#I hc that Clem sees her current self (the ghost) as more of Lee’s kid
elffees · 2 years
I’ve always had a personal headcanon that Clementine sees herself as two people.
The Clementine pre-apocalypse who is innocent, sweet, and playful. This Clementine is willing to do anything to reunite with her family including run into the arms of a complete stranger. She is the daughter of two loving parents and knows them so wholeheartedly she can easily find them in a crowd. The world is harsh and scary, but fortunately she can count on the support and care of those around her. Unfortunately, this Clementine died.
The Clementine mid-apocalypse is her ghost. Ghosts are not all bad. Innocence has turned into practicality. Sweetness has turned into thoughtful. Playfulness has turned into resourceful. This Clementine is still willing to do anything to reunite with her family, except she is more prone to shoot strangers than run into their arms. The daughter of the well put together parents is gone, this is the daughter of the complex convict. The world is harsh but no longer scary because the care she received from the deceased have taught her how to navigate it, and now it is her who others rely on for support. This Clementine has been dead for a long time, but she now has the ability to make sure others do not end up the same way.
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