#I guess niche probs isn't a loan word really is it...?
sothischickshe · 4 years
What’s the dumbest thing an american has said to you? (and tag other non-americans)
Oh aNON, this is such a great question 😂
I feel like whatever the true answer is, I've repressed it deep deep down but some highlights which spring to mind:
Very politely attempting to convert whatever measurements they're speaking of to metric bc I am an european™️... Except im English, and I feel like if you thought about it for a second, a glimpse of world history would suggest from whence the imperial system came...
Just absolute full on fucking hysterics at Britishisms, like I think this chick mightve done herself permanent damage cackling when I said 'corridor' one time...? Like yes I might snort at a couple of Americanisms but it's not THAT funny, ppl call things different things, chill down
Pronunciation of French loan words (croissant, nougat, niche etc). Ouch.
'we say cheers to mean thanks too.' ???? You do not??? Not sure what was going on here, trying to seem cool??? (Lord that guy was hot, but also big dumb)
Just anything that implies a complete lack of understanding that the rest of the world, like, exists
No you HAVE to try this it's a pumpkin double ipa (???? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮)
Taking me to weird fast food versions of European food and insisting they know everything about the cuisine based on this (um)
Referring to like the 24 hour clock as military time (????)
Assuming American sign language is universal (honey the clue is in the name)
Assuming that when we tic on 'if that's all right?' to statements that we're actually asking that question and require a response (????)
'ew this pasta isn't even cooked' (sweetheart this is al dente.... Maybe don't bother going to Italy if this upsets you)
Trucking with ridonculous national stereotypes, like OBVIOUSLY I love queueing n talking bout the weather, but no it's not downtown Abbeyville or whatever
'are they speaking english?' in response to like a scouse or Scottish or whatever accent
Insistently referring to ppl or things as 'british' (sometimes it's appropz, but a lot of the time you probs mean English, or indeed perhaps scottish or welsh or whatevs)
Not believing in prawn
Tagalagging @jazillia007 @bourbon-ontherocks @missmaxime @riosnecktattoo @jade-marie @bathroombreaks & anyone who wants to play!!!!!
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