#I got hsm 'bet on it' stuck in my head. help me
nodesiretogrowup · 5 years
I LOVED THIS EPISODE! It was nice to have a kid-focused episode. The past few have focused a lot on the adults, so it was nice to see the kids in the spotlight again. It was SO COOL to see the kids playing off each other. We NEED more of it next season. Lena is my daughter, so I was happy to see her back, though I’d rather she not have to suffer.
Spoilers and more detailed thoughts below:
YAY NERF GUNS! Also, it was super sweet of the boys to reassure Lena that they know she’s a good guy now. 
LOVED all the different jammies on display. I usually rock something similar to Lena and Violet. Dewey in the footie pajamas gives me LIFE. And Huey with his hat. I’m surprised he didn’t say something along the lines of “Warm head, warm dreams.”
Super cute that Lena set this all up. My baby wants friends.
“Self defense weapons, all manner of booby trap.” I feel like Violet would have suggested having those no matter what. I love my slightly feral nerd daughter.
Beakley for BEST bodyguard.
“Nothing weird is gonna happen at this slumber party.” Webby, babe, you’re just ASKING for trouble.
Lena’s little song and cake! MY HEART! I think Huey may have drawn some inspiration from that cake, lol
“Time loses all meaning in the infinite night of the shadow realm.” HELP THIS CHILD! And again, I think Donald would be the perfect parent for her.
“You are a wordsmith!” Webby LOVES her shadow gf.
Of course Louie is suspicious. He was wary of his mom AND just spent the last episode getting betrayed by Goldie.
“You literally sound like that now.” Huey, you need to learn how to read a room.
“That’s just my voice, I can’t help it!” I feel ya there. And a nice bit of foreshadowing
“I’ve found it’s clearer to convey no emotion whatsoever.” Also not a good way to talk to people.
Aw, Lena. Like Webby said, you don’t have to prove yourself. That seems to be a running theme this season. Dewey wants to prove himself to his mom, Louie wants to prove himself to anyone, and Della wants to prove that she is a good mom and fits into this family.
“That makes you super-extra-good, right?” “Math checks out.” You two share one (1) brain cell and that’s adorable.
Webby has no table manners and that is valid.
“LET’S EAT PURE SUGAR!” That is just a bad idea in general, much less for Huey.
What happened to Huey? Why was his mouth all grey?
“You know who my best friend is?” “Me.” “Sleep.” A.) Mood, B.) Dewey’s face is PRICELESS! You can’t win them all.
Sleeping Beakley is TERRIFYING.
“It might be sleepy-time.” Webby, you are TOO PRECIOUS!
Anyone getting some Nightmare on Elm Street vibes? Specifically the third one? I guess that was what they were going for, what with the title and all.
Concerned girlfriend is concerned.
“Do you need, *whispers* you-know-what paper?” Not sure if Beakley told her toilet isn’t something you should go around saying or if Webby doesn’t want to embarrass anyone. Either way, cute!
Lena pulls of Dewey’s do well.
One of the most precious moments ever! And a reminded that they are still pretty young.
LOVED the shot of Lena with the stars reflected in her eyes.
Heck, the animation for all the dreams is AMAZING! I love how you can INSTANTLY TELL whose dream we’re in.
I’m glad they figured out that they were in a shared dream early. Gives us more time for wacky dream shenanigans!
Webby/hamburgers is otp
I like that they used the “you can’t read in dreams” thing. Nice touch. It looks like at least Launchpad, Scrooge, and Donald had a corresponding emoji.
“Why are you dialing a banana?” DREAM LOGIC!
Webby CANONLY kins Scrooge!
Louie putting a stop to unicorn shenanigans before they begin.
Those directions. Better than Penny’s at least.
Violet is blunt and to the point. She’s probably a Virgo.
LIVING for all the cartoony sound effects!
POOR LENA! AND YAY SUPPORTIVE WEBBY! Also, love Louie in the background being confused as fuck.
