#I have absolutely no idea how chell would hold the portal gun
meattforbrains · 6 months
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sarcasticgaypotato · 6 years
The LaaC version of the moonshot and post-beating Wheatley. Do you think it ends the same? They were more friendly with each other in this AU....;)
((For @bondibee‘s ‘Love as a Construct’ AU.  I can’t say for certain if the version I wrote here is how things would go, but it’s a possibility!))The idea that life could ever move in slow-motion was nothing more than an expression that humans made up for themselves.  Their brains unable to comprehend what was happening in front of them, they lagged behind. Slowing their thoughts of everything else down, focusing on a single moment that they could see, attempting to understand.The opposite was true for GLaDOS.  Everything moved so quickly for her that she hardly had a moment to think on anything longer than was absolutely necessary.  Running a whole facility single handedly tended to do that to you. There was always something that needed your attention, be it a broken panel, misplaced turret, or test subject running loose in the hallways.Life moving in slow-motion was just not a luxury GLaDOS was allowed to have. Everything in Aperture, every experiment, every bit of science, was all worthy of a fraction of her attention. Too much to simply ignore.Yet, somehow, as her facility burned and crumbled around her, as the smell of thick smoke and neurotoxin burned her unfortunately currently human lungs, somehow, her mind focused on one thing, and one thing alone.Chell.
Chell was an idiot, GLaDOS decided, as she grabbed the portal gun that had been knocked aside in the action, and she crossed the room in a few short bounds, dodging debris and trying to make sure she kept her balance. Chell’s split-second plans were awful, and GLaDOS made a mental note to remind her of that fact as soon as they got out of this mess.  A portal in the center of the room sucked everything that wasn’t tied down into space, so as GLaDOS found herself half running half stumbling towards the center of the room, she frantically looked for something to hold onto so that she didn’t suffer the same fate the moment she got close.A piece of metal, jutting out from the floor. No doubt knocked loose in all the destruction of the facility.  It wasn’t ideal, but a quick check confirmed it to be solid enough.The moron was babbling.  She wasn’t paying attention to the exact words.  All his bravado and confidence from moments ago? Gone.  The cowardly little creature was begging for his life now, pleading Chell to let go, to throw herself into the abyss of space, so that he could bring himself back to safety.Perhaps that bothered GLaDOS more than it needed to.  Perhaps that was what fueled the rather rash decision to reach out towards the portal, and strain herself to grab the cord that was connecting his core to the mainframe, and, with as much strength as she could muster, violently rip it out.The force of this action sent the metal ball flying, desperately crying for help as he was sucked further and further away from earth, the portal on the moon, and Aperture.But for once, GLaDOS wasn’t gloating. She didn’t have the time.She saw Chell, with nothing to hold onto, destined for a death in the cold depths of space.And GLaDOS’s world moved in slow motion.Chell was not going to die like this. GLaDOS would not give anyone the satisfaction of that. Not the little moron, not the universe, not the unfeeling grasp of space.  If GLaDOS couldn’t kill her, nobody would.She lunged forward, partially throwing herself into the portal, shifting her grip to what remained of her chassis, as it allowed her to lean a little closer, to stretch her arm as far as it would reach, to grab Chell’s fingertips, and they almost slipped out of her grip, if not for Chell’s attempts to help by stretching forward, allowing GLaDOS to pull her forward a little bit more, then getting a grip on her arm instead.  She felt dizzy, though she couldn’t say what it came from, the exhaustion she was putting this body through, or the amount of neurotoxin she had inhaled.  Still, something pushed her forward.  Despite the black that was forming in the corners of her vision, she gritted her teeth, and thrusted them both backwards, pulling both their bodies out of the portal just barely enough so that she could close it without one of their limbs getting severed.They both fell backwards, and GLaDOS vaguely registered the feeling of the metal panels beneath her as she landed awkwardly on her side, with Chell landing directly beside her.Their eyes met, but only for a moment.  Grey eyes shone with something that GLaDOS couldn’t quite place, either gratitude or something more, before rolling back in her head.Warning sirens from the facility still blared in GLaDOS’s ears, but for the moment, she ignored them.While she’d later blame this as a result of the lack of oxygen getting to her brain, or perhaps the fact that she wasn’t far off from unconsciousness herself, in the moment, GLaDOS had no words to describe why she did what she did. Why instead of of getting up, making sure that she could get the facility back under control, put out the last of the fires, get back in her body, she instead pushed herself a little closer to Chell, wrapping her arms around the test subject, and pulled her into a tight embrace. Holding her there for seconds that felt like hours, until she was certain that she felt a heartbeat, and the rise and fall of Chell’s chest. It was only then that everything she had been struggling to ignore in her own body seemed to hit her all at once, and GLaDOS found herself joining Chell in the world of the unconscious. Only vainly hoping in her last moments of consciousness that the facility wouldn’t crumble above their heads in her absence.
