#long time no shigehira!!
sakura-samsara · 1 year
Shigehira Main Story: Chapter 12
← Chapter 11
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✦ part one
Morinaga: I can tell that you’re doing your best to work with us, so cooperating with you would be no trouble at all.
Yoshino: Umm, well, if you’re really sure…
Shigehira: Wait a second.
Before I could continue, Shigehira grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.
He fixed his gaze on me, looking thoroughly displeased.
Shigehira: …What do you think you’re doing, trying to make a decision like this without asking me?
Yoshino: Huh…?
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Tamamo: Ooh, things are starting to get interesting.
Tamamo: You knew what you were doing, didn’t you, Morinaga? Excellent work.
Morinaga: I don’t know what you’re talking about. 
I caught a glimpse of Tamamo and Morinaga whispering to each other out of the corner of my eye, but I didn’t have the time to ask them what they were talking about. 
Yoshino: I was just worried that the rumors annoyed you, Shigehira-kun.
Shigehira: When did I say that they annoyed me?
(Huh? Was I wrong?)
Yoshino: I mean, you went through all this trouble to disprove them, so that’s what I assumed…
Shigehira: Well, that’s…
He hesitated for a moment, looking rather sulky, before he looked intently at me.
Shigehira: That's because the rumors are disrespectful to you.
Yoshino: To me?
Shigehira: …?
(What does he mean by that?)
Shigehira and I exchanged a puzzled look.
However, it wasn't long before I noticed the tinge of pink that had appeared on Shigehira's cheeks.
Shigehira: …
What happened? (Romantic +2, Dramatic +4) I don’t really understand what you mean (Romantic +4, Dramatic +2) Are you embarrassed? (Romantic +4, Dramatic +4)
Yoshino: Shigehira-kun… Could it be that you’re… embarrassed?
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Shigehira: What?! Of course not!!
Yoshino: O-Of course. Sorry.
(I get the feeling that I shouldn't push him any further about this.)
Then a laugh from Yoritomo cleaved apart the awkward silence, seeming as though he'd been holding it in for quite a while already.
Yoritomo: You two are really exceeding my expectations. 
Shigehira: What are you talking about?
Tamamo: Oh, no, no, carry on, you two. Don’t mind the rest of us. 
I had a feeling that there was something the rest of them were thinking that neither I nor Shigehira were aware of.
Yoshino: Why are you all looking at us like that…
(I have no idea what's going on, besides that they're definitely teasing us!!)
Just when I was starting to feel more than a little frustrated...
Yoritomo: With all of that said.
Yoritomo: If neither of you are affected by those rumors, there’s no need to get up in arms to disprove them. 
Yoritomo, still smiling his half-smile, spun the kemari ball in his hand.
Shigehira: I-I guess, but…
Yoritomo: Otherwise, you need to accept that if you are unable to get the rumors under control on your own now, you won’t be able to do so in the future.
Tamamo: I see… These are the wise words of a man who has his very own fanclub. He is imparting his learned experience of contending with the “Lord Yoritomo Worship Association.”
Yoshino: …Worship association?
Morinaga: It’s somewhat of a… volunteer organization that’s formed among the maids.
Morinaga: The members collect information about Yoritomo-sama, and supposedly also prevent each other from making any moves on him by themselves…
Morinaga: It’s a tight-knit group with a large number of members, so we don’t know just how much information they’ve been able to gather. What we do know is that they’re not to be underestimated.
✦ part two
Morinaga: The members collect information about Yoritomo-sama, and supposedly also prevent each other from making any moves on him by themselves…
Morinaga: It’s a tight-knit group with a large number of members, so we don’t know just how much information they’ve been able to gather. What we do know is that they’re not to be underestimated.
Yoshino: Wow! I can’t believe it…
(That's honestly really impressive.)
Shigehira: How are you not tired of smiling that vapid, empty smile and putting up with all of this nonsense? 
Yoritomo: You get used to it with time, Shigehira. It’s a small price to pay to keep all our affairs running smoothly, wouldn’t you agree?
Shigehira: I guess. 
Shigehira's thorny response was in stark contrast to Yoritomo's blindingly bright smile.
Nonetheless, Yoritomo continued.
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Yoritomo: On another subject. You seem to have built up a good reputation for your work as an apothecary, Yoshino. 
Yoshino: Have I?
Morinaga: Our military training has gotten more intense in preparation for the war, and we’re all very grateful to you for caring for the wounded. 
Morinaga: The soldiers’ morale is high, knowing that they’ll have a doctor accompanying them into battle.
Yoshino: Really? I’m so glad!!
(I've only really made a small contribution, but it makes me so happy that they appreciate it!)
Tamamo: That’s my Yoshino for you. You’ve excelled even when taking up work as an apothecary in an unfamiliar place must have been quite the ordeal. 
Yoshino: It would have only been an ordeal if I’d been alone. I couldn’t have done it all without Shigehira-kun’s help. 
Shigehira: Don't be daft. I didn’t do anything to help you. I was just keeping an eye on you so you wouldn’t screw things up.
(It's just like him to say that.)
Yoshino: Of course. But, still… Thank you.
Shigehira: …Mm.
His response, so curt in an attempt to hide his embarrassment, made my heart squeeze.
(I've decided to stand beside the frontlines for Shigehira-kun's sake.)
(So it's really encouraging that my efforts are being recognized in this way.)
The fire that had been lit within my chest on the day I made my decision still continued to burn—and in this moment, I felt it warming me from within.
Shigehira: So this is what it all came to in the end. Kicking a ball around and getting bullied. 
Yoshino: Well... at least it seemed like you had some fun playing kemari!
After parting with the others, Shigehira and I walked side-by-side through the halls of the palace.
Yoshino: I wish I was as athletic as you are, Shigehira-kun.
Shigehira: Clearly you’re athletic enough to perform all of the stunts you’ve been pulling recently. I bet you’ve been having fun doing them, too.
Yoshino: Hehe, is that a compliment?
Shigehira: Your ears work almost as badly as your brain does if that sounds like a compliment to you. 
✦ part three
Yoshino: Hehe, is that a compliment?
Shigehira: Your ears work almost as badly as your brain does if that sounds like a compliment to you. 
Despite the severity of his words, I wasn't fazed at all by his retort...
Because there was now a noticeable warmth in his eyes and in his tone of voice that had not been there before.
(Does this mean that we've become closer as friends now?)
Yoshino: It seems like everyone we just talked to really likes you. 
Shigehira: Do your eyes not work either?? Obviously they were just heckling me for their own entertainment. 
Yoshino: But I’m sure they were teasing you because they like you.
Shigehira: Then that’s a terrible way of showing it.
(No matter how strict or severe Shigehira-kun might seem, I know that he's honest and gentle at heart.)
(I'm sure that everyone has learned that about him for themselves, and the reason that they love him so much is because of it.)
Shigehira: By the way, what are you planning on doing after this?
Yoshino: I was thinking of visiting Kagetoki-san’s estate.
Shigehira immediately stopped in his tracks.
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Shigehira: …You’re going to Kagetoki-san’s house?!
(Huh? Why would he react like that so suddenly...)
Yoshino: Yeah. I wanted to discuss some things with him about the medicine stockpiles and the combat nursing unit that we’re working on setting up. 
Yoshino: But I haven’t been to his estate before, so I’ll have to ask someone for directions first.
He put his hand on my shoulder and fixed me with a serious look.
Shigehira: Yoshino-san, that man’s residence is dangerous to visit if you’re unprepared.
Yoshino: Dangerous?! What in the world could possibly be in Kagetoki-san’s house?
Shigehira: ……
Shigehira: Ugh, I guess it can’t be helped. Shall I accompany you?
Yoshino: Huh? But I don’t want to trouble you.
Shigehira: It’s no big deal. There was a book I wanted to borrow from Kagetoki-san anyways. 
Shigehira: Or are you still worried about the rumors about us?
Yoshino: No, I just...
To my chagrin, I felt a bit of heat rise in my face.
I had to my eyes to the side in embarrassment before I could respond.
Yoshino: I don’t mind the rumors as long as you don’t either.
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Shigehira: Then I won’t pay them any mind at all.
Shigehira suddenly turned his gaze away and started walking again.
(This conversation was so short and inconsequential, but something about it feels bittersweet...)
(I wonder if... No, surely there's no way.)
The answer to my own question had risen up to tip of my tongue, but then it slowly began to sink back down into the depths of my chest.
(I'm sure it's just my imagination.)
No matter how much I'd been enjoying spending time with him,
I knew that we had little time to brace for the war ahead of us, and I couldn't afford to get carried away by my own feelings.
Meanwhile, at the rebels' estate...
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Yoshitsune: Now, you say you met Shigehira and the fox-possessed woman in the capital?
✦ part four
Yoshitsune: Now, you say you met Shigehira and the fox-possessed woman in the capital?
Yoichi: Yes. It was at the perfect timing.
Having returned to Hiraizumi, Yoichi was reporting to Yoshitsune about the events of his trip.
Yoichi: I happened to have some fellas from the Heike with me at the time, so I got them to approach him to try and see if it’d shake him up. From the looks of it, it worked perfectly. 
Kurama: What a paltry little scheme.
Kurama: That… “Shigehira,” or what have you—is he really so much of an obstacle for us to bother taking such measures against him?
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Benkei: Hey. Don’t say that, Kurama.
Benkei: He was a tough opponent back when we fought in the Genpei War. 
Benkei: Especially when you consider how young he was back then, he had some crazy talent as a general. It’s no wonder that bastard Yoritomo snatched him up for himself.
Kurama: Hmph.
Kurama's crimson eyes gleamed, his interest now slightly piqued.
Yoshitsune: If the Heike—with the exception of Shigehira—had not been so drunk on their power, the Genji would have had much more difficulty winning the war.  
Yoshitsune: That is precisely why Shigehira’s presence in the shogunate poses an even greater issue for us now. 
Yoichi: Well… you’ve got nothing to worry about anymore. Talking to him has convinced me of that. 
Yoichi: Shigehira’s as soft as jelly. Much unlike Lord Yoritomo, no?
Yoichi: There’s a good chance we’ll be able to take advantage of that.
Benkei: Hmm. I dunno, Yoichi, but it's not like you to be so… motivated. 
Kurama: How unusual for a man who is always nothing but a pain in the neck.
Yoichi: Oh, come on. You guys don’t understand your pal here at all.
Yoichi: Even a guy like me is capable of doing things when they have to be done.
Yoshitsune: ……
Yoichi grinned, seeming as relaxed as ever, but Yoshitsune was unsmiling as he stared back at him.
Yoshitsune: Yoichi, wait.
Yoichi: …!
Once the meeting had concluded, Yoshitsune followed after Yoichi as he left the hall.
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Yoichi: Oh, hey, Yoshitsune-sama. What’s up?
Yoshitsune: It’s nothing. I was just wondering if you were feeling alright. 
Yoichi: …What do you mean?
Yoshitsune: I’ve known you, Benkei, and Kurama for a long time.
Yoshitsune: Though I may not be familiar with all the nuances of others' emotions, I at least am able to tell what my closest companions are thinking. 
Yoshitsune's unblinkingly honest stare captured Yoichi's own gaze.
Yoichi: …Well, I guess you just don't get me. C’mon, can’t you see I’m as sprightly as can be?
Yoshitsune: Yoichi.
Yoshitsune: I know you force yourself to smile the most when you are hurt. Is that not true? 
Yoichi: …Please forgive me for that.
Yoichi's smile remained, but there was a faint, yet desperate plea in his voice.
Yoshitsune: If you truly do not wish to tell me about your feelings, I won't push you any further.
✦ part five
Yoshitsune: If you truly do not wish to tell me about your feelings, I won't push you any further.
Yoichi let out a deep sigh at Yoshitsune's words.
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Yoichi: Aw, man. You’ve really got me now. 
Yoichi: I’ve always had a weakness for you saying things like that. 
Yoichi: Say, how come you always try to be there for other people when you can’t even express your own emotions? 
Yoshitsune: …I don’t know. But if I can help you feel better, then that's all that matters to me. 
Yoichi: Ahh. That’s my commander, alright.
Yoichi: No matter how much I try to avoid it, I have no choice but surrender to you in the end.
Yoshitsune: ……
Yoshitsune's only response was to wait for Yoichi to continue.
After a moment of shared silence, Yoichi cut through his hesitation to speak.
Yoichi: Honestly, using those survivors from the Heike to get to Shigehira really rubs me the wrong way.
Yoichi: It just doesn’t sit right with me to take advantage of their desire for revenge.
Yoshitsune: I understand.
Yoichi: But at the same time, I know that we can’t afford to be picky about the tactics we’re able to employ.
Yoichi: That’s why I don’t mind getting my hands dirty, after all—for victory against the shogunate, and for victory against the Heike.
Yoichi: It’s all for the sake of serving you as your vassal… and serving as the chief of the Nasu clan. All of it.
Yoshitsune bit his lip, as though he was feeling Yoichi's pain like it was his own.
Yoshitsune: …Yoichi, I am grateful for your commitment and resolve. 
Yoshitsune: But I don’t wish to trouble you.
Yoichi: Nah, you’re good. It’s no trouble at all. I’m just an old man who likes brooding over sentiments from long ago.  
Then Yoichi made another attempt at jokingly adding onto his words:
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Yoichi: You know what? Let me tell you a secret. When I first met Shigehira, I thought he was a girl. 
Yoshitsune: …He does have rather androgynous features.
Yoichi: I’m telling you, he looked even more like it when we were little kids. He had these sparkling eyes… Made him look just like a beautiful girl.
Yoichi: …To tell you the truth, he was my first love.
Yoshitsune: …
Yoshitsune: I’m sorry. I can’t find the words to comfort you.
Yoichi: Nah, it’s alright.
Yoichi eked out a bitter laugh at Yoshitsune's serious response.
Yoshitsune: But I understand your feelings.
Yoshitsune: Shigehira must have been someone very special to you. 
Yoichi: Once upon a time, he was. But now…
Yoichi: I’ve had enough of clinging onto old memories, and I’m not gonna let nostalgia get in our way. 
At the same time, in the capital…
Yasuchika: It seems like Yoshino-san has safely returned to Kamakura!
Chapter 13 →
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aishangotome · 17 days
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 1
*Yoshino is the canon name for MC in Genjiden, so I will be using her name in place of player's name or Y/N.
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(Gather your spell power, break the bond with Tamamo... and open your own apothecary!)
Thinking of the ordinary and lovable daily life, I was inspired and looked straight ahead.
Yoshino: Thank you! Everyone.
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Yoritomo: If you can answer that clearly, then you've done well. --For now.
Shigehira: Are you sure you want to be so lukewarm? The enemy is that Yoshitsune-san.
As Shigehira-san said this, his eyes were filled with a hint of caution.
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Yoshitsune: I rose from the brink of death to defeat Lord Yoritomo. I surrendered my soul to something inhuman.
(Lord Yorimoto's younger brother, right?)
(However, Ayakashi... is trying to defeat Lord Yoritomo even by signing a contract with Kurama.)
Yoshino: Um, what kind of person is Yoshitsune-sama?
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Tamamo: I'm curious too. Even if Yoshitsune has Kurama's supernatural powers, wasn't he a force that was once destroyed?
Tamamo: And yet, you say you need Yoshino's power.
Tamamo: Do you really have no confidence that you can stand up to him?
Yoshino: Hey, Tamamo!?
(If you say that...)
The rims of Kagetoki's glasses glittered, and his sharp gaze shot through us.
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Kagetoki: It's not hard to see why a stupid Ayakashi who's been sleeping under a rock with a country girl wouldn't know about it.
Yoshino: Yes, country girl... you're not wrong.
(What sharp words!)
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Morinaga: Hey, Kagetoki. The two of them are offering to lend a hand, so you shouldn't talk like that.
Tamamo: Yes, yes, respect.
Kagetoki: Excuse me. Woe to the honest man.
Morinaga: KA - GE - TO - KI?
Kagetoki: .....
Kagetoki quickly took a step away from Morinaga and grimly kept his mouth shut.
(He's smiling, but maybe Morinaga isn't an ordinary person either...?)
Shigehira: We're getting off topic.
Yoritomo: Don't get hung up on it, Shigehira.
Yoritomo: Well, the one who knows best how much of a threat Yoshitsune was is you, as a member of the Heike (Taira) clan who fought him directly.
Yoshino: The Heike...
(Come to think of it, Shigehira called himself "Taira Shigehira"...)
Even though I am a "country girl," I know that the Taira and Minamoto clans have been fighting for a long time.
Yoshino: Why is Taira Shigehira-san in Yoritomo-sama's camp...?
Shigehira: I'd like to say that it doesn't matter, but I'll tell you this much.
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Shigehira: --because I fought Yoshitsune-san and lost.
I felt a flickering flame in Shigehira's pale eyes.
Yoritomo: Shigehira may look like this, but he is a man who is considered a great general of the Heike clan.
Yoritomo: At that time, the Taira clan was already in decline. While it's not as simple as merely attributing their defeat to a lack of military strength, it is certain that Yoshitsune scattered the Taira clan and dramatically guided them to their end.
Shigehira: I was supposed to be executed there, but for some reason, Lord Yoritomo spared me.
Shigehira: So after all that happened, we formed an alliance and now I'm in the Shogunate..... Got it?
Yoshino: Yes, for the time being.
(I'm sure there's a deeper story, but this isn't the right kind of atmosphere to ask about it.)
Shigehira: Yoshitsune, who approaches battle with a seemingly carefree attitude, is an extraordinary monster.
(So that's the story of when the Genji clan defeated the Heike clan...)
Yoshino: You mean he was tremendously strong even before he gained Kurama's supernatural powers... is that right?
Tamamo: It's a horrifying story, isn't it? He's a force to be reckoned with.
Shigehira: That's right. Not only is he a troublesome opponent, but he has also acquired supernatural powers.
