#I feel some of the costume variation colors don’t always fit the vibes even if they are pretty
iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
What’s your unpopular eras tour opinions?
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bosspigeon · 3 years
Carabosse et la Fee des Lilas
Prompt: 💋Drag
Pairing: Adam/Male Detective, Bonus Found Family Vibes~
Words: 5,346
Summary: Tina spends some quality time with Arlo and Unit Bravo as they prepare for Wayhaven's first real Pride festival, Tina torments her best friend and his maybe-boyfriend (as is her god-given right), and Arlo has a big think about his favorite role and what that role allowed him to explore~
CW for references to transmisogyny and implications of past trans/homophobia
Sometimes, Tina wonders if Arlo missed his true calling. His hands are surgeon-steady as he pencils delicate patterns onto Felix’s cheeks, outlining with white eyeliner in preparation to fill them in with bold colors and glitter. Tina almost can’t wait for her turn, even though Felix looks like he’s in real, physical pain with the effort of holding as still as possible. She’s no stranger to that struggle herself.
Neither is she a stranger to Arlo’s forceful, if toothless, threats, overcome as she is by fondness when he growls that he's going to draw a mustache on Felix’s face with permanent marker if he doesn’t stop bloody bouncing.
It’s pretty fun to watch from the outside. Sure, when you first sit down when he’s like this—all sharp and snappish and “stop moving or I’ll chuck you out the window”—it’s hard to keep still, but Arlo’s got this sort of quiet intensity to him when he’s focusing on something that’s oddly meditative. He’s just a soothing presence, really. Like a capybara or something. He’s friend-shaped.
Whatever weird magic it is, it’s definitely catching, because Felix looks less like he’s about to burst, like he did when Arlo was putting down the foundation, and more like he’s enjoying the attention. Tina’s not sure how long it’s going to last, seeing as Felix has given her a run for her money in the “manic energy” department, and he’s nowhere near as caffeinated as she is at any given time, but for the time being, he’s (mostly) still and quiet.
There’s music playing, quiet enough that the broody one (she knows his name, but it seems to bug him when she calls him "the broody one," which is funny, so—) only grumbled about it for a few minutes when Arlo turned it on, and even seems to enjoy sitting close enough to Arlo’s stupidly fancy stereo system to, she guesses, feel the rumble of the bass through the floor. Vampires are weird.
Anyway, it’s Arlo’s usual sad goth boy nonsense, but as quiet as it is, and with its intense instrumentals and rumbling vocals, it’s pleasant background noise more than anything.
Nate (the handsome and charming one, because of course all Arlo’s vampire friends are handsome, so she has to differentiate between them somehow) is rifling through Arlo’s bookshelf like it’s his job, and visibly struggling to pick something to read, because Arlo’s sitting room bookshelf (the one she found at a yard sale three hours away and lashed to the top of her sedan with every single bungee cord she could find at the local hardware store because it was coffin-shaped, for god's sake) is where he keeps all his weirdo occult stuff to, quote, “make people who pop by unannounced leave faster.”
And then there’s the big, handsome, stupidly fit blonde Arlo still won’t call his boyfriend, even though they’re so obvious it’s sickening, and she means that with all the love in her heart. He’s sitting in the armchair by the bookshelf, positioned so he can look like he’s reading one of Arlo’s old music magazines and totally isn’t taking advantage of the perfect line of sight of Arlo perched on the end of his coffee table so he’s not too tall to work on Felix, sitting in a chair from the kitchen. Tina sure hopes he doesn’t think he’s subtle, being a super special vampire secret agent and all.
He seems to notice her eyeing him, at least, and keeps his attention pinned firmly on the magazine, though he is definitely not reading a single word. Nate keeps browsing, the Broody One keeps brooding, Arlo keeps working, and Felix starts to hum. Arlo gives him a sharp look, but it doesn’t seem to be moving his face in any major way, so he just rolls his eyes and keeps tracing pretty patterns onto that unfairly smooth, dark skin. Do vampires do skin care? They probably don’t even need to, and that’s probably one of the reasons people like to villainize them. It always comes down to jealousy, doesn’t it?
She sighs, loudly enough that every eye in the room turns to her, and while she did not expect the sudden attention, she knows she can at least use it to entertain herself. She homes in on Adam, and smiles when she finally looks at the magazine he’s still valiantly pretending to read. There’s a familiar man on the cover, and while she can’t be bothered to remember his name, she grins. “Oh, hey! Arlo, he’s reading the one with the guy who looks like you!”
Arlo doesn’t even look up, but he huffs out a laugh and rolls his eyes again. He’s going to give himself a headache if he keeps that up.
The comment does exactly what she wants it to, which is draw the attention of all the other vampires. Arlo even begrudgingly pulls the pencil away from Felix’s cheek so he can take a look, and he immediately bursts out laughing.
“Arlo!” he exclaims, slapping at Arlo’s knee. “You didn’t tell us you had a twin!”
Nate chuckles (warm and rich and handsome, if a sound can be called handsome) and turns from the shelf to study the magazine curiously himself. Even the Broody One peers over to see, a little smirk curling his permanently-scowling mouth.
“Considering he was born in the sixties, I definitely don’t,” Arlo drawls. “Tina’s been making that joke since we were kids. She’s just happy she’s got an audience who hasn’t heard it twelve times a week since she first saw my old Type O Negative poster.”
“Some jokes just get better with time,” Tina says archly. “Like a fine wine.”
“And some jokes age like milk,” Arlo fires back.
Adam tilts the magazine so he can look for himself, and his dour expression clouds over even more, brows furrowing and mouth twisting. He peers up at Arlo, studying him, then down again.
Got you. “Yeah, you’re right,” Tina says, nodding sagely at him. “Arlo’s much prettier.”
It has exactly the reaction she was hoping for. Arlo drops his eyeliner pencil and makes a strangled noise, glowering at her with his cute freckly cheeks going all red, and Adam, who is a good bit paler than Arlo, goes pink from the crewneck of his just-this-side-of-too-tight tee shirt to his hairline. Tina wants to punch the air as the other vampires snicker at them. Well, except for Nate. Nate’s not a snickerer. He chortles. It’s adorable.
