#I haven’t heard ICP in a long ass time
suckerforsmylex · 3 years
This isn’t a question or request but I just thought u would like to see this☺️ cuz I sure as hell was happy to see this on my FYP Leto Joker Cosplay makes me happy 😆 💚💜🃏
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Ahhhh, that J definitely drinks grape faygo 🤡😆
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seenashwrite · 6 years
14.04 Round-Up
Here, have a Nash-Is-Running-On-Fumes round-up.
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Disagree on Salem Ohio.  Shoulda gone Indiana. Why would you choose Salem, anyway? Given that this has nothing to do with witchy anything? Wait, does it?  [Post-show pseudo-addendum: Nope.]
Shocker. Like, THE Shocker, or... 😳  *ahem*
What is the fixation with giving characters the same/similar names? 
[Post-show pseudo-addendum: I get the shtick for the purposes of this episode, not entirely the point, keep reading] 
And I'm also not talking about super-duper-common names (Jane, Mary, etc.), I get how those would naturally come up over the course of 13/14 years. I mean they’re fixated on the same names for women that have more than a just-passing-through role. 
This chick is Sam, short for Samantha. So why not just call her Samantha? Especially given the tone of their conversation, we don’t typically revert to nicknames when we’re pissed, we typically dial it up to full first names (and for parents, to full first-and-middle). Nope, gotta be "Sam". And he said it three times. Three times in a conversation that maybe lasted a minute, to make sure we got it.
Welcome, Sam-Specifically-Not-Samantha! Meet Anna, Hannah, Anael, Jessica, Jo, Josie, Jody, Jessica, and Jo. Hope you don't die! PS: your hair is phenomenal.
I was about to say - I'd be in my room with all those people running around, too, archangel farts still bouncing around, or no.
So I take it Thundercats is DC property. Learn sumpin’ new every day (I will never need this knowledge)
You know, they *just* had a dinosaur toy come to life in Scooby. Writing wise, wish they'd have just said characters in general coming to life, would've covered the movie/comic spread and all the swag that comes with. Who wrote this? [checks] Oh fuck us, it's Perez.
Fortnite *vomit*
These outfits are fantastic, well-played, wardrobe.
"I don't know who Riley is. But cool." ---> Same, Dean-Who-May-Be-Michael-Faking. Same.
The gif of them ducking down in the car is gonna be precious.
[Post-show pseudo-addendum: Yup]
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Why does Sam suddenly not know how to whip his jacket off and put pressure on a wound?
Goddamnit my food got here in time for me to miss the Dean-confronts-thing scene. Thank goodness for giffers and clippers. Though I still haven't gotten my Fluids gif from the Scooby ep. I want that gif.
Stewie is not breathing 27 times per minute. Just hire me. Let me deal with your medical shit. I ain't cheap, but I can be had.
"I like to watch movies where I know the bad guy's gonna lose"   ----> gooooood, Perez, you can doooo eeeeeeet (unless that was a script editor’s call, in which case ::sigh::)
See there now, Sam's calling her Samantha. Stewie could’ve just called her "Sam" once, that plus seeing her name come up on his phone is plenty, didn’t need three farging times in less than a minute at the top of the ep. No, I'm not letting this go.
Blood transfusers don't hang out in rando hospital rooms. It just ain't a hang-out, what-if, ya-never-can-tell type of jam.
