#I had to just sit outside and watch valet traffic in order to not die lol
offbrand-thor · 1 month
Am I going to eat at the rainforest cafe while I’m in Vegas? Aaaaaabsolutely
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hobeymakar · 4 years
Unapologetically | C. Makar Part 2
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Previous parts: Part 1
Chapter word count: 3,673 words
A/N: This chapter was so much fun to write! I will be working on the next one ASAP, but it may take me a little longer to write it! Please like and reblog if you enjoyed it as it lets me know that you enjoyed it. Any and all feedback is always greatly appreciated
Shoutouts: @pizzasloot​ @hockey-and-wine​ and @grenawitka​ for being my cheerleaders in the gc! I love you girls with all my heart
Warnings: explicit language
Taty wakes up on the morning of February 5th and feels the nerves start to hit her. Today, she'll be meeting Cale in person and interviewing him for the podcast. A part of her is afraid things will go wrong once they meet and he won't be interested in her anymore. While the other part of her knows that Cale is too nice of a person to ever break her heart like that. If things don't work out, he'll be nice and respectful about it. 
In preparation of meeting Cale, she self-isolated from her family for a couple days and got tested for COVID-19. She tested negative thankfully so she can go meet Cale without putting him in danger. 
She brushes her teeth and has breakfast as she prepares herself mentally for the podcast. She writes down her questions and her intro, so that she doesn't forget anything that she wants to say and ask. After breakfast she showers and changes into a comfy, warm outfit to withstand the cold of New England winter. She knows the high is only gonna be 37 and with the wind in the city of Boston, it's gonna be way worse.
She loads her car up with all her equipment and starts making the trip towards Boston. She decides to make a trip to her Aunt's apartment in Roxbury, which is on the outskirts of the city. She parks her car inside the community and makes her way into the apartment, since her Aunt always leaves her door open.
"'Cion Tia! (Blessings, Auntie)" she smiles, greeting her Aunt Leo who's in the kitchen making food.
"Dios te bendiga, mi'ja! Que haces aqui? (May God bless you, honey! What are you doing here?) " her aunt asks, as she stands in front of the stove.
"Voy hacer una entrevista con un jugador de hockey (I'm interviewing a hockey player)" she explains, not wanting to mention that she's sort of seeing that player.
"Que bueno mi'ja! ¡Me alegro! Yo se que todo va salir bien porque tu eres una mujer seria y muy inteligente! (That's amazing honey! I'm glad! I know that everything is gonna go great because you're a serious and intelligent woman!" her aunt cries out.
"Gracias Tia! Y Cola y Nine? Thank you Auntie! Where's Cola and Nine?" she asks, referring to another aunt and uncle.
"Nine está trabajando y Cola salió con Frank y Bernardo a ayudar alguien con un trabajito. (Nine's working and Cola went out with Frank and Bernardo to help someone out with a small job," her aunt explains.
"Bueno, yo vine aquí solamente para verte y saludarte. Me voy a quedar en un hotel esta noche y voy a regresar a casa mañana. (Well, I came here only to see you and greet you. I'm staying at a hotel tonight and I'm going back home tomorrow)" she explains.
"Quédate aquí por un rato más. Ya la comida está lista como en 15 minutos. (Stay here for a little longer. The food will be ready in like 15 minutes)" her aunt explains.
"Tengo planes con el jugador pero no diga nada a Mami por favor (I have plans with the player but don't say anything to Mami please)" she pleads.
"Oh ya veo. No le digo nada, mi'ja (Oh, now I see. I won't tell her anything, honey)" her aunt replies, nodding her head.
"Gracias Tia! Dale saludos a Cola, Nine, Frank y Bernardo. Ojala los veo mañana (Thank you, Auntie! Say hi to Cola, Nine, Frank and Bernardo. Hopefully I'll see them tomorrow)" she smiles, hugging her Aunt.
"Con dios, mi'ja. Tengas cuidado, pero lo disfrutas (Take care, honey. Be careful, but have fun)" her Aunt smiles back, kissing her cheek.
Taty leaves the apartment and gets back into her car to make the trip to a hotel right across the street from the TD Garden. During the drive, she hits some traffic because the city of Boston has awful traffic, but arrives at the hotel in 20 minutes. Workers help her get her stuff out of the car and she gets her car parked by the valet. She makes her way inside the hotel and checks in. The workers help her bring her stuff to her room on the 7th floor. She makes her way inside and unpacks her things, putting them out. She puts her recording equipment out on the table and then heads to the windows to take a picture of her view of the Bunker Hill Bridge and TD Garden. She sends the picture to Cale
To: Cale 🥰
Nice choice for the room. You remembered how I like my city view and bath tubs to take baths in
From: Cale 🥰
Of course I remembered! I remember every single thing you've told me
To: Cale 🥰
How quickly can you get your butt up to my room?
