#I had to walk through campus like this and it was an OPEN DAY 💀💀💀
dark-and-shadows · 1 year
I can't believe I've never posted this on here (tho tbf I don't usually post pics of me) but here's my Felis-form Nacht cosplay 😭✌ I've worn him to two cons now and both times have been the only BC cosplayer there, litterally where are yall ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Anyway, he's my first ever cosplay so pls be nice but I like how it turned out, even if I can't see shit when I'm wearing it 😂
(The tail moves and everything, i went far too extra for this 😭😭😭😭)
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12 notes · View notes
darkwaveho · 2 years
Summary: Wanda is a mess and things keep falling apart, that’s all tbh 💀
Parings: Stoner!Wanda x Reader
Warnings:18+, cursing, heavy angst I guess, groping, stalking, obsessive behavior, non con things, harassment, minor violence, drug use, alcohol use, mentions of vomit.
A/n:  This part is finally out, writers block was really getting me with this one but thanks for staying patient with me and Yall I don’t know wtf the word count is but just know this shit is long af....I apologize in advance and happy reading!! Also let me know if it’s not showing up in the main tags please! đŸ™đŸœđŸ˜­
part10|  Part 12
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“I’m sorry the number you have reached doesn’t associate with backstabbing bitches!” you yell through the phone so loud you would think Kate had you on speaker phone as she paces back and forth in her room. here you were again back at the start of all of this avoiding Kate and avoiding Wanda. well avoiding them as much as your mind could muster before losing your shit. the constant texts and calls from both of them had you steering clear of your phone and social media in general. You were starting to regret ever hooking up with Wanda, giving her the time of day, and playing into her cat and mouse game.
you should’ve put an end to all of this. maybe you should’ve just taken that step with Daisy instead, she did warn you to stay away from Wanda and somehow, she had you locked in a trance. you got lost in her easily, from the gifts to the dates and to her opening up more to you showing a different side of her. she obviously had another side you weren’t aware about; Jean was right about that one. you didn’t know she would stoop to that level of evil. “Y/n/n, please let me explain.” The phone goes dead before she could muster up any more excuses as to why she did what she did to you. 
“Uh Lena what are you doing? and why are you up so early?” you eye her cautiously never seeing her up so early before unless she needed to, and she didn’t have any classes today. “I’m walking you to class to make sure no one bothers you, duh.” she says it obviously as she throws her jacket on and slips her shoes on.
 “Yelena, I don’t need you to walk me-” Yelena’s pushing you out the door cutting off your denial of her escorting you to class. “I’m not asking you y/n/n, now let’s go” she locks the door and walks with you down the hallway. “Plus, you need to buy me some replacement band-aids I used the last ones I had on you.” you bump her shoulder “If all you wanted was for me to replace them you could’ve just said that. No need to walk me, I’ll get them.” 
“Y/n, hush I want to walk you to class, the band-aids are just a bonus perk.” the band-aids were a bonus perk, but Yelena would be lying if she said she wouldn’t be looking forward to seeing Wanda for a rematch. as promised Yelena walked you to class even waited outside for your class to end to walk you to the next one. Kate stopped like a deer in headlights when she saw you and Yelena. the expression on Yelena’s face sent her scrambling the other way. Yelena didn’t like doing that to her friend but as long as you were mad at her Yelena would be mad at her. no one could tell you how to feel about this situation.
Not seeing Wanda anywhere around Yelena agreed to let you attend your last class alone. the only reason you haven’t spotted Wanda yet was because you went off your usual schedule that Kate provider with. at times you where you were supposed to be in the coffee shop you were on the other side of campus waiting patiently in your seat until your professor started class. but of course, Wanda could never truly stay away from you. spotting her as soon as you stepped foot outside of the lecture hall building you attempt to speed past her which obviously fails. Wanda approaches you with confidence and hints of her anxiety showing through that facade.
“I got these for you.” she holds out a bouquet of flowers to you, the same flowers she bought for you when she asked you to go on a date with her. she shifts uncomfortably as you make no move to receive the flowers from her. Wanda wants to break down right here the longer you stand there staring into her. she releases a breath when your finger barely but lightly brushes against hers. 
“Can you please talk to me?” she dips her head desperately trying to catch your eye. still not saying anything you avoid eye contact with her. “I miss you.” she takes the opportunity to step forward as you let your walls down a little. “I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore, I’m sorry.” she sneakily leans in to kiss you, her lips grazed yours slightly not making full contact as you turned away just in time. 
You shove her away and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. how could she think a basic apology, some flowers and an unwanted kiss would be the solution to what she did? “Fuck you, did you do that to any of your other throw aways or just me?” 
Wanda licks her lips and keeps her tears at bay for the moment with you rejecting her kiss and her advances to make things right. she reaches for you giving you reassurance that you weren’t like the others. you’re special. “Y/n, you’re not a throwaway.” 
you step back as she reached to comfort you. you didn’t want to see her let alone be touched by her right now. “Stay the fuck away from me” Wanda flinches with the harshness of your voice she’s seen you angry before, she been yelled at by you before about an old hookup coming up to you two in public, but even then, you didn’t sound as enraged as you do in this moment.
“I get that you’re upset but—”
“But what? It’s not a big deal? Exchanging drugs for a favor isn’t a big deal? Exchanging me for drugs isn’t a big deal?”
“I wasn’t thinking like that in the moment, I apologize. I just wanted you to give me a chance.”
“And you thought manipulation and bribery was going to help you get it?”
“Well to be fair it did” you swat at her a few times. “Ouch! Ouch!” she frantically breathes out. “Okay I’m sorry shit! That was fucked up, I’m sorry” she puts her hands up to surrender.
“I don’t want to see you anymore.”
“You heard me.” She shakes her head no. you stand your ground not letting her think this was a joking matter or something light-hearted.
“I don’t want you around me, don’t call me, don’t text me, and I don’t want you anywhere near my classes.” every word that came out of your mouth was an extra stab wound to her chest. an extra stab to her already wounded and drained heart. This can only be described as overkill.
