#I get to post these guys here cause their technically fan ocs >:3
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I'm not much of a kingdom hearts fan as I'm not too interested or into the games as my lil bro but this character has been floating in my head for a long while, I never could get her design down until I randomly did now and the other three have been around for a while the last one does have a solid design either.
This is Will, she's very much a persistent and go-getter kind of keyblade wielder around the time before great keyblade war but she used the regular ol' but trusty starlight blade and she was in the Vulpeus Union. She has an interest in astral related things and the stars, Will really enjoyed the simple things life has to offer along with being given the opportunity of adventure but unfortunately her life took a turn after the events of the mentioned keyblade war.
Wisp is a mysterious little creature of undetermined origin and no one really knows how she came to be, she is excitable and energetic lil guy who's brimming with wonder and whimsy who has a magician motif (might be one herself even). She's eager to help just about anyone and she's as friendly as can be, a little ray of sunshine ready brighten anyone's day, she probably would be around the events of Kh1. (I haven't seen much or played that one, so I'm not sure how well she would fit or what wisp's role would be)
Hollow is a peculiar heartless that no one really knows or how she came to be either, she's a lonesome and rather down little creature who's very unsure of herself but she has very vague and faded memories of her past but she has a witch motif although she is rather strange even for a heartless as she's docile and not prone to being viscous. She's just like the lone moon that lays in the sky and has the same sense of loneliness as it has, she has secret and anxious fear of being forgotten but she would be around the events of Kh2. (Not sure how she would fit into the story though.)
Willow is probably the most mysterious of both Wisp and Hollow combined, as little is known about her but she is quite peaceful and tranquil and she is quite knowledgeable! She has mage/cleric motif to her, I'm not sure what KH game she would be in nor her story relevance would be.
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thegheistmistress · 6 months
{OOC Rambles - Characters/Groups I'd LOVE to interact with - RP Blog Rules}
{Not even gonna lie, I have a LIST of characters I'd love to interact with, but if not, it's perfectly fine and I wanna rant about them. Here it is, enjoy my list, and the fact it's technically all Batman characters/DC related ones is fun-}
{Also I apologize for a LONG post, but I'm in ramble mood-}
~==Characters I'd LOVE interacting with at some point==~
-Batman Characters-
Riddler, {Due to interacting with a few/one that I'm pretty sure was pretty chill}, Scarecrow {Same deal, honestly also Crane is hella interesting}, Black Mask {I know one I haven't interacted with in a LONG time, love 'em}, Prof. Hugo Strange {Not even just because of my OCs backstory, I love and hate Strange, in a good way}, Two-Face {Cause it'd be very interesting}, Penguin {I blame loving how Gotham had him, but I'll interact with any version honestly}
Poison Ivy {Honestly, I just love Ivy as a character}, Harley {I'd prefer the version of her who isn't with the Joker, cause honestly Harley/Ivy is best couple}, Music Meister {Honest. TO. Gods. I LOVE this character}, Jeramiah Arkham {I blame a OLD RP I did somewhere else, they were pretty cool, even if my character HATED his guts.}
Mad Hatter {Any version is good, honestly, just I stay away from the creepy versions of them, aka where it goes into territory that me no likey/aka really perverted for some reason??}, Red Hood {I love Jason Todd, he's such a shit-}
The Court of Owls {O.M.F.G. I love the group as a whole, it also SCARES me, which is good}, Professor Pyg {Dude scares the shit outta me, honestly, but he fascinates me as a villain.}, Bookworm {I love a lot of the old Batman Villains, he's one of them}, Louie The Liliac {Idk what it is with guys with coloured suits-}
The Flamingo {I recently found out about this guy and I'm like- BRUH}. James Gordon {I mean come on, my character is meant to work at the GCPD, this would be fun and interesting}, Harvey Bullock {Again, pretty sure my character would know him, but it'd be up to whoever is playing him on how he feels about her},
Mr. Freeze {This man has ALL my sympathy, I love how he got his ending in the main Arkham Games, let this man be fuckin' happy-}, Catwoman {She'd be pretty cool to interact with}, Lyle Bolton {I remembered RPing with someone as him and I loved interacting with them}
Any of the Batman honestly, and their allies, they're all wonderful, and I love it when people play multiple characters, heroes, villains, all of them.
-In General DC Characters-
John Constantine {I blame a friend for getting me into him and HONEST to GODS, this right bastard of a man has been living rent free in my head for the last few weeks, all cause he kicked down the door and said he's staying-}, Zatanna {Love her, she's cool}, Any Green Lanterns {Big fan of them}. I'll add more to here as time goes on.
{Whew, that's a list. But, I honestly would love any characters, I mostly do DC characters, BUT depending on the fandom, I will do Marvel though I know NOTHING about it minus some stuff. Any superhero characters, super villain, anti-heros, etc. all game for RP, even OCs in Gotham City in general or the DC Universe as whole}
{Whenever RPs start, just ask for rules since it will be different per session, but in general it's these as the in general interaction rules.}
No killing my character{s} without consent. {That should be obvious, it's no fun if the only character I got is dead}
2. No Mary Sues for the love of all that's holy. No one is perfect and like, I know my limitations since I want to have FUN.
3. No god-modding. {The only information that should be known really is she works at the GCPD, other information like Strange knowing is moreso from old stuff that happened and I enjoyed it, hence fuel for any of those characters to use for RPs}
4. Don't rail road the rps into uncomfortable situations, aka uncomfy irl, and control my character without consent. (Unless its a defined path/part we both have agreed to do).
5. If I say something is uncomfy to me during a RP, like OOC uncomfy, I'd rather it not continue.
6. I know y'all got traumatized characters, she's def one now, but if ya do stuff involving certain ones tag it accordingly/spoiler/allude loosely to it cause I got peeps who I follow that don't need to see that.
7. Any 'spicy' things are automatically fade to black if approved at the earliest point, mostly cause again, got peeps who don't need to see it and I just want a fade to black cause I'd rather continue from an after-point.
