda always butt heads because of their jobs but deep down they really like each other.
A plot where Muse A and B broke up months ago, but they are both pretty poor and can’t afford a new apartment right now, so they continue living together. They also haven’t told their parents and friends that they broke up, so they have to pretend to still be together a lot.
A plot where Muse A and Muse B are actors working on the same tv show, where they play the main and most popular couple. On the screen they have insane chemistry, but behind the scenes, they hate each other and can barely stand being in the same room.
A medieval plot where Muse A is a prince/princess of Country A and Muse B is a prince/princess of Country B. It has been a hard couple of years for both countries, but a union between the families would benefit the economy for them both. Thus, although Muse A and Muse B have never actually met before, they agree to get married.
Another medieval plot where Muse A comes from nothing, but has managed to work their way up the social ranks using only their charm and their looks. Meanwhile, Muse B is the bachelor king/queen who hasn’t settled down yet (rumor has it that they sleep around a lot). Muse A’s plan is to get Muse B to fall in love with them, but Muse B - although enticed by Muse A, is easily distracted. After a while, they become friends, but both want different things from their relationship.
A Gilded Ashes inspired plot where Muse A is the crown prince/princess of the land, and Muse B is a disgraced heiress. Muse A does not believe in love since they found out that the supposed love of their life was only using them for their title. Muse B does not believe in love either, because they are haunted by demons who threaten to punish anyone that hurts Muse B. On the night that Muse A is supposed to choose their husband/wife on their father’s orders, they run into Muse B and feel an instant connection. Still, neither Muse A or B believe in love... But they continue to see each other.
A witch plot where Muse A and Muse B are childhood best friends. Once they reach puberty and pick their paths, Muse A chooses light magic, while Muse B chooses dark magic. They drift apart due to their differences, but 10-something years later, they both show up for the same job interview and get the same job. 
A ‘The Little Mermaid’ inspired plot where Muse A is a marine biologist who’s studying the coral reefs. Muse B is a mermaid who lives very close to the reefs, and is a little too curious for their own good and often observes Muse A while they are working. One day, Muse A is in trouble and Muse B decides to save Muse A, even though it reveals who and what they are.
FCs I currently want to play / play against ( in no particular order & I’ll play both males and females ):
Joe Keery • Katheryn Winnick • Jenna Coleman • Alberto Rosende • Gal Gadot • Melissa Fumero • Candice Patton • Melissa Benoist • Matt Daddario • Lily Collins • Rosamund Pike • Charlie Hunman • John Boyega • Amanda Seyfried • Leighton Meester • Phoebe Tonkin • Katie Stevens • John Krasiniski • Alycia Debnam Carey • Emeraude Toubia • Taron Egerton • Kat McNamara • Virginia Gardner • Lily James • Lucy Liu • Keiynan Lonsdale • Gregg Sulkin • Deborah Ann Woll • Margot Robbie • Madchen Amick • Amy Adams • Sarah Shahi • Daniel Radcliffe • Franz Drameh • Sophie Turner • Dominic Sherwood • Troian Bellisario • Dave Franco • Diego Luna • Rachel McAdams • Tessa Thompson • Jeffrey Dean Morgan • Ryan Gosling • Cody Christian • Natalia Dyer • Violett Beane.
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thehotwingking · 7 years
Alright, so let’s talk DBS episodes 109 and 110. I want to talk about the absurdity of Jiren, about the Limit Breaker, and also about the next big fights.
It's a long read, so don't read it. It's mainly for myself.
It's a long read, so don't read it. It's mainly for myself.
ok so first off, Jiren is way too OP. Not fair. I mean, I get the point of his character, but I am a bit strained over this same type of villain/character. The character with the power that is the most powerful someone can be. Cell was this perfect being that no one could match. Then Buu was supposed to be the strongest person in the universe that no one could match. Beerus is a God of Destruction, and again no one could match. All three of these guys make sense in terms of world building. I'm not completely sure how Gero could manifest someone as strong as Cell (I think it has to do with gene splicing all the DNA from everyone but IDK, IDC and/or remember), but both Beerus and Buu make perfect sense since the universe is so vast.