“Speaking of pretty!” Felix crows once they’ve all had a laugh at their fearless leader’s expense. He points to his own face with both hands, dancing in his chair, and Arlo sighs and rolls his eyes again, bending to pick up the dropped pencil. Luckily, the tip isn’t broken, so he can get right back to work, once he’s given the young vampire a moment to get his wiggles out. He settles, sitting on his hands and pursing his lips when Arlo gives him a dry look. He hovers back in with the pencil, and then Felix blurts out, “How’d you get so good at this anyway? Well, I assume you’re good at it. I haven’t seen it yet.”
Arlo doesn’t say anything. He just looks at him, pencil poised, until Felix pinches his mouth shut with a quick little apology. Once Arlo’s satisfied his canvas is actually going to hold still and keep quiet, he gets back to it. “My school was pretty small, especially compared to the bigger-name performing arts schools out there,” he says after a moment of quiet focus, tracing the outline of a heart around one of Felix’s eyes. “Our department didn’t really have a huge budget, and workspace was at a premium too. We didn’t have a lot of time to prepare for performances before someone else had to use the theatre, so we all did our own makeup at once, for the most part. Sometimes we’d help each other out, because we all had our strengths and weaknesses.”
He pulls back the pencil, squinting critically at the heart like it’s not completely perfect. “Demi was the best at laying the groundwork, and at matching colors to our costumes and complexions. Viv was the best at coming up with concepts and making sure we looked like a matching set. Wendi could do insane prosthetics, and was the best at bullying our department head into giving us the money for them. I had the steadiest hands, so I always did the eyes and the details.”
“Was Wendi the one who did your Dracula look?” Tina gasps. “That one was so cool!”
“Dracula?” Felix blurts. Tina doesn’t miss how the others perk up with interest too.
Arlo glares at him, and he shrinks back with a sheepish little grin. “Yeah, we did Dracula, uh… second year, I think? That was when Tilly transferred in and started doing our choreography. She’s the one who got Professor Dacey to let us do less classical stuff and start branching out a bit.” He glances briefly at Tina, staunchly ignoring the way Felix pouts at him for dividing his attention. “And, yeah, Wendi did the prosthetics for that one.”
“She’s got to be magic,” Tina asserts. “She managed to make your sweet, mopey face look so scary.”
Felix and Mason both snicker at that, and Arlo’s mouth goes all lemon-sour pinchy, like it always does when she calls him a sad puppy man, or any variation thereof.
“Take a lap,” Arlo says to Felix. “Don’t touch your face.” He jerks his head at Tina when Felix bolts to his feet and starts zooming around the flat to get out some of his energy. “Your turn, if you’re done being a comedian.”
“I’m never done,” she says with a sunny smile, but she bounces over to take Felix’s place in the chair and closes her eyes serenely so he can start on her makeup.
“And, God, do I know it,” he grumbles under his breath, knowing full well she can hear him, and so can everyone else in the room, too.
“Do you have pictures?” Felix hollers. He’s dipped into Arlo’s studio, and he’s making no secret of rifling through the desk in there, drawers slamming and paper rustling.
Arlo tips his head back so when he sighs, loud and dramatically long-suffering, he’s not blowing his breath right in Tina’s face. She appreciates the gesture. “Bottom right drawer,” he calls back, resignation thick in his voice. Given how long he’s been putting up with Tina—and Felix might just be Tina’s second platonic soulmate (Arlo, of course, being the first)—he already knows that keeping quiet is just prolonging the inevitable. Tina opens her eyes briefly to see Felix come sailing out of the studio with a thick leather-bound album held triumphantly over his head.
“Oh, I haven’t seen that in years!” she coos happily.
Arlo bops her on the forehead pointedly with a sponge covered in foundation, and she closes her eyes obediently.
She hears Arlo’s antique sofa creak as Felix plops down onto it, rifling through the plastic pages. “Aw,” he whines, “no baby pictures?”
“I can’t imagine him ever being a baby,” Mason snorts, and he sounds closer than he was before. Tina knows better than to open her eyes while Arlo’s in the zone, though. He’ll bop her with something less soft than a sponge next time. “I figured he’s just always been a giant.”
Felix laughs, high and chiming. “No wonder Agent Priestley’s always so sour, then,” he says. Tina giggles, and it becomes an inelegant snort when Arlo bops her again on the nose.
“Ask Rebecca if you want to see my baby pictures,” Arlo mutters blandly, and Tina can feel the weight of his attention. “I doubt she has many after age two, and the ones before I’ve barely seen.”
Tina’s not a super-special supernatural secret agent, but she tries with all her might to will someone to change the subject before things get weird. Now’s as good a time as any to learn telepathy.
Felix, heart of her heart, interrupts what’s shaping up to be a real prize winner of an awkward silence with a loud gasp. “Woah!” he exclaims, and pages crinkle as he presumably holds up the book for Arlo to see. “Who’s this? Did you do her makeup too?”
Arlo’s hair rustles as he turns his head away from her, and then the hand on her cheek freezes. Tension radiates through every inch of his body, practically leaching into hers. She cautiously opens one eye, and sees Arlo sitting up impeccably straight, stiff as a board and staring at Felix like a deer in the headlights. He swallows so hard she can see his throat move. “Um,” he says, stilted and strange. “Yeah. I did.”
Tina opens both eyes and squints at the photo album. Oh.
Felix looks at the sudden strain in the way Arlo is sitting, the tightness of his posture, and looks quizzically down at the picture again.
Tina remembers that performance. She remembers Arlo dancing (ha) around the subject when she asked him teasingly if he was going to be playing the prince, who was the lead, was he excited to kiss a pretty girl?
She can’t remember the character’s name, not so many years after the fact, especially since they were all weird classical nonsense, either Latin or French or some mishmash of the two. But she remembers the costume. She remembers waiting with bated breath to see Arlo onstage, to stand and scream and cheer obnoxiously loud in support of her best friend. She shot to her feet the second she saw his obvious silhouette rise from a feather-bedecked black chariot, head and shoulders taller than anyone else onstage. The music swelled, lightning flashed, and then when the spotlight hit him, she was so stunned she plopped right back into her seat with her jaw on the floor.
