#I forgot how to spell therapy I won’t lie
phantangled · 11 months
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Blind Date // Part 2
Pairing: (Post war)Draco Malfoy x Reader
Words: 1,514
Summary: What will happen when the friends of a witch avoiding magic, set her up on a magical blind date?
TW: mild angst, suggestions of PTSD? mentions of war, fluff
Masterlist // Part 1
Tags: @divergentofhogwarts @dragonrosegardens @at-least-i-have-harry-potter @mayorofzillyhoo
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Having your house connected to the floo network was far easier than you imagined, and true to his word, Draco used it to travel over. A lot.  
Even if you would use the floo network to go home from Draco’s, he would go first ‘to make sure everything was okay.’ It was a good first step back into magic and Draco had never pushed you to even touch your wand, wanting to do things in your time.  
You had spoken more about the war together, with many tears on both sides. Draco telling you about the things he saw at the manor, how his Aunt had cast many a spell on him to make Voldemort favour her. You hadn’t even imagined what it was like for Draco, not having a choice on what side he was on.  
You had told Draco that you would work up to using your wand, and Draco agreed that it was the best plan. Though Draco also said he wanted you to put your wand box in plain sight, wanting you to get used to seeing it again.
You had completed step one: travelling by floo. Now it was time for step 2: apparating yourself somewhere. Draco had said to start small; just yourself and only across the room. It was like being back at Hogwarts and learning for the first time, though this time you were rewarded with hugs, kisses and wine.  
Feeling more confident you decided to surprise Draco by apparating over to his house. He was definitely surprised, effectively clearing the contents of his kitchen table onto the floor. Rushing over to you, you squeaked out a ‘surprise’ before realising just how dizzy you were.
“Too much.”
“Merlin darling, are you okay?”
“Very much no.” Words were making you nauseous, as was blinking and breathing.
After your impromptu lie down and cuddle with Draco, you invited Draco out to a muggle bar for a jazz evening. With Draco helping you back into the magical world, you were showing him more of the muggle world you’d been calling home for years. Whilst he was yet to visit you at the labs at work, he was enjoying seeing the muggle fashion and going exploring with you.  
“Draco?” You sleepily mumbled from your side of the bed, tired from the nights dancing.
“Yes love?”  
“What was that on the table earlier?” Draco chuckled.
“Nothing. I’ll show you another time.”
Another time came very soon. Draco sat across from you, letting you read the short letter. He thought he could say everything better in a letter than in his words.  
“Draco, what in the name of merlin is this?”
“We’re going back to school.”
“What do you mean no? They’re rebuilt it very sympathetically and I thought seeing some old friends might help?”
“Can you explain please?”
“I know you and Longbottom were friends at school, I know you keep in touch still and I thought that since you were closer to him then than with me, maybe it would help see how he’s doing since the war?” Draco was very much in his own monologue now. “He’s a professor and I thought he could help in the first steps of moving into wand magic?”
“But won’t he need to teach?”
“School ends in a week, then he’s free to do as he wishes, and he wishes to help.” Seeing the nerves on your face Draco began to worry himself. “Darling I just want to do this right by you.”
Leaning in you gave Draco a soft kiss, realising your initial response was out of panic, and now seeing just how much Draco had invested in helping you.  
“Thank you Mr Malfoy. I am so lucky to have you.”
“mhm, let’s get packing my favourite witch.”  
Draco had started calling you ‘his witch’ or ‘my favourite witch” because he saw how insecure you still were about the magical world. He had come over when you were having a bad day and you had admitted feeling as though you had strayed too far from that world to even be called a witch. Obviously, Draco had said that was the opposite of the truth, that no matter which world you worked in, whichever one felt more like home, you would also be a witch, his witch.  
“You never have to pick a world, you can have both my love” he had whispered that night, placing soft kisses all over your forehead as you began to relax into a restful sleep.
Pulling out a couple trunks you asked Draco which was the best size and then set about grabbing as much of your clothing as possible, Draco not actually telling you how long you were going to be away for. Looking down at your full trunk, wand box placed right at the top, you looked back up at Draco, worry starting to set in.
“Draco,” you whined, realising you were potentially about to ruin everything.  
“Yes love?”  
“What about my work? I can’t just disappear for an undetermined about of time.”  
“Sure you can, I already sorted it all.”
“You what? How?”  
“Well we met Shelly for a couple drinks that one time, so I sent her a letter – don't give me that look, I used their horribly inefficient system not an owl – and asked if she could help me.”
“How did that go?”  
“Well she said to email her some plans.. So I had to go and ask an employee of mine to help me find out where to find an email.”
