#I have missed writing!! and making gifs of joe cole's face!!
runnning-outof-time · 9 months
Could you do "your more fun to miss" with John maybe angsty fluff but whatever works for you and your brain 😁
Thanks for sending this one in, anon!! And I need you to hear me out on this - I KNOW that the gif is of Joe Cole as Sean Wallace in Gangs of London, BUT this could ALSO be Modern!John Shelby … which is what I was going for in this blurb. I figured I’d think outside of the box for one of my John stories since no one is really reading them anyway… But if you are reading them…Enjoy! :) …oh and again, I just focused on the face he’s making rather than what the woman talking to him looks like - I felt the face really matched the situation haha. Ok, I’m babbling now..on with the story!
Part of my 3.5k Celebration - find more stories here!
More Fun to Miss
Modern!John Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: language, drinking, insinuations of cheating
Word Count: 1165
Summary: (Y/N) lets John have a piece of her mind when she sees him (against her wishes) for the first time in three weeks at a club.
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“Don’t look now…” (Y/N)’s friend, Kara, began, making she sure had the woman she was addressing’s attention before continuing, “but that man has literally been eye-fucking you all night,” her grin grew as she finished her statement.
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed at her friend’s comment. Then she looked over her shoulder to see who she was talking about. The first thing that came to her mind when she located said man was fuck.
“What? Do you know him or something?” Kara asked upon seeing (Y/N)’s reaction to her observation.
“Yeah, I do,” (Y/N) answered with a sigh.
Kara looked over her friend’s shoulder to take another glimpse of the man before turning her attention back to the conversation. She bit on her bottom lip to conceal her grin as she debated whether or not saying what was on her mind would anger (Y/N) or not. After a few moments, she thought ‘the hell with it’. “He’s hot as fuck,” she commented, her grin in full view now.
“I beg to differ,” (Y/N) disagreed, sipping on her drink and hoping she didn’t look too disgusted.
“Well he’s been staring at you literally all night.”
“Yeah, that’s because he knows me too.”
“Care to share the details?” Kara’s eyebrows raised in intrigue.
“I’d much rather move to a different table,” (Y/N) responded, grabbing her drink in one hand and her clutch in the other before she stood from the table they were sitting at.
“(Y/N)! Wait!” Kara called, scoffing before she hurried to grab her things and catch up with her friend.
(Y/N) silently cursed the fact that the club was rather packed, which made it hard for her to find another open table. At this point, she’d much rather leave the place than go back to where she’d been sitting.
Her path was soon blocked though, and the second she looked up, she had to muster all of her restraint not to throw her drink in the man’s face.
“(Y/N)? I thought it was you,” the cocky shit that was John Shelby wasted no time in making conversation. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” he asked with a grin.
“It’s been three weeks, John. Get the fuck out of my way,” (Y/N) dismissed his pleasantries, hoping that he could tell by the glare she was wearing that she wanted no parts of talking to him.
But, of course, John didn’t catch onto it. Or maybe he did and decided to continue the conversation in spite of her. “Three weeks too long, darlin’,” he commented, his eyes raking over her figure, “I’ve missed you.”
“You found him, (Y/N)! I knew you’d taken off for a reason!” Kara chimed into the conversation before (Y/N) could respond with a snide remark.
“I didn’t find him, he blocked my path, Kara,” (Y/N) muttered to her friend, hoping that she’d catch onto her facial expression and help her out.
“You’re a friend?” John asked before Kara was able to get a good look at (Y/N)’s face, succeeding at pulling her attention to him.
“I am! Who might you be?” Kara asked, her grin growing by the second.
“Oh she didn’t tell me about you?” John’s eyebrows raised in surprise, “I was sure she would’ve.”
“No, she didn’t, and I’m rather confused as to why,” Kara responded, frowning at John before she sent (Y/N) a glare and elbowed her side. This set (Y/N) off even more. You’re supposed to be on my side!, she menatlly screamed at her friend.
“Why didn’t you tell her, love?” John now directed his surprised gaze at (Y/N).
“Because contrary to your belief, John, you’re really not someone I’d scream from the rooftops over,” she spat back, eyes shooting daggers at him.
“The noise complaints we got from my nieghbors beg to differ, baby,” he cracked back, his words dripping with smugness. I outgha just throw this fucking drink at you, (Y/N) thought as she stared him down. If looks could kill, he’d be flat on the floor by now.
