#I guess since it's mentioned in that massive essay I wrote woops
violet-fire-cat · 7 years
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Okay! You wanted to see more of my lumian ocs? Well most of you probably didn't but @cyanidas seemed too and I've never really drawn this lot properly so it made a good excuse. But yeah, here's Xeph's family! His three siblings, and his parents. Xeph's the oldest, he's just short x) Well, for a lumian he is, the others are all over six foot, or close too it, whilst Xeph's only about 5ft7. He's smol in comparison. Plus I messed up his anatomy a little so he looks shorter than he probably should but oh well!
I don't really have names for his parents over on the far left, but his siblings do have names! To the left of Xeph, is Ryul, and then on the right is Luzana and Enylnn, the twins. Below the read more is, well, some info about this lot, and some more of my lumian headcanons, Cy said that I should just write as much as I want, and that's something I can do, so, yeah, massive info-dump below the cut, enjoy I guess if you're willing to read it x)
I have five more lumians that I'm going to draw too? Well, four and a half. So watch out for those as well! :D
Okay so, where to start? x) Well, i think a good thing to start with is that my lumian's home planet is called Lumi. A very technologically advanced and vibrant planet, the majority of the life there glows just like the lumians themselves do! It's quite a dark planet, fairly distant from it's stars (yes, stars, it's in binary star system), but it's climate is still rather temperate in most places, and filled with lush forests where there aren't cities and towns. Rainstorms are common for much of the planet, snow is very rare, except in the coldest regions, which aren’t really inhabited. They have ways of regulating the weather in big city areas though. Keeping rain and other bad weather out and maintaining a steady temperature. This made adjusting to Minecraftian weather rather tricky for Xeph and Will. 
One year on Lumi is roughly the same as about 3 or so years on Minecraftia/Earth. Lumi’s orbit isn’t much bigger than Minecraftia’s but it moves slower, which results in it taking longer to make it’s way around the stars. Lumian’s live for a very long time, their lifespan is easily double if not triple that of the average humans. Which, does, sadly, mean that Xeph and Will outlive the majority of their friends on Minecraftia. 
Despite how long they live though, lumian’s are quite fragile compared to humans. Without the advanced medical tech of their home planet, an injury that would take a few days to heal on a human, could take a week or more for Xeph or Will, which annoys them, but if nothing else it prompts them to be more careful. Healing magic has limited success when used on them, only the most powerful of spells with have a great effect. And healing and regeneration potions make them sick, so they can’t drink them without promptly throwing it back up again.
The next important thing is probably that my lumians are a single-sexed, genderless/androgynous race. Meaning that they don't have male and female like humans do, so I will be referring to all my lumian ocs with they/them pronouns, since they've had no exposure to human ideas of gender. And masculine and feminine terms and pronouns don't even really exist in the Lumian language! Xeph and Will choose to ID as male and use he/him pronouns once they're living on Minecraftia, as that's what they prefer when it comes to the human language and how they view gender and such, though generally they're not too fussed by it.
Okay, what stuff applies to the Brindley's here. Hm. What about some societal stuff? That's pretty important with Xeph's family actually.
In the big Central Hub cities where Xeph (and Will) grew up, social standing is very much tied to the colour of your eyes and blood. Lumian eye colours are incredibly varied, they can be pretty much any colour! A lumian’s blood colour matches that of their eyes, though is usually a few shades darker. When healthy, a lumian’s blood will glow slightly too.
The colours are usually split into three groups though, which in those big cities are often used to describe a person, and are very much linked to social status; Primary Blood (red, blue, yellow), Secondary Blood (orange, green, purple, pink), and Other/Muddy Blood (browns, greys, particularly dark shades of any colour really).
Unfortunately, Lumi isn't the futuristic paradise Xeph's friends seem to want to think it is, at least, not where Xeph and Will grew up. It's not uncommon for an individual to be treated differently by their peers purely because of the colour of their eyes. This came about after a relatively recent event, that is now just outside of living memory. But it has been around long enough, and has become so ingrained into these city-dwellers lives, that there's a distinct pattern amongst the groups in the cities, and it's unlikely to go away any time soon.