“You are incredible.”
“Aren’t I just. Now come on lets head to mine, your holiday experience starts now.”  
True to his word, you felt like you were on holiday, Draco not letting you lift a finger once that night. Anything you wanted to go at get Draco would ‘accio’ or go and get himself. Even heading to bed that night, Draco insisted on carrying you to his room claiming “it is technically our first holiday, it should be a little romantic.”
The next morning, just as you were getting ready to head off to Hogsmeade to meet Neville, Draco suddenly realised he was forgetting something rather important.
“I’m sorry, you what?”  
Walking into the kitchen, you could see Draco frantically trying to shove the kettle into his already full trunk.  
“They might not have one at the castle.” Bless this man.
“It’s okay, if worst comes to worst we can boil water over the stove.” He still had a panicked look on his face.  
“But will it taste the same? I really like it, I can taste the difference now.”
“Oh Dray, sweetheart. We can bring it if you really want to, I’m sure there won’t be that big of a difference in the taste.”
  Looking down at his case, Draco seemed to realise there wasn’t really any hope of the kettle fitting in, and nodded in defeat. It warmed your heart to see him so worried over tea, especially considering he wasn’t that bother over it a few months prior.
Arriving in Hogsmeade, you could feel your chest tightening, already feeling as though this was close enough for you. Sensing this Draco, Draco decided some retail therapy would help calm your nerves, help make the town feel like anywhere else in the country.  
“Shall we go to Scrivenshafts? I can’t remember if I packed a quill, don’t want to make the professor hate me on the first day do I?”
“Since when did you ever care if the professors liked you?”
“Since I had someone to impress.” Draco sassed back, completing it with a wink.  
After wandering round and buying an unhealthy amount of stationary, Draco led you to the Three Broomsticks. Grabbing a butter beer each you could sit back and catch your breath a bit.
“I wish I’d had the courage to speak to you at school you know. I always wanted to take you here, especially in fifth year.”  
“Really? I didn’t even think you knew I existed. You never spoke to me.”  
“I couldn’t, every time I tried the words wouldn’t come out, and then the mess that is my family spiralled so far out of control I couldn’t bear thinking about loving someone so pure as you. The only thing I could do was keep you safe.” Draco wore a sad smile, memories of his familiar slowly being torn apart.  
“I guess we can both make new memories here then; I can maybe touch a wand without freaking out, and you can talk to me in the castle. If you’re really sweet, I’ll even let you take me for a walk by the lake.” You ended your little joke with a wink, managing to lift his smile a little. 
 “Challenge accepted darling, shall we head in?” Taking his outstretched hand, you allowed Draco to lead you out of the pub and towards the castle. Ready to start this new part of your journey, especially with this changed man next to you.  
You knew exactly why your friends chose him.
A/N: I’m so sorry for the delay in getting this online. Please drop me a comment to let me know what you think? What do you want to see happen next? x
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Saving Papyrus
AAAAY it’s Fanfiction!
When the skele bros from Underfell arrive in the Undertale universe Papyrus makes it his mission to save Underfell Papyrus (Edge) from his wicked (and abusive) ways or die trying! Probably the latter. But he won't give up! Everyone can be a good person if they just try, right?
My crappy fanfic where I explore some of the ways in which the world can break a person and how people pick up their pieces. Pain and suffering, love and healing, complicated relationships, abuse, depression, good and evil, fluff and violence. Can even the worst person be saved? I can't afford therapy so this is mostly therapeutic writing (and to increase my writing skill) for me, but you're welcome to enjoy it too :)
Warnings: I'll get this out of the way now; Strong language, sibling abuse, child abuse, Some handplates inspiration, angst, violence, fluff. Accidental Fontcest. Unintentional slow burn. I think they are all tagged? This might change over time! Tags will be update
                              Chapter 1:  Handsome Imposters
If Sans never saw a flower again it would still be too soon. He held his ground as the buttercup hissed at him from the snow, fangs dripping.
“What do you want trashbag?” It greeted its little eyes narrowed. It hadn’t been easy, tracking the angry flora down. He had seen it following the human, and, more importantly, Papyrus had mentioned on more than one occasion about how wonderful his new ‘flower friend’ was. Sans couldn’t let that go unchecked. The human could handle themselves, but, Papyrus. . .
Yet it had been nearly impossible to find the stupid weed. Sans had spent more time and effort than he had on anything in his life (at least recently) looking for the little abomination of nature. Sans had been lucky, honestly, stumbling onto Flowey by the ruins just now and turning him blue on what had been a pleasantly planned trip to see the old lady. It was weird. He had meant to turn the flower’s soul blue, but the whole flower turned blue instead. Whatever, as long as the effect was working properly.  Flowey glowered up at him waiting for an answer.
