#I haven't talked to him ever since we graduated high school and went our own separate ways :(
pasteldaifuku · 6 months
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I forgot that I had this old drawing of Tails that a friend asked me to draw who was really into Sonic and Tails was his favorite character.
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londonsquitebiggg · 4 years
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THE ONE - Part One
^^^ this is the town in which my story is based^^^
Krista's Pov,
"mmmmhhhmmmmm" I groan rolling over to turn off the horrid sound that is my alarm.
Today was the first day back at school after a very long summer break! I'm not excited to go back to campus today but I can't wait to see Sam, we have been the best of friends since we were born.
I start my day off with my normal routine, I wake up, reluctantly got out of my warm bed and walk into my in suite bathroom. I plugged my IPhone into my Ihome port and put my music on shuffle as I hopped into the shower. After I washed my hair with my strawberries and cream shampoo and conditioner, and washed my body with my strawberry body wash (Okay so I love the scent of strawberry don't judge me!). I washed the soapy suds off my body and shut off the water. I dried myself off with my big fluffy towel.
As I walked out of the bathroom and headed to my walk in closet trying to figure out what to wear today, I peaked out of my window to see what the weather was like, it was the same as always, hot and sunny! I decided on a tealy greenish cropped tank top, some ripped skinny jeans, and some white lace toms.
After I'm dressed I walk over to my vanity and plugged in my straightener to try and tame my mess of hair. While waiting for it to heat up I did my make-up which consisted of some concealer to mask my dark circles, a bit of powder to make my face look less oily,  some mascara, a little bit of blush, of course I did my eyebrows, and put on my chap stick. I'm not a huge fan of make up mainly because I honestly don't know how to do it but I also am too insecure to not where any at all so I do what I can.
Once deciding that this was as good as it was going to get I  ran my straightener through my hair till it was less of a mess and more of a wavy look. I walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth, and put on perfume and deodorant so I wouldn't smell ,  I pinned my hair back so I was out of my face and put a hair band on my wrist in case I needed to put it up later in the day. I grabbed my phone and backpack and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.
I guess it's about time that I introduced myself, my name is Krista Mayfield, I live in High Water, North Carolina, I'm currently 17 but my birthday is just three short days way. I am a Sophomore in college, I know that I'm technically "too young" but I worked my booty off and graduated high school early so it works. I still live at home with my family, we have our own house cause my Father is the Alpha of our pack.
Yes. I know what your thinking and it's true, I'm a werewolf. Well I will be you see, I'm 17 still and I haven't shifted yet so I don't have my wolf yet. That will all change soon though, just three days and I will shift and I'll be able to start looking for my mate.
"Krista get your breakfast before your father eats it all!" I heard my mom call me and walk into the kitchen, I grab some toast and a banana not feeling all that hungry and also running late to meet Sam at the school.
I kissed my mom on the cheek "Morning mom! I have to get to school early to meet Sam, I love you! Bye" I rushed as I grabbed my keys off the hook, almost out the door when my Father's voice stopped me in my tracks.
"Krista, there are some new wolves that are on our territory looking for their mates, they'll be attending your school so if you see them be nice please? I don't want them to feel unwelcome, they are from a neighboring pack and their families are old friends" I nod my head in response kiss my dad on the cheek, and rush off to school.
After a thirty minute drive I pull up to school and jump out, I saw Sam and I screamed as we ran to each other we crashed into a big bear hug, (yes we are those friends).
"Oh my gosh I missed you so much!" She said and we broke the hug. "I know I don't know how I survived without you!" Man was that the truth.
We saw each other over break, of course. Spent lots of time at the beach and just hanging out in general, I mean we practically lived at each others houses! However Sam's birthday was a month and a half ago, so she had to start her training and also her family went on a vacation for like three weeks so I haven't seen her as much as usual as of late.
We were out front of the English department when the we realized the time. We walked to our first lecture of the day and picked out our seats and put our stuff down, I went over to Sam and started to talk about her trip before the teacher got there, I wanted to know everything.
During the conversation I heard the door open but was too involved in my conversation with Sam and some of our other friends that had joined upon their arrival. Sam stopped talking and focused on something behind me, she was staring wide eyed, I wanted to know what had her so distracted. I turned around and there was four cute boys, well three cute boys and one extremely hot one, he had brown hair styled in this messy, effortless pushed back style, he was wearing all black and from the looks of his arms he had A LOT of tattoos... he is SO hot! I was basically drooling at how absolutely stunning the god like man.When suddenly I remembered that my birthday is in a couple of days and I will be able to find my mate and I know for a fact that the moon goddess would never me with someone as hot as him no matter how much I have prayed for basically a mate just like him I knew he was just too far out of my league. Plus he definitely is one of the wolves looking for his mate, not to mention that he's probably a lot older then me he has to be at least 25-26, I mean age doesn't really matter when mates and werewolves are involved but I could practically feel the power radiating off of him and I didn't even have my wolf yet! there is no way that I would be paired with such a strong Alpha!
Harry's Pov,
I'm not going to go into detail about my morning mainly because its not very interesting, I got up, got dressed, and drove to the new school I'm attending while one the BloodMoon Packs territory. Alpha Mayfield told me that a lot of the wolves from his pack go to this school which I could tell by the smell but I could also smell some humans, So it's a mixed school which is common considering it's a big city and it's not just a werewolf community.
I'm Harry, I'm here in High Water to try to find my mate, I'm 26 years old so I'm starting to get concerned that I don't have one. Which would be bloody terrible if you ask me but if that's what the Moon Goddess has planned for me then I guess I don't have much of a choice, but that sure as hell isn't going to stop me from looking for her.
I grew up in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. You guessed it, I'm British. My family moved to the states when I was 16 after our Pack was attacked, my father was lost that night, my mother was lucky enough to be blessed with her second chance mate, Robin when we moved here. He was an Alpha of one of the biggest packs in America. My sister Gemma she found her mate last year, He took over Robins stop as Alpha and Gemma is now our Luna, I'm be an Alpha but I lost that opportunity from not having a mate yet. It didn't really bother me, I would be the Beta of our pack unless I don't find my mate, or unless she is to become the Luna of a pack, making me her Alpha... If she accepts me that is.
"Harry! my main man, nice of you to finally show up" one of my best mates Louis said knocking me out of my thoughts as I walked up to our group.
"Yeah, I figured if I'm here to find my mate I should get out of the house and start looking around shouldn't I?" I jokingly replied.
As he was about to say some smartass response when we noticed everyone rushing inside and we figured it was time to head to class, we didn't want to be late to class on our first day, well we didn't care about being late to class we just didn't want to miss an opportunity to find our mates. We were all just leisurely walking a when I suddenly got wind of this amazing, intoxicating, overwhelming, and addicting smell of Lavender, Cedar wood, and what I could only describe as sugar, my wolf Marcus was howling with glee, he kept chanting
"Mate, Mate, go to mate"
Over and over again, I started walking a little bit faster towards following her smell which lucky for me lead right to my first lecture I was so lost in her sweet smell, I could barely see straight. I opened the door and almost fainted at sight of my gorgeous mate. She was tall and tan, she had perfect long blond hair that was pulled back away from her face in a natural wavy style, She had the most stunning face that I had ever seen, she had very little make-up on which worked because she didn't need any she was so gorgeous, she was wearing very skinny ripped jeans that hugged her in all the right places and a green crop top that showed her skin which made me mad because I didn't want anyone else seeing what was mine!