8. No sudden shipping, ask me about it first. {I'm perfectly fine with wholesome shipping/Fluff/Angst, that stuff is 100% fine. Cause it's hella nice and fun, and in the past she's actually been shipped with Riddler and Scarecrow, I DO remember that, but she doesn't always have to be shipped, being friends with characters first and chemistry between them is important before leaning to sailing that shipping to them.} {Now, if an old muse shows up and they happen to be one I shipped her with, absolutely you're allow to bring that ship back}
{Other than that, there's specific rules for specific RPs that'll pop up, have a lovely day, ya'll.~ If I forgot anything, just let me know.}
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Heart Hacked (Tony Stark x OC)
A/N: I have no idea where this came from but I thought it was fluffy and cute and worth posting. It’s a Tony Stark fic but takes place when he’s in Grad School and I’ll just let you read the rest. Let me know what you think!
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I walked into the school library for the third time that week. I knew he would be on duty, he worked from 3-5 every afternoon. Tony Stark, the cute little nerdy graduate student who most would deem too young for me. From what I had heard he was a certified genius, and I believed it as soon as I had met him. When I had first met Tony I genuinely did have a computer virus. Of course, me being a computer science major, could have fixed it myself but I had been feeling particularly lazy that day.
We had enjoyed pleasant conversation, discussing everything from rock music to the Kardashians. I really enjoyed spending time with Tony but I didn’t want to bug him. So I did what any semi-awkward computer nerd would do, bugged my own computer as an excuse to see him.
I sauntered over to the IT desk, diseased laptop in hand. It was getting difficult to program viruses challenging enough to actually puzzle Tony, but I considered it as practice for future uses. Not that I planned on bugging peoples computers but it was nice to know I could, in a hundred different ways.
I walked up to Tony’s desk and cleared my throat, thrusting my computer in his face. Tony rolled his eyes in a joking manner when he looked up from his screen and saw me.
“Ahh Olivia, I’d say what a surprise but honestly I’m not surprised at all. What did you do this time?”
“I don’t really know Tony. I was just browsing the web and something just happened. Blue screen of death an a bunch of other weird stuff.”
“Are you sure you’re a CompSci major?” he asked incredulously as he took the laptop out of my hands.
I took a seat beside him not leaving much space between us, I was getting bold wasn’t I? He was typing a simple code, trying to search for any of the common stuff, trojans and what not. That made me smile, I knew it wouldn’t work. He squinted when he realized the problem wouldn’t be that easy to fix.
“So, whats wrong with it?” I asked in a pseudo confused voice.
“I don’t really know. Honestly how do you get so many viruses? This is like the third time this week you’ve been here.”
“So, you’ve been counting?” I asked, messing with him. It worked. His typing faltered for a second and he was starting to blush.
“No. No I haven’t. Nope.” he replied too hastily to be convincing.
He got back to work. Muttering to himself, typing in another algorithm that I knew would lead him to another dead end. He let out a frustrated sigh when he realized he had been wrong again.
The more I visited Tony, the bolder I had become. This little game was enjoyable but I was beginning to question Tony’s genius status because it didn’t seem like he had realized that this was my weird way of flirting. I chalked up to the fact that he probably hadn’t been given the time of day by college girls since he was kind of a pariah to the underclassman. Being a genius and skipping multiple grades would do that to a person’s social status. Or he could just not be into me, that could be a possibility as well.
I bent over him, resting my chin on his shoulder, to be able to see the screen of course. The close proximity to Tony had nothing to do with it. I saw his eyes flick over to me briefly, the blush on his face deepening slightly.
“So, what exactly were you doing to get this terrible virus?” Tony asked as he typed.
“I was trying to hack this Night Elf Jerk’s BattleNet account and steal all his gold. But it isn’t my fault, he wouldn't stop following me around. ”
Technically that was kind of true. The weird online stalker had been bugging you, and you had been stealing all his gold when you decided it was time to get to work on another virus, to bug you’re favorite IT Guy.
Tony laughed, an amazing sound you had been accustomed to for the past couple weeks. “So the Night Elf bested you huh?”
I sighed, “Yes unfortunately. I hate the Alliance.”
Tony laughed again, the sound warmed my insides. “I agree, the Horde is much better.”  
We became silent, Tony because he was engrossed in his coding, and me because I was studying him as he typed. He would always get this adorable crease between his eyebrows when he was concentrating hard. He would mutter to himself as he worked and cursed under his breath when he would hit a dead in. I smiled and sat back watching the man work.
Tony Stark did not get distracted easily. He prided himself on his intense ability to focus on any task. But there was one thing—rather one person—who could make his brain become a jumble of mush, Olivia Nelson, or Olive as he annoyingly liked to call her.
At first he had thought nothing of it when she had come to see him the first couple of times. He knew viruses were pretty common and that was the only purpose for her visits. But then she began to show up more frequently, computer in hand. He found it odd, that a girl who was supposedly a Computer Science major would have so many computer issues but he wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He enjoyed spending time with her, however brief that time was.
During their little meetings he had learned many things about her, some she had told him, some he had deduced. From their discussions he had learned that she was a junior, that she didn’t care for reality tv, she was a big nerd; a huge fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek. He had also learned the hard way that she got severely pissed when people tried to compare the two or say one was better than the other.
He would never forget that day where they had been asked to quite down by library staff as she ranted about how ‘Star Wars and Star Trek were completely different, one about exploration, the other about galactic war. And how could anyone ever compare the two?!’. He was crying he was laughing so hard, seeing her glare at him through his watery eyes was only icing on the metaphorical cake.
He also knew some things that she hadn’t told him. That from the state of her worn out converse and recycled wardrobe that she was probably here on scholarship. That she was probably ambidextrous based on the way she would use his mouse with either hand with no difficulty. That she had trouble keeping her hands still, based on how she would chip off her nail polish as he worked, but always had a fresh coat the next day. Most of the time she wore a shade of hot rod red that secretly drove him crazy; he had always loved red but he had begun to love it more because it was permanently painted on her fingers.  
The most important thing Tony knew was that he had a huge crush on Olivia. One that would never be reciprocated. No one wanted to date the weird kid genius, and despite how nice she was, he was sure that she would never think of him as more than the friendly IT guy that she chatted with.
Tony sighed and blinked rapidly, trying to clear his thoughts. Thinking about the girl sitting beside him was not going to help him solve this virus problem.
“So Olive,” he smiled as he saw her roll her eyes at his nickname. He loved pushing her buttons. “You ever thought about maybe investing in a virus protection program? They do exist you know.”
He frowned when he saw the sad frown on her face.