Despite the furrowed brow on Shigehira-san's face, there was no fear; only a determination for battle.
(And the others too... they all have the face of a samurai.)
Kagetoki: ... At that time, under Lord Yoritomo's command, I also accompanied Yoshitsune-sama in battle as a retainer.
Yoshino: So you saw Yoshitsune-sama fight up close?
Tamamo: How was it? From Kagetoki's point of view.
Kagetoki: Yes, it was an insane fight.
Kagetoki continued his words matter-of-factly.
Kagetoki: Despite being a general while leading the vanguard, he ran to the front lines and swung his sword with such ferocity as if discarding his life...
Kagetoki: Sometimes, he calmly carried out daring strategies that seemed reckless.
Kagetoki: When the subordinates saw him, they followed him as if possessed by something, chasing after him towards their doom.
Morinaga: There was a rumor going around at the time that no grass would grow wherever Lord Yoshitsune passed by.
Morinaga: When I first saw him, I was utterly amazed by his graceful appearance and exceptional swordsmanship and combat skills.
(I can't believe the people behind the Shogunate would say something like this...!)
Yoshino: ...He's such a great person.
When I coughed in awe, Lord Yoritomo raised a corner of his lips in a sarcastic manner.
Yoritomo: No matter how critical the situation, a man like Yoshitsune has the potential to turn the tide of battle.
Yoritomo: In fact, some battles would have been lost without that man's help.
(Just by listening to the stories, it's hard to believe that such a person actually exists.)
(Yoshitsune-sama clearly had an aura different from an ordinary person.)
Just remembering that cold look in his eyes made me cower with fear.
Tamamo: As expected from the discerning eye of Kurama, he had predicted that Yoshitune's soul was not that of an ordinary person.
Yoshino: So we have to fight someone like that...
Yoritomo: Are you scared?
Not scared
I don't know
Yoshino: To be honest, I'm scared.
(No matter how powerful Tamamo is, Yoshitsune-sama seems to be more fearsome than I had imagined...)
Yoritomo: You're really stupid. Well, it's better than being lied to.
Yoritomo: It's about time to get some rest.
Yoshino: Um... what should I do starting tomorrow?
Yoritomo: You can do whatever you like. I'll prepare a room for you.
Yoshino: When someone says 'you can do whatever you like'... it actually makes me feel a bit uneasy.
Yoritomo: If you have any inconvenience, tell the maid. If you're bored, I'll arrange suitable entertainment, be it music or dance.
Yoshino: That's not what I meant!
Yoritomo: Then what do you mean?
Yoshino: I was just wondering if it's okay for me to wait for the battle with Yoshitsune-sama like this... And Yoritomo-sama said, 'I will hire you.' I can't just do nothing when I'm employed.
Yoritomo: ......
(Huh? I have a bad feeling about this...)
For some reason, Yoritomo-sama stared at me intently and then immediately had a look of amusement on his face.
Yoritomo: Oh? You're serious, huh? Well, if you say so, I'll give you a job.
Yoshino: What, really...?
Yoritomo: Yeah.
Yoritomo: Kagetoki. I think I received a letter last night from another country asking for reinforcements for the war.
Kagetoki: Yes. However, it is just a minor skirmish between two small countries. I don't think it is a battle that would warrant the Shogunate's intervention.
Yoritomo: I thought about abandoning it, but at this point, it's not a bad idea to ingratiate myself with them in preparation for the Great War.
Yoritomo: Morinaga.
Morinaga: Oh, is it my turn?
Yoritomo: Yeah. Take Yoshino with you and check out the situation.
Yoshino: Wait! Are you saying we're going straight to the battlefield...?
As I voiced my doubts, Yoritomo-sama smiled.
Yoritomo: You're the one who asked for work.
Yoritomo: They say practice makes perfect, right?
(That's true, but---)
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Yoshino: Isn't it too harsh to suddenly throw someone in like that!?
I was stunned by the tense atmosphere of the battlefield.
Morinaga: I'm sorry, Yoshino.
Yoshino: No, I should apologize to Morinaga-san... I'm sorry.
We were at the main camp where the battle had just begun.
Morinaga receives reports from his messengers, who comes in incessantly, and sends instructions to each unit accordingly.
(Apparently, the other soldiers have been told that I'm accompanying them because I'm a pharmacist...)
(I feel like people have been glancing at me for awhile now. I guess I'm out of place after all...?)
I thought Tamamo, who was in the same position as me, would be ordered to accompany me, but... he was tasked with providing details about Kurama's supernatural powers to Yoritomo-sama, and so he decided to remain at the Imperial Palace.
Yoshino: It all happened so suddenly that I'm shocked... is Yoritomo-sama always this forceful?
Morinaga: Except when he's pretending to be someone else.
Morinaga-san laughs so refreshingly, as if he didn't belong on the battlefield.
Morinaga: Hmm, but I don't think Yoritomo-sama sent you into battle just out of spite.
Yoshino: ...really?
Morinaga: Even the bravest warrior is terrified by his first battle. And, you're just an untrained town girl.
Morinaga: It's best to be familiar with the battlefield so that you can survive should the unexpected happen.
Yoshino: Ah...
Those words suddenly brought back memories of that night.
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Yoritomo: Are you okay, Morinaga!?
Morinaga: Yeah, it's not a serious wound. Just watch out for that wind... it's like a blade.
Yoshitsune: As expected of a fierce general, Adachi Morinaga... you've skillfully evaded it.
Yoshitsune: It's a bit of a shame to have to kill you. If it weren't for this situation, I would have enjoyed working together more.
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(That was the first time I saw Yoshitsune-sama's unusual ability, yet both Yoritomo-sama and Morinaga-sama remained calm.)
(That may be because the two of them have had many experiences facing danger on the battlefield before...)
Yoshino: Certainly on the battlefield, you can't always count on someone being by your side. I guess it's better for me to get used to it too...
Morinaga: As far as this battle is concerned, it is small. As long as we are in the main camp, we are not likely to be attacked by the enemy. I think this was a decision that was made with that in mind.
Yoshino: If Yoritomo-sama had said that from the beginning, I would have been able to accept it more easily...
Morinaga: That's the kind of person he is.
When Morinaga saw the next messenger rush in, he stood up and answered in a matter-of-fact manner.
(Of course, I still know nothing about the samurai or the people of the Shogunate.)
And a few hours later...
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(At first I was worried about what would happen, but before I knew it, the sun was setting...)
Morinaga: Yoshino, thank you for taking care of the wounded.
Yoshino: Not at all! This is the only thing I can do.
Along the way, I started treating the injured, and time passed by in the blink of an eye.
Morinaga: Thanks to you, it looks like we're about to win.
Yoshino: Really!?
(Thank goodness, I can get home safely...!)
But my joy was short-lived---
Soon after, an uneasy atmosphere began to spread throughout the main camp.
Morinaga: ...It's strangely noisy on the front lines.
As if to affirm Morinaga-san's words, the number of injured people had been increasing for awhile now.
(I'm managing to get by for now, but if it gets worse, I'll run out of medicine.)
(What on earth happened...?)
Scout: Morinaga-sama! It seems that the enemy has reinforcements. Their number is approximately one hundred!
Morinaga: One hundred? It's too responsive for that number.
Morinaga: It's as if they received a thousand reinforcements.
(Does a thousand... mean that's how strong the enemy is?)
Morinaga: ...Yoshino.
After a brief pause, Morinaga turned to face me.
Morinaga: Will you go with the guards and get out of the battlefield for the time being?
Yoshino: Morinaga-sama...?
Morinaga: I'm going to go help our allies on the front lines.
Morinaga-san's words were filled with a strong will.
(I'm anxious to leave Morinaga-san, but under the circumstances, I don't have a choice.)
(Even at this moment, there are people waiting for help.)
(At least... don't let myself get in the way!)
I clench my trembling hands tightly.
Yoshino: ...I understand. Be careful.
Morinaga: You too. Please be careful.
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I parted from Morinaga and headed to the rear with the other soldiers.
I desperately clung to the unfamiliar horse and kept letting it run for awhile...
(Huh? It looks like a messenger has arrived.)
A soldier rushed in and delivered a message. The others immediately began to stir.
Yoshino: Um, what's going on?
I timidly asked a nearby soldier.
Soldier 1: Actually... we have received information that our rear supply units may be targeted.
Yoshino: Eh.
Soldier 1: If the rear, which is responsible for assessing the battle situation and supplying provisions, were to collapse, it will deal a significant blow to the soldiers currently fighting...!
(No way...)
The image of Morinaga and the other soldiers I had parted ways with earlier came to mind.
Soldier 2: We can't just abandon them. We must defend our supplies. Let's go!
Soldier 3: ...However, that would mean fighting while protecting Yoshino. And the fastest route is the animal trail, but it is far too dangerous for someone who is not used to riding horses!
(I'm just a burden...)
I opened my mouth with determination.
Yoshino: ...Um, if you can find somewhere to hide, please leave me there!
Soldier 3: But...
(My voice was trembling, but...)
(Other people are fighting for their lives. I can't get in their way.)
Yoshino: If there is a battle, it's just as dangerous for me to be with you all, and I don't want to cause any trouble by being there. Rather, I'd prefer you come and pick me up after the fighting calms down...
The soldiers looked at each other and kept quiet.
After a short silence, one of them spoke.
Soldier 3: ...Yoshino is certainly right. Night will soon be upon us and the battle will be over. It would be better for you to hide somewhere safe rather than staying with us. I will show you the way, follow me!
Yoshino: Y-yes!
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We entered the forest for awhile, and I was then guided to...
Soldier 3: There is a cabin over there used by local hunters. In case of an emergency, you can send out a smoke signal... I will come to pick you up in a moment, so please be patient.
Yoshino: ...Thank you very much. I hope everyone stays safe!
The soldiers disappeared from sight, and I finally realized that I am a human being.
(I'm a bit worried though...)
Morinaga: It's best to be familiar with the battlefield so that you can survive should the unexpected happen.
*flashback over*
(...Now is the time. All I can do is stay here and wait for the soldiers to return.)
(If anything happens, I can just send up a signal... it will be fine.)
Telling myself this, I headed for the cabin through the underbrush.
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When I opened the door of the simple cabin--
???: W-who is it...?
In a dimly lit corner of the room, a soldier lay in agony.
(It's a terrible injury!)
Yoshino: Are you okay...?
As I rushed over to him, my eyes fell on a flag lying next to the soldier.
(This is...)
(...There's no doubt about it. This symbol was raised by the enemy!)
Enemy Soldier: A woman...? Why are you here...
Yoshino: I, I...
(If by any chance they find out I'm an enemy... I'll definitely be killed.)
I instinctively stepped back and my back hit the door.
Enemy Soldier: Wait... I don't know which town you are from, but you can't leave until the war is over...
Yoshino: What...?
The soldier, who seemed to have no energy to move, was giving me words of advice.
(This person is...)
(Although they didn't know I was the enemy... they were worried about me even though they were so wounded themselves.)
(A little bit of medical attention might help right now.)
(But this is not something I can show Morinaga and the others who were risking their lives to fight the enemy.)
(What should I do...)
Enemy Soldier: Guh...
Yoshino: Um...
While I hesitated, blood trickled from the soldier's side and pooled onto the floor.
(I am...)
I took out a cloth that I had prepared in case of emergency and administered first aid.
Enemy Soldier: Ah, what are you doing...
Yoshino: Please stay still. I am a pharmacist.
(I don't know what is the right thing to do right now. But I'd rather help... than to regret it.)
After awhile...
(I managed to stop the bleeding for now, but he was still covered in wounds. I need to wash the wounds and apply medicine to prevent them from getting infected.)
(I'm sure there was a stream nearby. I could just go outside for a bit...)
Yoshino: Can you wait a moment? I'm going to fetch some water.
Enemy Soldier: Ah..yeah...
I left the man there and quickly made my way to the stream.
(This is...)
The empty plains were in a terrible shape.
The burning embers and broken arrows stuck in the ground were telltale signs of a fierce battle.
(I've finished drawing water, so I need to get back to the cabin quickly...)
I was about to hurry back when my lips pursed together...
???: What are you doing here--- fox princess?
(That voice...)
A strange massed voice echoes from behind me, the kind that you would never forget once you've heard it.
(That can't be... he can't be here.)
It felt as if the temperature around me had suddenly dropped, and I broke out in a cold sweat, unable to even turn around.
All I could hear was the clear sound of footsteps approaching through the grass.
(...I have to run away!)
I forced my stiffened legs to move and roll out of the way, but---
Yoshitsune: Freeze.
Yoshino: Ah...
He grabbed my arm with strength and I knelt on the spot.
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Yoshitsune: This is a much sooner reunion that I had expected.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama...
Eyes that resembled amethyst looked down at me.
(What a cold stare...)
I tried to turn my face away in horror, but the hand on my chin prevented me from doing so.
Yoshitsune: I had no idea that an unexpected enemy was lurking in the midst of enemy reinforcements that I joined on a whim.
Yoshino: When you say enemy reinforcements... do you mean the rebel army?
Yoshitsune: We haven't brought enough soldiers to be called an army.
(Now that I think about it, Yoritomo-sama said that...)
(...Yoshitsune-sama is the one who can turn the tide of battle by himself, no matter how critical the situation.)
(That's why the war situation had suddenly worsened!)
Yoshitsune: Does your presence mean that the shogunate is coming to the battlefield?
Yoshino: It's...
Yoshitsune: Answer me.
The intimidating presence that left no room for argument sent a chill down my spine.
Yoshino: ...Yoritomo-sama is not here.
Yoshitsune: ---really?
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Yoshitsune: Then it was Lord Yoritomo's fault for letting his precious trump card slip from his hand.
Yoshino: Ah...
The tip of his blade was held against my throat, and I had stopped breathing.
The fear made my skin crawl and my body tremble.
Yoshitsune: ...Resent me, Yoshino.
Read Chapter 2 here.
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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ga-yuu · 8 months
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Tamamo: *sighs* "Never thought I would be taking pictures with an old friend for the first time in a long time...oh well, let me introduce you to Rikka. Be careful not be seduced by him. Rikka's love is.......I'd say its 'vicious'?
So, I was right! This guy is tsukuyomi or I think, the guy that communicates with the eight-headed serpent. I'm like 50% sure now! Let me tell you, there is a scene in Yoichi and Shigehira's sequel where Tamamo senses a 'familiar presence' and Tsukuyomi, who realized that Tamamo sensed his presence, looked amused. But in the story, they particularly described Tsukuyomi to have white hair....so what's with this guy having black hair? I wanna know more!!
Also some Jp players think this guy is like Yuki-Onna, because he's all about "I like the ice..." That would be cool (no pun intended) if they added more demons...But I could honestly see this guy in hell sitting on a throne, caressing the eight headed serpent's chin while watching the chaos in the human world through the eight headed serpent's eyes.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Minamoto no Yoshitsune Main Story: Chapter 1
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
i did this sometime last year, so i've already lost all the screenshots. oops.
(Gather demonic powers and break the deal with Tamamo... then I'll definitely open my own clinic!)
Keeping my dreams of leading an ordinary, blissful life close to my heart, I gathered my resolve and looked forward to the days ahead.
Yuno: Please take good care of me, everyone!
Yoritomo: If you can still give such a clear response, you're doing a good job — for now, that is.
Shigehira: How can you treat her this warmly? The enemy is Yoshitsune.
As he spoke, Shigehira's eyes had a look of caution.
– Flashback Start –
Yoshitsune: I came back from the brink of death, to defeat Yoritomo. In order to do that, I surrendered my soul to a demon.
– Flashback End –
(That's Yoritomo's younger brother, right?)
(But, just to defeat Yoritomo, he made a deal with a demon... Kurama.)
Yuno: Um, what kind of man is Lord Yoshitsune?
Tamamo: I'm interested in knowing too. Even though Yoshitsune now has Kurama's demonic powers, he was a force that was once defeated, am I right?
Tamamo: And yet, you guys claim to need Yuno's help.
Tamamo: Could it be that you don't have the confidence to go up against him?
Yuno: Hey, Tamamo!?
(If you say it like that...)
The rim of Kagetoki's glasses shined, and a sharp gaze pierced right through us.
Kagetoki: Considering that the two of you are a regular country girl, and a dumb fox that has been asleep in a rock for hundreds of years, I'm not surprised that you don't understand.
Yuno: C-country girl... you're not wrong about that, but...
(Your tongue is really sharp!)
Morinaga: Hey, Kagetoki. The two of them are helping us, don't use that tone with them.
Tamamo: That's right, show us some respect.
Kagetoki: Pardon me. I was just being honest.
Morinaga: Ka Ge To Ki?
Kagetoki: ...
Kagetoki took a step away from Morinaga and kept his mouth shut.
(Morinaga is smiling, could there be something else hidden behind that smile...?)
Shigehira: You're straying away from the main subject.
Yoritomo: No need to get hung up on it, Shigehira.
Yoritomo: The one who would know best how great of a threat Yoshitsune is, is a member of the Heike, who once fought him directly.
Yuno: Heike...
(Come to think of it, Shigehira's full name is 'Taira no Shigehira'...)
Even though I'm only an ordinary 'country girl', I know that Heike and Genji were at war for a long period of time.
Yuno: If Shigehira is a member of the Heike, why did he join Lord Yoritomo's army...?
Shigehira: Usually, I'd just say that it's unnecessary for you to know. But I guess I'll tell you.
Shigehira: — It's because I fought Yoshitsune and lost.
The flame in Shigehira’s eyes seemed to flicker.
Yoritomo: Although Shigehira's appearance may show otherwise, he was a great general in the Heike.
Yoritomo: Back then, the Heike were already at the end of their rope. Therefore, we can't say that their loss was due to Shigehira's incompetence.
Yoritomo: It was Yoshitsune who kicked Heike aside and won a flashy victory.
Shigehira: I was supposed to be executed right there, but Lord Yoritomo spared me for some unknown reason.
