#I guess like half of that is also about Morinaga - he's also really interesting but I'm a lot more clinical about him lol
sakura-samsara · 1 year
Shigehira Main Story: Chapter 12
← Chapter 11
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✦ part one
Morinaga: I can tell that you’re doing your best to work with us, so cooperating with you would be no trouble at all.
Yoshino: Umm, well, if you’re really sure…
Shigehira: Wait a second.
Before I could continue, Shigehira grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.
He fixed his gaze on me, looking thoroughly displeased.
Shigehira: …What do you think you’re doing, trying to make a decision like this without asking me?
Yoshino: Huh…?
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Tamamo: Ooh, things are starting to get interesting.
Tamamo: You knew what you were doing, didn’t you, Morinaga? Excellent work.
Morinaga: I don’t know what you’re talking about. 
I caught a glimpse of Tamamo and Morinaga whispering to each other out of the corner of my eye, but I didn’t have the time to ask them what they were talking about. 
Yoshino: I was just worried that the rumors annoyed you, Shigehira-kun.
Shigehira: When did I say that they annoyed me?
(Huh? Was I wrong?)
Yoshino: I mean, you went through all this trouble to disprove them, so that’s what I assumed…
Shigehira: Well, that’s…
He hesitated for a moment, looking rather sulky, before he looked intently at me.
Shigehira: That's because the rumors are disrespectful to you.
Yoshino: To me?
Shigehira: …?
(What does he mean by that?)
Shigehira and I exchanged a puzzled look.
However, it wasn't long before I noticed the tinge of pink that had appeared on Shigehira's cheeks.
Shigehira: …
What happened? (Romantic +2, Dramatic +4) I don’t really understand what you mean (Romantic +4, Dramatic +2) Are you embarrassed? (Romantic +4, Dramatic +4)
Yoshino: Shigehira-kun… Could it be that you’re… embarrassed?
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Shigehira: What?! Of course not!!
Yoshino: O-Of course. Sorry.
(I get the feeling that I shouldn't push him any further about this.)
Then a laugh from Yoritomo cleaved apart the awkward silence, seeming as though he'd been holding it in for quite a while already.
Yoritomo: You two are really exceeding my expectations. 
Shigehira: What are you talking about?
Tamamo: Oh, no, no, carry on, you two. Don’t mind the rest of us. 
I had a feeling that there was something the rest of them were thinking that neither I nor Shigehira were aware of.
Yoshino: Why are you all looking at us like that…
(I have no idea what's going on, besides that they're definitely teasing us!!)
Just when I was starting to feel more than a little frustrated...
Yoritomo: With all of that said.
Yoritomo: If neither of you are affected by those rumors, there’s no need to get up in arms to disprove them. 
Yoritomo, still smiling his half-smile, spun the kemari ball in his hand.
Shigehira: I-I guess, but…
Yoritomo: Otherwise, you need to accept that if you are unable to get the rumors under control on your own now, you won’t be able to do so in the future.
Tamamo: I see… These are the wise words of a man who has his very own fanclub. He is imparting his learned experience of contending with the “Lord Yoritomo Worship Association.”
Yoshino: …Worship association?
Morinaga: It’s somewhat of a… volunteer organization that’s formed among the maids.
Morinaga: The members collect information about Yoritomo-sama, and supposedly also prevent each other from making any moves on him by themselves…
Morinaga: It’s a tight-knit group with a large number of members, so we don’t know just how much information they’ve been able to gather. What we do know is that they’re not to be underestimated.
✦ part two
Morinaga: The members collect information about Yoritomo-sama, and supposedly also prevent each other from making any moves on him by themselves…
Morinaga: It’s a tight-knit group with a large number of members, so we don’t know just how much information they’ve been able to gather. What we do know is that they’re not to be underestimated.
Yoshino: Wow! I can’t believe it…
(That's honestly really impressive.)
Shigehira: How are you not tired of smiling that vapid, empty smile and putting up with all of this nonsense? 
Yoritomo: You get used to it with time, Shigehira. It’s a small price to pay to keep all our affairs running smoothly, wouldn’t you agree?
Shigehira: I guess. 
Shigehira's thorny response was in stark contrast to Yoritomo's blindingly bright smile.
Nonetheless, Yoritomo continued.
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Yoritomo: On another subject. You seem to have built up a good reputation for your work as an apothecary, Yoshino. 
