#and then him ascending can be a nice comfy retirement or smth if he really wants that
setmeatopthepyre · 4 months
I'm convinced Bobby Nash has to die. Now hear me out!! Cause I don't think he has to stay dead. In fact, it fits better if he doesn't. Here's the thing: Bobby believes he should have died in the fire that killed his family and all those people. It really seems there is absolutely no way for him to feel any closure on that, except, maybe, dying in/as a result of/in the vicinity of a fire after saving his family, aka Athena. A fire that burned down his now-family's home.
In Bobby Begins Again, Bobby is told You want to be punished? Your punishment is that you lived. Now make it worth a damn. And all this 'putting his affairs in order' stuff is kind of him double-checking that he really did make it worth a damn. For other people. Not for himself. He still doesn't believe he deserves any sort of happy ending. So, him dying and then living, just like Buck, would be another perfect little joke from his God, a sort of, You want to die for your sins? Fine. Now you have. Now live and be free of them.
Dying for your sins sound familiar? A little Jesus-y? Yeah, it fits right into all the religious symbolism we got in Step 9, aka the very Bobby-centric episode we just had! @exhuastedpigeon made a really good post about it.
In the previous episode, we saw that Bobby had his addiction practically passed down to him by his father, like an original sin. He wandered the desert, he carried his cross. In this episode, he had his last meal and though he didn't quite literally pray with his family, he did give Eddie a book of catholic prayers...
So if we're following that theme, if Bobby is to get the closure he has been wishing for ever since that fire happened, he might just have to die. But we all know Jesus didn't exactly stay dead either.
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