Arlo’s always been one of those guys that straddled the line between pretty and handsome. Long, lustrous hair and eyelashes she would kill for, cheekbones that could kill, a defined jaw, a proud nose, and intense eyes she could only call sultry—if she hadn’t known him since they were both weird, gawky brats, she’d probably be half in love with him before figuring out she wasn’t his cup of tea. But seeing him onstage was always an adventure. He threw himself into whatever character he played, put his everything into them, from the costume to the makeup to the performance. He just became the character, and in a way that was so very Arlo, all that intensity and focus channeled into an act that completely stole the show, in Tina’s humble and completely unbiased opinion.
Carabosse! That was her name!
Carabosse was no different.
Arlo’s makeup was flawless, ghost-white foundation giving him intense Morticia Addams vibes, contouring that made his cheekbones look absolutely unreal, bold black (or maybe really dark purple?) lipstick and shiny, smoky eyeshadow that made him look ethereal and wicked, with a daggerpoint cat-eye that she spent an hour begging him to teach her after the show. When he turned his head in a sharp, birdlike motion to look down his nose at the dancers playing the King and Queen, she gasped at the way his hair rippled down his back, shiny-black and woven with actual feathers that trailed back from the ornate metal circlet resting on his brow like a bird’s crest. The costume was breathtaking, too, a tightly corseted bodice and a high collar, a dramatically billowing skirt and trailing, feathered sleeves that flared like wings whenever he moved.
And the way he moved! Arlo’s dancing changed with every role, whatever he felt would suit the character. One of her favorites was always his Hans-Peter (she had a soft spot for that one, and had ever since she was little—one of the first Christmas gifts her stepmom had ever given her was little storybook version of The Nutcracker that came with a CD) because his dancing was so stiff and stridently mechanical, he looked like a real toy soldier come to life. But his villains moved with a slinking, predatory prowl she’d only ever seen in monster movies, and never in something like a ballet. His Carabosse was as beautiful as she was terrifying, and it was incredible to watch. She wanted to fling herself at him after the show and babble at him endlessly like she always did, but she spent a solid minute staring at him slack-jawed, until he shifted awkwardly and looked down, and the confident intimidation of the Wicked Fairy sloughed away to reveal Arlo underneath.
He almost melted into the floor with relief when she finally startled to babble.
She puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezes, and he takes a slow, deep breath, offering Felix a strained smile. “Take a closer look, mate,” he says quietly.
Felix does. He looks up and squints at Arlo, and then back down at the photo. Tina has to bite her lip so she doesn’t laugh when he looks over at Adam, still holding the magazine with that metal singer that kind of looks like Arlo on it, and then back at Arlo. His mouth drops open into a little o, and he shoots to his feet and shouts, “No way!”
Mason was allowed his name back briefly, but he goes right back to Broody One when he grimaces at Felix and slinks pettishly back to his corner.
Arlo’s shoulders are practically around his ears, but he tries to keep smiling. “Yeah. Sleeping Beauty. Fourth year. I was the Wicked Fairy.”
“He was amazing,” Tina declares, shoulders back and chin tipped up challengingly. “The costume was insane, but the way he played her was absolutely, ridiculously badass.”
“You look awesome!” Felix blurts, still gawking down at the photo. He flips to the next page, and squeaks happily when he finds more pictures, from different angles, showing off the costume, the way Arlo loomed over the other dancers, the way he commanded the stage. Tina should really find out who took the pictures and send them her thanks, because they really put in the work. “Your makeup, your dress, your hair! How’d you even do that?”
Arlo laughs, and it sounds so utterly relieved, Tina’s heart breaks a little. Arlo’s always been sensitive, and for someone who dresses and holds himself the way he does, he worries more than he lets on what people think of him. Especially people he cares about. She squeezes his shoulder again, and he bites his lip when he glances back at her and smiles hesitantly.
“A lot of wire, and enough hairspray to choke a bloody cow,” he says, twisting around and slinging his long legs over the coffee table so he can face the sofa. “I think we bought every bag of black feathers the craft store had, and then spent an entire weekend painting them with this stupidly expensive embossing powder. We had to get, like, ten pots of the stuff, because the craft store only had pots the size of a quarter.”
“I admire your dedication,” Nate says pleasantly, strolling over to peer over Arlo’s shoulder. They tighten just a bit before relaxing slowly. “That costuming is superb. I’ve seen professional productions that weren’t half so detailed.”
“That would be Viv’s work,” Arlo laughs, looking down at the pictures fondly. “She took whatever cheap garbage the department had for us, raided the nearest clearance fabric rack, and worked her magic. The employees at that little craft store loved and hated us in equal measure.”
Arlo is still tense, but he’s loosening up little by little, and with him Tina does too. The easy camaraderie is soothing, and she knows how much Arlo cares about his vampire friends, so it’s got to be a huge weight off his shoulders to be able to let his guard down around them. He deserves that. He deserves to be able to be himself.
Adam standing up draws Arlo’s attention like nothing else could, and he freezes like a startled rabbit again looking up at the burly blonde vampire as he approaches the sofa. He looks a split second from bolting. Tina sits up straighter and gives Adam her most daring look, squaring her shoulders to make it perfectly clear she's ready to fight the second he opens his mouth. She’ll definitely lose, sure, but she’ll make as much trouble as she can before she goes down.
He reaches out, his hand hesitating before it touches the album’s glossy page, and he looks up at Arlo with a questioning tilt to his brows. Arlo looks like he’s barely breathing, but he nods, and Adam slips one of the pictures from its sleeve. He straightens his spine, shoulders back, holding the photo and studying it carefully. His face is impossible to read, about as expressive as a bloody brick wall. Tina’s vibrating with nervous energy. She’ll fight a vampire, though. She will.
When Adam does finally speak, his voice comes out so softly Tina almost doesn’t hear it over the adrenaline rushing through her. “You look… striking.”
Striking. Oh my god.
She wants to laugh. They’re ridiculous.
“Thanks,” Arlo chokes out, his cheeks and ears going red this time.
Oh my god. Tina covers her mouth with both hands. Arlo glowers at her. It’s a lot less threatening when he’s blushing like that. “I didn’t say anything,” she mumbles against her palms.
“Your face,” he hisses, and she yelps.
“Oh! Shit!” She pulls her hands away, and he grabs her by the chin to check the damage with a click of his tongue.