“I bet they come knocking for every girl you decide to take home to fuck,” (Y/N) decided against making an even bigger scene, keeping the glass gripped firmly in her hand as she snapped at him, “and they probably complain pretty regularly considering you take a different one back every night,” she paused, seeing the surprise return to his eyes. It egged her on even more. “You thought I didn’t know, huh? Thought I hadn’t caught on to it? Why do you think it’s been three weeks and I haven’t answered a single one of your fucking texts, John?” she let him have it, taking her frustration out on him all while getting more frustrated by how he was looking at her.
It seemed like he hadn’t actually heard a word she said, because he was too busy flicking his eyes down to her lips, watching them as she unleashed her anger on him while his grin grew smugger with each word said.
“Oh shit…” Kara’s voice was full of surprise as she looked between the two, the dots finally getting connected in her mind. “That’s why you wanted to go…” she said to (Y/N) then.
“Yeah, that’s exactly why I wanted to go,” (Y/N) answered her friend in a huff, finally breaking eye contact with the man she’d been standing toe-to-toe with. “And I’d like to leave now,” she added, her desperation returning as her anger started to make her feel sick. This was certainly not where she wanted to have this conversation.
“I’ll take the glasses back,” Kara told her, gently taking the glass that (Y/N) had had a white-knuckle grip on from the moment John stopped her. (Y/N) didn’t even realize she’d been holding it that hard until she moved her fingers and they were sore from the tension they’d been under.
The end was in sight now. All she had to do was wait a few more moments for Kara to return. Then she would be away from John Shelby forever.
But of course, John Shelby couldn’t let her get away without one last word. “Like I said, (Y/N)…I missed you,” he said to her, looking her over one last time - as if he was committing her to memory because he knew he’d never cross paths with her again. I hope my memory fucking haunts you, she thought to herself as she thought of one last thing to leave him with.
“Yeah, well you’re more fun to miss,” she sneered at him, looking him over once more also before she pushed passed him to the exit. Kara would have to find her outside because she didn’t want to be in his presence for one more second.
More fun to miss, indeed…although she wasn’t sure if she’d even miss him.
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…ok so that was more angsty than fluffy, but the prompt took me on a ride and I had a bunch of fun writing it. I hope you don’t I strayed from your wishes slightly, anon!
**tags in reblogs so that hopefully the notification gets sent out
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sydsaint · 8 months
Can you please write about this idea. Y/n (adam Cole’s sister) tries to stop adam from hurting mjf because she fallen in love with max.
Babygirl better come back from injury soon! I miss him <3
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Summary: The reader is Adam Cole's younger sister whom has developed feelings for Max. When she finds out Adam means to stab Max in the back she's determined to put a stop to it before Max gets hurt.
When you accidently found the Devil mask tucked away in Adam's bags you didn't want to believe what you saw. Adam and Max have become so close. Adam wouldn't betray him like that, would he? But deep down you know your brother.
Yes. Yes he would.
You tried to reason with Adam. Plead with him to forger this convoluted revenge plot and leave Max be. But if Adam Cole is one thing, it's a stubborn bastard.
So here you are, running around backstage at Worlds End in a frantic search to find Max while also avoiding your brother, Wardlow, Roderick, Matt, and Mike.
"Hey sorry, has anyone seen Max?" You ask the same question to everyone that you come across.
But the champ is seemingly nowhere to be found. And he isn't answering any of your calls or texts.
"No, sorry, I haven't seen Max today." The backstage crew member shakes her head at you.
You nod and continue down the hall. You round the corner and spot Wardlow on the prowl for you. "YN!" Wardlow spots you and lurches forward after you.
"Fuck you!" You growl and reel back out of his grip.
"Adam is looking for you, come on." Wardlow tries to reason with you all the while stalking you into a corner. "Please don't make me chase you."
You keep walking backwards and think about a way to get around the large man looming in front of you. "Screw you, Michael." You scowl at him. "I won't let you hurt Max. He doesn't deserve this!" You scold him.
"Max doesn't deserve it?" Wardlow laughs. "YN, come on. Don't tell me that he managed to manipulate you so easily?" He asks you.
"He's not like that anymore." You insist. "He's changed."
Your back hits the wall and Wardlow grabs ahold of your arm. You try and pull it away from him but his grip is set in stone. "Come on. I'll carry you if I have to. Adam just wants to talk." He warns you.
"I can walk." You huff, knowing that you can't get away now.
Wardlow pushes you forward and leads you down to the locker room. He shoves you inside where the rest of the group is waiting.
"YN, there you are." Adam greets you. "Thanks, Wardlow." He nods to his new guard dog.
"You're a bitch. And a coward." You grit your teeth at your brother. "Max trusts you! And you're betraying him." You cross your arms over your chest in frustration.