From: Cale 🥰
I'm in Mikko's room rn with the guys but I can make up an excuse and disappear
To: Cale 🥰
I want to order room service and then interview you
From: Cale 🥰
Alright I'll be there in a few
She looks at herself in the mirror, making sure she looks good. She realizes how dumb it is for her to stress over her looks when Cale has literally seen her looking gross with no makeup on and her hair looking a whole ass mess.
She goes on her phone and tries to calm down her nerves. After a few minutes, she hears a knock on her door. She goes up to the door and opens it, meeting Cale who's dressed in an Avs sweatshirt and sweatpants. She pulls him in and closes the door shut right away, so that no one can see.
He lifts her up for a hug and she wraps her legs around him, her tiny frame wrapping around him tightly. They embrace each other for a few moments before putting her back down.
"So you like the room I picked out for you?" he asks, as she leads him further inside the room.
"Yes! It's perfect! It's honestly way too big for just me," she smiles.
She gives him a quick tour of the room and bathroom and he sits down on the bed while she opens the room service menu.
"Do you want anything?" she asks him.
"No, I already had lunch with the team," he informs her. 
"Alright," she nods, looking back at the menu.
"Order anything you want regardless of price. It's on me," he informs her.
"Cale, I can't make you spend all this money on me. You're paying for my room and the valet parking, the least I can do is pay you back for the food," she protests.
"I appreciate your concern, but this is nothing to me. Let me treat you," he replies, trying to convince her to let him spoil her.
"You're lucky you're cute," she sighs, giving in.
She calls room service and places her order. As she waits for her order, she turns on the TV and gets on the bed, snuggling into Cale's side. She puts on NHL Network and they watch highlights from the night before, while talking about certain plays and players.
"You know I've never met a girl that I could talk about hockey with like this. Like you actually understand the sport and everything," he comments.
"Well I've been a fan for so long and I've always been obsessed with sports since I was a little kid. It's the reason why I was always one of the guys growing up," she explains.
"And I think it's the coolest thing about you! You're so passionate about sports and sports stats! You're passionate about diversity and inclusion in sports too!" he smiles, running his fingers through her hair.
She feels the heat rise in her cheeks and she wishes he would just kiss her already, but she's too shy to do it herself.
"Well thank you. For a long time, I was embarrassed about how nerdy it is. It's probably why guys never saw me as anything more than a tomboy," she explains sheepishly.
"Yeah well it's their loss. They never got to see how incredible you really are," he smiles, kissing her forehead.
If she could die in his arms right now, she wouldn't mind honestly. She's never felt this sort of warmth and such intense butterflies in her stomach. Her heart feels so full and she finally realizes that this is what falling in love feels like. She had never felt it before but she loves the feeling so much that she doesn't want it to end.
The room service arrives and she brings the tray full of food inside. She sits down on the bed and starts eating as they watch TV and make small talk.
"What did you and the boys do today?" she asks.
"Well we got here late last night, so none of us woke up til like 10am. We all got ready and had lunch in the restaurant. Then we went to Mikko's room to play video games. It's been pretty boring so far, but we're not doing much because of COVID. We can't be going out like we used to," he explains.
"Yeah this virus has really fucked things up here. The governor of Massachusetts still hasn't allowed any fans to attend Celtics or Bruins games at the Garden and I don't know if he will for the rest of the season. Maybe he will for playoffs but I don't expect him to," she explains.
"I get that though. We have to keep people safe as much as possible until we eliminate this virus," he adds.
They switch the subject after that and keep the light conversation flowing until she finishes eating. She then sets her empty tray outside the room and starts setting everything up for the podcast, handing Cale a mic. She grabs her mic and sets it up, hooking everything up to her laptop. She checks the audio, making sure it's all good before starting the recording on her laptop.
