#Redacted Christian
heartf0ul · 10 days
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Genders for pussys /j
I have one more I can’t fit in :(((
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sheawritesstuff · 9 days
Wedding Headcanons / Predictions
✩ Aggro gets dressed up with a little bowtie and gets to be the ring bearer
✩ David cries during his vows and Ash makes a joke about it
✩ Asher has to run around last minute to find something he lost / forgot
✩ Someone references Gabe being proud of David
✩ Milo brags about how good he and Sweetheart look together / jokes about outshining the newlyweds
✩ Sam complains about having to dress up
✩ Christian says something snarky and gets put in his place
✩ David and Darlin have a dance-off at the reception
✩ Somebody jokes about how "busy" their honeymoons are gonna be
✩ Darlin gets to be part of the wedding party
✩ Caelum hangs out and watches the wedding and tells Gavin and Freelancer about it
✩ Marie gets onto the boys for roughhousing at the reception and Sam offers to help heal any bumps and bruises if they get too rowdy
✩ They've gotta have at least a couple shifted wedding photos - just imagine all the wolves in their fancy suits
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moronkyne · 9 days
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Yall really liked my last one, and I hope I piss some racist assholes off here :)
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arrowfleur · 3 months
That trend where all the grandkids show up to their grandmas house for a sleepover but it’s the shaw pack going to Marie’s
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mrsmiagreer · 4 months
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aragaki · 14 days
Darlin/Pack Members
Because my self-control is zero and I just think Darlin' is the most interesting listener character who also deserves the entire world and William Solaire's wallet.
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Already wrote some about them here but they're my non-canon otp so ofc I wanna talk about them more
The pack's most photogenic couple. Milo puts in the effort to look good and dress well but Darlin' is just the most effortlessly good-looking. They can roll out of bed in yesterday's clothes and unbrushed hair and any candid shot looks like it belongs on an influencer's curated social media. It drives poor Milo crazy.
Before they moved in together, Milo would send messages to Darlin' throughout the day to let them know what he was up to and where he was going. They never asked but he knows it makes them more comfortable and he's always happy to do it.
Christian can't make his jokes about Milo's wolf size for nearly as long when he's mates with Darlin'. Darlin' isn't a brute, they're a protector, so of course they notice the way Milo's smile tightens when Christian piggybacks onto Ash's jokes. They give him three chances to knock it off and after he doesn't listen to them on strike three, they start swinging. Darlin' doesn't ask Milo to talk to David about how he's feeling but he has to anyway when David interrogates him about what caused Darlin' to break Christian's nose.
Darlin' has always been Marie's favorite and she has no problem saying as much. She's wanted them as her kid for as long as she's known them, little spitfire that they are, and is beyond happy when Milo finally makes it official.
This also means that Marie is Darlin's primary healer and gives them twice the ration of shit that she gives anyone else - including Milo! She loves them so much but will not hesitate to kick their ass for being reckless.
Milo is without a doubt Darlin's lifeline during pack meetings. It's a lot, being home and surrounded by people you thought would be fine without you - who are upset with you for thinking so - and Milo knows all the best places to escape with them. They never admit to needing a breather but he always knows.
Milo and Darlin train together!! They absolutely do!! Darlin' knows they can rock Milo's shit and he does too, and he loves it. When they spar or box together it's always going to end in a makeout session. He can't help it, they look so damn fine all fired up and sweaty. They've absolutely gotten caught but no amount of teasing will get them to stop.
Darlin' doesn't mind dressing up for Milo. It's not their thing usually, simple and maneuverable works best for them but every now and again they can be persuaded with plenty of kisses. Fancy restaurants make them feel out of place but Milo always seems so happy to see them under the light of glittery chandeliers and that makes them happy too.
One time he did manage to piss off Darlin' during a fancy dinner so they pretended to propose to him in front of the entire restaurant and it nearly gave him a heart attack. The cake and champagne they were given more than made up for it though.
When Darlin' sits down, Milo has the habit of coming up behind them and massaging their shoulders and neck. He has a hard time keeping his hands off of them at the best of times but he wants to help get rid of some of their stress so small random massages are his way of helping with that.