This ep's pretty much squelched my Michael impersonating Dean option, might have to be in the Michael's hiding in his back molar camp. I say that because this is the most "Dean" he's acted thus far. I mean, I *guess* he could be accessing Dean's memories about the movies, but why lay it on so thick since Sam's not around to witness it? Doesn't matter, I don't know why I'm even going down this road, I don't trust this writer's room in the least to have a carefully crafted plan that they've shared with Jensen. Well, it's beyond trust - Jensen all but said it in that interview (go find it yourselves, I'm sleepy, and this sammich ain't gonna eat itself, but I love you)
I really want Samantha's hair, and now her flannel shirt. I like her and her personality about a million times more than Maggie, why couldn't she be Maggie? OH SHIT.  Samantha - I forgot to introduce you to two more members of the name game club, here's Magda and Maggie. [Post-show pseudo-addendum thanks to astute Nashooligan] We would also like to introduce you to Amelia and Amelia and also the Name Game Sorority’s den mother, Millie, who we aren’t quite sure should be included but are hedging our bets. Could be Millicent or Melissa, sure, but why not complete an Amelia trifecta? ---> I’m about to digress with a side note that has nothing to do with this ep, I just want to further cement how much you should trust my judgment: in my big story, this name shit infuriates me so much, it was a factor I considered when constructing Millie’s background. I made Millie come from a slightly posh background on her British mother’s side, and a military family life courtesy of her high-ranking American father. I searched for names that the nickname “Millie” could evolve from that I thought would sound appropriate with this somewhat upper-crust lifestyle, so I made her real name be Emeline (Em-ah-lynn for me, though I’ve heard the last part with a long “i”, too) which is a sweet and classy oldie-goldie jam I wish would come back. It’s Brit-y for her mom, allows for her dad to be the only one who calls her Millie til Henry comes along. Her brothers call her “Em”, which annoys her mom. My psychiatrist’s front office girl has this name (except double-M) but insists on going by “Em”. Not “Emma”, not “Emme”. Em. (As in Auntie Em, I just had a fever dream about little people who give out candy, and grown men dressed in costumes who like skipping down roads with young girls, and trees that throw apples, and flying monkeys, which are cool, but still.) I have found her to be idiotic in several respects over the years, and this decision was not a point in her favor. There, I’m done.
Stewie's respirations are not 115 per minute.
(I'm looking at the bottom feed, btw, in case you're wondering. His heart rate and rhythm is up near the top, BP would be bottom left and would be 2 numbers, and O2 sats max at 100. Also not art line nor ICP. I'll get a better look in gifs but pretty sure it's supposed to be his resps. Or else it is the sats and somebody's gotten their butterfingers on the training module. I mean regardless of their intent, 29 to 115′s a helluva spread for any vital sign unless it’s your heart rate whilst I’m doing CPR because straight up, I do happen to get after it pretty fierce when the occasion has arisen. Anyway, they are ass at this. All they have to do is ask. When Nashville the show was still in production, they asked us shit all the time. I’m revealing too much of my secret identity. Moving on.)
This is great, the cutting between movie and real life, high-five to editing.
Sam and Samantha are legit adorable in that scene.
HAHAHAHA hesitation elbow.
Nice cut to the movie commercial. I don't care for the reusing of all the same clips we just saw, I can't imagine there weren't extra little pieces of discarded scenes for editing to choose from, so... but otherwise, I dig it.
Thankfully, the M.E.’s stainless steel vegetable chopping knife was there in the morgue.🤨
I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wish for a moment there, not even five seconds, when ol' boy was standing above him, we saw some Mikey flash across Dean's face with a touch - and I mean a *touch*, CG department, don't blow your whole wad per usual - of blue. That nobody sees, only the audience and the monster, have monster kinda pause, maybe look confused and hit his little button but this time it comes out with the tiniest lilt of a questioning upspeak on the last syllable, and nothing ultimately happens since Sam arrives, Dean shakes his drowsiness off, then proceed to choke hold, etc. It would fall in line with whatever route they're going (Mikey actively impersonating Dean/Mikey residuals left in Dean/Mikey passively hiding out in Dean), also be a nice audience tease.
I didn't think I needed to specify that I wanted mushrooms on this cheesesteak hoagie. On god, the world is completely falling apart.
That whole car convo was.... weird. The party memory story went on too long and was stupid as shit, sure, but the costume discussion is what I mean. And then the one it ended on was especially weird. Why not just end with a shot of the Impala and their conversation continuing with their voices fading away with the engine? End on a better duo than Thelma and Louise who, Perez, killed themselves by driving their car into a canyon. Hell, end on Scooby. I mean, you had the lunchbox which the camera held on for forever to make damn sure we all saw it, may as well double-down.
The doll's eyes should've flicked closed at the end. Missed opportunity.
Okay, cute little ep. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth that this Perez kid can't have an original idea to save his life, though. Kinda taints it.  
Heh. Check it, yo - I brought things full damn circle.
You know.
Shocker. Taint.
HEY THERE YOU GO DEAN - duo Halloween costume!
My work here is done, see y'all next week.
