#Im sure there are more
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worstloki · 5 days
Shout out to characters who are dead from the start
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mutsky · 2 months
i dont know man this bl really isnt passing the bedchel test
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hella-val · 9 months
how is it that the 'white dude in his thirties plays video games with his friends' genre of youtuber manages to be one of the consistently best on the platform
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Nancy Wheeler is both a frequent holder of the group braincell, AND the least pragmatic of the entire hawkins crew. This girl is the most trusted and respected by adults of any of them. She is the leader of the group by essentially unanimous vote. She is also just a tad unhinged, in the best way.
This girl is the one who unhesitatingly crawled right through a muck dripping unexplained hole in a tree without even pausing to catch Jonathan’s attention.
This same girl has never asked for actual permission in her life.
Nancy saw a monster that they had no idea how to kill, and immediately went on the hunt before she learned how to shoot a gun.
She breaks laws and lies left and right (for a good cause, but with minimal evidence).
She hears an old man blame a murder on a locked up 70 year old man, based on a great deal of town superstition, and immediately and fullheartedly believed in the connection. She was right.
She listens to an old widow tell her about some rats in her basement and declares it the story of the year. She was right.
She responds to her possesed jerk-face coworker mockingly calling 'Marco' with "POLO" before bashing his face in.
She paused a murder investigation to pet a dog.
She has a guy sneak into her room, and she genuinely studies chemistry the entire time he is there. (So proud of her for this one, actually.)
She keeps guns in a shoebox in her closet. The only guns she owns are stolen. She owns two of them.
She keeps using guns despite them having proven to be the least effective weapon against demo-creatures.
She runs a school newspaper with as much seriousness and effort as a nationwide publication.
She dressed up as an elf out of enthusiasm for a DnD campaign. She will never admit she ever played the game.
She recruited a random conspiracy journalist and told him the entire Upside Down story without hesitation. She was correct about him.
She purposefully had the Hawkins Lab kidnap them in order to record a confession she didn't know she would get.
She dove into a lake without hesitation immediately after a friend was taken by an unknown monster.
She successfully lied her way into an asylum within hours of deciding to go there, and decided the way to escape was just to blatantly run across the courtyard despite guards being one step behind them.
I love her. ❤️
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raethereptile · 5 months
It's been a year now since I started my first job (and moved to a second one) and I want to share some of the things with yall
Interviews are a two way street. They are seeing if they like you. But you need to decide if you like them. Ask questions and don't be afraid to listen to your gut.
There are two types of questions you should ask at an interview: to get more knowledge about the company, and to make yourself look good. The ones that make you look good are more important.
Buy a notebook. Make notes every day. You'll thank me.
Manage your pain. Take the god damn painkiller.
Set "yes but" goals. "This is my goal for this period of time but if something happens I will do this instead." " This is my goal for the year but if something happens before then I'll do this."
Don't be afraid to leave. Seriously. It's not worth it.
If they say they want to extend your probation period/training period, start looking for another job. They might be doing you a kindness and actually mean to help you, but if they're not and are only trying to cover their own skin you want to get out of there before they hurt you.
There will always be people who cannot admit fault and or will try to blame you for things you haven't done. Handle it however you please but accept that this is a universal truth.
Your colleagues are not your friends. They may become friends in time, but they are your colleagues first. Remember this. It may protect you one day.
"if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life" is mostly true. It should still feel like work, but if you can find a job that you love, don't waste it. Your lucky.
If you stop loving it, it's a sign of a bigger problem.
If you stop doing the things you love because work has made you mentally/emotionally/physically incapable, don't be afraid to reassess.
If your place of work doesn't have a wellbeing and or disability support system, it's not for you. Even if you're able bodied, neural typical, and in peak mental and physical health.
Be a team player, but not at the expense of yourself.
You can be professional and still be the little freak that you really are. Just remembered when to wear which face, ok?
Eat some fucking fruit.
Work is just work. If you find it fulfilling, fantastic. But you need more that just work. Friends, family, hobby's, join a club, get a pet, start a project, take a class, go to the theatre, bake a cake, anything. But have something
Never stop learning. Either on the job or outside of it. But especially on the job. If your place of employment won't encourage you to keep learning and progressing, find a new job.