I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth when I caught her checking me out, wondering if she was think about me in the same manner that I was thinking about her. Shit, it's taking every ounce of self control I have to not rush at her and claim her right here right now!
But just the she realized something and turned around, which made Marcus whimper because that means she didn't recognize me as her mate, or she did and didn't want me. I couldn't help the longing to walk up to her and say hello, to tell her how beautiful she was, how much I wanted her, how much I loved her eyes. So that is exactly what I did. I walked my way over to her and tapped on her shoulder.
"Hey, my names Harry, It's nice to meet you." I introduced myself to her once she turned around.
"Hi, I'm Krista, I don't mean to sound rude so if it comes across that way I'm sorry. But why are you talking to me? I mean your so hot and so much older then me...I.. uhhh.. umm I mean your like older and you don't want to embarrass yourself on the first day here talking to the awkward nerd when you could get in with the top of the food chain so easily with your looks.. I mean age...  I mean I'm, I'm going to shut up now " My little mate was rambling with nerves, making me chuckle at how adorable she looked all flustered, not to mention that she called me hot, but I didn't like the fact that she thought that she was embarrassing, a nerd, or saying that I was so old, Kind of hurt the ego a bit... I guess her hot comment could make up for that.
"What are you talking about? I'm only twenty-six??". I asked her confused.
"Yeah and I'm only sevente.." before she could finish her friend cut her off.
"Oh come on Krista you know your turning eighteen in like three days." my cute little mate was blushing at the reveal of her birthday being so close, especially it being such an important one.
It all made so much sense to me now, she wasn't rejecting me, she didn't recognize me as her mate because she hasn't shifted or got her wolf yet. Without her wolf senses she wouldn't be able to identify my smell, or feel our mate pull as intense, she would still feel it but she wouldn't be able to understand why she is feeling things towards me.
"Oh well, don't worry I just wanted to introduce myself to such a gorgeous girl as yourself, I'll see you around love" as I was walking away I winked at her and she blushed, bloody hell she looks so innocent when she blushes. It makes me want to do very unholy things to her! Which is okay because I am her mate but if anyone else was thinking these things about it I would rip their throat out.
I turn my head back as I walk back to the guys, because and can't stand not looking at her for longer than three seconds and I see her looking at me a bit flustered, her breathing is labored and her cheeks are tinted the most beautiful shade of pink. It's good to know that my words had there intended effect on her, 1 point Harry.
Krista's Pov
I can't believe that he just freakin' talked to me!!! Like the hottest guy that I have ever seen in my life just came and talked to me, he literally just called me love! Let's not  forget he called me gorgeous!! I think something is wrong with his eyes I mean has he seen me? I mean don't get me wrong I know I'm not ugly, I just don't think that I am pretty enough for the literal hottest guy to say I'm gorgeous!!!
Also how sweet is he to talk to me and not even care about my nerdy status! I mean the wolves here wouldn't dare disrespect me like that but the other students here find every excuse they can to pick on my age and my grades.. which doesn't make sense to me? like you come to college because you want to learn stuff so you can get a good job.. why would you want to have bad grades????
"what the heck just happened???" Sam said pulling me out of my thoughts.
"I have no stinkin' idea! like did you see that man? like holy smokes he is good looking" I said fanning myself trying to cool down, feeling like the temperature has risen like 20 degrees in here since him and his friends walked in.
"And let's not forget that incredibly sexy British accent!!" One of my best friends Ashlyn said. No matter how much I agree with that statement, it was makes me feel super annoyed that she just called him sexy, why am I feeling this way? Normally I would be blushing at her use of the word "sexy" but no I'm fuming with anger at the thought of someone else finding him attractive!
"Get a grip woman! You have no claim over him!" my subconscious screams at me. As much as this irritates me I know she is right. He isn't my mate and I don't have any sort of claim on him... he isn't mine.
"Do you think he is one of the wolves that's here looking for his mate?" Ashlyn questioned.
"I would assume so. I've never seen any of them before, heck I didn't even know we had wolves coming on our territory until my dad said something this morning. Why do you ask?" Was my reply to her, irritated that she was intrigued with him.
" Well I'm just wondering why he came over and was talking to you of all people".....OUCH! that was kind of harsh. I mean I'm as surprised as anyone that he was talking to me. I know that I'm not the prettiest girl around but I wouldn't expect one of my best friends to be so shocked that I could actually attract male attention.
As if sensing what I was thinking, probably because I wear my feelings on my face, she jumped into action to dig herself out of this hole.
"I didn't mean it in the way that you are thinking!! I just meant that his whole purpose here in High Water is to find his mate, so by him coming and talking to the most literally prettiest girl in school, I assume that means that he hasn't found his mate yet which means that talking to you could come across as him being a guy who doesn't put his mate first and flirts with other girls before he finds her... or he found her and he's a huge player..." Ashlyn nervously rambled, making some really good points.
" I don't know Ash, maybe we should consider the fact that maybe Krista is his mate??" Sam cut in. Both mine and Ash's heads snapped towards her staring in shock and confusion.
"I mean, she doesn't have her wolf yet so she wouldn't have been able to sense if she was. But he doesn't come off as the kind of guy to cheat on his mate, and he's twenty-six. Don't you think he is a little too old and mature to be flirting with girls that aren't his mate?" She said trying to explain her logic.
" I mean, yeah but like me? And him? I mean that's funny Sam I don't think the Moon Goddess would do him that disservice. I mean he is way out of my league! We aren't even playing the same game that's how far out of my league he is." Was my response to her outrageous theory.
"oh don't start this crap again! Krista you are the most gorgeous girl in the whole world! As much as you don't believe it, Sam's right. I mean his whole purpose of coming her is to find her, why would he jeopardize that by making her insecure and jealous of you?" Said Ash, They hate it when I talk bad about myself.
"And don't bring the Moon Goddess into this! You know just as much of the rest of us that, looks, age , and status have nothing to do with who she pairs you with! All that matters is that your mate is your other half. They complete you! Heck, your probably the best mate that guy could get!" Sam said being the best friend ever and boosting my confidence up a little.
I looked over my shoulder behind me at him, my mind jumbled with the possibilities of me and him being mates. As if sensing me staring his head turned at that exact moment. Gorgeous green eyes locked with mine, a stupidly attractive smirk on his face. It was that moment when Professor O'Neil walked in telling us to find our seats so we could start. It was like he knew how he was affecting me, my breathing labored, my cheeks flushed, and my heart pounding.
I couldn't tare my eyes away, he chuckled as he winked at me and faced the front to pay attention to what our Professor was saying. I rushed to my seat, trying to calm myself down and control my breathing. Trying to pay attention to my English lecture, but was struggling because my mind kept floating back to what Sam said.. could I really be his mate? Maybe.. but if I truly was, why didn't he say anything?
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Let's kill the chorus together
Sam Arias x Male Reader
Request- Imagine being a worldkiller but diffrent and dating Sam arais and finding out being Ruby's father would include.