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sending-the-message · 6 years
I Am Now Fucking Terrified Of Clowns. Fuck Clowns. by TheBigSp00k
The Gathering of The Juggalos, The Dark Carnival. There are many names this event goes by, I don’t know anymore names other than what I just stated, but it doesn’t really matter. If you don’t know what a Juggalo is; they’re basically a large fan base surrounding the musical group known as The Insane Clown Posse (ICP). They wear face paint and dress strange. Many of them are young adults, in my opinion, are lacking a certain level of maturity. Others are castaways, or even just lost souls.
In my past experiences, Juggalos haven’t really given me a good impression. I’ve always viewed them as kind and obnoxious. Before I got a car, I’d have to ride the bus and I’d almost always be stuck next to a group of smelly kids with crazy braids in their hair and chains on their pants. A lot of them have terrible personal hygiene and always are trying to bum a cigarette or talk you into giving them some change. But after the events that occurred, I’m fucking terrified of them. No matter how harmless they seem.
Cliff and I were hanging around my house, getting stoned, and watching random YouTube videos. We totally diverted from whatever we were watching and had been just clicking on random links. We came across a Gathering of The Juggalos documentary . It actually looked kind of cool. It’s basically a giant 2-3 day music festival somewhere in Ohio. The past years, surprisingly, had quite a few popular artists perform. This particular documentary tickled our interest.
It made the Dark Carnival look a lot more appealing than it sounds. There were tons of hot ass women, topless, booze, parties, even fucking carnival rides!
“Holy shit! Dude! We have to fucking go. I can stand being around 10,000 Juggalos as long as I’m wasted the entire time!” Cliff shouted, bouncing up and down in his seat.
I took a few puffs of the joint we were passing back and forth and handed it over to cliff.
“You know, this shit sounds pretty sick. I don’t think I’ll wear any face paint or some shit but I’ll party with ‘em.” I replied, holding in a lungful of smoke.
We looked around and saw that it was going on in 2 weeks. Perfect. We bought some tickets and got everything we needed together for the road-trip ahead.
2 weeks passed and we arrived at the event campgrounds. It was only morning and already there was an endless sea of drunken clowns running around. They were lighting off fireworks, showering each other in a soda I later found out was called ‘Faygo’ and just acting all-around crazy. We were looking for a spot to set up camp and people were walking by with crude clown makeup and shouting “WHOOP WHOOP!” at everyone that passed by. After setting up camp, we each cracked a 40oz and walked the grounds to see what kind of trouble we could get into. Did I mention we had a cooler full of 40oz Olde English 800s? That’s how Cliff and I got down.
“Yo, I’m starting to think Juggalos aren’t that bad! I mean, they’re weird as all hell, but these guys know how to fuckin’ party!” Shouted Cliff as he proceeded to chug the remainder of his forty.
We walked past a campsite where there were a circle of guys and girls taking turns doing ‘whip-its’. Between each inhale you could hear their distorted chants and loud music. There was a gathering just next to them of a bunch of dudes passing around a half-gallon of vodka and having taking turns freestyle rapping (terribly).
The sun started to vanish behind the hillside and our buzz started to evolve into belligerence. We were in the process of getting our faces painted (I know, but we were wasted) when a surprisingly hot group of girls flashed us as the passed by. Cliff and I roared as they walked by and we clacked our beers together then took a massive gulp. We honestly were starting to think Juggalos weren’t all that bad…
We went back to our white-trash safari and soon came across a giant tent.
“Dude! Let’s check it out!” I suggested. My words were slurred and sloppily meshed together into a slimy example of intoxication.
The tent was huge. It was black and covered with white and red stripes. It looked similar to what you’d think a circus tent would resemble. Something about it triggered my curiosity. We were standing just outside the folds of the tent when we stopped and listened. Cliff and I locked eyes as we both heard the sounds that emitted from behind the curtain. They were moans of pleasure. Not just one voice, several, at least a dozen. Men and women collectively moaning in a choir or orgasmic pleasure.
Cliff pulled back the fold to the tent. A black light hung above, painting the room a shade of purple that intensified lighter shades of color and darkened the ones that did not glow. Ahead of us was a sight that we least expected. A jumbled mess of bare skin; the black light reflected against their glossy, sweat coated flash.