Tina thought things would get better once Arlo actually kissed the man (and maybe got a leg over, but that’s only her business when she can finally get Arlo to actually talk about if the big, beefy Adonis is as missionary-with-the-lights-off as he looks) but at least they’re not just staring longingly at each other from across the room and then getting all sad about it anymore . Thankfully, Felix seems to be an old hand at clearing up the weird tension between the two of them, chiming in a delighted, “I’ve never seen you look so scary!” as he rifles through all the pictures from the Sleeping Beauty show. “I mean, you’re pretty scary when you go all furry, but also, you sort of just look like a big lanky puppy, because it’s just you, you know? This is someone else! Who is she! She's so cool!”
Arlo sighs and turns around to fix whatever Tina’s ruined with her foundation, and throws himself back into dolling her up. Thankfully, the actual festival’s not for a while yet. She complained about the unnecessarily early start when Arlo suggested the time, but now she’s glad he’s such a persnickety prick about scheduling. “I had a lot of fun with it,” he admits, shrugging his shoulders. “The original script notes said to get, y’know, sort of silly with it, but I wasn’t a big fan of that angle for a character like her. Yeah, I wanted to be campy, but not in the way…” He purses his lips. “Okay, well, Nate probably knows this, but a lot of classical ballets that have a female villains do this thing with them that I hate.” He frowns deeply, patting at Tina’s chin with gentle ferocity. “ An evil female character is supposed to be sort of… sort of a cautionary tale, I guess? Like your typical bitter spinster crone, the old hag, or the wicked stepsisters, things like that. So they’ll specifically cast a male dancer and put them in bright, gaudy facepaint and garish costumes that are supposed to be cartoonish and ugly, that you're supposed to find funny, to show you that this character is bad because she’s indelicate and mannish, and that’s why she’s evil.”
His mouth twists around the words, and he looks up, back at the vampires, leaving Tina a moment to really appreciate that Arlo’s comfortable enough with them to do what he’s only ever really done with her—which is ramble about something he’s passionate about. It’s always fun to watch. He turns back to her, and she just wishes his hands weren’t occupied, because he’s a big hand-talker otherwise. “I got the role because the professor thought it would be funny to stick me in a role like that, being so tall and, y’know,” he gestures vaguely to his faded old band tee and dark jeans, the thick leather cuff around his wrist. Tina doesn’t see what he really means, seeing as he looks cozy and content right now, but she gets what he’s going for. “He was expecting me to be awkward about it. The big, tough guy doing drag as the creepy crone caricature.” He huffs. “I talked with Demi about it, and we decided to say fuck that.” He sits up straighter, tilts up his chin, and looks down his nose at Tina.
She peers up at him, wide-eyed, and suddenly wonders if this is how Demi felt, playing Aurora when Carabosse looked down her nose at her like an insect under her heel.
“I thought Carabosse deserved better,” Arlo says fiercely. “If I was going to be a villain, I was going to be a damned good villain. I was going to tower over all the delicate, dainty little princesses and fairies, and I was going to be fierce. Professor Dacey wanted Aurora, and Candide, and Florine to be the epitome of sweet, delicate femininity, the ideal damsel in any classical show. Carabosse is supposed to be the complete opposite. You’re supposed to root against her, not want to be her. She’s a threat to the idea of womanhood, of the ideal feminine. She’s bold and selfish and she takes what she wants. I leaned into that. I even danced en pointe for parts of it, even though Carabosse isn't supposed to, and between the rehearsals and the actual performance, I thought my feet were gonna fall off, but it was worth it.”
Arlo smiles, and Tina is thrilled by the wickedness of it. She thinks she even sees just a hint of fang. Arlo’s been so careful about showing his teeth, ever since he told her what happened to him, why he disappeared for so long, so it's somehow special for him to feel like he can show her even a hint of what he’s become.
“Professor Dacey was pissed, afterwards, of course,” Arlo laughs, but there’s an edge to it. He seems to shrink. From Arlo to Carabosse to Arlo again. He looks down at his hands as they work on Tina more than at her face. “He didn’t, y’know, say anything he could have gotten fired over, but he did rail about being left out of planning and the budget and all that rot. Got even madder when Demi pointed out we’d spent our own money on the costumes. I think if he was tall enough to look down on me, he would have.” He snorts, a bitter curl to his mouth. Tina thinks of it painted bold, dark purple, thinks of how it would look with those teeth behind it. She wonders if he’d let her do his makeup for the festival. She’s not nearly as good at details as he is, but she’s no slouch either.
“You should have let me put raw fish in his hubcaps,” Tina mutters, just to make Arlo laugh. It works, and she beams at him.
“Would have been a waste of fish,” he mumbles, sucking his teeth. He finally picks up a bright eyeshadow palette and starts waffling over colors. He’s quiet while he deliberates, but after a while, he sighs. “I liked being Carabosse,” he says, like it’s a secret. Like he’s trying very hard not to be ashamed.
“I wish I could have seen it,” Adam says, almost dreamily. Tina could scream. “I— We could have, I mean. All of us. In solidarity.”
“Smooth,” Felix whispers.
“I’m sure it was a phenomenal performance,” Nate adds helpfully. He’s taken the album from Felix to flip through to some of Arlo’s other shows. “The passion you have for your characters shines through in just photos. It’s quite impressive.”
“You should have gone pro,” Tina mutters. “You’d be a household name by now.”
Arlo snorts and bops her with the brush. How many bops is that now? She’s certainly on a roll today. “And who’d keep you in line back here?” he teases.
Tina squints up at him and sticks out her tongue. “Like you’ve ever even tried to keep me in line, you big softie. You love the chaos, just admit it.”
“I’ll admit you to the hospital when you do something stupid and get yourself hurt again, how about that?”
They bicker like children back and forth while Arlo finishes her makeup, a wash of pink, purple, and blue eyeshadow and matching lipstick, overlaid with a lustrous sparkle to her cheekbones and a cute little black heart-shaped beauty mark under one eye. Felix gets a bi flag heart to match her eyeshadow around one eye, and then the rest is a sort of confetti splash of sparkly stars and hearts in every color. Even Nate goes for the bi eyeshadow (Bi-shadow? She should have been saying that this whole time!), making him, Tina, and Felix a matching set, and Mason consents to a very simple pan flag on his cheek. Tina suspects Adam only allows the eyeshadow treatment so he can have Arlo cup his face all tenderly, but she keeps the thought (mostly) to herself. He looks good in pastels, she thinks when she sees the finished blue, pink, and white.