Yoshino: Have I?
Morinaga: Our military training has gotten more intense in preparation for the war, and we’re all very grateful to you for caring for the wounded. 
Morinaga: The soldiers’ morale is high, knowing that they’ll have a doctor accompanying them into battle.
Yoshino: Really? I’m so glad!!
(I've only really made a small contribution, but it makes me so happy that they appreciate it!)
Tamamo: That’s my Yoshino for you. You’ve excelled even when taking up work as an apothecary in an unfamiliar place must have been quite the ordeal. 
Yoshino: It would have only been an ordeal if I’d been alone. I couldn’t have done it all without Shigehira-kun’s help. 
Shigehira: Don't be daft. I didn’t do anything to help you. I was just keeping an eye on you so you wouldn’t screw things up.
(It's just like him to say that.)
Yoshino: Of course. But, still… Thank you.
Shigehira: …Mm.
His response, so curt in an attempt to hide his embarrassment, made my heart squeeze.
(I've decided to stand beside the frontlines for Shigehira-kun's sake.)
(So it's really encouraging that my efforts are being recognized in this way.)
The fire that had been lit within my chest on the day I made my decision still continued to burn—and in this moment, I felt it warming me from within.
Shigehira: So this is what it all came to in the end. Kicking a ball around and getting bullied. 
Yoshino: Well... at least it seemed like you had some fun playing kemari!
After parting with the others, Shigehira and I walked side-by-side through the halls of the palace.
Yoshino: I wish I was as athletic as you are, Shigehira-kun.
Shigehira: Clearly you’re athletic enough to perform all of the stunts you’ve been pulling recently. I bet you’ve been having fun doing them, too.
Yoshino: Hehe, is that a compliment?
Shigehira: Your ears work almost as badly as your brain does if that sounds like a compliment to you. 
✦ part three
Yoshino: Hehe, is that a compliment?
Shigehira: Your ears work almost as badly as your brain does if that sounds like a compliment to you. 
Despite the severity of his words, I wasn't fazed at all by his retort...
Because there was now a noticeable warmth in his eyes and in his tone of voice that had not been there before.
(Does this mean that we've become closer as friends now?)
Yoshino: It seems like everyone we just talked to really likes you. 
Shigehira: Do your eyes not work either?? Obviously they were just heckling me for their own entertainment. 
Yoshino: But I’m sure they were teasing you because they like you.
Shigehira: Then that’s a terrible way of showing it.
(No matter how strict or severe Shigehira-kun might seem, I know that he's honest and gentle at heart.)
(I'm sure that everyone has learned that about him for themselves, and the reason that they love him so much is because of it.)
Shigehira: By the way, what are you planning on doing after this?
Yoshino: I was thinking of visiting Kagetoki-san’s estate.
Shigehira immediately stopped in his tracks.
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Shigehira: …You’re going to Kagetoki-san’s house?!
(Huh? Why would he react like that so suddenly...)
Yoshino: Yeah. I wanted to discuss some things with him about the medicine stockpiles and the combat nursing unit that we’re working on setting up. 
Yoshino: But I haven’t been to his estate before, so I’ll have to ask someone for directions first.
He put his hand on my shoulder and fixed me with a serious look.
Shigehira: Yoshino-san, that man’s residence is dangerous to visit if you’re unprepared.
Yoshino: Dangerous?! What in the world could possibly be in Kagetoki-san’s house?
Shigehira: ……
Shigehira: Ugh, I guess it can’t be helped. Shall I accompany you?
Yoshino: Huh? But I don’t want to trouble you.
Shigehira: It’s no big deal. There was a book I wanted to borrow from Kagetoki-san anyways. 
Shigehira: Or are you still worried about the rumors about us?
Yoshino: No, I just...
To my chagrin, I felt a bit of heat rise in my face.
I had to my eyes to the side in embarrassment before I could respond.
Yoshino: I don’t mind the rumors as long as you don’t either.
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Shigehira: Then I won’t pay them any mind at all.
Shigehira suddenly turned his gaze away and started walking again.
(This conversation was so short and inconsequential, but something about it feels bittersweet...)
(I wonder if... No, surely there's no way.)
The answer to my own question had risen up to tip of my tongue, but then it slowly began to sink back down into the depths of my chest.
(I'm sure it's just my imagination.)