“Am I bothering you Tony? I can leave, come back after your shift, get someone else to fix it.”
“What? No. I love seeing you, you’re the highlight of my day.” he said hurriedly, trying to undo the damage he had caused.
She laughed at him. “Wow you are so easy to troll, it’s not even that fun.”
Tony rolled his eyes at her and turned back to the computer in front of him.
“And why would I buy Virus Protection Tony? That’s what you’re for.”
Tony tried not to show her how that statement had made his heart soar. He tried to hide his grin by bending down over the laptop screen.
“So Tony, I don’t think you’re as smart as you think you are.” she said, rolling her chair close enough to his that she could place her feet in his lap. He tried to ignore the fact that there was a new hole in her shoes that hadn’t been there last week. He had been trying to figure out how he could give her a pair of new shoes without offending her when he reregistered what she had just said to him.
“Excuse me? I’m Anthony Edward Stark, and I know everything.” he quipped back, getting that little smirk that he always had when bragging about himself.
“Mhmm sure you do genius boy, but there is one thing you haven’t figured out yet.”
“If you’re talking about the virus Olive, I’m pretty sure I’ve almost figured it out, process of elimination.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about you narcissist.” she replied jokingly. “I’m talking about the fact that I clearly have a thing for you and you’re oblivious to it.”
Tony’s fingers stopped typing as soon as the words left her mouth. She was messing with him again, playing some prank. There was no way an amazing girl like Olivia liked him. No way he’d get that lucky.
Tony guessed that she had seen the look on his face because she removed her feet from his lap and put a hand on his shoulder. But apparently she took it as rejection rather than disbelief.
“If you don’t feel the same then that’s totally okay. We can still be friends if you want. I’d like that. But honestly I’m just getting tired of bugging my own computer just to come see you. I figured it’d just be easier on both of us if i finally told you.”
He swiveled to look at her now, a smile lighting up his face.
“Okay, now you’re smiling at me all crazy and I’m kinda confused on where you stand on this whole ‘me being into you’ thing.” she said puzzled.
“You like me,” Tony teased, “You wanna date me, and make out with me, and cuddle me, and have cute rom-com moments with me.”
Olivia rolled her eyes at him, something she felt like she would be doing quite often. “Oh quit teasing me you ass. Like you don’t like me too. You would have told me to stop coming when you work forever ago if you didn’t like me.” she said smiling.
“Huh, true.” Tony replied as he shut her laptop. “So I think we should move this to a different, more fitting local.”
“What?” she asked.
“This is no longer a ‘Tony fix my computer visit’. Tony concluded. “This is a ‘Tony fix my computer date. And since it’s a date there should be food, maybe some booze.” He said the last sentence with a wink.
“Tony you’re not even 21.”
“Yes, but you’re 26. And what are girlfriends for if to not buy their 20 year old boyfriends booze?”
Olivia laughed at his antics. No one could make her smile like he could. “Yeah Tony not gonna happen, and who said I was your girlfriend, hmm?”
He stood and dragged her with him as he walked towards the library’s exit. “Oh whatever honey, it’s way too late to play that game now. You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
“God help me.” She said but she gripped Tony’s hand in hers and leaned into him as they walked through campus.
“You’re gonna be the death of me aren't you?” she asked jokingly.
“I totally am. But I promise you, you’re gonna love every minute of it.” he wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively.
She laughed again, a sound Tony would never get tired of hearing. Tony had no idea what was going to happen now, but he knew one thing, he had gotten lucky having a girl like her be into him. And that he was definitely buying her a new pair of shoes.
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straane · 7 years
Motherworld (Ch.3/?)
Title: Motherworld
Author: strane-stelle
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Central characters: Tidus
Rating: 12+
Chapters: 3/?  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 4
Word count: 2809
Summary: “The fayth said it’s pointless to keep dreaming. The dream will disappear, he said. What did he mean?” After a long journey, Tidus finally gets to go home.
Warnings: Ton of OCs; idk, drug references??
Other comments: credit goes to @shuyiin​ for the idea.(or virtually the star player himself @leviathkand)  
Chapter 3 – Go with the Flow
"Someone order a wacko? With a side of 'runs in the family'?"
To be sure, it was a clichéd line, but it certainly got the attention of all seven Abes, as Tidus joined them a couple of minutes late in the changing room. Not that he wouldn't have turned heads in any case – he would, everywhere he went – but he'd fallen right back into his old bad habit of listening in.  
Nella shot up from the bench at once, beaming; to throw her arms around him. Tidus fell back about two steps – she was a head taller, and made of hard tricep and nothing else. There was a great sincerity about the gesture, hefty as it was – she was one of the two who had not uttered one bad word about their now scandal-ridden teammate. At worst, she had seemed worried.  
"Welcome back!"
Feeling ever so slightly patronized, and not for the first time today, Tidus quickly broke away and responded with a simple thanks. Granted, he knew that the extremely kind and extremely talented midfielder had meant no disrespect. Nella gave a wide smile – with something resembling relief or anticipation; perhaps both. She had changed her hairstyle, from shoulder-reaching dark curls to clipped darker curls with red streaks.
"Look, we're sorry," a less keen voice breathed over Nella's vast shoulder, irritated. The voice belonged to Edge – also the owner of a well-suited name. Everything about the man was pointed and pallid: eyes, hair, face, personality. The eldest on the team, at 36; he was hardly any sage or father figure, more like a drunk grandpa – disapproving of anything and everything, and starting petty disputes over anything and everything – sometimes, it seemed, his own opinion. In the pool, inexplicably, he'd then transform into a fantastic team player. "What'd you want us to say? What do you think everyone else is saying?"
Tidus didn't have to think, nor did anyone in the room. Teri shifted awkwardly in the corner, moving a strand of her inky short hair; with others mirroring her movements – there was never any telling whether their capable if rather reticent captain was about to say something. But this time Edge beat her to it, adding with a more placid tone, "Well, it's good to see you alive."
Everyone gave approving nods, and resumed practice preparations in a collective synchronized motion, encouraging Tidus to claim his usual spot on the bench as well. Although, after receiving a couple more welcome-backs and a domino effect of apologies, he'd barely gotten around to pulling the zipper on his bag, when he felt obliged to stand up again and spare a few more words. And again the room went frozen and silent.