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Achievements Analyzing for the Sake of Characterization
((Because what is my liiiife-
Anyways, after bringing up the Oracle Turret as a means of pointing to a softer side of Chell, I decided to look into the other achievements in both of the Portal games [including the Still Alive port] and Mel’s mod for my interpretation of Chell and Mel’s characters [ignoring the ones that are either achievable outside of the main storylines or through deaths, the former I don’t consider canon to them because, you know, not in their stories, and the latter because them dying is def not canon.] because I find that taking certain actions being rewarded is a tad interesting. 
Now, these are probably me reaching, buuuuut since Chell and Mel are blank slates, I don’t have too much to go off of, so I’m grasping at as many straws as I can for them.
Anyways! Let’s get started!
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Not really much to say with these ones. You get all of these by advancing the game. Though I would like to point out two of them;
One, the Fratricide Achievement. By definition, fratricide is the act of either killing your sibling or your ally. This is the achievement you get for euthanizing your Companion Cube. Both the name of the achievement and its description catches my attention. The title reinforces, at least to me, that Chell felt some connection to her cube in some compacity. However, the description the extent Chell is willing to go to survive. We all no that she is stubborn and never gives up, but this instance demonstrates that Chell, if she absolutely has to, is willing to sacrifice an ally or even a loved one to stay alive. Really, Wheatley’s not too far off when he called her selfish, which, oof-
And the second one is the SaBOTour Achievement, the one you get for following after Wheatley during your little jailbreak. Not much given, just like the little icon, depicting a stick figure [the player] running while holding a core [Wheately]. idk I think it kinda implies Chell’s intention of not just using him for her escape, but genuinely wanting to escape with him. And I think it’s sweet. Maybe I’m reaching here, but god dammit lemme have this-
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Chell’s skills(tm). This shows the extent of her reflexes and speed as well as how well she can solve tests. Not only is she good at avoiding getting shot and can solve at least one test without ever even touching the block needed for it [I know you can get this achievement automatically by solving Wheatley’s first test, but you can actually earn it earlier if you’re clever enough in the sixth chamber] but she’s such a pro that she can manipulate a rocket turret to shoot its own rocket, catch a wildly bouncing box before it even touches the ground, and can even complete at least one test in a little over a minute. 
What I’m saying is that she’s practically got super humanly fast thinking and reaction and is overall abnormally efficient. Like, jesus, Chell relax-
Though, to be fair about the last one, the test chamber 10 in question is in Portal 2 Chapter 2, and she’s basically seen it all at this point, so it’s not like she’s naturally this fast.
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Chell’s portaling habits. The first two seem to imply Chell testing out the capabilities of the portal gun. Though I am also inclined to believe that along with the Saw That One Coming, Drop Box, and Overclocker Achievements that the first one could also imply that she’s a bit of a show off, or at least that she likes to make personal challenges for herself.
As for the Out of the Blue, this could imply the order in which she puts down the portals.