Shigehira: So we formed an alliance, and now I'm a member of the Kamakura Shogunate. Is that enough information?
Yuno: Y-yes.
(I'm sure there's something deeper going on, but I don't feel like asking any more questions.)
Shigehira: Yoshitsune, the man you're about to fight, is more than just a monster.
(You're talking about when Genji defeated the Heikei...)
Yuno: Are you saying that he was already extremely strong... even before obtaining powers from Kurama?
Tamamo: Sounds terrible, doesn't it? He's what we'd call a one-man army.
Shigehira: That's right. He was already an incredibly tough enemy to begin with, and now he's got demonic powers.
Shigehira was frowning, but it wasn't out of fear. It was his determination to fight.
(The others... all look like brave samurai.)
Kagetoki: ...At that time, under Lord Yoritomo's orders, I was accompanying Lord Yoshitsune.
Yuno: Does that mean you watched Lord Yoshitsune fight up close?
Tamamo: How was it?
Kagetoki: It was indeed an insane battle.
Kagetoki continued calmly.
Kagetoki: Despite being a general, he rushed to the frontlines, wielding his sword fiercely, willing to lay down his life...
Kagetoki: He has no problem pulling off crazy, and even deadly moves.
Kagetoki: Everyone on his army was willing to die with him, as if they were possessed.
Morinaga: Rumor has it that grass will not grow on land Lord Yoshitsune has stepped on.
Morinaga: When I first met him, I was astonished to see how skilled he was in swordsmanship and warfare, contrary to his graceful appearance.
(Even the members of the Shogunate are all saying things that show how strong he is...!)
Yuno: ...He sounds amazing.
As I mumbled under my breath, Yoritomo's lips curled into a smile.
Yoritomo: No matter what state the battle is in, Yoshitsune has the abilities to single-handedly turn things around.
Yoritomo: To be honest, we would've lost some of our battles if it wasn't for him.
(It's hard to believe that there's someone that incredible without seeing it with your own eyes.)
(Yoshitsune definitely didn't seem like an ordinary man.)
The mere thought of his cold stare was enough to make me go numb with fear.
Tamamo: Kurama could tell that Yoshitsune's soul was not that of an ordinary human being.
Tamamo: Neither the way he fought nor the way he lived was ordinary.
Yuno: I have to fight someone like that...
Yoritomo: Are you afraid?
Yuno: I- I'm not.
Shigehira: What an obvious lie. Your voice is trembling.
Yuno: Ermm... I'm trembling with fighting spirit!
Shigehira: ...You?
(I'm not afraid... but I'm sure that I will be when the time comes.)
(I need to have a strong heart.)
Yoritomo: Now, it's getting late. We should head in to get some rest.
Yuno: Um... what should I do starting tomorrow?
Yoritomo: Do whatever you like. I'll have a room prepared for you.
Yuno: Sounds like trouble, from the way you say it.
Yoritomo: Let the maid know if you need anything. And if you're bored, I guess I can arrange some entertainment for you, such as singers or dancers.
Yuno: That's not what I meant!
Yoritomo: Then what is it that you meant?
Yuno: I was wondering if I'm supposed to just be a sitting duck while waiting for the battle against Yoshitsune.
Yuno: Lord Yoritomo, you said that you'll hire me, right?
Yuno: I'm employed by you, so I can't possibly just sit there doing nothing at all.
Yoritomo: ...
(I'm getting a bad feeling about this...)
For some reason, Yoritomo was staring at me very intently before switching to a pleasant expression.
Yoritomo: Heh? I see you're taking this very seriously. Alright, I'll give you a proper job.
Yuno: Really...?
Yoritomo: Of course.
Yoritomo: Kagetoki. We received a letter last night from another nation, asking for war reinforcements.
Kagetoki: Yes, we did. But it's only a little skirmish between two small nations, I don't think there is a need for the Shogunate to interfere.
Yoritomo: I also thought of ignoring it. But, right now, I think it'd be good to use this as an opportunity to form an alliance with them, in preparation for the upcoming big war.
Yoritomo: Morinaga.
Morinaga: Oh, so you're up for it?
Yoritomo: Yes. Take Yuno with you and check what's the current situation.
Yuno: Please hold on a minute! Why are you taking me to a battlefield out of a sudden...?
When I voiced out my question, Yoritomo smiled at me.
Yoritomo: Didn't you tell me you wanted a job?
Yoritomo: As the saying goes, it's better to grow accustomed to something than to learn it, right?
(You're not wrong, but ——)
Yuno: Don't you think it's a little too harsh to throw me into a battlefield without prior warning!?
I was stunned at the suffocating atmosphere of the battlefield.
Morinaga: Sorry, Yuno.
Yuno: No, no... you don't have to apologise, Morinaga.
We were at the main camp, where a war had just started.
Morinaga received reports from his messengers, and gave his instructions to each unit.
(I heard that the soldiers were told that I'm accompanying them as an apothecary...)
(I'm getting the feeling that I'm being watched... do I look so out of place?)
I wondered if Tamamo would be ordered to do this too.
He was instructed to remain at the castle and give Yoritomo information about Kurama's abilities.
Yuno: This is all happening way too suddenly... is Lord Yoritomo always like this?
Morinaga: Except for when he's trying to feign friendliness.
Morinaga's laughter was so refreshing, it didn't suit the battlefield.
Morinaga: Hmm, I don't think Lord Yoritomo sent you here just to spite you.
Yuno: ...Is that so?
Morinaga: Even the bravest of warriors will feel fearful during their very first battle.
Morinaga: What's more, you're a regular citizen with no combat training.
Morinaga: If you get used to being on the battlefield, you won't have difficulty overcoming any unexpected challenges in your battles.
Yuno: Oh...
Those words made me remember what happened last night.
– Flashback Start –
Yoritomo: Are you okay, Morinaga!
Morinaga: Yes, it's nothing serious.
Morinaga: Beware of the strange wind, it's like a blade.
Yoshitsune: As expected of the 'Fierce General' Adachi Morinaga, you managed to survive it.
Yoshitsune: A shame it was too weak to kill you, otherwise I would have found this more enjoyable.
– Flashback End –
(At that time, it was the first time we saw Yoshitsune’s strange abilities, but Yoritomo and Morinaga were able to remain calm.)
(It might be because... they're more than experienced in being in dangerous situations during battle.)
Yuno: On the battlefield, there will be times when one finds themselves all alone.
Yuno: So, I think I should get used to it...
Morinaga: The one we're on right now is only a small skirmish. As long as we remain in the main camp, chances of us being attacked by the enemy are kept to a minimum.
Morinaga: I think Lord Yoritomo took that point into consideration before sending you here.
Yuno: Well, if Lord Yoritomo had made his intentions clear from the very beginning, he could've easily convinced me to come instead of forcing me here...
Morinaga: That's just the kind of man he is.
Morinaga stood up when he saw a messenger rushing into the camp.
(I still don't know the samurai or the members of the Shogunate well.)
A few hours later...
(I wonder what's happening out there. The sun is setting...)
Morinaga: Thank you for treating the injured, Yuno.
Yuno: Don't mention it! It's the most I can do to help.
Time passed by so quickly as I was busy caring for the wounded.
Morinaga: It looks like we'll emerge victorious in this battle for sure, and it's all thanks to your help.
Yuno: Really!?
(That's a relief. We can all return home safely...!)
But my happiness didn't last for long ——
It felt like something was off about the atmosphere at the main camp.
Morinaga: ...What's with the ruckus at the frontline?
As if to confirm Morinaga's words, more wounded soldiers started coming to the camp.
(I can handle it for now, but if this goes on, we'll run out of medicine.)
(What on earth is going on...?)
Scout: Lord Morinaga! The enemy has sent their reinforcements. They have about a hundred more men!
Morinaga: A hundred? From the looks of it, there's way more than that.
Morinaga: I'm estimating that they have around a thousand more men.
(A thousand... that's how strong the enemy is?)
Morinaga: ...Yuno.
Morinaga took a deep breath and turned to me.
Morinaga: Can you leave the battlefield with an escort?
Yuno: But, what about you...?
Morinaga: I will personally go to the frontlines.
Morinaga's words contained a strong determination.
(I'm worried about leaving Morinaga here, but it seems that it's inevitable in this situation.)
(There are people who need his help.)
(At the very least... I won't let myself get in the way!)
I tightly clenched my trembling hands.
Yuno: ...Understood. Be careful out there.
Morinaga: You too. Take care.
We split up and I went to join my escorts.
It's been a while since I last had to desperately hold onto a galloping horse for dear life...
(Hm? It looks like we have a message.)
After a soldier rode up to us and made his announcement, there was a commotion amongst the soldiers...
Yuno: Excuse me, may I know what's going on?
I asked a nearby soldier.
Soldier 1: To be honest...
Soldier 1: We received intel that our rear guard and supply unit has been targeted.
Yuno: Wha—
Soldier 1: If the rear guard, who monitors the battle situation and provides supplies to our troops, is destroyed... it'll be a great blow to those fighting at the front!
(Oh no...)
I pictured Morinaga and the other soliders we left behind.
Soldier 2: We can't just ignore it. We must defend our supplies. Let's go!
Soldier 3: ...But we'll have to fight while protecting Yuno.
Soldier 3: The fastest route is through the animal trail, it's too dangerous for people who aren't used to horseriding!
(I'm being a burden...)
I made a decision and opened my mouth to tell them.
Yuno: ...Um, if there is a place where I can hide, please just leave me there!
Soldier 3: But...
(My voice is trembling... but...)
(They're fighting for their lives. I can't hold them back.)
Yuno: If there's going to be a fight, it'll be dangerous for me to accompany you. I don't want my presence to get in your way.
Yuno: I'd rather you come pick me up after the fighting has calmed down...
The soliders glanced at one another.
After a brief moment of silence, one solider stepped forward.
Soldier 3: ...Yuno is right.
Soldier 3: The battle will end by nightfall. Rather than sticking with us, it'd be better for her to hide in a safe spot.
Soldier 3: I'll show you the way, please follow me!
Yuno: Got it!
We entered the forest, and I was guided to my hiding spot...
Soldier 3: There is a small hut up ahead, it's used by the local hunters. In case of emergency, you can send a smoke signal...
Soldier 3: I'll come pick you up in a while, so please bear with it.
Yuno: ...Thank you so much. I hope all of you return safely.
The moment the soldiers disappeared from my sight, those negative feelings finally started flooding to me.
(I feel uneasy...)
– Flashback Start –
Morinaga: If you get used to being on the battlefield, you won't have difficulty overcoming any unexpected challenges in your battles.
– Flashback End –
(All I can do is wait for the soldiers to return.)
(If anything bad happens, I can just send a smoke signal... everything is okay.)
I comforted myself made my way through the grass towards the hut.
I opened the door of the simple hut —
???: W-who is it...
In a dark corner of the hut, a soldier was laying down in agony.
(He's badly hurt!)
Yuno: Are you alright...?
I approached the soldier without thinking, and noticed a flag laying next to him.
(...The enemy's crest!)
Enemy Soldier: A woman...? What are you doing here...
Yuno: I...
(If he finds out I'm an enemy... he'll kill me for sure.)
I backed away and my back hit the door.
Enemy Soldier: Please wait... I don't know which town you're from, but you can't go outside until this war ends...
Yuno: What...?
The soldier gave me those words of advice, despite not having the energy to move.
(This man...)
(Even though he doesn't know that I'm an enemy... he's still worried about me while covered in injuries.)
(If I treat his injuries now, he'll have a chance of survival.)
(But, if I save an enemy soldier, how will I face Morinaga and his men who are risking their lives to fight the enemy?)
(What should I do...)
Enemy Soldier: Argh...
Yuno: Um...
Blood was pooling on the floor beneath the soldier.
I took out my first-aid kit and a piece of cloth.
Enemy Soldier: W-what are you doing...
Yuno: Hold still. I'm an apothecary.
(I don't know whether what I'm doing is right, but... I'd rather attempt to save him, than to regret it in the future.)
A while later...
(The bleeding is stopped for now...but the wound is quite big. I need to clean it and apply medicine to prevent infection.)
(If I remember correctly, there's a creek nearby. So if I want to head outside for a bit...)
Yuno: Are you able to wait for a while? I'll go get some water.
Enemy Soldier: Okay...
I left the solider and headed for the creek.
(This is...)
The land was in a horrible state.
Broken arrows on fire pierced the ground, it was a sign that a fierce battle had taken place here.
(I got the water, I should quickly head back to the hut...)
As I pursed my lips and was about to leave...
???: What are you doing here — Fox Princess?
(That voice...)
I heard a voice from behind me, one that I will never forget even after hearing it only once.
(No way... it can't be him.)
I felt the temperature of the air around me drop, and I broke into cold sweat, unable to move.
The sound of footsteps approaching me was vivid.
(...I need to escape!)
I tried forcing my stiff legs to move —
Yoshitsune: Stop right there.
Yuno: Ah...
He roughly tugged my arm and brought me to my knees.
Yoshitsune: I didn't expect us to reunite this soon.
Yuno: Lord Yoshitsune...
Eyes resembling amethysts stared down at me.
(His stare is so cold...)
I tried to turn my face away in fear, but was stopped by his hand on my chin.
Yoshitsune: I joined this battle on a whim, but I didn't think there would be enemies lurking in the shadows.
Yuno: Were the enemy's reinforcements... the Rebel Army?
Yoshitsune: I don't have enough soldiers with me to be considered an army.
(I remember Yoritomo said...)
(...Yoshitsune has the abilities to single-handedly turn a battle around, regardless of the situation.)
(He's the reason why the fighting escalated so quickly!)
Yoshitsune: If you're here, it means that the Shogunate is on the battlefield, am I right?
Yuno: That's...
Yoshitsune: Answer me.
A chill ran down my spine.
Yuno: ...Lord Yoritomo isn't here.
Yoshitsune: — Oh, really?
Yoshitsune: Then it's Yoritomo's own fault for losing his trump card.
Yuno: Ah...
I held my breath as the tip of his sword was pointed at my throat.
My skin got goosebumps, and my body was trembling in fear.
Yoshitsune: ...Hate me all you want, Yuno.
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shatcey · 2 months
Yoichi on Shigehira's route
Yoichi completely outshined Shigehira.
I should be happy. But I'm not.
I really love Yoichi for many reasons (not just for his design), but this is NOT his route. I got it, the devs wanted to stir up interest in the character whose route will be released next. But it still seems unfair.
Shigehira has such a strong character, with a very difficult past… he deserved to be beloved. But Yoichi's constant presence and how often he shows his strengths makes it almost impossible. I feel bad for Shigehira.
Perhaps if I had played in the right order, I would have had a completely different impression…
Even MC notices how great he is.
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He even said the same words as Shigehira a few years ago. The devs did this to switch attention to the main character, but it didn't work on me. It just makes me remember what they were very close friends a long time ago.
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Earlier, I wrote I have an impression that MC almost fell for him. And at the end of the story, this impression became even stronger.
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She understands him so well… Almost as well as she understands him on his route. This is not easy to achieve. He's really good at hiding his true intentions.
Maybe I'm just biased. Maybe, in my eyes, he really is much better. But still, it seems to me that Shigehira, because of his pride, doesn't show his best qualities. And we cannot easily see how wonderful he truly is.
I finished his route only on romantic ending and see Shigehara as a shy, sweet boy with a very difficult past, nothing more. Perhaps the dramatic ending makes a different impression on me. But not now. Some time later.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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akihitosutokuin · 2 years
Types of Women They Would Like
Shigehira: a caring and compassionate woman. someone who isn't afraid to demonstrate that she has respect for human dignity. a woman who is headstrong and steadfast in her ideals. he admires people who stand their ground courageously in the midst of turmoil. he at least expects his woman not to be a coward, especially since he himself has often been carelessly branded as a traitor by former supporters of the taira clan. he desires a lover who shares his basic moral values and who does not sacrifice deeds for reputation.
Yoritomo: a mature and pure woman. someone who is one of those innocent souls that he heartily enjoys teasing. in a way, this juxtaposition of naive and sinful natures encourages him that life is not just manipulations to reach a goal. an individual who recognizes the sacrifices he makes every day for the kingdom and cherishes him in spite of his double face. witnessing such a magnificent, feminine display of will also pushes him to be a better general. she is the symbolic maiden who serves as the vision guiding his quest to reshape a better, unified country.
Akihito: an understanding and warm woman. someone who can see past his shrewd cunning to the hidden shame and sorrow. being with an upbeat, cheerful prescence helps him to experience the beauty in life. having endured loneliness for so long, he craves a sincere physical touch. he desires someone to laugh with until his cheeks hurt, to spend long afternoons discussing favorite books, and compose the most exquisite love poems with. behind closed doors, a lover who will submit to his dominant prescence and smoothly enter into a gentle power game.
Yoshitsune: a loyal and perceptive woman. someone who he can look to as a source of light. having been cast aside by his brother, he secretly craves an eternal bond with his lifelong soulmate. a woman who he can lavish his affection onto without fear of feeling second best. he desires to hold her tight and never let her go, so she needs to understand yet stand up against his possessive nature. he will do best with a passionate yet devoted lover who is confident in her own ability to set boundaries.
Kagetoki: a willful and independent lover. while this may seem like a perfect description of himself, he would do best with someone who shares some of these basic personality aspects, yet applies them with different intent. a woman who strongly puts her all into everything she does. someone who does not give up when the hard times come, but who persists until the very end. having ruthlessly dealt with treacherous, unrealiable people in the past, he absolutely will not enter into a relationship with such an individual.
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Ikegen - Shogunate boys at the University
Warnings: none
Words: 738
A/N: featuring yoritomo, morinaga, shigehira, tamamo and kagetoki
Professor - "Please take a look at your grades and see if there is anything you would like to ask me. I’ll answer your questions in class tomorrow. Have a nice day, everyone."
The shogunate boys are all seating next to each other with their tests in hand. Kagetoki smirks triumphantly when he sees he got a 10.
