#I hope I'm right (with the resurrection part dammit)
setmeatopthepyre · 4 months
I'm convinced Bobby Nash has to die. Now hear me out!! Cause I don't think he has to stay dead. In fact, it fits better if he doesn't. Here's the thing: Bobby believes he should have died in the fire that killed his family and all those people. It really seems there is absolutely no way for him to feel any closure on that, except, maybe, dying in/as a result of/in the vicinity of a fire after saving his family, aka Athena. A fire that burned down his now-family's home.
In Bobby Begins Again, Bobby is told You want to be punished? Your punishment is that you lived. Now make it worth a damn. And all this 'putting his affairs in order' stuff is kind of him double-checking that he really did make it worth a damn. For other people. Not for himself. He still doesn't believe he deserves any sort of happy ending. So, him dying and then living, just like Buck, would be another perfect little joke from his God, a sort of, You want to die for your sins? Fine. Now you have. Now live and be free of them.
Dying for your sins sound familiar? A little Jesus-y? Yeah, it fits right into all the religious symbolism we got in Step 9, aka the very Bobby-centric episode we just had! @exhuastedpigeon made a really good post about it.
In the previous episode, we saw that Bobby had his addiction practically passed down to him by his father, like an original sin. He wandered the desert, he carried his cross. In this episode, he had his last meal and though he didn't quite literally pray with his family, he did give Eddie a book of catholic prayers...
So if we're following that theme, if Bobby is to get the closure he has been wishing for ever since that fire happened, he might just have to die. But we all know Jesus didn't exactly stay dead either.
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monstrouscrew · 4 months
so. no drawing in time, but i have some fuel to do something now (looks impossible to get back to daily drawing, no one misses it anyway)
mlvlnt two episodes to listen let's go
it isn't even a "divorce", dammit.
it's two angry men. a very, very angry Arthur. honestly? i'm afraid of the mortal Arthur more than of eldritch John. just because... just because we all know what shite he can do and successfully DOES.
feeling trapped. i get it. i absolutely get it.
and learning to accept the fact you can fuck things up really badly... it's not just human. gods do, too, c'mon. it's necessary for everyone who is self-aware enough.
no second chances though. our Firedancers are... they had become their own timeline before that. these two people will never dance together just for joy.
THE HORRORS ARE ENDLESS, BUT WE STAY SILLY 🤣🤣🤣 A GODDAMN OWL!! we guess a lot of listeners imagined horrible shit first...
(also Arthur. whatever of a man you are. laugh sometimes. keep the habit. i love you as an (imaginary, fictional) object, and your laughter is a part of this object.)
starving to death lol good luck))) be it owl's call or patrons' vote... your fate is not this simple.
Alexander The Owl. *cackles*
i imagine John going 😯😯
eww holes in the walls. a very, very evil joke about a man shoving a part of him into it. aren't you a man, Arthur? a perfectly cishet one?))
(a pussy with teeth. told ya that)
(good thing Arthur is in this cursed robe. just realised. but...not for long.)
oh, into the fire Oscar's letter should go, too. who's Oscar? never heard of him. doesn't go? saaaad. sad. however, we like the realistic approach to gathered items.
..into the stone pussy we go lol.
I DIDN'T EXPECT STRAIGHT UP FINGERING THIS FLESHY SHIT 😁😁😁 YOU GO ARTHUR)))) A MAN INDEED. all circumstances considered, a rapist, so twice a man.
uuuuuuhhhhh get what you deserve 🤢
ewewewwwww not the most favourite Entities combined. EW. Kayne why.
(and you know what i mean)
-- --
aaaand the answer is 42
don't ya tell me we're getting another Shelob. I'd prefer that mantis-like creature from Vore official art.
ah. boring shit. let's hope this old woman still kicks asses.
the fuuuuuck hello good old superpower (or supercurse. who knows, right?)