Arlo draws a little heart under his eye too. The heart in Tina's chest almost explodes with warmth.
And then Arlo disappears into the bathroom, leaving the rest of them to entertain themselves while he gets ready on his own. They go through the album some more, and Tina tells them all about her favorite shows, because she went to every single one she could manage, and got Arlo’s school friends to send her videos of the ones she couldn’t. Tina Poname is Arlo Priestley’s number one fan, and that will never change. Not even now that she's got some competition.
When Arlo comes out of the bathroom, they all look up in sync, and he stands there, shifting anxiously from foot to foot under the attention, and lifts his hands in a stilted shrug. “So?” he asks, smiling nervously. He’s changed clothes, too. Tight pants, big boots, a mesh-sleeved black shirt underneath his patch-and-pin-covered denim vest. His wrists jingle with chunky bracelets, and his hair is braided neatly over one shoulder. But his makeup is what really steals the show. That insanely sharp cat-eye, of course, but one eye is done up in blue, pink, and white, and the other in yellow, white, purple, and black. He smiles timidly. “I, uh, I couldn’t really decide on just one,” he says, sticking his gloved hands into the pockets of his vest. “I’m, um, I’m not sure which one’s really right for me yet, I guess?” He shrugs again, and Tina watches delightedly as Adam stands up slowly, his eyes on Arlo with such an awed intensity she wonders if he even remembers there’s other people in the room. Arlo keeps babbling as he approaches, the words tumbling nervously from his black-painted lips. “I sort of like matching with you, Adam, and I know they’re both fine, but I—”
Adam grabs him by the lapels of his jacket, yanks him down to his level, and silences him with a kiss. Tina throws her arms up in the air with an impulsive shriek of “WOO!” that Felix echoes even louder. They high-five over Mason’s head, and he looks like he wants to throw them both out the window. Nate sits by with a pleasant little smile, which only fades when he takes note of the clock.
Adam and Arlo are still kissing, Arlo’s hands cupped around the vampire’s cheeks and Adam clinging to his vest like he'll drown if he lets go. Tina thinks she might see a hint of tongue when Nate loudly clears his throat.
They break apart with an indecent smacking noise, and Tina yelps out a sharp laugh when she sees Arlo’s black lipstick smeared all around Adam’s mouth.
Nate crosses his arms and smiles dryly at them. “Why don’t you two go fix your faces,” he suggests. “The rest of us will make sure the car is packed for the festival.”
“Um, yes. You— We—” Arlo fumbles for a bit, touching his smeared lips, his eyes just a bit dazed. He and Adam look at each other, and then flee for the bathroom together.
Tina’s never been more excited for a festival in her life.
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pearlcrysta · 7 years
Cheritz’ new opening video for V’s route
Impressions and Thoughts:
I really liked the duet between Rika and V and the whole flow of the song <3 so, so very pretty. 
Yet song carries  a sort of bitter-sweetness to it, so I am assuming that a possible “good end” for V’s route might not be in terms of the present (Seven’s route and the following end stories), but in terms of maybe - what V had in the past, what he was sharing with Rika when she was in a healthier state of mind. That may be the only “good one” we will ever get. (hoping not and parallel universe magic happens). 
Kind of like in this picture, what might represent the “good end”: 
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I imagine it’s one took early one during their relationship, before all hell broke loose with Rika.
In the song, they are singing about a “song of dreams sweetly sung” (0:39), a “song of memory lonely sought” (0:44), how flowers bloom underneath a song, but one harsher push it takes to make it perish. But hope can make the flowers blossom and he will love the tender daffodil.
The lyrics alone make me feel that it won’t be a MC x V route, considering it’s separate from the rest of the protagonists. Also, called (Another Story), might not involve us in playing as the MC. Heck, I’m not even sure we might be playing as Rika. 
We might be playing as V. (lol, I know, long shot)
However, if we do end up playing as MC, I really doubt we will have a romancing option with V. (the above picture kind of ruins the dream + love song lyrics)
I am not one to believe that the focus will be on MC x V pairing, I personally think it would be a little harder to implement that as a story line. I wouldn’t be against it anyway, considering the overall game of the story and the one route I played for Dandelion (so far), I believe Cheritz knows what they’re doing so I am not worried. 
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Damn, I honestly did not expect the costume to belong to Unknown, since I think V’s teal hair and the magenta color fits super, super well together. But here we see Saeran wear this suit sporting his white locks (so Seven had not rescued the boy, meaning he is still in Mint Eye and serving under Rika - you guys can see another shot of his eyes opening in later seconds in the video, where he still wears his mint-colored contact lenses). 
I see people come up with various reasons why they used “???” instead of Unknown when describing his name. Meaning:
1) The action in V’s route might happen in the past because the terms “Unknown” is only known to the rest of the RFA thanks to the MC. No “Unknown” shown, possibly no “MC” in this story. 
2) OR - maybe the people who did the video associated question marks with the unknown. (In which case, an MC can pop in the route no problem)
I personally am not against any of the situations, the fact that we get new content is enough for me. XD
Plus, another user from tumblr had pointed out the “MAGENTA” in color on Saeran’s party clothing. 
We all know that the greatest, everlasting party is in MAGENTA *cough* where everyone is painless and happy, yada yada. And, speaking of party, guess who is dressed for a festivity besides Unknown?
That’s right.
Rika is.
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And where is precious Rika standing in? 
A church. (Mint-Eye HQ, her cult base, her evil lair, her holy lair)
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Who gave me “priest” vibes judging by the attire he wears? 
Lol, but seriously, I’ve seen it pointed out by some how his outfit, on the neck collar has a “fleur-de-lys” (french for ‘flower lily’), which is a decorative and symbolic element which was strongly used in Christianity during the Middle Ages (from the little I’ve read), and was especially common in France. Its origins though are much older than that, older civilizations having variations of it. 
But the more religious connotation remains and it might influence V’s “priest” stature of Rika’s Mint-Eye cult.
Or just portray how he is a follower of Christianity, with no deeper meaning other than that. (Lawl)
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 I think it’s not an outstretch of a theory that the party in V’s route might not be an RFA one, but if successful, we’ll see a MAGENTA one (visible because of Unknown’s outfit that has the same color, also pointed out by other users on this site). A party where all the guests come to Mint-Eye. 