Kagetoki - "Hmm, that's not bad."
Morinaga - "Wow, as expected of Kagetoki. You also did a pretty good job, Shigehira. Congrats!"
Shigehira blushes at the compliment. He only made two mistakes in the test, so he also got a high grade.
Shigehira - "Ohh.. yeah… Thanks. It was not that difficult I guess…"
Morinaga - "It seems there is only one person here who is not that happy. I wonder why… Right, Yoritomo-sama?"
Yoritomo - …
Yoritomo - "Hmm…"
Shigehira gets shocked when he sees Yoritomo got a zero.
Shigehira - "Yoritomo-sama, I'm sure there must be a mistake. Let's talk to the professor… Maybe he can reevaluate your test and…"
Kagetoki - "There is no need for that. That's what he gets for partying all night long with Tamamo and those women last night. "
Morinaga - "Hehehe, it looks like our shogun didn't study much yesterday."
Yoritomo seems thoughtful when suddenly he has an epiphany.
Yoritomo - "I know how to fix this! You, woman!"
Shigehira - "Where is he going? Yoritomo-sama!!"
Yoritomo points to a student who was sitting on the other side of the classroom and walks towards her.
Yoritomo - "Hey, woman!"
Girl - "Huh?"
Yoritomo - "It looks like you got a good grade in the chemistry test, huh? That's very impressive."
Girl - "Hey, give my test back!"
Yoritomo - "How dare you interrupt me! I have an offer for you."
Girl - "Whatttt? Get lost, you fucker!"
Yoritomo - "Ohhh, that's very bold of you to talk to the Seii Taishogun like that. You're a troublesome woman, indeed."
Yoritomo - "Hehe, you know, what? I like you. Teach me chemistry now and I'll let you join the shogunate. How about that?"
Girl - "No!"
While Yoritomo annoys the poor woman, his friends are watching from the window a cute little fox surrounded by girls in the yard.
Shigehira - "Is that Tamamo?"
Kagetoki - "That lazy fox has no shame, hasn't he? He partied all night long yesterday, didn't study for the test and now he skips class to be spoiled by these girls?"
Morinaga - "He is very human-oriented ahahah."
Suddenly, a group of boys enters the classroom looking for a student to join their team.
Boy 1 - "Hey, anyone here wants to play baseball? We need another player."
Morinaga - "Yeah, I do!"
Shigehira - "Wait, Morinaga! We have a situation here!"
Morinaga - "I'll be right back. See ya!"
While Morinaga left to play and Yoritomo is trying to persuade a student to teach him chemistry and maybe join the shogunate to make good use of her knowledge, Tamamo is now facing a challenge of his own after a stray god appeared in the yard.
Now all girls are patting the dog, instead of him. Tamamo is frustrated. He wants all eyes on him. Why the humans are paying attention to a silly dog instead of a cute little fox like himself?
Tamamo - (Whyyyy? Get lost your stupid, dog! I got here first!)
Tamamo - (If this is Kagetoki's doing, he will pay for it. I'll get late to all next meetings!!)
The dog doesn't seem to even notice Tamamo's presence and keeps wagging his tail to the girls who are playing with him.
Meanwhile, Kagetoki and Shigehira watch the scene from the classroom window.
Kagetoki - "Hehehe, look Shigehira. The gods are punishing the lazy fox. Serves him right."
Shigehira - "Emm… Kagetoki, I don't think we have time for that now."
Kagetoki - "Why not? The dog just stole his spotlight. I'm having fun watching this pathetic Ayakashi getting rejected."
Shigehira - "Well… Morinaga is nowhere to be seen and Yoritomo-sama just made a deal with that random girl. It looks like she agreed to join the shogunate. So… Maybe we should interfere?"
Kagetoki - "Geez, fine. You go after Morinaga and Tamamo. I'll terminate whatever deal these two made right now. Let's go back home before Yoritomo recruits more weirdos to our group and Tamamo gets into a fight with a stray dog…"
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reccyls · 2 years
Ikemen Genjiden Part 2 Prologue
(I am not fully fluent in Japanese so if there’s something wrong with my translations, please let me know!)
MC: Phew… This is so nerve-wracking.
I was jittery with the knowledge that history was being made right before my eyes.
Shigehira: There’s nothing for you to be nervous about, you know? Just be your normal, carefree self.
MC: W-well, you’re not wrong, but…
Yoichi: A smile suits you better than a frown. That’s what you wanted to say, wasn’t it, little lord?
Shigehira: …Tch, I’ll thank you not to presume that we’re close enough that you can speak for me.
Right now, representatives of the rebel army and the imperial court were gathered at Ookura Palace.
(It’s been three months since the war between the Bakufu and the rebel army ended.)
(I had no idea what would happen when the imperial court joined the battle, turning it into a three-way war…)
After a long, long battle…
The three sides had finally decided to agree to a peace treaty.
(And today should be the day to commemorate it!)
Yoritomo: All right, preparations on my side are finished.
Yoshitsune: Excellent news. I was just about to get tired of waiting and just cut your head off.
Yoritomo: If you need help learning to be more patient, your “onii-chan” is always willing to help, Yoshitsune.
Yoshitsune: …It seems that to match you being born before me, you also wish to die before me.
Akihito: Ahh, you two get along as poorly as ever, but I suppose that’s all right, isn’t it?
(Well, you can’t really expect the past to be washed away so cleanly…)
Kurama: Hurry up and get on with it. I’ve got a duel with Tamamo I need to get to.
Ibuki: Have you already forgotten how you blew the roof off a teahouse at Kamakura just 10 days ago?
Tamamo: Even though there’s an unspoken agreement with everyone about our true forms, that’s still no reason to intimidate humans as you please.
Tamamo, Kurama, and also Ibuki all took very active roles in the war, and so their true nature as ayakashi was revealed to the soldiers.
And rumors had spread widely throughout town as well, though it was still technically all gossip for now.
(Of course, a lot of things occurred as a result of these rumors, and I’m sure that the three of them had a lot to deal with.)
For the time being, Tamamo, Kurama, and Ibuki were still pretending to be normal humans in front of others… or at least, they should have been.
Benkei: If the three of these guys were freed from their bonds, they could just destroy the whole town, couldn’t they?
Kagetoki: Only slackers with too much free time worry about a future that might not even happen.
(That’s right. Even though the war was over, that didn’t mean that everything was neatly taken care of.)
(If peace truly were to come, then perhaps Yoshitsune and Akihito would also end up giving up their powers…)
In the case of Tamamo and I, he had been able to recover enough magical energy during the war.
But in order to maintain the balance of power with the rebel army and the imperial court, we hadn’t broken our bond yet.
Yasuchika: Rather than worrying about an all out ayakashi war,
Yasuchika: You should all be worrying about how to join hands with the people whose blood stains them. I’d say that’s a more pressing issue, wouldn’t you?
Yoichi & Shigehira: ……
Morinaga: MC. As someone who got tangled up in this bloody war, what do you think?
MC: …I don’t know what the future holds, but I think it’s a wonderful thing that we’ve reached a point where we can think about having hope for what is to come.
With everyone’s attention suddenly directed at me, I chose my words carefully.
MC: Everyone here carries the burdens of the past with them. I’ve seen it demonstrated through the war.
(I’d seen everyone’s beliefs and determination clash. Of course, I wanted to help the Bakufu.)
(But I couldn’t overlook the beliefs and ways of life of the people who had once been my enemies.)
MC: It wasn’t just a terrible war, but also a tragic one. And that’s why…
MC: To everyone here, whom I admire and respect, I hope that you can all be happy.
At my spirited declaration, the expressions of everyone softened just a little.
Sueharu: Well, well. Who could be boorish enough to refuse a heartfelt request like that?
MC: That was probably too presumptuous of me. I’m sorry.
Still, though, I hope that there could be a day when people could simply exchange smiles, regardless of whether they were enemies or allies.
And just as I was imagining that lovely future–
A sudden thunderous roar cut my daydreams short.
Shigehira: …! What was that!?
Some of the soldiers waiting outside of the hall raced in.
Bakufu Soldier: Lord Yoritomo! We shall go to confirm the situation right away!
Yoritomo: I shall go as well.
At Yoritomo’s words, everyone else stood up and prepared to follow him out.
Morinaga: MC, you wait here.
MC: Ah… no! I’m curious about what happened so please let me go as well.
(If it’s a landslide or an earthquake, then people may need medical assistance.)
We all rushed out the gates of the palace–
MC: What is this!?
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The ground had split open, and an eerie black mist was rising out of the fissure, staining the sky dark.
Bakufu Soldier: T-this is…
Rebel Soldier: What in the world happened here!?
Yoshitsune: Everyone, calm down. We’ll split up from here to find the source of the anomaly.
Yoritomo: At the same time, people are going to be panicking so we should escort them away. First of all–
Yoritomo and Yoshitsune immediately began directing their respective subordinates.
Akihito: Yasuchika, do you know anything?
Yasuchika: I’ve sent some shikigami out to investigate.
Yasuchika: But, this is the first time I’ve encountered such a strange aura.
Yasuchika: It feels as though miasma from the spirit realm has been mixed with something even thicker that I can’t identify.
(So even Yasuchika doesn’t know what this is.)
Tamamo: It gives off an awful stench. For now, let us search for where the aura is heaviest.
Taking only the bare minimum of soldiers with us as guards, we followed the aura to the source.
I was riding along on a borrowed horse.
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(When did it get so foggy…?)
Bakufu Soldier: Ugh…
Rebel Soldier: Strange, I suddenly feel so sleepy…
Through the fog, I saw the forms of the soldiers ahead of me suddenly start to sway.
MC: Careful!
The soldiers slipped off their horses and fell to the ground.
I stopped my horse and dismounted to check on them.
Yoritomo: What is it?
MC: I’m not sure… It seems as though they’re just sleeping.
Benkei: Hey, the horses are falling asleep too. Watch out!
At Benkei’s call, everyone dismounted as well.
And then–
Sueharu: So, the only ones that haven’t fallen asleep are the fourteen of us.
Kagetoki: A suspicious development. It feels as though someone planned this.
Yoichi: But it’s not like we have any other choice but to keep going for now.
(I’m not sure what’s going on. But I have a bad feeling about this.)
Uneasily, we pressed onwards through the fog that was so thick that we couldn’t even see where we were going.
After some time, we arrived at…
MC: Is this the ocean…?
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(The water is red. I’ve never seen anything like this before.)
The waves that lapped at the shore looked just like blood, and it made the hairs at the back of my neck stand on end.
Tamamo, Kurama, and Ibuki had all returned to their ayakashi forms at some point, and were surveilling the area with sharp eyes.
Yoshitsune: …! Everyone, halt.
(What… is that…?)
Within the mist, something enormous was breathing.
I could hear the sound of something massive and heavy scraping against the ground.
It grew louder and louder, and a dark shadow fell across us…
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???: I have been awaiting you, Living Ones.
No one dared to breathe.
A massive, eight-headed serpent stood before us.
(It’s like something out of a nightmare.)
After some time, Ibuki craned his head back and glared.
Ibuki: …Yamata no Orochi?
Yamata no Orochi: Yes, that is what I had been called in the distant past.
(...It’s cold.)
The goosebumps across my skin weren’t just from a normal chill, but also from sheer terror.
(I thought I had already gotten used to the presence of ayakashi.)
(But just from standing in front of Yamata no Orochi, I feel like it could crush me with its sheer presence alone.)
Ibuki: This isn’t some kind of bad joke, is it?
Ibuki: Even I’ve never come across Yamata no Orochi.
Ibuki: It’s supposed to have died in a time period so long ago that it’s considered a myth rather than history.
Yamata no Orochi: Indeed.
Yamata no Orochi: My current self belongs neither to the world where humans live, nor the realm of the ayakashi.
Yamata no Orochi: I am manifesting here as a messenger of the netherworld.
MC: The netherworld…?
Shigehira: When you say the netherworld, do you mean the realm where the souls of the dead travel to?
Kagetoki: Tamamo, is this snake telling the truth?
Tamamo: The next world after death is sacred to ayakashi. But as for where souls come from, or where they depart to…
Tamamo: I have lived for many centuries, and all I can say is that there is no way to know that without dying yourself.
Kurama: There is a way.
Summoning whirlwinds at his side, Kurama conjured blades of air out of them.
And then he launched them towards Yamata no Orochi.
Yamata no Orochi: ……
The blades of air sliced through Yamata no Orochi’s torso without any resistance.
(Did Kurama do it…?)
However, in the next instant…
Kurama: …!
Yamata no Orochi: My, my. The youth are so lively nowadays.
The cross-section of Yamata no Orochi’s torso silently repaired itself, and soon it looked exactly as it did before.
(No way…)
Yamata no Orochi: At any rate, to act in accordance with the urges of one’s blood is the privilege of living beings.
Tamamo: No matter how ancient the ayakashi, regenerative ability of this strength still defies all reason.
Yamata no Orochi: You cannot kill what is already dead. That is all.
Yamata no Orochi: Even if everyone here were to band together against me, it would do nothing at all.
(How powerful is it, to be able to withstand the combined strength of everyone here…?)
Yoritomo: As things stand now, we cannot defeat you. I understand that.
Yoritomo: But you must have a reason to show yourself like this. What is it?
Yoshitsune: You said you were a messenger. So that must mean you have something you want to say to us.
Yamata no Orochi: Listen well.
Its eight heads began to move and twist, turning to face Yoritomo, Yoshitsune, and Akihito in turn.
Yamata no Orochi: Minamoto no Yoritomo, Minamoto no Yoshitsune… and Emperor Sutoku, Akihito.
Yamata no Orochi: As decreed by fate, the three of you are supposed to have met your ends already.
Yoritomo & Yoshitsune: …!
Akihito: ….
(What does it mean by fate…?)
If even one of the three of them were to die,
There would be no chance that the outcome of the war would be as peaceful as it is now.
Yamata no Orochi: All three of you possess the strength to cast your influence upon the world.
Yamata no Orochi: Upon your deaths, the people shall lose their spirits, and the world will fall into unimaginable chaos. This shall certainly come to pass.
Akihito: Will it? You speak as though you have seen the future. 
Yamata no Orochi: History is woven together by countless coincidences falling into place. Furthermore…
Yamata no Orochi: Events that could change the course of the world to such a degree are inevitably preordained. 
Yamata no Orochi’s words hung heavily over us.
Yamata no Orochi: Mourning the loss of Yoshitsune, the rebel army loses their direction and ceases to exist.
Yamata no Orochi: The Kamakura Shogunate, who should have been the victors, meet their end years later following the death of Yoritomo…
Yamata no Orochi: And the imperial court, although able to endure, lacked a steady ruler, and warps into a form unrecognizable to what it is now.
I didn’t want to believe the future that Yamata no Orochi spoke of, but its proclamation chilled me to the bone.
Yamata no Orochi: But the threads of fate have been entangled, and the three of you yet live.
Yamata no Orochi: And not only that, but the tens of thousands of people who would have perished in the ensuing struggle for power also yet live.
Yamata no Orochi: Therefore, the netherworld seeks only to right the balance of life and death.
MC: To right the balance…?
Kagetoki: In other words, you intend to kill Lord Yoritomo and the others, as well as those tens of thousands of people?
(No! Not after everyone has worked so hard for peace.)
Yoritomo: What nonsense. Fate is something that people take into their own hands.
Yamata no Orochi: There are some destinies that can never be changed. You all, who have lived through the worst of life, should know that better than most.
Yoritomo: …
Yoshitsune: If that is the case, then who decides these unchangeable destinies? You are only a messenger, so who is your master?
Yamata no Orochi: I do not know. The netherworld is itself simply the concept of death. And death has no form.
Yamata no Orochi: Even if it did, it would not be a form that neither humans nor ayakashi could comprehend.
Yamata no Orochi: When I had woken from a long slumber, my duty had already been engraved in my eight minds.
Yamata no Orochi: I am nothing more than a puppeted corpse.
(If that is true, then how do we resist?)
(We can’t fight against the concept of death…)
As despair began to set in my heart, I clasped my hands together tightly.
Yamata no Orochi: However… The will of the netherworld also commands me thus: Before claiming the lives of those who should have passed, put humanity on trial.
Yasuchika: A trial? What do you mean by that?
Yamata no Orochi: The boundaries of the netherworld grow weak. Thin enough for hordes of undead to emerge and force their way into the land of the living.
Yamata no Orochi: Commanded by the will of the netherworld, they will seek to bring destruction upon the living.
Yamata no Orochi: If you can prevent that, then you have passed the trial. If not… then the will of the netherworld will have come to pass.
Akihito: You’ve demonstrated that we cannot fight you. How do you expect us to fight against the undead? This sounds incredibly unfavorable to us.
Yamata no Orochi: I am different. The undead are not undying.
Yamata no Orochi: If you kill one ten times, then the connection that binds them to the world of the living will be severed, and they will return to the netherworld.
MC: Ten times…
(No matter how strong everyone is, a battle like that is too much to handle.)
Yamata no Orochi: The will of the netherworld is as fair as death. Accordingly, you shall be granted with new power.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yamata no Orochi’s tail move. And in that instant–
My body was lifted into the air.
Shigehira: MC!
Wrapped up in Yamata no Orochi’s tail, I struggled desperately.
MC: L-let me go!
Yamata no Orochi: Be still. Wait.
MC: Ugh…
I thought at first that the tail was wrapping around me even tighter,
But a strange heat grew from where it was connected to my body.
Tamamo: What are you doing!?
(What is this? It’s odd… It feels just like when I’m channeling energy from my bond with Tamamo.)
Silver fluttered at the edges of my vision.
(...! My hair changed color! How is it drawing my magic out of me?)
Yamata no Orochi: Everyone, I would not move if I were in your position. I am sure you would not want me to strangle this girl, would you?
Everyone had moved to strike, but their faces twisted at Yamata no Orochi’s words and they did not take another step forward.