No matter how much I'd been enjoying spending time with him,
I knew that we had little time to brace for the war ahead of us, and I couldn't afford to get carried away by my own feelings.
Meanwhile, at the rebels' estate...
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Yoshitsune: Now, you say you met Shigehira and the fox-possessed woman in the capital?
✦ part four
Yoshitsune: Now, you say you met Shigehira and the fox-possessed woman in the capital?
Yoichi: Yes. It was at the perfect timing.
Having returned to Hiraizumi, Yoichi was reporting to Yoshitsune about the events of his trip.
Yoichi: I happened to have some fellas from the Heike with me at the time, so I got them to approach him to try and see if it’d shake him up. From the looks of it, it worked perfectly. 
Kurama: What a paltry little scheme.
Kurama: That… “Shigehira,” or what have you—is he really so much of an obstacle for us to bother taking such measures against him?
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Benkei: Hey. Don’t say that, Kurama.
Benkei: He was a tough opponent back when we fought in the Genpei War. 
Benkei: Especially when you consider how young he was back then, he had some crazy talent as a general. It’s no wonder that bastard Yoritomo snatched him up for himself.
Kurama: Hmph.
Kurama's crimson eyes gleamed, his interest now slightly piqued.
Yoshitsune: If the Heike—with the exception of Shigehira—had not been so drunk on their power, the Genji would have had much more difficulty winning the war.  
Yoshitsune: That is precisely why Shigehira’s presence in the shogunate poses an even greater issue for us now. 
Yoichi: Well… you’ve got nothing to worry about anymore. Talking to him has convinced me of that. 
Yoichi: Shigehira’s as soft as jelly. Much unlike Lord Yoritomo, no?
Yoichi: There’s a good chance we’ll be able to take advantage of that.
Benkei: Hmm. I dunno, Yoichi, but it's not like you to be so… motivated. 
Kurama: How unusual for a man who is always nothing but a pain in the neck.
Yoichi: Oh, come on. You guys don’t understand your pal here at all.
Yoichi: Even a guy like me is capable of doing things when they have to be done.
Yoshitsune: ……
Yoichi grinned, seeming as relaxed as ever, but Yoshitsune was unsmiling as he stared back at him.
Yoshitsune: Yoichi, wait.
Yoichi: …!
Once the meeting had concluded, Yoshitsune followed after Yoichi as he left the hall.
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Yoichi: Oh, hey, Yoshitsune-sama. What’s up?
Yoshitsune: It’s nothing. I was just wondering if you were feeling alright. 
Yoichi: …What do you mean?
Yoshitsune: I’ve known you, Benkei, and Kurama for a long time.
Yoshitsune: Though I may not be familiar with all the nuances of others' emotions, I at least am able to tell what my closest companions are thinking. 
Yoshitsune's unblinkingly honest stare captured Yoichi's own gaze.
Yoichi: …Well, I guess you just don't get me. C’mon, can’t you see I’m as sprightly as can be?
Yoshitsune: Yoichi.
Yoshitsune: I know you force yourself to smile the most when you are hurt. Is that not true? 
Yoichi: …Please forgive me for that.
Yoichi's smile remained, but there was a faint, yet desperate plea in his voice.
Yoshitsune: If you truly do not wish to tell me about your feelings, I won't push you any further.
✦ part five
Yoshitsune: If you truly do not wish to tell me about your feelings, I won't push you any further.
Yoichi let out a deep sigh at Yoshitsune's words.
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Yoichi: Aw, man. You’ve really got me now. 
Yoichi: I’ve always had a weakness for you saying things like that. 
Yoichi: Say, how come you always try to be there for other people when you can’t even express your own emotions? 
Yoshitsune: …I don’t know. But if I can help you feel better, then that's all that matters to me. 
Yoichi: Ahh. That’s my commander, alright.
Yoichi: No matter how much I try to avoid it, I have no choice but surrender to you in the end.
Yoshitsune: ……
Yoshitsune's only response was to wait for Yoichi to continue.
After a moment of shared silence, Yoichi cut through his hesitation to speak.
Yoichi: Honestly, using those survivors from the Heike to get to Shigehira really rubs me the wrong way.
Yoichi: It just doesn’t sit right with me to take advantage of their desire for revenge.
Yoshitsune: I understand.
Yoichi: But at the same time, I know that we can’t afford to be picky about the tactics we’re able to employ.
