#I haven’t watched the latest episode tho I have been busy.. :(( sad times
jrwiyuri · 10 months
You should get into DnDads :^) similar vibes
I am into it!! I don’t post about it a lot but I do love it.. maybe I’ll start posting about it more <3
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torawro · 2 years
my sosa. sugar plum, how are you? we haven’t talked in forever. i know i’m sorry, i suck at interacting but i’m doing my best go change that. is school treating you well? and have you be staying hydrated and eating? i hope so. did you watch the recent bleach episode? how we feeling about it? xoxoxo. ♡
EIFLA HEY SWEETIE PIE ❤️my snookie bear <3 and it’s okay! know you’re busy and don’t spend that much time on here so i get it! it means a lot you came here to visit me tho :))) school is…..school 🧍🏾‍♀️ don’t think it has been treating me nicely all the time the past few weeks, cause it’s midterm season and whatever. just trying to survive everyday😭😭 also yes ! i have been eating and hydrating tho i shamefully i wish my appetite was much lower bc i feel so…..big and bloated and i hate feeling that way :/
also YES to your other question i did watch the latest bleach episode and i 🥲 am still kinda processing what happened, and then i continued to binge read the manga after that episode bc i needed more and i just continued to get more sad 😭😭 too much emotions and drama but i love bleach so much. voice acting and animation and adaptation, EVERYTHING was a 10/10 . hbu what did you think ?
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iamblythe · 3 years
91521 a story
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Dear Diary, 
I haven’t posted an entry for a couple of days here because I’ve been extremely busy. As I’ve said, I’m currently in hell week! We literally have exams every 7am, for this week (and that means waking up earlier than that to review around 5 or maybe 4 in the morning, depending on the topics). So, I’m just gonna summarize the last three days here.
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Sunday: One of our nuns way back in high school, Sister gina, greeted me and my twin an advance happy brthday. It really warmed my heart. I feel remembered. Me and my twin’s birthday is actually this friday, and I’m just so glad that our birthday falls on the last day of exams for this week. So, it kinda feels rewarding. Back to Sister Gina tho, her greeting reminded me of my highschool days. I honestly owe a lot to my highschool alma mater. I feel like if I said no to my parents when they told me I was gonna transfer to another school--Dominican School (when I was young), I don’t think I would’ve changed much. I remembered how extremely, extremely, introverted and shy I was. And then, at some point, I became an SSC secretary for two consecutive years in that school! I think that says a lot about my development. Hence, I really owe it to the teachers there. And I would always, always, remember them. 
When we had our fieldtrip in Manila, the sisters literally threw us (me and my twin) a birthday celebration. We went to this really great restaurant and they bought us a birthday cake for me and my twin. It was so incredibly thoughtful <33
Monday: First day of hel week and surprisingly, I didn't wake up with a heavy feeling. I was watching Holly Gabrielle’s videos last night and it made me remember about the enthusiasm I had when it came to studying. These days, I haven’t really been inspired by the lectures I was studying. It only felt like I was doing it for the sake of accomplishing tasks. I didn’t really thought of actually learning it because it’s interesting to me, which probably says a lot about how wacked our system is. It’s sad, really. But after watching Holly, that inspiration and eagerness to learn, actually came back. It made me less anxious, and I think it’s probably one of the reasons why I didn’t wake up with anxiety today. 
For monday, we have our Laboratory Management exam. So as usual, it’s a 50-items exam covering only 2 lectures. And then right after it, I have to force myself to study for our hematology lab questioning later in the afternoon at 1pm. During our Hematology lab questioning tho, I’m not really sure why, but I feel less tense? I think it’s the fact that I know I’m not the only one struggling today. In the evening, I studied six lectures for our Microbiology exam for tuesday. I only studied 5 of it, and half of the content of the 6th lecture (since it’s my 2nd read already) and then I studied the other half early in the morning (of tuesday). 
I honestly want to learn all of these topics that we’re studying, but fear and time gets in the way sometimes.
Tuesday: Today is the 2nd day of me not waking up with a heavy feeling. I am so relieved I could probably cry tears of joy. I went to bed early last night, because I always remind myself to get enough sleep before an exam. So I went to bed after I drank a hot cup of milk, it was so relaxing. The exam in the morning, as usual was hard, but I think I still managed to answer it. I’m just glad 2 exams are already done (out of 5). Microbiology questioning, thankfully, went well since we only had a quiz with out preceptor, so I didn’t feel any anxious during the day. However, for CC questioning, I almost panicked because of the coverage of the lab work. I thought our preceptor would take some questions from the lecture, but thankfully, she didn’t. She actually told us that her questions will only be within the scope of our lab work, and I was so glad! During the questioning tho, she made me pick 2 numbers for the questions in which I have to answer orally. I picked 16 and 17, because my birthday’s on 17, and 16 is the closes number to it. Eventually, I got lucky! Her questions were really easy and I was able to answer correctly. 
Wednesday: So I spent my mornings studying after our 7am exam, which was Hematology. And then, I was able to take some break later in the afternoon so me and my sister watched the last two episodes of the latest La Casa de Papel season. It’s ending? I won’t give any spoilers, but it was hearbreaking (that’s it). After that, I continued to study in the evening. I was in our discord server for the whole day when suddenly a friend of mine from highschool decided to come back in our server. It felt really great to be reconnected with someone from the past. 
I feel like I can breathe more with the past.
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