#I hatched a shiny one in Y and I can't even use her cause she's locked in Pokemon home >:[
blackbackedjackal · 2 years
Honestly the biggest offense to me personally was the lack of Furfrou merch. They literally gave that thing a million forms with the cuts plus the shiny forms also looked great. And all Furfrou got was a kids figure, MPC plush, a couple cards with some of the cut variants, and a metal charm set with all the cuts featured.
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heartysworld · 2 years
Gods Eye || Aemond Targaryen x Reader
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A/N: This is historically inaccurate! I have not read the books yet so I relied on other sources of information to write this! Do not come for me, I apologize in advance! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
Word count: 2.2k
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Your heart was beating so fast you though it was going to explode. Sneaking around the Red Keep was something you have never thought you would need to do, bit with the tension between the Blacks and the Greens it was necessary.
The labyrinth of abandoned dungeons was the most secure location where you could meet your lover, knowing that you would not be caught. All you wanted right now was to be in the arms of the man you loved, politics were the last problem you had time for.
Your cape swayed behind you as you spend through the dark tunnels, trying to find the turn for your and Aemond's designated meeting spot.
Your hands were shaky,eyes bloodshot from everything that had occured before you arrived. As you were walking a pair of hands sneaked behind you, dragging you to a dark cell that was used as a storage many decades ago.
You yelped at the sudden movement, a hand found its way on your mouth, silencing your screams.
"Shh." A familiar voice whispered in your ear, "It's me, don't be afraid." Aemond said, kissing the side of your head while pressing your back against his chest. Hands gripping your waist,not wanting to let go.
"Aemond." You breathed out, eyes once again swelling with tears. You hands gripped his, feeling his warm skin against your freezing hands. He felt your uneasiness, the fear and pain in your voice.
You turned around in his embrace, burrowing your head in his neck, finally letting your tears fall freely.
"Tell me. What has caused you such sorrow,Y/N? " Aemond asked, hands going through your white, shiny hair.
"Only if you knew what I have been through since we last met, Aemond, it has been hell. I'm so tired of this war, all the deaths surrounding me. I can't take it any longer." You cried in his chest, your hands gripping his leathers.
"Tell me, tell me all. " Aemond said. He knew there was something bigger, not just the people who surrounded you.
"I am with child, Aemond." You finally said it out loud. A burden was lifted off of your chest. Your lover finally knew what has been bothering you for the past fortnight, since the last time you saw him.
"Gods be good." Aemond said, his whole body froze. He'd never thought he would ever be a father, not only this, you were in the middle of a war. The son of the Greens was never supposed to get involved with the daughter of the Blacks, but there the two of you were, a living evidence of the opposite.
"My mother knows, she's gone feral, Aemond, I didn't even know myself. She figured it out on her own." You said, your crying had subsided a bit by now, but your heart was still beating fast.
"How? How did she find out when even you did not suspect anything?!" He asked, his voice raising.
"The dragon eggs, they started hatching one after another a few days after I was supposed to bleed. You know the myths, Aemond, the ones about Targaryen women and their pregnancies increasing the number of newly hatched eggs. After that I did not start my monthly. She tried to force an insane amount of Moon tea down my throat when she found out. She wanted to kill the "spawn". I ran away, I was so scared Aemond." You whispered against the skin of his neck, trying to steady your breathing.
"I must be honest with you,love. I never thought I would ever be a father, nor did I ever wanted to. But I am vowing to you, to do everything in my power to stop this war. Even if it means sacrificing myself for you...and this child. "Aemond said. As much as his words hurt you, you knew he was right, nobody knows if even you are going to make it out of the conflict.
"My father helped me hide for now. I am going to stay in one of his hideouts where men loyal to him only are going to keep me safe. I don't know when and if I am to ever see you again, Aemond. I love you, remember this when you're in a battle, I am praying for you to come back to us,alive." You said, finally looking up at his face.
Despite missing an eye, he was as beautiful as you remember him when you were kids, when your love flourished, before your older brothers decided to scar him for life.
Placing your hands in his neck, you tugged him down to your eye level, laying a soft,but passionate kiss on his lips. The nights you spent alone were full of thoughts of his lips and his body wrapped around yours. You often though about the day he had taken your innocence you his. You were fifteen years old and he way sixteen. Your love only grew stronger with time, leading you to this exact moment, five years later. Hiding in the dungeons with Aemond, the only safe place you could meet him untroubled.
You had spent countless hours here with him, talking, laughing, crying, making love. The days you were supposed to meet him were the ones you expecting with most excitement. Your father had always been suspicious of you, but he let it slide. Daemon Targaryen loved his only daughter infinitely, more than he even loved his sons.
"I love you too,Y/N. Know that wherever I am, dead or alive, you're always in my heart. You're my hope for a better future, my source of strength and energy to keep fighting. But I need you to stay away for now, you have to stop coming here. With you carrying my child, Gods know what my mother and grandfather would do if they find out, I can't risk losing you or this child." Aemond said,your heads touching.