Tidus rubbed his temples. "Hey, guys... I know it's a lot to ask, but can we not do this whole 'awkward' thing? You know I liked it a lot better when I was just the... y'know, talentless new kid who made the team 'cuz of his dad and nothing else..."
"That was almost two years ago," Nella reminded him, suddenly defensive. "You've more than proven yourself since and you know th--"
"Yeah, I know that," Tidus agreed. "And that was the fun part, proving myself to you guys! Because I knew I could! Just give me another chance, okay? Or even better... let's just focus on practice and not me, okay? Those Duggles are going down," he slammed a fist into his palm, with half-earnest enthusiasm, "right?"
There was a string of half-hearted nods, and a couple of excited ones. That was good enough for Tidus.
Lately, Tidus had began to compartmentalize. Sure, he had witnessed an eerie sight on his very doorstep less than a week ago – heard it talk, even – and if nothing else; for Tidus himself, it had served as a final confirmation; vanquisher of all remaining doubt: Spira was real. He had not hallucinated anything, nor indulged an escapist fantasy or started to believe his own lies – it was all real. And sure, he still missed that place – terribly – this was about as far as he could look back, before it simply became too much. And sure, his life here remained unchanged; messy and vaguely melancholic; with new rumors sprouting up at every turn like Sinspawn; his recently expanded PR team refusing some 90 interviews per day; his plentiful caretakers studying his very breathing for signs – any signs. Even all positive remainders of his old life would appear exactly that: old. Worn-down. Ill-fitting.  
But what was he to do? Since the fleeting encounter with the fiend from the other side, he'd not had the pleasure of beholding any additional otherwordly visions, nor had he heard voices or run into any mystical hooded children telling him not to cry (and boy, did he at times want to). So what if a dying demonic animal had transcended time and space just to tell him hi, how did that help him in any way? He'd certainly not been able to help the poor soul. If he didn't know how to reverse the stunt, what was the point of chewing it over?
And just the day before, in a passing moment of clarity, Tidus had finally found a solution. He had finally resolved in his heart to do what he should have done from day one. What Leo referred to as damage control, he would dub making the best of here and now. He would once again let go, surrender to the flow; tag along on a journey he'd never planned to take. He would moderate his responses to Dr. Cidron's questions; eventually phase them into retraction and denial. He would nod along as needed. He would heed Leo's every command. He would play with the Abes again. He would live a life; he would be his old self again.
In the depths of his soul, he would know the truth; in his heart; he would always treasure Yuna. But for now, to save his skin – he'd wear his old one. He didn't have a choice; it was the only thing he could do – he'd give in, he'd accept, he'd believe. He'd allow it to be true.
This was his new reality, and he was stuck in it for good.
The post-storm reconstruction had recently extended over to the pool area as well. The Abes' temporary practice field turned out to be a quite a far cry from what they were used to: a far smaller and simpler watery orb – a puddle almost – filled with; seemingly; lower-quality liquids. The proportions, the layout, Tidus observed; trying hard not to get snobby at a time like this; were all almost beginner-level. Not a lot of room for improvement, he couldn't help but indulge a smidge of that snobbiness, quite literally! Oh well, he then figured, wasn't going back to the basics his plan in any case?
They'd been marching to the pool entrance in a near-perfect line; the air still a bit strained for casual chat, when Frion suddenly broke the formation and ran to Tidus's side. Tidus turned his head in anticipation, and the white-haired youth hesitated a moment before whispering, just as they reached the gateway, "You cleared all the... tests, right?"
There was one thing that Tidus was determined never to 'confess'; not even to steer suspicions; or to give an easy excuse, and it was forbidden substances. He'd done well with Sin's toxin back on Besaid – and here it was again on everyone's lips, whether he liked it or not – but these were totally taboo; his no-good drunkard dad would've disapproved. Well before his own breakthrough; as Tidus vaguely recalled; there had been one case with a particularly nasty sort; one that would simultaneously enchance performance and cause hallucinations. In the end, the offender; a slightly older player if his memory served; had barely lived, and happily admitted to having made a terrible mistake. The incident had since been swept under the rug – mercifully – as a dirty black spot in the oft-glamorized blitz history. But for every blitz fan and every sports magazine that tried their best to forget, there was also one of each that remembered – and that wanted to know the truth about the more recent events; the truth about 'the toxin'.      
"You think I'd be here if I didn't?"
Leo, Bern, Dr. Cidron and even Evy were all watching from the stands; Leo looking as though he wanted to produce a forbidden substance from his person right away; Bern buried in a book, sparing a listless glance now and then; Dr. Cidron trying to decide whether to cheer or worry or both; and Evy most definitely settled on cheering – she was as big a fan as ever.
Shortly before Tidus's disappearance, the blitzball powers-that-be had approved for test runs a new type of game-supplementary machina: a set of minuscule earphones and mouthpieces that allowed the players to communicate during the game. As it turned out, the technology had been freshly confirmed as official equipment to be used at the coming Jecht Legacy Cup (a Jecht Memorial Cup relaunch). Tidus had actually conducted one of the test runs himself – a mere week pre-Spira – naturally; as not too long ago he'd been the go-to poster boy of the new blitz generation. On that account, figuring out how the device worked was not the problem – and there wasn't really a problem – only a momentary feeling of mixed nostalgia and detachment as Teri very deliberately handed the headset to Tidus at the pool entrance. He really was back.
Technically, Teri was only the team captain, not the coach – but she effectively did double duty just as Wakka had, as their actual coach was far more interested in his 90% ownership of the team. Hirans, who in Tidus's opinion bore a striking resemblance to Kinoc, was neither a sportsman or even sportsmanlike in any way imaginable, and it was only by some clever navigation through bureaucratic technicalities that he'd been able to snatch the title of coach at all. He'd also been notably absent from Tidus's now infamous press conference, and had since practically gone into hiding, by the looks of it. Dreams or not, Tidus mused, people here sure loved to pretend: fake coach, nominal agent, lazy bodyguard.
"Alright, hope everyone's loving the widgets," Teri addressed the team as they swam into the pool, her own expression betraying a certain level of reservation. There were some cautious murmurs of approval, echoing through everyone's heads – Edge and Arret were covering their ears, apparently fearing that the microscopic gizmo would fall right off at the first wrong movement. Tidus could hardly believe that in something at least, he was actually ahead of the curve (and definitely no thanks to Spira). Juggling two blitzballs above his head, while others still bombarded Teri with questions, he was as ready for some tussle as could be.