Plus being a part of the superfriends and he was in season 3 but go unnoticed expect brainy know's it's R because he is a hero in the future called the eyepatch. He and sam used to date in there teen year but had a nasty break because he was abused by his adopted parents. Which is one of the reasons why they break up because sam didn't know but in season 4 sam found out when brainy tells her. He and sam meet again in season 4. Can you put for the sam arias request for DMC. Can you put that R has a twin brother vergil and a little brother nero and nero's girlfriend kyrie. R's brothers are worldkiller but diffrent as him. After there mom and dad died they were separated and reunited years later.
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Growing up you are being abused by your foster parents. Mentally and physically they abuse you every day, you don't understand the hatred they have for you. They tell you that you are worthless and call you horrible names. They only took you in for the government check, they get every month. You never told anyone about the abuse, you felt that is the sign of weakness, not even your girlfriend knows about it.
Your foster dad just beat the crap out of you. Now you are in the bathroom, cleaning the cut on your lip. You are feeling angry and you start to breathe hard. You have your hands on the sink, the angrier you got then you broke the sink. You freaked out because you never did that before. You just punched the mirror now you are bleeding and left the bathroom.
You don't know anything about your biological parents. You got your powers from them but you don't know that. You are figuring everything out on your own, but you are still clueless.
Prom is coming up and you actually stole a single rose from a flower shop before going to school.
You go to school as nothing happened. Sam asked about the cut on your lip, you keep changing the subject. She doesn't know that you are being abused by your foster parents.
”This is for you. Sam; do you want to be my prom date?” You asked with a smile.
She smiled and kissed you.
”Yes, I will be your prom date. I love the rose” Sam said and she can't stop smiling.
[The night of prom]
You and Sam are not having a good time.
”Y/N what is wrong with you?!” Sam asked.
”I don't want to talk about it,” You said.
”You never want to talk about it! I know you are being abused. You arrive at school with bruises on your face. I don't get why you won't tell me so I can help you” Sam said.
”I don't need help or anyone!!” You snapped.
The anger you have bottled up inside has come out. Now you and Sam are arguing back and forth. You don't tell her what your foster parents have been doing for years.
” It's over!” You yelled.
”Are you serious!? Just like that!” Sam yelled.
”Go do whatever you want! I really don’t care. I don't ever want to see your face!!” You yelled.
Sam smacked you hard in the face. You feel your cheek burning and she walked away and you can hear her crying. But you don't stop her and you walked away also.
Since that night you and Sam haven't spoken to each other. She heard rumors that you left town without saying a word. She went home and she starts to cry hard.
✧ ✯ ✬ ✧
{Time Skip}
You and Sam still haven't spoken or seen each other in a very long time. You didn't tell anyone where you went and you didn't keep in touch with anyone. Sam lives in National City and works with Lena Luthor. Sam takes Ruby to the park and she is playing with her friends.
It wasn't long you arrived from the future. You have been through a lot and it feels strange being in the past. You are in the park sitting on the bench and you start to sketch in your book.
Much later, you start to put your stuff away and you saw a girl's soccer game. Ruby's team won and the other player on the other team kicked the ball because they lost and it hit you in the face. Your nose starts to bleed, Sam ran towards you.
”Are you okay?” Sam asked.
You looked up and her eyes opened wide.
”God, you are old” You teased.
Sam laughed then she punched your arm.
”Well, I'm glad you have a broken nose,” Sam said.
She gave you a napkin and you start to clean your nose.
”It’s been a long time,” You said.
”Yes it has. We need to talk” Sam said.
”We can do that,” You said.
Your nose still hurts but it's healing. You meet up with Sam at the park. You bought coffee for Sam and you two start to walk.
”Tell me what have you been up to, and don't leave anything out,” Sam said.
”First I want to say I'm sorry what happened on prom night. I'm really sorry for hurting you” You said.
”I'm sorry too and I forgive you,” Sam said.
”Once I left, I started to travel and find my place. Turns out I have two brothers and we have bee separated and our parents passed away. We have a relationship now which is good. Now I'm a lawyer and I just moved to National City, a few weeks ago with my brothers” You said.
You do want to tell her that you and your brothers are world killers, but not in public.
”I work with Lena Luthor at her company. After I graduated high school, I moved away right away. I used to live in Metropolis and... Um, I...-”
Sam wanted to tell you that you have a daughter, but your cell phone starts to ring.
”It’s my brother. I have to go but I want to meet up with you again” You said.
”I will like that, Y/N,” Sam said and smiled.
✧ ✯ ✬ ✧
You meet up with your brothers Vergil and Nero. They are the reason you know about your powers and your parents. You and brothers work together saving people, you were in the future with them.
”Bro, Supergirl and her friends need our help,” Nero said.
”With what?” You asked.
”To stop the other world killers. Are we going to do it?” Nero said.
You and your brothers do try to have a normal life and help other heroes when they need help.
”Yeah, let's do it. So, when we will meet Sam?” Vergil said.
You and brothers start to get ready.
”Not sure yet. But I will ask if she wants to meet you two” You said.
You and brothers arrived in time to help Supergirl. The other world killers are trying to kill Sam and Ruby.
Supergirl and her friends are having a hard time stopping them.
”About time you three show up” Alex said.
”Better late than sorry” Nero said.
”Wait, I thought it was better late than never?” You asked.
”I think Y/N is correct. Nero, it's not sorry” Vergil said.
”Guys not right now!” Alex yelled.
”All of you are a joke” Julia Freeman said.
”That’s rude” Vergil said.
”Let’s kill them” Pestilence said.
You take out your Devil Sword Sparda and you are ready to fight. Vergil takes out his Yamato; his katana and Nero takes out his Blue Rose is a multi-barreled revolver that shoots powerful bullets.
You or them don't listen to Kara and Alex’s plan. Pestilence was going to kill Sam but you jumped in and blocked Pestilence’s attack with your sword.
”Sorry, Sam I didn't tell you but I will explain later” You said.
”You better after we get out of here alive” Sam said.
Sam isn't mad that you didn't tell her, because she has a secret also. Your brothers start to help Alex and Kara fight the evil world killers. You made sure they didn't hurt Sam and Ruby.
”Take them out of here!” Kara yelled.
”Follow me,” You said to Sam and Ruby.
You take them somewhere safe and Nero just arrived. You and Nero look around to make sure the world killers won't kill them.
”Don’t say it!” Nero said.
”Say what?” You lied.
Vergil and Nero hate when you say the word ’jackpot’ and you do it on purpose.
”Jackpot! We are safe” You said.
”You jerk” Nero said.
At the DEO, Sam and Ruby are doing fine. Your brothers went to the alien bar and you went to see Sam. Alex and Kara are happy for the help you and Brothers did. You and Sam stare at each other without saying a word.
”How are you doing?” You asked.
”We are doing fine, thanks to you and the others. Y/N, this is Ruby” Sam said.
”Hi” Ruby said.
”Hi,” You said to her.
Ruby left the room for a moment.
”Y/N, when did you even had powers?” Sam said.
You scratch the back of your neck.
”I’m a world killer but not like them. In high school, I had the powers but I couldn't explain it. When I met my brothers they explained to me about my powers and my birth parents. I didn't tell you because I thought you would think I'm insane” You said.
”Y/N... I have tell to you something important” Sam said.