“I made a mistake! Please it’s been good for us, right? C’mon admit it you had fun with me, you like me, you really, truly, genuinely like me.”
“See I knew it you can’t let this get between us I’ll-“
“I liked you, as in past tense.” you set your jaw and keep the burning fire of intense in your eyes. your mind was already made up.
“This whole thing just really reopened my eyes I thought I misjudged you but clearly I should trust my intuition more.” silence carries on as the two of you stand in front of each other. “Well congratulations you got what you wanted; you had your fun with me. now you can move on or go back down memory lane with Jean. I really don’t care.” Wanda was quick to dismiss your thoughts of her ever leaving this relationship and pursing Jean. “I don’t want anyone else; I just want you, I’m sorry.”
If you were even going to think about giving her another chance you needed to know everything. “What else did you lie about? What else have you done behind my back?” She hesitates and that give it away that she was hiding something else from you. “Are you going to tell me or am I going to find out about it from Jean as well?” She swallows the lump in her throat and mum les the words low and casually. So low that you couldn’t hear her. “Wanda, I’m not playing with you what else don’t I know about?” 
“Well, that day in the cafĂ©, after you left
“Spit it out Wanda!” 
“I told Daisy to stay away from you.” 
“I-I told her to stay away from you.” 
“And she did it? What do you have on her? Did you pay her off or bribe her too?” You eye her up and down before the words come out of your mouth spewing anger. “Did you blackmail her too?” Wanda looks away from you in shame and guilt. “I threatened to out her true identity, Daisy was placed in witness protection, so she basically got a new start after the whole hacking set up thing.” You shove her multiple times until she’s backed up on a tree. the flowers she spent time on getting arranged now ruined and dropped on the cold wet ground. “You’re a real slithering slimy bitch you know that?” Well shit that hurts and she’s been called worse by worser people. “You don’t care about anyone but yourself!” 
“That’s not true! I care about Natasha, Yelena, Pietro and I care about you!” You shake your head “No, you don’t because if you did you wouldn’t have hurt the people I care about!” your voice wavers a little, but you remain strong by clearing your throat. “And you wouldn’t have hurt me.”
“Princess-“ you cut her off and hold your hand up, as hot salty tears stream down her face. “No! You made me think Daisy didn’t care about our friendship. You made me believe your goddamn lies! And the whole time you were the reason for her being weird to me and avoiding me!” you exhale exhaustedly from the newfound information. “You could’ve ruined Daisy’s fucking life! how can you not see what you did was wrong? Who are you to be the judge of her past when you’re out here doing shit just as bad. You tried to take her second chance at life away from her.”
“I’m sorry” she softly breathes out into the cold air. Sorry wasn’t enough, not at this level. you didn’t want to see her face right now. The longer you stare at her in silence the further you grow apart from one another. Wanda felt it. She felt you gearing to turn your back on her. Within a blink of an eye, you were turning on your heels and walking away from Wanda. As soon as the shock wore off, she was right behind you already chasing you and ready to beg and plead on this cold wet ground in front of anyone who walked by. She didn’t care she just wanted things to go back to normal she wants to have her relationship back she wanted another chance. And most importantly she wanted to take that favor back now.
“No” she clings onto you with desperation sobbing into your hoodie. (Her hoodie)
“No, let go of me!”
“I said I was fucking sorry!” She could only take so much rejection she was bound to blow up at some point. Which you didn’t understand because all of this was her doing, she was the reason for everything ending as quickly as it started.
“Just stay the hell away from me Maximoff, I mean it” she was back at square one. Back to you calling her by her last name instead of the cute nicknames you’ve been calling her for a month now. She didn’t think it was possible for her to feel sick from the sound of her name coming from your lips.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you, shit I’m just really losing it right now” she brushes her fingers through her hair and takes a deep breath to steady herself. “you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, please.” she pleads again, once more desperation was it the all-time high now, she’s never begged for anything this much in her entire life.
“I’ll do anything!” once again she was desperate to respond to you, she was desperate to fix this she’d do anything you asked of her. “Anything?” you eye her questioningly wondering if she truly meant what she said right now or if it was another one of her lies.
“I want you to give me space.”
“Princess.” her face falters as she hears the word she hated. space. she was totally against it but everyone one else seemed to think that would help the situation, why did you need space if you two were talking things out right now? “You said you would do anything, right? or was that another lie, as well?” Wanda swallows the lump in her throat and shakes her head, she’d never lie or keep anything from you again after this. “No, it’s not a lie.” she steadies her breathing for a moment, Wanda felt the urge of an anxiety attack coming on. 
“I’ll give you space.” Wanda says the words immediately and yet it doesn’t sound convincing to you. Did she really have the self-control and the willpower to finally show you an ounce of respect or was she so set in her ways that nothing mattered as long as she gets what she wants in the end? 
“Okay, then.” you nod once after eyeing her cautiously. the moment you turn your back on her, her hand halts you for one last time. Wanda pulls you into a bear tight hug. “Wanda, we just talked about this!” she doesn’t say anything, she only hugs you closer and tighter. she slowly and softly drags her nose against the side of your neck inhaling your scent that she’s been having withdrawals from the past few days. When you’ve had enough of her touch you shrug her off not wanting her to assume things were going to be okay. “I know, I know” Wanda releases an uneven breath and bites her lip to keep from bawling her eyes out. the next word that comes out of her mouth causes her voice to crack. “Space.” she reluctantly releases her hold on you and steps back.
 In that moment part of you wants to forget the whole thing and forgive her. you went back in forth in your mind asking yourself if you were overthinking things and blowing this thing out of proportion but then you think back to bright red flags about what she did to Kate and what you just found out about what she said to Daisy. The anger that was slowly fading away reignited again once her hands and her touch was no longer embracing you. 
“Good.” you clear your throat and step back from Wanda. turning on your heel you avoid all eye contact as you begin to walk away from her before she speaks up again. “Will you text me, call me or do you want to email me? I can even give you-” you hold your hand up to stop her rambling on any other day you thought it was cute but as of lately anything she does just made her look evil in your eyes. 
