#I have been playing sdv to procrastinate drawing
lushwithrats · 10 months
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Sebastian fan art for my artblock
He’s not my favourite but I think he’s cool
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coindraws · 4 years
just a random text post 😪
This is just going to be another rambling post because I don't really have anything better to do right now 😂 It's probably going to be a lot of whining, though. 
Anyway, I'm moving to France on Tuesday and starting university there on September 7th. Not sure how long it'll take me to get used to my new situation but at least it's only a 4 hour drive to my hometown instead of a 7 hour one like it was before. I think the biggest problem I'll be struggling with is the language and even though I had French in school and also graduated in it (written exam, that was always said to be the more difficult one and I agree, out of 154 students only 5 chose to do that and I only got a B-. I know, sad life and all 😔) that was back in 2017, so three years ago and I haven't really used French ever since. I might also be the only foreign student there that studies history, which has the potential to really suck. 
Apart from that I (almost) finished my Middle Ages essay and I just hope it still gets accepted but the prof never told us an actual date when we had to hand it in. The last information we received about that is from March, right before everything went down, and it said we'd have time until June but even that with some form of relaxation because nobody knows how the current situation is going to develop. The guidelines of my university propose a 2 week span of working on a 11 to 12 pages essay but I did it in the span of maybe three days, I just wanted to be finally done with it before I move to another country and I've procrastinated long enough on that one 😂 For studying history this one was way too philosophical and theological but that's the fault of the Middle Ages, not mine. Spent 11 pages talking about religion because the dude I wrote about was a churchman who did all sorts of stuff. 
There's still a lot of stuff for me to sort out, apart from two other essays that I won't be able to finish before September 30th with everything that's coming up in my life and then also some bureaucracy things that I really don't want to tackle but I do need the help from the state to pay rent etc. 
I can't wait for 2020 to be finally over with, this year sucked hard for almost everybody and I remember how I thought in 2019 that 2020 was going to be a good year. Kind of ironic now that I think back but who could've known that things would turn out this way. 
And because I'm a loser I'm still into Stardew Valley and excited for the new update, I've been playing it a lot on my Switch just to escape since all that stress really killed my desire to draw and it's kind of hard getting back into it. Maybe having a normal university schedule will change that because it was almost impossible for me to feel inspired when all I did for the past few months was sit at home and endure zoom meetings and boring lectures. I know that moving to a different country isn't the best idea during this time but I can't really change it since it was planned to be like this from the very beginning, I was just unlucky for it to happen right now. Germany's doing fine so far but some of our neighboring countries are starting to struggle again and I'll have to keep an eye out on what the German government declares as risky regions to go to or not but so far the region in France where I'll move to is fine. 
Yadda yadda, real life problems aside, I'm still very glad that I decided to join the sdv community on here. Everyone's super nice as ever and while I have a lot of followers, there's still some names/icons that I recognize because I see some of you guys regularly in my notifications and I couldn't be happier about it 😤 After all this time the same people are still interested in the things I post and I'm so, so thankful for this. I know I've strayed away from making comics but that's mainly due to the fact that I tend to pull those from my real life experiences when I get inspired by something but that hasn't been the case this year. I don't know what makes you all still interested in Harvey and Coin but I'll take it. 
And as if this post hasn't been random enough already, I sometimes still think about all the support I received when I made Coin ace, that really means a lot to me. I don't know, I'm still not very open about that topic (in real life not at all) but it did encourage me to accept things that I maybe haven't in the past. 
With that being said, I'll end this post here it's way too long anyway but for everyone who made it this far, thanks. My ask box/messages are always open if you need somebody to talk to, I'm not intimidating I swear 
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simscapades · 4 years
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Simmer - Get to Know
Tagged: I’ll say @himbosims​​ bc I found it on her simblr :P
Your name: Ingrid
Languages you speak: Swedish, English and maybe 3 sentences, words and songs in French(took it between ages 13 - 15 but forgotten most of it)
Are you a mermaid: No
Your play style: 90% Challenge applications, 10 story right now maybe?
