#I haven't written MattFoggy in FOREVER
babygirl-diaz ยท 2 years
Not Matt
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"Hey, Matt. You're early?" Foggy asked suspiciously as he entered the office and saw Matt sitting in the visitor chair near Karen's desk.
Matt looked up from his phone and smirked at Foggy. "Hey handsome," he said, winking at him.
"Right..." Foggy trailed off. "Not Matt." He sighed and tightened his grip on his messenger bag. "What are you doing here, Mike? Matt doesn't get to the office until 9."
"Would you believe me if I said I came here to see you?" Mike replied and stored away his phone, before getting up from the chair. He made his way over to Foggy and stopped in front of him.
"You came here to see me?" Foggy asked, surprised. "Why?"
"I wanted to ask you out on a date," Mike shrugged.
The reply took Foggy aback. "What?" He asked.
"You heard me," Mike replied. "So what do you say, Foggy?" Mike tilted his head to the side and watched him.
"He says no," a familiar voice came from behind Foggy and he turned around to see Matt standing there with a frown on his face.
He made his way over to Foggy and Mike wedged himself in between them. "Find someone else because Foggy isn't going out with you," Matt told his brother.
"Foggy," Foggy said loudly, "Can make his own decisions, Matt." He moved to stand next to his friend and said, "And Foggy would like to go out with Mike."
"You would?" Both Mike and Matt asked at the same time.
"Yes," Foggy replied. "How about we meet at Josie's... say 7 PM?"
"I actually know a better bar. A way better bar," Mike told him. "I'll pick you up at 7." With that, he gave Foggy a kiss on the cheek before making his way out of the office.
Foggy could feel his cheeks burning and he touched the spot where Mike kissed him while smiling to himself.
He looked over at Matt and noticed his best friend still frowning. "Why did you agree to go out with him?" He asked.
"Why not?"
"He's my brother," Matt replied.
"And!" Matt threw his hands up in the air. "I don't want you going out with him. It's weird."
"Why is it weird?" Foggy asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"It just is!" Matt answered.
"I think I know what the problem is," Foggy told him.
"What?" Matt looked slightly panicked, which only cemented his suspicions.
"You don't think I'm good enough for Mike,"
"What?" Matt asked again.
"Well, guess what, Matt? Mike thinks I'm good enough for him." With that, he stormed away to his office and slammed the door behind him.
Foggy avoided Matt the whole day, despite Matt's desperate attempts to see him. He left the office at 5 PM On the dot and didn't even bother saying bye to Matt.
Foggy went home and took a shower before getting ready for his date. He wore a teal dress shirt and rolled up the sleeve to his elbows, black pants, and black loafers. He looked at himself in the mirror, and deciding he looked presentable, he went downstairs and waited for Mike.
Mike arrived right on time and gave Foggy his charming smile. "Hey, Fog," he said and leaned in to kiss Foggy on the cheek. "Looking good."
"You too," Foggy told him. He was wearing a maroon blazer, a black shirt, and black slacks.
Like a gentleman, he opened the door of his car for Foggy and closed it for him when he got in.
He talked the entire way to their destination, and when they arrived, Foggy noticed that it wasn't a bar but a posh Italian restaurant.
"I thought we were going to a bar," Foggy told him.
"Well, I figured you must be starving, so that's why I brought you here," Mike replied with a shrug. He opened the door for Foggy and linked their arms when he got out.
Once they got settled at their table and ordered their food, Mike started talking again.
"So... What's going on with you and Matt?" He asked, taking a sip of his wine.
Foggy looked up from his own wine and frowned. "What do you mean?"
"How are you two not together?" Mike continued to ask.
"Because he doesn't have feelings for me?" Foggy replied unsurely.
Mike burst out laughing, while Foggy looked at him, confused.
"You're kidding, right?" Mike asked.
"Fog, Matt is in love with you."
Foggy's heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened. "What?" He asked. "Where the hell did you get that from?"
"Anyone who sees the two of you together can pick up on that," Mike replied.
"Don't be silly!" Foggy huffed.
"I'm not! It's the truth," Mike chuckled.
"Well, even if it was the truth, which it's not, I don't feel the same way about him."
"Liar," Mike smirked at him. "But anyway, his loss is my gain." He raised his glass towards Foggy before taking another sip.
That was the last they talked about Matt, thankfully.
After dinner, they went back to Mike's car, where Mike kissed him. It was a chaste kiss. But it sent electric currents down Foggy's body. Mike finally took them to a bar where they drank and talked some more. He and Mike had a similar taste in 80s movies and 90s pop songs. They kissed in between their drinks and laughed like a couple of teenagers. It was nice hanging out with Mike.
But the night came to an end soon and Mike took Foggy back to his place.
"You wanna come upstairs?" Foggy asked after initiating the kiss this time.
"Maybe another time," Mike told him. "I'll see you around, Fog." Mike leaned in and kissed him one more time before letting him go.
Foggy felt giddy as he went upstairs. He closed the door behind him and smiled like a dork while standing against it.
"You're back late."
"Jesus Christ!" Foggy screamed and threw his keys at the intruder before turning on the light.
His heart raced as he stood there pressed up against the door. "Matt?" He called out when he saw his friend sitting on the couch. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I thought I was always welcome here," Matt said as he got up from the couch and made his way over to Foggy. He was dressed in his Daredevil costume, which told Foggy that he had just come back from his patrolling.
"Not today, you're not," Foggy tried to brush past Matt, but his friend caught his arm.
"I can smell him on you," Matt said creepily. "Did you sleep with him?"
Foggy pulled his arm out of Matt's grip and huffed, "That's none of your business!"
"It IS my business," Matt replied.
"Why?!" Foggy yelled.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, THAT'S WHY!" Matt shouted back.
Foggy stumbled back and his mouth dropped. "You what?" He asked.
"I love you," Matt said softly this time. "I have since law school."
"Wha-" Foggy couldn't believe what his friend had just said. He paced back and forth before stopping in front of Matt.
"You don't love me. You're just saying that to mess with me!"
"I'm not!" Matt insisted. "It's the truth."
As if to prove his point, he pulled Foggy close by, grabbing his shirt and kissing him hard.
This kiss was different from the kiss he shared with Mike. It was more insistent and desperate. Foggy moaned when Matt's tongue forced its way inside Foggy's mouth. Matt pressed Foggy against the door and kissed him for what seemed like hours. When they finally pulled apart, Matt gave him a few kisses on the edge of his lips before kissing the tip of his nose. "I love you, Foggy," he said.
Foggy just stood there breathing harshly with his eyes still closed. He opened them when Matt moved away. But that's when he realized that Matt was gone.
Well, shit.
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