“Well,  bud.  I can’t help but notice how you’ve been stalking the human,” Sans said with an easy smile.
“Puns? Really?” Flowey drawled, not looking impressed. “I’ve been watching the human, so what?”
“What’s got you so interested?” Sans asked sliding his hands out of his pocket.
“Well golly, friend! It’s not every day you see a human!” Flowey chirped with false cheer.
“Cut the act,” Sans said shoulders tensing.
“Gee Sans, what do you mean by that? Why, humans are so rare and interesting! We hardly ever see them down here!” Flowey exclaimed in an all too innocent voice. Sans rolled his eyelights. A smug smirk grew across the flower’s features. “You know, except when they’re killing all your loved ones over and over .”
Sans felt his left eye awaken with magic. Flowey laughed his annoying, maniacal laugh.
“Hit a nerve, did I smiley?”
Sans felt his permanent grin grow wider as the noise of his gaster baster materializing behind him reverberated around them. Flowey’s eyes widened.
“Wait!  Wait! I can’t res-”
The blaster’s maw opened wide as a stream of pure magical energy blasted at the flower. Even while blue the flower dove underground, the blast missing him. Apparently, there was something off with his blue spell. Great. A growl came from beneath Sans and a vine shot out lashing him across the face knocking him on his tailbone.
Sans yelped his eyelights going normal. He usually could dodge better than that. He had learned many resets ago that the flower was more powerful than he appeared, still, Sans could do better than that. He had to. For Papyrus.
Sans stood back up looking around. His blue spell had been disrupted by Flowey’s attack and he looked around waiting for the flower to dive up above ground like some demonic sea creature to continue the attack.
Sans turned letting his shoulders relax seeing his brother jogging enthusiastically up to him.
“Hey bro,” Sans said easily.
"Sans! What has happened?" Sans winced as his brother all but picked him up standing before him, eyes slightly bulging.
"It's fine bro, tibia honest, it's just a flesh wound," Sans said his grin turning into a real one. The cut on his cheek leaked a few red drops of marrow. Sans brushed it away with his fist.
“Now is not the time for puns! You are clearly injured!” Papyrus’s hands were on his hips as he hovered over his older brother like a mother hen. San’s gave a lazy wink, sliding his hands back into his jacket pockets. Papyrus examined the jagged crack across his brother’s cheek.
“What happened?” Papyrus asked again, softer, removing a piece of monster candy from his pocket handing it to Sans. Sans sighed popping it into his mouth, feeling the warm tickle of healing magic as the crack faded. He hoped it wouldn’t scar. Truth be told, he was lucky to be alive. His memory was hazy these days, but he was pretty sure the flower was more than capable of dusting him and had at least once.  Was Sans just lucky or was the demented little weed holding back?
“I fell,” Sans said with a shrug. Papyrus’s eyes narrowed. Yeah, Sans wouldn’t believe himself either if he was Paps.
“Sans! You need to be more careful!” Papyrus scolded. Sans sighed with relief.
“I will bro,” Sans said with a tired smile.
“The great Papyrus cannot always be there to protect you! If you weren’t such a lazy bones you wouldn’t fall!”
Sans gave a soft chuckle not seeing how being lazy and falling correlated but he wasn’t going to argue. He closed his eyes as the last of the green warmth began to fade.
“Nah Bro,” Sans said with a yawn. “I’m just resting with my eyes closed.”
“That’s sleeping! You sleep far too much!” Papyrus said with a huff.
Sans gave his brother a wink. “I guess you could say…”
“Sans, no!”
“I’m bone tired.”
“UGH!” Papyrus groaned. “Come on Sans, let's check the last few puzzles and head home,” Papyrus muttered and the pair of skeletons made there way back to Snowdin town, stopping to let Papyrus triple check the last few puzzles while Sans leaned against a tree making puns.
Why Papyrus even bothered to calibrate his puzzles anymore, Sans didn’t know. Frisk had left this morning for waterfall and Sans had enjoyed pranking him with the telescope. The look of confusion on the kid’s face as he appeared at his other stations was fantastic. He couldn’t wait to meet up with the kid in Hotland. In Sans’s opinion, there was no need for sentry duty in Snowdin anymore or puzzle calibrations.
Sans sleepily walked by his brother’s side his fingers tracing over the now healed bone. He didn’t like to lie to Papyrus, but, Paps didn’t need to know about that twisted little flower Sans had had a “conversation” with before his arrival. Something wasn’t right about that flower. He felt like there was something he was forgetting about it, like how he often forgot about Gas- no he wouldn’t think of him.