Two men had a woman on all fours, one had her mounted from behind while her mouth was fixated on the genitals of the man on his knees in front of her. A morbidly obese man lied on the floor with one very petite woman straddling his pelvis and bucking like a wild horse, another was squatting over his face rocking back and forth. One man had another, smaller, man bent over a fold-out table where a woman had her face stuffed between the legs of what looked like an expecting mother who was sprawled out along the tabletop. What topped the whole scene off was the fact that their face paint remained completely intact...
I was paralyzed in shock. That was the last thing I’d expect to be going on inside that tent. I turned to look over at Cliff who already had his shirt pulled up over his head.. He sprinted towards the crowd like a wild animal, dropping his pants as he approached, and leaped into the orgy of clowns. I called Cliff’s name several times but he was too busy trying to climb his way up a woman who had to have been twice his size. I was disgusted. That sight alone dissolved whatever innocence I had left inside me; there wasn’t much left anyways. I stepped back and retreated from the tent, leaving Cliff to his sexual endeavors.
The sky was now black. The lights of the Ferris wheel spun in a circular motion and lit the area of the sky surrounding it in a sinister way. Below was the glow of several other carnival rides and crowds of people walking to and from the event.
I stumbled towards the carnival. There wasn’t necessarily a destination I had in mind, but it seemed the most promising since I was trying to take my mind off of the disturbing images burned into my mind’s eye . As I sauntered along, I heard a loud ruckus in a patch of grass to my right. I saw that 2 Juggalos had been in a fist fight. They were swinging at each other ferociously, in hopes to make contact with their opponent’s face. I stopped to watch for a moment, then one of them retrieved a hatchet from his belt-line. His opponent turned to run but wasn’t fast enough. The hatchet wielding man drove the head of the axe directly between his shoulder-blades and the man fell face first into the grass.
A crowd had gathered around them during the fight and cheered as the winner placed one foot on the back of the man he had just defeated; he ripped the hatchet from his body. The victor raised the hatchet to his mouth and licked the blood from the blade, raised it above his head wth one hand, and swung it downward into the back of his opponents skull; finishing him off.
The crowd cheered even louder, “WHOOP WHOOP! WHOOP WHOOP!” As he stood above the corpse of his opponent. Three terrifying looking women rushed him and started licking the splattered blood off of his bare neck and chest. They began to pull down his pants, revealing his dick, and took turns going orally rewarding man as he stood there, laughing maniacally.
I shivered. My hands started to shake and my heart thrashed against the inside of my chest. Adrenaline took hold and I just ran… You’d think that witnessing something so terrible would sober up any man, but that wasn’t the case. It wasn’t until I was surrounded by blinding lights and deafening sounds that I realized I had ran straight into the belly of the beast. I stopped to catch my breath and looked around me. Every single attendant had a horrifying expression painted on their face. The face paint didn’t seem as flat and fake as it once did; the vibrant tones contoured with their skin. I saw disgusting wrinkles and blemishes on their faces as they turned their heads to look at me. A sickly looking woman passed by and let out a loud, almost unreal, clown-like laugh. She exposed her teeth with looked sharp and rigid; tinted a mustard-yellow.
A food vendor beckoned me to come towards him as I blindly walked through the dark carnival. I didn’t approach the man but caught I glimpse of his wares. They were body parts spinning on a rotisserie. The man cackled as I sped past him, trying not to look back. I had reached the base of the Ferris wheel when I noticed that everyone around me had stopped moving. I looked around. Every single attendant had stopped dead in their tracks and were facing me. They all had a malicious grin on their face. I was looking for a gap in the crowd to escape when I noticed that the majority of them were wielding hatchets. They took a step towards me in unison. My body kicked into flight mode and I took off at high speed. I dipped through gaps in the tents. Bystanders reached out and made an attempt to grab me. I barely managed to escape their grasp.
I took a sharp turn and hid behind a port-o-potty, placing my hand over my mouth in order to hide my heavy breathing. I heard the stampede of clowns pass by, as well as the terrifying laughter that came with them. I rubbed my eyes in order to get the blinding sweat out of them. When I looked down at my hands, I saw that I must’ve sweat off all of the face paint I had been wearing earlier. Suddenly, all of the lights in the park shut off. I was now in complete darkness. The music and sounds of the carnival were muted. All I could hear was the distant laughter of those fucking clowns.