Sam was going to tell you the secret but Kara walked in to check up on her. You leave to meet up with your brothers.
✧ ✯ ✬ ✧
It's game night and everyone is ready to play and have fun. You went without your brothers, Nero is with his girlfriend kyrie and Vergil is with his friends.
”Y/N, it's you. I thought I wouldn't see you again” Brainy said.
”You two know each other?” Kara asked.
”Yeah, we worked together a very long time ago” You said.
”He helped my team in the future. He is a hero in the future called the eye patch. You are back for good?” Brainy said.
”Yeah. The future was fun but I knew we couldn't stay forever” You said.
Everyone starts to play Jenga later started to play Uno. Everyone is having fun and eating chips and pizza. But Sam is not having a good time, she hasn't told you the secret.
”Y/N, can we talk in private?” Sam asked.
”Yeah sure” You said.
You and Sam go somewhere private.
Sam takes a deep breath and she is ready to tell you.
”Ruby is your daughter. After that night we had our fight, I found out I was pregnant the next day. I looked for you but you already left town” Sam said.
Your eyes opened wide and you are speechless. Words didn't come out of you mouth, you didn't know what to say.
”I-I-I have a Daugther!?” You said very loud
”Well the condom broke” Sam said.
”What!?” You said quickly with a high pitch voice.
”Y/N forget about the condom" Sam said.
"Well I may as well have!" You yelled.
She rolls her eyes at you.
"I'm indignant as a consumer” You said.
”Let's talk later, Y/N” Sam said.
”No, I want to talk now in fact I want to talk to the president of the condom company” You said.
You grabbed your phone and started to dial.
”Yes I'll press one,” You said.
”Idiot” Sam mumbled to herself.
✧ ✯ ✬ ✧
Sam did tell Ruby about it and she was in shock. You are feeling nervous to meet your daughter, your brothers wanted to meet her but you said next time. It was awkward at first meeting Ruby. In this situation, you didn't know what to do. But you do know that you will never put Ruby what you been through with your foster parents put you through.
You and Sam had to explain why you weren't around.
”What do I call you?” Ruby asked.
”You can call me by my name, if you are comfortable with that” You said.
”I guess,” Ruby said.
You did answer any questions she had, she believed what you said. She calls you by your name because she isn't used to calling you ’dad’ you understood that.
”You won't leave?” Ruby asked.
”What do you mean?” You asked.
”I mean, will you stay for a long time and not abandon me and mom?” Ruby said.
”Oh. Ruby, I know I wasn't around since you were a baby but this time I will be around every day to spend time with you. I won't ever leave you or your mom, I promise” You said.
You and Ruby play laser tag, Ruby is having a good time. She can't stop smiling or laughing. You and Ruby go out to eat pizza unexpectedly you run into your brothers. You introduced them to Ruby. You and your brothers buy more food and drinks and go home.
You are teaching Ruby on how to use the Yamato sword.
”This is so cool! I never had a sword before” Ruby said and smiled.
”Don't have your arm too low, the enemy can easily kill you” You said.
You show her how high to hold the sword. Sam came over to check on you and Ruby, but she didn't like that Ruby is using a sword.
”Y/N why would teach her how to use a sword!” Sam yelled at you.
”I’m teaching Ruby how to defend herself, just relax,” You said.
Sam is angry about it. You and Sam start to argue in front of everyone.
”Guys, don't argue in front of Ruby,” Vergil said.
”Ruby put the sword away and get your stuff we are leaving,” Sam said.
”Okay, mom,” Ruby said.
She gave you the sword back and Ruby went to get her stuff.
”I’m trying to be her friend,” You said.
”Y/N, you can't be her friend. You have to be a father, not a friend, she has enough friends. You can't do reckless stuff with her around, what if she got hurt!?” Sam yelled.
”I would have dial 911! I know what I am doing!” You yelled.
You and Sam start to yell at each other again.
”Shut up!!! Y/N, Sam is right you can't be her friend. And Sam, he isn't alone in this of being a dad, Nero, and I will help him be a dad” Vergil said.
You walked away without saying a word and Nero went after you.
”Sam, give him time. This is all new for him, he doesn't know-how to be a dad” Vergil said.
”But what about his foster dad, Robert? He was raised by him” Sam said.
”Robert was a drunk and so was his wife. They used to abuse Y/N, verbally, and physically. He won't do that to Ruby, you have my word. Y/N is trying to be the father that he wished he had growing up. You know, having a cool dad that taught cool things and stuff” Vergil said.
”Oh, I had no idea. He would hide the bruises and lie about it. I don't know what to say” Sam said.
”It will be okay, Sam. We just have to take it one day at a time” Vergil said.
”We do,” Sam said
✧ ✯ ✬ ✧
You and Sam are getting along much better. You are seeing Ruby every day and you take her to school. You are not mad that Vergil told Sam about your abusive foster parents. You, Vergil and Nero, are staying with Sam and Ruby because of the quarantine. Ruby is happy about it and Sam kinda, Nero is a messy person and Vergil takes too long in the bathroom. Sam is her office working, while you and the others are bored.
Ruby takes out her phone and she starts record, you having a eating contest with Vergil and Nero.
”I can’t believe you guys are eating jalapenos” Ruby laughed.
”They will lose because I can handle spicy food,” Nero said.
You, Nero and Vergil start to eat faster. Your mouth is starting to burn and tears go down your face. Sam comes downstairs
”What is going on?” Sam asked.
”They are having a jalapeno eating contest” Ruby giggled.
Sam sighed ”Idiots” she went back upstairs.
You and your brothers are playing another game, it's true or dare. Nero asked if any of you hooked up with each other girlfriend.
”Why would you ask that in front of Ruby!?” You asked.
”This is getting interesting” Ruby laughed.
”I actually hooked up with your girlfriend, Nero, and I didn’t know,” Vergil said.
”What!?” Nero yelled.
Nero hit Vergil in the nuts you and Ruby laughed.
You and Sam sit outside in the backyard alone to talk. She did confess that she has feelings for you and you are still in love with her. But first, you and Sam want to take it one step at a time and co-parent. Nero and Vergil play video games with Ruby, you and Sam keep talking to each other.
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Since you and Sam didn't have a good time at prom, you decided to make it up for her. You asked your brothers for help and it took a while for them to understand what is prom.
You sent an email to her friends and they agreed to come. You and your brothers start to decorate Lena’s house. She agreed to let you do the prom. After a while decorating and setting up the speakers, you rushed home to shower and change clothes. You left to pick up Sam and Ruby. Since you found out that you have a daughter, you and Ruby started to build a bond.
”You look very beautiful,” You said.
”Thanks, Dad,” Ruby said.
She hugged you and she takes pictures with you. You see Sam come out wearing a beautiful dress and you smiled.
”You are beautiful,” You said.
She blushed.
”You look handsome,” Sam said.
”Ready to go?” You asked.
”Yeah, we are ready,” Sam said.
Everyone came to the party with their dates. Even Nero's girlfriend kyrie came to the party. Everyone starts to take pictures together and the music starts to play.
”The reason, I did this because I wanted to make it up to you,” You said.
”Y/N, it means a lot you did this. I know we both didn't have a good time at prom, but this makes it up for it. I'm glad to be your date” Sam said.
She kissed you and she can't stop smiling.