The flower knew about the resets. That much Sans remembered and his notes entailed. It followed the human, it had killed him at least once, and it wouldn’t leave his brother alone. The way it had hissed at him, and sliced bone with its vine, while blue even. . .That flower had better hope Sans wouldn’t run into it again.
“Whats going on?” Papyrus asked loudly causing Sans to pull away from his musings looking around. Denizens of the town were huddled in the center by the Gyftmas tree, all in a circle. The brothers walked closer, Papyrus craning his neck to see. As they broke through the circle they came upon a view of Doggo. He was panting harshly and blood stained the white snow around him. A deep gash was across his chest and Grillby of all monsters was knelt next to him his fire a green tinge from the effort of the healing magic pouring out of his flamed hands.
“What happened!?” Sans said as Papyrus gasped softly next to him.
“Doggo was attacked,” Dogaressa reported her ears drooping.
“What? By who?” Papyrus said, horrified. Sans swallowed hard. It couldn’t have been the kid, so who else would attack Doggo? He could hardly see.
“I the great Papyrus will not abide by such violence!”
“We’re not sure, he hasn’t said much,”Dogamy said. Doggo whimpered and mumbled something.
“What? Are you sure?” Dogamy said looking at Doggo in surprise. He turned back to Papyrus looking unsure. “He says you attacked him, Papyrus. Papyrus and Sans looked at Dogamy stunned. The townsfolk began talking amongst themselves and looking at the tall skeleton curiously.
“That’s ridiculous! Papyrus wouldn’t hurt anyone. Besides Doggo can’t even see,” Sans said crossing his arms raising a brow bone.
“ It was Papyrus!” Doggo said gruffly trying to sit up. “I was trying to help Sans and you-” Doggo yelped loudly in pain and Grillby pushed him gently back into the snow still focusing on his wounds. “I know his smell, I know his voice and I saw him move! Papyrus attacked me!” Doggo said after a moment and he yipped loudly again as Grillby moved his hands down on the wound. Sans frowned and looked at Papyrus who looked just as bewildered.
“Well you’re wrong. He’s been with me for the past twenty minutes and neither of us have seen you. That wound looks pretty fresh,” Sans said defensively.
“This can only mean one thing!” Papyrus said.
“You’re being framed?” Sans suggested.
“There’s an imposter on the loose!”
“We shall investigate into this!”Dogaressa stated, tail beginning to wag. Papyrus’s enthusiasm seemed to be spreading.
“WOOF!” Affirmed Greater dog.
“We’ll get to the bottom of this,” Agreed Dogamy.
“I know what I saw,” Doggo growled.
“Doggo’s blind as a bat and his nose is ruined from dog treats. It could've’ been anyone,” Sans said quickly. He didn’t know who did this, but he wasn’t going to let anyone else accuse Papyrus of such violence. At least no one else was blaming Papyrus besides Doggo. San’s tried to avert his eyes from Doggo. The wound placement and type hit a little bit more close to home then he’d like to admit.  
“I the great Papyrus shall not rest until I find this imposter and present him to the royal guard!” Papyrus yelled enthusiastically.
“But!” Doggo whined.
“Come on Sans!” Papyrus yelled and he ran forward to explore the town for potential imposters.
Sans’s face was becoming uncomfortably intimate with the slush-filled ground.
“I-i’m sorry Boss!” Sans squirmed trying (and failing) to escape from the boot that was pressing down said skull into the ground.
“You. Fell. Asleep. Again.”
Sans groaned feeling like his skull was going to burst. Maybe it was. Maybe Boss had finally gone off the deep end and he was going to kill him. At least he wouldn’t be tired anymore, Sans thought closing his eyes. As the pressure increased a sharp spike of fear shot out of his soul. Dammit. So much for embracing the sweet embrace of death and all that shit.
“It was only for a s-second Boss, I swear!”
His younger brother growled above him.
“Then this is only going to hurt for a  second Sans.” Oh Sans did not like the sound of that. He squirmed under his brother’s foot and yelped as his brother grabbed his left arm.
“Don’t! Dont! I’m sorry Boss, please don’t-”
“Shut up! I told you what I’d do if I caught you sleeping at your station again!” Papyrus growled. Sans’s eyelights widened and he squirmed desperately trying to get away.
“Don’t!” Sans begged.
Papyrus dug his heel into his brother’s spine and grabbed gripped his ulna with both hands and began to bend it. Sans yelped loudly and Papyrus applied more pressure bending it further still.