“If I decide that I know longer want space you’ll know.”  That’s the only reply you give her before you walk away from her completely. Wanda doesn’t think that’s too bad. you just needed space and time to think on things. you’ll yell at her tell her not to do anything like that again and then things will go back to normal. Or at least normal enough as to where she’s not on constant edge of you leaving her after she’s just got a taste of the committed lifestyle. Giving you space wouldn’t be that hard to do right?
The word Wanda repeated in her mind since the word left your lips, she never experienced this feeling before. she’s never had the feeling of loss on an intimate level.  she deterred from smoking to drowning in alcohol bottles, the only other time she’s done this is when she’s had one of her many arguments with her father. Natasha returns to the apartment to find the place a mess, Wanda hasn’t gone to any of her classes she was still in the same spot as earlier when Natasha left, laid out across the couch looking pitiful and when she wasn’t feeling low. She was finding any and everything in the apartment to take her mind off of you, watching tv, smoking and randomly dancing around the apartment but nothing worked, of course. “Wanda, did you go to class today?”
Wanda avoided eye contact with Natasha and turned back to the tv and started fidgeting with her rings. “No, I was going to but then I thought about getting y/n some flowers, so I went to that flower shop that she likes and ordered a bouquet, and I waited outside her last class.” Natasha sighs drops her bag on the floor and flops down next to Wanda. “So how did that go?” she already knows the answer if things went how Wanda wanted them to go, she’d be walking in on a different mess in the apartment. 
“She...she told me to give her space and that she needed to think on things.” Natasha hums in agreement. “Well, that’s not so bad, I told you that’s what she needed in the first place. See all you have to do is stop being stubborn and listen to me.” Natasha tries to lighten the mood a bit with a joke, but it doesn’t quite land with Wanda, she’s still stuck in her mind. 
Natasha’s not going to take up for Wanda no matter how long they’ve known each other for she was wrong to that to Kate. it was a dick move she couldn’t understand why Wanda didn’t just try being persistent on her own. All she had to do was be herself and wait for you to come around. nevertheless, Natasha can’t stand to see Wanda like this maybe she can talk to you, and you’ll think about at least hearing Wanda out and giving her another chance. Was Natasha being too hopeful?
True to her words Natasha found you and she didn’t have to go the same route as her best friend, she bumped into you naturally on your way from class. “Shit! I’m sorry.” bumping into Natasha had her papers flying everywhere and eventually piled on the ground. you make quick work to pick them up before the wind blows them away. “It’s okay, y/n I wasn’t really watching where I was going.” Natasha follows suit squatting down to pick up some of her papers eventually curiosity got the best of you, and you took a peek at one of Natasha’s fleeing papers.  “I didn’t know you were a psych major.” 
“Yeah, I like learning about the way a mind works, what makes people do things, and what causes reactions.” she gives you her signature smirk that you’ve gotten to know during your time with Wanda and hanging out at the apartment. “Right, well here’s your papers, and sorry again.” you step aside after handing Natasha her papers, she only counters you with a sidestep of her own. 
“How are you doing?” 
“As good as anyone can do after being pimped out.” you nod your head in smooth slow stroke. “Shit, right sorry, it’s just weird not seeing you around as much. I know it’s only been a few days but it’s weird.”
“She’s been drinking a lot, y/n and you know she’s not even a drinker. she feels terrible and also looks the part. Look bottom line is she’s a mess, and she feels very regretful about what she did.” you cut Natasha off before she finishes. “And she should!” 
“You’re totally right, I’m not making excuses for her I just... can you just talk to her at the frat party tonight?” Natasha sees no movement or waver in your decision, so she continues further. “I don’t beg for things, and I’m sure you know that about me but right now I’m begging you to give my idiot best friend a small chance to make things right.” Natasha dips her head to catch your avoiding eyes. she plays dirty and pulls out the word that she knew would get you to cave in completely. “Please.” she was sick and tired of seeing her friend so miserable. for Wanda’s wellbeing and for Natasha’s sanity.
“Okay, fine I’ll talk to her.” you give in to Natasha’s request partly because you actually wanted to hear what she had to say for herself and her actions. If Natasha was going this hard to beg and say please for you to talk to Wanda, she must believe that her best friend is truly sorry for her actions. Natasha isn’t one to sugar coat things not even for Wanda.
“Thank you.” Natasha exhales for her plan working and at the fact that she’d be able to finally get a good night’s rest if the two of you made up. “I hope Wanda knows how great her best friend is.” 
“Oh, I’m sure she knows how great and irreplaceable I am, just like she knows how great and irreplaceable you are.” she ends her response with her signature smirk and a playful wink. “Right, I’ll see you around Nat.” you nod once and part your separate ways not waiting for her to say a farewell. “See you tonight, y/n!” as you walked away Natasha thought of everything that she could for a list of demands if the two of you got back together tonight. since she would be the main reason for it and the fact that she had to deal with an uneasy, anxious Wanda Maximoff every day since that night at the drive- in she deserves compensation for her services.
Going back to your shared dorm room you gave Yelena the whole run down of what happened while watching a movie in her room. “So, what are you going to do about Wanda, y/n?” The mood in the atmosphere changed instantly with the mention of her name again. “I’m going to the party at the frat house and I’m going to hear her out and see just how sorry she is.” 
“Really?” Yelena asked in a shocking tone. “It’s just I thought you were completely done with her.” 
“I was or I thought I was it’s kind of hard I really liked her and finding out just how she really was and how I was blinded by the things she did.” Just talking about with your friend made you angry you can’t imagine how things will go when you actually talk to Wanda at the party. Yelena hums in understanding.
 “I respect your decision, but I will say that I’m not too happy about you thinking of giving her another chance. I gave her warning ahead of time for fucks sake.”
“I haven’t decided on anything yet, Lena.” 