That cute little smile! I WOULD DIE FOR LENA!
I don’t think the whole “don’t wake a sleepwalker” thing is actually valid in real life, but here it’s probably a goodish idea. Magic is weird and unpredictable.
“LET’S FLY, BECAUSE WE CAAAAAAN!” I like the way you think. I love that Louie’s wings have dollar signs. And Lena’s bat wings are DOPE.
Huey and Dewey crashing, lol
That unicorn got DEEP. And I now crackship him and Manny.
Lena walked into Snow White.
“I probably grew horrible bat wings for non-evil reasons.” It’s because you are a baby goth.
“I ATE A BUG!” Dewey, you are a special boy and that’s valid.
“Ew, Webby, why is there a school in your dream?” Again, Louie is MOOD.
Ugh, I wish I could make out what the sign in front of the school says. I see EXCELLENCE though.
Dewey CONFIRMED HSM fan. And I’m getting some Saved By The Bell vibes. He’s binged ALL the high school classics. This is probably how Mabel dreamed high school would look like before the crushing slap of reality hit her.
His hair and jacket. Too cute, expect for his hair being alive. That was freaky. I fear for him when he learns what high school is actually like.
I know most people are going with Dewey is bi after the whole romantic interest thing, but I feel like he might be aro/ace. Dewey is threatened by choosing a romantic partner. I’ve kind of always seen him as ace though, so it might just be me. Or it could be him trying to figure out his sexuality, which is cool. I love that the crew threw that in. The boy is not straight in any way though.
I love that Dewey’s singing rivals are Beagle Boys.
“Who knows what that’s about?” “I have some theories.” SYMBOLISM!
Dewey Dude is upsetting even BEFORE it turned into Magica.
The balance between comedy and STRAIGHT UP HORROR was handled well.
Lena has watched Wizard of Oz.
“You ruined my big dance!” Priorities, Dewey. Louie looks relieved though.
Dewey’s hair looked super cute when it was wet.
Why did he and Lena taste the water? Is there some sort of significance there?
“I just failed a class called Dew-ology.” “Well I’m the class Dew-torian.” That’s stretching it, Dewey.
“I gotta get outta here.” Haha, Dewey’s dream is Huey’s nightmare.
Louie-field. I WANT PLUSHIES. Also, Louie confirmed furry?
“This is your dream? To be even lazier?” Don’t be a hater, Huey! Louie’s got the right idea.
Wonder if Beakley taking care of Louie-field means anything.
Seriously, Huey is SUCH a hater! He wants out of Dewey’s dream and he mocks Louie’s.
“HOW ARE YOU SLEEP-SLEEPING?” Don’t hate cause you ain’t. Also, I have napped in a dream once so....
Louie’s sleep face is MAJESTIC. HE’S BEAUTY, HE’S GRACE.
“I just am.” Louie is so wise.
Wolf Lena is BEST
Violet, there is a better way to talk about people’s psychological issues.
Why would you choose the litter box?
“WHY, HUEY, WHY?!” No arguments here.
I’m the eldest sibling like Huey and I’m the shortest of the three of us, so I get you, Huey. But there are better, cooler, less upsetting ways to manifest that dream. Like switching bodies with a tall person.
His legs make rubber band noises when he moves.
“Don’t listen to him! Follow your lame dreams.” What a supportive brother.
Huey’s dream is Dewey’s nightmare. Nice.
I too use my feet to do things, like opening doors or getting stuff off the floor. But opening jars of FOOD?! UNSANITARY AND YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER.
Someone is a Spinel fanboy.
Or is he Slender-Huey?
“And it’s my dream to be in a montage.” While it is pretty dope, why does Dewey get two dreams?! Greedy little bastard. Are we sure he’s not the evil triplet, lol.
HERE’S HOW PHOOEY CAN WIN! Liked that they implied he’s the evil one. He’s a yellow, less 90s Dippy Fresh.
JUST SAY NO TO PHOOEY! His name means the f-word.
