#I have many feelings about codeflippa and all of them are protective
disgr-aced · 11 months
whatever you do, don't think about codeflippa never experiencing physical affection (be that in the revolution, where she's just an agent, or before that, where she was at best a test subject), and then going on this mission to recruit a grieving dad and suddenly getting hugged like, every 5 minutes.
Don't think about her being surprised at what's happening (because what the hell is this strange arm-wrap pose??), but having these warm arms around her...she can't quite place it, but she feels safe and comfortable, and it's new but it feels nice.
Don't think about her trying her best to mimic this behaviour, trying to fit in because this man hugs a lot and that's obviously normal for him, and throwing her arms stiffly around her 'dad'. She let's him know she's trying to hug him, but he already knows. He already loves her, after all.
Don't think about her continuing to hug him, and at first she tells herself it's just to play the role, that this is likely what his original daughter would have done and that's the only reason why she keeps doing it.
But then there's a skydiving accident, and he vanishes for just a second. And for that second she panics, thinking he's truly gone, her mind fizzing and her breaths short, and when he reappears - before she can even think - she's gripping his leg, hugging him tightly as if to beg him never to leave again. And he hugs her back, smiles, holds her hand and takes her home.
She tries to pretend the fear is from a photo they found earlier, and maybe it is a little bit. But more than she'll admit to herself, she's scared of losing this man, losing her dad and the safety she feels with him.
"I love you dad, please please never forget that"
That night she dreams fitfully, but every time she wakes she finds him sleeping beside her bed, and she finds that holding his hand is the only way to calm her mind enough to fall back asleep.
Don't think about this little girl, who has finally felt what having a family is like, looking up at her dad and realising his body is deteriorating. But only where she held his hand, only where she hugged him.
And telling herself that it's her fault for daring to believe she belonged in a loving family.
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s1lly-billy · 11 months
Today (Nov 2) we got another lore stream
1. Juanaflippas reappearance.
The dead eggs came back just for today and we got lots of angst from ALL of the players
Lore wise, this was fucking big. It's now confirmed the "Juanaflippa" that has been hanging out with Charlie this entire time is indeed *not* our old Juanaflippa. This is confirmed because today, the juanaflippa that came back remembered everything.
Baby's first toy
The iron sword
The rap
The missclicks.
But none the less, she was extremely nice and loving to our codey Charlie. She was SUPER physically affectionate and hugged Charlie practically the entire time he was there. She was also super happy to see everyone! But nonetheless, there is some deep shit behind her appearance. She wants Charlie to get rid of the code all over him, wants him to heal, and still wants to hang out with him in the fucking rat king they made.
2. "Juanaflippa" (aka Codeflippa)
An update on what we got from (real)Juanaflippa is that she's completely and utterly not Juanaflippa. She's not at all apart of her and she's not connected to her. But she does know how to immitate her (to a limit ex. The "accent")
I personally don't think Codeflippa has any real intent against Charlie. She genuinely seems to love hanging out with him and meeting new people. She's never tried to hurt Charlie, and I doubt the infection is intentional.
In past streams Charlie has brought up the code to flippa and she said she doesn't know what that is.
She's also expressed fear to her dad about the man. You know, the man with the glasses in the picture.
(I wonder when we get a update on that.)
If she is trying to hurt Charlie and/or infect him she's being put up to it.
(In my opinion)
Possibly by the federation, as they've stated she's a released experiment, or... A failed one.
I'll let you think on that.
3. Slimecicle lore affects (aka Codecicle)
Slimecicle is still under the illusion that "Juanaflippa" is normal and was brought back to life as a gift for his birthday. On a positive note, he's a lot happier knowing for once in his life his egg is here. And she doesn't seem to be leaving. She's happy with him and hes happy with her!
On a negative note.
The code from Juanaflippa has been affecting his body so much and he's just deterioting more and more into code.
And he seriously doesn't have alot of body left before it's taken over completely.
Now while I'm all for a full slimecicle code skin I'm pretty damn sure things are going to go South soon. This arc will be over. And Codeflippa as much as I love her... Shes going to die.
4. Charlie lore but with Cellbit
(Slash lore 💀)
As many know Cellbit is going fucking crazy. He's sick and fucking TIRED of the federation. They're taking his kids and he wants them back. NOW. Cellbit may not like Codeflippa, but he's not above using someone who he believes is using his friend to his advantage. Thus, using Charlie and his absolute murderous will to tear anything apart living or dead for his daughter. Without hesitation.
"In a heartbeat."
Cellbits will to destroy the federation and get his eggs back and Charlies will to keep flippa with him, f0r3√3r. Make the perfect pair! They're going to commit attrocies together and no matter what they're going to protect their eggs at a moment's notice.
Charlies still in a delusion. Not able to see the glitches falling off of everything he has the capacity to feel.
(Also side note I've been trying to split these up better and organize them so they're easier to read and understand for people who struggle with reading, collecting points easily, and multilinguals cause idk any other (qsmp) languages rn so I can't exactly translate these without Google lol sorry for the lil rant)
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just-avocado · 1 year
Something something Slimecicle lore made me cry
Tumblr media
To me she looked nervous, maybe even afraid.