“Yeah, but when you do just know I’ll respect your decision and I will also be on her like a hawk, and I’ll be in your business with no shame whatsoever.” she pops a few pieces of popcorn in her mouth. “And just so you know I’m going with you to the party, non-negotiable.”
“You already do that. In fact, you’ve been doing that since we met, and I already knew you were going to say that.” She shrugs her shoulders and grabs a handful of popcorn from the bowl and focuses back on the television screen. “Aren’t I the greatest best friend?” Yelena was letting it be known early on that if you forgave Wanda that didn’t mean she had to. She was known to keep a grudge. she really was the best person you could ask for. “Yeah, you’re the greatest.” you lean your head on her shoulder and continue eating your ice cream while turning back to the tv.
The moment Wanda stepped foot in the party she went straight to the liquor cabinet and even took the liberty of smoking Thor’s blunt. Natasha let it slide only because it was a way to calm Wanda’s nerves down a little. but the further along the party went and Wanda didn’t see you she gave up hope and decided to get trashed. Natasha storms over to her pushing multiple bodies out of the way. 
“Wanda, what the hell is wrong with you?” she grabs Wanda’s arm pulling her into the kitchen area. “And give me that.” she snatches the cup of alcohol from her. “I got y/n to come to the party and she agreed to talk to you don’t make me look bad, I really put in a good word for you because I truly believe you made a mistake, don’t make me regret it. you’re playing with my creditability here and my judge of character.” 
“Wait, you got princess to talk to me? you’re the best natty, you love me, don’t you?” Wanda perks up finally registering the words Natasha said moments ago and completely ignoring the scolding she was receiving. “Yes, I got her to come here tonight and you’re a fucking mess.” 
“Fuck.” Wanda releases the word as a whisper and starts to panic. “Hey, relax go up to Scott’s room and sober up a bit, okay? I’ll tell y/n to meet you.” Wanda nods her head and take calculated breaths to refrain from passing out. “Wanda takes two steps before she turns around to Natasha again. “Can you walk with me?”  Natasha couldn’t say no, her best friend needed a small sense of comfort during this anxious time. “Yeah, I’ll walk with you, let’s go.” Natasha nods her head once links her fingers through Wanda’s and leads her upstairs to Scott’s bedroom. 
“Alright go splash some water on your face and sit tight.” 
“Mmkay.” Wanda walks into the bathroom and stops mid-way before Natasha leaves. “Nat!” Natasha pokes her head around to face her best friend. She hums in acknowledgment with a curious expression. “What’s up?” 
“Thank you.” Wanda gives her best friend a sincere loopy smile as a small display of gratitude.
“I got your back, now fix yourself up so you can get your wifey back. And try not to do anything stupid just stay here and sip on the water.” They both nod in agreement before they go about their separate tasks. 
Natasha spots you in the crowded room dancing and knocking back every shot on the counter before going back to your red solo cup. she knows you haven’t been here that long, and she thought this was her perfect opportunity to approach you about Wanda since she didn’t see her little sister guarding you from anyone, she felt would hurt you. 
Yelena was supposed to return to your side after getting a drink from the backyard, but she gave into to temptation when she was approached by Kate, and she ultimately decided to hear her out. Natasha pushes through the sea of people and loudly speaks over the music. “Hey, Wanda’s upstairs, first door on the right, she’s waiting for you.” 
“Nat, I don’t know if I’m ready to talk to her tonight.” You take a big swig from the red solo cup which was obviously a bad mistake once it goes down. The burning sensation and the taste didn’t numb you, even though you already pre-gamed. What was with the two of you, both of you were hitting rock bottom. Natasha does the same thing she did to Wanda, she snatches the cup and tells you to get yourself together. “You both need to be somewhat sober enough to fix this, now please just go talk to her.” 
 “You wouldn’t lie to me would you Nat?” The burning question you just asked Natasha was quickly answered the moment it left your lips. 
 “Never, I would never lie to you, Wanda feels terrible I’ve never seen her so low. The closest I’ve seen her get like this is when she and her father got into a heated argument.” You eye her cautiously not knowing if this was part of another scheme of Wanda’s and she pulled her best friend in to save her. The words that come out of Natasha’s mouth give you the extra push you needed to prepare yourself for the serious confrontation that lays ahead, more specifically upstairs. 
“Do you trust me?”
Wanda did everything she could think of to sober herself up, splashing water on her face multiple times, drinking water from the water bottle Natasha grabbed for her. The next step was to calm her nerves. She practiced a few lines in the mirror trying to put as much emotion in her words as possible her chanted words get interrupted when she hears the knock on the bathroom door, she was so out of touch with her senses that she didn’t even notice the knock on the bedroom door. she releases one last breath and exits the bathroom. Wanda immediately feels eager, hungry, hands all over her. Hands she knows aren’t yours. Panic rises within her the second she sees Jeans face. “Jean what the fuck! you can’t be in here get out.” she points to the door and tries dragging Jean by her arm. 
“Stop, it’s okay. I know y/n dumped you, just let me make you feel better.” Jean leans in for a kiss, Wanda was barely able to dodge her lips. Her breath reeked of alcohol, much like Wanda’s but she wasn’t as tipsy. “I miss you; I know you didn’t mean what you said at the drive-in.” her hands roam Wanda’s body as she continuously tries to place her lips upon her. The sound approaching on the other side of the door sent wand in her fight or flight mode. the only logical thing she could think of was to drag Jean inside of the closet and wait it out. “Get in the fucking closet.” 
“I’m not getting in there it’s fucking gross.” 
“I’m not playing with you get in the closet.” Wanda harshly whispers to Jean. the devious face jean made put Wanda one step ahead of her she was making a motion to speak loudly. Wanda slaps her mouth with her hand and successfully drags jean inside of the closet with her, she couldn’t take any chances.
“Wanda?” Her heart beats in her chest as she scrambled to drags Jean to the closet door. You walk in the room after a few minutes of silence. “Wanda?” Did Natasha play you? Or was Wanda off somewhere else not interested in fixing things like she claimed. “Yes.” You hear her muffled voice coming from the direction of the closet. You curious as to why she’s in there but Natasha did tell you how much Wanda’s been drinking lately. 