The next day, you and Sam went to City Hall. Ruby and your brothers also went to be the witness, because you and Sam are getting married. Once you and Sam kissed they started to cheer. You and Sam can’t stop smiling at each other and Ruby start to take pictures.
”I want to be with you forever and raise Ruby,” You said.
”I can't believe I’m stuck with you forever” Sam joked.
You and Sam laughed and she kissed you.
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meg91596 · 4 years
Grew Too Fast Chapter 3 Scout's Birthday
I can't imagine my little baby boy being 16 already he grew up so fast. Its hard on a mother who honestly didn't think she would get a second chance at being a mother but more liek 4 extra chances. I have 4 healthy kids who I love to no end. Link and I are blessed to have our kids and how special each and every child is to us. Scout however grew up too fast for our liking. He's now 16 and just passed his drivers license this morning. Today is his 16th birthay and he is now a licensed driver, and honestly I don't think I will be seeing much of my baby boy because Link and I got him his first car, and a carseat for Elena, and carseat for Allison's baby. Scout says he thinks it's someone elses baby. But I am his mother so I know that it is his child. He's a teenage boy who just can't handle his emotions.
Today is my 16th birthday and my parents got me a car or should I say a van to drive my siblings, Allison, and the baby in. They even got Elena a carseat for my car. She's probably the chillest child I have seen, but I do worry for my sister because she doesn't say much. Elena barely started to walk. She has several developmental delays unlike Charlotte (Charlie) Luke, and I have. All three of us don't have any delays but we have dyslexia. Apparently according to Grandma it runs in the Shepherd family. My Uncle apparently had it, Aunt Liz, Aunt Katheleen, and mom. I know she's proud of me and she's probably figured out that Annalese or Marcus is my child. Allison and I don't want to know the gender because we want to be suprised in case we decide to place the child up for adoption.
Allison is leaning towards adoption but i'll support her with what ever happens. We love each other and that is what matters. I can't beleive that today marks 16 years since Allison and I have known each other. She really is special to me and I can't imagine life with out her. She's my one and only, Where ever she goes for college I will follow her although I'm only 16 and setting myself short for colleges but I'd do it Allison. She would probably do the same.
Today is Scout's birthday and I am suprising him with the gender of the baby. We had decided not to know if it was going to be a boy or girl because we were talking about adoption but I don't think I could do that as the baby deserves her parents. When I told Scout I was thinking about adoption that was when I was uncertain about his maturity for this. Our daughter is lucky to have both of her parents that love her so much even though she really was an accident. Sometimes I think that going back in time would help but then again we wouldn't have our daughter. Annalese really is going to be a lucky baby she is going to have parents who love her no matter what the curcumstance is. She's our little nugget who we love and honestly it would be really hard to say goodbye to Annalese when she comes because she has been kicking inside and got me to mature instead of being a stupid child. Well I was stupid enough to get pregnant at 16. I will almost be 17 when she is born which she is due in March 25th, and My birthday is April 15th. who would figure that you have a child by the time you go into your junior year. Scout and I will be parents in our junior year but we don't care.
I don't know if I agree with Allison for asking Scout to take responsiblity for her actions. But Anna is my granddaughter and I can't imagine saying goodbye to her if she is put up for adoption. When I first got pregnant with Allison I thought about adoption. But then I realized how wrong that would be for Owen to not know his own child. She's just a lot younger than I was. Allison, Leo, Adelynn, Louis, and Tom went to Scout's birthday party. He's the best boy you could ask for. Allison and Scout have been best friends since they were in diapers. They have known each other since birth and they love each other.
I can't beleive that my baby cousin as I always called Scout is now 16 years old. that makes me feel old except I'm 19 now and have no clue where that time went. It seems like just yesterday I was meeting Scout when Auntie Amelia came home with him. I can rememeber not being too fond of Scout because he was a baby and I wasn't the baby of the house anymore. I was 3 almost 4 when Scout was born and yet I should have been excited however I was not. But now it is hard to imagine what I did as a young girl because I love my cousin so much. I still can't beleive that he is going to be a dad. I know it was an accident much like Harry, and myself but I'm much older than Allison and have more education. Bailey went through the same except he is 21 raising a 7 month old child. Daisy is adorable. I don't think Zola is ever going to settle down she wouldn't even come for Scout's birthday party. I guess she's too busy to even realize what day it is or something like that. I haven't talked to her in weeks. Mom has and she said that Zola is now at Oxford in England. She went there to finish up but also because she will be finishing in December and was asked to watch out for Leo when he goes there in the fall.
Daisy and I came to Scout's party and we had a fun time. I got to see my sister Ellis, mom, aunt, uncle, and cousins. It was a fun time. I wish Zola had been there other than virtually but atleast she was there. I'm proud of my sister for all of her accomplishments kinda like mine with graduating as a single father, and with teacher certification in May. I will have a little cousin born by that time. I am excited but yet still suprised that Scout would make that same mistake. Yet again it's Allison Hunt we are talking about. She's a good kid but sometimes makes dumb choices much like her mother, and honestly my Aunt, and cousin. I remember when Scout wasn't even thought of and Aunt Amelia was scared to have a child because of my cousin Christopher that I guess would have been 23 this year two years younger than my sister and two years older than me.
I can't beleive that my nephew is 16 already. It seems like yesterday that he was born and now he's 16 and is a sophmore in high school. My own children it's hard to beleive especially Ellis because it's been 20 years since Derek died because Ellis is going to be 20 in 4 months. It's hard to beleive that but atleast I still have a piece of him here left on earth Bailey, and Ellis. They got me through some big problems so did Amelia, and Maggie. Scout and Allison however have their own little problems going on but hey they are teens they do stupid stuff like that but you never really know what goes on in a 16 year olds head.
Seeing your child grow up so fast is hard on a parent. Amelia and I are barely holding on for dear life trying to keep Scout to stay young, but that is impossible. He's not our little baby boy anymore and I don't know what we are going to do. I just got him a car for his birthday. He's such a smart, and healthy young man. Amelia and I really love him for everything even if Annalese was an accident. We will love that baby girl no matter what happens. Scout now knows that Allison is keeping Annalese. I think he's either scared or he's thrilled. Scout is a hard person to express emotions much like his mother. I love them both along with Charlotte, Luke, and our crazy yet young little girl Elena.
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rottengalzsworld · 5 years
I'm Lost Without You.
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"I'm sorry.." "Let's end this.."
I wonder when it started. When did we lost our spark? When did our relationship fell apart? When did we fall out of love? Or rather.. where did his love go?
We're childhood friends. We have been neighbors for who knows how long. My parents and his are the best of friends. Like literally. Both my mom and dad and his. They even want us to get married if only one of us is a girl. We couldn't careless over such things since we were still kids that time. I remember he always comes over to play everyday. Laughing, Sleeping, Eating.. we did that together. We went on the same elementary he was my saviour when I'm being bullied. At the same time I was his teacher and I taught him everything about academics.
