#I get that Sam is dealing with a shitty grandma and an effed up past but THERAPY my girl
respectthepetty · 1 year
I watched episode seven of GAP, and my biggest takeaway is Tee would NEVER!
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Not ever would Tee do Mon as dirty as Sam continues to play Mon.
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Sam is constantly pointing out that Mon is poor (Sam, as Mon's boss could PAY HER MORE!), Sam fired Mon so she could date her instead of CHANGING HER STUPID RULE, Mon has to decipher what Sam means all of the time, Sam is engaged, Sam is never working while demanding everyone else works twice as hard (very Willy Wonka of her), Sam is hella rude to her friends when they only want her to be happy, Sam shows up to people's houses uninvited, and Sam called Mon dumb when Sam is estupida #1 .
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There is a long list of other offenses, but this reinforces the point that TEE WOULD NEVER!
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