“Am I supposed to talk to you through the door the whole time or are you coming out?” You place your hand on you hip and tilt your head waiting for her to reveal herself from behind the door. Wanda motions for Jean to be quiet with her finger pressed against her lips. Jean only returns her motions with an evil smirk and a motion of her own for Wanda to plant a kiss on her lips. 
Wanda scrunches her face together and angrily shakes her head denying jeans silent request. Jean makes a motion to speak as she opens her mouth wide. Wanda was quick to slap her hand on Jean’s mouth. The sound didn’t go unnoticed by you, and you were honestly tired of standing here staring at the wooden door. Jean takes the opportunity to slide her hands low, unbuckling Wanda’s pants with haste. 
Wanda was in a dilemma here. She could either let Jean have her way in this closet and lose you or she could shove Jean away from her. which would cause even more attention to the closet and lose you anyway. 
“Wanda are you okay in there? seriously if you don’t want to talk about it just say so. I’m not playing this game with you.” 
“No!” She shouts the reply back quickly, but it was also directed towards Jean as she started tugging on Wanda’s pants even more, they were pooled at her ankles. “I- I mean no games, I want to talk this out.” 
“Okay, so come out of the closet then.” Wanda giggles at your response, she was still under the influence despite her manhandling Jean on the other end of the door. “Uh actually how about we go talk outside and I’ll just meet you downstairs?” Wanda was struggling to keep her composure as Jean resumed her previous task of touching any part of Wanda that she could. 
“Enough, open the door.” you walk closer to the closet door knowing when something is off with Wanda you needed to actually see her, especially since Natasha informed you of her new love of alcohol. “Wait!” she hears your footsteps sound closer she panics and holds on to the doorknob for dear life. “Wanda, stop playing around!” you turn the knob and yank the door open as hard and fast as you can. “Open, the damn door!”
 The silence was intense the loud booming music that sounds throughout the house was somehow tuned out from this room. The moment you yanked the door open you were left speechless from what you saw. The warmth drains from Wanda’s entire body as she frantically pushes jeans eager hands away from her sagging pants. “Princess” The pet name leaves her lips. this time it hurt worse than it did before because this time you were already in an established relationship with Wanda it wasn’t a fling or one night stand. “I swear it’s not. I didn’t do anything, it’s not what it looks like.” She steps forward out of the confined space still clutching her sagging pants with one hand raised just in case you started to swing at her. “So, what is it like then?” Shifting your eyes from Wanda to jeans figure in the background. 
“Jean, do you want to tell me that what I’m seeing isn’t what I think it is too?” Jean gloats on the inside and does a great job of keeping it that way. “Wanda practically dragged me in here telling me how much she’s missed me.” Wanda doesn’t give Jean the chance to further spew lies from her mouth. “She’s lying! I would never touch her again, not after I’ve been with you.” Wanda swallows the lump in her throat and lets the tears fall from her eyes willingly. 
“Why are you listening to her anyway she’s a liar!” 
“Well, I guess that’s something you two have in common but as far as I can tell she hasn’t lied to me about you once!” Stepping closer to Wanda she only counters and steps back being on edge from the uncertainty of her relationship and your overall verdict of fixing things. This time Wanda was telling the truth, but the consequences of her actions no longer gave her credibility to be honored with your trust. “You lied. You kept things from me. You manipulated my Kate. You blackmailed Daisy and now you cheat on me?” each time you spoke you poked your finger right into Wanda’s chest. Much like before this was a stab to the heart literally as you poked her, she felt the damage being done to her heart that was only beating for you. 
 “I’m done.” The words gut Wanda leaving her utterly speechless. You turn your attention to Jean not noticing the fact that she got comfortable, sitting on Scott’s bed and not even bothering to put her clothes back on. “You can have her; she isn’t worth the headache.” Wanda was quick to grab your arm, holding on for dear life to keep you from walking out of that door. All of her past mistakes were coming back to bite her in the ass tonight, maybe this was the karma everyone spoke of that would come back to reign down on Wanda for all of her past crimes. 
“Baby, listen to me I didn’t-“ you use everything you have inside of you to shove her away from you. You didn’t want to hear her excuses there was nothing she could do to excuse this. Being caught with her old fuck Buddy. Wanda tries to quickly recover from the shove the moment she sees you fleeing from the room and storming down the stairs. She scrambled to her feet and trips hitting her knee on Scott’s wooden dresser which ultimately slows her down even more. 
“Fuck!” She clutches her knee in agony for a second and turns her focus back on catching up with you.
“Wait!” Jean finally steps up from the bed, now that Wanda was dumped, she could finally realize that she was meant to be with Jean. Those thoughts quickly fade away the moment Wanda pushes Jean away from her. This conversation was long overdue. “What the fuck is your problem, Jean?” Wanda’s sadness was quickly replaced with rage, she manhandles Jean with ease now that she doesn’t have to remain quiet like she did in the tiny closet space. she presses Jean against the wall, her breathing unsteady and her eyes no longer had the sparkling shade of green. 
 “What’s my problem? My problem is that you’re treating me like I meant nothing to you!” Jean’s been calm and cool during this whole situation but now was the time she finally got to release all of her pinned up anger and resentment towards Wanda.
“That’s because you didn’t!” 
“That’s not what you said! You told me I was special.” Seeing the genuine sadness in her eyes Wanda decides to just give it a Jean straight no longer avoiding the topic or sugar-coating things. “No, I told you that you were my favorite
.at the time you were my favorite whore to fuck!” 
“That’s it! I didn’t want anything more from you then and I don’t want anything from you now.” Wanda yells as loud as she can, not caring if anyone walked in or if anyone heard her, she needed to get this through Jean’s head that she no longer wanted her. she no longer wanted anything to do with her, because she had you. Wanda ends the conversation with her hand slapping against the wall near Jean’s face.