Huey has found a kindred soul.
I like that Violet even has Quackfaster as a librarian.
“It’s almost 6am!” Your old man is showing. Sidenote-I tend to wake up around 6. I’m old.
“Go get some jobs!” Scrooge, do you know about child labor laws?
This is the second episode of this set that Scrooge comes off as a bit of a prick.
POOR LENA! At least all the kids care about her. The poor girl needs some friends.
“She’s gonna be cold without her sweater!” His heart’s in the right place.
I love that all the kids jump in after Webby immediately. NEVER LEAVE A MAN BEHIND.
Louie just spinning in the background.
“I think this is more nightmare.” Thank you, Captain Obvious.
I want that castle as a playset.
Good lord this scene was hard to watch. It reminded me a lot of Raven in Ever After High (and Teen Titans Raven too). She’s so afraid of being predestined to become evil that it’s consuming her to the point that she can’t see anything else and feels stuck. Some of this really hit close to home for me because I deal with depression and anxiety and when a big episode hits it’s hard to find my way out. Luckily, just like Lena, I have a good support system.
 Magica gaslighting Lena was really upsetting to see.
Lena becoming Magica then a literal monster? LET MY DAUGHTER HAVE PEACE!
“Ugh, why does everything I say sound sarcastic?” Callback
Was that a hint at a Gargoyles reboot? I JOKE TO EASE THE PAIN!
Dewey’s spinny eyes, lol
Webby is most competent fighter
Poor Louie. The past two episode have not been kind to him physically.
Lena will ALWAYS be there for Webby.
“It’s fine, FINE!” Just wait for puberty, Huey. It will be slightly less disturbing.
Magica is meth aunt.
“I don’t need you. You need me!” THAT’S MY GIRL!
I bet Magica is gonna lie about still having powers so she can get close enough to Lena to regain her powers and stab everyone in the back. Whether or not she succeeds... 
Boyd and Lena should start a club. The “I thought/felt like I was a real, flesh and blood being, had an existential crises over it, and am trying to deal with my evil relative” club. Huey’s the moderator, he’s working on his consoling badge.
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nepenthendline · 7 years
Kpop tag game
Tagged by @edenalieth :)
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop ? Used to be 1D trash, Little Mix, Ariana Grande, Ella Eyre, Hailee Steinfeld, Pentatonix, Selena Gomez, Troye Sivan, Fall Out Boy and Nicki Minaj
10 favorite non-kpop songs ? *currently*
(this is gonna be a lot from the same artists lol)
Little Mix: Salute, Power, Touch and Freak, Ariana Grande: Into You and Forever Boy, Justin Bieber: Love Yourself, Hailee Steinfeld: Rock Bottom and tbh I can’t think of another 2 lol
10 favorite movies ?
I don’t watch movies often so I’m not sure...
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons
Haikyuu, The Librarians, Yuri On Ice, Kuroko no Basuke, Toddlers and Tiaras fight me, 90 Day Fiancé, Noragami, Death Note, Ouran Highschool Host Club and No. 6
10 favorite manga/comics
The only mangas I’ve read all/the majority of are Haikyuu, Ouran and Death note
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above ?
taking photos, fashion, makeup, interior decor stuff, writing, looking at fanart/fiction, hanging with friends, funny videos, walking and food
Another Tag Game
Nickname: Coco is the main one and butterfly by one friend
Starsign: Leo
Height: 165cm
Time right now: 11:09pm
Last thing googled: Southeastern exucse dice (uk train memes ;))
Favorite music artists: top faves are: BTS, Little Mix and Ariana Grande
Song stuck in your head: I always have blood, sweat and tears stuck in my head ok (apart from yesterday it was breaking free from hsm...)