Primaries are often wealthier, but have a bad reputation amongst other groups for mistreating them and using them. Secondaries are mostly middle-class, darker colours are often warier of them, though perhaps not as much as Primaries, many Secondaries are treated roughly by Primaries, some are mistreated if their colour is too close to a Primary, but still noticeably Secondary. Lumian's with brown or similar coloured eyes, are often treated quite badly by higher groups, especially Primaries, lower-class lumians in cities. They generally live in smaller towns, where they're often much better off, as the majority of the discrimination takes place in these bigger city areas. Especially the Central Hub cities (which is made up of the biggest cities on Lumi, including the main Capital). Away from these cities, you'll find considerably less, if any, of this blood colour discrimination, and lumians, regardless of blood colour, can generally work together without any hassle.
Unlike humans, lumian’s really do not care about what colour someones skin is. The only part of someone’s appearance that is deemed even remotely important by most, is the colour of their eyes.
Xeph, from a young age, realised that treating other lumians different because of the colour of their eyes was stupid! And despite his parents efforts, stuck with that ideal. Whilst living on Lumi, he did his best to be nice to people that most others of his blood colour would mistreat. He's perfectly aware that he has Primary Privilege though, that he can get away with things purely because he's blue. And that people will treat him differently, for better or worse, because he's blue. And he hates it. But there's not much he can do about it, as much as he wishes he could.
Will knew from a young age that he wanted to run a business! But his family was worried about that right from the start. It's very much an industry run by Primary blooded lumians, especially in these big cities. And they didn't want the baby of their family to get bullied by cruel Primaries! Will was determined though, and never let anything stop him from doing what he wanted to do. Early on, he did have to deal with a lot of lumians looking down at him or not taking him seriously, purely because he was a young green. But he built up his reputation, and is now fairly well-respected on Lumi.
A little about Xeph's family?
Xeph comes from a rather wealthy, Primary upper-class family. His parents are a very strict pair, and they're both very typical Primaries in that they have no interest in, and will gladly mistreat, lumians of other 'lower' colours, purely because of the colour of their eyes. They always wanted their eldest to find a nice blue lumian and settle down with them, so they were unsurprisingly unhappy when Xeph settled with a green he met at university.
Xephos is, well you all know who he is. He's the oldest of the Brindley kids, protective big brother. He gets along pretty well with all three siblings, but doesn't get along with his parents, and never really has done. He doesn't hate them, but he does dislike their attitude towards the world and how other lumian's should be treated. Xeph studied chemistry and technology at university, where he met Will, before joining the Lumian Military as an engineer a little while after his graduation. He loved the job, getting to travel through the stars was a dream come true for him, and he was doing very well. Until his ship crashed, and his life on Minecraftia begun.
Ryul (Rye-ul), or just Ry for short, is about two years younger than Xeph. They're a bit of a joker, playful and energetic, but do sometimes miss when they should calm down and be more serious. They've always been rather close to Xeph, and there only being a couple of years between them probably helped with that. They’re very tall and skinny, even for a lumian they’re tall, especially for a digitigrade lumian, who are usually shorter. They like to tease their siblings, especially Xeph, since they’re all shorter than them. They don’t mean any harm though, just messing around.
Ryul loves to travel, whenever the family went away somewhere when the kids were young, Ryul was thrilled and excited by it! Though now they’re an adult, their parents wish they’d just settle down. There’s a lot to see on Lumi though, and not many city-dwelling lumian’s really travel far from their home cities to see what else is out there, not unless they have too anyway. Ryul however, wants to see the world! And they travel around with their partner, and any friends they can convince to go with them, visiting different cities and enjoying themselves. 
When Xephos’ ship crashed, and he was believed dead. The Lumian Military informed Xephos’ parents, rather than Will, who was his partner at the time, about what had happened. Xeph’s parents didn’t like Will, had never liked him and thought that their eldest deserved much better than some green who got lucky. If they’d had their way, they would never have told Will what had happened to Xephos. But Xeph’s siblings did like Will, and they did want him to know what happened, rather than leaving him to think that Xephos had simply disappeared. But it took a long time for them to be able to tell him. Eventually though, Ryul managed to get the message across to Strife, who didn’t believe it at first, but was, of course, devastated once he realised that Ryul was telling the truth. He was angry that he hadn’t been told though, and had showed up at Xeph’s parents house and shouted at them for not telling him sooner, for trying to hide it from him..
