#I have yet to see a radfem that didn't turn out to be a transphobe
backtothebog · 2 years
if you consider yourself a radfem/ter"f" please do not follow me, there's nothing for you on this blog
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werewolffem · 2 years
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i am going to use this weirdo moid as an example. this is guilt tripping + gaslighting at it's finest. this is something i probably would have fallen for years ago. they try to install this...odd, odd fear in attempts to get you to "their side".
i had been in the trans community for probably a decade or close to it. i had been transitioning for 6 of those years. i know all about what happens in that community and it is nothing good. most of these people assume that any radical feminist has not been on their side before or in the community itself, they just assume it. they assume you've been "stolen" or "taken" from them if someone agrees with radical feminism and they do their best to attempt to convince you you're wrong. if not convinced or you've moved away from that community they will turn on you like a snap.
in the community, females (ftm or a female identifying as another gender) are treated the same as ever -- like females everyday. the males know they hold power still, they just redirect it towards saying they are the most oppressed and the most in danger so the females should protect them and defend them. the females get abused by these males yet don't know and understand that they are. whether it's sexual, violent, or something like gaslighting. trans identified females are the most likely and are the most to still experience sexual harassment/aggression/rape/and murder from these males.
many trans identified males have been outed as pedophiles/abusers/rapists/murderers, as i am sure all of the radfem community knows, yet they are still protected and defended and are allowed to keep their status. and TiFs will STILL protect them and show respect. it's a community full of men that know they can get away with things as long as they "identified as a woman". the amount of survivors and victims in the TiF group is more than 90% from what i have seen. too many have the same shared experiences or can understand each other. TiMs will proudly just send you sexual pics. no context. they'll just send them to you. much like any other male out there in the world. but at least they aren't calling it their girl****.
this community HATES women. HATES them. they hate you even if you side with them. as soon as you say something that is deemed transphobic they will go rabid towards you. it's sometimes for the silliest thing! a woman loving her body is transphobic for example. even though i have noticed even now, that TiFs are the ones who are constantly miserable and obsessing over our bodies. the TiMs...why would they? they know what they have and what they can do. they're still proud. too proud. if they're not calling women c*nt or b*tch then they're probably trying to doxx you and harass/attack you that way.
the community is the MOST racist group i have come across. i would rather be called a spic, beaner, or wetback by some str8 snowman of a guy than the trans community doing it. it is some of the most aggressive and degrading racism i have seen ESPECIALLY towards black women. some cop fucking yelled at me after seeing my name and became more aggressive and i would rather go through that again than see what they say towards black women. i know a woman right now going through this treatment and she didn't even speak about the trans community for it to happen. yet they are the ones doing the most.
the homophobia... the absolute nerve of this community guilting lesbians into the whole twaw issue and they're not really lesbian unless you're attracted and include TiMs as well... this is another violent issue. ik everyone knows what i am talking about...
the death threats, the sexual abuse, harassment, rape threats, misogyny, racism, doxxing, stalking... this hasn't changed one bit since i have left that community. as soon as someone detransitions, most attacks towards the women, they will attempt to just... try and ruin you the best they can. the community is a nightmare, they protect the monsters instead of getting rid of them, agps and men who just get off to being a "woman" are the ones speaking to fucking companies and apparently the president now which is absurd and makes absolutely no sense... it's truly a nightmare.
and before anyone is like bbbbbbut the radfems! YES. i have seen self proclaimed "radfems" being racist/abusive/whatnot but you know what makes the difference? radical feminists call them out, bring it to the attention of others so we know, we don't protect them.
sorry if this is long but goddddd...these condescending males are getting on my last nerve here.
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