emeraldstorms · 5 months
Mike Murdock, social chameleon
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inkforhumanhands · 10 months
I am :chinhands: at any DVD commentary you'd like to share, so for the "questions for fic writers" game: 2, 17, 37, and (only if you are comfortable sharing!!) 49:D
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Ficlet (30) Humor (20) Angst (13) POV Matt Murdock (10) Getting Together (9) Seems like I tagged all the ficlets in my ficlet series with that lol. However, I wouldn't say I am "a ficlet writer." These are mostly from the writer's month challenge I did way back. As for humor and angst, yes lol. I feel like crangst (crack + angst) is kind of the niche I've carved out for myself: silly scenarios with a bit of ouch. The POV thing is interesting, but it looks like AO3 doesn't necessarily include all of your tags in order because I have 9 fics tagged POV Foggy and it didn't show up in my list. I guess I'm pretty evenly split on whose POV I write. And getting together? Yes! My favorite thing to write lol. Established relationship is generally a lot less interesting to me, so I don't write it as much.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I have two, but I actually think other people would enjoy them just fine. One is a LOTR-esque mattfoggy story, for which I have zero details other than traveling together on the run, hurt/comfort vibes, and the requisite fantasy elements. The other is an FMA (Full Metal Alchemist) earth-65 mattfoggy fusion I came up with together with @amazing-spiderling where young Murderdock tries to resurrect his mother and as part of the toll for trying to do so his personality gets split in half. "Mike," aka the "good" part of Murderdock's personality, is thus relegated to Truth's realm for the most part- except for when he manages to briefly possess Murderdock. You fill in the rest.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
My obligatory answer for this kind of question is always going to be Conditionals. I think the psychological horror tag turns people off lol since that's not usually what they're reading mattfoggy for XD But I think I did a pretty good job with the linguistics/"what if" motif throughout, and there's some really fun writing in it! If I was going to pick another low-kudos fic, I suppose I'd go with To the Dregs. This is one of the aforementioned ficlets, and I don't think it's particularly good. But it is one I have tentative plans to come back to and rewrite as part of a larger fic where Karen and Foggy try resurrecting Matt after Midland Circle and it, of course, goes horribly wrong.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
As usual I have many WIPs, but the one I'm committed to right now is a MikeFoggy fake dating one with MattFoggy endgame. It's shaping up to be quite fun, I think! Have a little snippet: “I had something else in mind,” Mike said, coy as one of the maidens in the period romance novels he’d been reading of late. Foggy froze, every inch of his body going rigid with the exception of his face, which flipped through the five stages of grief before he managed to school it into an expression of stoicism. “You signed an agreement not to proposition me for sex anymore, don’t forget.” “It’s not that,” Mike reassured him begrudgingly, though the tiny voice inside of him he liked to think of as his anti-conscience added, but would that really be so bad? “I want….” He took a deep breath. “I want you to pretend that we’re dating in front of Matt.”
Thanks for the ask! Here's the full list if anyone else wants to join in on the fun.
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mattholicguilt · 7 months
remember when mike murdock brought flowers for foggy in the hospital and then daredevil was mean to him so he threw the bouquet on the floor? yeah.
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jkjs · 8 months
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quite funny seeing how my art has and hasnt changed. i dont remember drawing any of these but theyre all from 2019
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vs a mike from last year
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xycuro-illuminati · 1 year
mikefoggy for the ship opinion bingo?
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Ehhh sorry, no strong opinions on it really; I think Mike dating Foggy's parents is way more intriguing and funny.
(ask game here)
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babygirl-diaz · 2 years
Not Matt
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"Hey, Matt. You're early?" Foggy asked suspiciously as he entered the office and saw Matt sitting in the visitor chair near Karen's desk.
Matt looked up from his phone and smirked at Foggy. "Hey handsome," he said, winking at him.
"Right..." Foggy trailed off. "Not Matt." He sighed and tightened his grip on his messenger bag. "What are you doing here, Mike? Matt doesn't get to the office until 9."
"Would you believe me if I said I came here to see you?" Mike replied and stored away his phone, before getting up from the chair. He made his way over to Foggy and stopped in front of him.
"You came here to see me?" Foggy asked, surprised. "Why?"