"Our next guest is the biggest we've had so far. He was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta and was named after a Flames player. He grew up a Flames fan and made a name for himself in the AJHL playing for the Brooks Bandits, where he was named AJHL player of the year. He quickly became a top prospect and was selected 4th overall by the Colorado Avalanche in 2017. He played two seasons at UMass Amherst with the Minutemen, setting school records. He won the 2019 Hobey Baker Award and led the Minutemen to the Frozen Four, where they lost to the Minnesota Duluth Bulldogs in the championship game. He signed with the Avalanche immediately after the loss, ending his collegiate career and made his debut in Game 4 of the 1st round of the Stanley Cup playoffs with Colorado in his hometown of Calgary. With family and friends in attendance, he scored his first ever goal in the game. He recently won the 2020 Calder Trophy given to the league's top rookie. Welcome to the Ace of Hockey podcast, Cale Makar," she introduces, absolutely nailing the intro.
"Wow, that has to be the longest intro I've ever gotten for an interview, so thank you," he smiles.
"Well you're a young superstar now, so I gotta have the intro reflect that," she replies.
"I don't know if I'm worthy of such an intro, but I appreciate it though," he smiles.
She starts asking him questions about his childhood and what it was like growing up in Alberta, how he ended up playing Junior A instead of Major Junior, what made him go to the college hockey route, as well as what his draft day experience was like. She also asks him what his experience was like at UMass Amherst, and what it was like playing in the National Championship game and winning the Hobey Baker. She then asks him about signing his ELC and what it was like making his debut in the playoffs in his hometown and scoring a goal in his debut. She then asks him about his rookie year and what it was like in his first full season in Colorado.
He also explains how Nate took him under his wing this season and really helped show him the ropes on how to be a pro. He also talks about how great of a captain Gabe is and who are the funniest guys on the team, as well as the pranksters. He also explains how it was like for him personally in the bubble. He also mentions everything players have said and done about social justice change and how important it is to listen and be an ally for minority groups.
They finish up the interview and he helps her clean everything up.
"So, I have a team dinner in like half an hour that I need to get ready for. I promise I will come back afterwards so we can hang out," he explains.
"That's fine, Cale. I'll probably just take a nice bath and relax, maybe listen to our interview. I'll send you the audio and if you want anything edited out, just let me know," she explains.
"Of course, love. I'm not concerned about that honestly," he assures her.
"Go get ready before you're late. Afterwards, you know where to find me," she smiles, pushing him lightly to the door.
"Alright fine. No need to kick me out," he teases, walking towards the door.
As soon as he gets to the door, he turns around and brings her in for a hug, lifting her from the ground. He sets her back down after a few moments.
"Bye Cale. Have fun at dinner," she smiles, kissing his cheek.
"Bye love," he smiles, walking out.
She shuts the door immediately and heads to the bathroom to take a nice relaxing bath in the tub. She turns on the water and gets undressed. Once the tub is filled, she stops the water and throws in a bath bomb. She gets in and immediately soaks in the warmth of the water. She sends a selfie of her in the bath and sends it to her sisters in their Ventura Rodriguez sisters group chat. 
From: Katie
Damn how tf did you get a sugar daddy?
From: Kiana
I thought you were interviewing a player today? Is the player your sugar daddy?
To: The Ventura Rodriguez sisters
I don't have a sugar daddy and yes I interviewed the player today. He was nice enough to book me a room at the hotel he's staying at
From: Katie
No way he booked you a hotel if it's just a  professional relationship. He definitely likes you
From: Kiana
So who's the player you're talking to
To: The Ventura Rodriguez Sisters
Nope not telling y'all. He's not my boyfriend so y'all don't got to know
She puts on some soft R&B and lets the music relax her. Before she knows it, she's been in there for an hour and gets out. She wraps her body in a towel and unplugs the drain. She dries herself off and changes into a faded URI basketball t-shirt and boyshorts. She dries her hair with a blowdryer and gets into bed, opening her laptop. 
She listens to the 40 minute long audio clip of the interview and loves the interview. The conversation just flows between them and she thinks that her listeners are going to really love it, even though they didn't talk so much about social activism, like she has with other guests on the podcast. Her stomach starts to grumble and she realizes she hasn't had dinner yet. She grabs the room service menu and starts looking, as she's about to call to place her order, she hears a knock on the door.
She gets up and goes to the door. Unfortunately because of her lack of height, she can't see through the peephole who it is. She opens the door and internally sighs in relief when she sees it's Cale dressed in a UMass sweatshirt and shorts. He walks in and hugs her, lifting her up again.
"Do you have a thing for lifting me up?" she asks, as she wraps her legs around him.
"You're just so tiny that it's hard for me not to do it," he teases, referring to her 4'9 height.