If any.
In this new opening video, I noticed most of the RFA chars don’t wear happy expressions, compared to how most are shown in the first MysMe opening video. The first image of Zen is him wearing a more saddened expression (which changes into a smile), Yoosung is visibly upset, Jumin is in his serious mode, so is Jaehee, Seven is serious too (not his crazy happy self) and contemplative, scene soon changing to Saeran - as if the brother was thinking of him. 
Basically all of the RFA members, apart from Zen in that second instance,  look troubled, which slightly gives me some warning signs that V’s route might not be a cheerful one for everyone, regardless the options you may choose. 
I dunno, will have to wait and see.
With Cheritz’ delay, moving the date in September, I am wondering whether they will choose V’s in-game birthday as a day of release. XD Which is September 9th. If the company can manage the release on that date, I think it will have a more meaningful impact than if they would release it earlier or later than that specific day.
Anyway - I’m a happy fangirl and can’t wait to find more about Mint-Eye in this game. ^^ I hope we will do!
PS: And even if you love/hate Rika, if we end up playing as her, I for one am not gonna be upset about it and enjoy every second of it. There’s always fanfiction to settle your thirst for V x MC loving, just saying. XD
We should enjoy this treat, not many otome games -presumed to be finished with the entire story- will go to such lengths and give us an extra 11-days route, while postponing fresh new game releases, or backing those projects up while still showing so much love and care for Mystic Messenger.
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doctortdesigns · 7 years
The latest looks from Simplicity and New Look have been posted to the Simplicity site.  On the whole there aren’t a lot of general clothing patterns I’m too excited about (they are mostly simple silhouettes that focus on the recent boxy ruffle trend), but for cosplayers and costumers this release is an absolute goldmine.  Let’s take a look:
8380 – Cynthia Rowley.  I actually really like this dress, even though it has a fairly simple style and asymmetric neckline.  Pockets are always great, though it may need some extra length if the model photo is any indication.  The peplum top is also catching my eye here as well.
8382 – Learn to Sew.  Pretty simple sack dress.  I can see it being very easy to wear for summer, and very easy to sew, though I don’t find it particularly interesting.
8375 – Pattern Hacking.  This is Simplicity’s latest line, where the envelope has one pattern and teaches you how to change it.  There seems to be accompanying tutorials on their YouTube channel.  Most of these seem to be fairly simple styles, though I will say that I could see this dress/top pattern being a popular choice because of it.
8376 – Pattern Hacking.  More simple looks.
8377 – Pattern Hacking.  I’d actually be tempted on this cardigan if I didn’t already have pattern in this style.
8378 – Pattern Hacking.  Possibly the mist interesting of the line, as this one adjusts not only the length but the shape of the trouser pattern as well.  Could be really interesting and informative.
8379 – Easy to Sew.  Interestingly draped potato sack dress.  It isn’t my style, but I could see this being a popular and easy summer sew.
8383 – Easy to Sew.  Another style that is pretty basic, but on trend with the open shoulder and ruffle sleeves.
8384 – I actually sort of like the lines on this shirtdress.  The deep-V neckline is pretty flattering.
8385 – More tops that are super on trend.  I don’t think I need them in my collection, but these styles are probably the most on-trend for summer.
  8386 – Easy to Sew.  I actually really like this pattern collection.  The white top especially.  Definitely one that I need to add to my summer sewing list.
8387 – We’ve had similar styles in the past.
8388 – Moving the ruffle trend to the bottom half.  Personally I find the skirt looks a bit bulky and heavy.
8389 – Easy to Sew.  Nice simple elastic waist pants variations, should one need elastic waist pants.
8390 – Easy to Sew.  The front pants with dart shaping in the back.  Definitely has a “I’m so totally on vacation right now” vibe going on.
8391 – I’m sort of obsessed with the nautical inspired shorts in this pattern.  Even though I know I have Burda pants that are super similar.  But I think I need this pattern anyway, because I’d probably wear that simple t-shirt too.
8392 – Mimi G.  Mimi G. expands into the exercise realm.  I’m not sold on the skirt/leggings thing (it looks restrictive to motion) and the sports bra looks… unsubstantial.  The mini hoodie is cute, but I don’t know how absolutely practical it is.
8394 – Mimi G.  A vintage inspired look from Mimi G.  Not something I’d want to wear, but I can see it being popular with those who like to go for all the vintage inspired patterns.
8393 – A nice simple wardrobe pattern.  I could see all these pieces being completely practical, if not entirely exciting.  But, as many of us learned from the Wardrobe Sudoku contest, simple plays well with others.  So, I’m going to say this would be a great pattern to make a lazy days summer wardrobe with.
Assorted Kids styles.  The dress/romper (8395) is pretty cute.  Lots of American Girl branded stuff this time too.  I’m thinking the AG bag pattern (8400) could be a great way to get kids into sewing, and some of the bags do look large enough to use for school.
Crafty Stuff.  The giant cat pillows (8403) are more than a little adorable.  Like, a lot.  The American Girl doll clothes (8397) are pretty cute too, especially those shorts!
8396 – “Cosplay” Dress.  The description and styling are clearly meant to interest those in cosplay, but really, it’s just a dress.  I see what you did there Simplicity.  Trying to get the cosplay community buying your wider collection of sewing patterns.  Anyway, even if you aren’t a cosplayer, this could be a nice princess seamed dress.  Personally, I’ve got a lot of those in my collection already, but this one does have nice lines.
8404 – Disney Cosplay.  The New Belle costume for adults.  Looks like a great interpretation.  Love the attention to detail on the skirt.  I’m really loving the costume licensing, so that the companies can recreate looks, rather than skirting around the issue by changing one or two things.
8405 – New Belle for kids and dolls.  Adorable.
8406 – Classic Belle.  I love this, I want this, I need this.  Totally my child hood right here.  Looks like I’m going to be buying a lot of Belle at the next pattern sale.
8407 – Classic Belle for kids and dolls.  All the Belles.  I’m going to be getting all the Belles.
8411 – Obviously referential to the amazing Highlander costume, this American Duchess pattern also holds up to historical snuff.  The inclusion of some critical underpinnings is great too.  Definitely joining Belle in my basket.