"Hey," Nella suddenly gave Tidus a gentle nudge on the shoulder – startling him, and making him lose the ball, "you belong here. You always have." Tidus tried to scrabble for the runaway ball with his both arms and one leg, too; only to fumble the attempt. He gave her a nervous chuckle, which she returned. He appreciated the sentiment – but there was something about the passing moment of clumsiness that suddenly filled him with stress.
The first half of the practice was just alright. Tidus was on the same team with all of his harshest doubters, who also happened to be the ones struggling the most with the new technology. He was hardly at the top of his game himself, still feeling a little disconnected with the environment, and not only because it had recently shrunken in size. The other team, in turn, almost seemed to be going easy on them – or him – sometimes bordering on unprofessional levels. (This was not going unnoticed by Leo, either, judging by his rather lively body language.) The teams mostly relied on basic commands such as 'Catch!', 'No!', 'Come on!', 'Go Riona!' – which would've been easy enough to convey by the traditional non-verbal methods – and at times there was confusion as to who was addressing whom. The first ten minutes were far from a disaster, just markedly tame and tortuous at the same time – and goal-free. Goal-attempt-free, if one squinted – and not because there had been such high-caliber, evenly matched skill on display.
Bern, Dr. Cidron and Evy all departed for work after the first half – of course, Tidus would've been the work, had it not been for Leo's request to meet the boy in private after the practice. Tidus thought he saw the agent exchange a few words with Evy before she turned to leave – an apology for the press conference? The man could feel empathy?
Inexplicably, even the more skeptic fellow Abes seemed to have warmed up to Tidus by the half-time break – after he'd done literally nothing to deserve it. Perhaps nothing was more than enough – whether they'd been expecting him to start selling bags of powder mid-match, or just have a customary nervous breakdown, Tidus wasn't sure, but they were all giving him pats on the shoulder and even sparing some compliments, 'Still got it!'; 'Well, you are full of surprises!' What 'it' and 'surprises' referred to; and how exactly they'd been involved in the most uneventful practice session of all time; Tidus also wasn't sure, but he did feel heartened by the very subtle clap of hands that Edge indicated towards him.  
The second half began in somewhat more vigorous spirits, when the opposing side went on the maximum offensive within the first ten seconds. Tidus finally got something to do as he near single-handedly managed to fend off the first scoring attempt, by throwing himself hard against one of the goalposts – and poor Nella, who'd been floating right up there stalking the goal area. Even with the increased resistance from the lower-quality liquids, and her matching if not greater body weight, she was flung quite a distance across the field, all the way to the pool entrance; which she thankfully didn't hit.
"Nella!" Tidus yelped after her, along with the others. "Are you okay?"
They never got a clear answer. From the other side of the pool, they could just see Nella straightening her back, unharmed; shaking her head a little and then starting towards them – only to lose sight of her completely, when there was a sudden outpour of something swift and green, swimming up from behind her and towards them. The headsets immediately turned into a hearing hazard.
"What...?! What are-- are those... fiends?!"
"How'd they get in? Wha-- I haven't seen one in years!"
"Nella!" Tidus shrieked, but there was no time to wait for a reply. Neither was there time to think – the swarm was huge, huge enough to block their single exit – and the fish's apparent entry point. But his fellow Abes were no cowards, and Frion had already grabbed one of the four practice blitzballs floating about – it was time Tidus took a leaf out of Wakka's book as well. Out of the corner of his eye, Tidus could see Leo in the stands, tearing out his hair in absolute horror.  
The battle with the aquatic beasts was brief and chaotic. Tidus and Frion took out at least a dozen each, Riona joined in with a third ball after a failed escape attempt, and Teri had just located the fourth makeshift weapon when – just as quickly as they had emerged –  the swarm began to vanish; dissolve into those bright, tailed lights.
This time, there we no parting words – the creatures faded away in near-complete silence, with only a distant sound of streaming water flowing through their technologically enhanced ears. Everyone seemed to be doubting their own senses – what exactly had happened, and why were they having an adrenaline rush?
"Hey," a shaky voice then spoke, and nobody seemed to care who it was exactly, "where's Nella?"
Tidus whirled around wildly. All eyes were on him.
But she was gone. Nella was gone; without a trace, as abruptly and as definitively as the swarm of infernal fish that had ambushed her. The pool gate loomed bleakly on the other side of the field, not too far from them in the tiny watery sphere, tightly shut and empty of intruders.  
Tidus felt a sudden thwack against his back, then another, and then; with one grip of his collar; Edge span Tidus around, tightening his grab as he struck his teammate on the chest, "You what?! What'd you do?! Where is she?!"  
Teri tried to break the two apart, but her arms were still trembling, and she received a thump on the shoulder as well.
Tidus was as shocked as anyone. The blows had barely hurt.
"I... I think she went to Spira."