Darlin' likes things that are simple and physical, they're a tactile person so they've absolutely got a photo album of them and Milo. Marie even gave them some old pictures of them together from their teens for it. Milo finds it one day by accident and if it had him crying on their bedroom floor for 15 minutes that's between him and Aggro.
Speaking of Aggro, he has a love-hate relationship with Darlin'. They're convinced the cat hates them, the way he swats at them and hisses. They say Milo is Aggro's person and he's jealous that Darlin' takes up so much of his attention. But every night, he tries to climb up and sleep on Darlin's chest, head resting under their chin. And if Milo tries to move him to cuddle with Darlin' he gets a full-force bapping to the face until he gives up and lets Aggro do what he wants.
Darlin' has absolutely shifted and laid down so Aggro could climb up onto their back and nap there. They'll never tell a soul.
I talked about it in my other Milo post but Milo kissing Darlin's scars!! They've been through so much and it's affected their self-image so much. Milo can't stand that. So he kisses each and every one, even the ones that make Darlin' lip curl in disgust at themselves, and say something about them that he loves. Physical, emotional, about their personality. Anything. This praise king could go on forever. And he means it and that's what makes Darlin's heart ache the most.
And when they start to believe it, Milo couldn't be more proud. The crease between their brows when they see themselves smoothes out. They don't sneer at the bite marks that are dotted around their skin nearly as much. They get confidence in how they look, and in how desirable Milo finds them. He can't wait until it turns into true self-love.
Milo has no problem being the in-between for Darlin' and David. Both have strong personalities. Both can word things that, while meant to be loving, can be harsh and wound the one who hears them. Milo doesn't have a lot of patience, but he is fluent in Grumpy Wolf at this point. His interventions have honestly brought the unintentional hostility between them down and made it easier for them to talk about their thoughts, feelings, and opinions on their own.
When they're shifted, they're almost always stuck together. Doesn't matter if it's a hunt, a run during the Solstice, anything. They will not be separated. They're both ready to throw themselves headfirst into whatever danger might happen to protect the other, much to the exhaustion of the rest of the pack who really wish they would just stop throwing themselves into danger.
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"Well mark me down as scared AND horny!" Has been Ash's response to basically everything Darlin' has done since they were teens.
Seriously, there would be no denying that Darlin' intimidated Asher when they joined the pack. A new wolf from outside of Dahlia joins the pack with a chip on their shoulder a mile wide and so fearless they'll jump in first into any problem??? They're intimidating but also!! They aren't mean to him!!
He was without a doubt one of the members of the pack who tried to help Darlin' integrate the most. He'd include them in anything he could, even if it made his other friends side-eye him. He was shameless about it too!! If they wouldn't spend time with him, he'd be following them around like a lost puppy. It was like they had a second shadow.
Some members of the pack scoff and roll their eyes at Asher but not Darlin'. Even if they don't seem interested in his rambling they're always paying attention. They've always listened. And he didn't realize how important that was to him until it was gone.
Becoming pack beta and David's second in command was a huge shift and he's well aware that plenty of people don't think he's up for it. But Darlin' was never one of them. They had their own quiet belief in Ash and what he could do, never questioned his fit for the role. Even as they withdrew from the pack they knew that David could handle it if he had Asher's support.
After Darlin' fell into the wrong crowd, Ash was the most vocal about getting them back and bringing them home. No argument mattered to him, Darlin' was a member of the pack and they needed to be there. He wasn't above saying it was just because he missed them. That didn't change when they stopped being teenagers. He still feels like a dumb kid with a huge crush who missed his chance.
Then, all at once, it all falls apart. Darlin's unempowered friend is almost killed, by Darln's own mate, and the Shaw pack is rallying behind them to try and push the department to act. Then it goes quiet. They leave, saying they're heading up to be with their family and Ash feels like someone hollowed out his chest. It's how he imagined it feels like when someone's mate dies - a constant ache in his chest. Which he knows he shouldn't feel because regardless of his feelings Darlin' isn't his mate. Hell, they just had to leave theirs because he was a shitty person!!