High school started we went on the same school. Again. Same grade, Same section, and year. Since were always together our classmates teases us as husband and wife. It didn't seem to bother him so I just went on with it too. I forgot this is also the stage where we get curious about almost everything. Sexuality. Relationship. Love. Pleasure. One day while walking home after school he told me he wanna come over. I said "Yeah. Sure." I wasn't thinking of anything else since I'm use to him being always in our house. We went inside. No one's home. "Go on to my room first. I'll get us some snacks and drinks" I said. He nodded and went ahead. I brought some cookies and juice. As I went inside my room he's lying on my bed. Faced down. "Hey. I brought some cookies" he gave me a moan as an answer. I sat down on the floor and leaned my back against my bed. He suddenly got up took his bag and started rummaging inside. "Ah! Found it!" He took out a somewhat called a dvd. "DOJUN! let's watch this!" He showed me what that dvd was about and to my surprise.. It was an adult dvd. "Wha-- where did you even get that?!" I asked embarrassingly. He smiled at me "Hehehe.. I saw this from my father's closet and I figured we should watch it together! Hihihi" he immediately put the dvd on and I had no choice but to watch it with him. Then like any other guy in puberty we reacted naturally. We weren't talking nor even glancing at each other. Too embarrassed of the situation. Haaah.. seriously.. why did we end up like this? I glanced at him and his all red and sweaty. His face screams pain. He's covering his crotch. 'Hehehe.. how cute' I thought to myself. "Could you quit staring at me? I'm getting uncomfortable" he's blushing so hard.. 'cute.. cute.. cute..' This side of him makes me wanna tease him more. And so I did. I slowly touched his arms. He shivered. "Wha- what the hell dojun!" He said while still blushing.. "What? You look like your in pain.. just wanna help you out." I said.. aah. He's so cute when he's embarrassed. "S-stop it.." he said.. ugh! I held both of his hands up. Went in front of him.. kissed him while un-buckling his pants. I don't know what came over me. But I can't stop myself. He was.. He kept on saying no.. but why do I feel like he doesn't mean it? I looked at him and stared.. "wh-what?" He asked nervously. "Heesoo.." I called out his name.. with a tone of hunger. I want him. What? Why? Why do I want him? He chuckled looked back at me and said "we've already gone this far.. don't leave me hanging now." After that I kissed him passionately.. started jerking both of our thing. Up and down. Twists and turns. Until we both came.
I kept on apologizing.. but he said it was okay and that he didn't hated it. But it didn't just end there. It happened multiple more times. It became a routine. Every time he comes over. We do it. I realized my true feelings for him when were talking about what we wanted to be in the future and what school were going to. When he said he wants to go to another state for college.. it pierced me. Thinking that I'm not gonna able to see him everyday.. kills me. And so our graduation came. I confessed my feelings. I told him that wherever he goes.. I'll go and that I like him.. more than just a friend. He was shocked. I expected as much. But he answered my feelings right then and there. "I thought I will never hear that from you" he smiled and hugged me. Not long after our parents knew about our relationship and they're all supportive.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. We graduated college and again together. After graduation we bought our own apartment and lived there. We both work and have separate but not so much different schedules. We see each other every weekends. Spend it like any other couple. After a year I was promoted as an executive. We celebrated it but things go downhill for the two of us after this. Higher rank means more work load. I come home late. Wake up early or sometimes too late. We see each other once per week or sometimes we don't. We haven't spent time with each other. And I think that's one of the reason why something changed. It was the night of our anniversary and I did whatever it takes to come home early. I brought flowers and his favorite sweets. As I arrived I saw his shoes. "He's here" I smiled and I looked at the time. I made it. "Heesoo? I'm ho-me.." I saw bags at the side of the entrance. What? Did someone came over? He was sitting on the couch. "Heesoo?" He stood up and came to me. Then I heard the words I have been wishing and hoping to never hear my entire life.
His head's down "I'm sorry.." his voice is shaking "L-let's end this.." That time my chest started burning. My back aches. My knees are losing strength. I'm getting lightheaded. I can't say anything. My voice won't come out. "Nothings wrong with you.. You.. did nothing wrong. It's.. it's me.." he said while still looking down. I wanna say something but my voice just won't come out. I want to ask him why? what's wrong? But none of those were heard. I was staring at him. Surprised. Hurt. Confused. "I'm going." He walked pass me. I can't move. My chest hurts. I can't breathe. He left. He really left. I don't understand what just happened. I can't process everything. I sat down and held my head. Trying to calm down and think. My heart beats so fast I can hear it. My vision is blurry. Tears started flowing.
2 weeks passed and I haven't heard anything from him. I tried calling his number but his phone's off. Messaging him but no reply. I've asked his mom where he could possibly be but she said she have no idea. Even his friends doesn't know where he is. Heesoo. Please. Come back to me.
6 months later.. I'm still working at the same company. And a horrible news came to me. Heesoo's mom called and told me that she know's where his son is. She said that heesoo is moving to another country. My heart is beating so fast. It's burning. My chest. The same sensation I had that day. She said that heesoo will be moving to America but she doesn't know where and that he's leaving today. I ran fast to my car. Drove to the airport. Ran inside. Looking for him. I'm out of breath but I didn't stop. Then I saw him. "HEESOO!" I shouted. He looked back to see where that voice came from. He saw me. I ran to him. "Dojun! What the hell are you doing here?!" I hugged him. Oh god. Thank you. I miss him so much. "Heesoo.. why are you leaving? Do you hate me that much?" I asked him tearfully. "No. Dojun. I don't hate you." He said. "Then why? Why are leaving? That time too. I'm sorry about everything. I promise.. I promise I'll make it up to you.. just.. just don't leave me.."
"I'm sorry.. but I can't" he said. "I have to do this dojun. We've always been together.. always behind each other's backs and coz of that I.. I grew to not live by myself anymore. And so when you got promoted and come home late I felt so lonely I could die." But isn't that a good thing? Atleast I know you can't live without me.
"I know what your thinking. It isn't a good thing dojun. I don't wanna be a hindrance for your growth.. your success.. specially.. I don't want to be a burden." What? What's he saying?
"Heesoo. You know your no--" I tried to say something but he cut me "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! Dojun.. this is not just a simple thing. I have to do this not just for me but for us. I don't want us to end up like my parents.." his parents?
"My dad can't live without my mom.. he became too clingy.. at first my mom finds it cute but as time goes it became troublesome. My dad gets jealous easily. Thinking every guy my mom talks to is her lover. I'm slowly being like that.. and I don't like it dojun!" He's starting to cry.. this is the first time I'm hearing this.. "I don't want our relationship to be like that.. That's why I ended it. After fixing myself I'm thinking of coming back to you. I know it's selfish. But for us to have a happily ever after.. I will do everything." Heesoo.. so he broke up with me because he wants to save.. us?
"I want to create a brand new story with you. Start a new relationship that'll last forever and for that to happen.. I have to reconstruct myself... *cries*" he caressed my face..
"I want to be a man that deserves to stand beside you.."
I'm horrible.. I made the person I love cry.
"Will you be able to wait for me?" He asked.. full of hope I'd say yes..
"Heesoo.." I took his hand off my face and held it.. then put it on my chest..
"Your the reason why this is still beating.. my heart will solely forever be yours." I said. My tears fell. One by one.
"I will wait for you.. no matter how long it takes. Just promise me you'll come back."
"I will. I promise. My love."
I kissed him. Hugged him. One last time.
I don't know how long it will take him. But that doesn't bother me. Coz I know he'll be back. Back to my arms.