John, you grumpy screen reader.
ohhhh let's hope the gloves are clean...
he's speaking sooo funnily because of the missing flesh. our, well, Yorick😁😁 a really talkative guy ^____^
the coolest accessory, right?))
thankfully, not just this woman is smarter than Arthur.)))
this time: we imagined the environment clearly enough to...
ah, another stab in the chest. sorry, it doesn't have this effect anymore. the boy will be resurrected for the plot. blah, blah. he's not the Doctor, not regenerating. if it was supposed to make us feel sad... i don't know. it feels like a burden. maybe to be walking like this prince, just a rotting body. even alive... "fuck, can't even die and have my eternal nothingness now".
still, i feel sorry for John. :( at least he has Yorick to talk to... right? right?
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jules85 · 7 years
Felicity Smoak? Hi, I'm Oliver Queen...
Five years ago, Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards filmed a silly little scene together, that in any other actor’s hands would have been a throwaway and insignificant scene.
The writers simply needed an IT expert to further their plot for the episode, but by casting Emily they got someone with so much presence and charisma, that their star man couldn’t help but fall under her spell.
Just like the rest of us.
Felicity Smoak’s brilliance burst from the screen providing light to Oliver Queen’s shade. She didn’t buy his bs and he cracked a smile. Emily and Stephen clicked in those first scenes.
Something magical happened that day.
‘You’re remarkable,’ and ‘thank you for remarking on it.’ ‘I still feel like I can trust you.’ ‘It feels really good having you inside me,’ and ‘platonic circumstances.’ ‘If you’re not leaving, I’m not leaving.’
We all became slaves to their on screen chemistry. We all grinned like idiots whenever Felicity would say something inappropriate. We would sigh at every shoulder touch. We’d melt whenever they unleashed the heart eyes.
In the early days we were so starved for any kind of sign that these two dummies would finally realise what we had seen from the start. I miss those days, as torturous as they were.
In season two we got more of the above but then we watched Oliver falling in love with Felicity without him or us, or anyone even really realising it at the time.
‘There was no choice to make’, and ‘you will always be my girl’.
‘I rely on you’, and ‘you’re my partner’.
‘You’re not alone’, and ‘I believe in you’.
‘He took the wrong woman’, and ‘I love you’.
We thought they were teasing us. We thought that there was no way that the writers would follow through with what they painted as a ruse in the finale.
Then season 3 arrived and we got flirty Olicity. Oliver Queen asked Felicity Smoak on a date. He was nervous and adorable. They went for Italian. Felicity looked gorgeous. She babbled. Oliver opened up.
‘There was just something about you’.
‘It was red’.
The restaurant blew up and Oliver killed us all when he broke Felicity’s heart. Not before giving us the perfect and most beautiful first kiss of all time.
‘Don’t ask me to say I don’t love you’.
Much of season 3 was pretty much an angst fest, with the occasional glimmer of light between our babies.
Oliver’s delight at meeting her mother.
The whole married af routine when they went to Central city.
‘With the landmines’.
The forehead kiss and the ‘I love you,’ before going off to face Ra’s.
The last thing he thought about before the fall. Thinking he was dead. Dreaming of the woman he loves. The heartbreaking 'I don’t want to be a woman that you love.’
The 'you’re cute,’ and the smile when we discovered that the first scene that started it all, wasn’t the beginning of our ship after all.
Oliver thought he would die alone because Felicity was 'momentarily unavailable’ (I love you, John Diggle).
Oliver thanked her and told her she was right. Felicity called him handsome, flirted a little and then killed us all by telling him that as long as he was in her life, she was happy.
Felicity has always known who he is. Whether he’s wearing a suit or under a hood, he’s the man that she lo…he’s the man that she believes in.
Then came episode 3x20. The fallen was a pretty apt title because shipper down. Shipper down!!!
She gave him a blanket because he looked chilly. She stood up to Ra’s Al Ghul.
She thanked Oliver for changing her life for the better. He opened up her heart in a way she didn’t even know was possible.
'I love you.’
He removed her glasses; the final barrier between them. They kissed. They undressed. They made love.
(I don’t know what happened after that because I died.)
(The Lazarus pit resurrected me)
'So that happened,’ and 'I’m glad it did.’
