#I hope she saw we got some cute bt21 products
fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Plastic Heart - Part 11
Namjoon x Reader Author: Mo Summary: When you get the highly-anticipated BTS dolls for Christmas, your life takes a turn in a way you never could have expected. Note: All aboard the fluff train! CHOO CHOO! I’m so glad you guys are liking this series so far. It makes me really happy to write it, but it makes me even happier to hear from you!! So be sure to let me know what you think in our inbox or in the replies!! Warnings: None? Word Count: 2.3k
Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
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After making a trip to your local grocery store to pick up all of the hygiene products Namjoon would need, you pulled into the parking lot of the nearest thrift store. There was no reason to spend a ton of money buying him a whole new wardrobe when the thrift store had a deal that allowed you to buy clothes for $5 a bag. It was a steal. And in your circumstances, it was a very valuable one.
“Pick whatever you like. Today is all about you.” You told him.
“All about me, huh?”
“Well, I figured...you know, after this we could go to the mall? Give you the full human experience. We don’t have to if you don’t want to, though. It’s all up to you.”
“I’d love to go to the mall. I’ve always wanted to, you know?”
“I thought you might say that, yeah.” You smiled. Once you were in the front doors, you led Namjoon over to the men’s section and set him free while you went to look through the shoes to find something he’d like. He’d definitely need some walking shoes, maybe some slides if you could find some that would fit him. Once you found a few pairs you thought he’d like, you walked over to him.
“Yeah, I don’t know if you like any of these. If not, I can go look for more. You should try them on first, though, to make sure they fit.”
“Thank you.” He smiled, taking the pairs from you and walking over to the little bench to try them on. He picked the ones he liked and then you moved on, helping him sort through the sweatshirts. It was still pretty cold outside, so he was going to need warm things. You could get him more t-shirts once it started to get warmer. Speaking of cold weather, he’d need boots and a coat, too.
“Isn’t this your college?” Namjoon held up a sweatshirt with your college’s logo on it.
“Yeah, it is!”
“Well then, it’s DEFINITELY going in the bag.” He grinned, flashing those adorable dimples of his. You just about swooned on the spot. God, this was going to be harder than you thought it would be. One of your best friends was a living breathing clone of your ult bias. And now, he was your roommate too. You were beginning to feel like you were living in a fanfiction…
The two of you searched the racks for a while longer, picking out shirts and jeans and some sweats for him. You found him a warm winter coat that fit him right and some boots that would get him through the rest of the snowy season, and then you checked out.
“That’ll be $20.” The lady told you, and Namjoon’s jaw dropped. You handed over a twenty dollar bill, and then he helped you get the bags to the car.
“Twenty dollars! That’s crazy! For all this stuff?!”
You opened the tailgate and moved some stuff around so you could cram all the bags into the open space.
“It’s a thrift store; stuff here is usually pretty cheap, even if it’s in really good condition.”
“You know, I think your aunt spent $20 on ME.” Namjoon shook his head, chuckling to himself. Yesterday, that would have been an almost normal-ish sentence for him to have uttered, but today...things were different. “God, that’s weird to think about.”
“It is, isn’t it?” You looked up at him for a second. It was easy to forget that the handsome man standing in front of you had been a doll only mere hours ago. Now, he was this living, breathing person with just about the warmest smile you’d ever seen. “Where to next, Joon?”
“The mall.”
“To the mall!” You declared, reaching up to close the tailgate before walking back around to the driver’s door. About thirty minutes later, you arrived, parking in the lot nearest to the movie theater and the food court. Namjoon looked up at the tall building with awe in his brown eyes. He didn’t know a building could be this big, and it was only a few stories tall.
“Woah…” He murmured, following you to the glass doors that slid open automatically when you got close enough to them. “Woah!”
“Crazy out here, isn’t it?” You smiled as you watched him navigate this giant new world. He looked up at the second floor from your spot in the center of the bottom floor. Four long halls spread out in every direction, and you were standing in the heart of it all as shoppers walked every which way. Namjoon was sure he’d never seen so many people in the same place before.
You weren’t really sure where to start, so you led him down one of the hallways towards Hot Topic so you could show him the BT21 stuff. At some point, you turned to talk to him, to tell him something, and he just...wasn’t next to you.
“Namjoon?” You looked on both sides of you, stopping in your tracks in the busy mall. “Joonie? Joonie!” You looked in front of you and behind you and you couldn’t spot him. You stood on your toes to look through the river of people. He was tall! It shouldn’t have been that hard to find him! “Namjoon!!”
And then, finally, you spotted him about thirty feet back, looking around for you with wide eyes. He reached up and fluffed his hair, panic settling onto his handsome features. He’d only been in the mall for what, five minutes? And ALREADY he’d lost you? He didn’t even have a phone, so he couldn’t call you. Oh God, what was he supposed to do if he couldn’t find you? Where would he go? He didn’t have a place to stay. He’d have to sleep outside on some bench until he could figure his way back to your apartment and--oh, there you were.