As I stand here.. watching you go. Staring at your back walking further and further away.. Slowly being engulfed by the crowd of passengers. The burning in my chest fades away. It still stings but I know that this pain will turn into happiness. I just have to wait.
Heesoo.. The love of my life. My one and only. I'll always be here waiting for you. I love you.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Oops I deleted my post. Thankfully I was only talking about last night and hadn't really gotten to write much of the day because I keep getting distracted.
I'm really glad to be in bed. I'm very tired. And I don't feel 100% but I do feel a lot better than I did yesterday. Today was really a good day and I do feel very happy.
Last night was a different story though. I was miserable and I couldn't sleep. I ended up going through Facebook and try and figure out who was married for my graduating class. Because this year is 10 years since I graduated from high school. Which is Wile to think about. I can't believe that that used to actually matter. My people would have reunions and things. You couldn't pay me to go to a reunion for my high school. And then I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible pain. It was like a charlie horse from my side all the way down my leg. I got up a few times cuz I thought I was going to be sick. I was up for a while and eventually I was able to take a Motrin and feel okay enough to lay down. But I was still in pain. James is 1000000 degrees all the time so his body heat lulled me enough to go back to sleep.
I woke up briefly when James was leaving for work. I didn't even feel him get out of bed. But he came and gave me a hug before he left. I really needed to keep sleeping though.
I let myself sleep in until almost 10. And that's been kind of normal right now just because it's cold and I'm tired and haven't been feeling good so I haven't been sleeping well. But it's not like I had a lot to do today. I got up and I got dressed. I had a bagel. I watched videos. I'm most of them watching those SCP read through ones and I've been really enjoying those. They're the perfect amount of Creepypasta but they don't have to have a conclusion which is always the weakness in a creepypasta. So it's been very nice just Mindless sort of creepy and fun.
I left here around 11:30. I biked over to dickblick to get Sharpies for the kids. Which are way more expensive than I thought they were. But ended up getting a great deal on 12 pen Sharpies for like $7. The woman said they were actually mislabeled because they should have been $12 but I want out in the mist occurring and she still let me have the price.
I left there and I went to 7-Eleven. I got lunch. And then I grabbed the bus to go to work. When I got there I found that a whole bunch of stuff I've been knocked over in our storage closet. I went to go talk to coach Banks who sort of runs lunch time. But parent was yelling at him about her child being suspended. So I noped out of there. I found another t-shirt at all. But I just cleaned it off it was fine. I ended up having a funny conversation with health aid because she wasn't sure if I was a student or a teacher. And I explained who I was. And she was just like I've never seen you here before. It was cute.
I found some new organizational tools for our cart. So now each table has their own basket with their own supplies in it. So there'll be no more arguing. So is very proud of myself for that and then me and Chelsea were able to just chill. There wasn't a lot that we needed to do.
And we had a really nice day. It was really small class today we only had about 11 by the end. Just with the snow that was coming in and there's cheerleading tryouts in basketball practice. I think the robotics team also just started up again. But that was nice. It was nice to just be able to connect with the couple kids that were there on a one to one level. And they made good art and that was really nice to see. We talked about foreground middle-ground and background. And how you can use line weight to show those different distances.
We also have the art store today. And the kids are already raised enough money to have a pizza party. I was very proud of them for donating to each other. And they got to have a cool thing over it. Will probably save it for next week. But I'm so very proud of them.
When I woke up this morning it was very heavy on my heart but I wanted to talk to Damien's mom. When he was brought to our class for the first time. The couple days before. I was warned that he was really tough to have in class. That he was on the Spectrum and that teachers found him very difficult. But his mom is great and that if there was ever an issue she would come and get him right away and not to worry about it. But that's not been my experience with Damien. He's wonderful. He's a sweet loving little boy. Sometimes he has breakdowns. Sometimes he can't focus. But he is always first to help me and he has a really sweet temperament. And so I really felt like I needed to say something to his mom today. She came early to pick him up because his sister was doing some kind of presentation at an event. And I pulled her aside and I was like Hey I just really want to let you know how much I enjoy Damien. And I told her everything and she started crying and gave me a hug. And you can just tell she works so hard with those two kids. She's a really good mom and I'm glad that Damien was able to be in our class. He's a good boy.
We finished up today. We did vocab in Jeopardy Style. Where they had to say the definition and then someone else had to give the vocab word in the form of a question. Only about half of them understand that but it was so fun. We played a game and then we wouldn't have snack and then it was time to go home. Me and chelsi got to get out of there by 5:30 which was awesome.
I got the bus and I was able to get back to my apartment only a couple minutes after 6. I packed up some stuff for dinner and then I went to James's place. He made Tex Mex and use some of the stuff that I brought with me. And we watched videos and we talked. He explained the game he made to me. Which has a whole lot of numbers in it is hard for me to get but seems to have a really nice system of rolling dice that I hope this DND friends enjoy. And we hung out for a while. And we talked. And then he walked me home.
It had started snowing and he likes walking in the snow so it wasn't completely one-sided. We just enjoy each other's company and we talked and had a nice walk back to my apartment. He said goodbye and he went back to his.
When I got here I checked the mail and Not only was my new rabbit phone case here. The old one was very matted and I wasn't able to brush it out like I was hoping. My new reindeer Furby arrived as well. I'm not sure what to name him yet but he's very soft. He doesn't seem to work. His he won't turn on. But that's okay. He's still very cute. He'll probably get packed away with the Christmas ornament ones as well once the winter is over so he'll be a nice new face to have out next year.
I'm in bed now. Just enjoying that it's actually nice and toasty in my bedroom for once. I'm going to plug in my phone though because it's dying. And then I'm going to try to go to sleep. I am working at constellation all day tomorrow and I'm hoping to do lesson plans. And then me and James are going to go see a play about Johnstown. And I am really looking forward to it. Because I love Cults. Especially murder cults.
I hope you all sleep great tonight. I hope that your animals are nice to you. And that you have a really nice day tomorrow. Good night everyone.
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laencore · 7 years
broken promise
Alex: I'm not proud of you.
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. To hear that from the person you love most in life, she tore right thru me.
I've been with Alex for 6 years and she's the love of my life but there has been few occasions (5 she's been counting), where I have made her feel insecure, unhappy... I've made her feel like shit. She doesn't trust me. Before I say anymore, let me take you way back where this started.
Alex and I met in high school. It was a new school where I had no friends but two cousins Steph and Miguel. Thank God for them if not high school would of been a really dark place. Miguel and I were the new kids in school oh and a couple hundred since 2006 is where all California decided to more to Texas.
Steph already had been there and had a few friends and one of those friends was Alex. From an outsieders view Alex seems to be one of those girls that liked you if you were convenient, if not she would pay no mind. After getting not know her, I found out that she came from a family with great morals, someone who treats people like she wants to be treated and feel respect. We stayed friends all thru high school. I started noticing her differently after that. I developed felling along the way. Certain thing she would do I became in love with. For example, she's a pusher but in a good way, she pushes people to do their best. She's the type to cheer at a pool table game, even if you made the eight ball when your not suppose to. She's the most confident person, she goes into situation that are new to her with no doubt and if their is fear, i've never seen it. Never in a million year would i think this girl and I would be more than friends. I don't know how she decided to be mine but she is.