Yoichi: That’s why I don’t mind getting my hands dirty, after all—for victory against the shogunate, and for victory against the Heike.
Yoichi: It’s all for the sake of serving you as your vassal… and serving as the chief of the Nasu clan. All of it.
Yoshitsune bit his lip, as though he was feeling Yoichi's pain like it was his own.
Yoshitsune: …Yoichi, I am grateful for your commitment and resolve. 
Yoshitsune: But I don’t wish to trouble you.
Yoichi: Nah, you’re good. It’s no trouble at all. I’m just an old man who likes brooding over sentiments from long ago.  
Then Yoichi made another attempt at jokingly adding onto his words:
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Yoichi: You know what? Let me tell you a secret. When I first met Shigehira, I thought he was a girl. 
Yoshitsune: …He does have rather androgynous features.
Yoichi: I’m telling you, he looked even more like it when we were little kids. He had these sparkling eyes… Made him look just like a beautiful girl.
Yoichi: …To tell you the truth, he was my first love.
Yoshitsune: …
Yoshitsune: I’m sorry. I can’t find the words to comfort you.
Yoichi: Nah, it’s alright.
Yoichi eked out a bitter laugh at Yoshitsune's serious response.
Yoshitsune: But I understand your feelings.
Yoshitsune: Shigehira must have been someone very special to you. 
Yoichi: Once upon a time, he was. But now…
Yoichi: I’ve had enough of clinging onto old memories, and I’m not gonna let nostalgia get in our way. 
At the same time, in the capital…
Yasuchika: It seems like Yoshino-san has safely returned to Kamakura!
Chapter 13 →
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very-grownup · 1 month
Book 26/27, 2024
It's good to get out of your comfort zone with fiction. That's one of the reasons I try to read works in translation regularly and also why I try to avoid setting too much store by genre. This means sometimes I will just add an author or title to my list of books to buy and by the time I've gotten to it, I've long forgotten how it came to my attention in the first place.
Such is the case with Kaoru Takamura's not-quite-mystery novel, not-quite-literary-fiction 1997 work (a cursory glance at wikipedia suggests it came wright between Takamura's writing mystery novels and her moving on to literary fiction, which explains the odd place it exists, genre-wise) "Lady Joker". Inspired by the the kidnapping of the president of Glico in the 1980s and the unknown group's subsequent extortions and product tampering (read up on the Glico Morinaga case, it's interesting), "Lady Joker" is a sprawling novel spanning several years in the 1990s, but it starts in the 1940s with a dissatisfied and dismissed beer company employee writing a scathing letter alleging workplace discrimination and everything that comes after goes back to this one man's letter.
This is all invention on Takamura's part. The actual Glico Morinaga case has never been solved.
In the 1990s a recent graduate of a prestigious university has an unsuccessful job interview with a major beer company and dies in a car accident.
A pair of shady men visit the grieving father with a copy of the old letter and the suggestion that it, and a familial connection hidden by a web of adoptions, is the reason behind his son's rejection by the company and, ultimately, his death.
The grieving father takes half-hearted steps to threaten the beer company before he second guesses himself and pulls back, eventually dying by suicide.
His father-in-law finds out about the letter and the beer company's possible involvement in the deaths and it acts as the fuel for a criminal plot by him and his acquaintances who bet on horseraces, a plan for kidnapping and extortion without any real victims, but which will economically hurt the company which, like all companies, takes and takes from people and never benefits any but the top brass, eventually forming a group they refer to as Lady Joker.
The motivations and backstories and connections of the members of Lady Joker are the focus of the first part of the novel and then disappear from narrative view almost entirely until the end of the novel, as Takamura focuses on the kidnapped executive who is threatened not with death or violence, but with damage to the company's reputation and stock value by tampering with a newly launched beer, other executives, members of the press, and detectives investigating it.
It's a lot. "Lady Joker" is a dense book and as wide ranging as its subject matter is, it's probably inevitable that certain parts are more engaging than others. The stuff dealing with the members of Lady Joker was probably my favourite and, unfortunately, those sections only bookend the dense middle of the novel where there isn't a mystery and you're kind of on the side of the men of Lady Joker. The knots of corporate obligations and expectations the kidnapped president twists himself into, his justification of the decisions he makes and what he does and does not share, are interesting but do little to make you /not/ want Lady Joker to succeed in their scheme and get away clean. The parts about the newspaper and other media reporters had me really struggling to stay engaged. The fact that it became increasingly apparent that Lady Joker was NOT going to get caught made the police sections feel odd, almost treading narrative water. I was far more interested in the main detective's increasing disillusionment with the police and his persistent refusal in recognizing his ex-brother-in-law's romantic interest in him.