Last movie watched: I actually don’t remember oh no
Last TV show watched: The Librarians
What are you wearing right now: oversided black top, black leggings and black trainers so colourful
When did you create your blog: I think like 4 years ago just before summer
What kind of stuff do you post: Mostly BTS or anime with some shitposts and Little Mix
Do you have any other blogs: I had a fashion one that I never used
Do you get asks regularly: as if
Why did you choose your URL: nevermind was taken (I love that song) and I love yoongi so min-nevermind
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: I did it a couple years ago and got Slytherin so I re-took it and got Ravenclaw lmao
Pokemon team: Psychic (on pokemon go im team valor)
Favourite colour: Grey, blue, white and black
Average hours of sleep: ah.....like 2-4 hours
Lucky number: Don’t have one
Favorite character(s): Aomine Daiki, Tsukishima Kei, Ezekiel Jones, Ootori Kyoya
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 duvet
Dream job: Something in fashion so styling, media journalism stuff like that
Following: People I’m following? Mainly kpop blogs
BTS Would You Rather
Would you rather:
Build a snowman with V OR have a snowball fight with jhope
Get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with jhope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v 
meet jhope’s family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with jhope OR film a sketch with V
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook (both pls...)
go to paris with jin OR go to London with suga
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple tshirt at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore the city with jhope (how about city with suga ;))
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR v sing you to sleep (serenades seem kinda awkward ngl)
have a dance party with jhope OR sing karaoke with suga 
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin OR bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with  jungkook, suga, v and jhope OR Christmas rap monster, jimin and jhope
~NSFW Time~ *SOS* i really hope no one I know sees this ok
Would you rather:
dom jhope OR sub jin
wear lingerie for rap monster OR put lingerie on jimin
tie up jungkook OR get tied up by v (y’all...)
pull suga’s hair OR get your hair pulled by rap monster
have shower sex with jimin OR have sex pool with v
perform oral on jungkook OR have jhope go down on you (i feel like im gonna be picking both for everything ok)
have a romantic sex with jin OR rough sex with jimin
have angry sex with v OR make up sex with suga
suck hickeys onto jungkook’s neck OR get hickeys from v
put a blindfold on jimin OR get blindfolded by rap monster
have phone sex with rap monster OR Skype sex with jhope
ride jimin’s thigh OR ride jungkook’s thigh
have jin call you “kitten” OR rap monster call you “babygirl”
wear a collar for jin OR put a collar on jimin
beg for suga OR make jungkook beg for you
have sex backstage with jhope OR in the kitchen with jin
get teased under the table at a dinner by rap monster OR tease jimin
play never have i ever with rap monster, suga and jungkook (although I don’t drink so...)OR strip poker with jhope, jimin, v and jin
do body shots with rap monster, suga and jin OR get lap dances from jhope, jimin, jungkook and v
Pick A Member | BTS
Rules: Pick ONE of the members listed for each question and explain why! Be honest ad don’t just pick your favourite for every answer. Do not choose a memeber who is not listed and try to answer every question.
1. Amusement park date ? Jin/Taehyung/Jimin
• He’s the loudest and most crazy so I think it would be more fun with him. If I’m around energetic people I get energetic too
2. Spend a lazy afternoon with ? Jin/Jungkook/Yoongi
• Would be pretty chill, some banter, music and sleeping prob
3.Play 1v1 sports with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• I wouldn’t want to take it seriously lmao J-hope gonna have my back when I fuck up
4.Make out session with ? Yoongi/Jungkook/Jimin
• my boi suga
5.Cheek kisses ? Jin/Hoseok/Jimin
• He’s so cute who wouldn’t?