Natasha stands at the beer pong table watching a match, but her eyes can’t help but catch your gaze as you rush down the stairs with watery eyes. What the fuck did Wanda do this time? she meets you just before you can storm off on your own. She softly grips your hand to gain your attention. “Hey, what’s wrong? What happened?”
“Seems like you don’t know your friend as well as you thought you did.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about me catching her upstairs with Jean!” What? That couldn’t be. especially after Natasha saw how sad and regretful Wanda has been the past few days. It’s been hell coming back to the apartment to watch her friend as an empty shell. “No, no way she’s not into Jean that way, trust me she only wants you.”
“I caught her with her pants down Nat, you can fuck off right along with her.” You bump past Natasha causing her to spill some of her beer. “What the fuck Wanda” she whispers to herself as she sits the cups down and races up the stairs to the bedroom. Natasha enters the room just in time to see the position that Wanda had Jean in. she was pressed against the wall with an enraged Wanda yelling in her face, Wanda wasn’t known to have violent outbursts to other people the most she would do was be a mean bitch but to the people that truly knew her. they knew things get ugly ids she was truly at rock bottom and tonight was one of those nights. Natasha quickly moves to separate the two of them pulling Wanda away and making sure she’s standing right next to her side. 
“I stick my neck out for you to fix things with y/n and this is what you do? 
“No! that’s not what happened!” Wanda yells and cradles her head, too much was going on all at once and her head was starting to feel heavy. She was getting frustrated with everyone not believing in her. Not believing that she could be faithful and in a loving in committed relationship. Her only fault was that she wasn’t honest and that she started the relationship off with lies and manipulation.
“What the fuck happened then?” 
 “She’s what happened she tried to kiss me and when I tried throwing her out y/n was already outside, so I hid in the closet with her, and she was still trying and then-” Natasha cuts Wanda off when she realizes what actually went down in here. Jean tried to take advantage of Wanda. “Calm down, Wands.” 
 “How the hell am I supposed to do that when my girlfriend thinks I just cheated on her?” 
“Go after her she probably isn’t gone too far, I’ll handle her.” Natasha turns her head around to an unbothered Jean slowly gathering her abandoned clothing items. “Nat, what are you gonna-” Natasha cuts Wanda’s wandering mind short she needed to focus on finding you. “Don’t worry about that go find y/n.” Wanda finally fixes her clothes and rushes out of the room. Once Wanda left Natasha keeps her eyes on Jean, never leaving her figure for a split second. 
“I think me, and you need to have a chat.”  Natasha inches closer to Jean. “Look Natasha, you’re cool but you’re not my type, so if you’ll excuse me.” Jean fixes the rest of her clothing and heads for the door. Natasha sidesteps blocking jean from leaving the room. “Please don’t flatter yourself, you’re definitely not my type.” 
“I’m everyone’s type.” 
 “I wouldn’t touch you if I was on my last dying breath and you were the only way for me to live. I’m not amused or attracted to bitter whores who don’t know their worth, and I’m definitely not attracted to someone who has to take advantage of someone to feel needed.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” 
“No? you don’t know what I’m talking about? did you or did you not try something with Wanda knowing she didn’t want to? knowing she told you to stop?” 
“You do know that’s harassment and basically assault right? and you could be expelled and arrested.” Natasha takes Jean’s silence after calling her out for what she did. “Now here is what’s going to happen.”
It took you only a few moments to search for Yelena in the sea of people. After you came up empty handed settling for texting her on your way back to the dorms. You no longer wanted to be in this environment you just wanted to crawl in your bed and cry into the bed sheets. 
Everything she’s said to you and everything she’s done was all worthless and meaningless to her. The irony of ending up in the same situation as the last time you and Wanda were “getting to know each other” but this obviously stomps on your heart 10 times more. The fact that she couldn’t deal with the consequences of her actions and ran right back with Jean, even after she’s told you time and time again that what she and Jean had was nothing compared to her first official relationship with you. now it makes you wonder if the whole relationship was a lie. 
If she had other people lie on her behalf just so she could get what she wanted, because after all Wanda Maximoff always got what she wanted in the end of things. not spotting Yelena you leave all together opting to walk back home instead of calling an uber. you don’t get too far before a vehicle pulls up beside you slowly driving in tune with your footsteps. tonight, was not the night to be hit on and cat called you stick to avoiding the mysterious person on the motorcycle and keep your eyes forward. until the sound of the familiar voice brings you out of your mind. 
“Y/n, you know you shouldn’t be walking by yourself this time of night.” 
“You want to talk about it?” of course Daisy noticed the tear stains and your puffy red eyes. The only conclusion was Wanda. Everyone saw what happened at the drive in and if you weren’t there you saw it on social media there was no escaping the gossip about your relationship origin. you stop walking, release a heavy sigh and finally give Daisy your full attention. Daisy follows suit by turning her motorcycle off and kicks the stand to hold it up in place. 
“If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine but at least let me, give you a ride.” she dips her head down for the eye, contact she was looking for. “Should you even be talking to me? you know since you agreed to stay away from me and avoid me?” You couldn’t really be mad at Daisy for staying away from you when her safety was at risk, but it still hurt that she didn’t at least think to inform you of what type of person Wanda truly is, you would’ve stopped all contact with her immediately if she told you. 
“I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you what was going on but-” you hold your hand up not wanting Daisy to feel bad for putting herself first. “It’s fine, I understand.”
“I’ve missed you.” Daisy nibbles on her lip and inches closer to you. she didn’t have many friends due to her being closed off and guarded but with you everything happened naturally. The two of you clicked instantly. “Like a lot.” 
“I missed you too.” The familiar atmosphere brings a small smile to your face, one that Daisy takes pride in seeing and being the cause of it. 