It's an interesting novel with lots of good bits, but knowing it was a transitional novel for Takamura helps me understand why some things worked so well and others didn't.
I think I may have also had a bit of difficulty because the translators of "Lady Joker" are not interested in giving you much in the way of extra-textual cultural information that you, the reader, might lack, not being a Japanese citizen in the late 1990s. It's not that I mind, I've read plenty of translated works without handholding, but I'm wondering if more context would have helped me in the areas I found more sloggy. Who can say.
I'm glad whatever happened that brought "Lady Joker" to my attention. It was interesting and different and well-worth the effort to push through the areas I found less than interesting. It's just cool to read something off your usual path sometimes.
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sysig · 2 years
I really should clean up that KoiBo essay I started, I got like 3k words deep and it was all just mushy rambling about how much I love Souichi
#Koisuru Boukun#I really do love Souichi he's such a fascinating character study#I guess like half of that is also about Morinaga - he's also really interesting but I'm a lot more clinical about him lol#With Morinaga I'm like ''Ah yes his trauma stems from xyz and presents as abc and thus efg happens''#Whereas with Souichi I'm just like ''Ahhhhhhhhhhh he loves his family so much and he's so stupid but so smart fjdkslafj'' lol#Like there IS analysis in there! I'm particularly fascinated by his perception of nuance in others and himself and how that grows over time#Even just in Challengers - hell /especially/ in Challengers they're already such well fleshed out characters#I consider KoiBo to basically be a soft reboot and some of the decisions are uhhhhhhh questionable#But other than the glaring one they're mostly logically consistent with what Challengers set up and just fjdsklajfldf#They're honestly such interesting characters!!#They're also codependent lol definitely had no impact on my tastes in literature going forward#What's the line I have buried somewhere in the file uhh#If I had a nickel for every time I got fixated on a guy who goes around wearing long coats with lapels has round glasses long hair an...#Interesting personality and whose story centrally focuses on trauma and queer themes in the 90s I'd have two nickels#Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice#I am also fully open to more recommendations of that particular niche if anyone has some because lbrh - they are few and far between#JFKlsfd every time I think about KoiBo I'm just like ''I wish this was written this way on purpose'' lol#It can be cracked open into some of the best writing I've seen about learning to love yourself as an ace person!#But it super does not feel like it was written with that intention!! Agh my conflictions lol#Well that's also part of the charm lol I trend towards forgiveness for things that I love that much#I still always feel like I'm making excuses for liking it as much as I do tho lol ahh......the self consciousness of loving something lol
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ga-yuu · 3 years
Yoritomo~Main Story Chapter 4~
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Chapter 3
----------Part 1-----------
Yoritomo: “I gave her a bit of a boost because she told me she was struggling, but it’s up to her to turn it into her favor.”
Yoritomo-sama laughs with satisfaction and Kagetoki was surprised.
Kagetoki: “I won’t pry into what you’re talking about.... It’s unusual for you to be interested in one woman in any way. Can I ask why? I don’t see how a mere town girl could be of any interest to you.”
Yoritomo: “That’s what I thought at first too......but her reactions are always so honest. It's strange, but it's also interesting that....sometimes she says things I never expect."
Kagetoki: "Oh...She says things that even Yoritomo-sama doesn't expect? Now that's certainly is interesting."
Yoritomo: "Don't you dare. She's my toy."
Kagetoki: "I've never wanted a toy that wasn't practical."
Yoritomo: "You do have good taste, I'll give that. Anyway..."
Yoritomo pushes the documents that he has confirmed without omission while talking.
A gentle smile slipped from his lips.
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Yoritomo(smiling): "Yoshino is so straightforward, but she's not stupid. In her own way, she's trying to assess the situation and act on it. I wanted to see the results of her action. That's why."
Kagetoki: "So that's it."
After staring at his lord without expression, Kagetoki opens his mouth again.
Kagetoki: "By the way, did you tell her about it?"
Yoritomo: "No way. Why must I tell every little thing?"