8409 – An Arkivestry Steampunk pattern.  Half the time I love these, and half the time I leave them.  I think this in one I can leave.  Though there is plenty of great detailing on this pattern, it just isn’t something I need for my costuming in the near future.
8408 – Another Arkivestry steampunk pattern.  I do actually really love the vest details here, so this one might follow me home on my next pattern sale run.
8410 – MangoSirene.  A new partner with Simplicity, MangoSirene is a popular cosplayer.  They have teamed up to create their own version of the popular Pokemon Go! game design.  That cropped jacket is still totally adorable.  I still totally need one.
100501 – MangoSirene.  This is another MangoSirene cosplay pattern, those this one appears to be an online (and possibly convention) exclusive.  The blazer looks great though – nicely fitted with really classic lines.
The other summer release that came out simultaneously is New Look.  Like Simplicity, I find most of the lines and styles to be quite simple.
6507 – Popular shoulder ruffle looks.  I’ve gotten enough of these with Burda.  Could be a good option if you want a really simple ruffle dress look.
6506 – I really like the button back dress (the model version) but it looks like it would be a total pain to get on or off.  Hmmmm.  Probably a pass.
6509 – Interesting cut-out romper  Not sure it’s for me (I’ve got so many others I’d rather make), but ventilation could be fun on a hop summer day.  The great thing is that the rest of it is so covered it really won’t need a shirt or anything under it, though, presumably, you could do that and have an interesting peek-a-boo contrast at the waist.
6510 – Simple shift dress.  Nice a lightweight looking, but nothing really exciting style-wise.  Would look great under a jean jacket though.
6511 – Giant ruffle peplum top.  I’ve already got wide hips, so this inverted triangle look would be doing me no favors.
6512 – This is actually another fairly trendy looking pattern.  I’ve seen lots of this style of dress being promoted for summer this year.
6513 – Top with some interesting pin-tucks.  Could be nice for those who like this aesthetic.
6514 – Some long, lightweight cardigans.  These also seem to be quite popular this season, and there are some interesting options here that allow for color blocking and other creative additions.
6515 – Some variations on pants/culottes for summer.  Nothing wrong with them, but nothing overly exciting either.
6516 – A toned down ruffle skirt.  Must say I much prefer this to the other the top ruffles from Simplicity, though neither is really my personal style.
6517 – Fairly simple tunic/dress/pants wardrobe pattern.  Also looks like it comes with a scarf?
6518 – I can’t tell if this is supposed to be clothes or pajamas?  Anyone?  Thoughts?
6519 – This tie-front dress and blouse could be cute, or it could look like a rumpled disaster (as evidenced by Burda’s fabric choice in their latest magazine).  I’m voting possible yay here, though, since I am getting the Burda, I don’t know that I will need both patterns in my collection.
Kids.  Nothing I’m super excited about here, but these do look like simple styles to make for those who will rapidly outgrow them.
And that’s it!  On the whole I’m not overly excited by the majority of everyday where in this release, but, then again, I’m not overly excited by the general trend that have been happening lately either, so there’s that.  The cosplay looks are bang-on and I want them all.  New Look usually has 1-2 looks I go for, but this release feels like a miss to me.  What do you all think?  Is the release so late in the spring/summer game that we’ve already committed ourselves to other ruffly designs?  Or are these looks fairly dull?  See any must buys?  And what are we thinking about Simplicity’s new Pattern Hacking line?  And which of all y’all am I going to have to beat away from those Belle patterns, because I know that pattern drawer is going to be empty when I get there and I am not going to be happy ’bout it.  Feel free to discuss in the comments!
Simplicity and New Look Summer 2017 #sewing #Simplicity #NewLook #patterns #summer The latest looks from Simplicity and New Look have been posted to the Simplicity site.  On the whole there aren't a lot of general clothing patterns I'm too excited about (they are mostly simple silhouettes that focus on the recent boxy ruffle trend), but for cosplayers and costumers this release is an absolute goldmine.  
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doctortdesigns · 6 years
The Simplicity Winter Holiday patterns are here!  As is typical with this release, we are getting a lot of PJs, holiday crafts, and kids clothes.  However, we are also getting a decent number of winter styles and subdued holiday party looks.  There are a lot of patterns in this release, so let’s take a look:
8786 – This dress could be quite fun with the color blocking, but I think it would also look very elegant in a solid color.  It could be a nice look for a family holiday, or it could be winter work appropriate depending on fabric choice.
8787 – This Learn to Sew Knits pattern is really simple, BUT I predict it will become a very popular pattern.  Minimal numbers of pattern pieces, easy sewing, and instructions that are presumably geared towards actually sewing with knits in a modern, practical sense, and I think it could be a real winner.  Plus, it is pretty cute, and velvet seems to still be having something of a moment this year.
8788 – The square top looks so weird in the line drawing, but drapes very interestingly on the model.  Personally, I’d be more interested in wearing one of the other variations, but props to Simplicity for making a basic rectangle more interesting.  Also, more velvet.
8789 – I haven’t made a bodysuit blouse before, but this pattern really makes sense as one.  It allows you to tuck in a shirt and keep it in place without bunchy fabrics or pulling.  I really like the cross over top variations.
8790 – Sew House Seven knit top pattern.  So cute!  It is very simple, but I think the styling really sells it here.  The cowl neck and curved hem add just enough detail to keep it from being really boring.  Plus, we actually had weather here for once so I’m totally feeling the lazy knit vibe right now.
8791 – It seems wrap styles are really popular this fall/holiday season as well.  This pattern has a lot of interesting options, including the double peplum and sleeve variations.  I like how it nods to the sleeve trend without going so over the top.
8792 – A nice pencil skirt in various lengths.  The diagonal button detail is a cool design feature.
8793 – I’m less enamored with this top; something about the proportions of the sleeves feels off to me.  The faux-leather jeggings are cute and would be fun as a styling piece.
8794 – This is a decent wardrobe pattern.  The wide-legged trouser also seems to be making something of a come back lately; note again we have some velvet here.  I like the line drawing of the sweater/jacket, but I think on the model it doesn’t quite suit the whole look.  I think perhaps in a different fabric it would really sell the holiday party feel.