Adam scoffs and rolls his eyes at you. "Please. Like Max wasn't planning to do the same to me when he had the chance."
Adam tasks Mike and Matt with keeping you on a leash while he enacts his plans. The main even of Worlds End comes and Samoa Joe holds up his end of the bargain. Max loses his title belt and Adam comes out to console him. You are forced into the locker room and locked inside for the time being.
"No! Fuck, come on!" You begin shouldering the door open as soon as Adam and his goons are gone.
It takes you some time, and does some serious damage to your shoulder. But you manage to get the door open and make a b-line for the ring. When you arrive Adam is being held down by the masked goons, Max suffering the same fate.
"Max!" You scream as loud as you can as you run down the ramp. "Max! No! Don't listen to him!" You shout.
One of the masked men, Wardlow by the size of him, grabs your arm and stops you just outside the ring. He throws a gloved hand over your mouth and stops you from saying anything else and spoiling all of your brothers fun.
The lights in the arena go out and Wardlow lets you go. But it's too late. You scramble around in the dark but when the lights come back on Adam is free and ready to shatter Max's life.
"Adam?" Max stares at Cole with a heartbroken look on his face and your own heart shatters.
Adam and his buddies begin attacking Max and you jump into the ring to try and help him. But what are you against four grown men that are all more than twice your size. Adam finishes his assault and exits the ring with his new friends, leaving Max in a heap on the mat.
"Max! Max, no! Max, please be alright!" You move like lightening across the mat and over to Max's body.
"YN?" Max moves slowly into a hunched position.
Your chest burns and you feel tears prick your eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You cry. "I-i-I tried to stop them." You insist. "Please, I didn't know until a few hours ago. I-i-i tried."
"It's alright." Max musters up an exhausted reply. "I believe you." He assures you.
You attempt to collect yourself and help Max to his feet. You help him up and backstage where some trainers are waiting to see him. You stay by Max's side the whole way until the trainers are letting him head back to the hotel for the night. You can't leave him now. You won't. Not after your brothers betrayal.
Once Max is free to go the two of you finally get a chance to really talk about what happened.
"Max, I am so sorry." You start to apologize for Adam again. But Max cuts you off by pulling you into his chest with an almost crushing hug.
"Thank you so much, YN." Max gushes, his voice cracking in the process.
You're a bit shocked as Max crushes you into his chest, his head buried in your hair. "Thank me? For what?" You push off of him after a moment.
"Thank you for not leaving me." Max explains. "I don't know if I could have survived knowing you hate me too. Not you." He admits. "You...YN, you're special. I-I love you."
Your eyes widen in surprise at Max's confession and a surge of confidence urges you forward. "I love you too." You damn near leap into his waiting arms. "And we'll get Adam. And your title back from Joe. They don't deserve you, Max. No one does."
"You do." Max replies with a small smile. "It's just you and me now. Are you alright with that?" He asks you wearily, not wanting to put yo in harms way, but not wanting to force you to stay either.
"I'm in it till the end, Friedman." You giggle and kiss him. "I'm alright with playing Devil's advocate."
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desertno3 · 3 years
Violet – Chapter Five (6/7)
When Sean finally meets his daughter, you wonder why you ever left him in the first place. Sean Wallace x fem!reader Chapter Five: 2136 words
Prologue // Chapter One // Chapter Two  // Chapter Three // Chapter Four
A/N: Oh my god. It’s been so long since I updated. I offer you the longest chapter yet as a peace offering. Let me know what you think because this one was a lot of fun to write 🧡 Also I cried a lil but that’s just me getting emotional at literally anything fluffy, lol.
Taglist: @ysmmsy​ @prettyinpayne​ @the-a-word-2214​ @peakywitch​ @danceyreagan​ @ella1grace03 @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes​ @lovemissyhoneybee​
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“Seeeaaaannn!” Violet yells excitedly as she runs up the path towards his front door.
Walking at a more leisurely pace behind her, you watch as it swings open and she all but launches herself at the man standing behind it.
“Hi Sean!”
“Hello, love,” He greets her, picking her up.
She grins excitedly and shows him the box she held in her hands, “Me and mummy brought dessert!”
Sean looks over to you and smiles when he meets your gaze. Your heart had already been preemptively fluttering as you pulled up and now, as you return the expression, it was out of control.
“Thanks Vi,” Sean tells her as he sets her back down. “Why don’t you go ahead and put that on the counter, hm? Your mum and I will be right there.”
Violet nods and patters down the hallway, holding the box of desserts close to her chest. 
“Don’t blame me if some of those pastries aren't the best,” You murmur to Sean as you both watch her go. “She really wanted to choose them for you.”