Yoritomo: She has nothing to do with the future of death you spoke of. Release her.
Yamata no Orochi: No. She is the center of that fate.
MC: What…?
Yamata no Orochi: At first glance, she is simply an ordinary apothecary.
Yamata no Orochi: Surprisingly, however, she is the one largely responsible for the peace that has fallen over the land.
MC: …! That’s not true!
(It’s only due to coincidence that I was bound to Tamamo and received these abilities.)
Yamata no Orochi: You may not realize it yourself, but everyone else here knows what I mean.
Everyone: ……
Yamata no Orochi: This girl shall become the miko of the netherworld.
Yamata no Orochi: The power of the nine-tailed fox is an interference, so I shall split the flow of the flow of magical energy.
(No, I can’t hold it back!)
A vast amount of power was swelling uncontrollably from deep within my body.
MC: Let me go!
Tamamo & Kurama: …
Ibuki: Tch…
That uncontrollable energy immediately began to drain away Tamamo, Kurama, and Ibuki’s magic as well.
(That’s strange… How is the power I received from Tamamo being turned against him?)
Yamata no Orochi: I will be taking the magical energy you have absorbed.
Yamata no Orochi: And now…
A sphere of light, swirling with an intricate mix of colors, drifted up to eye-level with Yamata no Orochi.
(Is that all their magical energy?)
Kurama: …Give it back.
Yamata no Orochi: Not in its original form.
Yamata no Orochi: A nine-tailed fox, a tengu, and Shuten-Douji. I shall give new form to your three energies, and create a new power from it.
Yamata no Orochi: Power to defeat the living dead, and to save the world… You may call it the Power of the Hero.
Shigehira: Power of the… Hero…
Yoichi: What a grandiose name.
Sueharu: So what? You’re going to grant us all that power?
Yamata no Orochi: There can only be one hero… Is what I would like to say. But this is too much power to grant to a single person. Two of you will be selected.
Yamata no Orochi: My miko, name the two heroes who shall be granted this power.
The tail that was wrapped around me set me down, and I was free to move again.
Yamata no Orochi: The Power of the Hero was born of your will and your inner strength. You should be able to sense the two most fit to bear it.
Yamata no Orochi: But bear in mind that great power comes at an appropriate price.
Benkei: What price?
Yamata no Orochi: The Power of the Hero may frequently break free of its wielder’s control and drain their life force.
MC: …I don’t want to give anyone that kind of dangerous power.
Yamata no Orochi: Fear not. The outbursts can be contained by using the power of the fox spirit that you already possess. That too is the duty of the miko.
Yamata no Orochi: Though I suppose that it would feel somewhat different than normal.
(What is that supposed to mean?)
Yamata no Orochi: The Power of the Hero working in concert with the miko is very powerful.
Yamata no Orochi: If you were to join together with a partner with whom you shared a deep connection… you may experience a delight so strong it may feel more like torture.
As if to say that it would not listen to any more questions, Yamata no Orochi’s tail slammed into the ground.
Yamata no Orochi: Now, miko. It is time. Choose.
The sphere that glowed with an unearthly light drifted closer to me.
Biting my lip, I looked towards everyone.
(What do I do… If I don’t choose two people, it would be sacrificing so many others.)
With everyone’s gaze acting like a supportive hand pushing me forwards, I lifted my hand towards the sphere of light.
And my eyes slowly drifted shut…
(...Ah, I can hear the voice of the power…)
My voice was hoarse as I spoke.
MC: The two heroes I choose are…
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atopearth · 1 year
Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei Part 6 - If endings & Final Review
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Tadanobu Sato
It's so cute and funny to imagine Tadanobu giving flowers to girls and being flustered over how to communicate with them haha. HAHAHA, Tadanobu has to be the worst person to find out that Shanao is actually a woman, he's so obvious it's hilarious, I feel bad for Benkei and Shungen constantly trying to cover up his mistakes. It's so funny that it took a whole month of training every day for Tadanobu to go back to how he was with Shanao before haha! I guess it's better than before because he's more comfortable with her now and so honest about what he thinks lol. I guess Tadanobu has a soft spot for women because the live-in maids would always comfort him when he cried as a little kid haha, so sweet and cute.
Tadanobu placing a bellflower on her hair was cute!! Too bad the ending is so short! It actually makes me sad lol! It's like he's a potential LI but you'll never get a proper story with him and that makes it even sadder than if he was just a side character lol. Oh well, it was still cute I guess haha.
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Tsugunobu Sato
How typical for Tsugunobu to discover Shanao is a woman because he went into her room thinking she was injured. It's random but honestly, I feel the same as Tsugunobu. When I used to have problems that I didn't know what to do about, I would sit outside my primary school and just look at the moon for a bit on my walk home. I never stayed for too long, but gazing at the moon always helped calm me a little bit before going home and having to act normal in front of my family. Tsugunobu blushing is so cute! It was so sweet how he noticed the little things Shanao does when she's happy hahaha, just imagining it makes me think they're so cute. Tsugunobu was so bold to kiss her fingers like that! I love the CG.
Overall, I didn't mind this ending. I think it was quite cute and Tsugunobu is quite gentlemanly and sweet. I think it's nice to imagine Shanao and Tsugunobu bonding by gazing at the moon together and sharing their thoughts together. But I'll admit that the main reason Tsugunobu is nice is because he has a pretty face hahaha!
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Takatsuna Sasaki
It's kinda funny that all these guys names start with T lol. Considering how playful, innocent and cute Takatsuna looks, he's much more reliable than expected! I kinda thought he was more of a reliable messenger guy that does alot of fieldwork going around to different places for Yoritomo, but he seems to know everything, like a capable assistant/secretary for Yoritomo haha! It's kinda cute how Shanao just kinda told Takatsuna that she's actually a woman, I feel like she could have continued to deceive him but yeah, the route is short so might as well get that part out of the way lol. It's sweet to see Takatsuna thank Shanao for protecting Yoritomo with her powers. I like how Takatsuna took her out to play and got her to explore makeup, so cute!
Overall, I honestly didn't expect much from Takatsuna but I think he's much cuter and vibrant than I thought. Like, I thought he would be quite boring tbh, but I think he's quite adorable in that he's unafraid to voice his thoughts, he's a reliable leader to others but at the same time he's also very playful and knows how to get Shanao to relax and just be herself for a moment. It was refreshing to see them not have to think about war or anything and just be a bunch of youths playing around.
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Shigehira Taira
Shigehira is such an ass to everyone and I love it. I think the idea of it being him going to Hiraizumi to observe Shanao and them to see if they want to rebel against the Heike is such a fun touch because he obviously doesn't care and just wants to go around annoying people for his amusement. I love how he bothered to get a servant to get Shanao for him only to tell her to get water for him lmao. And I think it's quite cute that Shigehira's interest in Shanao stems from the fact that Tomomori is interested in Shanao and he wants to understand why when his brother is never interested in anything. I like how Shigehira is the one following Shanao around but because he thinks that her plans for the day are boring, he forces her to change them lolll. It was hilarious when she asked him what games are good (for children) to play and he starts talking about drinking and killing people🤣
It's so cute and innocent how the children have no idea who the Heike are and how that is relevant. Hiraizumi really is a nice place. I find it really sweet to see Shigehira get to play these children's games with other children though. He always wanted to play more with Tomomori and Tokuko when they were young but due to Tomomori basically getting traumatised from being forced to fight in war and Tokuko being taken over by Rengetsu, he never got to continue having that "fun childhood" he had playing with his siblings in their dreams, so I guess he's always chasing after this "fun" to this day to make up for that hole. He's such a kid that it's adorable tbh. It was so sad to see that all the adults Shigehira played with as a child let him win and called him smart when they never seriously played with him. It's also so sad but cute how Shigehira doesn't really know what a 'friend' is because he's never had one before since everyone around him is ranked. Shigehira blushing at Shanao laughing at him for being scared of Tomomori's ghost stories was so cute hahaha!! Especially since he didn't want to be alone in his room at night lol. How does this adorable little boy survive when he runs around everywhere haha!
I guess what makes me can't help but love Shigehira is how much he loves his family and how much he wants to spend time with them. He follows Tomomori around because he wants to be with his brother. All his happy memories are of his childhood when his father took him out or when he used to play with Tomomori and Tokuko. Shanao taking care of the sick Shigehira was very sweet. I love the CG where he hugs Shanao and says he doesn't want to give her to Tomomori. Considering how Tomomori is basically his priority in life, the fact that he likes Shanao so much that he's not willing to give her up to him is very heartwarming to me. I think the sweetest thing was that in this short little story, Shigehira learnt that someone choosing to be with you rather than being ordered to be with you is so much more precious and desirable. I loved it when he told her that he didn't want to force her to be with him and that instead he wants her to choose to be with him of her own free will.
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Overall, I definitely think Shigehira's If Ending is the best! It felt very natural, realistic and didn't have them stay together for random reasons and instead acknowledged that they liked and understood each other better but still had their respective positions to think about. I think his character development was the best and I honestly think it actually made me feel like I learnt so much more about Shigehira as a character through this ending and he was just so cute because of how childish but sweet and innocent he was compared to his usual crazy murderous self. Definitely looking forward to his route in the FD! Surprisingly, I would say I liked Takatsuna second best, then Tadanobu and Tsugunobu. I feel like the latter two never explored further into their personalities enough to make me think that was something I never knew about them or expected, so hopefully the FD will help with that haha. I very much hope to play the FD one day because I'll legit buy it just for Shigehira, my one true love hahahah.
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Final review
Overall, I think people hyped up Birushana for me too much so I don't feel like I enjoyed it as much as I thought it would. People said it was like a 'better Hakuoki' but I personally love Hakuoki so much more. Although I don't like the supernatural elements in Hakuoki either, I liked the way they used it in the story more than in Birushana because I think it better explored the pain of having that power but also the need for it since the characters are based on real people and they would have died at that point in time if not for it. Hakuoki also never delved too much into it and instead focused on the characters struggles with it, whereas Birushana tried to tie it up with Rengetsu etc but I feel like it would have been better left as a mystery because I didn't like the Rengetsu thing at all lol. I do appreciate that all of the routes in Birushana are different enough though and I think most of them were interesting enough. My personal list from most favourite route to least favourite route would be Yoritomo, Benkei, Noritsune, Tomomori and then Shungen. I just love the pain and anguish demonstrated by Yoritomo in his route, it was my favourite moment haha. And Benkei is such a softie, he made me cry at how gentle and kind he was. He was the best guy to come back from work to and listen to because he was always so encouraging, so full of belief in Shanao and so caring. Noritsune gave me strength to stand on my own two feet and be unafraid of stepping out of my comfort zone if it means I'm living according to my beliefs and dreams. And I didn't feel much for Tomomori and Shungen's routes haha, sorry.
But yeah, I've realised that my mood can really affect how much I like a route too. I would rate the game a 7/10 probably because I don't think the overarching story was interesting enough for me, but I loved the characters struggles, especially Shanao's. I think her struggles in each route were different enough to not be boring, but understandable enough that it wasn't annoying. I liked her struggles with her identity, her responsibilities and how each LI helped her get through it and how she helped each LI better themselves. I can see why people really like Shanao, because I do too! However, the story just didn’t click enough for me sadly.
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dear-mrs-otome · 1 year
I've decided I'm gonna ask my friends a fun writing question today! Ofc answer in your own time ♥️
The question is: who is a character you wish you wrote more for and why?
Thank you Ally this is such a sweet idea! I'm sorry I'm a day late answering it 😭
I think a character I wish I wrote more was honestly Yves. He was the first (and for a long time, the ONLY) character that held my attention in Ikepri and it feels wrong that I've never written anything for him really. I'm such a sucker for his type, how he seems so fickle and prickly but under that thinnest of layers he's just a giant cinnamon roll who cares so so SO DAMN MUCH about everyone else, selflessly. He and Shigehira from Ikemen Genjiden are so much alike 🥺
Also I feel the need to protect vindicate him. If his brothers were more supportive or more open with their love and dedication, if they repaid Yves adoration and love for them properly, I firmly believe Yves would have been spared a great deal of anguish over the years and been better prepared to shrug off the bad things said about him. Instead they mostly tease and pick on him (Clavis catch these hands 😠) and when push comes to shove it's only Licht who seems to give enough of a damn to do something on his behalf.
...whew ok, stepping off my Yves soapbox. THE MORAL IS I need to write my sweet boy getting the love and pampering he deserves.
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molianhua · 1 year
Ikemen Genjiden Prologue
Part 4
???: “Quite a perceptive and troublesome woman, aren’t you? Though, I don’t mind making someone like that cry.”
[Text]: When his hand—that was supporting my waist—moved effortlessly across, my back arched every-so-slightly.
???: “Yikes...your change in attitude is unusually fast. I’m going to step back for a minute.”
???: “Don’t say that, Morinaga. This is an emergency.”
(What’s up with these two!? Especially the black-haired one...why’s he so arrogant?)
Yoshino: “A black-haired, arrogant man and soft and gentle, muscular man!”
???: “Ohh? Nice to see you still have the guts to insult us considering the situation you’re in.”
Yoshino: “That’s not it! Kagetoki and Shigehira were the ones who told me to find you guys.”
Morinaga: “Kagetoki and Shigehira did?”
[Text]: I fumbled through my words, trying to explain what had happened up until now.
Text: After they finished listening to what I had to say, the black-haired man finally pulled his sword away.
???: “A lousy explanation but your story seems to check out.”
(Thank goodness!)
Morinaga: “What should we do? Should we go help Kagetoki and the others?”
???: “...No.”
???: “Those two can handle it. We’ll light the beacon and withdraw as planned.”
???: “Woman, you’re coming with us. And bring that fox with you, too.”
Yoshino: “W-Wait—”
Text: I glared at the black-haired man as he grabbed my shoulder and forced me to walk.
Yoshino: “Um! Before that, could you tell me something, please?”
Yoshino: “Who exactly are you guys?”
???: “Tch! What a pain...I’m—”
???: “The Shogun*, Minamoto no Yoritomo.”
*Yoritomo refers to himself as 征夷大将軍 (Sei-i Taishōgun) which was a title that initially means “commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force against the barbarians”; but since that’s too long, I decided to stick with Shogun.
???: “Sho...gun?”
Morinaga: “And I’m Lord Yoritomo’s vassal, Morinaga Adachi. Nice to meet you.”
Yoshino: “Huh? Oh, nice to meet you too—Hey, wait! Please don’t make fun of me!”
Yoshino: “There’s no way the Shogun would be in a place like this. This man doesn’t even have that many attendants accompanying him.”
Yoritomo: “I just said this is an emergency. I could only bring along people that I trust.”
Yoshino: “There’s no way...I can believe that...”
(Yet, I also feel like he has no reason to lie, either.)
Yoshino: “Are you serious?”
Yoritomo: “Decide that for yourself. Idiot.”
(If he truly is the real Shogun, then he’s way too different from what I had envisioned.) 
Morinaga: “I understand how you feel. Well, anyway, we have our own reasons on why we’re looking for that fox.”
Morinaga: “Lord Yoritomo and I, and Kagetoki and Shigehira, split into two groups, you see. Soon after that, we ran into you.”
(If what they’re saying is true...)
Yoshino: “For the Shogun to search for it himself, what exactly is this fox?”
Yoritomo: “I don’t have the time to explain nor do you need to know.”
Yoritomo: “Woman, what’s your name?”
Yoshino: “It’s Yoshino.”
Yoritomo: “Yoshino, this is an order. Be quiet and do as I say...When dawn breaks, I want you to forget what transpired tonight.”
(Easy for you to say!)
[Text]: It was then that I heard the sound of faint footsteps coming from ahead of us.
???: “That won’t be necessary. For you will meet your end here.”
Yoritomo & Morinaga: “......!”
(Who is he...?)
[Text]: A man surrounded by a dangerous aura stops right in front of Lord Yoritomo. 
Yoritomo: “Long time no see, Yoshitsune.”
Morinaga: “Looks like this isn’t going to be a touching reunion, huh?”
Yoshino: “Yoshi...tsune? But...”
Yoshino: “Isn’t Minamoto no Yoshitsune supposed to be dead!?”
(Benkei said that Lord Yoritomo killed Lord Yoshitsune, right?)
Yoshitsune: “In order to defeat Lord Yoritomo, I’ve returned from the brink of death—forfeiting my soul to something inhuman.”
Yoritomo: “Is it true that you’ve obtained powers beyond human comprehension? What a joke...”
(Powers beyond human comprehension?)
Yoshitsune: “That is something you should ascertain for yourself.”
[Text]: When Lord Yoshitsune drew his sword, his hair began to flutter unnaturally in the wind. 
(What’s with this wind? It’s as if Lord Yoshitsune is causing it to blow...)
Morinaga: “That eye is...!”
(One of his eyes turned red!?)
[Text]: Looking even closer, I noticed a strange mark protruding along Lord Yoshitsune’s neck.
[Text]: My fear of the unknown causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.
Yoshitsune: “I was only planning on killing the fox and returning to Hiraizumi tonight...But it must be fate that we were able to meet like this.”
Yoshitsune: “So prepare yourself, Lord Yoritomo.”
[Text]: By the time we realized that Lord Yoshitsune had kicked his feet off the ground, he was already closing in on us.
Yoshino: “Look out!”
Morinaga: “Lord Yoritomo, please stand back!”
[Text]: Morinaga darts out like an arrow, blocking the assassin’s blade.
Yoritomo: “Morinaga!”
Morinaga: “......! Kuh!”
(What are those?)
[Text]: The air was distorted by an invisible vortex as the sound of countless wind blades struck Morinaga.
(There’s blood...but how?)
[Text]: As Morinaga swiftly leapt back, his clothes were shown to be torn all over, revealing light, red cut marks.
Yoritomo: “You okay, Morinaga?”
Morinaga: “Yes. It’s nothing serious.”
Morinaga: “Just be careful around that wind...they’re like blades.”