Hit makes sense. The best fighter in universe 6. Obviously, he'd rival Goku. Even Black made sense. You get a Kai, you put his power into Goku's body. God ki with Goku's power. It makes sense. Sure, I probably got a little tired of the fact that Fused Zamasu existed, and he seemed literally impossible to beat after Vegito failed. But I got over it... sort of lol. (Ok not over it cause I hate that ending lol)
ok Idk where I'm going with this. It's just that JIREN MAN WHAT THE FUCK. How is some that is unfused and a mortal that strong?? Like we got Goku having to learn new techniques out his ass in order to even compete with Jiren and he still lost (totally called that last week btw.)
It's just... just how strong do these guys need to be, Akira!? Where do we go from here? Like, this show always puts me in a suspension of disbelief when seeing transformations like SSJ, or Gohan ascending SSJ, or even SSJ3. Like when watching those transformations I'm always like wtf how, Sway? But after thinking about it... it just makes sense. And by making sense I mean both by the power of the transformation and how it came about. It's just now with Jiren, his power just doesn't make sense, and I also can't make sense of how he became so strong. Surely, it'll be explained in one of the next few episodes obviously. I believe one of the God's touched upon it for a little, but it was only a few words and not much. There's obviously a reason why he's so strong that hasn't been explained yet, but...
The extent to how strong he is... I can't make sense of it at the moment. This dude was just STARING at the Spirit Bomb, and it did NOTHING to him. This dude took a punch from Goku at his LIMIT and it did NOTHING to him. Exactly how strong is he, and how strong must someone be to beat him? I. Can't. Make. Sense. Of. It. And I don't know how anyone can beat him.
Freiza -> Become a legendary Super Saiyan Perfect Cell -> Rage pass a legendary Super Saiyan Buu -> Spirit Bomb his ass to hell as a SSJ3 Beerus -> Super Saiyan God ritual Golden Frieza -> Didn't master his own form Hit -> Super Saiyan Blue with God Ki control + Kaioken Fused Zamasu -> So broken and OP that you need the Lord of Lords AKA (deus ex machina) Jiren -> Absorbed Spirt Bomb plus Ultra Instinct.... doesn't work??
Goku already used a spirit bomb. He already done unlocked a new form/technique. He can't fuse. What is there left for Goku or anyone to do? Is he gonna unlock another form? And yeah I get that this is the fun part about Super. Always trying to guess stuff. I remember after BotG I was tripping over the fact that there were several other universes with several other God's of Destruction with also several other strong people, but I would never expect some shit like this. I never thought we would even see any of them. Just that they existed.
The ONLY person I remember being this unstoppable for the first time was Buuhan, but even then you could see that Goku had to fuse with someone in order to beat Buu. but with Jiren... what the fuck can anyone do? Not like Goku can just hakai his ass. I can't... for the life of me figure out a way to beat him one on one. It has to be some group effort type shit. It has to be. And at this point I'm not convinced Goku will beat Jiren.
Alright that was a long as talk about Jiren. Mind you, I don't hate the arc. I'm patiently waiting to see what happens
Second: Ultra Instinct is dope, and also I feel dumb because it could have been easily predicted through foreshadowing. Toriyama likes doing these things where he mentions one thing in a past arc or episode and then it ends up happening. Obviously, being able to move without thinking was going to be something Goku was going to do eventually, and the Limit Breaker transformation is obviously it. I noticed it almost immediately the moment Goku slung his ass at Jiren and did a shooting star press for no reason.
In my eyes it seems like Limit Breaker isn't really a transformation like super saiyan, but more like a kaioken. Essentially, it's a technique. Still, it's obviously really powerful when used by Goku. The way I see it is that it's a combination of three things. Learning Ultra Instinct, absorbing the power of the Spirit Bomb, and also the mixture of his own power. So, it's not another saiyan transformation... I THINK. It's more of the power of a God rather than a saiyan. So like.. say if Krillin won the tournament of power and wished to have the power of a God then in theory he could possibly learn Ultra Instinct through sheer will power to live such as Goku did. If that makes sense. You need to have supreme power like a god, and sort of hit your limit, but exceed pass it using your will power.
