#I got the winter blues I think. Hopefully it'll pass and I do hope yours will too.
artisticzaati · 3 years
Oh! Omg, I'm so sorry to hear that these aren't happy months for you.
Don't hate your art! It's amazing! It's unique! I've never seen a style quite like it. And your followers/likes/reblogs really don't matter that much. Know that there are probably a ton of people out there who have seen your art and admire it greatly but don't have accounts or anything! I was one of those people for a while.
Your art is a masterpiece. Every single piece is amazing, I swear. And you can draw waaaaaaaay better than me, so you got that goin for ya-
But your art rivals that of some more popular artists'. And I mean it.
As for being in a state of mental depression, I know, I have the same problem rn. I end up hating myself on most days and it's...not fun. The only thing that makes me feel different is other people saying, "Hey, you're a really great person!" Just makes my day. And that may not go for you as well, but if it does, just know this:
You are an awesome, unique person with incredible talent and a wonderful personality. Every piece you draw? It makes at least one person from somewhere in the world very happy. Makes them pound on their bed and smile in absolute bliss *koff koff me*.
So many people love you. You are so very loved and will always be. Someone will always care about you, will always have your back. Whether it's one of your random followers on Tumblr like me or someone close to you in your life. Even when days get hard, know that someone out there is looking out for you, ready to give you a pep talk or a hug or whatever you may need.
Zyrus, I love what you do. Even if you don't post them, keep at drawing, even if it's only one piece per month or year. Unless, of course, each piece brings you incredible pain. Then you should stop.
Don't ever give up on life. Because even though life is cruel, your friends/family aren't. They'll always try to help you through whatever you're going through, no matter how rough.
Have a safe, healthy, and hopefully happy life, until we meet again. I'll miss you.
I'm sorry this took so long to reply, I wanted to keep it in my inbox to look over again but I also don't want you to think I never got the message. So I'm going to reply to it...
I'm... honored. I really am. This is so incredibly nice for you to say and I wish I could express how I feel with words but I cannot.
Just over all... I'm grateful. For people like you that actually do like what I post even if I'm not feeling that great about it. It's you all that keep me posting. I know I shouldn't let the bad thoughts take over, but it's been very hard lately.
I'll come back. After see this and a few others in the inbox I'm feeling a lot better. Thank you for taking your time of the day to send this my way - I truly appreciate it.
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