“So, can I hug you now? You know since I don’t have to stay away from you because I’m of your possessive girlfriend?” Only daisy could get away with making fun of your failed relationship so soon. You step closer to her in bring her into your warm embrace. You meant what you said about missing her and you’re certain Daisy meant what she said as well. Daisy wasn’t a perfect person and she never claimed to be a perfect person, but you can bet she’d never lie to you. She’d never cheat on you. She’d never have you looking stupid or even think about manipulating your friend for her own gain. The hug no longer felt like a simple hug amongst friends, but truth be told you and Daisy were never under the category of just friends but neither under the category of being something more.
Wanda races out of the room and down the stairs limping in pain searching for you. Hoping that you’re still in the crowd of people somehow. She asks around for you and no one has actually seen you in while until she gets to her brother. “Pietro have you seen y/n? Did she leave with someone? Yelena is still here, and I really need to talk to her.” 
“She uh ran out the door a few minutes ago I guess she’s heading back to her dorm.” That was the only answer Wanda needed to hear before she was back on the hunt for you. Pietro of course couldn’t let this slide he needed to know what was going on and the fact that his sister looked like she’s been through hell tonight. “Did you do something?” Wanda unamused laugh at his question. “Not now Piet, I have to find y/n” he reluctantly steps aside and let’s Wanda storm out of the door in search for you. You walked a couple of blocks not too far from the frat house, but the moment Wanda laid her eyes on you everything you saw in that room came back in flashes making you see red all over again. 
The slight bit of hope she had in her eyes to redeem herself would be gone the moment you pulled Daisy in for a firm kiss. you put your all into it, to hurt her how she’s hurt you. Not only for tonight but also for what happened at the party last year, sure it might be petty but the stinging pain of being second best to Jean hurts even more. Any other time Wanda would’ve stormed over there and yanked you up but tonight she was drained she didn’t have any energy left to fight. She was utterly heartbroken. Wanda’s never felt this kind of pain before. Pulling away from the kiss hurts you a little just from the reaction you see from Wanda. Daisy passes you her helmet not even noticing that Wanda was only a few feet away. 
“C’mon let me take you back to your dorm.” During that whole process Wanda finally pushes herself to make movement. It hurt like hell to watch you kiss someone else especially that someone being Daisy. Wanda finally found the will to speak a kiss she could live with, but she’d be damned if you actually left on the back of Daisy’s bike. 
“Y/n, don’t get on that bike.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do, why don’t you back to your whore.” Wanda furiously shakes her head and clenches her eyes shut. “I didn’t touch her! I swear.” 
 “I don’t fucking care, now let go of me!” 
“She said let go Maximoff.” Daisy reveals the small pocketknife she had hidden in her jacket she never went anywhere without it for her own safety. Wanda falls back reluctantly. on any other night she still would’ve pressed Daisy but seeing as she’s not a hundred percent herself tonight she settles for taking the loss and explaining everything to you tomorrow. You put Daisy’s helmet on and swing your leg over the back of her bike. The utter sickness Wanda feels from just seeing you like this was once again heartbreaking. 
The moment Daisy drives off Wanda feels lightheaded, like a piece of her left the moment you left with lout her. The moment you left with Daisy. “Fuck!” She tries and tries to steady her breathing, settling for quick breaths hoping it would stop the racing heart movements and her dizziness. So much was going on with Wanda internally that she was unaware of her surroundings. 
The moment she hears the voice so close to her after the fourth time of calling her name she reacts by flinching away. “Wanda, sweetie what’s wrong?” Monica and Darcy approach Wanda cautiously not wanting to crowd her. Monica notices the signs of a panic attack. “Darcy, go find Nat.” Darcy nods and swiftly jogs back inside the frat house. “Wanda, I need you to look at me, can you tell me what color my bracelet is?” Wanda clenches her eyes and shakes her head, the words were at the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t get them to release. 
“That’s okay let’s try focusing on your breathing, okay? slow deep breaths in and out.” Wanda complies with that it still wasn’t easy, but it was more manageable than actually speaking words after what she just saw a few moments ago. As Wanda takes her time to steady her breathing Monica rubs her hand on Wanda’s back in slow circular motions. 
“What happened, Wanda?” the reminder of what Wanda saw caused a sickness to rise in her stomach. She felt nauseous, enraged, hurt and betrayed all at the same time. Not to mention the shit she went through upstairs in Scott’s room. Wanda jumps up from the ground and rushes to a vacant tree bush, everything consumed tonight was being released from her body. Monica rushes over to hold Wanda’s hair back. Eventually Wanda stops and Monica immediately steps in for things that she needed. Handing Wanda, a small mini bottle of mouth wash from her purse and tissue napkin. Monica was always called the mom friend as a joke, but she actually came through for Wanda tonight and she’d never forget it. 
“Thanks, Mon.” Wanda shows her gratitude after rinsing her mouth out and drying it with the napkin. Monica can tell Wanda’s not in the mood to talk about what has her upset so she simply offers her comfort by rubbing her back until Darcy and Natasha finally approach them. As Natasha helps to the car, she has no other plan on how to fix things for her friend. How can she come back from this after already showing a pattern of being a liar and the fact that you were questioning Natasha’s involvement with this as well. Things were just going to have to play out on their own.
The ride didn’t take long, Daisy offered to stop anywhere you wanted, to get ice cream or something to cheer you up but you declined you just wanted to curl up into bed and sleep the hurt and pain away. Daisy turns her bike off and waits for you to hop off the back seat. stand beside her taking the helmet off thanking her for the ride. “Anytime.”
“I’ll see you around.” you nod turning on your heels to walk to your building door. only stopping when Daisy yells and meets you at your door. 
“Wait, I um wanted to know if.” you wait for her to finish the words that she was so nervous to say. you pick up on the vibe and you remember the kiss. the kiss that you only planted on Daisy because of what you saw in the closet at the party. Daisy takes your silence as an open window to continue to lean. she wants to feel your lips on hers again. you indulge in the kiss for a second before you turn your head and lightly push daisy away. 
The kiss didn’t feel right, now that you were actually trying to kiss her without the presence of Wanda you couldn’t do it. you were so familiar with Wanda’s touched, so consumed by her that she ruined you for anyone else to have. she can instantly take the hint you put out. she sighs and leans away some more. “We missed our window, didn’t we?” 