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These are achievements that are rewarded to you for being thorough [I’ll explain the the Scanned Alone Achievement in a sec-] enough to find them. I believe these can point to her being a rather curious and observant person with an experimental “try everything that won’t definitely kill you” sort of thinking. 
And the Scanned Alone Achievement can even further that “Try everything” way of thinking, and also demonstrates that not all her ideas work, but hey, at least she knows. 
Also it’s funny as fuck to think that this was an idea she had before grabbing a defective turret, and I’m disappointed that Wheatley did not comment on it-
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Chell’s relationships with the [rather few] sentient beings she’s encountered, not counting the antagonists. The short answer? She loves Companion Cubes and fucking hates Turrets. To the point where she goes out of her way to destroy them once they deactivate.
Though, the No Hard Feelings Achievement demonstrate that she’s not so blinded by hate that she isn’t willing to make exceptions or recognize that not everything is out to hurt her, and even show some compassion every once in a while. Or at the very least mercy.
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Oh look, instances of Chell being a defiant lil’ shit. What a surprise-
For real, though, Chell absolutely goes out of her way to be a nuisance to her antagonists in any way she can. Just give her half a god damn chance to do so-
Although the name of the first depicted achievement, Camera Shy, also implies that she doesn’t very much like to be watched, fuuuurther reinforced by her smashing Wheatley’s monitors when solving his tests. Though that could also be her demonstrating just how pissed with him she is-
Unlike with Chell, I’m skipping Mel’s story related achievements because I don’t have anything to say about them.
Also, Portal Stories: Mel has a lot of achievements that involve you dying [Though I have an interpretation on that that involves one of the few achievements that don’t involve dying], so as a result, I don’t have nearly as much to work with. But I will try-
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These all demonstrate both curiosity, sharp eyes, and just absolute stubbornness.
Though unlike Chell, she seems to have less of a want to experiment and more of a want to explore or in the case of the Determined Achievement, to not leave things unfinished. And often times goes against Virgil’s advising against it. Probably OCD as fuck-
Also she recognizes that Companion Cube is shaped like a friend and is sad that she can’t take it with her-
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An example of Mel’s bitchitude. This combined with her refusing to take Virgil’s advice at the start of their partnership is that she didn’t particularly like him. Aaaaand now that she met him in person, she can get back at him by making him as frustrated as he made her.
And to be fair, Virgil painted himself as untrustworthy from the moment he woke her up and was overall kind of a jack ass, so yeah, it’s fair to think their relationship is rocky at first. Although overtime they did end up growing on each other, so.
Also a pretty fun reference to when Wheatley tried to bust Chell out-
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The only achievement where you can be hurt without fucking dying. And here’s my interpretation on this.
Unlike Chell, not only is she very much inexperienced with the Aperture brand bullshit, but she’s also not quick enough to avoid getting hurt. 
And that could go back to how the experiment she signed up for affected her health. Remember what Virgil said? The chemicals that Mel was pumped full of could cause heart attacks from the mere exposure to them. Not to mention the instances where she was having trouble physically exerting herself.
Rocks falling everywhere? All she could do was walk up the stairs [if she didn’t take the elevator]. Heavy door Virgil directed her to? She couldn’t open it, no matter how hard she tried, so they were forced to go a different route.
And keep in mind, she used to be an Olympic Athlete. A track runner to be more precise. Competed in the 1936 Nuremberg games. And after the cryogenic sleep test, she’s been brought so out of shape that she can’t even run like she used to [probably from atrophy combined with her heart attack prone... heart...]. And then having to navigate so many dangers? It’s not a surprise she’s gotten hurt throughout the journey. Hell, it’s a wonder she survived holy shit-
Aaaaanyways, I think that’s all of the achievements I could find. I would do one for Gel, but I couldn’t find any achievements for Aperture Tag. So. Fack-
Either way, hope this was a fun, or at least legible blabber of sorts.
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