“I’m sure they’re great,” He chuckles before turning to face you. “How are you?”
“I’m alright,” You tell him with a shrug. “Nothing new since we last spoke.”
You and Sean had been texting back and forth all week since the night he invited you over for dinner. At first it was just him asking what Violet’s favourite food was - to which you replied literally anything with pasta in it - but it gradually evolved to a casual back and forth where you’d tell him about your day and he’d tell you about his. 
“I’m glad I don’t have to cook tonight though,” You confess with a sly smile, making him laugh.
“Well, that was the whole point,” He says. “I wanted to treat you and Vi a little - I made your favourite as well, you know.”
You look at him in surprise, “Did you really?”
“Yeah, of course,” He says confidently, like it was an obvious course of action, and he steps aside and motions you into the house. “C’mon, before I burn everything that’s been cooking.”
You shake your head in disbelief, ignoring the fact that you quite literally wanted to melt, before following his lead and heading inside.
Just before you reach the kitchen, you see Violet’s head peeking out from around the corner, having been observing the pair of you as you chatted. You give her a knowing look and she lets out a giggle before Sean comes striding over to pick her up again, making her squeal in delight.
“Do you want to try the food, Vi?” He asks her and she nods eagerly.
You follow them into the kitchen and raise an eyebrow at the amount of things he had going on the stovetop.
“You sure it’s just the three of us, Sean?” You tease. “It looks like you’re cooking enough for a small village.”
Sean just flashes you a wry smile in response before setting Violet down on the kitchen counter.
“Alright,” He says, handing her a bowl with some pasta in it. “Let me know what you think.”
Violet makes a happy noise when she sees what’s in the bowl and before you could tell her to take it easy, she digs into it at an alarming speed - inevitably making a complete mess.
“You’d think I hadn’t fed you at all today,” You tut although you can’t help but be amused when she smiles approvingly at Sean, the food still in her mouth making her look like a little chipmunk.
“It tastes good, mummy!” She says when you come over to wipe the sauce from around her mouth.
“Oh, I don’t doubt it darling,” You tell her, thinking about all the dinner dates you and Sean used to have at home. “Sean's very good at cooking.”
You glance at Sean at the same time he turns from the stove to look at you and you just know the same thing is on his mind as well. There's a hint of a smirk on his face and you have to fight your blush, turning your attention back to Violet who was completely oblivious to the whole thing.
“Can I have more?”
You shake your head, “If you have any more, you’ll be full before dinner even starts.”
“No I won’t!”
“C’mon,” You say, ignoring her protest. “Let’s see what else Sean’s been cooking.”
"Is that what I think it is?" You ask dreamily as you come up behind Sean, wrapping your arms around his middle and peeking past his shoulder at the stovetop.
You’d had a long day but the delicious scent of your favourite food had perked you up considerably. It hit you the moment you entered the house and you wasted no time in immediately scurrying over to the kitchen to investigate. 
“It is,” Sean confirms, moving to comfortably place an arm around your shoulders.
You smile and look up at him curiously. “What’s the occasion?”
“Does there need to be one?”
“Well, no. But-”
“Maybe I just wanted to treat you, hm?” He says, his finger poking you in the side, making you yelp and jump away from him. “Maybe I just wanted to be a good boyfriend.”
You squirm when he reaches out to you, trying to avoid another jab, but he just pulls you back into his embrace. You smile and relax against his body, letting your arms rest on his shoulders.
“You’re always a good boyfriend,” You murmur as you look into his eyes but he immediately raises an eyebrow at the statement and you can’t help but laugh at his - quite valid - skepticism.
“Okay, you’re mostly a good boyfriend,” You concede, giving him a quick kiss. “Especially when you don’t come home all bloody.”
Your eyes fall on the healing bruise by his cheekbone but your attention is quickly diverted back to him when he moves to rest his forehead to yours.
“I love you, y/n.”
Jolted out of your thoughts, your gaze snaps up to Sean standing by the kitchen sink, looking at you expectantly. 
"You okay?"
"Yeah,” You tell him, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment as you try and shake yourself from the vivid memory of being wrapped up in his arms. “Yeah, sorry. Just thinking.”
“You don’t have to help clear up, you know.”
“No it’s fine,” You assure him. “Really. I want to help.”
Not to mention that helping meant you could stick around a little bit longer.
Sean nods and continues loading the dishwasher. From the living room, you can hear Violet giggling at whatever she was watching on the TV. 
“What’s on your mind?” Sean asks, sparing you another glance.
You blink at him dumbly, trying to come up with a decent excuse, but you come up blank.