But it'll probably only be Goku using technique and I doubt anyone else ever does the "Limit Breaker." I do think Goku will master this Ultra Instinct and use it again to fight Jiren, but I have no idea if he will be as powerful as he was the first time. Unless of course Goku does some "absorb the power and retain it even after it's gone" bullshit again lol.
Third, the future fights.
Universe 2 -> 5 fighters left. Universe 3 -> 6 fighters left Universe 4 -> 4 fighters left. 2 invisible Universe 6 -> 6 fighters left. Hit, 3 saiyans, 2 namekians Universe 7 -> 7 fighters left. Universe 11 -> 3 fighters left. Dispo, Toppo, and LolJiren
Alright, so Hit vs Jiren has me lowkey hyped. I think Hit is gonna get his ass whooped in the end, but at the same time I do think Hit will get some good punches on Jiren using newer techniques that we haven't seen yet. I hate to say it.. last week I was thinking that Hit might be the one to eliminate Jiren because I thought Jiren was going to eliminate Goku, but with Goku still around and Jiren not looking tired AT ALL then I think Hit is going to be eliminated. Y'know, I thought Hit or Vegeta were gonna beat up some leftovers, but Jiren still looks undamaged. GG Hit. Sorry universe 6. I don't see the three remaining saiyans being able to do anything. I could see all four attacking Jiren at the same time, but probably not since it might mean their defeat and elimination. I know the love of my life Caulifla aint gonna go out like no bitch though. I fucking love that girl. Bae as fuck. She's my everything.
I want Vegeta to eliminate that thing like right NOW. Please Vegeta... I can't stand that character. Vegeta has no time to spare dealing with that garbage knowing that Jiren is out there fucking shit up. Also, IDC if Vegeta didn't lend Goku some of his power. Don't care. That universe still has a good amount of fighters left though, so I'm not convinced Brianne is the strongest person from the universe. Just the most loved.
Gohan, Piccolo, 17, and 18 are also still out there. I believe they have to have a big fight coming up. Not sure who the Androids are going to fight. Most likely some universe 2 or 3 fighters. Actually, definitely one of those universes. Whichever universe has the one with androids. I know one of them has androids. Android vs Android which also brings me to namekian vs namekian. Piccolo is obviously going to fight one of his Namekian counterparts from Universe 6. (there's two???) If he loses then obviously Gohan is gonna whoop that guy's ass. I don't see why Piccolo should win or beat both Namekians. You know what would really be cool? If prior to the tournament Champa went to his version of planet Namek to seek out a strong warrior like Piccolo, and then a bunch of strong Namekians fused together to form a strong being like KaPicaNail. Lol. That would be a dope fight though I doubt either Namekian stacked a bunch of fusions.
Also, I guess Gohan could end up fighting Toppo or Dispo. They need to be eliminated as well. I don't know who else other than Vegeta can eliminate them. Don't think anyone in U6 can eliminate them aside from Hit, and there is too much unknown from the other remaining universes.
Finally, Goku VS Frieza.... we all saw that ending. And..... they're not going to fight. Goku instant transmissioned to Frieza for a reason, and Frieza is just being a dick because that's who he is. He's not going to hurt Goku or fight him. Idk what Goku could possibly want from Frieza, but it should be an interesting development. Probably just gonna ask Frieza to defend him while Goku tries to regain his energy back. That would be a way for Goku to jump back into the tournament near the end of it so we can see the other characters do shit. There's still like 30 people left.
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brokenroycrown · 7 years
Nobody asked but here’s my headcanons for an ace relationship between Anri and Vorona. (respectivally, 16 and 19)
- Starts as Rival/Enemies, it gradually becomes a interest on each other’s thoughts, feelings and lives.
- Vorona would sometimes challenge Anri For a Fight. Under broad Daylight, on the streets. Anri would politely refuse and move on. People (usually schoolmates, walking wih her) would misinterpret this as “that blond russian is interested on Sonohara??”
