#I freaking love Jeanist so much akrejkarjkeajkrae
giggly-squiggily · 11 months
I like to imagine Best Jeanist uses tickles to tame the wild children around him. Bakugou tense and yelling (which he attributes to stress/being overwhelmed?) Tickles. Hawks pushing too hard and refusing to tell the truth about it? Tickles. Since season 6 I think there should be a blonde boi family with Jeanist as dad.
{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
KJERKJEKJRJKEKJ Jeanist is slowly becoming my new favorite Pro-Hero to write about just behind Hawks! He's such a neat character akljrkjaejrk I decided to go with Bakugou for this dabble since we've had so much Hawks lately! I hope you like it :D
CW: Swearing
“Calm down.” Jeanist cut him off, voice steady in comparison to Bakugou’s angry shouts. “Take a breath.”
The explosive blonde glared daggers before turning on his heels, stomping a few paces as he willed himself to do just that. Anyone else would regard his behavior as disrespect or defiance, but Jeanist’s eyes were as sharp as his style- he could see the tremor in Bakugou’s hands as he fussed. He was stressed- really stressed. “Come- sit with me.”
“I don’t need to fucking sit! I need to blow something up! I need to-” Whatever was coming next Bakugou never got to finish before he was forcefully dragged over- Jeanist’s threads pulling him until he was sitting next to the man. “Stupid threads!”
“Apologies- they were as necessary as stretch in denim. If I release you, will you stay put?” Bakugou glared in stubborn silence before looking down at his feet, nodding once. The threads snapped off him instantly.
“Thank you for not running away. Now- why don’t we talk about what’s really going on.” Jeanist began, but Bakugou was already jumping to his feet, hands shaking again.
“There’s nothing to talk about! I don’t want to sit and bitch, I want to fucking MOVE-” This time it wasn’t threads that dragged him down, but Jeanist’s quick reflexes. When he came back to the mats, Bakugou didn’t have any time to bark out a complaint. “GEHAHAHA!”
“If you need to move, then move. I find this to be far more helpful than stomping about.” Jeanist hummed as he danced his fingers along the younger boy’s belly and sides, earning a variety of swears and shrieks from his student. “Don’t bother denying it- you need this. Now- do you want to tell me what’s gotten you so stressed lately?”
“Fuuhuuhuhuhuhuck! Nooohoohohoho wahahahahhahy- Haheahhahahahhaha stahahahap ihihiihihiihiht!” Bakugou cackled, feet tapping out a song against the mats when his highest ribs were pressed into, sending intense waves of ticklishness throughout his torso. “GEHAHHAHAHAHHAA SHHIIHIHIHIIHIT!”
“Such a mouth on you- but I suppose like distressed jeans, it has its charm to some. Very well- you don’t need to tell me, but I don’t plan on stopping until I’ve deemed you de-stressed.” Jeanist sounded flat as he spoke, but it was hard to miss the glint of warmth in his eyes as he watched the kid beneath him laugh so freely. “Now- shall we continue?”
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