#I haven’t even opened my inbox in a few days because I’m scared akdjsja
scarlett-vixen · 2 years
hi hello i just had a realization about me and beel and i must share it. (your blog is a delicious ice cream cone and i am the annoying yellowjacket that keeps hovering around it) so i’m having ravioli carbonara for dinner right now and i just realized there’s this thing i do when i’m eating really good food alone! basically i bounce up and down in my seat and close my eyes after taking a bite lol. pretty sure it’s the ‘tism. anyway, i’m imagining having some leftovers at midnight or something and doing my weird little bouncy bounce when beel walks in. he’s like “oho what’s this?? does it perhaps enhance the dining experience??”
ofc i’m like “AUGH” because i was too busy being lost in the sauce (heh) to notice him. he says sorry for startling me etc etc. and then he ends up standing next to me while i sit on top of the counter and we eat together! he asks what the bounce thing was about, i explain that it’s a happy stim of sorts and beel says “….then why’d you stop? 🥺”
and then i explain to big boi that i try to refrain from doing The Food Bounce™️ because it’s weird, and he basically goes >:O
HHHHH i have more thoughts about this but i feel like i’ve talked too much so lmk whether or not you want me to continue 🍔
Akskak this is so cute🥺 little food bounce I love it💖 bby you are never annoying I promise!!! You can talk to me all day long about Beel!!! Although idk your time zone so I may be asleep when you send things ksksks
Tbh I lowkey feel like Beel has his own little happy stims he does especially when he eats!! But no he would be so worried that you weren’t happy anymore because you stopped :(
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