"But how am I going to see you, there has to be a way. " You said, panic In your voice.
"There is, but we must be careful. Remember that cave, one of the many underneath Dragonstone, the one you took me to when we were children and went exploring. Wait for me there on the last day of summer, at sunset. I will try my all to come and see you." Aemond whispered against your forehead.
"But Aemond, this is in months, I will be huge by that time, I don't even know if I will be able to get to the cave, if my mother's men see me..." You started,but before you could continue Aemond's lips fell on yours again. His hands cupping your cheeks before pressing your fragile body to the wall, kissing you like there was no tomorrow.
"You have to find a way,Y/N. There is no other options for us. You have to believe and wait for me. Once this madness is over I shall come for you.. and our babe. I promise you." He said, his hands fell down to your waist once again, bringing you closer to his body in a hug.
"One day,we shall be together again,my love. One day." You said.
Aemond kissed his pregnant lover passionately, before the two parted not long after.
Aemond did not come to see you the day he was supposed to, you waited for him the entire day. Your belly was huge by the time you had to sneak in and out of Dragonstone. Your mother had been sending you men,in search for you, but your father had hidden you well. He couldn't allow Rhaenyra to hurt his only daughter. Even if that meant watching her grow the child of the enemy.
Months passed, you grew bigger while your strength lessened. The war was getting more intense than ever, your three older brothers were now dead,one killed by Aemond and Vhagar.
You had lost hope of ever reuniting with Aemond again. His words from the last time you saw him kept your love for him alive, alongside the strong kicks from inside your womb.
The day your labor started there was a storm raging outside. The sounds of your screams deafening every other sound around the place. Your wish was for your father to be with you while during your labor, the only person left you you could trust. A rider had been sent for him while you felt like your child was tearing you apart.
And it was, the baby had it's butt towards the birth canal, making it almost impossible for its body to pass. The Maester knew that even if they tried to reach it and switch its position you would be too weak to deliver a healthy child.
Your father arrived to see you in your last living moments. The babe had started making it's way out slowly, tearing your insides, causing major internal injuries.
"Y/N!" Your dad said, entering the room. His eyes fell on your pale face and weak body. Your gown was soaked with blood and sweat. He didn't need to be told what was going to occur. He knew you were dying, his little girl.
"Dad." You managed to let out, your throat hoarse from all the screaming and shouting.
"Oh my...Y/N." You dad said, kneeling by the bed, his hands taking a hold of your relaxed palm.
You could barely see his face, your vision blurry.
"Thank you...dad"you started, every word requiring an insane amount of energy to speak out, "for keeping me... alive...for saving me." You said, giving a light squeeze of his hand. A strong urge to push hit you the next moment, causing you to let out a deafening scream, tears falling down your cheeks as more blood poured out of your lower half.
"My daughter, you are the light of my life. My best creation. Every day I thank the Gods for making you my daughter." Daemon said, pressing your hand to his lips.
His words made you smile. His presence was enough to fill the missing gap of Aemond by your side.
"Tell Aemond...that I love him...he has to know." You whispered out. "After I die...take the babe...out. Let us...go together." You added faintly.
Those were your last words before your body went completely still, your last breath escaping your lungs, eyes closing forever.
After leaving your hideout, Daemon challenged Aemond to a battle, waiting for thirteen days at Harrenhal until Aemond stopped burning the riverlands to come face him.
Aemond arrived on the fourteenth day, accompanied by dragon, Vhagar. Aemond and Daemon talked briefly before mounting their dragons.
"You have lived too long, uncle." Aemond said.
Daemon replied, "On that much, we agree."
The older Prince then climbed onto the back of his dragon-Caraxes.
The duel was a sight to see. The sun was setting as the two dragons took to the sky. The dragons' shrieks and roars could be heard from a dozen miles away. So bright was the dragonfire that smallfolk feared the sky was aflame. Caraxes slammed into Vhagar, locking his jaws on Vhagar's neck. Both dragons were grappling as they descended from the sky. Caraxes's jaw continued to tighten around Vhagar's neck even as Vhagar's teeth tore Caraxes's wing and his claws opened Caraxes's belly.
Prince Daemon leapt from his saddle on Caraxes on to Vhagar.
"My daughter loved you! And your spawn was the one to end her,he tore her apart! You took my daughter away from me! And now I shall take out out of the world of living!" The Prince shouted.
Daemon drove his blade, Dark Sister, through his nephew's empty eye socket just as both dragons collided with the Gods Eye lake below, sending up a gout of water so high it was as tall as the Kingspyre Tower at Harrenhal. Neither man could have survived.
The loss of both Aemond and Daemon and their powerful dragons was a severe blow to both the greens and the blacks. Each side lost a capable warrior and commander, as well as a powerful dragon. However, both men had lost something way more precious to them. One had lost his daughter, while the other had lost his lover and and unborn child.
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