Yoshitsune: “As expected of the fierce general, Morinaga Adachi...you did well to dodge them.”
Yoshitsune: “It’d be a shame to kill you. If it weren’t for this situation, I would’ve enjoyed the fight more.”
(Wind blades...is this the aforementioned ‘power beyond human comprehension’? The one that Lord Yoshitsune possesses?)
[Text]: Suddenly, his dichromatic, melancholic eyes pierced through me.
Yoshitsune: “I hold no personal grudges against you nor can I bring myself to drag a woman into a bloody feud.”
Yoshitsune: “If you decide to leave, I won’t take your life. However, in doing so, you must leave that fox behind.”
0 notes
sakura-samsara · 11 months
Shigehira Main Story: Chapter 13
← Chapter 12
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✦ part one
Yasuchika: So it seems Yoshino-san has safely returned to Kamakura!
Yasuchika was holding an audience with one of his subordinates in an elegantly furnished room.
Yasuchika: Those two were lovely test subjects. I’ll have to thank them for giving me such a great research opportunity.
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: If I’m not mistaken, you had the woman exterminate a hallucinatory ayakashi… correct? 
Yauchika’s Subordinate: Such ayakashi are rarely seen near human settlements, but they are hardly a serious threat. I am certain that its appearance would not incur suspicion towards you, Yasuchika-sama.
Yasuchika: Oh, I’m not worried about being seen at all! I just wanted to conduct some research for a new technique.
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: O-Of course…
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Yasuchika: I’m so happy I got to see Shige-chan get injured, too.
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: …Hm?
Yasuchika: Shige-chan seems like such a disciplined warrior,
Yasuchika: But as soon as the ayakashi turned into a little girl, he immediately hesitated to attack it. How wonderful. 
Yasuchika squinted as he stretched with the languor of a cat lounging in the sun. 
His gaze, however, was not heavy with sleepiness—it gleamed with a sharp, cold brilliance.
The subordinate stiffened at the chill in the air from Yasuchika’s change in demeanor.
Yasuchika: I suppose the next time I’ll see the two of them will be on the battlefield. I’m really looking forward to it. 
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: Yasuchika-sama, isn’t it…
Yasuchika: Hm?
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: Isn’t all of this business with the shogunate and the rebel army rather frightening to you?
Yasuchika: Well, in my opinion, someone who views his work in terms of whether it’s frightening or not wouldn’t be fit to be an onmyōji at all.
Yasuchika: Especially when you work at the palace. You get asked to do all sorts of crazy things, but you can’t exactly turn down the requests, so you just have to get used to it! 
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: I understand… Well said, Yasuchika-sama. It is only natural, given your superior skill in onmyōdō. 
The subordinate’s polite words hardly concealed his eagerness to curry favor with Yasuchika.
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: I sincerely hope that you will demonstrate the new technique you are developing to us when it is ready… 
Yasuchika: You know, I think I will.
Yasuchika nodded, the gesture somehow childlike and elegant at once.
Yasuchika: I’d really like it if lots of people got to see it. 
(So this is Kagetoki-san’s mansion…? Somehow I’m starting to feel on edge just by being here.) 
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Shigehira: This way, Yoshino-san.
Yoshino: Okay!
Shigehira confidently led me towards Kagetoki’s estate, seeming as though he'd taken this route many times before.
Yoshino: Do you visit Kagetoki-san’s place a lot, Shigehira-kun? 
Shigehira: I guess I do.
Shigehira: Kagetoki-san mentors me in my studies, so I often borrow books from him.
Shigehira: At some point, he started letting me come and go whenever I wanted.
Yoshino: Really…?
The image of Kagetoki—staring cold, sharp daggers from behind his spectacles—popped into my mind. 
Yoshino: It’s a little hard to think of Kagetoki-san being any sort of teacher… 
Shigehira: You’d be surprised. He’s a pretty good mentor, since he’s so knowledgeable and logical.
✦ part two
Shigehira: You’d be surprised. He’s a pretty good mentor, since he’s so knowledgeable and logical.
Shigehira: But I doubt he would spare his time to teach just anybody, unless they give him a good reason to.
Yoshino: Then what’s his reason for mentoring you? 
Shigehira: I give him koto lessons in return. We're really just exchanging services.
Yoshino: Really?!
Yoshino: I didn’t know you could play the koto too!
Shigehira: I just know the basics, that’s all. 
(But he’s such a skilled biwa player… I’m sure he knows more than just the basics of the koto, too.)
I felt a surge of admiration for Shigehira as I looked at him.
I admire you (Romantic +4, Dramatic +2) You’re a prodigy (Romantic +2, Dramatic +4) You must love it (Romantic +4, Dramatic +4)
Yoshino: You must really love playing music.
Shigehira: I’ve always enjoyed it. I try to make time to practice every day, no matter how busy my schedule gets.
Yoshino: That's amazing! I bet Kagetoki-san must be a wonderful koto player if you’re his teacher.
Shigehira: Well… I don’t know about that. 
I turned my head towards Shigehira to see an uncharacteristically dodgy expression pop up on his face.
Shigehira: Teaching him never fails to remind me that, uh, everyone has unique talents.
Yoshino: What do you mean?
Shigehira: Um… Anyways, Kagetoki-san should be in here. 
Shigehira stopped in front of the door to the main room to call out to Kagetoki.
Shigehira: Kagetoki-san, are you home?
He didn’t wait for a response before opening the sliding door, when…
Woman: …Oh! E-Excuse me!!
Shigehira: …?!
A woman stumbled out of the room in a panic. I glimpsed a flustered expression on her face as she shot past us.
Then I caught a whiff of a heady, sensual fragrance—there must have been incense burning inside the room.
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Kagetoki: You’re too impatient, Shigehira. Did you never learn not to invite yourself into a room?
When I finally looked past the mountainous stacks of books blocking most of the view into the room,
I saw Kagetoki straightening the lapels of his robe, looking uncharacteristically relaxed as he raised his gaze to us. 
Shigehira: W-Well, you’re usually too wrapped up in your reading to respond when I knock, so I just assumed—
Kagetoki: I suppose you’re not wrong.
Kagetoki: I did tell my retainers to ask any guests to wait to be received. There must have been a miscommunication for this to have occurred. 
Despite our sudden intrusion, Kagetoki hardly seemed bothered.
(Well, now I definitely know what was going on in here before we arrived…)
Yoshino: …I’m so sorry for the intrusion. We wouldn’t have bothered you if we’d known that your lover was visiting you. 
(If anything, I’m just a little surprised.)
(Kagetoki-san is quite good-looking, and I’m sure that he wouldn’t have any trouble finding a partner if he wanted one,)
(But he doesn’t seem like he lets people get close to him very easily. I can’t imagine him being interested in romance at all.)
Kagetoki: Lover? She and I have no such relationship. 
Yoshino: R-Really? 
Kagetoki: She made an offer to me, and I accepted it. It wasn’t as if I had any reason to refuse her.
Kagetoki: Unfortunately, thanks to you two, our rendezvous ended before it could begin.
(...This is so awkward.)
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Shigehira: …Disgusting.
I could only stand there speechless, but Shigehira didn’t hesitate to mutter his displeased response under his breath.
Kagetoki: Are you still too young to understand such things, Shigehira? 
Shigehira: It doesn’t matter how old I am or how old I get! I will never engage in this debauchery for a single day in the rest of my life!
Kagetoki: What an uncouth thing to say. It’s hardly debauchery. 
Kagetoki: If you’re not in the mood for it, you can simply refuse. 
Kagetoki: You don’t eat when your stomach is full, do you? In that sense, it’s no different than satiating hunger. 
(That sure is an interesting way to think of it.)
Yoshino: Personally, I’m inclined to disagree…
Kagetoki: That’s a rather foolish opinion.
Shigehira: No, I agree with her. 
 ✦ part three
Shigehira: No, I agree with her. 
Kagetoki: Is that so?
Kagetoki: I would expect nothing less from a man who receives countless love letters and rejects every single one. 
(Love letters, huh…?)
Yoshino: Well, I’m sure it wouldn’t be feasible for him to accept every letter…
Yoshino: Haven’t you considered at least one of the people who’s written to you, though, Shigehira-kun? 
Shigehira: No. I don’t have the time to bother with my love life right now. 
Yoshino: …Oh. That makes sense.
(He’s trying to reestablish the Heike, after all, and the shadow of the past is still hanging over him.)
(When he’s on a mission that’s so important to him, he probably thinks that pursuing love would just be a distraction.)
I was sure that my guess was correct, and if so, it would be a perfectly rational reason not to be interested in a relationship. But, for some reason, I felt a sharp prick deep within my chest as I thought it over.
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Shigehira: It’s a pain to be barraged with letters from people I barely even know… 
Shigehira: But it’s not like I can stop them, so I still reply to all the letters.
Kagetoki: If you’re truly not looking to begin a relationship with anyone, then why do you bother with responding to any of the letters you receive? 
Shigehira: It’d be rude if I didn’t. Not receiving a response would imply a rejection, so it’s better that I tell them the truth outright.
Kagetoki: I’d think that receiving an implied rejection would be less emotionally damaging than an explicit one.
Shigehira: Do you think so…?
Shigehira: I don’t know. I feel like it would be more stressful to someone if I kept them waiting for a response that they were never going to get.
(He thinks of others so much…)
Kagetoki: That's very earnest of you.
Shigehira: …You’re being surprisingly prudent now, Kagetoki-san. But you’d better be careful not to slip up and say the wrong thing, or else you’ll definitely regret it.
Kagetoki: I would never make such a grave mistake. 
Kagetoki nonchalantly pushed a pile of books to the side, gesturing for us to sit in the space he'd cleared off.
(Even beyond the initial surprise, I'm genuinely shocked by how cluttered Kagetoki-san's room is. Everywhere I look, I see books.)
Shigehira: Be careful, Yoshino-san. 
Shigehira: If you knock over one of these bookstacks, you’ll set off an avalanche. You might never make it out alive from underneath all the books.
Yoshino: …Got it.
(I think I finally get why Shigehira-kun said that Kagetoki-san’s place was dangerous to visit.) 
Yoshino: Um... I don't mean this to be rude, but I don't suppose you're particularly keen on organizing your books?
Kagetoki: My arrangement is organized by my own standards. Your opinion that I am untidy is of no importance to me. 
Shigehira: Alright, fine. Sure. There’s no need to quibble over this. 
Shigehira: Your room is even messier than usual today, though... 
Kagetoki: War is on the horizon, after all. In times like these, it’s not unreasonable to give a bit less care to the trivialities of daily life.
Shigehira: Just a bit less, huh…?
Kagetoki turned towards me, almost as if he was physically deflecting Shigehira's doubtful look.
Kagetoki: Now, I assume you’ve come to discuss our medicine reserves and the proposed combat medic system?
Yoshino: That’s right. 
Kagetoki: Then why are you here, Shigehira? Is Yoshino babysitting you?
Kagetoki: I didn’t know that you were such a pampered child. She’s spoiling you rotten.
A teasing smirk tugged at Kagetoki's lips as he removed some documents from a drawer.
Shigehira: I just wanted to borrow a book from you! That’s the only reason why I came with her!!
Kagetoki: Oh, really? 
Shigehira: Can you quit being facetious and actually listen to what I’m saying for once?
Kagetoki: I’ll see what I can do. 
✦ part four
Kagetoki: I’ll see what I can do. 
His tone did not indicate in the slightest that he intended to stop. Once he had made his way back to us, he handed me the stack documents he'd retrieved.
Yoshino: What’s this?
Kagetoki: They detail our estimated rations, the route for our troops' march, and other such matters.
Kagetoki: The information in them will be used to calculate an estimate of the amount of medicine we will need to stockpile, and the format in which they are written will be used to document it.
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Shigehira: ...These must be the documents that Yoritomo-sama asked you to compile last night.
Shigehira: Have you already finished them?
(Does that mean that Kagetoki-san finished all of this paperwork in less than a day?!)
Kagetoki: Of course. I wouldn't accept a woman's invitation just to make her wait until I finished my paperwork.
Shigehira: ...I can't believe this.
Shigehira: You can write all of these documents in one night, but you can't even clean up your own room?
Kagetoki: These documents and the state of my room have nothing to do with each other.
Kagetoki responded curtly before presenting us with another document.
Kagetoki: This here is a summary of the structure of our field medicine system.
Kagetoki: We'll use this as a basis upon which we can develop the details. Shall we begin?
Yoshino: Y-Yes. If I may ask, when did you happen to write this document...?
Kagetoki: I had some spare time while preparing the documents I gave you previously, so I used it to write this one.
Shigehira: Seriously... If you were capable of cleaning up your room, and you stopped treating women the way that you do,
Shigehira: And you stopped teasing me so much, I'd defer to you without a single complaint.
Kagetoki: How cute, Shigehira.
(Shigehira-kun said that he and Kagetoki-san were just exchanging services with each other, but these two must be fairly close if they're speaking to each other like this.)
From then onwards, we began to discuss our medicine reserves and our field nursing system, using Kagetoki's documents as our reference.
Once our work was winding down to an end...
Kagetoki: Our discussion has gone on for quite some time now. I think I’d like to have something to drink. 
Shigehira: I’ll call one of the maids to make some tea. 
Shigehira quickly rose to his feet.
Kagetoki: Much obliged.
Yoshino: Thanks, Shigehira-kun.
Now, I was alone with Kagetoki...
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Kagetoki: It seems like Shigehira has been getting along with you quite well. 
Kagetoki: You’re far more persuasive than I expected you to be, Yoshino. 
Flustered, I felt my gaze dart around the room, landing everywhere but on Kagetoki himself.
Yoshino: That’s not true. I didn’t persuade him into doing anything for me.
Yoshino: It’s really just that Shigehira-kun is a kind person. That’s the only reason that he’s being so nice to me—in his own way, of course.
Kagetoki: Is that what you think?
Kagetoki: You should know that Shigehira only takes such interest in people whom he approves of. Especially when it comes to members of the shogunate. 
(I guess I can see what he means… I know Shigehira-kun comes across as quite uptight to a lot of people.)
Yoshino: …Did you know Shigehira-kun before he joined the shogunate, Kagetoki-san? 
Kagetoki: In a way, I did. After Shigehira had been taken as a prisoner of war, I was the one who escorted him to Kamakura.
✦ part five
Yoshino: …Did you know Shigehira-kun before he joined the shogunate, Kagetoki-san? 
Kagetoki: In a way, I did. After Shigehira had been taken as a prisoner of war, I was the one who escorted him to Kamakura.
Yoshino: I wonder what Shigehira-kun was like back then.
I couldn't help but let my curiosity win over me.
Kagetoki: He was the same at heart as he is now. He was stubborn, straightlaced, and terribly oblique—yet everything he did was for others' sake. 
Yoshino: That certainly sounds like the Shigehira-kun I know. 
The sentiment brought a slight smile to my face.
Yoshino: But I bet he must have been especially full of resolve when he was on his way to Kamakura. 
Yoshino: …His intention in coming here was to negotiate with Yoritomo-sama, after all.
Kagetoki: Oh? Shigehira has told you about that?
Kagetoki's gaze, usually so cool and unconcerned, seemed to sharpen with interest.
Kagetoki: In any case, you would be correct. Back then, Shigehira was…
Yoritomo: Unfortunately, our negotiations are now off. 
Shigehira: …I take it the Imperial Court has intervened.
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Yoritomo: Do you have any last words, Taira no Shigehira?
Shigehira: None in particular. 
Shigehira: I no longer have anything to say for myself now that I am captive.
Shigehira: For one who has lived their life on the battlefield, there is no shame in dying as a prisoner of war. Just behead me quickly.
Yoritomo: ……
—flashback ends
I was silent as Kagetoki quietly recounted the past to me.
Kagetoki: His honor and resolve astonished everyone in the room, myself included.
Kagetoki: Even Yoritomo-sama was moved by it enough to spare Shigehira’s life and offer him a place in the shogunate. 
Yoshino: I see…
(Shigehira-kun told me that Yoritomo-sama formed an alliance with him on a mere whim.)
(It seems that Yoritomo-sama’s true reason for proposing the alliance was because of Shigehira-kun himself.)
Kagetoki: Yoshino. 
Yoshino: …What is it?
I was caught off guard by Kagetoki’s hushed voice, and my response came out nervous and hesitant.
Kagetoki: I’m sure you’ve realized that Shigehira is a pitifully honest man.
Kagetoki: It would be far too easy for someone to take advantage of his most glaring weakness and hurt him.
Yoshino: …Right. 
The memory of Shigehira interacting with the nobles of the Imperial Court, their honeyed words masking poisoned sentiments, came to my mind.
Kagetoki: But Yoritomo-sama approves of him nonetheless…
Kagetoki: …Because Shigehira possesses a special quality.
Yoshino: Special? What do you mean?
Kagetoki: I won’t tell you that.
Kagetoki: If Shigehira truly cares for you, then you will eventually learn what I mean for yourself. 
(Well, that doesn’t answer any of my questions…)
I must have looked exceptionally confused; Kagetoki studied my face for a moment before he smiled.
Kagetoki: Do my words truly puzzle you so much?
Yoshino: W-Well, I just…
Kagetoki: Then allow me to put it this way, Yoshino.
Long, deft fingers trailed down my jaw before tilting up my chin.
(What is Kagetoki-san doing??)
His eyes narrowed, and his intense gaze from behind his spectacles focused on me as though he was sizing up prey he’d caught in his clutches.
Kagetoki: I’ll make myself clear to you, if you’re willing to take the place of the woman who was visiting me earlier.
Yoshino: Huh…?
My eyes widened in shock at the sultry timbre in his voice, but at the very next moment—
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Shigehira: Wh—What are you doing?! 
Chapter 14 →
The koto is the national instrument of Japan—a long, many-stringed zither that’s played by striking the strings with one’s fingers or with plectrums.
