#I forgot that Brooke Madelyn and Amanda existed so uhhh
capitalisticveins · 1 year
Shaw Pack Hcs Part 4 (i think?) (Ft. Sam)
These are 3 pages long on Google Docs wow um
- Tank has smoked once, but didn’t exactly get into it.
- Asher and Christian put things they KNOW Milo will need on the top shelf of whatever house they’re in.
- Baaabe has freckles. Whether they're faint, or there’s tons of them, it doesn’t matter. They HAVE freckles.
- Angel may not be able to cook, but for some reason they can really fucking good. Cake, cookies, macaroons, brownies, lava cake, hell, Creme Brulee. They just find baking and cleaning everything up tedious, so they don’t do it often.
- As kids, whenever Kelsey came over with her mom to visit Arden and Christian, Arden and Kelsey would do anything and everything to scare the shit out of Christian.
- The only game Sam and Tank can play on equal grounds with no advantages towards each other is Just Dance 2018.
- Ansel and Bailey work on their upper arm strength more
- David doesn’t shave often, but his face somehow remains slightly shaven? Which is weird because he grows facial hair like crazy.
- David sleeps like a fucking corpse, that man does NOT move.
- Angel likes to shave David’s face when he’s asleep and keeps the hair in a jar under the bed in a box.
- Asher eats Kraft Mac ‘n Cheese.
- Tank LOVES frosting on cake and cupcakes. They lick the frosting off of those mini-cupcakes and eat the frosting first off normal cake.
- Angel used to believe in Herobrine, but instead of being scared or not playing the game until he was “removed”, they’d actively seek him out.
- Sweetheart’s impulsive thoughts have once led them to go tangible while in between a wall. It was excruciatingly painful and they don’t know how they didn’t get split in half.
- Milo would sharpen his teeth if he could.
- Ansel eats Crumbl Cookies, much to Christian’s dismay (he believes they’re undercooked).
- Asher and Baaabe don’t get out of each other’s arms until both of them are awake. If one wakes up first, they just lay there until the other wakes up.
- Baaabe didn’t go into elevators for a week after they met Asher. Not because they didn’t want to see him again, but because they were deathly afraid of being stuck again.
- When he was a kid, Marie would aggressively pinch Milo’s cheek whenever he did something bad.
- Baaabe took it surprisingly well when Asher first admitted  to being a werewolf. Not because they were shocked or in fear, but because it explained a LOT of weird shit he would do.
- Once, when they were a kid, Tank got into a frosting container their mom used to ice cakes she’d make, and ate all the frosting out of it. They would’ve been punished if they didn’t vomit an hour afterward, since it was “punishment enough” in their father’s words
- Madelyn and all of the older pack kids (only girls) would have sleepovers almost all the time. Kelsey, Bailey, and Arden were invited, but not so often since they were younger.
- Sweetheart likes to buy square pillows so it can support their neck better.
- Asher, David, Milo, and Christian would try to sneak in or see what the girls were talking about, much to Madelyn’s dismay.
- David has a vase full of honeysuckles in his bedroom.
- Sweetheart can NOT hopscotch. They’ve tried and they keep tripping by the time they reach 6.
- Angel has once laughed so hard they passed out.
- Bailey likes to blow bubblegum, but it’s hard to pop them. Meaning if they grow too big she has to use her fingers to pop them, but then sometimes it gets stuck to her hands.
- Brooke has seen Bailey get tangled up in gum during a pack meeting, and had to go over and help her, but then he started getting stuck in the gum, until Amanda saw him.
- Long story short half the pack got stuck in 5 pieces of gum until David had to use scissors to cut them out. That night he prayed for a normal pack.
- Sweetheart was once compared to Sherlock Holmes. That’s the best compliment they believe they’ve ever been given.
- Baaabe always has a stupid and goofy smile whenever Asher walks into the room. 
- As a kid, Milo was often left out of fun activities with the other kids. Bailey was the only one that stuck around him when they forgot to invite him.
- I.E: Brooke forgot to invite him to his 10th birthday party, and when Bailey found out, she and her parents took him to Six Flags.
- Other than the literal stealth in the pack, Brooke is the most stealthy member of the Shaw Pack. He can stop breathing for up to 5 minutes and cloak his aura enough for any normal empowered person to not sense or notice him.
- Tank has put mentos in coke and shoved the bottle in their mouth, Milo had to snatch the bottle from their hands after soda started spraying from their nose. Asher gave them 20 bucks to do it.
- David would stay up until 2am studying for ANY test they were given back in high school.
- Asher tried getting a tattoo in high school and told David, but David said if he ever finds a tattoo on him, he’d tell Asher’s parents immediately.
- Arden is the reason unempowered people in Dahlia believe wolves howl during a full moon. She makes sure that during ALL full moons, she’s at the highest peak possible in the town, shifted and howling as loud as she can. Only Christian knows she’s the one doing it.
- Tank has forgotten to put water in a cup of noodles once before microwaving it.
- Sweetheart has scared Baaabe before and this led to Baaabe cursing them out in a different language.
- Angel had braces from elementary school to high school, and keep unknowingly licking their teeth.
- David is NOT flexible, that man is as stiff as a floorboard.
- When Tank and their family first joined the pack, Tank was pissy and distant because they missed their old pack with their old friends.
-Milo has said “I’m walking ‘ere!” once, that’s the only reason Asher and Christian say it whenever he’s around.
- Bailey eats waffles with her hands.
- Kelsey and David fold their pizzas.
- Arden used a fork and knife to eat hers once to piss everyone off.
- Asher, David, Christian, Arden, Amanda, Brooke, Miguel, and Bailey have done the cliche “break a window with a baseball” in Amanda’s backyard once. Bailey broke it and was going to come clean, but Christian panicked and blamed it on Kelsey, who wasn’t there. He then tried to backtrack and blame it on Milo, who was in the corner playing with dandelions because they forgot to ask him to play. Bailey got away with it because Amanda’s mom believed it was him due to his lying, and no one backed him up.
- Asher tries to laugh more “cutely” or “manly” but whenever Baaabe says a joke he can’t help but laugh genuinely.
- When David was scolding Tank in “Confronted but your Pack Alpha”, Tank had a scowl on and kept looking at the ground. They didn’t make eye contact until the end.
- Sweetheart can throw it back
- David can be DEATHLY silent when he wants to be. This is why Sam didn’t hear David from behind him during the pack Solstice, despite his advanced hearing.
- Whenever the Sunbound Solstice comes around, and none of the wolves feel good or energized enough to do anything, the mates do everything in their power to pamper and take care of them until they feel better. The only exceptions are Tank, Sam, Milo, and Sweetheart since they’re all Moonbound. In this case, Baaabe and Angel wait until David and Asher fall asleep to help them out.
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