“Ow fuck! No! Please no! Please, don’t break my arm Boss!” Sans yelled his one red eyelight turning white, his other eyelight appearing in the previously empty socket and both shrinking to tiny pin pricks. Sans dug his fingers into the snow. He had to get away. He had to. His soul was screaming at him to do something, anything to make Papyrus stop. He began teleporting just as there was a sickening CRACK.
Sans screamed as he lurched into the void his pain receptors firing off the deep end. He felt like he couldn’t breathe as his vision went completely white with pain.
“FUCK.  FUCK.” He howled, unshed tears filling his sockets. He snarled wrenching his arm trying to get it away, away from Papyrus- and that was when he realized they were in the void still.  It was too long. They shouldn't still be here. He hadn’t even meant to take Boss. Complete and utter darkness surrounded them, weighing on them, trying to get into they’re every crevice and curve.
“Sans!?” Papyrus’s voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard in this vast emptiness echoing for what seemed like forever.  Sans? Sans? Sans? A noise that didn’t belong here. Sans grit his teeth through the pain trying to focus. Papyrus was still gripping his broken arm, tightly, painfully and Sans cursed again. He needed to focus.
Go back.  Go back. they needed to get out, now. He closed his eyes trying to focus on Snowdin. Teleport. Come on. Snowdin. Now. Fuck!
A pair of purple eyes regarded them in the distance and Sans sucked in his breath they needed to go hom-- and they blipped back into existence, Sans back face down in the snow and Papyrus standing, no longer holding Sans down with his boot.
Sans howled as he ripped his broken arm out of Papyrus’s grasp holding it close to him. Sans growled and kicked Papyrus hard in the knee knocking the other skeleton onto his tailbone as he attempted to get his bearings from the sudden shift back into existence. Sans slumped to the ground groaning, staring at his arm. His ulna was cleanly snapped in half. Papyrus growled from the pile of snow Sans had kicked him into and Sans quickly crawled backward putting distance between them.
“You idiot! How dare you try to escape me!?” Papyrus stood up wiping snow off his armor, marching towards the smaller injured skeleton.
Fuck you, Asshole. You sadistic mother fucker. Is what Sans wanted to say. Instead, a whimper escaped him as he cradled his injured arm. Yeah. Real threatening Sans. That’ll put the fear of Asgore in him.
“ ‘M Sorry Boss,” Sans whispered. Papyrus raised his hand, likely to strike him when a bark made them both pause.
“Who’s there! Don’t move!” The two skeletons turned to see Doggo standing there hands on his hips, squinting, trying to see them. A dog treat was lit stuck in the corner of his mouth.
“Doggo, back to your post,” Papyrus snapped his red eyes going back to Sans. Sans simply stared at the half blind dog. What the fuck was he wearing? San’s thought in confusion. Where was his royal guard armor?
“Who’s there?” Doggo demanded walking closer. “Sans? That you?” The dog sniffed the air. “You’re hurt!” The dog said cocking his head to the side.  Sans felt his sockets widen, his one red eye returning the other socket going blank. Doggo always did have it out for him. Was the bastard really stupid enough to try to take advantage of Sans’s weakness with Papyrus standing right there?
“I said go back to your post!” Papyrus growled again, an edge to his voice that held no room for argument.
“It smells like tears and bone marrow,” Doggo said taking another step closer. Fuck. This guy was really going to try something, wasn’t he? Sans tried to stand up, to defend himself.
“I said back off!” Papyrus growled a red sharp bone appearing and it slashed it across Doggo’s form. Doggo yelped falling back, hp droplets spraying.  -50, -10, -5. Doggo whimpered and gave a hitched howl his ears flat. Sans checked him and sucked in the breath. When had Doggo’s HP gotten so low? Well low for Doggo anyway. He only had 5 HP left!  Papyrus raised the bone again and Sans wondered if he was going to finish him off. He had disobeyed two direct orders.
“Be grateful that we’ve lost so many guards already,” Papyrus growled and the bone disappeared in his grasp. Sans flinched as his brother’s gloved hand reached for him and grasped him by the back of his hoodie.
“Take us home.” Papyrus growled. Sans really did not want to teleport after getting stuck in the void like that, but that was a direct order from Boss. Sans didn’t need to be told twice. With a far less painful crack, this time the two of them fizzled out of the world and back in onto their lumpy green couch.
“Ugh, Fuck,” Sans groaned digging his sharpened claws into the arm of the couch. It did little to distract him from the pain.
“What the fuck is wrong with our rug?” Papyrus demanded. Sans, who could really, give a froggit’s ass about the rug was still cradling his damaged arm. The bone would have to be set and it was going to hurt. A lot.