Drugging the man she loved because she couldn’t leave him there. He loved her all the more for it.
Heartbreak and tears as they said goodbye without saying goodbye this time.
Then after Al Sahim, forced betrothals and fake deaths, we got 'don’t fight to die, fight to live.’
Felicity could figure out how to fly in the Atom suit, but couldn’t figure out how to remove it so that she could kiss Oliver after saving him. 🙅
'I want to be with you’. Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'I’m happy.’
Season four started off so well with domestic bliss.
'You have failed this omelette’.
'Kinda sweaty,’ and 'I know, its amazing’.
Olicity in bed together. No more subtle shoulder touches. Felicity’s hands roaming that boys back. Engagement rings and soufflés. Dammit Thea and Laurel. Your timing sucks.
Adorable head kisses. Adorable arguments.
'I love every moment that I am with you. No matter where we are.’
Silent conversations and that thing she does when she hugs his arm and rests her chin on his shoulder.
'Nothing worthwhile ever come easy.’
Back rubbing and 'I have you’.
Salmon laddering and 'wearing what?’
Heart to hearts on the couch with all the hand holding.
The first thing he goes to, the hugging and kiss.
Chatty Cathy and tears over burnt chicken.
'We found ourselves in each other,’ and synchronicity.
'Felicity, honey…’ and 'my love’.
'I am happy. I finally have everything I’ve ever wanted. Being with Felicity has given me a real sense of peace.’
'Didn’t you tell me guys like us never get the girl?’ and 'I was wrong.’
'But I chose this life, and I chose you And I don’t understand why we can’t have both.’
'Just so you know, if you’d asked me, I would’ve said yes’ and heart eyes
Desperate I love you’s.
'I thought I lost you,’ and 'I’m here. I’m here.’
'There is one person in particular that I am grateful for. Someone who has stood beside me when times were darkest. She is the one who lights my way…’
'Felicity Smoak…would you make me…the happiest man on the face of the earth?’ and 'Yes.’
Happy tears and kisses and cuddles. They got engaged!!!!!
'All I care about is you.’ More kisses and they lived happily ever after.
Felicity got shot. She was told she’d never walk again.
'For better or worse,’ and 'I’d go anywhere with you.’
'I love you,’ and 'I love you too.’
'Thank you for always being on my side,’ and 'No place I’d rather be’.
'You don’t have to be funny for me. You know that, right?’
’…it’s part of what makes you the man I love.’
'Will you marry me?’ How many proposals is that now?
The break up came. Lies and hidden truths. Fake weddings and I don’t want to let you go’s. But they did. Through death and magic and nuclear threats, the team went their separate ways. 'You thought I was leaving too’ and 'not a chance’ With season 5 came separation, new love interests but 'i will always care about you’ and 'it’s a mortal lock’ gave us the slightest glimmer of hope for our beleaguered pair. Even an alien dream world couldn’t stop Oliver from remembering his true love 'Felicity’. (Did I really just write 'alien dream world’?) 'I do believe in magic’ and 'you know me better than almost anyone’. Helix and Prometheus and skeevy reporters led to some very dark times but then came 5x20. Teamwork is key. Trust returned. Salmon ladder flashbacks led to a different kind of workout on the mats ;) 'I trust you. I will always trust you. I don’t trust myself’ Oliver finally let her see the ugliest part of himself. The part that believes he kills because he likes it. Felicity shut that down and reminded him that she wouldn’t have fallen in love with him and wanted to marry him if she didn’t know exactly the kind of man he was. He listened to her because she knows him better than almost anyone. Remember? Then opening up and 'stop living for your father and start living for yourself’ 'Felicity has a way with words’ saw the Green Arrow suit return. Birthday celebrations and heart eyes and 'We can take it one step at a time’ 'Dating my ex fiance…’ Then Prometheus’ plan went into motion seeing a return to Lian Yu. A kiss and 'Just in case’ and too many regrets. Explosions. Cliffhanger. Who survives? Five years of magic, exhilaration, angst, chemistry and love. It started with two actors and a script, and they changed everything. Thank you.
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