"I wanted to ask you out on a date," Mike shrugged.
The reply took Foggy aback. "What?" He asked.
"You heard me," Mike replied. "So what do you say, Foggy?" Mike tilted his head to the side and watched him.
"He says no," a familiar voice came from behind Foggy and he turned around to see Matt standing there with a frown on his face.
He made his way over to Foggy and Mike wedged himself in between them. "Find someone else because Foggy isn't going out with you," Matt told his brother.
"Foggy," Foggy said loudly, "Can make his own decisions, Matt." He moved to stand next to his friend and said, "And Foggy would like to go out with Mike."
"You would?" Both Mike and Matt asked at the same time.
"Yes," Foggy replied. "How about we meet at Josie's... say 7 PM?"
"I actually know a better bar. A way better bar," Mike told him. "I'll pick you up at 7." With that, he gave Foggy a kiss on the cheek before making his way out of the office.
Foggy could feel his cheeks burning and he touched the spot where Mike kissed him while smiling to himself.
He looked over at Matt and noticed his best friend still frowning. "Why did you agree to go out with him?" He asked.
"Why not?"
"He's my brother," Matt replied.
"And!" Matt threw his hands up in the air. "I don't want you going out with him. It's weird."
"Why is it weird?" Foggy asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"It just is!" Matt answered.
"I think I know what the problem is," Foggy told him.
"What?" Matt looked slightly panicked, which only cemented his suspicions.
"You don't think I'm good enough for Mike,"
"What?" Matt asked again.
"Well, guess what, Matt? Mike thinks I'm good enough for him." With that, he stormed away to his office and slammed the door behind him.
Foggy avoided Matt the whole day, despite Matt's desperate attempts to see him. He left the office at 5 PM On the dot and didn't even bother saying bye to Matt.
Foggy went home and took a shower before getting ready for his date. He wore a teal dress shirt and rolled up the sleeve to his elbows, black pants, and black loafers. He looked at himself in the mirror, and deciding he looked presentable, he went downstairs and waited for Mike.
Mike arrived right on time and gave Foggy his charming smile. "Hey, Fog," he said and leaned in to kiss Foggy on the cheek. "Looking good."
"You too," Foggy told him. He was wearing a maroon blazer, a black shirt, and black slacks.
Like a gentleman, he opened the door of his car for Foggy and closed it for him when he got in.
He talked the entire way to their destination, and when they arrived, Foggy noticed that it wasn't a bar but a posh Italian restaurant.
"I thought we were going to a bar," Foggy told him.
"Well, I figured you must be starving, so that's why I brought you here," Mike replied with a shrug. He opened the door for Foggy and linked their arms when he got out.
Once they got settled at their table and ordered their food, Mike started talking again.
"So... What's going on with you and Matt?" He asked, taking a sip of his wine.
Foggy looked up from his own wine and frowned. "What do you mean?"
"How are you two not together?" Mike continued to ask.
"Because he doesn't have feelings for me?" Foggy replied unsurely.
Mike burst out laughing, while Foggy looked at him, confused.
"You're kidding, right?" Mike asked.
"Fog, Matt is in love with you."
Foggy's heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened. "What?" He asked. "Where the hell did you get that from?"
"Anyone who sees the two of you together can pick up on that," Mike replied.
"Don't be silly!" Foggy huffed.
"I'm not! It's the truth," Mike chuckled.
"Well, even if it was the truth, which it's not, I don't feel the same way about him."
"Liar," Mike smirked at him. "But anyway, his loss is my gain." He raised his glass towards Foggy before taking another sip.
That was the last they talked about Matt, thankfully.
After dinner, they went back to Mike's car, where Mike kissed him. It was a chaste kiss. But it sent electric currents down Foggy's body. Mike finally took them to a bar where they drank and talked some more. He and Mike had a similar taste in 80s movies and 90s pop songs. They kissed in between their drinks and laughed like a couple of teenagers. It was nice hanging out with Mike.
But the night came to an end soon and Mike took Foggy back to his place.
"You wanna come upstairs?" Foggy asked after initiating the kiss this time.
"Maybe another time," Mike told him. "I'll see you around, Fog." Mike leaned in and kissed him one more time before letting him go.