“Huh?” Sans sighed and looked. Sans frowned. It was purple and green? What the fuck? What had happened to their black and red rug? Papyrus jumped to his feet and began inspecting the house.
“My axe is missing! And why the hell is the pet rock covered in sprinkles? What happened to the nails it usually eats? How is it supposed to get strong now!? AND WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A PORTRAIT OF A BONE? WHERE IS THE PORTRAIT OF THE WAR AGAINST THE HUMANS?” Sans winced as his brother stomped up the stairs, likely, to look for more changes. He heard a door slam and his brother literally screamed in rage. Whatever Papyrus had found in his room, Sans assumed, did not please him.  Heh.  It wasn’t funny, but Sans dissolved into laughs anyway.
Sans didn’t have long to enjoy his brother’s rage as the door opened. Who the fuck was stupid enough to enter their house!?
“B-Boss!” Sans yelled trying to summon his magic through the splitting pain in his goddamn arm.  His magic of course, hardly even sparked to life. Great.
“I’m sure we will find the imposters soon!” A loud and very familiar (and anxiety-inducing) voice stated as a tall skeleton in a ridiculous red and white costume walked in followed by a shorter skeleton with a blue hoodie, hands in his pockets. Sans felt his eyelight go out. What the actual fuck!?
“Sure we will, Bro,” Sans agreed lazily, “the impastas won’t know what hit em. They’ll really regretti running into the great-”
“Don’t fucking move!” A rough voice interrupted. Sans and Papyrus froze to see a very angry looking - well, he looked like Sans. Or a version of him. One eyelight was out the other was glowing red focused on both of them. He looked to be Sans’s mirror image. He was wearing a black fur coat with a red shirt underneath, black and white sneakers and to Sans’s surprise, he had a golden tooth. Papyrus gasped.
“Sans! He looks just like you!”
“I dunno Paps, you really think my mouth looks like a shark’s?” Sans inquired eyeing the sharpened teeth the other had before looking the monster up and down. Well, Sans thought to himself, Papyrus was right. There were  imposters on the loose.
“Shut up!” The other Sans growled and Papyrus stepped forward.
“SANS! He’s adorable!” Papyrus said and he actually picked the other Sans up from under his arms. The other Sans appeared too startled to resist, eyelights going out, and he looked absolutely frozen. Maybe even afraid. “So cute!” Papyrus all but cooed. The other Sans let out a gruff growl.
“Uh, Bro! Don’t do that!” Sans said sockets widening.
“Hello, angry imposter Sans!” Papyrus said happily.
“PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!” The other Sans screamed flailing and thrashing like an enraged wild animal, his eyelight back and glowing red. The other Sans looked like he was about to bite Papyrus when all at once the other Sans screamed in pain going rigid. “FUCK! OW!”
“Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself jumping around?” Papyrus asked concern in his voice placing the smaller skeleton back down.
“Fuck- st-stay away from me!” The other Sans ordered backing away from them cradling his left arm against his chest.
“Sans! He’s hurt!” Papyrus said taking a step toward the imposter.
“Bro, wait,” Sans said quickly. Sans didn’t trust this imposter of himself, even if he was injured. Papyrus waved him off taking another step towards the angry doppleganger. A Row of red bones appeared in front of Papyrus. Papyrus froze in place looking perplexed.
“Boss!” The Sans imposter said sounding relieved. Sans turned sharply to see a very angry looking Papyrus. Or a very angry looking Papyrus imposter. The monster had dark red eyes, a deep scar over his right eye, and a battle body that looked about as sharp and unfriendly as the skeleton wearing it. He also was at least a foot taller than Papyrus.
Papyrus turned and stared at his clone. “Wowie! Sans! It’s another me!” Papyrus said seemingly completely oblivious to the murderous rage in his alter ego’s eyes.  Sans felt his magic stirring as his soul jumped anxiously in his ribcage. He didn’t like the way either of these imposters looked at all.
“Who the fuck are you two,” The Papyrus imposter growled. Next to Sans. his Papyrus gasped.
“Please, watch your language! I am the Great Papyrus, and this is my brother Sans,” Papyrus said without missing a beat. The Sans imposter made a strangled noise behind them, something between a laugh and a grunt.
“This is ridiculous,” The Papyrus imposter growled.
“May I ask your names? You certainly look a lot like my brother and I! Are they magical disguises? They are very cool.” Papyrus said with excitement.
“ I am Papyrus.This is Sans. And you two, are dead,” growled out the Papyrus imposter and a slew of bones appeared aimed at Sans and Papyrus with sharp jagged edges.