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kayeorosuto · 7 years
Tagged by @little-murmaider Rules: Answer thirty questions, then tag twenty blogs you would like to know better. (Omg hello ^///^ I love your blog! Also, hello again as it is also I, Soft Anon! I am ready to not be quite so shy on here! :) Thank you for tagging me!) 1. Nicknames? - Kayeo Rosuto is taken from an OC who was designed to be an alter ego way back in middle school lol. In real life my name is so short (only four letters!) that I don't have many nicknames. Only Biscotti's Mom, at my work place lol. 2. Gender? - Cis female 3. Star sign? - Sagittarius! Tho I'm technically the new sign if you follow the new zodiac where they added the snake man/person? 4. Height? - 5' 4" on a good day lol 5. Time? - Currently? 1am. Having insomnia is fun guys. Also the street light outside my house is about to go out so it's buzzing and flickering a lot, so it's very Silent Hill outside and that's partially keeping me awake. 6. Birthday? - Born in '93! Go 90's kids! 7. Favorite bands? - Oh lord, so many. Um, top bands currently would have to be Panic! At the Disco, Ludo, Motion City Soundtrack. Think all the classic emo bands of the early 2000's and you've got my preference lol. 8. Favorite solo artists? - GACKT ALL THE FUCKING WAY! He's a 90's Japanese rock/pop star and oh my god is he beautiful. He's probably like 50 now, but I would still fan girl like an idiot if I ever met him. "Vanilla" is one of his best songs. 9. Song stuck in my head? - Currently "L.A Devote" by P!atD. 10. Last movie watched? - I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives in the House. It's a really interesting Indy film that Netflix picked up from a film festival. It's along the horror/psychological thriller vein, and I have mixed feelings about the ending. 11. Last show watched? - Metalocalypse! My roomie and I needed to watch something funny after our scary movie marathon lol. We've been rewatching the series with subtitles to better understand what Nathan is singing in the show. 12. When did I create my blog? - I think around '12 or '13? Had it for a while and never used it, then got back into it last year I wanna say. I'm so bad with dates lol. 13. What do I post? - A very wide variety of things lol! Usually what's interesting me most at the current moment. Right now that's been Metalocalypse, One Piece, Kuroshitsuji, Breath of the Wild and general shit posting memes lol. 14. Last thing I "googled"? - "Animal Crossing New Leaf how can you tell if a painting is fake" 'cause you can't waste all those hard earned bells on fake paintings from Redd! 15. Do you have other blogs? - So far just this one! :) I have been toying with the idea of making a One Piece or Metalocalypse side blog... 16. Do you get asks? - Haven't so far. I've done some asking of my own, but it's usually on anon cause I'm shy af lol. 17. Why did you choose your url? - Whoops answering this twice lol. From an OC created back in middle school. 18. Following? - I have never actually checked how many lol, probs 300ish? 19. Followers? - Ehhhh, like 40ish? I think? Probably would be more if I didn't block porn bots lol 20. Favorite colours? Black, purple, teal, maroon/deep red, electric blue (same color as my car!) 21. Average hours of sleep? - Depends on the night. If I'm unlucky about 3, if I'm lucky I'll just crash for a good 10 hours. 22. Lucky number? - Not sure actually? I do see repeating numbers and 45 a lot when I look at clocks and receipts. 23. Instruments? - Zero! I am musically challenged! Plus in elementary school they made us take violin lessons in like 3rdish grade which I HATED. I picked up one of the violin's and had a string snap and hit me in the face. I took that as I my sign I was not meant to play music, and had such bad anxiety any time I went to touch any instrument after I never chose to play one in middle school. I would definitely learn Cello if I could go back and redo everything. Maybe I'll learn after I retire? 24. What am I wearing? - PJ's! Tonight those are black shorts and a very old purple cami that has some how survived 3 dryers that have destroyed all the new cami's I've ever gotten. 25. How many blankets I sleep with? - 1 if it's summer and it has to be light. 2 or a heavy comforter if its winter. My guy is a very warm sleeper so I usually end up kicking on and off however many we have on anyway lol. 26. Dream job? - I would love to a professional artist and have my work displayed in gallery's, or a writer and publish novels. In reality I'll just be happy with something that lets me have a good balance between work and family/friends, and makes enough that I'm not constantly checking my bank account. Yay poor college kid woes lol. Part time was definitely worth the 6 years its taken, but I'm so ready to be done lol. 27. Dream trip? - I would love to go back to Japan and explore the northern half of the country more. I went in high school and mainly was in Okinawa, and the big cities like Kyoto and Tokyo. It would be so cool to see Mt. Fuji in person. 28. Favorite food? - Give me all the carbs and sodium; pizza, pasta (especially Alfredo), tacos, cheese (I fucking love cheese. It's amazing) and Chinese food. All your stereotypically shitty college foods lol. 29. Nationality? - American. 30. Favorite song now? - hmmm... I've been listening to "Na na na na na na na" by My Chemical Romance a lot recently, but it's not a current song. A more current song I've really been enjoying is "Square Hammer" by Ghost. I TAG (ahhh, this is where my shyness comes into play) @gnrslashandmcr @justaminorthreat @hella-gay-ships @tornadowatchimminent and anyone else who wants to do this! :)
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
All even? O:
under the cut since it got long
2. Favorite part of writing.
idk. maybe just being able to share a vision while also letting other people imagine things as they want? if that makes sense???
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
mmm….. i guess sometimes i’ll play certain songs/albums?
as in i basically listen to bmc on repeat sometimes when i’m stuck
6. Favorite character you ever created.
:0 i love jaden!!! my son!!! a good boy
other than that, i rly loved writing charlotte and joanne when i wrote countdown even tho they weren’t too prominent since they weren’t the main focus
8. Favorite trope to write.
can i count the new kid in school as a trope
thats a trope tho right
that one
i like it.
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
can i say i’d write a romance book with literally anyone that i’m mutuals w/ that write????
or any book. romance would be the best option imo but i’d be down for anything
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
i dont
i technically bottle them up and they they overflow at fuck me up but
uh. alright so.
whenever i start having self-doubts about writing, sometimes i’ll just kinda… leave my writing alone for a while? like, sometimes i’ll end up taking a step back and basically seek some validation somewhere else maybe talk it out with someone else?
other than that, i’ll either push myself to keep writing since it’ll distract me from my doubts.
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
i was about to say something else but.
countdown. that one rich soulmate fic?
i literally found what would have been the hospital rich was at (it wasn’t a hospital, but it shared the name), figured out how long it would take to get there and back by train, looked up train schedules + ticket prices, and basically how to get to the medical center from one of the train stations there
that’s the first thing that came to mind tbh. i’ve probably done more in the past but idk
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
ok no it’s more of me glimpsing over my writing before posting it
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
kk. from my poly fic:
       A week later and you’re already buried in your work. The contents of your room have practically been shoved into the closet as you invested all your time into each little detail in each costume. You spent your days either working on small details while in different classes, spray painting shoes during drama, or scribbling in answers to homework due the next period (or day, if you were lucky), courtesy of Christine. If you had a chance, you’d crash on the small, cheap couch in the drama room for a bit, and then you were back home and sewing and (rarely) burning your fingers on hot glue.
       It was hell, but it was worth it.
there u go.