Foggy felt giddy as he went upstairs. He closed the door behind him and smiled like a dork while standing against it.
"You're back late."
"Jesus Christ!" Foggy screamed and threw his keys at the intruder before turning on the light.
His heart raced as he stood there pressed up against the door. "Matt?" He called out when he saw his friend sitting on the couch. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I thought I was always welcome here," Matt said as he got up from the couch and made his way over to Foggy. He was dressed in his Daredevil costume, which told Foggy that he had just come back from his patrolling.
"Not today, you're not," Foggy tried to brush past Matt, but his friend caught his arm.
"I can smell him on you," Matt said creepily. "Did you sleep with him?"
Foggy pulled his arm out of Matt's grip and huffed, "That's none of your business!"
"It IS my business," Matt replied.
"Why?!" Foggy yelled.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, THAT'S WHY!" Matt shouted back.
Foggy stumbled back and his mouth dropped. "You what?" He asked.
"I love you," Matt said softly this time. "I have since law school."
"Wha-" Foggy couldn't believe what his friend had just said. He paced back and forth before stopping in front of Matt.
"You don't love me. You're just saying that to mess with me!"
"I'm not!" Matt insisted. "It's the truth."
As if to prove his point, he pulled Foggy close by, grabbing his shirt and kissing him hard.
This kiss was different from the kiss he shared with Mike. It was more insistent and desperate. Foggy moaned when Matt's tongue forced its way inside Foggy's mouth. Matt pressed Foggy against the door and kissed him for what seemed like hours. When they finally pulled apart, Matt gave him a few kisses on the edge of his lips before kissing the tip of his nose. "I love you, Foggy," he said.
Foggy just stood there breathing harshly with his eyes still closed. He opened them when Matt moved away. But that's when he realized that Matt was gone.
Well, shit.
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deniigi · 4 years
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for @thosemintcookies who requires MikeFoggy, and to whom I propose NMCU!Foggy + Mike?
[Image I.D.: Mike Murdock, wearing an orange hoodie with two yellow stripes down the arms and a checked blue collared shirt underneath, offers Foggy Nelson from Netflix Daredevil his hand. Mike smiles and places the other hand on Foggy’s shoulder in encouragement. He has got little hearts popping up around his head. Netflix Foggy, holding a cup of coffee and wearing a pink collared shirt under a slate jacket, tentatively gives Mike his hand. He is surrounded by little question marks. End I.D.]
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nat-20s · 3 years
MikeFoggy for ship bingo!
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mikefoggy slaps it's like mattfoggy but if you replace just bucketloads of angst with wacky shenanigans ALSO i think foggy deserves to be just so EXTREMELY and PUBLICLY flirted with and mike could absolutely do that for him
Also also love Mike "mr. steal yo man" Murdock
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artbymintcookies · 5 years
Prompt: Murdock bros w Big Himbo Energy, possibly competing for the affections of one or more of Matt’s friends/coworkers/vigilante buddies
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Idk what you expected but here they are
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jkthy · 5 years
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emeraldstorms · 5 months
Very basic animation of Matt and Mike Murdock being in love with Foggy Nelson.
Video Description: Chibi fanart of the Daredevil characters Mike Murdock, Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock. In the beginning, the Murdock twins are standing at the outer sides of the frame, Mike to the left, Matt to the right, while Foggy stands in the middle, writing something into a file, now and again looking up and tipping his pen against his forehead deep in thought. Mike is looking away from Foggy, Matt’s is turned towards him. At some point, Mike turns his head and spots Foggy. Hearts appear above his head and he grins. At the same time, Matt starts looking angry and an exclamation mark appears above his head. Both brothers now start moving towards Foggy, Mike in sidewards steps, Matt by walking forward. They both come to a halt very close to Foggy, Mike still grinning, Matt still looking angry. At some point, Foggy notices them and starts flicking his eyes between them. Finally, he closes the file and holds it against his body and asks, “Uh… can I help you?” When he finishes speaking, both twins smile and flickering hearts appear above their heads.