Kagetoki: "I knew it. I feel sorry for Yoshino."
(Is this the training hall? Where is Morinaga-san...?)
When I arrived at the training hall and opened the door, I heard helpless screams of men.
Morinaga: "Great job everyone. Let's go for another round." ٩(◕‿◕)۶
Vassal 1: "Haa....haa...Morinaga..sama...no..more...." (╥﹏╥)
Morinaga: "Don't say you can't. You should always keep going no matter what."
(What a sight!)
Several men are lying at Morinaga-san's feet with bamboo swords in their hands.
(Is Morinaga-san responsible for all of this!?)
Morinaga: "Hm? Yoshino?"
Morinaga-san noticed me staring at him spitefully and gave me a puzzled look.
Yoshino: "Excuse me, Morinaga-san. I have something to give you."
Morinaga: "Oh okay, I'll come to you. You guys can take a break."
Vassal 2: "Thank you....."
Upon hearing Morinaga-san's words, the vassals all broke down at once.
Vassal 3: "Hey, isn't she Yoritomo-sama's personal maid?"
Vassal 4: "Oh yeah, the one in the rumors..."
Yoshino: "Ah....My name is Yoshino. Nice to meet you all."
As usual, I get curious stares when I introduce myself.
(I'm not really used to being noticed....)
Morinaga: "You guys, don't stare at girls like that."
Vassals: *scared*
(Everyone turned away in awe! Morinaga-san is so amazing!)
Morinaga: "So Yoshino, what do you have for me?"
Yoshino: "Yoritomo-sama asked me to give you this letter. He said that it was urgent."
Morinaga: "Letter? For me?"
Morinaga-san tilted his head in wonder and opened the folded letter I gave him.
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Morinaga: "....."
(What's wrong? You look surprised.)
Yoshino: "Morinaga-san?"
Morinaga: "Ah, it's nothing."
-------Part 2--------
Morinaga: "Ah, it's nothing."
(It didn't look like it was nothing, but I guess that's what they call confidential documents.)
(If that's the case, it's best not to ask too deep!)
While I was wondering how to change the subject.
Yoshino: "Even so, I'm surprised. Morinaga-san is very strong!"
Morinaga: "Thank you. But I'm still learning."
One of the dead vassals raised his upper body and glares at Morinaga-san accusingly.
Vassal 4: "How much stronger you wanna be, huh? Do you wanna rip the earth in half or something?"
Vassal 5: "Morinaga-sama's training is very ruthless, that I end up with scars all the time."
(Oh my.)
On closer inspection, everyone's arms and legs are painfully bruised and scraped.
Involuntarily, I opened my mouth to Morinaga-san and everyone else.
Yoshino: "Umm, would you mind if I prepare some medicines for you?"
Vassal 2: "Eh?"
Morinaga: "Oh yeah, I forgot you were a pharmacist."
Yoshino: "Yes. I don't have any medicines that heals you fast, at the moment. I can give you a simple treatment for now. What do you say?"
Vassal 1: "Really? I'd love that!" ❤
Morinaga: "Thank you, Yoshino."
(Thank god!)
Yoshino: "No no no, I'll prepare hot water right away. I'll be back in a minute."
I then hurried out of the training hall, to bring my medicine box.....
When I came back to the training hall, Morinaga-san called out to others.
Yoshino: "Sorry to make you wait."
Morinaga: "Welcome back."
Yoshino: "Now, can you show me the wounds in turn?"
Vassal 2: "Yes!"
One by one, I wash the wounds and applied medicine.
Yoshino: "Ah! You've twisted your ankle slightly. Let's get you fixed up. If it starts to hurt after a while, please let me know. I'll make you some medicine to help with the swelling."
Vassal 3: "Really? Thank you very much....."
After a while........
I finished the treatment and put my medicine box away.
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(Woah! That was loud!)
I was a little surprised to be thanked loudly by the vassals, who stood tall and straight.
Morinaga: “Hey you guys, Yoshino isn’t used to such an atmosphere.”
Vassal 1: “Sorry to scare to you. but I’m really impressed.”
Vassal 2: “Me too. I’ve never had anyone treat me so carefully.”
(I’m glad.)
Yoshino: “It’s good to know you’re all so happy.”
(When I treat them like this, even though they are samurai, they all look like ordinary people.)
The look in their eyes that had been looking at me apologetically had somehow turned into a warm one.