Comfortable, practical shoes. That is all.
Health and safety is your friend. I know. Everyone's least favourite department. But they are there to protect you. Go to them if you have concerns. If you don't have a h&s department and or your concerns are ignored, leave. No job is worth your life.
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infinite-wanders · 11 months
Sergio has a gambling problem. Keeps taking risks and the pay out is ruining other drivers races and eventually his own.
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allthe-queens-men · 11 months
Queen songs that are better live: I'm in Love with My Car, Now I'm Here, Hammer to Fall, In the Lap of the Gods, Action This Day, Staying Power, Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Queen songs that are better on the album: Dragon Attack, any song sung by Roger or Brian (e.g. 39, MTRNR – except above)
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avibero · 1 year
I'm still not done with my first playthrough but the concept of origin runs is becoming more fascinating the further I get in. I desperately want to see what a Gale/Lae'zel romance looks like.
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patermillion · 6 months
Shout out to RPG's where one of your party members is an actual dog.
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Reid always in trouble with the bible bashers
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waiting indefinitely for the doctor to come back for you not knowing if they are dead and not knowing whether it’d maybe be better if they WERE because then the reason they didnt come back for you was not,,, you #thecompanionexperience
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curitura · 2 years
not a request, but a question.
Do you know of any otome games with a strong female lead? Im getting more in to otome games but i hate games with main characters who get bullied on 24/7 (cough cough yui diabolik lovers cough cough)
I dont mind when some ML are mean but its a issue when it never stops 😭😭
hey there! i totally get what you mean about otome mcs haha. i assume you mean mcs with strong personalities, but i made a list of some heroines with actual weapons too ( ´ ω ` ) hope this helps!
otome mcs who can fight/have weapons: cyrus tistella (steam prison), lynette mirror (cupid parasite), anastasia lynzel (even if TEMPEST), jed (pyschedelica of the ashen hawk)
otome mcs with strong personalities: yurika arisu (taisho x alice), saki inafune (sweet fuse), hibari tojo (variable barricade), hiyoko tosaka (hatoful boyfriend)
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Happpy international women’s day to everyone except JK Rowling
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norollsbarred · 2 years
sometimes i'll watch a NRB social deduction game and know exactly who everyone is, and be so fucking tense. how can i know who the bad guys are, and be on the edge of my seat as everyone else figures it out.
(this is about The Thing and every episode of Blood on the Clock tower)
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raethereptile · 2 months
Things my Welsh arse has said to my English friend/colleagues that has left them baffled and/or enraged, a collection (updated):
Yes we do call people this, it's not just made up for the telly
If I call you Butt, I'm not calling you an arse. A Butt/Butty is a friend. Like Mate or Buddy, or Pal, I suppose
Literal translation: "thank you bus driver." Has inspired much confusion amongst friends. I can only imagine how confused the English bus driver was.
Now in a minute
A unit of time that is unquantifiable but instinctively understood. Could be anything from "3 seconds from now" to "in half an hour". Measure it with your heart.
Over by there
Why use one word when 5 will do. Nothing is ever just "there".
I'm bad
To not feel very well. Pronounce "bard"
Under the doctor
"I'm not having sex with a doctor, stop laughing about how I said that. It means I'm in the hospital goddamnit!"
Whose coat is that jacket
Rage inducing to every English person I've ever said this to. I'm just trying to ask who that item of clothing belongs to.
Do you want to
Yeh...we don't really say please? We just ask you to do things in different ways. Like "would you mind..." Or "could you..." Or "if/could you see your way.." and most commonly "would you like to/do you want to..."
Ych a fi
A fan favourite! Basically means "yuck that's disgusting" but it's an instinctive sound that comes from the heart and back of the throat. You don't say it, you feel it
People know about this one but they love it when I say it
Where to is it by?
Much like "over by there" it's a 'why use one when five will' do situation. I'm just asking where something is
Something small or little. A kid might be described as "just a dwt". Pronounced "doot"
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