———————————————————————— Personally of the headcanon/theory that the codes are corrupted versions of the dead eggs or at least failed versions of eggs we never got to see since Richas was confirmed by Sophia to not be organic a while back
So the whole Codeflippa situation is especially interesting, I like to think that if it isn’t her corrupted self trying to connect with her dad again (but still failing in many ways to be her old self) that this is still a child that hasn’t known love in a long time if ever
Honestly after being given some time I prefer the latter.
We still don’t entirely know how the Codes work, only that they want to harm. Are they with the Federation? As time has passed it’s seeming more and more like that could be the case. So maybe at first this will be an extremely fucked up experiment the island decided to do on a still grieving father who is just starting to heal. Maybe this could even be a defecting Code, running to the only person it thought might protect it.
 Either way, along comes an egg who looks like the daughter Charlie lost, even is his shock he notices things different about her, her crack, her spelling, but he doesn’t care because somehow his daughter is standing in front of him again. She doesn’t stay for long but she promises to return.
As viewers we’re obviously skeptical, her toast didn’t have avocado on it, she didn’t live long enough to get a crack, she didn’t backflip or fall to pieces once (her other favorite emote), her spelling was weird, plus all the shit with fake eggs recently has given us trust issues
While its very likely she is a fake, Charlie is desperate enough to look past the red flags long enough for her to learn how to be more like Flippa. And that’s why she didn’t want him to tell anyone, because anyone else (minus Mariana) would clock her immediately. 
This will give her time to learn from Charlie, he’s failed before and he’d do anything to protect her from harm again. Even if the entire server is trying to convince him she’s a fake he couldn’t bring himself to hurt her, even if his heart is telling him it’s true. 
Maybe the Code, this egg who never had a family, who has finally experienced the love of a parent, can change. She’ll never replace the daughter he had but Charlie realizes that this egg knows what it’s like to feel completely alone. They both know what it’s like to lash out at those who haven’t had their happiness ripped away from them. Charlie regrets how he acted back then.
It’ll be a rocky road no matter what happens but personally I hope the story takes this route, it’ll hurt much more than the Code simply gaining Charlie’s trust and betraying him within a week or two lmao
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s1lly-billy · 10 months
A land of violence and pain
And bad boy halo
Sides being chosen and tested
Three teams.
Bolas. Soulfire. Green "Gay" Ninjas.
Alright, let me type big lore like the big lore typer I am.
(Been a while since I fed you huh?)
Purgatory is run by a tall, black, figure with a humanoid shape, it only has an eye as it's main feature. It's voice is deep and raspy, and it can talk, and it seems to have feelings! Sadistic and distasteful ones, but feelings none the less. "He" runs "egg" island, where the eggs "escaped" the black gunk I like to call it. Its spreading.
It's all over Quesadilla island, and the federation has been trying to rid of it since it arrived. Cucurucho, a representative of the census Bureau (big power) doesn't even know what it is. Many have conspired that it's interdimentional
(it's black like the void I think they're gonna do smth with the end but that's just me personally)
To make a connection, think Stranger Things (yes ik this may sound cringe but hear me out)
The upside down, a exact replica of the normal world is covered in creepys and crawlies (aka dangerous creatures)
And these creatures always attack. Or, try to take over.
So what does this interdementional disease seem to do on quesadilla island?
It tries to infect.
This seems to be a common theme, as code also takes over bodies and land.
I think this is a form of matter that's built like a infection.
My in my head less like a virus and more...
Like uncontrolled cell replication so to speak.
Interdementional cells.
(Oh there's more? YES THERE'S MORE)
Now let's look at some connections of color, size, and behavior
The "eye" from purgatory aka egg island is a black figure, that really does what it wants, but is still in associations with the federation. But like a different branch yk? Like the law doesn't reach it.
Purgatory also has a common theme of red and black.
Who else is red and black?
He also has a deep voice, and led the islanders to the first wheel.
Ok, thats normal haha
Another thing, all of the eggs are alive(not including yk tilin Trump Bobby) , but like completely roughed up, like it's sad how roughed up they are.
The eggs are practically on a leash. They can't leave, or escape. They can't even wash themselves, and that damned "eye" clearly hasn't been treating them well.
But claims to care about them, saying the islanders are "sinners" for being bad to them and others.
The "eye" knows more than he's letting on for sure.
And I seriously doubt he "cares" for these eggs.
Also strangly, he has smaller versions of him that are white and cute and act like eggs. (Well egg children)
And their not roughed up, their even allowed to roam without danger? Strange.
He's "protecting" the eggs, but at the same time
He's actively depriving them of their parents.
The safety of Juanaflippa/Codeflippa
I just had to add this section because ive seen so many people concerned about flippa
no calm down silly
The "Juanaflippa" we know right now aka "Codeflippa" isn't in danger unless she was caught after the first QSMP livestream. Codeflippa is likely as safe as the other codes are, they're probably sticking together.
Ive seen people mention the code the federation captured.
I can guarantee thats not codeflippa, that code was brought up during etoiles lore, and flippa appeared with Charlie after that.
So yes, flippa is likely safe. :))
holy SHIT I haven't typed that much lore in a WHILE feels good to lore again.
Anything else you want me to analyze or talk about?
Just ask.
(Ask box or comments/reblogs idc)
And remember!
Enjoy the islands :]
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