I have had this friend since high school, Celia. When Alex and I became boo's, Alex became insterested in knowing Celia. They both became friends and everything was great, if Alex and I were planning to go out or do something, we decided to invite her. Not that she tagged along all the time but everyone was good. The first year of our relationship I didn't know how to express emotions all that well, Alex and I called it quits. It was my first real relationship, even though Alex says it wasn't that serious, I cried like a lil' bitch that night.
Celia being a friend, she would be there. She would be the person i would vent to about everything that was happening. A few weeks passed and on of my cousin's, Miguel, would be turning 22 and decided to celebrate this birthday at this bar called SoHo in the middle of downtown San Antonio. I asked Celia if she wanted to drive together since she was invited too. The truth was, that asked for her to go with me because I knew Alex was going to be there.
Celia and I were one of the first ones there, we waited for everyone to get there. We sat on a table that faced the bar but you were able see the coming in. I saw her walking by, Celia and I both said "Hey Alex!" Nothing, not even a glance at our direction. Celia and I said to each other, "Fuck it, lets just have a good time." And we did. Celia was always there and so was I. She was a little boy crazy. If she was feeling down, I was there to cheer her up because she was there for me.
A few months after that, Miguel was graduating for community college and he wanted our group of friends (which pushed me aside for Alex) to have dinner at Piranha. Celia wasn't invited because her ex-boyfirend was dating a new girl and well Miggs (Miguel) is a no beef type of guy. I was sitting next to Kurk and Ed, which was Celia's ex boyfriend. He started talking about the Air Force since he had enrolled a few years back and hadn't seen him in a while. The door opens and I hear her laugh. I could feel peoples eye looking my way. I grab my drink and i sip my gin and tonic because that's what Colin Firth and Julianne Moore drank in, A Single Man, one of my favorite movies.
Still talking to Ed and Kurk, I'm eavesdropping on Alex's conversation with the group. She just flew in from Tempe, Arizona where she was working as a trainer for a call center for JP Morgan Chase. I looked up and said the first thing that came to mind, "How's the weather over there?"
She relied, "It was good, it's usually pretty cold."
We continue to talk asking each other how we've been... small talk. After everyone was caught up with each others lives and done with eating, Miggs, decides we should all go to Bar Louie to continue the celebration.
Some of us got there before others, Miggs and Johnny and I were the first ones there. They both say to me, "That went well." I reply, "What do you mean?" They continue, "You and Alex." I looked confused "What were we supposed to do, fight with each other, cause a scene? I don't think we're that type of people." Miggs and Johnny get closer "We're just happy everyone is getting along. It's been hard since you and Alex have slit. Sometimes we're not sure if we should invite you or her or both of you guys to things." I get louder. "Is that why I haven't been invited to go out with you asshole!?!" Both of them, "Yes! It's been hard, you guys left us in an uncomfortable spot."
Alex gets there about ten minutes after we did, we all get drinks and it feels less tense. Everyones laughing and telling stories of all the things we've done together. The times we've gone on our mini rode trips, the many wild nights at The House of Scum. The House of Scum was the home of Ed, Johnny and Miggs. They were in their early 20's and i think Ed was 19, you can only imagine what's happened there. No rules and no fucks given, good times.
The more and more Alex and I spoke, I knew I never stop loving her. Her laughter, her smell, the way she looks at you when you got her undivided attention. She makes you feel calm even if your in a bar full of people and a DJ blasting music. I knew she was the one. And that night was the night I was going to confront Alex. I knew I still had feelings for her and I didn't know if she had any feeling for me anymore but I was going to get her alone so we could talk. I leaned in and asked her is we could go somewhere we could talk. "Okay," that's was she said.
We walked out of the bar and she locked arms with me. Thinking to myself, "I might still have a chance." It was too cold to stay outside. We went to the nearest car with was her truck. She put the heater, we talk about how our year had gone, we both did a little bit of traveling which was our new obsession. I've always gone to Mexico to visit family but that year my brother and I had gone to Mexico by ourselves where we didn't know anyone and it was a life changing experience. She had traveled too and she told me she went to New York City and I was instantly jealous. I've always wanting to got to NYC and never did and here she knew how much I wanted to go. I had so many questions for her. After a few minutes I asked, "Why did it take so long to talk to each other?" asking her while rubbing my hand together to keep warm. "We've been busy." her looking outside into the lights of the parking lot. "Sure but we've always been busy and that never stopped us before." She smiled and said, "You talk more." I looked confused and said, "Really, should I shut up now?" With a half laugh she said,"No, I like it." I asked, "Why did we even brake up?" She took a moment and said, "We broke up because you didn't talk about much, I didn't know how you felt about things. If you were happy or if you were upset. I was talking to myself sometimes." "I didn't want to argue of get upset at things that don't feel worth getting mad over. I just rather enjoy our time together when we were together." "You would only talk about how you and Celia went to this place, how you did this or that. If you would get upset you would vent to her. Where was I in all of this? It would never be me." "I guess I never noticed until now." Her, still looking at the lights,"That's why..." "Why did you ever tell me?" "I'm not going to tell you how to do things. You're suppose to make your own choices. Plus, I'm not going to ask you to loose a friend." "That's it though, she's just a friend and good friend. Everyone else took to your side, I didn't even know there was sides and fucking left me. The only person that stayed was her." She looked at me, "I'm sorry, I guess thats my fault. When anyone mentioned you, I didn't want to hear about you." "If you would of told me how you felt things would have gone differently." It was silent.
"Do you remember Miguel's birthday?" she asked. "Of course I do. I said hi and nothing." I look at her with a frown. She continues,"I had all the intention for us to talk but who was there right next to you? Her."
"I never knew you felt that way," while holding her hand
"Well know you know." Her hand were warm like they always been. Mine were like popsicles, cold.
She got a phone call. She say, "I'm going with a co-workers party and Miggs is going with me but i want to see you tonight."
"Okay. What time?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, its a bit of a drive. I'll call you when I'm leaving the party. Stay up?" She asked with smile.
"Alright, I'll see you tonight." I told her.
A few hours passed and I get her text, "Are you up?"
I reply with a simple,"yup". I pull up to her drive way and see her in her car with. I get out of my car and knock at her window and she looked startled. She opens the car door and I whisper to her, "Why are you outside?" She whispers back, "Everyone's asleep and I don't want to wake them" We get into my back seat of the car. The stay up talking and in silence. She leans on my shoulder and says, "I missed you." I tuck her hair behind her ear and touch her face and say, "I missed us."
Since then, we've been together and that's been since 2012
The issue now is that I've betrayed my baby's trust. I've lied or kept where I've been going. While writing this i realized thats been an issue since we've broken up the first time. I've never cheated on Alex nor has that ever been an issue. There's nothing in this world more that I love than my Alex. I've always thought that i would do for her but I've failed. I'm willing to do anything to get her trust back. And it's hard to just tearing someone from your life but its harder for Alex to be torn by the person you love. I'm willing to sacrifice a friendship that hurts the person that I love. And I hope she can forgive me.
I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry, I stabbed you in the back when you weren't looking. I don't want to make up words and just say sorry because i've said them before. I broken the promise i made to you, i promised to never fail you, to follow you where ever you go. i'm sorry baby.
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