6.Do a YouTube boyfriend does your make up tag with ? Hoseok/Taehyung/Namjoon
• Like he’d probably try really hard yet also probably poke my eye out but it would be funny lol
7.Introduce to your parents ? Jimin/Jungkook/Taehyung
• Although my mum loves Jungkook the most, Jimin is so cute and I wanna see how he would act in that situation lol I bet he’s so polite
8.Go to a haunted house with ? Yoongi/Namjoon/Hoseok
• I don’t get scared easily so I want someone to laugh at lmao it would be entertaining ok
9.Drunk nights with ? Hoseok/Jimin/Jin
• Just gonna say none bc I don’t drink
10.Who would you want to see do aegyo for a whole day as a punishment ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• I would die it would be hilarious
11.Who would help you pick out outfits ? Taehyung/Namjoon/Yoongi
• I really like Yoongi’s style so he would do great. I’d pick Namjoon but like I might end up in some weird shit 
12.School dance date ? Jin/Namjoon/Hoseok
• He would take it the least seriously/least awkward out of the other two lmao I’d rather have a laugh than take it seriously lol
13.Sing a duet with ? Taehyung/Jimin/Jungkook
• I think our voices would suit best and his voice is some good shit
14.Would make you breakfast in bed ? Yoongi/Jin/Jungkook
• Ok but like imagine Jin bringing you breakfast...a great thought
15.Go on a late night adventure with ? Jungkook/Taehyung/Namjoon
• I was gonna say Tae but we’d probably end up in a ditch somewhere and I see Jungkook liking walking around at 2am instead of some crazy stuff 
16. First time ? Taehyung/Jimin/Yoongi
• again, my boi I can’t say anyone else lol
17. Whose clothes you’d steal and wear ? Jin/Taehyung/Hoseok
•  He wears a lot of oversized clothes and I love that 10/10
18.Late deep night conversations with ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• I think we have quite similar personalities/thoughts so I would wanna know whats going on inside his head
19. Who’d you have a play water fight with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• It would just be so fun and careless lol I love his energy
20.Who would you say you’re most compatible with ? (Choose any of the 7 members but remember, favoristism and compatibility are two different things).
• Everyone I know who knows about bts say I’m very similar to Yoongi and I think we tend to get along with people who are like us in some way bc we understand eachother
Bias Tag
Rules: pick 10 biases and answer the questions. No specific order.
(trying to think of those outside of bts lol)
1. Between 3&6, whose most recent concept do you like more?
• BTS - BS&T
2. Between 2&10, who would you rather be stranded on an island with ?
• Jeongyeon -  as much as I love Jimin more I feel like he’d probably have a breakdown or something
3.Between 4&8, who would you trust to take care of you when you were drunk ?
• Suho.... why do I think he’d act like a dad...I don’t know...
4.Between 1&2, who would you go in jail for ?
• Jimin
5.Between 5&9, who is a better visual to you ?
• Both...
6.Between 7&8, who would you rather save from a sinking ship ?
•  I can’t... Jungkook...? 
7.Between 6&10, who would you rather have a movie marathon with ?
• Jeongyeon Idk why lmao
8.Between 1&10, who do you think makes a better impression ?
• Jeongyeon, I know a lot of people don’t think Yoongi gives off the better.
9.Between 3&7, who would you prefer to kiss in the rain ?
• Jungkook
10.Between 5&6, who would you rather have a summer fling with ?
• Jinnnn
11.Between 5&7, who would you rather do drugs with ?
• Neither lmao
12.Between 3&8, who would you rather take home to your parents ?
• Jeonghan 
13.Between 9&10, whose wardrobe do you want more ?
• Taehying! I love his style
14.Between 4&10, who would you be more surprised to see cry ?
• Suho
15.Between 1&4, who would you rather have kiss you on the forehead ?
• Yoongi!!!
16.Between 2&3, who would you rather have hug from behind ?
• Jimin
17.Between 5&2, whose group do you stan more ?
18.Between 4&9, who is higher up on your bias list ?
• Taehyung
19.Between 1&7, who would you open your door up to during the purge ?
• I’d trust both a lot however I feel like Jungkook is less likely to like...go insane or something lmao
20. Between 6&9, who would you rather go to a haunted house with ?
• Tae - I was gonna say Jin but Tae would probably just scream then laugh at everything lol
I tag : @jeonify, @aykook, @seokgenie and @yoongiied (feel free to do it or not)
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