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
ok it legit depends. usually my first draft is the draft since almost everything i post on this account is a rough draft tbh (which is also the reason why i get so much writing done tbh)
which sucks because you babes deserve so much better tbh i still dont see why you guys follow me if u want me to be honest
but anyway
i’ll usually rewrite something once or twice if it doesn’t stick the very first time. (aka this is what’s going on with control pt.2)
24. Poetry or prose, and why?
prose. im bad at poetry + im not a huge fan of poetry in general so :/
26. Standalone or series, and why?
probably standalone stuff, but series can be good sometimes. mainly standalone because i don’t have to really consider another part - most of the stuff that i wrote more than one part for i actually didn’t plan for a second part
stuff like Fish Out of Water and Control were things i kinda knew i’d have more than one part once i finished em
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
it’s not a single line but the i love you from michael at the end of Third Wheel
i think about it since it’s such a sweet, simple line tbh?
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
typed bc my handwriting is b a d
36. A spoiler for story _________.
Control Pt.2:
get ready for some shit to haunt you.
also, being sick can honestly build some bonds between ppl. nothing like texting each other complaining about being sick as fuck.
38. Have you shared your outline of your story ________ with someone? If so, what did they think of it?
i’ve shared my christine fic plans with scott!! he found the idea cute
plus i shared a michael fic idea with lucky and they basically pushed me to write it (since i was kinda :/ about writing it??? they basically made me decide to so
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
for my ocs that i don’t rly talk about here: i usually draw their personality, looks, ect. from a single idea. jaden came from me wanting to write a more bookish character. welton came from the idea of me wanting to make a gamer, essentially. sachiyo came from a self insert and evolved from there.
for the ocs that i put in my fics: i don’t really have concrete looks for them - you guys can imagine them however you want! sometimes i might reference them twirling hair around their finger or a tattoo or dimples or something - but for the most part, you guys can legit imagine them however. personality usually draws from what the reader needs, in a sense?
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
i dont even know tbh
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie?
i have a Really old project called To Perdition and Back which follows a man named Carson as he and his team basically saves ppl from a sort of purgatory???
it would basically deal with his personal struggle. he had an affair with ivan, a man at his work who died during one of their expeditions - and the fact his wife is basically never there for him or his kids, which causes a bit of a strain on the family itself.
the tv show would basically follow carson + his team tbh? plus there’d be subtle hints leading toward the fact that (spoiler) ivan isn’t dead.
the plan is that the show also has representation tbh??? i’ll talk more about it if anyone’s curious.
48. Favorite genre to write in.
uhhh romantic shit.
52. How did writing change you?
idk it basically helped me develop a coping mechanism in a way???
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lrgcarter · 8 years
Understanding the appeal of Transformers
Over on Twitter, Colin Smith of the comics blog Too Busy Thinking About My Comics (technically a retired blog, but I live in hope) asked ‘I wonder if it's possible to truly enjoy The Transformers if you didn't grow up with them at all?’
Twitter is not the best medium to answer this question, so I have turned to Tumblr. I’m going to lay out a few notes that hopefully will show readers why people like Transformers, even if they can’t get into it themselves.
I’m not a hardcore fan of the franchise myself. I remember watching it as a child, but those memories are hazy to say the least. My partner is a hardcore fan. She didn’t have any contact with the show as a child, but discovered it as an adult. I’ve watched this development of her interest from outside the fandom, which is why I consider the following opinions to be an informed answer to the above question.
To start with, here are the conditions of this essay:
1. I’ve got other things to do today, so I’m setting myself a time limit. The 1986 animated Transformers movie is playing in the background. Once that finishes, I’m posting what I have, regardless of how well edited it is.
2. I’m going to try to keep things ‘Outsider friendly’. I’m going to avoid franchise-jargon as much as possible. I’m going to paraphrase things as much as possible. This may cause True Fans a problem, but they will just have to deal with it.
3. Having said that, I’m going to use the word ‘continuity’. Transformers has lots of these, and I couldn’t think of any way around using this word. I’m sure one will strike me as soon as I hit the ‘post’ button.
4. I’m not going to provide sources, or even look things up to confirm my memories. I’m writing about the appeal of a cartoon, not fixing the planet’s political problems.
With these points in mind, let’s begin…
The Toy Commercial Argument
I want to get this out of the way before we go any further.
Critics claim the franchise is nothing more than a vehicle to sell toys.
Now, while it is undoubtedly a vehicle to sell toys, it isn’t just that. Sure, some Toy Company CEOs wanted kids to buy toys and so hired a cartoon to be produced, but to say ‘this robs the resulting cartoon of any quality’ is insulting to those who worked on it. I never hear similar criticisms thrown at Noggin the Nogg, even though that is also a cartoon based on a toy (I know this is a somewhat false equivalence, whatever).
It all comes back to the idea that if you are getting paid to do your job then it isn’t art, This toxic idea has been discussed by those more eloquent than I, so I won’t dwell on it here.
Needles to say, I’m going to avoid insulting the creators of these works and assume they actually care about the stories they are telling, and wanted to do their jobs as well as they could (well, with one exception, but we’ll get to him).
The Problems Presented By Understanding Transformers
1. Mega-franchise.
Transformers suffers the same problem as any big, old franchise. Where do you start? It’s a question faced by fans of Dr Who, 2000ad, Star Trek, and many others. As with any of these franchises, there is no right answer.
Transformers has many different continuities. These continuities have sub-continuities, which in turn have sub-continuities themselves. I’m not exaggerating. This means that any two ‘Introduction Points’ could be consumed back to back and leave the audience completely confused as to what the franchise is about.
All of these continuities have different pros and cons, as well as different selling points. Beginners should consider each continuity as separate entities if they wish to understand their appeal. I’ll return to this later.
2. Preconceived perceptions.
People think they know what Transformers is about. It’s about giant transforming robots, right? Robots in disguise, it says so in the theme-tune!
The problem is, this is almost never what the stories are about. Remember how every aspect of the franchise has different selling points? Transforming was the unique selling point for the toys. In the cartoons and comics etc, you could mostly drop the transforming aspect and the stories would still work. Don’t get me wrong, people enjoy the transforming aspect, but it isn’t essential.
Here’s an example in defense of this controversy: there’s a group of Transformers that can turn into Dinosaurs. The creators of the old cartoon film wisely decided to hardly ever show these transformers not as dinosaurs, because their audience liked dinosaurs. They could have just made them non-transforming robot-dinosuars, and no one would have objected, or even noticed a difference.
So what is the franchise about, if not transforming? Like any enduring franchise, it’s about the characters. When the creators remember this, they produce popular material. When they don’t remember this, the fans tend not to like the result.
