#I had to put my greek myth course to use ๐Ÿ˜” I am not gonna hide from that anymore
solivagant-muse ยท 2 years
Does Vincent's drawing of Arachne and sculpture have symbolism that connects to him? ๐Ÿค”
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Photos taken from @slasherlouvre they were too good not to use <3
Sorry if this is a bit nonsensical and messy, I repeat myself a lot here.
In the myth, Arachne was a women that was extremely talented as a weaver (artist) making gorgeous tapestries that could compete with the talent of the goddess Athena, goddess of wisdom, warfare but also handicraft (especially weaving.)
Arachne became a great weaver, boasted that her skill was greater than Athena's, and refused to acknowledge that her skill came, at least in part, from the goddess. Athena took offense and set up a contest between them.
- Ovid's Metamorphosis
Power given to someone by a God, where have we heard about that before?
โ€œMa would beย proud, yeah, she'd be realย proud. She always said your talent would make up for what God took away from you.โ€
- House of Wax 2005
A payback against God.
Destruction of the human body.
Creation in his (Vincent's) image.
God took his face, so talent was all he had.
So he'll take what is God's.
Maybe Vincent felt that he and Arachne were similar. Their image was taken away by a God. Vincent could even have felt like he was given a pass because all his hardships.
He is deserving of all the talent because it's his and only his. Why should he thank Him?
The end of Arachne is violent one as well. She hung herself after the Goddess tore her pristine work, attacked her and embarrassed her in front of everyone.
Vincent's death wasn't the same as Arachne but I remember someone writing that Vincent going after Nick and Carly after Bo's death was like a sort of "suicide" sentence of sorts. He was so deep into his grief that he could care less if he made it out alive, his twin was dead and he was going to die with him. (Please, if it was one of my mutuals or someone else let me know so I can tag you and credit you!!!)
After Arachne's suicide, Athena made her a spider (her form was taken) and Vincent's face was taken by God in his conception (being born attached to his brother, conjoined twins.)
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Spiders are apex predators in the bug world, and are seen as the artists of the natural world due to the beauty and intricacy of their webs.
They're also solitary animals that hide and wait in the shadows before striking their victims. ๐Ÿ‘€
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Or he just likes the imagery and I am overthinking everything. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
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