Yoshino: “If any one ever need any medical attention in the future, just give me a shout.”
Vassal 3: “Ha! I’m not afraid to train hard if Yoshino-san is there to patch me up.”
Morinaga: “Oh yeah? That’s good to know. We’ll start the next lesson-----”
Vassal 4: “Break! It’s still break time! There is five more minutes left!”
Vassal 5: “I’m going to drink water!”
The vassals rushed out in a panic.
Yoshino: “!! That was quick!”
Morinaga: “They all look healthy thanks to you, Yoshino.”
Yoshino: “I was just doing my job.”
(I also got to know the vassals a little better and I feel I’ve accomplished something!)
Morinaga: “I’m sorry to put you through such a difficult task while you’re busy serving as Yoritomo-sama’s maid. Are you going to accompany Yoritomo-sama on his official business tomorrow?”
Yoshino: “Yeah! That’s the plan. I guess I’m busier than I thought.”
Morinaga: “Yeah, especially at this time.”
Yoshino: “This time?”
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Morinaga: “The news of Yoshitsune-sama’s survival is spreading to samurai all over the country. Some of them are even thinking of joining him. Yoritomo-sama keeps tabs on the movements of the leading samurai and makes the first move to keep them in his mind.”
---------Part 3---------
Morinaga: “Yoritomo-sama keeps tabs on the movements of the leading samurai and makes the first move to keep them in his mind.”
Yoshino: “I see....”
(It seemed that all the people gathered for today’s meeting were also afraid of fighting Yoshitsune-sama.)
Yoshino: “Yoshitsune-sama is a very influential man.”
Morinaga: “I agree with that.”
A slightly bitter smile played on Morinaga-san’s lips.
Morinaga: “Yoshitsune-sama has a natural talent for war. Yoritomo-sama united all the samurai in the country, but the Shogunate had only been in existence for a few years. If someone incredibly strong comes along, the ground may start to fall apart.”
(That’s a bit surprising.)
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Yoshino: “I...I really respect Yoritomo-sama for that....I only had a vague idea about what he was doing. I thought all he had to do is give orders and we should follow them.”
The image of Yoritomo-sama surrounded by many people at that banquet and being entertained with great hospitality comes to mind.
(That night........)
Yoshino: “All the people at the banquet today seemed to have great respect for Yoritomo-sama. I don’t think you need to be so suspicious.”
Yoritomo: “Respect? Here? Please”
(Yoritomo-sama did not care for anyone in that place.)
Yoshino: “It’s hard to stand above all those people.”
Morinaga: “I think so. Yoritomo-sama is a troubled man and I’m sure he doesn’t want to show those sides of him to his vassals.”
1.Is that so?
2.I can’t imagine.
3. It’s like...(+4/+4)
Yoshino: “It’s like...I understand, but at the same time I don’t understand.”
Morinaga: “I know, he’s a hard man to read, right?”
(It is true that Yoritomo-sama sometimes seems to have a very thick heart wall.)
Yoshino: “Doesn’t he feel lonely....when he has no one to talk to about his hardships?”
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Morinaga: “Hehe, in case of emergency, I did decide I’d help him in any way even if it's by force, if he needs anything. So, don’t worry. But.....compared to what he has been through, I don’t think I can do much.”
--------Part 4--------
Morinaga: “But.....compared to what he has been through, I don’t think I can do much. “
Yoshino: “What do you mean?”
(I can’t imagine much of Yoritomo-sama’s past, but what happened to him?)
Morinaga: “Hmmm...Maybe you’ll find out soon enough.” 
(I don’t think I should dig into it too much.)
I was going to surpress my curiosity and shift the focus of the conversation.
Yoshino: “Morinaga-san really know Yoritomo-sama very well.”
(It’s like he’s his childhood friend and not his lord.)
Morinaga: “I was in my teens when I served baby Yoritomo-sama.”
(For that long....)
I looked at him in surprise------
Morinaga: “Oh look, everyone’s back.”
The vassals who rushed outside to drink water, came back in high spirits.
Vassal 1: “This time! We’re going to take Morinaga-san down...!!”
Vassals: “YES!!”
Morinaga: “Ohh, then maybe I’ll get serious too.” ٩(◕‿◕)۶
Vassals: “No, please!” (╥﹏╥)
(Looks like it’s time to leave.)