As soon as you spotted him, you ran back to him, wrapping your arms around him tightly as the fear slowly seeped out of you. “Oh my God, I thought I lost you.” You exhaled, heart racing as you found refuge in his arms.
“I thought I lost YOU.” He admitted, still shaking a bit, if he was being honest. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wander off, I just--”
“I know you didn’t mean to, Joon. I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention. I just...looked over and you weren’t there.”
Namjoon exhaled a shaking breath, letting you hold him. It felt good, he decided, to be held. In fact, he was sure he’d never get over how good it felt. “I’ll try not to let it happen again. I promise.”
“Well, just to make sure we don’t lose each other…” You slipped your hand into his, your small fingers intertwining with his. You have his hand a tight squeeze. “There.”
Namjoon was sure his new heart was trying to claw its way out of his ribcage. You were holding his hand. You were HOLDING his HAND!!! He could have about exploded on the spot, but instead, he played it cool. Totally cool. He was definitely not flustered at all.
“P-perfect!” He could have about slapped himself for stuttering. But, nonetheless, the two of you walked to Hot Topic together, hand in hand. Your thumb started tracing absent-minded circles against the back of his hand and he felt his heart flutter in his chest.
You showed him all of the adorable BT21 stuff, explaining that BTS had designed all of the characters, and each member had created one of them. Even before you told him which one RM designed, you caught his eyes lingering on Koya. He felt a certain pull towards the little blue koala, and he couldn’t explain why. You saw the look on his face, the way his eyes wouldn’t leave the cute little plushie, and you pulled him aside.
“Okay, you’re going to have to educate me on this ‘toys coming to life thing’, but you definitely look like you want to adopt a Koya.” You spoke softly. “But that’s obviously your choice. You know more about this than I do.”
Namjoon’s expression softened and he glanced over your shoulder at the BT21 rack, looking at the little koala. Then, very quietly, he asked, “Could we?”
“If you want to.”
He thought about it for a second. Obviously, you buying a BT21 plushie would have been a no-brainer for you before you knew their secret. In fact, he was surprised you didn’t already have all seven. But now...things were a bit different. Whether he liked it or not, Namjoon had opened your eyes to this world around you, where toys weren’t just toys anymore. That said, he felt something deep inside him when he looked at Koya, something he could only describe as paternal instincts. It couldn’t be any coincidence that RM had designed the cuddly little guy.
“I do want to.” He nodded, his hand tight in yours as he walked back over to the BT21 display and picked up the box that was housing his little friend. You led him to the cashier and he set Koya on the counter carefully.
“Oh, are you into BTS?” The employee who was ringing you up asked. Her hair was dyed purple and she had a nose ring. You caught sight of a couple of BTS pins on her lanyard.
“Yeah, I am.” You nodded, smiling softly and praying that she wouldn’t mistake your Namjoon for...the other Namjoon. “Who’s your bias?”
“Jimin.” She blushed. “Yours?”
“Namjoon.” You squeezed his hand when you said it, hoping that he would realize you...weren’t talking about RM anymore. He definitely got the message, hiding his reddening cheeks behind a large hand and grinning bashfully.
“Your boyfriend really looks like him.” The girl commented, looking at Namjoon, but not reading too much into it.
“I get that a lot, thanks.” As if his face wasn’t red enough before, the cashier calling him your boyfriend had been the icing on the cake, making his knees feel even more like Jello than they already did.
“I think it’s the dimples.” You agreed, reaching up to pinch Namjoon’s adorably red cheek. He nearly combusted under your gentle affection. He knew he’d never get enough of this. You were everything he’d ever wanted, and now that he almost had you, he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to take that next step.
Once you paid for Koya, you slipped your hand back into Namjoon’s and the two of you walked back towards the middle of the mall. “Where else do you want to go?”
“Is there a bookstore here?” He asked, looking around.
You nodded. “Yeah, there’s a really big Barnes & Noble upstairs. We can take the escalators.”
“The WHAT?”
You giggled and pulled him along to where the escalators were. You stepped on first and he got on a step after, stumbling forward into you. Up a whole step higher than him, you were finally about at his eye level, his face inches from yours due to his misstep.
“S-sorry…” He whispered, his warm breath ghosting across your cheeks.
“‘S okay.” You exhaled, carefully stepping off once you got to the top. You helped him off after and led him to the bookstore. As soon as you got there, he started looking around with childlike joy, perusing the various titles, picking them up to read the blurbs on the backs of them. You looked too, casually searching through the YA Fantasy stuff. You hadn’t even noticed that Namjoon’s arm had settled around your shoulders, nor that you had snuggled into his side until you looked up and found that he was so close.