Luzana (Lu-zar-na), or just Zana, and Enlynn (En-Lin), or Enny, are about six years younger than Xeph, and are identical twins. Though in personality, they’re fairly different. Luzana is quite calm and mellow, compared to their siblings, whilst Enylnn is rather hyper, cheerful and a bit silly. They both get along with their older siblings pretty well, despite the age gap, though Enylnn is perhaps a little closer to Ryul than Xephos, since their shared hyperactivity goes together well- or at least, it does to them, maybe not to everyone else.
Enylnn loves tech and computers, gadgetry fascinates them! They very much share this love with Xephos, and the two of them could very easily chat about tech for hours if you let them. Luzana on the other hand, loves fashion and design. And is very good with makeup- though some of that is thanks to Xephos teaching them when they were younger. This gives me an excuse to talk about clothing, but then I’ll wrap this up x)
Clothing on Lumi, or at least in the cities where Xeph and Will grew up, isn’t massively complex or fancy. What you see here is a pretty good set of examples of what city-dwellers are likely to wear. Slim-fitting, high collars, dark colours, covering all but their faces, hands, toes, and tails. Lumian’s are very private people usually, no showing skin in public! Well, unless you’re like, going to a night club or something, then you can get away with something a bit more revealing. (But even then, it’s often no more than shorter sleeves, lower neckline, simple stuff like that. No short shorts here!)
Some lumian’s do wear lighter colours though, Luzana kinda prefers pale colours to the darker shades that most other lumians wear. Darker shades are more common though, since lumian beauty is as focused on the eyes and freckles and their colour and glow as the rest of their society, and darker clothes help to make bright glowing eyes stand out- or at least, that’s the idea.
Metal jewellery worn on the ears, fingers and tails to those that have them (though in this styling I leave tail-rings out for the most part) is very common too. Most of the time the only lumians that won’t wear jewellery are those that simply can’t afford it. Earrings that match the colour of an individuals eyes are common, and many also wear an earring matching their partners colour. Most are silver or gold though, once again, worn to show off a lumians eyes and freckles. Reflecting their glow, and seeming to sparkle.
Lumian’s wear makeup too, it’s very common, though it’s usually only worn around the eyes, not wanting to cover and hide freckles. Darker shades of their eye colour are what is usually worn, making their glowing eyes stand out. Glitter is common in makeup too, as it adds a little extra sparkle around their eyes when the light reflects off of it. Xeph and Will would often do each others makeup before going out of an evening, Xeph had quite a talent for it, and helped to get Luzana into makeup and fashion when they were young. Nail polish is common too, city-dwellers generally keep their claws trimmed and blunt, since keeping them sharp isn’t needed, so they can have them unsheathed without risking hurting anyone, and lots of lumians will wear sparkly or even luminescent nail polish on their claws, though the latter is a little more common amongst young lumians out partying and the like.
The majority of city-dwelling lumians keep their hair short, they’ll style it however they want, but it’s rare for them to grow it out very long. Most lumian’s can grow facial hair, but for the most part it’s only older lumian’s who grow it out at all, and even then, anything more than scruff or stubble is fairly uncommon. Xeph and Ryul are younger but still have a bit of scruff going on. Though that’s only really ‘cos Xeph’s a rebel and Ry’s a mess. x)
Okay- okay I’m gonna stop now. I think that’s everything I wanted to write here and more? Might have missed something, oh well. Will add it to the next one x) There will be two more posts like this, my lumian OCs for Cy to see, plus headcanons and shit. If you have questions about anything, be it related to this or some other headcanon thing, feel free to drop them in my ask box! Seriously, I love having a reason to talk about my headcanons! :D But yeah, that’s this. Sorry that it got so long, but it was fun to draw this and write all of this out! So that’s something at least x) ><
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