Yoshino: “Then, I’ll be on my way. Thank you, Morinaga-san.”
Morinaga: “Same to you.”
I walk out of the training hall, hearing the sound of bamboo swords clashing behind me.
Back inside the palace, I walk down the long hallway, thinking.
(Since I’m cooperating with the Shogunate, I also want to know more about how they do things and Yoritomo-sama.)
(I’m sure there a lot of things I don’t know and I can’t understand most of the things if I only work as a personal maid!)
Yoshino: “That’s it!”
That night----I waited Yoritomo-sama to finish his work.
Yoshino: “Yoritomo-sama, can I enter!”
Yoritomo: “Sure! Come in. What are you doing in a man’s room at this time of night? If you want to crawl in here, you’re more than welcome.”
Yoritomo-sama who was wearing a simple night wear, grinned at me.
(I won’t let you tease me this time....!)
Yoshino: No. I have a request.”
Yoritomo: “And what is it?”
Yoshino: “I would like to work as a pharmacist in this palace. Of course, I’ll also do my work as your personal maid. But I want to work as a pharmacist as my side job.”
Yoritomo: “Can I ask why?”
His night-blue eyes looks straight at me, unfazed by the sudden offer.
(I’m feeling a bit restless....)
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Yoshino: “You won’t be needing my powers until the war with Yoshitsune-sama, right? So I thought as a pharmacist, I feel that I can understand the Shogunate and the samurai a little better if I deal with them on a daily basis.”
I explained my feelings with the best words possible....
Yoritomo: “That’s your typical cavalier way of saying things....”
Yoshino: “.....!”
Then Yoritomo-sama laughs at me as he mutters.
Yoritomo: “-----You’re interesting.”
------Part 5-------
Yoritomo: “-----You’re interesting.”
(Eh? Why are you laughing...)
Yoshino: “Sorry, what?”
Yoritomo: “I said ‘you’re a dummy.”
(That’s what you said!?)
Yoshino: “What a waste of time!”
Yoritomo: “Hehe, poor you.”
(For a moment I thought you had a very gentle face, but it was all in my mind.)
Somehow I feel restless.
Yoritomo: “And? What will you do for me if I do you a favor?”
Yoshino: “Umm...I can make medicines for you.”
Yoritomo: “No thanks. I’m perfectly fine.”
Yoshino: “Do you wanna a shoulder massage? Or maybe I’ll clean your room...or....”
Yoritomo: “I have sufficient hands to do those chores.”
(That what do you want !?)
Yoritomo: “Are you out of options?”
Yoshino: “Y-Yeah... what else can I do for you then!?”
Yoritomo: “Let me play with your body.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Eeehhhh!!!!”
My cheeks were sandwiched between his hands and he holds my face firmly.
His nasty smile approaches....
Yoritomo: “Close your eyes, dummy.”
My mind goes blank when I thought about the k-k-k-kiss.
But to my surprise, he pulls my cheeks.
Yoritomo: “As expected, you’re so easy to tease.”
Yoshino: “Uwu...stoopp.....whaaa”
Yoritomo: “Haha...whatttt????”
(Stop teasing me....!!!)
Even after realizing this, my heart was pounding against my chest.
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Yoritomo: “You’re a real joy to play with, you know that?”
Yoritomo-sama stopped pulling my cheeks and patted it lightly with his palm.
(Mm....don’t touch me like that....)
Yoritomo: “What’s wrong? Your face is all red.”
Yoshino(blushing): “.....That’s because you were pulling my cheeks!!”
Yoritomo: “Don’t be silly. I wasn’t pulling it that hard. Be honest, what are you thinking right now?”
My cheeks started getting hotter and I stare at Yoritomo-sama.
Yoshino(tomato red): “I-I have no idea w-what you’re talking about!!?!!?”
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Yoritomo(evil smile): “Hmmmm.”
With a low whimper, he stroked my cheek once more.
Yoritomo: “Fine then. I’ll take time and find out next time. Look forward to it, Yoshino.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Please don’t....”
Yoritomo-sama laughed in the back of his throat, and lets go of me.
My face was still hot because of the fire lit inside my heart.
(Selfish Yoritomo-sama!!! You touch me when you feel like teasing me and stops when you get bored!!!)
Yoritomo: “Hey, Yoshino.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Y-Yeah?”
I ask back, a little desperate.
Yoritomo: “About your request....”
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