He's confused and it only gets worse when he finds out Darlin' had been lying to them. That Quinn was still at large, that they put the pack at risk, that they were putting themselves at risk trying to handle it alone. They didn't rely on the pack. On their friends. On him. And his impostor syndrome kicks him off on a spiral. But it doesn't take much to pull him out of it, not when Darlin' is finally back in his life.
As mates, Ash is the Will Smith red carpet meme. He wants everyone to look at his mate, to know that he's their mate and they're soooo in love!! It drives poor Darlin' insane.
And he can get away with it!! And damn near anything because Darlin' is so weak to Ash's puppy dog eyes. They have been since they were teens. If Asher wants a grilled cheese at 3 AM all he has to do is flash those eyes and Darlin' is hauling themselves out of bed, but grumbling about it the entire way.
Asher and Darlin' spend a lot of downtime gaming together. They trade recommendations back and forth, play each other's favorites, and terrorize everyone else who ends up in their lobbies. Darlin' can get a little heated and toxic during PVP but it's always defused by Asher doing an uwu voice and making Darlin' choke on their laughter.
David and Milo are happier than Asher when they finally get together, they've been listening to his lovesick pining for years and they're TIRED.
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aka the character that got me into shipping Darlin' with their pack members
David and Darlin have such an interesting dynamic!! The devoted pack alpha and the wayward lone wolf. They both have strong personalities and we've seen them come into conflict with each other
But there's love there. There always has been.
I fully believe that in a David/Darlin' relationship, it'd be a case of he fell first and fell harder. It wasn't love at first sight, David's a bit too cynical for that even before his dad died. But there was a pull to the newcomer that drew him in and helping them settle in wasn't just because of his role as beta.
They were always there, in the background of David, Milo, and Asher's teenage years but never front and center. Always on the fringes, like they never found their footing. Something he wouldn't notice until it was too late.
Then Gabriel dies and Darlin' got together with Quinn. Instead of being distant, they're absent entirely. David knows that Quinn is their mate but something about that burns at his core, makes him feel queasy and unsettled. Like it's wrong. But htere's nothing he can do, he has a pack to run and protect.
The anger and hurt he feels when he finds out that they've been lying to him for so long. That they're trying to hunt down Quinn on their own, so stubborn and self-destructive. The fact that they consider themselves expendable and would risk breaking themselves to avenge their friend and protect the pack. He wants to shake them by the shoulders and tell them they're loved but he knows it'll be better to show them instead.
The pack meeting goes better than he hoped, with members both scolding and reassuring Darlin' of their place and their value. He watches them the whole time out of the corner of his eye and he says it's because he wants to make sure they don't bolt but he knows deep down he's just happy to see them back where they belong
The road to becoming mates is even more bumpy with Darlin' than it would be with Angel. He has to balance being their alpha and their partner and he already feels like he's failed them as a leader, they couldn't even trust him about Quinn.
The shift to being mates came with no small amount of arguing. Darlin' likes to fight with David on just about everything and it drives him crazy. It doesn't matter what it is, big or small it's always some kind of fight or contest and it makes his blood boil but at the same time he loves that little sparkle they get in their eye whenever they challenge him.
When there's a pack run and they're all shifted there's a 100% chance that Darlin' is gonna slam into David's flank and snap at him. Doesn't matter how many times he tells them to stop over the link, they're always going to start shit in a way even Asher wouldn't try.
Honestly, it's like David has two betas the way Darlin' and Asher flank him. And Darlin' isn't above mean-mugging clients if they think they aren't being taken seriously. (again, David tells them to stop. They don't.)
Scary movie nights are even more fun when David and Darlin' are sat next to each other, the contrast makes Darlin's abject terror even more hilarious.
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 3 months
I’m back on my Redacted shit, here are some Post Inversion headcanons
As a note, I’m not a doctor. I did some cursory googling about the medical stuff, but I very well might be wrong. On that note TW: injury, some discussion of… guts… and general angst.
David feels weird for days after the Inversion, like there’s something moving around inside of him. At random points during the day, he’ll stop what he’s doing, press his hand to his chest, and hold his breath until it passes. He asks Sam about it, and Sam explains; “You were essentially disemboweled, David. We had to put parts of you back in while we were underground. In surgery and in major healing, we usually take the time to arrange the organs carefully. But… we didn’t have the time. You bleeding out was the bigger concern. But your organs know where they’re supposed to be. What you’re feeling is everything… finding it’s way back.” David nodded and thanked him, and promptly locked himself in the bathroom and vomited for half an hour.