- That happens because Vorona would say out loud some really weird stuff and make some Questionable Choices of phrasing like “I am interested on once again challenging you, please inform the Convenient TIme and Place for A Meeting, Just the Two of Us” or “You carry Great Potential, Katana Bearer, I shall, someday, discover your secrets.” or “Make me informed of  a better way to keep myself in immediate contact with you at all times, I request your email and phone number.”
-  Those three phrases above, btw, translate as: Vorona wouldnt like to disrupt Anri’s classes and she would like to not put citizens in risk with their fight; Vorona respects Anri as a swordfighter; and Vorona would like to know how to establish contact with Anri in case something happens on the city/ in case someone gets ordered to hurt her again.
- But honestly, wtf are you saying Vorona.
- Anri just walks faster.
- Anri takes Vorona to do nice/casual things like buying Ice Cream, once she realizes Vorona has no experience In The Real World, as a civil citizen. They end up going out to eat candy a lot.
- At the time Vorona was still realizing her weird feelings for The Katana Bearer, she waits until the end of Anri’s classes and follows her sometimes,  until she gets home. Vorona thinks she’s being real smooth and discreet, like a ninja, but Anri knows she was doing that since Day 1. She brushes i t off as Vorona being weird, as she always is.
- Anri eventually invites Vorona to just walk besides her, since its getting embarassing and people at school are wondering if she has a secret admirer or a stalker.
- Vorona is embarassing, btw. She has no common sense, and while she keeps it lowkey enough, everytime someone uses a euphemism to try and understand her relationship with Anri, she ends up accidentally affirming they have a thing for each other.
- “you and Sonohara get along really well, right?”
“Moreso. We are from now on, Bonded due To Our Mutual Interest on Each Other’s secrets and techniques. I shall stay close to her and watch her very intently while she moves with her day-to-day activity, just as she watches me while I perform my tasks, during the breaks at my temporary job.”
- “Oh wow, I’m glad for the both of you.”
 “you and Sonohara are close friends?  
“Negative, that is merely consequence of my Constant Interest For Her and her Mutual Interest On Me. That is why we have been spending a great deal of time by each other’s side.”
“Oh wow, ok, you’re in really deep.”
- Vorona likes hearing about Anri’s day-to-day things at school and about her friends and classmates, while they walk together.
- Anri realizes, through small talk, that Vorona’s really smart, so they also do Anri’s homework together. Vorona is interested on learning new things and understanding the japanese education system. Anri feels happy to welcome human company at her apartment, and to have human interaction during the evenings, for once.
- They probably drink a lot of tea and talk a lot about books.
- They also go out to buy clothes. Anri remembers doing that with Mika and thinks it’s a normal thing to do, for girls to spend their time on. Vorona takes that as an interest on what she wears from that day on and feels very confused and very flattered.
- Anri likes hearing Vorona tell the tales of her job as a debt collector too, even though Vorona’s not sure whats interesting about them. She gets really surprised when she realizes Anri cares about her opinions and thoughts during all of it. (and also, about her safety.)
- Vorona end ups constantly reassuring Anri she’s fine and Anri has not to worry about her safety, “moreover, contact me immediately if something harmful happens to cross your way”
 “something harmful like somebody breaking into my apartment in the middle of night like you did?”
 “yes, something of that sort”
- At some point, they end up holding hands, while walking together, but nobody knows for sure who initiated it. Anri is embarassed and holds her breath while at it, but it felt very natural to Vorona
- They would slowly learn to share some really personal things about themselves to each other. They both know each other’s status as Saika Bearer and Assassin, so not many secrets to hide. It only would take slowly getting close to each other and getting confortable with each other’s company.
- They would both share their feeling of loneliness and detachment to the outside world, for most of their life. It would be really relatable for both of them, without having to explan it with words.
- That is the reason number 3 why I ship this btw.
- Reason number 1 and 2 are their meeting in canon and I like the Foes-to-Friends-to-Lovers trope, and their close age.
- SIMON’S INPUT ON IT: “aaaa~ Modern day relationships like this between the youth, not matter if both girls, if both dont kiss, it’s fine as long as theyre together, not lonely~~~” 
- thank u, Simon
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