I took advantage of the darkness and snuck out from my hiding spot. Cautiously, I made my way out to the surrounding field. I crept through the shadows and towards the direction of the campgrounds, doing my best to keep distance from any wandering Juggalos in order to prevent another pursuit. When I made it to the camp, I started to navigate through the ocean of tents towards our own.
Most of the spots were unoccupied , or at least seemed so. A few tents had lights on inside of them. I did my best to avoid those. I could see the silhouettes of the people inside who were going at it like animals. I passed by a tent that looked like a man was viciously beating a woman. She was moaning and screaming in pleasure while he mounted her from behind. Something inside forced me to stop outside of the tent for a moment. After a second or so, red liquid splattered the interior of the tent and the man let out a loud and satisfied groan. The woman’s body went limp. You could see the silhouette of the man lean forward and grab her hair in a fist. He then began to stuff the fistful of hair into his mouth; slurping it up like a spaghetti dinner.
That only gave me more incentive to get the fuck out of there. I started to run as fast as I could through the collective campsites. The area started to become familiar. Our own site came into view. I could see the glow of a light that illuminated the inside of Cliff’s tent. The light was too dim to see exactly what was inside but I heard strange noises coming from within. When I opened the tent, my eyes widened in horror.
Cliff was fucking one of the folds of the giant woman he had approached in the orgy.. A putrid smell emanated from the tent. The ground was littered with empty Faygo bottles and both of them were covered in what looked like shit. I couldn’t hold the explosive vomit and my loud gags were enough to draw Cliff’s
“You want in on this? There’s plenty to go around.” Cliff offered. His face paint was still perfectly intact.
I shook my head and took a few steps back. Cliff stopped and gave me an agitated look. The woman didn’t even acknowledge my presence as she was too preoccupied with pleasuring herself with an empty Faygo bottle.
“What’s your fucking problem?” Cliff shouted. His voice morphed into some unrecognizable tone. It scared the living shit out of me.
He stepped towards me again. When I took a few more steps backwards, I bumped into a figure who I didn’t notice was standing behind me. I spun around in my heels, only to see a beast of a man with the most gruesome expression painted on his face. He grinned at me and looked over at Cliff. Cliff didn’t say anything but I could tell by the giant man’s nod of acknowledgement that he gave him an order.
The man reached out and grabbed me by the hair. I screamed and fought to get him to release me but to no avail. He dragged me towards the trunk of my car and flung it open. He then grabbed me by the back of my neck with his free hand and shoved me inside. I tried to resist by grabbing the rim of the trunk but he just pried apart my fingers and folded me like a pretzel. Before slamming the door shut he tossed in 2 bottles of Faygo. I had been locked in my own trunk in complete darkness.
“Maybe this will teach you not to ruin our fun.” Cliff whispered to me through the trunk lid.
I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.
For the remainder of the event I stayed in that trunk. Even though I could’ve opened it from the inside with the emergency lever, I did not want to see what was going on outside the safety of my cell. I survived on Faygo and fermented in my own piss and shit until the terrifying laughter and bad music was completely absent. It felt like days had passed.
When the coast was clear I popped open the trunk but held it shut, leaving just a large enough gap for me to peer out. It was sunrise. Not a tent or vehicle was in sight. All of the carnival rides had been transported and all that remained were piles of trash scattered along the grass and dirty far as I could see. My tent was the only one left standing, untouched. I didn’t even bother to pack up my belongings but just hopped in the driver’s seat of my car and took off.
When I got a comfortable distance from the grounds, I pulled over and broke down. My best friend was gone. I saw terrible things that will forever be burned into my brain that even years of therapy probably couldn’t erase. I sat there for about an hour until I looked at my phone to see if I had service. 1 bar. I dialed the police and they said they’d investigate. They gave me the address to the station and told me to come make a statement but instead I went straight home. I just wanted to be home.
I probably made it back in half the time it took to get there. If Cliff ever comes back, I’ll never want to see him again. I don’t know how things are gonna go from here on. The sickening clown laugh is still echoing in my ears. Every time I close my eyes I can see the thousands of those terrifying faces. Juggalo faces. They had Cliff in their clutches and I barely managed to escape with my life.
There is one thing I learned from the whole experience: I fucking hate clowns, especially Juggalos.
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