The entire pack stayed at David and Angel’s house for about two weeks post Inversion. Asher and Christian were the worst off, and spent pretty much the whole time sleeping on the sectional in the living room. At some point, somebody turned on Family Guy for background noise and it ran uninterrupted for pretty much the whole two weeks. Now, Ash and Christian have very intense opinions about Family Guy, and Ash claims that he very strange, Family Guy themed dreams to this day from how much he slept with it playing in the background. David is still angry that his recommended feed on Hulu is forever changed because of this.
Sam doesn’t sleep for a week after. It starts innocent enough, just him trying to run interference between Vincent and his new progeny and the pack being largely down for the count. He and Darlin’ end up taking a lot on in the days following the Inversion since they’re on their feet and, largely, in one piece. He gets pretty far running on fumes, but Vincent catches him after a week. Sam had been staying with him to help with Lovely, and Vincent walked in to see him staring motionlessly into the fridge. Vincent didn’t know how long he’d been there, but after calling Sam’s name and getting no response, he starts timing it. When they hit fifteen minutes, he escorted Sam to the nearest flat surface and forces him to sleep.
Damien developed very bad sleep paralysis after the Inversion. Almost every night, he would wake up freezing cold and to a shade hovering over his bed, claws extended getting ready to tear him into ribbons all over again. It would take two or three minutes for him to break out of it, and even longer for him to convince himself that the shade wasn’t real. He took to sleeping with all of his lights on and his heat turned up. It got better when he moved in with Huxley, but it never goes away entirely. It gets worse in the winter, especially when he’s reminded about the Inversion in some way. The Moonbound Solstice is particularly difficult.
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samsbrowneyes · 13 days
Teen edition!
Late night 7-11 run!
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(Darlin, ash, David, Amanda, with Milo who took the picture)
Weekend skateboarding w/ the boysss
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(Milo, Christian (one on top), ash, David, with Gabe taking the picture)
Pack road trip!!
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(Darlin, ash, David, Milo, Amanda, with frank and Gabe taking the picture)
School day
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(Milo, Amanda, ash, Christian, darlin, with David taking the picture)
Pack sleepover at the shaws
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(Ash, Milo, with darlin taking the picture)
Group selfie
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(David, ash, Milo)
Shopping trip
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(Milo, ash, with David and darlin taking the picture)
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soup-scope · 1 year
i have a super specific headcanon
that when darlin’s family first moved to dahlia and joined up with the pack, the teens of the pack thought it’d be funny to do a lil “prank” on darlin for an ‘initiation’ or smth of the sort
darlin was told to go into the woods while shifted, hunt something bigger than their wolf form, and then bring it back to eat. they made it sound so legit that darlin thought they were being serious
few hours later darlin shows up at the den, covered in blood (their own mainly💀💀) and just tosses a bear at the foot of the den like “did it. now what”
that’s why there’s so many jokes of darlin going off on their own fighting bears. because they did. and won.
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that-gothickitty · 3 months
I'm bored so...
Rating the redacted boys' tiddies on a scale of SQUISH to flatter than my grandma's heart monitor line :>
Part 1 ^_^
Shaw Pack:
3/10, ehh, his personality is way bigger than his ✨️P E R S O N A L I T Y✨️ if ya know what I mean :/
8/10, Squishy and pillowy. Good for nomming on.
0/10, all the squish went to his thighs. No booby to speak of.
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angelicaether · 2 months
Sky Side's Hot Boi Spring Back Collab Project
Hello, hello! It's another Sky Side event! We did a collab event in the Sky Side discord server - this time focusing on the early parts of the relationships of these pairings! Everyone is tagged above their fic/art so please go give them a follow. A big big thank you to everyone who participated in my silly event, love you all dearly you're some of the most talented folks I've ever met <33
Starting off strong with the talented @kilarthmac with Porter/Treasure and Guy/Honey!