“Oh!” He withdrew, scared of overstepping a boundary that didn’t exist. “Sorry. I didn’t realize--”
“You’re so warm…” You murmured wistfully, snapping out of it quickly, though. “Uh, did you, uh, find anything you like?”
“This one.” Namjoon showed you the paperback copy of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. “I mean, I loved the movie, so I can only assume the book is good too.”
“Right, of course.” You nodded, hugging the little stack of books you’d found to your chest. With your free arm, you took Namjoon’s large hand and led him over to the counter to check out. There was a little bit of a line, and as you were standing in it, you heard Namjoon’s stomach growl and looked at him, amused, as he stared down at his rumbling abdomen in horror.
“What was that? Am I gonna die?” He asked you softly, using one hand to rub over his tummy slowly.
“You’re not gonna die, Joon, you’re just hungry. We’ll get some food after we check out. The food court is really close.”
“Oh. Okay.” He chuckled at his fear, shaking his head. To be fair, he’d never been hungry before. “Sorry. I know I’m new to this, but I feel so stupid--”
“You aren’t stupid.” You stated firmly. “Until this morning, you didn’t even have a stomach. No one expects you to know how it works yet.”
“You’re right.” He nodded, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. “You always seem to be right.”
“Well, someone’s gotta keep your head on straight.”
Taking a leap of faith, his heart hammering too loud for him to think, Namjoon leaned down and softly pressed his lips to your cheek before saying quietly, “I’m glad that someone is you.”
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @lilgaga98, @catbugsugarpea, @demonic-meatball, @backtonormalthings, @kbowen9, @honig-bienchen, @coolcat494, @ffantasylandd, @feed-my-geek-soul, @ayoo-bangtan, @xxqueenwxtchxx, @cap-lu20, @finninpoposu, @coldbookworm, @sitkafay, @daniawinchesters21, @okaysoplshelpme, @zamirayinyue13
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I am morbidly late for this post. I know. I apologize wholeheartedly. I went to Bangkok allllll the way back in April and I’m just now getting into this post but it’s here 😀
HUGE shout out to Deep, Maithri and Rish for helping me :’)))) I had so much fun shooting for this post and I’m so happy with these pictures < 3 Also, don’t judge the backgrounds OKAY, we had to make use of whatever locations we had.
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Cat tee from MBK mall, 100 Baht
[Deep] I couldn’t resist. Yes it has hundreds of cats on it and freaks people out but its cute xD
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Rainbow tee from Pratunam market, 200 Baht
[Maithri] I love this t-shirt so so so much. I wear it with skirts and jeans both. It hits right above the hips, great length.
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Dino tee from Pratunam market, 100 Baht
[Rish] Now isn’t this adorable? I used google translate and it said ‘little monster’ which I love. They had it in black, white and this periwinkle (?) blue/ lilac. I don’t have anything in this colour, so I picked this.
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Fanta tee from Pratunam market, 100 Baht
[Me] I don’t know why but I love these food/drink logos on t-shirts for some reason. They had a coke one too, but I hate coke so I went with Fanta!! Also we drank four flavours of Fanta there 😮 Not that anyone cares, but they were orange, strawberry, exotic (mixed fruit) and grape. This t-shirt has cool details on it though, ML, toll free number and stuff xD
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7/11 tee from MBK mall, 100 Baht
I swear, when Nabi and I were making a list of things to buy while in BKK, this was on top of our list. I’m not going to ever buy a t-shirt that says ‘Ratnadeep’ on it, but I will wear a 7/11 t-shirt, yes. IT.IS.SO.SOFT.
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Stripey shirt from Siam Square, 200 Baht
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the back
This is one of my favourite purchases. I found this tiny store by accident when I was just walking in a lane, and the lady was so sweet (and persuasive) she kept telling me to get it so I gave in 😛 It has a cool design, the front of the neck is a v, and the back has a slightly deeper v and has a tie. I like it tied like this in the front and normally just buttoned as well. Also love the sleeve length. The fabric is a little stiff but it’s fine.
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Tee from Siam Square, 100 Baht
This t-shirt had been haunting me for a few months, ever since I saw it on yesstyle. It was 800 rupees, I’m not spending all that on a t-shirt. I saw this literally in a street shop being sold for 100 Baht, of course I got it. Look how funny the picture is, I’m so amused xDDD
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Milk tee from Some random street in Siam Square, 100 Baht
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the back
This is one of the weirdest t-shirt’s I could have bought, but I did. No regrets. It just says ‘Milk. Pasteurized.’ on the front, and on the back, it says Milk, so I usually tuck it in 😛
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Platinum Fashion Mall, 300 Baht
Impulse buy. Some store had a buy three for 1000 Baht so I got two things and bunky got one. Such good material for being so thin, and the sleeves are everything.