Chapter 2
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lambunctiousme-blog · 7 years
Lack of Motivation
Here's some history... Before my grandpa had his heart attack I had noticed some changes in his mental state. Along with that he had a couple falls, some dizziness, some confusion and had a couple car accidents. I had been taking him to appointments attempting to find out what was going on. Then in December when he forgot to renew his liscense he agreed to let me drive him full time until he could get legal again. Which since he lost sight in one eye almost a year prior he agreed we would go to the eye doctor first.... we kind of himhawed around with that until I could get a doctor to put in writing that he shouldn't drive any more. Which they would all tell him he shouldn't drive... none would actually put it down. By the time I found out that the state will request (at families request) a retest grandpa had had the heart attack. I was taking him daily to see his wife for lunch at the nursing home, running his appointments and mine and when he was home in between the heart attack and surgery I would go to mine in the morning and be with grandpa until dinner time because his meals needed prepared so his numbers would be good. (He's diabetic) The only reason I could do this is because I'm off work due to an injury I recieved in June at work. I do 3 hours of physical therapy 3 times a week. I had worked until August but it got worse so they took me off. Our family thought it was ok to leave me with his care. If I had an appointment I couldn't even convince a couple of members of the family (who live in the house with him and don't work) to check on him every hour. I tried to take 2 days off during that time and both times the family member coving me said they were sick. I have a 10 year old son. My partner would keep him when he wasn't at work. He would go to school and if my partner worked an evening shift I would go get him while grandpa had his evening nap and we would go right back. I couldn't do night shifts because I had to take him home. So I would set up grandpas pill box call my grandpa in the early morning and at night and would tell him the day and the time of medicine to take. He would some times lie or forget anyway. My brother was the family that lived there said he would check on his meds but never did. It was hard. I did it because I love my grandparents and they raised me taking care of me. I am bipolar, have anxiety and a migraine condition. When I struggled with my pregnancy and was alone my grandma picked me up and hired my brother to move me. There was never a question on my care for them.... But no one is taking care of me. Some more background... I mentioned my bipolar and anxiety? I've been off my medication for about 5 months now because my partner and I were/are trying to get pregnant. During my grandpas heart attack my anxiety symptoms got so bad and I was spending all of my time at the hospital so my grandpa wasn't alone. I had some close to fainting spells and high blood pressure, dizziness and I wasn't sleeping. My mother, my grandfather's daughter complained I'm when she was at the hospital the entire time about gas, how long it would take her to get home, was extremely focused on my grandfather dying and how she could make some money off of all of it. She called the family up and exaggerated and lied about my grandpas condition and attempted to get furniture split up. During the time there she continuously made prejudice comments about every one she saw including overweight Healthcare workers, Amish people who use "our facilities" Muslims and compared a gentleman in a suit with a gentlemen in a tracksuit. We ended up fighting when I asked her how a bisexual woman of native American decent with an adoptive father who was Mexican ended up being so racist. And she ignore me fainting in a hallway having to pick myself up and crawl to a bench because she was too busy yelling at me. My brother didn't visit at all. And my partner never checked on me, or my grandfather. Not until I told him I was hurt he hadn't yet and he checked on me that one day and hasn't since. During this time he hasn't helped around the house, given me a hug and has only thrown fits if I ask him to help. He's even said random things like what have you done all day or why don't you do it. Just a week ago Grandpa had to go back to the hospital... he fainted during his check up and they found his blood pressure was everywhere and he was severely dehydrated from starving himself. He's been diagnosed with clinical depression and deemed unable to care for himself and won't be able to return home after his rehab at the nursing home. I spent 10 hours in the ER with him before they got him a room. My mo. Came out for an hour most of which she spent making sure either had eaten then left. No one else checked on us. He was there for 5 days the last two I couldn't be there because I was in the ER. there my partner took me for severe abdominal pain with my period. I was given some pain medication and after being asked if I had many sexual partners.... they gave me pain medication and told me that women have been having periods for years and I spent the time barely able to stand. All my partner did was tell me these things happen. I had no one to stick up for me. Turns out several tests later I was urinating blood, could barely pee at all from inflammation from what they think was a ruptured cyst. Of course they didn't even do a urine test in the ER. So I have to wait for a full diagnosis until it happens again but they think I have PCOS. During that time no one could be bothered to visit my grandpa in my stead or pick him up to take him back to the nursing home upon release. He had to be transported by ambulance. I'm writing all of this down because I'm so alone. With everything. All that I do for months I've been alone. Monday while I was rearranging furniture alone