Shigehira’s “last words” in the flashback are a paraphrase of a quote by the real Taira no Shigehira that was recorded in the Azuma Kagami, which was a historical chronicle written in 1266 that recounted events of the Genpei War and the Kamakura Shogunate. The full quotation was supposedly* spoken by Taira no Shigehira when he was living as a POW, painting him as a warrior of dignified and humble character—even in the face of his impending execution. 
IRL Taira no Shigehira was killed shortly after being taken as a POW by the Genji. During the Genpei War, Shigehira served as a Heike commander in the 1180 Siege of Nara, which was part of a revenge campaign against warrior monks from various monasteries who had aided the Genji in a prior battle. Despite being vastly outnumbered by the warrior monks, the Heike won victory by burning down almost every single monastery and temple in the city of Nara, including the powerful Kōfuku-ji and Tōdai-ji temple complexes. However, their methods earned them revile from many (including the Imperial Court) due to the sacrilegious act of destroying temples and the shocking scale of death and destruction that they inflicted on the city—around 3,500 people died during the siege. A great deal of hatred was directed towards Shigehira personally… even though there doesn't seem to be consensus about if he himself ordered the burning of Nara, or if the Heike even intended to cause the level of destruction they did at all. (Setting fires on the battlefield to increase visibility during night time was a common battle tactic of the era, and the weather conditions during the time of the battle may have spread any fires set by the Heike further than they might have intended.) Regardless of the extent of Shigehira’s role in the Siege of Nara, he would eventually pay the ultimate price for it. After he was captured by the Genji at the Battle of Ichi-no-Tani in 1184, he was handed over to the surviving monks of the Tōdai-ji, who executed him in 1185 as revenge for the burning of their monastery.
*Though the Azuma Kagami is considered the most important historical document about the Kamakura shogunate, it’s important to note that it’s not a completely reliable account. It was compiled in the 13th century by the Hōjō clan (which the real Minamoto no Yoritomo married into; after his death, the Hōjō clan took control of the Kamakura shogunate), who were very obviously biased towards their own clan and against the Minamoto clan in their retelling of historical events. Throughout history, the Azuma Kagami has also passed through the hands of many others (most notably including everyone’s favorite shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu) who may have altered it to fit their own agendas. Thus, it’s not certain whether everything that was recorded in the chronicle was completely true to real life, including its account of Taira no Shigehira’s last days.
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aoi-aoi-chan · 4 years
Ikemen Genjiden - Nasu no Yoichi Main Story PV + CG Preview
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The PV can be watched here: https://youtu.be/sK1H9uM8o-0
Yoichi: I don’t really care what you want to do. However, if ordered, I will abduct you.
Behind his attitude of no motivation can sometimes be seen his mature side. Which side of him is real?
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Yoichi: You are called a nice person, right? If not, how about “easy to trick”?
You are forced into a secret exchange with the enemy general.
Yoichi: I think this has become quite a problem. When you are not nearby, I cannot calm down. This is way past the stage of “being interested” a long time ago.
Even though you understand this is not allowed, you fell in love at some point......
Discovered in this, the entanglement of the fast......
Yoshitsune: The certain thing is that, put your faith in me.
Shigehira: You hate me, don’t you?
???: You are the enemy of the Nasu family
The love started from tactics has unleashed the sorrowful fate!
Yoichi: Well, it’s not okay to not protect the important things. Guess from time to time, I will do it as best as I can.
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Yoichi: For the bad child who makes me this enthralled, guess I have to always keep a careful eye on from now on.
CG Preview
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ga-yuu · 8 months
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----Part 1-----
A few days later....
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Morinaga: "A formal agreement has been reached between Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama regarding Yoshino going to Hiraizumi."
(....! Really?)
I meet up with Morinaga-san, Benkei and Sueharu-san to hear the results.
Benkei: "The Rebels will not do anything to Yoshino, who accompanies the orphans, with her bodyguard."
Benkei: "Even after finishing her business, Yoshino won't be restrained."
Benkei: "In exchange for agreeing to that, Yoshino will be staying with us at the Rebels' mansion."
Sueharu: "Huh?"
Yoshino: "Eh!?"
My eyes widen in surprise.
Benkei: "Yoshino's supernatural powers makes her a threat to Yoshitsune-sama and the Rebels."
Benkei: "So surveillance is better when it's close at hand."
Benkei: "........well, that's only half of the reason."
(Hmm? There's another reason?)
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Benkei: "The main reason is that, Yoshitsune-sama has taken interest in you."
Yoshino: "....!? Yoshitsune-sama!? Why?"
Benkei: "You can ask him when you meet him in person."
Sueharu: "............"
Morinaga: "To be honest, we're all a little worried...."
Morinaga-san looks at us with a wry smile.
Morinaga: "But Yoshitsune-sama is not the kind to break agreements, so your safety is guaranteed."
Morinaga: "Still, the Shogunate was allowed to send a bodyguard to the Rebels' house along with you."
Yoshino: "You're right! Then I won't feel nervous..."
Sueharu: "If you're appointing some average bodyguard, then they will be instantly crushed by Kurama with his fingertips."
Then, as if he had realised something, Sueharu-san glared at Morinaga-san.
Sueharu: "Wait a minute! Please tell me it's not you, Morinaga!"
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Morinaga: "Honestly I wanted to, but I got other jobs."
Sueharu: "Pheww~"
Morinaga: "Sorry I can't come with you, Yoshino. But don't worry, the bodyguard that is appointed for you is very reliable!"
Yoshino: "Really!?"
Morinaga: "Yep. He's very hardworking, very responsible, very kindhearted...."
Then Morinaga-san held up his index finger.
Morinaga: "He's eyes glow like the clear sky. His smile resembles a blooming flower and his blushing cheeks are redder than a rose."
At that moment, the sliding door burst open and someone jumped into the room.
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Shigehira: "What kind of introduction is that!?"
-----Part 2-----
At that moment, the sliding door burst open and someone jumped into the room.
Shigehira: "What kind of introduction is that!?"
Shigehira: "I arrived just a moment ago and I heard you guys....how embarrassing, I look like an idiot now."
(He's embarrassed...)
Benkei: "It's been a long time, Taira no Shigehira."
Shigehira: "...Same here."
Sueharu: "I see. So you are Yoshino's bodyguard."
Yoshino: "Shigehira-san..."
Shigehira: "What? You have complaints?"
Yoshino: "Not at all....! Actually, thank you!"
I shake my head in panic and straightened my back.
Morinaga: "Good for you, Shigehira. You got what you wanted. Did you know, Shigehira was begging everyone to give him this role."
Shigehira: "Hey! Don't say that...!"
Sueharu: "Ohh..."
Shigehira: "Why are you giving me that look!?"
Shigehira-san raised his voice and pointed his finger at us.
Then he awkwardly looks towards me.
Shigehira: "Don't get me wrong."
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Shigehira: "I will not tolerate cruelty towards orphans, and if Yoshino-san is going into enemy territory for those children..."
Shigehira: "Then....because she's on our side......it's only natural to help her, right?"
(He....called me his ally)
Sueharu: "Heh. But you guys at one point of time suspected Yoshino for having informal connections with me, right?"
Shigehira: "Yeah? Whose fault do you think it is?"
Shigehira-san glares at Sueharu-san, blue veins slightly popping on sides of his beautiful face.
Yoshino: "Shigehira-san, it's okay. I don't mind anymore."
Yoshino: "It's natural that you'd would suspect me in that situation. But now I'm glad that you said you were on my side in this situation."
Shigehira: "Yoshino-san..."
Shigehira: "The suspicion against you has already been completely resolved in the Shogunate, thanks to Morinaga-san's report."
Shigehira: ".....Yoritomo-sama and Kagetoki-san are waiting for your return."
(Thank god....)
Yoshino: "Thank you! Shigehira-san."
Feeling relieved, I smiled.
Shigehira: "Just call me Shigehira. You don't need to add extra titles anymore."
Yoshino: "....! Really..? Are you...sure?"
Shigehira: "Of course. We're comrades now and we both are about the same age."
(I'm so happy. I'm finally being recognised!)
Yoshino: "In that case, I'll call you Shigehira-kun! Can I?"
Shigehira: ".......Mm."
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Sueharu: "Nice to meet you too, Shigehira-kun."
Shigehira: "That's not for you!"
-----Part 3-----
Sueharu: "Nice to meet you too, Shigehira-kun."
Shigehira: "That's not for you!"
Shigehira-kun snapped at Sueharu-san who interrupted us.
(For the serious Shigehira-kun, Sueharu-san may be a natural enemy...)
Sueharu: "But I'm close with Yoshino too."
Sueharu: "If Shigehira is Yoshino's friend, I can be friends with you too, right?"
Shigehira: "What kind of logic is that.....? Also, what do you mean by 'close'?"
Sueharu: "Well..."
Don't say inappropriate things.
We're just...friends.
You're just mistakening.
Yoshino: "We're just friends...! There's nothing more to it, I swear."
Sueharu: "The best parts of being just friends is that you think you're just friends but instead you're actually drowning in love."
Shigehira: "HUHHH!?"
(Sueharu-san is always teasing me....)
Benkei: "Relax Shigehira. Here, have some tea."
Shigehira: "....Ah..tea, at a time like this?"
Shigehira-kun takes cup from Benkei's hands anyway and drinks it in one gulp.
Shigehira: "....Mmm, this tastes good."
Morinaga: "Yep. Benkei is really good at making tea."
Sueharu: "You seem to have gotten too comfortable with your enemy."
Morinaga: "On the battlefield, we're enemies. But outside that, Benkei and I are muscle-buddies."
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Shigehira: "---Muscle buddies?"
Shigehira-kun's ears twitch.
Sueharu: "These two had a push-up competition inside an oxcart we were riding. It was so annoying."
Sueharu: "But who cares, Shigehira seems like he won't tolerate nonsense like that."
Shigehira: "Those biceps..."
Shigehira-kun gazes Morinaga-san and Benkei's arms with a fiery passion.
Sueharu: "Shigehira?"
Shigehira: "Damn, I wish I was there to see it....I-I mean..."
Shigehira: "You two seem like you had a lot of fun talking about your bodies after the competition, right.......?"
(Surprisingly, Shigehira-kun seems to be really interested, huh...?)
Benkei: "Ah? Well, we were talking about our diets and exercise.."
Morinaga: "Yep, it was nice to talk something fresh for once."
Shigehira: "Benkei-san! On the way to Hiraizumi, can you share some of your workout routine and diets with me as well...!?"
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Benkei: "If you want, sure."
Shigehira: "..Yayy!"
Sueharu: "I thought, finally we'll have a normal person coming with us, but I'm an idiot to even expect something like that."
Sueharu-san looked up at the sky is if he had given up.
That night...
While looking after the orphans, Shigehira-kun and I hurriedly prepared for our departure.
At the same time, Sueharu-san was...
Morinaga: "Can I have a moment, Sueharu?"
Sueharu: "Pay me 100k for each moment."
Even though Morinaga called him, Sueharu doesn't stop walking.
Morinaga quickly catches upto him and grabbed his hand.
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Sueharu: "What?"
-----Part 4-----
Sueharu: "What?"
Morinaga: "I will be leaving soon, so I wanted to talk to you before that."
Sueharu: "Only the women who love you will be happy to have your one-sided wishes imposed upon them."
Morinaga-san broad chest does not budge even when Sueharu tries to push him away.
Sueharu clicked his tongue in annoyance.
Morinaga: "Sueharu. I had no idea how you've been spending your time after you left me...."
Sueharu: "That's to be expected, because I didn't tell you anything."
Sueharu: "So? Is the Shogunate's very own fierce general taking pity on me now?"
Morinaga: "That's not true."
Morinaga firmly grabbed Sueharu's wrist.
Sueharu: "...Let go."
Sueharu's frown didn't scare Morinaga and he looked straight at him.
Morinaga: "I'm frustrated."
Morinaga: "I couldn't do anything to help you in your time of need."
Sueharu: "Enough."
Sueharu sharply expresses his rejection.
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Sueharu: "Even back then, I had to jerk your hand away."
Sueharu: "Once I did that, I didn't need your help again."
Morinaga: "........."
Sueharu: "There are millions of people out there who needs your help, right? Morinaga."
Morinaga: "I.."
Sueharu: "I said enough."
Anger dwelled in Sueharu's one eye like a lightning.
Sueharu: "For you're entire life, you've been lucky and smart. But unfortunately for you, I was the first and only thing that went wrong."
Sueharu: "That's why you're so obsessed with me."
Morinaga: "....Sueharu."
Sueharu: "Remember this. You can be unknowingly arrogant because you are a privileged human being."
Sueharu walks by Morinaga, who remained silent.
Morinaga follows his back and speaks in a low voice-----
Morinaga: "----Still."
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Morinaga: "For me, Sueharu will always be my best friend. I cannot lie to my heart."
Sueharu: ".....I don't see what good a title like that would do."
Without turning around, Sueharu walks away.
(Finally! The medical examination of the children are done and I also prepared extra medicines just in case)
(Looks like we can leave without any problem)
Yoshino: "Ah, Sueharu-san!"
I saw someone walking in front of me, and I called out.
Sueharu: "....! Yoshino."
-----Part 5-----
Sueharu: "....! Yoshino."
(Huh? There's something wrong)
When he turned around to look at me, I can feel a gloominess in his face.
Yoshino: "What happened?"
Sueharu: "Hm? Nothing."
I stared at Sueharu-san as he walks towards me.
Sueharu: "If you keep staring at me too much, I'll have a hole in my head."
Yoshino: "....I couldn't help it, because you are good at hiding things."
Sueharu: "...I won't deny that."
Still, I decided to take the plunge and ask once more.
Yoshino: "Sorry, if I was mistaken."
Yoshino: "But I feel like Sueharu-san has been spacing out a lot ever since the cockfighting incident."
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Sueharu: "........."
Yoshino: "If talking can help you ease a little bit, how about----"
A hand reached out and touched my cheek...
Sueharu: "Heh. You wanna help me feel at ease, huh?"
Yoshino: "Isn't it...obvious."
There was a passionate flame smoldering in his eyes that was neither irritation or impatience.
I gulped when I saw that.
Yoshino: "S-Sueharu..."
Sueharu: "Yoshino."
He holds my body closely, and my heart jumped.
Sueharu: "Rather than a conversation, I like feeling the warmth of a person to soothe my heart."
Sueharu: "Will you help me now?"
Yoshino: "Nn...."
He whispered in a low voice and I could feel my ears turning red.
Yoshino: "Please stop teasing me."
At that time----
Sueharu: "Shh..."
Sueharu-san then places his index finger on my lips.
Yoshino: "....!?"
Then he pulled me into a nearby room.
Yoshino: "W-What's wrong?"
Sueharu: "Stay still."
Just as I was about to say something, I hear footsteps from other side of the hallway.
Shigehira: "Have you seen Yoshino-san!? I wonder where she went?"
Morinaga: "Hmm. I didn't see her going out, though."
(It's Shigehira-kun and Morinaga-san. they seem to be looking for me)
The moment I squirmed, I felt the two arms holding me a little tightly.
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Sueharu: "Don't go."
While letting out a painful sigh, he buried his head in my shoulder.
I was confused at his indulgent actions.
Yoshino: "Mm....."
Chapter 17
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Abe no Yasuchika Main Story: Being Loved END
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
It was the day the talks of armistice between the Shogunate, Rebel Army, and Imperial Court ended.
Yasuchika asked me a question…
Yasuchika: I’m going to ask you the same thing one last time. Just tell me honestly what your choice is, you don't have to worry about me.
Yasuchika: Do you want to go back to Kamakura?
Yasuchika was no longer smiling.
He waited for my answer with a serious look in his eyes.
Yuno: I…
Yuno: I like everyone in the Shogunate, so of course I want to go back, but…
Yuno: More than that, I want to be with you.
Yasuchika: That’s great.
Yasuchika: Then, let’s go to Kamakura together.
Yuno: But you’re an Onmyoji who works in the capital, so you can’t leave Kyoto…
Yasuchika: You’re right about that, but when we were discussing the terms of the armistice…
Yasuchika: We decided that each region will deploy one member to the other two regions, in order to maintain fairness.
Yasuchika: Therefore, I’ll be transferred to the Shogunate from Kyoto.
Yuno: Oh, I see…!
I was surprised, but there was one thing that kind of bothered me, so I asked about it.
Yuno: Will you really be okay with leaving His Majesty and the others?
(Akihito is the person Yasuchika wants to support the most.)
Yasuchika: His Majesty told me that he respects my decision, and that this decision will benefit the Imperial Court in the long run.
Yasuchika: We intend to gather opinions from the point of view of people outside the Imperial Court.
Yuno: I think that’s a great idea! I’ll definitely support you.
Yasuchika: Thanks. Hearing you say that feels very reassuring.
— The pathway to our future took a turn in an unexpected direction.
Three months later… at the Okura Bakufu in Kamakura.
Kagetoki: I will now give my verdict on Master Yasuchika.
Yuno: Uhm?
Shigehira: I knew this day would come.
(What is going on!?)
Yasuchika: Whaa? That's so mean. All I did was capture the guy who was being a threat to Kamakura’s security.
Seated next to Kagetoki was Yasuchika, tied up.
Morinaga: It’s not right for you to use your Onmyo powers to shave that guy’s head.
Yuno: He did WHAT!?
Yasuchika: … That was accidental, okay?
Yasuchika looked up and added on with a huff.
Yasuchika: It’s not like I caused him any physical harm!
Yasuchika: I know Yuno will be upset if I did that, so I just wanted to use an alternative way of punishment.
Yasuchika: The spell I used on him killed his hair follicles, so his hair won’t grow back for at least a year. He’ll be alright.
Shigehira: That sounds scary. It’s not alright at all.
Yuno: I- It is a rather harsh punishment…
Yuno: What did that guy do, anyway?
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Shigehira • Morinaga: …
Yasuchika • Kagetoki: …
(Huh? Why did they go silent all of a sudden?)