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Snow White tee from Millenial Pink Plaza, Siam Square, 100 Baht; Yellow skirt from some unknown mall in Pratunam market, 350 Baht
This Snow White tee is so cute!!!! It says ‘That’s it, pet. Take a big bite!’ It’s on the shorter side so its perfect to tuck into jeans or skirts. I kind of got scammed with this skirt. The woman told me it was 450 Baht, which is too much so we bargained for a while and started to walk away. She got mad and called me back and settled for my 300 Baht price. She didn’t let me go without paying 350 -.- Worth it, though. It also has a yellow cloth belt. Picked yellow because it’s easier to style and match.
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Mock neck full sleeved tee from MBK mall, 120 Baht
This was my first purchase of the trip, I think :'”) It is really long sleeved, ribbed and has a mock neck. I sound like a youtuber, oh god. It’s nice and stretchy too. P.S. Why is it called a mock neck? It’s not mocking anything, it has a neck, every shirt has a neck?? I don’t get it. P.P.S. Don’t you love the belt? (yesstyle)
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Pineapple shirt from a mall in Pratunam market, 200 Baht
Saved my favourite picture for last. Got this shirt at Pratunam market in some mall. It is LONG. Pretty sure it’s a men’s shirt because it comes almost up until my knees :p I wear it with high waisted black jeans, tied in front, it looks better.
Okay, that’s all for the try on portion, the rest we didn’t have time to shoot, so I’m going to insert pictures normally just hung up on the wall.
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From Millenial Pink Plaza, 100 Baht
Apparently it says ‘Hello’ or ‘Good morning’. Side note, I seem to have gotten a lot of pink t-shirts….
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From Millenial Pink Plaza, 100 Baht
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the back
I loooooove this t-shirt, especially the back! Such cute kitties.
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Some street in Siam Square, 100 Baht
I LOVE POCKY. Again, no one cares but we got five flavours of Pocky (Chocolate, Matcha, Cookies n cream, Sakura, Strawberry). We were also on the lookout for a Pocky t-shirt, hehe. I don’t have any red clothes, and this is t h e p e r f e c t length. Look at the little pocket and illustration.
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  MBK mall, 100 Baht
This is the last piece of clothing (thank god). Nice basic top, easy to style.
[Notes: Yes, I went all out and bought a lot of clothes, but believe me, you can’t find such quality, designs and prices in India, which is why I got so many. I’ve been wearing them nonstop though, so it’s okay :p One thing I appreciate so much about the stuff I bought in BKK is how good the quality is. The print doesn’t come off, nothing frays, it’s all so good. Moving on to other stuff.]
Everything is from a store called Moshi Moshi, unless specified. This store…I swear I lost my mind, there was so much cute stuff.
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Adorable files, 20 Baht each
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These notebooks, as you can see, were only 20 Baht, and the paper quality is so good for the price, I love them.
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Both pouches were 60 Baht each
The dog clips and box (my mom bought those), the pouches and the pens were from Moshi Moshi. The bunny pin button set was from a small store in Platinum Fashion Mall. I am so dumb, I only got one pen (pink), doubtful of the quality, but its so good.
accessories and “”””beauty””””
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<deep sigh> I love this country.
All from the same store in Siam Square. The De lamune ones are meant for connecting two piercings, they’re just so dainty and pretty. The mismatched ones in the middle are by far the best earrings I own, I’m not exaggerating. They scream kpop. They were actually two different pairs, but I kept one each and gave the other ones to Deep. The store had such good ring designs, it was hard to pick. I think they were giving 5 items for 100 Baht so I took three rings and the De lamune ones.
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Dry shampoo and serum from Boots; Nail polish from some store
If we had Boots here, I would go bankrupt. Both the products are amazing, especially the serum, my hair is so soft when I use it. The nail polish was from some beauty store, it’s the brand ‘tokidoki’. Also bought only one, doubting the quality. It’s amazing :)))
kpop stuff
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토끼 게임 시작 (250 Baht)
If you’re into kpop, you know how many idols have one of these :p I love these things, they’re so much fun to play with. Here are some examples.
1. I couldn’t add a video and 2. I got excited to insert BTS gifs.
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I wore this to the concert, hehe.
Monsta X lomo cards!!
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BTS lomo cards.
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BT21 TAPES. Nabi and I both got all seven because we felt bad for only taking select characters :p
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army bomb <33333333
Last but most importantly, my army bomb :’)
END. Sorry for that long post, but I hope you enjoyed! =D Be back next week, have a good day ♥
Bangkok Haul. I am morbidly late for this post. I know. I apologize wholeheartedly. I went to Bangkok allllll the way back in April and I'm just now getting into this post but it's here :D…
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