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Then the wonderful @mr-laveau with Porter/Treasure - Porter helping Treasure dress in the morning~
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Then the great @androgynouspenguinexpert with high school sweethearts Blake/Bestie
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Iconic fic writer @zozo-01 with a Darlin’/Sam piece
The lovely @mars-mell with some early audio moments
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My dearest @nortyourself with a Vincent/Lovely piece
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The wonderful @agentplutonium with a super sweet Milo/Sweetheart fic
My contribution is this slightly spicy David/Angel fic
The lovely BlueWhispers with a Damien/Freelancer fic!
The talented @belovedbow with an Elliott/Sunshine piece - Elliott showing Sunshine his magic pre-confession
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The icon @pycth with this super cute Asher/Baaabe piece!
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The lovely @me10dys with an Ollie/Baby fic!
The wonderful @teafairywithabook with a David/Angel fic!
The most lovely KatieB with an Amanda/Christian fic!
And last but not least!! @lovelylonerliterature with a Sam/Darlin’ fic!
Please mind the tags on all the fics but I hope you enjoy all the art and everything - another big thank you to everyone who participated y’all are the best most talented group of people I swear!
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hammerhead-jpg · 10 months
The shaw pack's wolf forms!!
This is after the inversion so they're a bit scuffed up
I didn't do Kesley because I'm not even sure if she's a shifter
I was planning on doing Bayley and Ansel but I got sick of drawing these fucking wolves
Christian and Arden look purple. They looked brown on the computer screen. Imagine that they're brown.
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Also just for the record I was heavily inspired by @/nin_ei 's (on Instagram) werewolf adopts, I didn't want the wolf forms to look completely like regular wolves because that'd get repetitive and boring but also didn't want them to look like somebody's fursona so their character designs were a lot of help when figuring out fur patterns and stylized wolf anatomy!!
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autisticempathydaemon · 8 months
Porter, Sam, and Vincent all have dates to the Monarchal Summit; Alexis should get one too.
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(credit to the gorgeous @slozards who was so delightful to work with I highly recommend them if you’d like a commission of your blorbos)
I’m thinking a grand staircase with my beautiful girl striding down it and Christian, her wolf slash arm candy, ready to accompany her.
I’m thinking a Princess crown I know William has had made for her, comprised of precious pearls and jade fashioned into magnolias.
I’m thinking a stunning red dress with nods to a traditional áo dài silhouette because of the Vietnamese ethnicity I’ve headcanoned for her.
I’m thinking of my girl getting to enjoy the party, looking gorgeous, and watching her little brother and nebulously adopted sibling (???) duke it out because not her circus not her monkeys.
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ackermanbitch · 1 year
pictures that perfectly describe every redacted couple imo (its long so under the cut)
amanda and christian
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milo and sweetheart
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davey and angel
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ash and babe
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guy and honey
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tank and sam
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im sorry for this but baby and ivan
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vincent and lovely
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gavin and freelancer
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propertyofsamcollins · 6 months
Has a rbf that makes them look disgusted: Sam, Milo, Damien*, Smart-ass, Christian, Porter, Alexis, Freelancer*,
Has a rbf that makes them look done with life: Darlin', David, Aaron, William, Sweetheart*, Monarch Baz*, Baby (Ollie), Honey
* - somewhere in the middle but this one resonates more
if I think of anyone else, I'll add them to the list, but it's 2am and I've posted enough for the night
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salswisteria · 6 months
My headcanon redacted heights
Smallest to tallest.
I will continue to add onto this in the future.
•Caelum - 5'3
•Milo Greer - 5'8
•Dear/Lasko's listener - 5'8
•Angel Shaw - 5'9
•Lasko Moore - 5'9
•Damien - 5'10
•Warden(human form) - 5'11
•Freelancer - 6'0
•Christian - 6'0
•Honey - 6.5'0
•Sweetheart Greer - 6'1
•Guy - 6'1
•Amanda - 6'1.5
•Baabe Talbot - 6'1
•Vincent Solaire - 6'2 (barely)
•Asher Talbot - 6'2
•Gavin - 6'3
•Lovely - 6'3
•Darlin' - 6'3
•David Shaw - 6'3
•Huxley - 6'5
•Sam Collins - 6'5
•William Solaire - 6'6
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