The dinner had made your feelings for him stronger than ever. You’d observed Violet swing her legs happily as she ate, her joy at having Sean around for dinner palpable, and you’d observed the way Sean doted on her, listening to her every word as she told him about anything and everything. You knew then that there was no denying the fact that you wanted Sean to be a permanent part of yours and Violet’s life. No denying the fact that you wanted Sean, full stop.
“I was just thinking about the dinners we used to have,” You tell him honestly, throwing all caution to the wind. “The dinner dates, I mean.”
Sean’s back to busying himself with the plates but you can see the smile on his face from where you stand.
"I've been thinking about those too,” He confesses. “Feels like a lifetime ago.”
“You were a good boyfriend, you know,” You say, thinking back to the memory. Contrary to what you’d told him then, he had been a good boyfriend even when he got himself into trouble. “I- I should’ve trusted that you would always keep me safe. I’m sorry I didn’t.”
There’s a silence and your gaze drops to the countertop, embarrassed, but you can’t take it back now. You start occupying yourself with the containers still on the counter, too nervous to look up at him and see the expression on his face, but you have no choice when he abandons what he’s doing and crosses the kitchen to stand before you.
Your heart hammers violently in your chest as you look at him - partly afraid of what he’ll say and partly surprised at his close proximity.
“I don’t blame you, you know,” He says eventually, looking resigned. “I didn’t give you much reason to trust me, the way I’d go on taunting people I should’ve just left alone.”
You give him a sad smile and at this point he can’t help it, he reaches up and lightly caresses your cheek. You lean into his touch with a sigh, the action feeling all too familiar and all too foreign all at once.
"All I ever wanted was to make sure you were safe, y/n,” He breathes. “When you left… even I had to admit it was a smart thing to do on your part. I thought it meant you wouldn’t get caught up in the crossfire anymore.”
“I thought so too.”
“It terrified me when I got your call that night. I… thought the worst."
“You know,” You tell him quietly. “I half expected you wouldn’t answer once you knew it was me.”
“Thought you might’ve hated me.”
“I could never, y/n.”
Without even thinking about it, you launch forward and give him a hug, feeling so much emotion you think you might choke.
“Thank you Sean,” You manage to say with your cheek pressed against his chest. “For everything.”
He wraps his arms around you and, after a moment of deliberation, presses his lips to your forehead. “You don’t have to thank me.”
“Muuum!” You jump, not expecting the sound of your daughter’s voice to pierce the air. “Sean! Come watch this movie with me!”
The both of you look in the direction of the living room while she calls out to you both and you let out a watery laugh at her timing. Sean chuckles too and as it reverberates through you, you realise neither of you have moved to let go of each other.
“We’ll be right there, Vi!” He calls out to her.
“We should probably head off,” You say softly, looking back at him. “It’s getting late.”
Sean hums in acknowledgement but you can tell his mind is elsewhere, his gaze soft as it meets yours.
"Stay till the end of her movie," He asks of you. “I don’t want you to go just yet.”
You’re slightly dazed in his hold but you manage to nod. You wouldn’t have needed much convincing to agree in the first place.
Sean gives you a small smile, “You and her have been the best things to ever happen to me. I hope you know that.”
"We could say the same thing about you,” You tell him. “You've changed Vi’s world Sean, I've never seen her more happy than when she's with you."
"And you?” Sean inquires, searching your expression for an answer. “Are you happy too?"
You nod again, your voice barely above a murmur. “More than, since you’ve come back into my life."
You only have a second to register the glint of joy in his eyes because before you know it, his lips are on yours, kissing you like his life depended on it. You don’t hesitate to kiss him back and his hands immediately go to your waist to pull you flush against him, earning an involuntary whimper of pleasure out of you. God, you'd forgotten how good it felt with Sean.
You feel lightheaded when you finally pull away and the grin you see on his face is worth everything.
“I’ve missed this,” He murmurs, arms squeezing around you slightly. “Missed being with you.”
“Yeah,” You say breathlessly, fingers lightly running through the hair at the nape of his neck. “Me too.”
Just as he moves to capture your lips in another long kiss, you’re interrupted by another impatient shout from Violet.
You pull back and sigh at the way it breaks the moment you were having but Sean just chuckles and kisses you again anyway, like he can’t get enough of you.
“C’mon,” He says eventually, giving you one last quick peck before taking your hand in his. “Best go see what our daughter's up to."
Feeling the giddiest you’ve felt in a while, you let him pull you in the direction of the living room - and if Violet notices that you and Sean are sat closer together on the couch than normal during the movie, she doesn’t say anything.
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