#I gotta do a tag deep dive every time I want smth
azulas-lightning-bolt · 2 months
I just want you guys to know that as of rn I have crap in my queue up until june. this blog is not shutting tf up anytime soon 😭🙏🏼
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Hey! I have a question and I feel like you could give me a really nice insight. Let's say jongtae are debating over which is scarier, space or the deep sea. Now who do you think would defend which point?? (I might be writing something about this and gotten stuck there like 3 days ago akdjaldj lmao)
im fgfgdg Laughing bc @katrinawritesthings just wrote smth abt onho discussing this subject and its also a subject that i think abt a Lot actually so i love that this is apparently just a perennial question… if u havent read katrina’s fic pls do bc minho talks abt shoving all of space up his ass… amazing,,…,,,…
like personally i love and am fucking terrified by both and i love them partially bc theyre scary and i think the deep sea is very alien to us and we see that like represented even in the fact that a lot of our non-humanoid monsters and aliens have marine design influences like tentacles and shit
but Okay back to ur main question: i think taemin would have a huge boner for both tbh and jonghyun ofc is the biggest space gay since every other song he writes is abt how he’s in love with the moon. like let’s be real he probably has a lesbian mommy kink goin on with the moon
but jonghyun is like kinda scared of bodies of water if i recall correctly and seems to have mixed feelings abt water / swimming / the ocean, like he’s said “i dont dislike them that much but I don’t like them that much either” about oceans and rivers but he also has said “i think that it’s fun to be in the water, and play in water” but he’s also said he hates swimming and he’s also said he only rly likes the beach at winter time bc he just likes to walk along the sand. but that might also have to do with his dislike of crowds / sunlight / heat. he’s also said that at a recent underwater shoot he kept thinking abt his grandma being a sea diver and said “ah, i have the blood of a female sea diver in me so that’s why I can hold my breath for so long underwater!”
so i feel like he has both positive and negative associations with the ocean and i think he’s probably scared of it but also drawn to it in other ways, particularly since he’s a lyricist and probably loves the symbolism of water / the ocean / etc.
(can u tell ive thought a lot abt this)
anyway i definitely see taemin as having, like i said, a huge boner for both deep sea and space, and i think his feelings abt the sea would be less romantic and more like *pulls up pic of weird looking fish* “god this fish is metal as fuck let me tell u” and then he’d probably recite a bunch of facts abt it and he’d be the type to watch documentaries abt scary unknown parts of the sea bc he’s just like 😍 abt that shit. and like. i bet he loves deep sea monsters and stuff. also he’s totally a tentacle fucker. u cant tell me that taemin doesnt have a giant boner for tentacles. 🐙
anyway with space he would probably have somewhat similar boner feels but he’d also be like that one tumblr post where its just like Angry about how space is like incomprehensibly vast and fucking Weird (ETA: i found the post nfhfgdg thank u winnie’s tumblr) so he’d also get into like studying random facts abt space but when he monologues he has to stop every so often to be like “i mean what the fuck like Literally What In The Fuck” bc space is just so big and fucked up and weird.
anyway i think taemin would be kinda scared of both but he’d be more scared of space but like in a way where he gets like a Terrified Respect Boner u kno and with the ocean he’s like yea that shit is messed up :D and like daydreams abt doing deep sea diving bc he wants to see that fucked up shit up close so Basically i think taemin would be more scared of space but he’d like rationally understand that the ocean is scary too but it just wouldnt stop him from wanting to explore. whereas he would probably never want to Go to space. bc the vacuum of space, etc. and it’s vast and u cant breath and shit. which like also applies to the ocean so he understands that he has a double standard.
i think jonghyun has romantic feelings abt both space and the ocean but the ocean also gives him visceral fear feelings whereas he feels detached from the deadliness of space and thinks about it more in like an existential way, like how tiny we are in the context of how vast the universe is, and how we can create meaning for our own lives even despite that. but i think when swimming in the ocean, jonghyun gets majorly freaked out by just thinking of the vast recesses of darkness in the water beneath him.
both jonghyun and taemin like being scared, like they both like thriller and horror movies, so fear wouldn’t necessarily put them off of loving something, but if i had to pick, i’d say jonghyun is more scared of the ocean and taemin is more scared of space. thats my choice. 👉😎👉
(also im taemin)
(also i gotta tag @sluthyun in this quality discourse since i am 10000000 percent sure they have very specific thoughts on this)
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