Your Selfsim picture: Look above - it’s fairly close but the sim might look better than real me right now (Tired, and getting ready for bed as I write this…laaaate)
Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: Kind of a clusterf*** of everything. I mostly post stories and do challenges now though.
Your favorite age state: Young adult
Your favorite season:  In real life: Fall. In game: Fall or Spring
Your favorite holiday: Halloween - Both IRL and IG. I rarely dress up these days but I looove it!
How was your day: Like riding the teacups. Slow but fun :)
Your favorite career: Children’s Book writer and illustrator - Just over procrastinate too much to make it happen edit: oooh again with the in game... doctor or writer I think
Your favorite aspiration: Anything from the creative section. Painter or writer… I think it’s noticeable by the sims I make(sooo many artists)
Your favorite EP, Sp or GP: Get together bc Windenburg, City Living(bc Geekcon and food cultures!) and Pets bc I freaking love Brindleton Bay.
How old is your simblr: This particular one…under a year but my old one( that I now use for reblogs and stuff) is a bit older.
Have you woohooed: Cheeky! 😏
Your favorite skill: Piano…sooo beautiful when it gets to higher skill…I think I had Cassandra Goth play it once and it was my favorite piece by Chopin( Nocturne Op.9 No 2. ) or at least a piece by him…I wept.
The size of your Mods folder: 520MB - I try to be careful bc I have an old PC but also trying out mods after playing vanilla for a long time.
Your 3 favorite mods: MCC since I got it, 3D eyelashes and pose player
Your interests (other than sims): Netflix(I’m an HIMYM addict, watched the whole series at LEAST 8 times but think it’s more. It’s my comfort/guilty pleasure and I’m forever in love with Marshall.) I game a lot, Dragon Age and Mass Effect mostly but also a ton of indie games. DIYs, geeky craftings, write, draw, play D&D,Board Games. Try my best at catching up with Dr Who.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): Currently it’s definitely this one with Walt and Claire. Edit: Oh favorite SIM…prob. Claire and her family…Daniel…otherwise my fave is Morgana Wolff from sims 3 that I remade.
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Um…all…of…them, I think? Except console or the MySIMS, Urbz and sims story
Propose a crazy scheme: Liberate MAXIS from EA! :3
Best part of simblr: All wonderful people that support each other
Worst part of simblr: Not much…stressing with my queue I guess?
What other games you play: The once that can currently fit on my 1 T Hard drive(to much else on it I need)…sooo not a lot. Otherwise a lot of the games listed above.
For the fun: PAYDAY 2, I pretend that I’m Barbara Gordon/Oracle and do reconnaissance for my BF and our friend on some of the maps. I’m awesome at it ^_^ I also like Firewatch and sometimes play SDV
For the thrills or just for the need to kill assholes: PAYDAY 2, I pretend I’m Harley Quinn(love her badassery) and waste people. I’m pretty awesome at that too.
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): owleye90 on origin, @biowaregirl is my other tumblr were I gawk over Varric Tethras…haven’t been in there for a while…I have steam and discord too but PM me for it if you want so I know who you are :)
Are you single: Nope, been in a relationship for 4 years now. Very happy with my man :) Trying to make the economy work so we can move in together soon.
I tag everyone as per usual :D
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askgarblesfarm · 5 years
//mun here! Sorry for not answering any questions I got recently
If you look at my main, @strixton , you will see things every now and then mentioning I’m with family on vacation. When I get back home I will be moving into a new house and getting ready for the new school year. I promise I will answer you questions! I am spending probably too much time on a Minecraft sh*t post one right now. I haven’t even been playing sdv much due to moving, vacation, and school! I promise once things settle down I will update the diary, answer some questions, and get further in my game. I play the game as I answer questions, so any question I answer now, Cordance would have a different answer maybe a few months later. For now, have some sketches I did while procrastinating on homework. They are from a game I did with my sister where she gave me a prompt and I would draw Cordance off the prompt!
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I hope to post next week! I can’t promise anything right now, though. If you are interested, you can follow my main. I reblog a lot of things, so be careful. Good bye!
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