1 and 2, combine to form… Confusion!
The characters between continuities can provide one of the stumbling blocks when getting into the stories. You may have two robots that look identical and have the same names, but in two continuities will have two completely separate characters, plot roles, relationships with the other characters, and so on.
Getting Past These Problems
If you want to enjoy Transformers, you need to get to the characters without getting bogged down in the knotty history of the franchise. I’m going to give a brief summary of a few key continuities in an attempt to lay out how each of them has won or lost their fans. This is far from being a complete list of Transformers stories, and is not given in order of release date:
1. Original Cartoon Series
Plot summary:
Two armies of ancient, giant robots get stuck on Earth. They both have to: A) Solve humanity’s energy crisis. B) Learn what these weird organic human creatures are all about. C) Continue fighting their war.
The Original Cartoon Series (from now on, OCS) consists of almost two series and one cartoon movie. Any fans currently reading this are shouting at their screens right now, saying I’m wrong. They think I am talking about what they call ‘Generation One’, but I’m not. The OCS is what non-fans remember of the Transformers from the 1980s, regardless of whether or not their memories are complete or true.
They remember two armies of giant robots fighting in arid desert landscapes with loud sound effects and rock music. They don’t remember that one where the Transformers go to another planet and turn into trees and mermaids. Not every episode in the first two Transformers series qualifies as part of the OCS. It is a cherry-picked collection of stories, a series constructed by nostalgia, but it does exist and sits ready for people to enjoy.
This series is adrenaline for the eyes. It is what 2000ad calls Thrill Power. Everything is turned up to eleven, then multiplied by two. All the characters are larger than life, in personality, motivations and ambitions, and obviously, physical size.
Generation One.
Plot summary:
This is the same show as above, but with the addition of everything that people have selectively forgotten. The Transformers actually get themselves un-stuck from Earth pretty quickly. They can then return to space and intergalactic adventures with loads of other alien races. There’s a planet where some of the characters realise they have gambling problems. There’s the previously mentioned tree-and-mermaid planet. There’s the psychologist planet, to which the bad-guys send their boss because they are worried he is too unstable to be their leader. There is the planet where everyone sings.
Appeal: The appeal of this story is epic scale. There are infinite corners to this universe, and anything can happen in any one of them. The war takes a back seat, and loads more characters are introduced. It’s kind of like a blunderbuss approach to appealing to people.
Transformers Armada
Plot Summary: 
Two armies of ancient, giant robots try to beat each other at Pokemon.
This series is pretty awful. Apparently the creators were given unworkable deadlines, and it shows. I mention this series because the Boss Good Guy opens it with the following voice over:
“In the beginning, there were three races of Transformers: Good-guys, Bad-guys, and Pokemon. War broke out between them, because the Bad-guys wanted to enslave the Pokemon, while the Good-guys wanted the Pokemon to take their rightful place as servants...”
This series places at the forefront a theme that lurks in most Transformers continuities. The Good-guys and Bad-guys are very, very similar, to the point that it is hard to tell them apart. The so called Good-guys are incredibly flawed, and any moral high ground they once occupied has collapsed under years of war. The Bad-guys often have good reason for starting the war (I mean, not in this particular story, but in some of the others) and have only become bad-guys because war tends to do that to people. These character dynamics provide plenty of story potential.
Transformer Animated
Plot Summary:
A small, plucky band of reject good-guys get stuck on earth. They make friends with humanity while trying to prove that they were never the rejects that their fellow Transformers thought they were.
This series throws out the formula of the above shows and almost completely rebuilds the franchise. It benefits from this originality immensely, and is favoured by fans because the creators showed a great deal of respect for the original material. It’s basically the Eccleston Dr Who of Transformers.
This show casts the Transformers as superheroes, and has a ‘Returning Ancient Evil’ arc plot. Everyone loves those, entertainment statistics would suggest.
I recommend this series as a starting point for any people trying to get into Transformers.
Transformers Prime
Plot Summary:
A CGI remake of the OCS, but the good-guys have Herbert West for a doctor, voiced by Jeffrey Combs, and he is always suspiciously nearby when some of the Transformers become zombies.
This series has flaws, but the fact that it is Transformers meets Reanimator is not one of them.
Rescue Bots
Plot Summary:
A small team of giant robots sleep through an intergalactic war. When they wake up, the fighters of the war want to avoid explaining some four million years of history to them, so set the awoken sleepers up as a rescue response team on an island full of unregulated human inventors. Hilarity ensures.
This series asks the question ‘can we make transformers without the good verses evil plot?’ They can and they did. This is one of the best Transformers series. Non violent and humorous. Innocent and inspiring.
I recommend this series as a starting point for any people trying to get into Transformers.
More Than Meets The Eye (comic)
Plot Summary:
An ancient war is finally over. A group of giant robots from both sides try to live on a spaceship together, with hilarious results.
This story lets characters meet without them instantly trying to kill each other. It explores LBGT themes among the robots.
It does require you to be at least familiar with the franchise norms.
Plot Summary:
This is what fans call those live action films that have been coming out recently. As soon as I make sense of the plot, I’ll return here to summarise it.
Everyone says these films are bad, yet they keep making money. So, there must be something to them, right? Here are some cons and pros:
Cons: Sexism. Racism. Lack of coherent plot. Lack of transforming and character at the same time. Lack of any evidence that the director has employed writers. The fact that the director has said on many occasions that he doesn’t understand the appeal of the franchise. Too often, a complete lack of actual Transformers. I know I said that the transforming isn’t really important, but these films even short-change people on the giant robot front.
Pros: Special effects Fans flock to the films hoping that they might be able to sift five minutes worth of character moments out of the whole film. That’s it.
Steven Universe
Plot summary:
Through the view point of a human child, the viewer comes to understand a galactic war between two non-organic factions.
This show comes in 10 minute episodes, and is completely free of any Transformers franchise baggage. There are songs and jokes and love conquers all. Very LGBT friendly.
I recommend this series as a starting point for any people trying to get into Transformers.
And that’s it, I’m out of time. There is more to transformers than this, but I don’t have space to investigate it all. Hope this has helped people understand why others like Transformers, even if they can’t see it themselves. I’m one of the few people out there that isn’t a fan of Star Wars, so I know how you feel.
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