#I hc Espio hates grocery shopping due to it constantly being crowded in the supermarket and it just being a pain in general
true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Espio needs to go grocery shopping, both Charmy and Silver want to come with him but he can't handle both of them at the shop by himself.
Silver would at least respect Espio's rule of not touching anything in the aisles without permission and asking first before grasping something to put in the cart... Charmy meanwhile has already flung two jars of honey and six packets of cookies in there. But Espio's got a trick up his sleeve in a situation wherein both of them have to come along: call into Silver's sense of responsibility and rule-following to ensure Charmy does not break any of Espio's rules, and while the two of them bicker about it Espio's already gone on a mad dash through the shop to grab everything they need in three minutes tops. And another means of self-protection he has is pointing out to Charmy how it is supermarket law that anyone under ten goes into the children's seat of the shopping cart, no, really, they're even looking into increasing it to twelve, if Charmy doesn't follow that rule they cannot enter and thus cannot take home any cookies... When it comes to Charmy, I figure all Espio's morals fly right out of the window immediately at times! And Silver doesn't know better, so he can't call anything into question. Everything to make grocery shopping as quick and painless as possible for everyone involved!
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