Kagetoki: Yuno… when you attended a house call during your work as an apothecary this morning, did you encounter an unreasonable man?
Yuno: Eh? Oh, yes. How did you know…?
(He wasn't satisfied with my treatment, so he refused to pay for it.)
(I was afraid that he would turn violent, but… the people around us suddenly fell down and it distracted him, so I took the chance to escape.)
(I haven't reported about the incident to anyone, though.)
Morinaga: That man is the one Yasuchika punished.
Yuno: What.
Shigehira: I heard that he’s been causing trouble elsewhere as well, so it's a good thing we caught him.
Shigehira: But what you did was obviously due to a personal grudge. Am I right to say that? Yasuchika.
Yasuchika: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Kagetoki: Drop your pretense already.
Kagetoki: The townspeople, and even the man himself upon interrogation, all said that Yuno was being bullied…
Kagetoki: And you knew about it from the start, so you went after that man.
Yuno: What do you mean by… “from the start”?
Kagetoki: You’ve been surveilling Yuno’s every move, right?
(... No way.)
Yasuchika’s mouth lifted into a smile upon being pressed on by Kagetoki’s words.
Yasuchika: “Surveilling” is not a very nice way to put it!
Yasuchika: I heard that Yuno was going to attend a house call in an unsafe area today…
Yasuchika: So I put a shikigami on her just in case.
Yuno: Since when…!
Yasuchika: My bad for not informing you about that beforehand.
Yasuchika: Its function was to only let me know when Yuno feels troubled.
Yasuchika: Therefore, I wouldn't call that “surveilling her every move”.
Yuno: I didn't know about it at all…
Yuno: Ah, so when those people suddenly fell, that was you?
Yasuchika: Yup. Those were all my shikigami. Sorry that was the most I could do to help.
(The way he’s being genuinely sorry is a problem on its own too…!)
(But nevertheless, his actions did help get me out of that situation.)
Yuno: Um… thank you for helping me.
Yuno: And I think it’ll be better if you discuss such matters with me privately in the future…
Yasuchika: I’ll take note of that! I’ll try not to let Kagetoki and the others find out next time!
(Ah, I don’t think he got it.)
Shigehira: Yuno, you shouldn't pamper Yasuchika so much!
Shigehira: Listen up, Yasuchika. I just want to take this opportunity to say…
Shigehira: Your love language is too extreme!
Shigehira: It's fine for you to want to protect Yuno, but can’t you do it in a… reasonable way?
Yasuchika: That’s quite tough, Shigehira.
Yasuchika grinned, despite still being tied up.
However… I caught a glimpse of the menacing look in his eyes, hidden behind that smile.
Yasuchika: … Do the people who try to harm Yuno deserve to be treated “reasonably”?
Yasuchika: I wanted to tear that man up from limb to limb, but I refrained from doing that because Yuno would get upset if she found out I did such a thing for her.
(... I haven't seen this look on Yasuchika's face for quite a while.)
(Because ever since we became lovers, Yasuchika only showed me his sweet and gentle face.)
Kagetoki: There’s something seriously wrong with you.
Morinaga: I thought Master Yasuchika’s personality became softer thanks to Yuno, but it seems that I was wrong.
Shigehira: As for the final judicial decision — let's have Yasuchika buried in the courtyard.
Kagetoki: The meeting is over? In that case, I will now go prepare a shovel and a hoe.
Yuno: Kagetoki! Please don’t bury him.
I scrambled to stop Kagetoki, and then…
Morinaga: … Um, just for everyone’s information, I think Master Yasuchika has already untied himself.
Shigehira: Oh! He really did. What the heck!?
(He was so tightly tied up!)
Yasuchika responded while sipping a cup of tea.
Yasuchika: Ah, that? That was a new technique I developed to untie ropes.
Kagetoki: Can you stop getting more and more unworldly with each day that passes?
Shigehira: … Hey. Isn’t that tea mine?
Yasuchika: Okay, Yuno, let’s run away!
Yuno: HUH!?
The moment Yasuchika grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, a white smoke filled the room.
Shigehira: What’s this? Is the room on fire!?
Yasuchika: It’s just a smoke screen and it’s completely safe!
Yasuchika speedily escaped the hall, pulling me along.
Yuno: I hope that didn't anger them…
Yasuchika: It’s alright, I think?
???: It’s not.
Yoritomo: Kagetoki and the others told me what happened, don’t bother Yuno so much. Got it, Yasuchika?
Yuno: Lord Yoritomo!
We stopped in our tracks when we heard Yoritomo coming down the corridor.
Yasuchika: Got~ it~. I’ll be careful.
Yoritomo: That tone sounded concerning.
Yoritomo: Whatever. As long as you do your job well, I don’t have any complaints, even if you behave wildly.
(Yasuchika’s job is to take care of all matters involving the Imperial Court, especially negotiating with them and the Rebel Army.)
Yuno: Yasuchika, are you managing well at work?
Yasuchika: Nope! Not at all.
Yasuchika: My workload is so heavy, it makes me stressed. Can you comfort me?
Yuno: What? Erm…
The lack of physical distance between us was starting to make my cheeks burn.
Yoritomo: I know this is supposed to be some kind of bittersweet moment, but Yasuchika seems to have a lot of free time on his hands. Too much of it, actually.
Yuno: Really…?
Yasuchika: Eh— that’s not true.
Yoritomo: How’s the situation regarding the power struggle over the shrines and temples in Kyoto?
Yasuchika: I’ve made all the necessary arrangements, so there should be no more problems. You can start the flood control works.
Yoritomo: That’s fast. I expected it to cause even more problems for us.
Yasuchika: Well, uh… there was this weakness I had in the past… *incoherent words*
(Looks like I shouldn't ask him too many questions…!)
Yoritomo: What about the road maintenance works near the border between us and the Rebel Army’s territory?
Yasuchika: You received a message from Lord Yoshitsune for that matter, please check it later.
(Those are some very complicated tasks…)
Yoritomo: — See?
Yuno: It certainly seems that way…
Furthermore, Yasuchika has been traveling around the country with me, in the guise of being on a business trip to conduct inspections between his tasks.
If we encounter people being harmed by ayakashi, we’ll help them regardless of which region they’re from or their social status.
(Yasuchika is a very busy man, but he always tries to hide it.)
Yuno: Actually, Yasuchika has always been like this. Even back at the Imperial Court.
Yuno: He would get everything done with the same unbothered facial expression, but shoulder all burdens alone without hesitation.
Yasuchika: …
Yoritomo: Heard that? Yasuchika.
Yasuchika: I’m not going to answer that.
(Ah. It made him awkward.)
Yuno: But Lord Yoritomo is a workaholic as well, so you’re not exactly the best person to be saying that about Yasuchika.
Yoritomo: Oi.
(Yoritomo accepts Yasuchika’s carefree personality with magnanimity.)
(Perhaps the two of them are more similar in their working styles than they think.)
(But, of course, overworking is never a good thing. I hope they’re resting enough.)
Yasuchika: Hey, hey. Say whatever you like, but don't say that I’m similar to Lord Yoritomo.
Yasuchika: If I could, I’d just lay down all day with Yuno in my arms and do nothing else.
Yuno: D-Don’t tease me.
I looked away in embarrassment.
Yoritomo: You have a pretty nice hobby, huh? Yasuchika.
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Yasuchika: Right? … Don’t envy me.
Yoritomo: … ◠‿◠
(...? They’re smiling, but why does it feel as if there's some tension between them?)
Yoritomo: — Whatever. I’m giving you a vacation.
Yasuchika: Huh?
Yoritomo: This is a good time to take a break and go on vacation. Yasuchika, you should return to Kyoto.
Yasuchika: …? There’s still quite some time before the rites I have to attend in Kyoto.
Yasuchika: According to all the letters I’ve been receiving, there’s no political instability or security problems in Kyoto at the moment.
Yoritomo: That isn't the problem. I'm talking about His Majesty.
Yasuchika: … Did something happen to Lord Akihito!?
Yasuchika’s smile instantly vanished.
Yoritomo: Nothing happened to him—
Yoritomo: Just that whenever I visit His Majesty, he puts immense pressure on me.
Yoritomo: “I heard that you’ve been depending on my Yasuchika greatly. You’re not giving him so much work that he doesn't have the time to come home, right?”
Yoritomo: … He’s always saying things like that.
Yoritomo: “What if he becomes barbaric because he got influenced by the warriors at Kamakura? I’m worried about that. Do you understand, Yoritomo?”
Yoritomo: And he says all that with a smile.
Yuno: Wow…
(Akihito has a soft smile, but his words tend to carry poison at some times.)
Yasuchika had a suspicious look.
Yasuchika: Did His Majesty really say those words? That wasn't what I read in his letters, though.
Yoritomo: He won't tell you unhappy things directly.
Yoritomo: Both you and His Majesty are men of good character, so I wonder what’s bothering him.
(As expected of Yoritomo. In such a short period of time, he realized the kind of relationship they have.)
(On the surface, they seem to be very easy going. But when it comes to caring for each other, they’re awkward.)
Yasuchika: I’m not very satisfied with that explanation, but since you offered…
Yasuchika: Yuno. Will you go with me?
Yuno: Of course! I’d love to.
(I want Yasuchika to take a well-deserved break after working so hard for a long time.)
(I’m looking forward to chatting with Ibuki and Lord Akihito as friends, too.)
Seeing how excited I was, Yoritomo smiled.
Yoritomo: Yuno… remember to come back with Yasuchika after your vacation, alright?
Yuno: Okay! Yasuchika has an important role to play here in the castle.
Yoritomo: I mean, there’s that.
Yoritomo reached his hand out and lifted my chin with his fingertips.
Yoritomo: The castle gets boring without you.
Yasuchika: ... Don’t you think it's rather unbefitting of the Seiitaishogun to hit on his subordinate’s lover?
Yasuchika pulled me away from Yoritomo before I could respond.
Yoritomo: Yuno was originally mine.
(Oh. He’s talking about how I was under his care as a wielder of fox powers, right?)
Yoritomo: If this pisses you off, you should work hard to make sure your relationship lasts long and she doesn't dump you.
Yasuchika: — I don't need you to tell me that. I’ll make her so happy, it surpasses the amount of pain I caused her as an enemy.
Yoritomo: Good. You heard that? Yuno.
Yuno: Uh… yeah.
(So Yoritomo was trying to get Yasuchika all fired up for my sake.)
The warmth and affection from Yasuchika made me happy, and my cheeks relaxed into a smile.
Yoritomo: Let me know if ever Yasuchika makes you cry again.
Yoritomo: My chest will always be available for you to cry into.
Yoritomo waved casually and walked away.
Yasuchika: … Sigh. That Seitaishogun is so smart and flawless, it's a bother.
Yasuchika sighed bitterly.
The next day—
Yasuchika and I quickly packed our bags and headed for Kyoto.
(Wow, it's beautiful!)
We stopped by a field of flowers mid-journey to take a break.
Yasuchika: The flowers are in full bloom. I’m lucky I get to see them with you.
Yasuchika: Our recent meet-ups were only in town.
Surrounded by the sweet scent of nectar, we sat down huddled together.
Yuno: Those made me happy too.
Yuno: And I’m looking forward to traveling to Kyoto with you.
Yasuchika: Me too.
Yasuchika suddenly pulled me closer.
Yasuchika: This feels unusual. I used to always have mixed feelings about returning to Kyoto.
I recalled the day we first went to Kyoto together to help deal with ayakashi.
– Flashback Start –
Yuno: This is my first time going to Kyoto! It’s a beautiful city, right?
Yasuchika: Yup. It does look good.
Yuno: What does it look like?
Yasuchika: It looks pretty, but it's also filled with conspiracy.
Yasuchika: Unlike Kamakura, it's like a lovely fruit that’s slowly rotting.
Yuno: … Do you hate Kyoto?
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Yasuchika: …
Yasuchika: There's no way I can hate it. I'm too attached to Kyoto.
Yasuchika: Living in Kyoto made me suffer countless bone-crushing nights, as well as beautiful encounters.
– Flashback End –
(Those words carried the weight of Yasuchika’s past.)
Yasuchika: I know that the Kyoto I’ll see with you now, is incredibly beautiful.
Yasuchika: For the first time, I can love Kyoto without being bothered by my worries.
(... I’m so glad to hear that.)
It was so heartwarming that I felt myself tearing up.
Yuno: … You became the protector of this country because of your unyielding determination.
Yasuchika: Yeah. You were the one who changed me that day.
A gust of wind blew and sweet smelling flower petals danced in the air around us.
Yasuchika embraced me and wore the most genuine smile ever.
Yasuchika: Life’s more interesting when we don't know what the future holds.
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Yasuchika: But there's one thing I can foretell.
Yasuchika: You will always be smiling by my side. In order to make you happy, I’ll even defy fate itself.
Yasuchika, the protector of this country, was also the protector of my heart.
(What should I say to him to convey my feelings?)
A simple “thank you” would not be enough.
Yuno: … I love you, Yasuchika. I’ll be the protector of your heart too.
Yasuchika: Yuno…
Yasuchika muttered my name and at the same time, something crystal clear fell from his eyes.
Yasuchika: Huh? What's this?
(You’re crying.)
Yasuchika used to be someone who could have his heart ripped out and torn into shreds, and he wouldn't even shed a single tear.
But right now, he’s tearing up.
Yasuchika: — Yuno.
Yuno: Yes?
He called out my name once more and our eyes met.
Yasuchika: … Ah, that’s right.
Yasuchika: What I’m feeling now is happiness.
Yasuchika: I guess people also cry when they’re happy.
The sight of Yasuchika’s tears was so beautiful that vision turned blurry too.
He gently wiped the tears off the corners of my eyes with his fingers.
Yasuchika: — Why are you crying, Yuno?
Yuno: Because… I’m happy.
Yasuchika: That’s good. So this doesn't count as me making you cry.
(It doesn't matter how many tears I shed.)
(I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you’re always happy.)
Enveloped by the sweet smell of flowers, our lips met.
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makishinichi · 2 years
heike monogatari spoilers under the cut (tbh i should not care about this because the story is thousands of years old but anyway)
first off i'll have to thank my lockdown self for gaining a mild interest in all things yoshitsune because i actually read the books before watching the story.... the tale is incredibly famous and therefore im sure locals would understand the episodes better than i did... but reading the books definitely helped me understand the story!
yamada naoko is just so brilliant damn.... i tend not to tune into war stories because of how futile they are, and also i was really worried because of how violent the books got at times, but her direction just left me in awe.
i was especially compelled to watch due to the trailers - the constant repetition of motions emphasises on the fact that this story has been told again and again and again, there is nothing new to this story. but that entices the viewer to watch - they’re not interested in how the story ends, but they’re interested in how the story will be told, because they’ve heard it so many times before. i’m sure that’s the reasoning why famous tales get adapted again and again and again, and this one is no exception.
i found it a good touch that biwa was the main character instead of lets say shigemori, or koremori, or tokuko/kenreimon. if those characters were the main characters, that would pull it into a series alike game of thrones. but yamada and yoshida seemed to emphasise mostly on the fact that this anime is a retelling of events that has been told for over 800 years. biwa is in a similar position as the viewer / reader of the tale, because she knows what will happen in the future but continues to follow the characters anyway. she can see the past, just like the viewer who has been reading this story for years and years. in the beginning she resents the heike, just like how the viewers / readers do as they read about the horrors that the heike have committed, but along the way she feels sympathetic for them, the way the readers do.
there are around 12 books in total, and there are so many stories to tell, but yoshida reiko skewed the vision down to the most famous parts of the books, and the story was mostly told from the heike's point in view, so a lot of it was left out (ie yoritomo's mistrust of yoshitsune, the death of shunkan, etc etc) but the story Is supposed to be about the heike, so the series focuses almost entirely on the heike, with the bare minimum of attention on their opponents. the story flows on for quite a long period of time and it was difficult to condense it all into 11 episodes, but for the most important scenes, every moment was drawn out carefully, so that the rush of plot wouldnt leave you devoid of emotion.
of course there were loose ends that she didnt tie up, like what happened to munemori and shigehira in the end, but it was a good choice to end all mention of the remaining misery after dannoura... the ending was brilliant and it was so... yamada. i really cant say anything more than that.
as someone who really loves yoshitsune's character, i really enjoyed his inclusion in yamada's story. two things i hoped for: he would actually be a short man with buck teeth instead of a beautiful man, and his fall from grace (especially since the latter was captured in the books pretty well).. but anyway. this story is about the heike, not yoshitsune. but if director yamada ever wants to direct a story like hashi benkei or ataka/kanjincho though, i would definitely be the first person to tune in!
what can i say about the cast and the voice acting... they were brilliant. irino miyu and hayamin once again playing important characters in a yamada naoko production. almost all, if not all the important characters were played by heavyweight veterans, so of course they were able to do the famous characters justice. i found it absolutely amazing that they could cast akio ohtsuka in a role with such few lines, but him being cast as benkei was literally like someone picked my dream fancast and laid it at the casting director's feet. 
ushio kensuke and yamada naoko share an incredible vision and the soundtrack is fantastic, on par with girls,dance,staircase as one of my favourite anime osts of all time. i was really happy hitsujibungaku was chosen to do the opening, because they’re one of my favourite bands, and i never thought they would ever do an anime opening, but here we are! this anime really is everything i’ve ever wanted, from the story to the director to the cast to the music and even to the band doing the opening track lol.
ive always admired yamada's ability to find the beauty in impermanence... the pathos of things / mono no aware, for lack of better expression. she executes that theme so incredibly well, whether tamako love story or the shape of voice or liz and the bluebird. the main theme of heike monogatari is the impermanence of all things, which is why it was the perfect story for her to try and make her own. and god she did it so well. maybe history buffs could disagree with me, but for me, i was left satisfied. if she ever wants to do a retelling of yoshitsune’s story, count me in!
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