“No, I think you have a thing for lifting me up, bud,” she teases back, moving her hands up to his hair.
“Just for that I’m putting you back down,” he replies playfully, setting her back down.
“Well you’re just in time to watch me order dinner,” she informs him, leading him towards the bed.
“I wish I could take you out to a nice dinner for a date,” he sighs, wishing he didn’t have to deal with the league’s COVID restrictions that prevent him from leaving the hotel except for practice and the game.
“It’s okay. You’ll just make it up to me some other time. We can just watch TV while I eat. That sounds like a pretty nice date to me,” she explains, grabbing the phone to call room service.
She calls room service and places her order. She decides to get comfortable and get under the sheets.
“Are you gonna join me?” she asks, referring to the spot right beside her under the sheets.
He quickly gets under the sheets with her and she rests her head on his shoulder. He turns on the TV and puts on NBCSN to watch the Flames play the Sabres in Buffalo.
“Is it cool if we watch the game?” he asks.
“Of course! I love watching hockey even if it doesn’t involve teams I cheer for,” she smiles, resting her head on his chest.
He strokes her back up and down with his fingers, causing sparks of heat to roll up her spine from his touch.
“Who are you rooting for?” she asks him. 
“Calgary. I’m always gonna have a soft spot for my hometown team, even though they’re a conference rival,” he explains.
“I like Calgary. They have really sick players, like Monahan, Gaudreau, Lindholm and don’t even get me started on Tkachuk!: she gushes, causing him to stiffen up.
“I didn’t know you liked Tkachuk,” he replies, his voice getting deeper than it already is.
“I mean what’s there not to like? He’s a strong power forward with great hands! I mean that between-the-legs goal last year proved how skilled he is!” she gushes.
“Yeah he’s a great player but I didn’t think you liked him that much,” he replies, sounding bitter.
“No need to be jealous, babes! Tkachuk’s cool and all but he doesn’t compare to you,” she assures him, kissing his cheek.
The food arrives and she goes outside to pick it up. She brings the tray inside and starts eating, while watching the game.
“You want some?” she asks, referring to her pasta.
“No, I can’t eat that. The trainers will kill me,” he replies.
“Who cares! It’s just one bite,” she replies, bringing the forkful of pasta closer to his mouth
“Babe, I’m serious! I can’t eat that,” he groans, moving his face away further.
“Fine, more for me,” she scoffs, shrugging her shoulders. 
She finishes eating her pasta and Cale stares at her for a moment.
“You got a little something,” he trails off, pointing to her face.
Her eyes go wide and she takes a napkin, wiping her mouth. She removes the bit of sauce from her lip and puts the napkin down on the tray. He lowers down the volume on the TV and takes her hands in his.
“Can I tell you something?” he asks.
“You can tell me anything,” she replies, feeling her heartbeat start to accelerate.
“I really like you. For the past 5 months I’ve been getting to know you and I believe you’re the most intelligent, beautiful, and caring girl I’ve ever met. I know things aren’t easy with the season going on and you living in Rhode Island, but I wanna try and make things work between us. Will you officially be my girlfriend?” he asks, looking directly into her eyes.
“Yes!” she nods, feeling like her heart might just explode.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
“I’ve been wanting you to kiss me all day!” she replies, getting a little chuckle out of him in response.
He cups her face and presses his lips gently onto hers and Taty swears she feels those cliché sparks everyone always talks about. She kisses back almost immediately, not holding back. The kiss quickly becomes more passionate and she’s reciprocating each kiss enthusiastically. After a couple minutes, they break apart.
“You know how I told you I’ve never done this before? Well, I want us to take it slow and I hope that’s okay with you,” she says sheepishly, afraid of rejection.
“We can take it as slow as you want. You control how this goes. I will never push you to do anything you don’t want to do. I like you for you,” he assures her, kissing her knuckles.
She had never known what falling in love is like, but now she does because she’s definitely falling in love with Cale Douglas Makar. She never wants this feeling and she prays to God she never finds a way to fuck this up.
They spend a few more hours wrapped in each other’s arms before Cale announces he has to leave because it’s getting late and he has practice in the morning.
“Bye babe,” she smiles, leading him towards the door.
“Bye princess. Sweet dreams,” he kisses her.
He walks out the door and she shuts the door behind him. She pinches herself, thinking it might be a dream. She’s relieved to find out it isn’t a dream and she finally has a boyfriend for the first time in her life.
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