“I’m sorry for bringing you into this I just wanted her to hurt.” 
“Don’t apologize, you can use me whenever you feel like hurting anyone, well if kissing you is the outcome.” she wiggles her eyebrows playfully and pulls you into a tight hug. “This doesn’t change anything you’re still my friend and I’ll help you with anything you need.”
“Thank you, Daze” you release her for the hug and kiss her cheek. she smiles in return and walks away before you grab her attention at the last minute. “Actually, can I cash in that favor right now? I need you to do something for me.”
Dispite the little show you paraded in her face Wanda was still determined to let you know the truth, her phone remained in her hand the whole ride home sending you text messages, voice messages, calls, voicemails she even sent you an email. 
every last one of her advances went ignored and unheard by you. Her feet move as fast she can allow them to racing to the door hoping and praying that it was you on the other side but when she opens the door, the sight she’s met with breaks her down after she’s spent the last week telling herself that everything would be alright, that she would somehow gain your trust back and that you would forgive her. 
Instead, she’s met with a box of all the stuffed animals she won for you on your date. Small things she’s bought for you in passing or just because. pieces of her clothing that she told you to keep. She picks the box up with shaky and weakened hands. she pulls her phone out beginning to press your contact dialing your number. nothing goes through straight to voicemail. The text messages go green. You’ve blocked her. 
She harshly wipes her tears before she makes it to your social media page just to get the same thing. She was blocked. you blocked her on everything. you weren’t hearing her out. you weren’t giving her another chance. Wanda thinks you’re cruel. just as cruel as you called her. she throws her phone at the wall no doubt shattering her screen and cracking the wall all together. 
She closes the door and falls to her knees with the box going through each piece one at a time. She knows she should stop; it's only going to add on to her pain, but she can’t because now this was all she had left of you. all she had left of the relationship. she replays each memory as she touches the item laughing through her tears for a moment. feeling every emotion she’s felt with you, new ones she didn’t fake it she didn’t lie about how she felt, she just went about it the wrong way. 
This was proof that it was is real. she’s never had to work for someone so hard before and you just walk away from her just like that? After one mistake? Afterall, she did it all just to be with you; it wasn't as if she was using Kate to one and done you. she wanted you. She wanted a relationship with you. That was real. Any girl on campus would’ve leaped at the chance and wouldn’t have questioned it. they would’ve immediately accepted Wanda’s apology but that was the thing though, wasn’t it? You weren’t like any girl on campus, you weren’t like any girl she’s ever been with. she’s conflicted. She understands the hurt and pain you’re feeling right now but she was also selfish. She wanted you to suck it up and just let her prove herself again. for the last and final time, she’d never mess up with you again not liking this pain.
“Wanda? What’s wrong?” Natasha consoles Wanda on the floor of the living room. rocking her back and forth and rubbing soothing circles on her back. Natasha takes a look around the apartment for any clue that made her this sad and broken. She's been hopeful all week, but she hasn’t blown up like this ever. It's when she finally spots the box on the other side of the coffee table that she realizes what most likely happened. 
“I got you wands, let it out.” she has to hold her tighter when she releases the violent sobs into the fabric of her shirt. Natasha held Wanda all night until she cried herself to sleep and the next morning when Natasha woke up, she woke up to something unexpected. she woke up to silence and an empty apartment. Wanda was gone.
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daisyvstheworld · 1 year
Day 5 - Jan 5 - Stockholm
I slept SO good this night after only getting like 4 hours of sleep the night before and then walking around for nearly 12 hours. I knocked out at 11pm and woke up in the morning when the girl above me checked out, but fell back asleep until 10:30😂 by that time, the guy had checked out too.
This was far past when I was planning to get up and go explore but after the day I had yesterday, it was fine lol. Also it was snowing even more so I was in no rush.
I left around 11am and head to Lilleg bakery again to see if they had semla. They didn’t đŸ˜© but they had a SAFFRON bun this time which the lady said was seasonal so I got that and the cardamom bun. Ate the saffron bun and started off again.
I just had a general walking plan to see more of the city. Because of all the snow, the parks were filled with children sledding, parents dragging their kids on sled, and people ice skating in the parks. It was super cute! The foam pads + one less pair of socks was an incredible combo - my toes didn’t hurt at all!
I eventually got to the Stockholm Public Library which was super pretty - I got a couple more British crime mystery novels added to my list of books to read.
From there, I walked by Accenture lol. Snuck some photos in while employees were walking out.
From there, walked to Mr Cake and finally got some semla. Holy bejeesus it’s so freaking sweet!!! It’s like a huge dollop of cream on top of a super sweet almond paste and that’s sandwiched into a sweet bread. The bread was good (bc of the cardamom) but otherwise I wouldn’t get semla again 😂 but it’s a winter treat so maybe I’m doing it wrong. I also started Pachinko on my kindle!
I walked around the KHT university campus real quick and then through Ostermalm before heading down to the Royal Armoury.
The Royal Armoury was quite cool - ngl. And it was free bc it was Thursday! And open late. They had a weird manga exhibit, felt a little weird about that one lmao.
After that, I realized that the sun had set and I did not want to walk to Sodermalm and through the West Islands back home, so I just strolled through Gamla Stan again, caved and bought the $10 espresso cup, and ordered a shrimp sandwich at Cafe Schweitzer for freaking $18.90 💀 I sat for a good hour or so reading Pachinko which got so spicy!! The shrimp sandwich was super filling it took me a while to finish too. Also my tummy hurt from the egg salad đŸ„ș
After that I started walking back through the parliament building/bridge. I thought I knew where to go and walked all the way back to Ostermalm lmao.. like 10/15 blocks the wrong direction. I remember looking up to see this clock I took a video of earlier and was like HOLD UP and did a quick 180.
I stopped by Pressbryrian or whatever it get gummies for Dahlia and Susy/kids, then went back to the hostel, gulped down water, showered and pre-packed.
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