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inkforhumanhands · 10 months
i've been in this fandom so long you'd think i'd have finished all my wips by now
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pomegranate-belle · 5 years
I want a fic where Matt and Mike aggressively compete for Foggys affection who is oblivious because 1)He thinks Mike is just a flirt 2)Is convinced Matt only likes him platonically despite his own pining and all this is happening while Marci is cackling in the sidelines because a she’s the only between between all three of them who’s managed to snag a relationship with Foggy and knows how to get through his obliviousness. Any fic recs?
Ohhh my darling, there are such a dearth of Mike fics that I can’t recommend anything that truly fulfills your desires. That said, I love me some Mike Murdock and I love me some oblivious!Foggy and I have an encyclopedic knowledge of the MattFoggy tag on AO3, so here are a few I think you might enjoy anyway:
- Oh, Brother by Upupanyway/@artbymintcookies -- more 616 than NMCU; a delightful romp into the post-Soule timeline where Mike is a Real Boy, and in which he is determined to date Foggy. Also contains an especially delicious twist where Mike has memories of dating Foggy in college because Matt was a pining dweeb.
- Mirror Effect by MarvelsMenace/@a-marvel-fueled-dumpster-fire -- more Real Boy Mike showing up to flirt and cause trouble, this time with established MattFoggy; it ends in a slightly-competitive threesome, if that sweetens the pot for you at all, idk
- The Sound of Ringing Laughter by Samsonet -- this one does not contain Real Boy Mike Murdock, but it does contain Matt-as-Mike seducing Foggy, which imo is just as good.
- Sharing is Caring by omaken -- no Mike in this one, but definitely peak oblivious!Foggy; the Avengers flirt with Foggy because he’s categorically irresistible, and Matt is upsetti-spaghetti about it.
- rearrange the alphabet (u & i) by spacenarwhal -- again, no Mike in this, but some lovely oblivious!Foggy; Matt tries very hard to woo Foggy and it goes completely over his head. Pure flufftastic fluff with a side of delicious pining.
And, you know, because I’m allowed to, I will say my fic Forever Hold Your Peace has some choice oblivious!Foggy as well--
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thosemintcookies · 5 years
Mike: hey can I borrow the DD suit
Matt: why
Mike: I'm gonna go kiss foggy
Matt: you're not gonna kiss foggy
Mike: alright bye I'm gonna go kiss foggy
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artbymintcookies · 4 years
I saw your Mike/Foggy/Matt art & loved it! Picture this, Matt & Mike competing over & flirting with Fog like crazy but Fog is absolutely oblivious cause “Mike flirts with everyone and Matt and I aren’t... we’re not... he isn’t interested in me.. that way”. Cause Fog has been in love with Matt since college who’s never shown any hint of reciprocation & Fog’s poor heart can’t deal with false hope so “Thanks for the flowers buddy”, he says, not noticing Matt blushing & Mike snickering at the back
My entire soul is this scenario on repeat.
"He bought you flowers?" Karen asks, snickering into her hand and using the other to hand Foggy a beer.
"I mean, yeah. I don’t know what to think anymore." Foggy sinks into her couch. It's not safe at home anymore, where Daredevil might walk in just to, what? Mark is territory somehow? Matt would sit on every surface he can fit on, sometimes to lay himself out like an entire meal. Sometimes he makes meals despite bleeding from his nose or something.
And then there's Mike, who would occasionally sneak in (how he found a spare key is beyond Foggy) to steal from Foggy’s wardrobe or to ask for some sugar or to-
"To give you flowers?" Karen continues. "I think that's a signal at the very least."
"Mike's just like that. I'm sure it's nothing."
"He changes in front of you, doesn't he? Shows off his chest?" Karen laughs, planting her legs on Foggy’s lap and taking a swig.
"Well yeah. Matt does it too."
"I rest my case."
Foggy sighs. For some reason, she seems to be convinced that Matt is in love with him or something, which is, technically speaking, absolutely bonkers. "We've been friends for years. There's no reason he would have developed a crush now."
She leans over to flick him on the forehead.
"Ow." He rubs at the spot that stings.
"You dolt! I'm positing that he’s been in love with you this entire time!" she explains grandly, grabbing his nose and giving it a light tug. "And you like him, too. Just admit it and start doing couple things together. It'll lessen the headache for all of us."
Foggy frowns. "You're not understanding," Foggy starts again. Karen sighs and swirls her bottle.
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jkthy · 5 years
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