in my house with a back injury and a neck injury. My partner and friends went to a comedy show and he stayed out all night with his brother. He came home and got pissed off that I asked if he would throw this trash away since he was sitting next to the trash can. Said he was just going to move it by my desk and when I agreed because he just leaves trash there on his desk anyway he called me a jerk. I thought it was just a quick jab and ignored him then he started stomping around screaming, saying why don't I just throw his trash away and ended up pushing his office chair across the room which spun around and hit me. Today I tried to talk to him about an employee where he works who was rude to me. My partner insisted that this kid wasn't rude to me because he's such a nice guy and that I needed to pick my battles and not argue with his employees through the drive through window. When I said that he didn't understand my partner flew up from the couch, threw a pillow across the room and started screaming at me in my face saying that was a personal attack. I said you don't understand. That's what set him off. When I told him I wasn't going to accept his behavior that it was violent and uncalled for I got told to shut the fuck up alot.. more stomping around and screaming in my face and he told me it was my fault he's acting this way because I MADE HIM. our front door blew open at one point in time and he slammed it so hard our cast iorn candle holder fell off the wall onto my son's piano. Nothing broke but my partner insisted he wasn't violent because nothing broke and no one was hurt. So I told him I was leaving him. That I'm lonely enough I don't need to be scared of him too. All he could focus on was trying to win the arguement about the kid in the drive through and insisted that by me saying he didn't understand I attacked him some how. I eventually just felt like this is how I've always been treated by every one. How can I expect to be treated better? Then how can I expect to be an equal rights activist when I can't even get the people around me to treat me right? I demand that others be treated better but feel like I'm not worth that? I wanted to die... I don't feel much different now. People need me but it doesn't stop me from feeling that way. People needing me to exsist to take care of them doesn't make me feel loved. My son seems to be the only one who's capable of that. Background on kid at the window... I'm non binary. Born female I identify as both genders or as neither gender.... kinda figuring it out. I'm also a Demipansexual which means I'm not sexually attracted to people unless I feel a deep connection with them and that their gender identity doesn't matter to me. My partner is a straight male. I've been pretty open with friends about my identity... my mom knew me as bisexual up until recently when I came out to both my parents. My father is Uber Christian but my youngest brother who is only 9 has been telling my dad he feels like he's a girl for years and struggles with oppositional defiance disorder and bipolar which has really opened my dad up. I'm also a feminist and equal rights activist. Which my partner claims to be as well... up until he's faced with it in the real world. Any case the fight today was about me being in the drive through and thus kid called me miss like 4 times. I asked him not to twice. And he asked me why. So I said you really shouldn't have to use gender pronouns at all. And he said Meh, that's life then shut the window. 1 he was socially akward.... like why keep the window open to talk to me long enough to even have the chance to call me anything 4 times? I'm just waiting for the car ahead of me to move. 2 I don't care what people call me. I look like a woman. That's not the issue. I'm not an idiot people don't just know what to call people and I answer to whatever people call me. 3 I'm not a miss. My partner and I had a union ceremony and we are husband and wife. This kid made an assumption and me asking him not to call me that should have been enough for him to just not call me that. So to do it again... then ask why... is just rude. Like would you act that way if you used the wrong pronoun for a baby? No. I could have answered with well I'm glad Mrs. BUT me asking him to stop should have been good enough. ANY ONE asking him not to call them that should have been good enough. 4 I was pleasant. I know this kid didn't mean anything by it AND he's a kid. He's not psychic and that's how I see any of it. Plus he's not entirely misgendering since I'm not fond of the pronouns availible for nonbinary. So I chose to be informative. Why not? He works with my partner and being abrasive really doesn't get anywhere. Then there was the Meh, that's life and window shut. THEN I was offended. THAT was rude. Like kid you kept the window open, you felt like talking to me since I couldn't pull forward and you very awkwardly ended every single sentence with Miss. How are you miss, your total is Miss, here's your receipt Miss. What'd you say Miss? Have a nice day Miss. I'm not the only one in town who isn't their assigned birth gender either. Heck it was rude to keep doing it when I asked you not to then it was rude to ask why but I figured youth right? That I let roll. But I couldn't not do something after that. I'm not the only one in the world who deserves respect of some kind. 5 I called it in. Didn't use my name but they know me cause well my partner. And we'll from what I gathered from them and my partner is this guy couldn't have been rude because he's the nicest person in the world and I must have been sitting at the window arguing with him. Cause yea.... I do that. So again no support from my partner. Who has been training his employees to ask if they want a barbie or a hot wheels car because gender doesn't matter with toys. It's just when it concerns me there seems to be an issue.
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