#I figured I've accumulated enough drabbles that it makes sense to keep track of them somewhere
password-door-lock · 9 months
Headcanons/Asks RFA wedding napkin preferences [1.7k words] What would Saeran’s career be like after the events of Gummy Worms [525 words] Sharing a bed with all Saerans [2k words] Video calling with SE Saeran [874 words] Sneak Peak at Gummy Worms 2 [872 words]
Drabbles Far too much description of the pink room [1.8k words] Being Unknown’s assistant is 1000x better than my actual job [540 words] Giving Unknown a full length mirror so that he can see how weird his boots look [1.5k words] Calling Suit for the express purpose of telling dad jokes [1.2k words] Bothering Unknown until he tells you who he is lol [1.2k words] Introducing SE Saeran to match 3 games (and koalas) [954 words] Idol Unknown goes live (set during Gummy Worms) [1.2k words] You get a cold in the intelligence room as Unknown’s assistant [1.4k words] Suit dresses up as Ray and asks for a kiss [947 words] Saying “yes” to GE Saeran [884 words] Sneaking into the kitchen at Magenta to cook something for Suit [1.5k words] Unknown comforts you after you see a bug [1.1k words] Surprising Unknown with a “Christmas” gift [1.3k words] Giving Unknown one of those fancy promotional tea drinks that comes with a plushie [981 words] Indoor picnic with GE Saeran [723 words] Unknown sits on your lap (for control-based reasons, of course) [813 words] Asking Suit Saeran to stay after his apology [1.4k words] Trying to be a proper assistant for Unknown [1.6k words] The Mint Eye server crashes and you and Unknown banter about it lol [1k words] Ray accidentally steals your glove while “observing” you at work [1.5k words] You try and fail to input the password on the door lock (but at least you get to meet Unknown) [1.4k words] You and Saeran comfort one another on day 3 of his AE [944 words] Asking Unknown if he ever gets tired [1.2k words] Unknown watches you through your webcam [1.2k words] Telling Unknown that you’re bored of working [722 words] Contemplating your feelings for Unknown while he sleeps beside you [768 words] Unknown “comforts” (manipulates) you after bringing you to Magenta [858 words]
Collections Mystictober 2023 Fake Chats
Oneshots The Cheesiest (Introducing GE Saeran to boxed mac ‘n’ cheese) [3.2k words] Mischief Night (Unknown crashes the RFA Halloween Party) [3.6k words] Caramel Apple (Unknown contemplates his feelings for MC a year after crashing the RFA Halloween Party) [4.6k words] Puppet Show (Based on the iconic puppet show cg ofc) [4.4k words] Everything More Than a Dream (Role reversal: you are fictional and SE Saeran is very real) [5.4k words] Peach Blossoms & Banksia (Say hello to Danger Ray) [12.8k words] Just Like Any Normal Couple (Fake dating with Unknown) [11.4k words] Gummy Worms (Idol Unknown AU) [28.2k words]  Orange Roses (Vampire Ray and Vampire Suit) [2.6k words] Rose Leaf (Vampire Unknown x Reader) [2.6k words] Maybe (Choi twins Linguistics AU; no pairings as of now) [3k words] Secret Santa (Christmas with Unknown) [7.4k words] Be (anything but) my valentine (Valentines Day with Suit Saeran) [10.2k words] Bleach (Helping Unknown bleach his hair) [6k words]
Multi-Chapter Blue Light (Assistant AU / Unknown redemption arc set on Yoosung’s route for some inexplicable reason, a creative decision which I question daily; 30/30 Chapters) [140k words] Glow-In-The-Dark (Fantasy AU, Unknown x MC, 3/? Chapters) [14.5k words]
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