8795 – Another pattern where I feel as though the fabric looks a bit cheap?  I don’t think it is, but is just sort of looks bathrobe-ish.  I do actually like the style lines of the jacket though, it isn’t often we see dolman sleeves of late.  Also, props for using a model who doesn’t fit the typically youthful profile, it’s exciting to see more representation on pattern envelopes.
8796 – Am I getting this coat?  Yes, yes I am.  It is my weakness!  But, to be fair, I really do like the asymmetric front and tie detail.  I have an older Burda with a similar feature, but the shape of the coat is quite different.  This coat is quite streamlined, and it really showcases the minimal details very well.
8797 – If you want an even more unconstructed coat, this one would be fabulous.  I like the tab detail at the back – just enough to highlight the waist without emphasizing it.  I have to admit, the model looks pretty fabulous in this style.
8798 – Easy to Sew coat.  I really like View D, as shown on the model.  The asymmetric hem is a cool design feature, and the simple overlapping top would make this quite an easy coat to sew.  Could be a good first coat project for someone who is worried about constructing something with too much detail.  I am actually enjoying the sleeves on View B as well – enough to satisfy the trend, but not so much as to overwhelm the wearer of the coat.
8799 – 1950s vintage pajama reprint.  Seriously though, how fabulous would you feel swanning about your home in this nightgown?
8800 – This PJ setup is much more my style.  Perhaps not the silk bralette, but certainly the PJ pants and bathrobe.  Plus, it has pockets!  All PJ pants really should have pockets.
8802 – PJs for the boys.  The man’s shirt is so oversized it looks ridiculous.  And, I honestly have to ask.  Does any man really sleep in PJs like this?  I mean, honestly?  I feel like most guys would consider the buttons too much effort to deal with before bed.  Tell me truly sewing community – inquiring minds want to know.
8803 – I see what you did there Simplicity.  Literally the exact same line drawing, except with the button placket reversed.  I do ponder if gendered sleep patterns sell better than their unisex patterns?  I also ponder how many people will buy both of these patterns…
8804 – Because of course we couldn’t not have a unisex pattern this release.  To be fair, I’ve made unisex bathrobes before, and they did work well for all participants.  I personally prefer the robe in 8800, but I can see how this pattern could provide more warmth with the overlapping collar.
8805 – Kids clothes.  The embellishment here is sort of cute for the holidays.
8806 – Simple kids sleepwear.  If you are into sleeping masks, this kitty one is pretty fun though.
8807 – Clothes for the older kids.  I’m going to say that these are actually pretty stylish.  I mean, you show up to first grade in that vest and it’s a pretty bold fashion statement.
8811 – Infinity scarf and cardigan pattern.  I actually think this is a pretty decent cardigan.  There is enough collar shaping to really give it some substance.
8812 – Winter hats and scarves.  I don’t really wear hats too often, but these look pretty cute.  The deer stalker is perhaps a bit much, bit the softer styles look very seasonal.
8813 – This tote patterns looks really practical.  I like the wallet pattern as well – it can hold so many cards!
8814 – 1950s vintage apron pattern.  The vintage styles are always so pretty, but they also seem so impractical – how do you avoid getting a mess on the top of your outfit?
8815 – These aprons are a bit less pretty, but much more practical.  Also, I think the overlapping pocket design is so cute!  It almost looks like a little cat face in the line drawing.
8816 – The most practical apron!  The pockets are so fantastic.
8817 – American Girl bottoms for kids and dolls.  They all look to be elastic waisted, so they should be very easy to sew.
8818 – American Girl doll clothes.  These are so cute!  Especially those little jeans.
8819 – More doll clothes.  These are for smaller dolls than the American Girl patterns.  The example dresses are so pretty.
8820 – Baby doll patterns.  I was never much for playing with baby dolls; I was always more interested in dressing up a Barbie.  Things haven’t changed much the past 30 years…
8821 – The sloth is so stinking adorable!  I love him!
8822 – Practical sewing accessories.  The machine cloth doubles as a cover, and the pressing station tool holder is an interesting idea.  The cactus pin cushions are adorable in an ironic sort of way.
8823 – This introduction to quilting pattern could be good for someone just learning to sew or someone who wants to transition from garment sewing to quilting.
8824 – Dog coats!  The bow tie suit is perhaps a bit much, but the other styles could be helpful for short hair dogs who need some help in the snow.
8825 – Wakanda Forever!  Why did it take so long for someone to come out with this pattern?  I predict this will sell like hot cakes.  The costuming in that film was beyond fabulous, and I think I can safely say that everyone wishes they could look that amazing all the time.  As a side note, this could be a really good starting point for a Legend of Korra cosplay as well; it shares a lot of similar elements with her costume.  (Elements!  Get it?  Avatar humor….)
8826 – A very basic apron pattern.  Another Learn to Sew option.
8827 – This patterns perhaps has the best of all worlds – View C has the protection, but the other views have the vintage-looking cuteness.
8828 – Holiday crafts.  Not sure why the line drawing was only of the stocking, as the ornament and tree skirt patterns are included as well.  The ornaments are cute in a South Park does the holidays sort of a way.
8829 – More traditional holiday sewing projects.
8809 – Really basic holiday projects, presumably to keep the kids entertained?
8810 – Kids would either go nuts for that crazy fringe hat or they wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.  Hard to predict.
8808 – Nothing says “winter vacation is temporary” like a pencil pouch project.
4677 – Vintage reprint hats pattern.  The range from gnome to Jackie Kennedy is a bit astounding.
6206 – Because we didn’t have enough aprons already.
And that’s it!  There were a lot of craft patterns.  And PJs.  And aprons.  But the Black Panther costume is really exciting!  And the other winter fashions aren’t too bad.  While Vogue was giving us over the top opulence, Simplicity is really painting the picture of a more subdued holiday, which feels like a more realistic sense of this year.  There are a lot of patterns I really like, though nothing I’m too obsessed with.  I feel like there are a lot of elevated basics; the design lines are simple, but they all have a few interesting features to make them worth considering.  What do you all think?  See anything here of interest?  Or is this release too full of crafty projects to be of note?  Do you prefer these toned down winter holiday looks, or are you more of an extravagant ballgown party sort of person?  Feel free to discuss in the comments!
Winter Holiday 2018 Simplicity Patterns #sewing #simplicity #patterns #winterholiday #holidaysewing The Simplicity Winter Holiday patterns are here!  As is typical with this release, we are getting 
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